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Revisit the Haunted Seas this Halloween!
Abandon Ship
26.10.21 15:16 Community Announcements

Happy Halloween, Captains!

We thought we'd surface to remind you about a particularly spooky part of the game that you may wish to revisit...

The Haunted Seas

The Haunted Seas revolves around the story of a Captain with a tragic past, lured to Death's own realm for past deeds.

Once you've entered the area the normal rules don't always apply, so expect to navigate environments unlike ones you'd usually encounter...

Some of which are actively hostile and will seek to crush you:

You may find yourself trapped in maze-like warrens, or maps that require a riddle to be solved to allow progress:

Your main adversary are the ghostly vessels that prowl these dark waters:

(Remember that you can equip these ship blueprints/skins if you can capture them intact!)

These ships are manned by soulless automatons, individually weak, but can be resurrected by the tough Wraith-Captain, so for players who like anti-crew tactics, focus your fire on the leader.

Each of these ghost ships comes equipped with a special Mortar:

Once the shells detonate on your deck, they spawn a horde of weak zombies - make sure they don't swarm lone crew members.

As if Ghost Ships weren't enough, there is also a Zombie Kraken stalking one of the maps:

How to reach the Haunted Seas

You can choose to access this realm in either the main game or via a standalone story.

For those who wish to dive into a 2-hour(ish) self-contained story, choose "The Haunted Seas" option from the New Game option on the main menu.

If you're in the main game and you've got past Act 1, the world map opens up. Sail toward the north-west corner and you can gain access to the Haunted Seas here:

Then visit the port of Mox-Mortis and commence the side-quest.

As with all of our side-stories and the main game, they cross over in interesting ways - so it is possible to obtain the Ghost Mortar weapon for yourself if you successfully escape the Haunted Seas and then visit a secret location elsewhere in the world.

Other Horror-themed areas

If you're in the mood for more horror-themed areas, visit Duskvale in the Shattered Empire region - and if you crave a particularly oppressive and insidious expedition, visit the Spider Islands.

This entire area is permeated with arachnids of all shapes and sizes, huge webs trailing between islands:

In battle, giant spiders descend on both ships, a constant threat that makes battles particularly dangerous:

If you suffer from arachnophobia, perhaps best steer clear of this region!

Happy Halloween,

From the Abandon Ship crew