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Free Weekend and New Comic DLC!
Dino D-Day
29.01.15 18:10 Community Announcements
In related news, this weekend also brings us issue #1 of the brand new Dino D-Day digital comic. Let's face it, if you are already a big enough nerd to enjoy a video game about dinosaurs in WW2, you are a big enough nerd to read the origin story in a comic. Embrace your hopeless inner nerd, like we have, and pick up this comic at Dino D-Day's Steam store page.

Because we’re also comic nerds, we’re super excited to have gotten renowned comic creator Tommy Lee Edwards (Google him) to break away from his work with Marvel, DC, etc to design our book and create the layouts. We used the game as a virtual prop house to create the final look over his layouts, which means that the end result is nerd squared! With the comic you also get TLE’s original full-color layouts with a toggle switch that lets you click back and forth on each page.

Operation Genesis tells the story of how Captain Jack Hardgrave and Nigel Blythe-Crossley first met: on a combined allied mission to a mysterious new Nazi installation on the French coast. What is lurking within the damp concrete walls of this base? Chances are, it is something with enormous teeth and rancid breath! Nigel and Hardgrave have to learn to work together and use all their dino-fighting know-how to deal with this new menace. All the thrills, chills, and tongue-in-cheek humor of Dino D-Day the game, but now with story! Spoiler: there’s a new character on the last page. Beautiful? Yes. Deadly? Of course! Help us make issue #2, where she helps busts our heroes out of Nazi captivity, by picking up the comic along with the game!!

But wait, you say, why do Hardgrave and Nigel look different in the comic than they do in the game? The characters depicted in the comic book are derived from new designs created for some planned narrative projects and we wanted to show off the new looks in the comic!

The comic DLC is available on Dino D-Day's product page, and will go straight to your game client. Read it right from your main game menu, or as a high resolution DRM FREE pdf! Excelsior!