News Liste Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak 1.4.1 Update
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
29.08.23 20:33 Community Announcements
When we launched Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak’s 1.4 Update Preview, it was our intention to give modders an opportunity to update their work prior to 1.4 going live. While we haven’t had the smoothest launch, we are thankful for the community’s swift reporting on issues that only surfaced once 1.4 was available to all Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak players.

Reporting of these issues by the community has helped us immensely, informing key fixes for this 1.4.1 update:

  • Fixed issue where certain characters in Lobby names would make the player list appear bugged
  • Fixed issue where players could join a full Lobby right before game start, crashing the match
  • Fixed issue where desync would occur if another player left the match early
  • Fixed issue where Steam overlay invites would not work when sent from a Private Lobby
  • Fixed issue where players disconnecting from the post-match screen would need to restart the game before they could join a new match

We also want to take a moment to address some confusion about Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak’s multiplayer. The game now uses Epic Online Services, but it is not required for Steam players to enable the Epic Sign-In check-box to enable crossplay between Steam and EGS. Ticking the check-box enables additional functionality provided by Epic Online Services, such as the Epic Overlay and the ability to invite EGS players to a lobby from one's Epic friends list. Disabling the Epic Sign-In will still allow you to join matches hosted by EGS players and have EGS players join matches you host. We are currently looking at how we can more clearly communicate this in-game.

The 1.4.1 Update, while providing some key fixes, does not cover the entire list of issues players have flagged since the release of the 1.4 Update. We are aware there is more work to do and are committed to ensuring all players can enjoy Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak. Thank you for your patience and support as we work to get there.