• magically bound to an ancient amulet;
  • up against a city in full high-tech security lockdown; and
  • suddenly dealing with the worst body hair problems he's ever had.
  • As a human, Lucas is agile and cunning. Wolf Lucas would rather smash anything in his way. Only by transforming between the two forms and cleverly utilising both sets of skills will he stand any chance of lifting his curse.

    And with the city's most powerful billionaire after his blood, a jaded Private Investigator on his (now-literal) tail and the rent long overdue, he'll need every ounce of ingenuity he manage.

    Along the way he'll need to befriend a hilarious cast of characters, convince the city its most beloved citizen is a terrifying criminal mastermind, and hardest of all, teach his daughter it isn't funny to fill the fridge with dog food.

    From the award-winning indie developers behind Jolly Rover (Australian Game of the Year, 2010 Freeplay Awards), MacGuffin's Curse is a story brimming with humour, personality and heart.

    Key Features:

  • magically bound to an ancient amulet;
  • up against a city in full high-tech security lockdown; and
  • suddenly dealing with the worst body hair problems he's ever had.
  • As a human, Lucas is agile and cunning. Wolf Lucas would rather smash anything in his way. Only by transforming between the two forms and cleverly utilising both sets of skills will he stand any chance of lifting his curse.

    And with the city's most powerful billionaire after his blood, a jaded Private Investigator on his (now-literal) tail and the rent long overdue, he'll need every ounce of ingenuity he manage.

    Along the way he'll need to befriend a hilarious cast of characters, convince the city its most beloved citizen is a terrifying criminal mastermind, and hardest of all, teach his daughter it isn't funny to fill the fridge with dog food.

    From the award-winning indie developers behind Jolly Rover (Australian Game of the Year, 2010 Freeplay Awards), MacGuffin's Curse is a story brimming with humour, personality and heart.

    Key Features:

  • magically bound to an ancient amulet;
  • up against a city in full high-tech security lockdown; and
  • suddenly dealing with the worst body hair problems he's ever had.
  • As a human, Lucas is agile and cunning. Wolf Lucas would rather smash anything in his way. Only by transforming between the two forms and cleverly utilising both sets of skills will he stand any chance of lifting his curse.

    And with the city's most powerful billionaire after his blood, a jaded Private Investigator on his (now-literal) tail and the rent long overdue, he'll need every ounce of ingenuity he manage.

    Along the way he'll need to befriend a hilarious cast of characters, convince the city its most beloved citizen is a terrifying criminal mastermind, and hardest of all, teach his daughter it isn't funny to fill the fridge with dog food.

    From the award-winning indie developers behind Jolly Rover (Australian Game of the Year, 2010 Freeplay Awards), MacGuffin's Curse is a story brimming with humour, personality and heart.

    Key Features:



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    • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.04.2020
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    Preis Update 05.05.24

    Über das Spiel

    Help Lucas MacGuffin (magician turned thief turned werewolf) sneak and smash his way through this fiendishly addictive comedy-puzzle-adventure for PC and Mac. Winner of the Freeplay Award for Best Game Writing! With hilarious dialogue, charming hand-drawn art and huge replay value, it's perfect for seasoned adventurers and casual gamers alike.

    When fugitive magician Lucas MacGuffin bungles a museum robbery, he finds himself:
    • magically bound to an ancient amulet;
    • up against a city in full high-tech security lockdown; and
    • suddenly dealing with the worst body hair problems he's ever had.
    As a human, Lucas is agile and cunning. Wolf Lucas would rather smash anything in his way. Only by transforming between the two forms and cleverly utilising both sets of skills will he stand any chance of lifting his curse.

    And with the city's most powerful billionaire after his blood, a jaded Private Investigator on his (now-literal) tail and the rent long overdue, he'll need every ounce of ingenuity he manage.

    Along the way he'll need to befriend a hilarious cast of characters, convince the city its most beloved citizen is a terrifying criminal mastermind, and hardest of all, teach his daughter it isn't funny to fill the fridge with dog food.

    From the award-winning indie developers behind Jolly Rover (Australian Game of the Year, 2010 Freeplay Awards), MacGuffin's Curse is a story brimming with humour, personality and heart.

    Key Features:

    • Friendly for all players - Enjoy a quick, fun logic puzzle fix, or lose yourself in a sprawling full-length cartoon adventure.
    • 150+ Puzzle Rooms - Inspired by classic top-down console adventures, these increasingly mind-bending challenges will push your logical thinking skills to the limit!
    • Challenge Without Frustration - Stuck on a room? P.I. Strump is on the line to help you along (at least between thinly veiled insults) with a seamlessly integrated hint system.
    • 90+ Sidequests - Meet the colourful nightlife of Feyre - a carnival city under curfew - and earn their trust with bizarre, legally questionable favours!
    • Charming Hand-Drawn Art - Collect 50 lavishly-illustrated comic panels to piece together - each expanding on the scandalous secret backstories of key characters!
    • Razor-Sharp Dialogue - With witty banter straight the golden age of point-and-click adventure games, you'll want to chat to every stranger and examine every park bench!
    • Insanely Catchy Soundtrack - From spooky strings to acoustic gypsy power-rock, this fun, upbeat score is destined to have you humming along!
    • Extensive Replay Value - Post-game challenges, hidden easter eggs, unlockable comics and developers' commentary will keep you coming back long after the credits roll.


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    Steam Nutzer-Reviews

    1647 Produkte im Account
    1250 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    221 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.11.14 13:50
    Schiebe Puzzler in der Art von Sokoban.

    Spiel wird schnell sehr schwierig. Entweder man ist echt voll klug und kann sehr gut viele Züge visualisieren oder gewillt viel Try/Error zu machen.
    Bei mir wars in der Bibliothek (30%) so weit.
    Ja es hat eine Hilfefunktion, aber dann brauch ich keine Puzzle Spiele zu spielen wenn ich lösen lassen muss, weil mir einfach die Geduld fehlt wegen einer offen gelassenen Tür noch mal den Raum zu resetten.

    Controller Support (WIRELESS 360 Controller) nicht vorhanden.
    Das ist imho irreführend wenn der quasi Standard Controller nicht funktioniert, obwohl teilweise Controller Unterstützung zugesagt wird, die imho nicht dafür da ist um anzuzeigen dass es mit manchen obskuren Controllern (WIRED 360 Controller) funktioniert, sondern dass man bis auf einige Sonderfuntionen/Menüs komplett spielen kann.
    3715 Produkte im Account
    376 Reviews
    826 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.05.14 18:03

    ???? MacGuffin's Curse ????

    Das Spiel aus der Feder von Brawsome ist ein klassisches Sokoban-Spiel in modernerem Gewandt mit anderen Spieleelementen. Ob sich das Spielen lohnt?


    Im Wesentlichen müssen wir hier kleinere und größere Rätsel lösen und uns so von Level zu Level arbeiten. Dabei beschränkt man sich nicht nur auf das Verschieben von Kisten und Hindernissen zum Weiterkommen, sondern implementiert noch andere Elemente wie beispielsweise, dass man sich in einen Werwolf verwandeln muss oder in menschlicher Gestalt agieren. Das ist recht charmant gemacht und macht Spaß ohne all zu fordernd zu sein. Die Schwierigkeit der Rätsel ist jetzt nicht so hoch als dass man sie nicht ohne Weiteres lösen könnte. An und für sich schult man so das räumliche Denken und das logische Denken. Spielend die kognitiven Fähigkeiten fördern? Check! Bei mir funktionierte die Steuerung mit dem XBox 360 Wireless Controller ohne Probleme und war präzise und schnell. Andere berichten, dass es da zu Problemen bei der Erkennung gekommen sei, bei der kabelgebundenen Version jedoch nicht. Mit Maus und Tastatur funktionierte alles tadellos.

    Grafik, Sound & Sonstiges

    Grafisch ist das Spiel aus dem Jahr 2012 natürlich nicht High-End, aber doch passabel auch für die heutige Zeit. Die Atmosphäre ist nicht düster oder gruselig, wenngleich man sich in einen Werwolf verwandeln kann. Es ist, wie bereits erwähnt, charmant gemacht und somit auch für größere Kinder geeignet, da man mit viel mit runden und comichaften Darstellungen arbeitet. Akustisch verhält es sich dann ähnlich. Es ist eine sanft melodische Musik im Hintergrund, die zum Verweilen einlädt. Die Errungenschaften können dann auch mehr oder minder sehr simpel erhalten werden.


    Es ist ein kurzweiliges und schönes Spiel für eigentlich jede Altersklasse. Ab und an muss man etwas mehr Hirnschmalz aufwenden, aber alles in allem keine sehr große Herausforderung. In Anbetracht des Alters des Spiels sollte man einen Rabatt mitnehmen, denn mittlerweile ist das Spiel den Preis von 9,99 Euro nicht mehr Wert. Da gäbe es grafisch ansprechendere Spiele mit mehr Spielzeit und ähnlicher Ausrichtung.

    Wenn ihr an weiteren Rezensionen von mir interessiert seid oder meine Arbeit unterstützen wollt, dann folgt meiner Gruppe und/oder der Kuration.
    1989 Produkte im Account
    536 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    680 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.03.22 07:44
    I'm fine with a werewolf not being centered around maiming everyone in sight, but around puzzles. It's a classic setup, different abilities in human & werewolf forms, both used to complete a room.

    The problem is, it's the kind of puzzles where you have to plan a dozen or so moves in advance. You can't just try a couple things and see where they lead you as points-of-no-return are frequent. Or rather, almost any turn you can take will either lead you closer to victory, or to a dead end. That's not fun.
    2489 Produkte im Account
    123 Reviews
    1102 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.03.22 06:50
    Pushing block puzzle game with a great story and secrets to find - played it 100% and loved it!
    1093 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    1275 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.07.21 05:32
    Puzzle games make up about less than five percent of my game library. I don't mind the occasional puzzle in a point-and-click adventure game or action-adventure if it helps to mix things up a little, but if they become the main focus, I tend to lose interest pretty quickly.

    With that said, MacGuffin's Curse happens to be the only puzzle game in the past few years that I actually endeavoured to complete. I think that the writing is a large factor which helped me see it through to the end. The plot is rather simple, but much of the dialogue and other interactions are written with a good-natured charm that I found rather endearing, similar to Brawsome's previous release on Steam, Jolly Rover. The story is not overwrought. It doesn't lay itself thick with excessive world-building or verbose character exchanges. It's there to give some context (in an interesting way though) to what you will be doing: pushing blocks around.

    Similar to Sokoban, there are many rooms where boxes, crates, batteries and such will need to pushed and pulled around in order to unlock a door and progress to the next room. I never played Sokoban much, but I quite liked block pushing puzzles in the Legend of Zelda series, so this was kind of nice. I found most of the rooms were of a size which ensured that I didn't have to spend too much time on each puzzle. It's for this reason that I found the pacing of MacGuffin's Curse to be quite good, for a puzzle game. On some days, I still played in short bursts to avoid 'puzzle burnout'.

    For much of my time though, I was able to stick with the puzzles for extended sessions. The art and music certainly helped with that. Both were pleasing to my senses and I never found either to be grating, as can sometimes be the case when we get stuck and we're forced to listen to the same track repeatedly. It was mentioned in the developer's commentary that a conscious decision was made to avoid composing music which would get on our nerves in those situations. I think they succeeded.

    There were other smaller touches which showed me that the developers put a lot of thought into crafting a quality experience for the player, such as the built-in hint system, a quick puzzle reset feature and fast-travel. All of this adds up to a puzzle game that is no longer than it needs to be, with only my puzzle-solving abilities being the limiting factor. I'm not really into puzzle games, but MacGuffin's Curse grew on me and was worth sticking with until the end. It's a hidden gem.
    3749 Produkte im Account
    308 Reviews
    1459 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.08.20 05:17
    MacGuffin's Curse is a third person 2D puzzler where you are cursed with an amulet that can turn you into a werewolf. You main character and its alter werewolf self have specific actions that it can take. As a a human, you can interact with doors, switches, swim, and more. As a werewolf you can destroy debris, push and pull objects. Your goal is to bring a battery to its home in each level in order to open up the other doors that you did not come in through.

    The puzzles are fairly simple to mediocre for the majority of the time. If you try to get all of the achievements, meaning visiting every nook and cranny of each level you will find some levels that definitely test your brain to the fullest. In fact, I would even go so far as saying that some of the later puzzles are very tedious. The corridors, doors, and other objects restrict your movement meaning you need to know how to move around things or open doors, or press buttons in the right order in order to complete a level.

    When you complete a level, you character does a little dance. That little bit of humor lasts throughout the entirety of the game and just clicking on random object embedded within the level can get you some fairly humorous moments.

    The game also features a metroidvania style game feature. Certain doors or certain areas require certain items or skills. If you don't have the high tech door opener, then you will see the doors, but will never be able to get through. This makes you visit the levels a lot. Luckily, there are quick maps where you once you find an area it adds it to the map for fast travel.

    The graphics are pixelated graphics that are nothing to brag about, but lend themselves well to the game. The music I thought was really well done. In fact, there are tons of treasures to find and collect throughout the comic, including comic strips. These treasures give you money where you can go to the Pawn shop to purchase items or other things like game art, and game music. Once you purchase enough items, you can go back to your apartment and play any music you'd like from the game.

    Overall, a very simple yet difficult and bind bending game. Fun while it lasts. I started this a while back and never finished it, but once I picked it back up, it was difficult to put away. If the price is right, make sure to check this one out and support a great indie developer. I did not see one bug through out the entire game. I did experience a few hiccups and slowdowns, but nothing that would lead to complaints or change my mind about the game.
    1258 Produkte im Account
    828 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    88 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.06.20 15:55
    Very repetitive and mediocre puzzle game. Comedy? No, the jokes aren't really funny.
    654 Produkte im Account
    85 Reviews
    1282 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.20 23:53
    A good blend between Sokoban-like puzzles and adventure game. If you like the charm of classic adventure games from the kind of Lucas Arts but DON'T like crate puzzles, sooner or later you'll feel frustrated or get bored, be warned.

    You can get different levels of hints if you're stuck, to the point of getting the puzzle solved without any cost or penalty whatsoever, and enjoy only the adventure part (exploration, plot and narrative, conversations with characters and trading of items) but, well, it's like you'll be playing one half of the game.

    The puzzle design and mechanics are really good and tight, but can get kind of hard near the end. If puzzles on the vein of Sokoban or Chip's Challenge are your thing, you'll have a good chunk of fun (maybe 10 or more hours).
    2000 Produkte im Account
    18 Reviews
    3815 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.12.16 02:52
    If you like puzzles.. truly love puzzles then this is definitely the game for you! It has a fun story too but it's ALL about the puzzles!
    3611 Produkte im Account
    205 Reviews
    1126 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.11.16 17:20
    The core puzzle mechanic is solid, but some of the rooms can get a bit tedious, with a lot of shuffling back and forth to navigate boxes in tight corners. You can skip a puzzle at any time if you get stuck or just bored, though; the door will unlock, but the puzzle remains unsolved so you can come back to it later, which is nice. Worth playing just for the writing, with memorable characters, funny dialogue, and lots of flavor text, all in a beautifully illustrated setting with plenty of optional areas and side quests to explore. Quite a bit longer than I expected, as well.
    268 Produkte im Account
    61 Reviews
    242 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.10.15 10:37
    MacGuffin’s Curse is a great, meaty puzzler that will really get your brain cogs whirring...
    It takes sm time to get used to the controls... and the hint sysytem is also not quite upto the mark... :( but it keeps you interested in seeing what happens next....
    It's a lengthy game, so it's best played in short bursts... :) ;)
    Worth buying if u like puzzle games.. (y) :)
    1292 Produkte im Account
    67 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    381 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.05.14 13:50
    Synopsis: A 2D based game where you must move the objects in the room around the tile grid to solve the room to advance to the next and repeat. You play as a magacian who gets transformed into a werewolf and must save the city from the evil millionare.
    Genere: Grid based puzzle

    Yea! The art of the game is exceptional and fits the theme very well, built in hint and room solver feature is nice. Werewolfs!

    Meh! Puzzle difficulty is all over the place, rooms in the begining of a section are harder while the last few puzzles of the game take almost nothing to solve. Game brags about its humor but that comes off very meh.

    Bleh! Game quickly becomes tedious and repetitive! Quite a few times you have to move a crate run back to transform run back then repeat. Boss was a joke after the build up. Werewolf mode you cant close a door but can push a crate???

    The lowdown: While the art direction is awesome, everything else seems to falter. The werewolf bit is a joke only there for a run of the mill story and gameplay limiter. After the first hour or two it becomes repetitive and only enjoyable in short play bursts of a few rooms at a time. Towards the end i was so bored and fed up I was just using the autosolver on the most tedious of rooms so I could finish. This game is only worth it at a huge discount and even then if your fan of this genre of puzzlers.


    373 Produkte im Account
    51 Reviews
    723 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.02.14 02:05
    This is a very entertaining puzzle game. A really simple concept was put forth by the developer of moving boxes and pushing buttons in order to advance to the next room. Some puzzles were simple and easy to see, other took quite a bit of thought on which boxes to be moved first and/or which box should press down that button. While these thoughts are running through your head, you also need to make sure you can swap from different forms (wolf and human) which allow you to do certain things in each form that you can't do in the other.

    Good humor, interesting back story, and excellent puzzles kept me hooked throughout this game and allowed me to finish it completely.

    2294 Produkte im Account
    21 Reviews
    642 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.01.14 05:16
    I've enjoyed it so far. Some of the puzzles are a bit tricky - so it's nice to have the built-in hint system. The soundtrack get's a bit repetative after a while, especially if you're stuck thinking on a puzzle for a while. Overall, a good game - I enjoyed Jolly Rover as well but Macguffin's Curse feels a bit more polished.
    2816 Produkte im Account
    52 Reviews
    1215 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.09.13 10:56
    Phew. This is one surprisingly long game. It is by the same devs that did Jolly Rover which I also recommended! The game is basically tons of sokobans type of puzzles stringed together with awesome, witty, hilarious (lol at times) dialogue and a funny story. You have some pretty interesting characters and talking to them usually nets some sidequests of which there are surprisingly plenty! The game itself has quite some items to collect. Gold (loot) which are usually hidden in some weird places and comic scraps. The latter, once you collect all the scraps for a page, it unlock and turn itself into a full page colored comic! All these comics give the backstory of the main characters. I personally find them a nice touch.

    By the time I completed the main story, I am only about 88% (there's a stats bar at the corner) done. There are also some hidden areas and I am not talking about those areas behind those security doors. No spoilers but there is really quite plenty to do here. Furthermore, every puzzle room you complete, upon returning, you will realize that the reset button has morphed into a commentary button. You get to read a few short lines of the devs commentary and they are quite worth reading. One little bug I had was that my achievement count for comic scraps got stuck at 3/47 but luckily upon finding all of them, the achievement triggered. Another little qualm was that upon completing the game (all of it), the stats bar shows 99%. It is a bug if you read the forums.
    8585 Produkte im Account
    114 Reviews
    1347 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.07.13 03:56
    From the mind(s) what brung you Jolly Rover, it's a similarly-styled, yet quite different-genred Brawsome title. This isn't a point-n-click adventure; this is over 150 9-by-11 tiled rooms of puzzle madness. Only a few of them are brain-busters, but by the time this is over, you'll probably feel tired of them. Still, the humor has its moments (but isn't for everyone) and the devs' earnestness shines through. Worth it if you can make it through the first chapter.
    2371 Produkte im Account
    88 Reviews
    1016 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.11.12 03:06
    simple puzzle game with a little story , dont be fooled by the graphics , very similar to chips challenge [old game]
    The puzzles kinda get overloaded in the later part of the game , drowning out the interesting story being developed, you can skip the puzzles but takes the challenge out of the game.
    hoping a better game with the right mix of story and puzzles.
    588 Produkte im Account
    20 Reviews
    900 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.06.12 08:01
    Awesome mix of sokoban-like puzzle and adventure game. Meet the Lucas, magician turned thief, turned werewolf :) Hundreds of puzzles, fun dialogues, unlockables and achievements will keep you busy at least for ten hours. IMHO, that the best choice for such low price. Thanks to Brawsome for another great game!
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