News Liste Godlike Burger

New Patch is live
Godlike Burger
29.06.22 12:47 Community Announcements
Attention all intergalactic Chefs!

As you hopefully already have seen we released an update just right before the weekend - with plenty of bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements so you can murdercook aliens more comfortably than ever before!

The biggest change from this update is 4 individual save slots so you can keep your criminal deeds separate from those of your family and friends! Along with that: Better telegraphing for when the game is saving as well as a bunch of squashed bugs that were impacting your cooking efficiency!

The team is working hard on improving your culinary adventures, so more updates will be on the way in the future.

For now, enjoy this changelog:

  • Save Slots implemented;--> 4 saveslots have been implemented. Existing savegame will be automatically put into the first saveslot. Saveslots can be used for saving, loading and deleting an existing saved game. Attempting to start a new game on top of an existing saveslot (with save data) prompts the user whether a new game should be started discarding all previous progress. Note: Skins and comix are not shared and will correspond to the progression of the currently/ last loaded saveslot.
  • New "Hold to" progress bar implemented;
  • ---> The old key tip at the wash basin does still display the circling progress around the displayed button, but is unrelated to the interactive progress when holding down the button and stops its circling animation once interacted.
  • Meat processor stuck issue solved;
  • Patties which are frying at the end of the day now would be teleported to the Fridge after day end;
  • Killing NPC with Kick after sauce "Datura" applied won't be counted as trap killing no more;
  • This method of killing does not count as a cleaver kill. This method of killing does count, when no method of killing is specified. This method of killing does not Count as trap kill.
  • Opening Fridge right before day end issue solved;
  • Menu functions overlapping when remapping buttons solved;
  • Part of the Kitchen proxy collided to prevent ingredients dropping on devices;
  • --> The upper part of the kitchen (desk and kitchen appliances) are protected by an invisible wall, which prevents dropped ingredients from falling in this direction.
  • Tenotanium "zero" bills fixed;
  • Floppy icon added to the loading screen, to indicate saving process;
  • Purchased traps indication added to the Traps screen;
  • Meteors special day settings tweaked;
  • Dropping ingredients outside of the restaurant improved;
  • --> Not sure how this has been improved, (hey, we gotta be honest ;) ) but dropping ingredients appears to happen in a more controlled area. (ingredients are 'evenly' spread in a circle around the player and ingredients appear to no longer get stuck inside of room walls.)
  • That being said, there are still scenarios, where the dropped ingredient will be inaccessible from one side, e.g. counter or completely inaccessible e.g. out of map. (e.g. on top of the wash basin)
  • Toxin sauce logic improved - it will kill when npc has only one health now;
  • --> Tarat Customer Test Subject has been damaged by a trap in between the sauce eaten and sauce activated timeframe and was reduced to 1 HP. Once the Toxin sauce activated the customer died from having his health reduced to 0 HP.
  • Tutorial part for putting burger inside of the order handler improved: now player would be possible to use order handler even with cold meat, but then he would receive a message about meat being cold;
  • 12KillNVisitorsWhoDontPayTips - quest would now exclude cockroaches when calculating;
  • --> Quest has been substituted by Kill 10 customers who didn't pay any tips ( I did not see any issue with the calculation of killed customers who did not pay any tips on a day with cockroaches.
  • Both customers who were killed by a cleaver after eating a bad burger, as well as kicked customers after eating a bad Datura sauce burger were correctly counted as killed customer who did not pay any tips.
  • The quest use Toxin sauce X times triggered for Boost, Datura or Stalker sauce. - issue should be fixed;
  • Progress for Toxin sauce has not been increased when afflicting a customer with Booster, Datura, Stalker, Poison or Nicotin sauce. The progress was only triggered when using the Toxin sauce.
  • LocKit updated;
  • Interactive progress update (broken toilets, removing garbage, etc) - fixed for cases when time speed is slowed down or increased up.
  • Additional observations:
  • Customers visiting the junk food automat or leaving the restaurant can no longer be kicked even if they are suffering from the effects of the Datura sauce.
  • Resetting the game settings will not affect the gamepad mappings if the gamepad has been disconnected.
  • "Duplicate Flavour Sauce" quest does still exist.
  • "Duplicate Poison 3 customers but kill them before the sauce takes effect" quest exists in the same quest log.

When connecting a controller during gameplay (game is not paused) and continuing to use the keyboard without pressing any button on the controller, the displayed button hints in the UI will not switch back from the controller buttons.
Note: On dis-/ connecting (Power/Logo button) a controller the button hints in the UI will automatically update without pressing any button on the respective device, which is correct behaviour in itself, but might be related to the issue described above.
When disconnecting the controller via hardware (remove wireless adapter) while the button display has changed to controller AND no controller button has been pressed in between the connection and disconnection, the controller button hints will persist after the controller disconnected even when the player uses keyboard inputs.
This issue can be resolved by reconnecting the controller and pressing any controller button or by restarting the game.