Heads up! We just released a small update to address a few issues with corrupted save games, cargo objects and more. If you've had issues getting past the initial screen, please let us know if this issue is now fixed for you!
Patchnotes Hotfix #9.3
- Fixed situations where savegames were not written completely on application quit
- Fixed situations where corrupted savegames prevent leaving the initial screen
- Fixed multiple problems with syncing cargo objects which produced physics explosions
- Fixed multiple situations where player can not join a multiplayer game
- Improved the synchronisation of missions
- Improved the synchronisation when filling vehicles in the gravel plant
- Improved job overview: Tasks are now sorted in a better way in the job planning screen
- Fixed some crashes when starting the game
- Graphical improvements
Have fun on your construction sites and stay safe! ????
Your Construction Simulator Team