• The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Technomancer: Screen zum Spiel.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 31.05.2016
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Preis Update 21.09.23

Über das Spiel

Post-Apokalyptische Rollenspiel-Action auf dem kolonisierten Mars. Die Rollenspiel-Experten der Spiders Studios melden sich mit The Technomancer, ihrem fünften und bisher größten Rollenspiel-Projekt eindrucksvoll zurück. Für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und Windows PC erscheint ein episches Rollenspiel mit ungewöhnlichem Schauplatz. Dieses Mal betritt der Spieler den geheimnisvollen Planeten Mars zu einer post-apokalyptischen Zeit, in der der Krieg um das Wasser tobt, der Kontakt mit der Erde seit langer Zeit abgerissen ist und die Zukunft des Protagonisten durch die Geheimnisse seiner eigenen Vergangenheit bedroht wird.

Stelle dich deiner Geschichte als Technomancer. Erlerne die einmaligen Fähigkeiten deiner Gilde, die verschiedene Kampfstile, die Macht der Magie und die beeindruckenden Möglichkeiten der futuristischen Technologie verbindet. Nutze die zerstörerische Kraft der Elektrizität, die magisch fokussiert und durch kybernetische Implantate potenziert wird. Werde vollwertiges Mitglied der gleichzeitig respektierten und gefürchteten Gilde und führe sie durch ihre größte Schlacht, die über ihr Schicksal und das des Roten Planeten entscheiden wird.

Erkenne dein Schicksal und ändere die Zukunft eines ganzen Planeten auf deiner Quest. Erkunde den Mars mit seinen aufgegebenen Städten unter Eis, futuristischen Industrie-Komplexen, dem Dschungel der Terraforming-Projekte und den weiten roten Wüsten. Stelle dich gigantischen Boss-Gegnern und überlebe nur mit der richtigen Kampftaktik. Erlebe deine eigene Geschichte und kreuze die Lebenslinien mit denen deiner Begleiter, die ihre eigenen spannenden Geschichten haben und ihre eigene Agenda.

Bediene dich des umfassenden Crafting-Systems für Waffen und Rüstungen um dich für die harten Kämpfe zu wappnen, die vor dir liegen werden, wenn Du auf der Flucht vor der Geheimpolizei der sinisteren Machthaber fliehst und zum entscheidenden Gegenschlag ausholst.

  • Ein Abenteuer, das in den durch Terraforming urbar gemachten Wüsten des post-apokalyptischen Roten Planeten spielt
  • Drei Kampfstile mit komplexen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten
  • Mächtige Technomancer-Fähigkeiten für den Kampf gegen Feinde
  • Detailliertes Crafting ermöglicht Veränderungen des Aussehens und der Eigenschaften von Waffen und Rüstungen
  • Eine Welt, die auf jede Handlung des Spielers reagiert
  • Beziehungen zu Gefährten eröffnen neue Wege und Aufgaben


  • CPU: AMD FX-4100 X4 (3,6 GHz)/Intel Core i5-2500 (3,3 GHz)
  • GFX: 1 GB, DirectX 11, AMD Radeon HD 6950/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit versions only)
  • HD: 11 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Internet connection required for game activation
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

249 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 16:12
When you loved Mass Effect, then you will like this Game alot :)
3342 Produkte im Account
283 Reviews
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 10:25
Hab den Vorgänger Bound by flame gespielt und auch dieses game hat mir gut Gefallen hatte es zwei mal durchgespielt .Bei technomancer ist allerdings die Grafik um einiges besser dafür keine deutsche Sprachausgabe warum auch immer aber das Kampfsystem das aufrüsten bzw recycedln der sachen und das Marssetting machen enorm Laune wie ich finde für mich persönlich eine positive Überraschung wenn einem das Untertitel Lesen nix ausmacht ist es ein prima action Spiel geworden
236 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
1234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 10:30
Die ganzen schlechten Reviews wegen den Bugs kann ich nicht teilen, ich hatte nicht einen einzigen und das Spiel ist gut. Gerade die ersten Stunden sind sehr fesselnd, leider lässt es zum Ende hin stark nach.


- 4 Skillbäume
- Schöne Hauptstory und Begleiter
- Story, Musik und Umgebung passen zusammen
- Häufiges Autosave, was bei der Schwierigkeit gut ist


- Wurf ins kalte Wasser mit Fähigkeiten
- Kleine Behälter werden immer wieder neu angezeigt zum Plündern, obwohl sie leer sind
- Spawnsystem der Gegner
- seitliche Tasten der Maus nicht belegbar weswegen man umständlich mit strg spielen muss
- Die Rüstungen sind fast alle hässlich xD

Für Erfolgsjäger:

Mit viel Planung kann man alle Erfolge in einem Durchgang bekommen, dies empfehle ich allerdings nicht, denn es raubt den kompletten Spielspaß. Ca.50% kommen während des Spielverlaufs, für den Rest müsst ihr entweder sehr gut platzierte Spielstände haben oder das Spiel 2 – 3 mal durchspielen. (Jeweils 10-20 Stunden)


Bugs wie sie oft in den anderen Reviews beschrieben werden hatte ich keinen einzigen. Das einzige was mir aufgefallen ist, dass manches sehr lustig übersetzt wird und in einem Dialog konnte man den Gesprächspartner nicht sehen, aber das wars auch schon. Was mich ein wenig gestört hat war das Kampfsystem und im späteren Verlauf das Questsystem. Am Anfang bist du in einer sehr kleinen Stadt und kannst alles gut und schnell erledigen, selbst die Nebenaufgaben sind fesselnd. Später bekommt man allerdings nur noch häppchenweise neue Quest und für diese muss man meistens in einen anderen Abschnitt der Weltkarte. Was das Ganze noch schlimmer gemacht hat war, dass gefühlt alle 2 Minuten die Gegner wieder da waren, selbst wenn du die Map nicht verlassen hast. Da man erst den Kampf abschließen muss, um eine Tür zu öffnen, eine Kante zu erklimmen oder den Bereich zu wechseln hat sich das unglaublich gezogen. Ab Kapitel drei sind die meisten Gegner dann auch noch resistent gegenüber deinen Fähigkeiten was das ganze nochmal schlimmer gemacht hat. Ab Akt 3 bestand das Spiel somit nur noch aus Laufe von A nach B und wieder zurück und besiege dabei in zähen sich ziehenden Kämpfen immer wieder die gleichen nervigen Gegner.
Davon abgesehen waren, wie oben bereits gesagt, die ersten Stunden sehr gut, vor allem da jede Entscheidung und Quest Konsequenzen hat. Es gab kein Game Over (außer man ist selbst gestorben). Auch das Skillsystem hat mir sehr gut gefallen und die Begleiter und deren Quest waren sehr gut inszeniert.
Auch wenn es ab Akt 3 zu einer nervenraubenden Hin- und Herlauferrei wurde...kann man in einem Sale für ich glaube 8 Euro nichts falsch machen.
557 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
1741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 20:13
Kein triple AAA Blockbuster!
Aber mir hat das Spiel sehr gefallen. Die Umgebung auf dem Mars hat vieles dazu beigetragen.
Man muss sich drauf einlassen können!
Das Kampfsystem macht riesen Spaß, da man dort echt viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten und Anpassungen hat.
Der Anfang ist echt öde, aber es entwickelt sich gut!
- Steuerung
- Technik
+ Spielumfang
+ Umgebung
+ Viele Dialoge

Gute 50 Stunden sind drin, wenn man alles macht.
314 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 13:27
I liked this game, the main character has some electric skills that you can use it to kill enemies and some slots for guns.
843 Produkte im Account
1270 Reviews
2928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 03:09
The Technomancer
fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on,
good amount of action and special effects,
some difficult battles.
alot of backtracking.

good game.
Personal Suggested Purchase Price: $2.49 Or Less During Sale
159 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 09:27
I haven't played many games over again - but this game is so immersive, and the plot is so good, that I had to do it all over again. Obviously, I tried a different combat style on the second run - and that is another one of its great pros.
81 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 03:18
If you love games where you have full say-so on how you level up your character's abilities, and like good story lines, check out Technomancer.
545 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
1361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 21:21
The game isnt half bad. Side stories are not the greatest, but the world they created is pretty atmospheric and authentic. Hope they do more game on Mars in the future. Going through the main story and doing companion quest was pretty fun.
1075 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 21:08

80% of the game is going through the same area, fighting the same enemies again and again to reach the quest objective.

Let's not fight and just run away avoiding them. Nope, each area is gated and you have to interact a door/ladder etc to move forward and guess what, you cannot interact while in combat mode and forced to fight the same enemies to open a door for the umpteenth time.

And the mob respawn back in 10 seconds. Every quest --> kill the trash mob to reach an objective and return back after 10 seconds to fight them again to reach quest giver and finish the quest.

The story and the companion quests are somewhat interesting but to push through the slog is not worth it.
877 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 16:00
I would just about recommend this, but with some major caveats. There are some glaring issues:

- A fair amount of bugs and crashes. I crashed to desktop 4 or 5 times in my ~20 hour playthrough, and on more than a dozen occasions I randomly lost all my health potions mid-fight. This one was the most annoying as I had to manually save more often than normal in case I needed to go back to an old save to get my potions back.
- Some of the characters/factions are interesting, but the ending is very unsatisfying and side-quests are mostly dull and end abruptly. (Also, if you're someone like me who reads ahead and skips dialogue lines before the line is fully spoken, be careful - the game doesn't always clearly distinguish between skipping a line and skipping an entire scene)
- Fast travel points are sparse, get used to going through the same path/enemies in the Underworks many many times if you're planning to do all the side quests!
- Gameplay is very basic and not particularly varied, hit then dodge is the tactic against basically every enemy. (This is also one of the few games with a lock-on system that actually seems to hinder you, you're better off not using it)

Despite all that... I can't deny I had fun with the game. The skill tree is good and you do feel your abilities improve as you play through the game, and combat while basic feels fluid and enjoyable.

I'd wait for a sale, and maybe if the negative points above are the kinds of things that bother you then maybe not bother at all, but maybe worth a go.
450 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 21:19
The graphics are a bit dated and the world does not seem as lively as in other games, but it was a small budget production. The choice and consequence system is nice, as well as the option for romances.
And while they tried to be progressive and include a homoerotic relationship, the choices are still mutually exclusive and thus mono-normative.
The crafting system is nice and does neither waste (lots of) resources, nor the slots. You can always change the improvement and will get back some of the invested resources.
The fighting system is pretty straigh-forward. I recommend to pick a style and stick to it - otherwise your points won't be enough.
709 Produkte im Account
342 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 19:55

Mars: War Logs — Pre-Greedfall

The Technomancer is a rather strange oddity in the midst of an equally obscure set of titles. Technomancer is, while not a direct sequel to Mars: War Logs, in the the same universe. Mechanically, similar with some additional features that feel like demo or beta features that were more fleshed out in what became Greedfall — a completely unrelated game — narratively speaking.

What is a Technomancer, anyways?

It's got nothing to do with the class in Outriders for starters.

At any given point, you're able to switch between a quarterstaff, a mace/shield or a dagger/gun weapon set (or the the sci-fi version of a mace — a big wrench). The game refers to them as stances. A sort of AoE, 1v1 and ranged stance respectively, you're able to use techomancer powers while in any stance. Anecdotally reminds me of Witcher 1 combat — though I don't find it quite as janky. Not from its outset. These stances are also what you will level into with XP. Traits vs attributes. You will also have more base stats, if you will — these are the attributes. Your standard sorts of things, Agility, Strength, Constitution and Intelligence. These will increase passive stats and allow you to equip stronger equipment. If you find you're using the Rogue stance more often, it might behoove you to put more points into agility for example.
The stealth may feel familiar if you've played the Styx games as Spiders actually worked on “Of Orcs and Men” with Cyanide Studios — Styx's origin game.

The game is comprised of open HUB cities and other more linear areas where most missions take place. You can have up to 2 companions that you're able to outfit. They've got a relationship status with the main character and increasing that will unlock more abilities with them. There's also a vague morality system beyond that where you can drain serum from fallen enemies that will kill them instead of incapacitate them. Serum is used as currency.

Beyond the the 3 stances, you have an active pause wheel with the ability to hot key specific actions without pausing. Things like health of focus injections or your Technomancer abilities. Interestingly, it felt the game was slightly inspired by Dark Souls as using injections takes a some time and slowly recharges health instead of instantaneously. There is even a window to get interrupted before the injection actually occurs — which is more frustrating than it sounds.

The games mentioned are all from 'Spiders', a veritable powerhouse of Double A games ranging from middling to below average. Greedfall being their biggest budget so far, Steelrising we'll come to see. And I think that's something to consider regarding these titles, they simply aren't triple A games — they're going to lack polish around the edges. That said, Technocmancer seems to have missed the mark on almost every level.

The Gist:

Even at a discount, I have a hard time earnestly recommending The Technomancer as I find it to simply not be worth your time. While I did enjoy Mars: War Logs, it is a much more focused game whereas Technomancer is, expressed cordially, too ambitious. Something Greedfall suffers from as well to a lesser degree.

As someone wiser than me once said:

Lost money can be found, lost time is lost forever.

It is still interesting to visit the game to see its curiosities and how ideas got developed over time through Spiders' history. Beyond that, I wouldn't bother.

If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus

Reviews for other games mentioned:
Mars: War Logs
Of Orcs and Men
1711 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 12:50
The game does not run on systems with more than 4 processor cores, which is pretty much >90% of all systems out there. There are workarounds, like for example you could boot your OS while disabling down to 4 active cores, and then it's supposed to run, but i'm not putting up with that. Expecting your players to jump through such hoops just to be able to play your game is unacceptable
168 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 21:33
This game will not run on systems with more than 4 CPU cores unless you disable down to 4 active cores. In this day and age it's not acceptable to expect your customers to boot their OS into a different mode just to be able to play your game. It's not 1991.
179 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 16:47
I liked this game. But i wish fast travel existed.
913 Produkte im Account
279 Reviews
1769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 20:37
Technomancer plays about the same time as the other game in the same franchise called 'Mars: War Logs'. Gaining XP to unlock more skills that make you stronger is addicting. Seeing all armour upgrades on your character is nice. The UI could have been better since the menu only shows the item's name and the stats and not how it looks like. So you have to equip an item first to check if you like it visually.
Overall, Technomancer isn't bad, much less linear than the other title and comes with big maps. However, the big maps are also kind of the downfall of Technomancer since there is way too much backtracking later on. This stretched out the game unneededly and made it worse than it could have been. I would probably give it a neutral rating for the amount of backtracking if I could. If you don't mind the backtracking, Technomancer is a decent RPG with some nice skills if you go full Technomancer. If you hate walking from one side to the other and right back then this game is probably not for you.
770 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 22:55
Successor to Mars: War Logs, this is a pretty straightforward rpg not just similar enough to the likes of Mass Effect or KOTOR to appeal to someone who enjoys those games. Even in spite of combat requiring active participation and the party members(other than your character) acting and progressing pretty well independently. Crafting, class customization, all that.
Simply, if you've played the rest and are looking for something different but familiar, this is a good choice. And definitely take a look at the predecessor.
I can't say what exactly makes this game stand out other than the narrative, but it manages to grab and keep you. You definitely get free reign in regard to decisions that have inter-faction effects, you can play both sides in many cases, lie if you're skilled enough.
Unlike the likes of KOTOR, DA, or ME, progression is both simpler and, yet somehow, unforgiving. You don't have an abundance of options to choose from, various schools that you'll piece different aspects together from. You'll pick your combat style, decide how much mancer stuff you want, and select key attributes and skills(such as crafting or science). But fail to build right, and you can make things a lot harder on yourself. And, so far, I haven't found any way to reset skills(and I'm not bothering to google it).
461 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
3641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 04:46
Lacked techno music
108 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 01:02
wish choices mattered a bit more, but still a super fun game. definitely recommend it.
553 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 13:10
Okay so yes the game have a lot of backtracking. A LOT.
And respawn of ennemy can be a pain. sometime it make sense most of the time not at all.
Despite this huge issue the game is good. The fight can be a little repetitive but still can feel great.
The story is good and just like Mars Wars Log the lore and universe of the game is really interesting.
Sometime the storytelling is a little rough but it still fine and some side missions are suprisingly important
Take it when there is a very good deal on the game. I think then you will find it enjoyable.
341 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
3193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 13:29
Flawed but enjoyable.
180 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 08:55
This game has issues, mostly QoL stuff and sometimes level design that makes you run around too much.
But all in all i enjoyed it and if you enjoy action RPGs, you will probably enjoy it aswell + story isnt half bad.
57 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 20:51
Giving this a positive review was in some ways tough. My journey with The Technomancer was not first spent playing the game, but trying to figure out how to get the game to work. This was one of many frustrating things with game. After hours of research I finally figured out that because I have more than 8 CPU Cores, the game would always crash after trying to start up a game. Not being a super computer geek, i then had to do research on how to limit my cores. Using MSConfig was the solution.

Now once I got the game up and running, i began to actually not hate it for the difficulties it first gave me. The game ran beautifully on my computer and the graphics were enjoyable. Every step of the game i had to bear in mind this was not a AAA game. But that didnt take away from the enjoyment. Everything was above average and that was ok with me. The most enjoyable thing in the end was the music, specifically in The Exchange. It reminded me of a cyberpunk theme mixed with the labor of a steelworkers. It was a definite pump up.

One of the many things that thoroughly bugged me towards the end, was the back and forth running around. That really started to get annoying.

All in all this game was worth finishing it to the end.

Final Score: 7.5/10
119 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 03:12
Why are you still selling this game when it doesn't work on modern systems with more than 4 cores. Don't tell me about disabling my cores for a stupid $6 game. Not happening. Fix this or remove the game or at a minimum make it clear what the requirements are.
215 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 17:33
Not bad but could have been better for sure.

Get it on sale only.
13 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 17:29
A great action-rpg from non-AAA developer. There are multiple skill trees, dialogue choices that affects certain outcomes such as who becomes your allies.

Combat: 4/5
Different skill trees such as Warrior with staff/ Rogue with dagger+pistol/ Guardian with mace+shield. Can be switched anytime. There is of course Technomancy as well which is magic but with electricity. The only minor downside is that normal enemies take more hits to fall, even on Normal difficulty as they level up along with the player's level. So every encounter provides a challenge.

Exploration: 3/5
Could have been better as there is no fast travel option. Sometimes, backtracking for quests can become tedious but the enjoyable combat keeps it interesting.

Game worldbuilding & Lore: 4/5
It is set in Mars, where corporations fight for power & control over scarce resources. Has dystopian & cyberpunk feel to it. Mutants of the planet are oppressed along with political conflict. The story becomes more interesting as it progresses. There are interesting side quests as well as companion quests which decides the relationship with your teammates.

Soundtrack: 5/5
Wonderful soundtrack which fits the environment and gives it the ambience.

Overall: 4/5

A solid action-rpg worth playing.
677 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 13:35
Caution, this game sadly doesn't work if your CPU has more than 8 physical / 16 logical CPU cores. In this case, the game infinitely hangs in the loading screen before reaching the main menu. The problem is known for over a year already (check the forums), but the developer doesn't care to fix it (last update for this game so far has been in July 2016).

Setting the CPU affinity for the game process unfortunately doesn't help (neither while the game runs, nor automatically when it starts up). The only way to make the game run on a CPU with >8 cores is to configure Windows to boot up with 8 cores or less, although your CPU has more than these. So you have to exclude the extra cores from the whole system, effectively lowering your available CPU performance.

Since I don't want to do this and neither want to reboot my system with a new config every time I want to play this game, I'm going to refund it. In the end, I also don't want to support publishers/developers simply forgetting about the game, once it has been released.
84 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 20:08
An excellent roleplaying game with meaningful choices, dynamic combat, well developed characters and unique scenery. Will keep you entertained for dozens of hours.
258 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 08:31
It’s a solid last generation story based RPG set in an interesting science fiction setting. What I appreciate is that it isn’t trying to be a movie.

Mostly it is just about above average at everything.

The combat is interesting enough to keep you interested without getting in the way. It looks good and the writing is mostly solid.

You do spend a lot of time running around doing fedex quests in the same maps so if that is going to drive you nuts then I wouldn’t buy it. It is better than Greedfall in this respect simply because of the more compact levels.

I do like that there is a nice mix of good/bad/shades of gray in the decisions you make. It isn’t as brutal as something like Outer Worlds where every faction is awful so bizarrely nothing you do matters because everyone gets fucked whichever choices you make.

One thumbs up.
118 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 05:11
This game is very difficult to love, it has a decent to good story and its gameplay is fun and a challenging with some unfair movements from the enemy IA that make the fights a little bit harder than they should be. The major drawback for this game is the ridiculous amount of side quests and back tracking, it is so painfully lazy and I can't avoid to think that if Spiders had cut the sidequests to a minimun even though this meant that the game had been shorter it had resulted in a game with better quality, of writting at least.

This game lasts around 30 hours if you complete all the side quests and around 20 hours if you play only the main quests. For me, if this game had lasted 10 hours it had been enough, because the story is good, interesting and may the gamer gods forgive me, but it was kind of an original idea, so I don't see the need to extend the gameplay time with pointless side quests that are so bad written. Short games are not necessarily bad if they are done right. So many things could be done with less side quests and condensed story well written, but that is the beauty of this game, under all that ugly mechanics there is an interesting game.

That is why I recommend it, but the game is not for everyone, if you are a scifi and rpg fan you could endure this game and see the good things Spiders brings to the table and if you liked Mars: War Logs, you'll probably like this game too.

The game is pretty cheap on sale so if you are curious enough you should check it out.
114 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
1308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 14:19
I had fun and I am surprised that the game does not have more positive reviews. It is a sold game, it has a great story and I got into it. It is not a long game but it is long enough to give you that feeling you get from a good Sci-fi movie. I usually only buy games on sale so it could be that the game being only 22 hours to complete and that was including exploring the maps a lot and doing side quests on hard mode. I eventually decided to change it to normal though because honestly that wasn't really fun.
1697 Produkte im Account
263 Reviews
1293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 23:59
The story and the well-made environments outweigh this game's many flaws - just. How many games have Spiders made so far that recycle the same gameplay? This game, Bound by Flame and Mars War Logs are pretty much remixes of each other. Anyhow, get this it if it's cheap. A 55/100 effort.

The good

Takes the world started in Mars War Logs and runs with it
Great skills and upgrade options
Crafting is actually good this time around
Good story and background lore
Excellent world building and design
Challenging boss fights
Reasonable voice acting

The bad

Backtrack, backtrack, backtrack
Endlessly respawning mobs, especially when you have to return to Ophir, which is often
These two things are the game's biggest issues and by the time you reach the end, you're well and truly over ever seeing Ophir again
Can't jump or climb over most things
Some janky movement issues
Typos and grammar errors galore
Some extremely tedious gameplay
Lots of minor, boring, fetch it quests
Amelia Reacher is Little Miss Edgelord
234 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
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1682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 21:55
This game is teeming with potential and interesting ideas. Sadly, nothing really ever comes together to make it fun to play.
982 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 20:21
Wow this game looks beautiful and the story had me interested but the controls are just utterly terrible. I'm using a controller and even on the easy difficulty. I can't progress thru the story because I cant defeat three punks in an alley. Buttons don't respond at all sometimes, target locking doesn't stay locked, and roll dodge likes to think it knows which way to go. I understand the game is supposed to be difficult but its not the game difficulty that is preventing me from playing and further through the game. The controls are simply unplayable.
260 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 14:57
Overall awesome game that every Mass effect, Elex and even Gothic fan should play, and now for such a small payment its MUST BUY.
1591 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
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1725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 18:52
Tedious beat em up in which the main is an inbred going on a spree of fetch quests, no joke. SO this is what it is like.... I'd rather not.

Blast, the RPG elements are pure and storyline has barely enough levity in places, seriously the grim cyberpunk on mars atmosphere deserves a spoken narrative of the main's thoughts in true detective story fashion - But there is nothing going on up in that inbred head of his to make himself out to be the messiah of mars let alone a trainee at bootcamp - I think that is how the game begins anyways.

The levelups do come at a remarkably quick rate, but so does the difficulty ramp up ever so exponentially.
With almost 2 full trees upgraded to near max, and crafted gear, the hostiles make my crew out to be nothing but playthings, in the precursor to the final chapter. There is so much to do about gathering support for the final showdown but it is strictly story, the fighting can get miserable near the end. Repetitive fights in the same spots of the same maps that so many of the similar quests have you running through.

I quit it! I have endured too much. It has to have the greatest ending of all time for me to complete this game.
It is rather akin to banging one's head against a concrete wall in which this game has so many of in dull emotionless environments.

The facts are it WAS great fun throughout the initial enveloping storylines and exploration. The layout of maps, scenery, presentation and sounds are all highly remarkable, setting and theme equivalent to Total Recall or Red Faction Guerrilla. The time spent feels of different qualities pertaining to a Mars setting. Authoritative oppression mixed with depression and despair, hoping to intrigue us the player with party members personality and the solid RPG mechanics.
The choices consists of the usual for the genre and seeing fit to establish moral values after every combat encounter in choosing to kill for serum or leave knocked out. The game has entered a realm of its own in this respect and nameless most enemies may be they fall into only basic types who get better counterattacks in their more powerful versions that plateau near endgame.
Beating up the same guards over again seems to level them up to a high degree that surpasses the player.
Missions are rudimentary at best although not as generic as randomly generated, are we supposed to praise the game for this? The handholding too gets tiresome due to the rhythm of fighting that has to occur every single mission.
235 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
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2593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 15:20
It's difficult to not recommend becasue I am a fan of Spiders Studio but the game is too lacking. Btw their games weren't triple A titles. For me it was something like b-movies that hit the right spot and had a specific charm about them.

The story is okay even though I didn't felt too engaged, especially compared to Bound by Flame where I enjoyed the story much more. Also there is a lot of running back and forth in the quests. Revisiting same areas again and again. And I mean A LOT(especially when you do all side quests like me). Too much for my taste.

The combat is a direct continuation to Bound by Flame. I had fun with the staff stance but every stance is good to play. it's NOT perfect. For example - when you try to dodge away from your opponent your character actually makes his move towards the enemy - no matter which arrow key you hold, that can be annoying.
Also your enemies have obvious advantages. For example - when you push your enemy into a corner with no space to move he can still dodge your attacks. This doesn't work for you. If you want to dodge an attack you must have some space to evade.....Some people say it's hard but I rather think it can be frustrating because of the stuff like this.

The visuals are pretty good. I would say it is the biggest improvement from their previous game. Don't forget the game is already 4 years old, but it still looks decent.

The soundtrack is a big disappointment for me. I loved the soundtracks in Of Orcs And Men and Bound by Flame. This one was really uninteresting for me.
1680 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
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264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 00:53
this game is worst than it's predecessor. The gameplay is more frustrating,the exploration take forever with minimum reward and they bloated the progression system for no reason. the graphic are better, but the pacing man... the pacing is atrocious.

if you want to feel like you are wasting your time on a below average game every second of your life, play this game.
159 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 19:01
This is probably the most under rated game I've ever played, great story, nice graphics, companions are all well written, combat is fairly challenging but not hard, probably the only bad thing about this game is all the back and forth walking you'll have to do, always killing the same enemies in the same places, but that's really good for levelling up. I definitely enjoyed this a lot and to think that I got it for free, absolute steal.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 21:10
Combat is floaty and unsatisfying. Also below average writing. Don't waste your time with this one.
171 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
5889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 18:06
This game could have used some game polish and story introduction. Once I got further into the first arc of the story, the game pace picked up and got interesting. Overall a decent RPG and well worth a sale price. Each 'class' has a fun and distinct playstyle.

UPDATE: Now that I have 100% Completed the game, I have to say I was left wanting more. The combat got really fun when mixing the technomany 'spells' and dagger playstyle. All the companions were likable, almost on that borderline of maybe being memerible. Time will tell.
93 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 01:24
Its old school, a little dated, not perfect, but a great ride and worth your time

Fighting took me some time to find the flow and button mashers will hate it. Careful control of the camera, enemy selection, and timing make fights memorable and fun. Keyboard/Mouse works great too. Quests are open and some even timed , maps are great, environments are fantastic, graphics are pinned at 60, but it runs solid with zero crashes to date. Many models look a little dated but unless you're staring at them, do the trick. The RPG elements are not simple, complex or too deep. They are there but judging by the difficulty on normal I am not sure I would recommend mixing or any dual classing on your first play through. Crafting seems to be important but the Devs did a good job of making it interesting

I checked the box so feel free to comment
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 19:02
super clunky, ugly, and just all around not fun. seeing this game on its inital release i was pretty hyped and excited but after playing it ... it was just awful. Would have been great in 2009 but in 2016 it doesnt have any ground to stand on. The combat was frustrating due to unstaggerable basic enemies that could interrupt your combos with a fart. i cant enjoy a games story if i cant enjoy the combat either.
120 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
4302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 15:17
This game has gotten a lot of bad reviews over the years and has not been that popular. I do not understand this, as I have enjoyed it and am on my second play through. Is it a perfect game? No Does it have the most awesome graphics? No However, it does have a good story and I don't think that combat is as bad as some seem to think it is. I have played other games that have much better graphics, but do have combat systems that are hard to use and some of them have gotten good reviews for some reason. The only real issue I have with this game is that there is no type of skill reset function within the game. If you are playing for the first time, I would spend like one hour playing each of the different three types of classes (mace/shield, staff, dagger/pistol) and see which one you like best. All of them will have the technomancer aspect to them. Once you think you have figured out which one you like, then I would start your actual play through, putting skill points in your chosen class and technomancer. I would recommend this game, especially if you get it on sale, it is well worth the attention.
88 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
2282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 20:35
Played on the extreme difficulty as a Rogue and the combat was really fun. It was always amazing to place traps below your enemies and watch them fly everywhere. The companions aside Phobos weren't that useful, Scot was barely hitting me with those healing needles since i was dodging all the time, i believe he works better if you're playing as the Guardian class.

Other than that, the game is very similar to the previous Bound by Flame, which i also really enjoyed. Took 34 hours to finish 97% of the sidequests, had to reload a lot in some places but i enjoyed my time, and recommend to everyone who enjoyed the first game
261 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 18:44
I played six hours killing every human I came in contact with. Didn't realise until too late that Karma actually matters
327 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
1187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 15:06
This game gets a really bad rap because of a few design decisions gone wrong. There are lots of side quests that mandate you go back and forth a lot, with enemies on every corner respawning. It also doesn't help the combat isn't the game's strong suit. I 'fixed' this by using the trainer from WeMod - one-hit kills make The Technomancer fun.

Starting this game will surprise you in a bad way. It'll feel like a knock-off KotOR with what can also be seen as lightsabers and the Force with very bad graphics for 2020 and insanely complicated controls. But it gets a lot better, I promise. It's truly a classic RPG with all the levelling, quests, companion stuff you'd expect. You can't put this story down until you finish.

You can't get all the achievements with one playthrough, and sadly I can't consider this game replayable. You're Zachariah Mancer and the set of side quests is always the same. You can maybe change your looks a little and make some evil choices, but why spend 15-20 hours looting boxes again to see that...?

Right at the end, I discovered you can use up/down arrows to sell large quantities of items to merchants.
185 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
2386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 21:50
I picked this up after playing Greedfall which I absolutely loved. It took me a little longer to get into Technomancer but after about 5 hours much like Greedfall it was like a novel I couldn't put down. In my opinion Spiders are a totally underrated development team. You can just feel all of the love they put into their characters and story. I totally fell for all of the companions loved the themes and I cannot wait for Spiders next game.
217 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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1283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 20:33
This game is a slog, pure and simple. It starts out great in the first 5-8 hours or so, which is already a significant chunk of time - then Chapter 3 hits, and the game suddenly becomes rife with filler of the worst kind. Despite the fun combat and interesting RPG mechanics, I can't recommend this game less, because it does the worst possible thing an RPG of this kind can do - it disrespects your time.
314 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 18:40
Just can't get into it. Revisited it after enjoying Greedfall and just can't.

Bad voice acting. Clunky combat.
21 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 15:41
I just could see how the game would end and I started losing motivations half-way. Combat is also too hard in general.
796 Produkte im Account
520 Reviews
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1271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 21:29
What an utter disappointment. This game does the wrong thing in almost every aspect of game design and implementation. Lets start with story, the makes promise a grand saga, but its a very small scale story about a few different factions bickering and fighting on mars and you choosing a side. I't super boring, uninteresting, and doesn't even explain what each side is very well. The companions and characters of the story aren't interesting so i skipped most dialogue and you don't really care what happens. It wants to be mass effect but can't make an interesting story or characters which is the most important thing. Lets talk environments, you spend the entire game in basically 2 areas, which are just brown rock, with no variety or any reason to keep you engaged. The levels are a big mess of intertwining narrow paths, with no fast travel meaning you spend 2/3 of the game running back and forth through the same paths hundres of times. Oh and many of the paths are blocked or inaccessible but you don't learn that until you get there meaning running all the way back and around to the other side.

While running around you fight the same 2-3 enemies all game, which in one of the worst design choices of all time, respawn immediately after leaving the area, forcing you to fight the same mob dozens of times. I gave up and started running past them, but the game knowing you will do this, puts doors and ladders that you cant interact with until out of combat meaning you must fight....always a good sign when forcing players to fight because you know they won't want to. Other horrible design choices like being unable to complete a main quest without a secondary quest due to it bugging it out, or being forced to take a companion and not being able to drop them until you complete the quest, with no ability to cancel or drop quests. Or how about areas that force you to have certain companions but making the only area you can swap 2 zones and about 10 min of backtracking away, meaning you go do a part of the quest, then have to run 10 min back, swap companions, then run back, all while fighting multiple respawning mobs 2x.

Well what about the combat you may ask? Its super clunky and inconsistent. In classic horrible implementation, the combat doesn't even follow its own rules. While hitting and attacking guys as well as zapping with electricity, including being in the middle of a special move, sometimes they will get wobbled, but most of the time they can just absorb the damage and not react and be able to hit you back. But guess what, when they hit you it always wobbles you.....huh? So basic grunts have this special ability to attack you through attacks, punishing you for hitting them, but this wizard technomancer cant, yikes. Other problems like when having a guy backed up against the wall and he was dodging backwards but couldn't go anywhere, and im hitting him, my thing just goes through him and it somehow doesn't land, defying all logic and physics. But many times they can hit you while dodging which doesn't make sense. The targeting is horrible, constantly choosing the person far away and having to mouse wheel 10x just to get the right person. Dodging can be super finnicky and you will dodge the wrong way. There will be too many guys and you can get juggled easily while your AI teamates are worthless. One of the worst and poorly designed boss fights ever on the last level (2nd to last boss).

Even loot is poorly done. almost all you get is scraps, leather, and other crafting mats, making opening locked trunks and lockers anticlimactic, especially since i had hundres of extra mats i never used as theyre kinda worthless besides giving tiny stat bonuses. I would go 5 hours without getting stronger gear and when i did all it was was +1 damage with nothing cool looking, leading to gear being completely worthless and uninteresting. Money is pretty useless as well as vendors don't have anything better. Honestly its like they chose to ruin every aspect of an RPG, the combat, loot, environments, quest design, and story. Everything here is done worse than other games in the genre. Its actually worse than spiders previous game and thats not saying much. Just plz save yourself and skip this flaming pile of poop. 5/10.
117 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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1609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 22:18
Repetative, re-spawning, grind fest. did you leave the zone for 5 s. you get all the npc-s back with the same dialogue and same positioning. hostile mobs in the same place and same number.

Story: There was a story ?
3112 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 09:18
This one is pretty short...

I am not a friend of work arounds to start games, so this is a negative one for the time being.

This game won't start on a cpu with more than 8 cores.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 23:21
I can understand why there's some mixed reviews, but damn: the fighting system is fun and really rewarding to get good at. It's challenging and rewarding and I'll be looking into what this company does in the future.
459 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 19:40
This is a middling game for sure.
Warning heavy backtracking and lack of different enemies.
average combat, not enough cool weapons or gear just average.
If you time constrained and just looking for the very best games skip it. I've played worse and better games. I think bound by flame was better in battles and enemy variety. I remember it being much harder. Since this game is old an you should be buying it on sale i could recommend slightly. ho-um is my feelings toward the game.
167 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 16:41
While its not a finely tuned narrative machine like a Witcher of Mass Effect it does a very good job story wise.The combat isnt bad either once you have found your groove.How the story wraps up at the end taking into account all of your major choices is pretty satisfying.The only thing its missing is a New Game+ of some kind.
332 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 01:28
This game (and developers) deserve more love. I think the thing that hurts this game the most is how beautiful the visuals actually are, because when you see a game that looks this good you forget that this isn't a AAA game. This game does not have a AAA game budget and it shows, but you can tell that it was made with love.

The visuals are nice, and the voice acting quality is good in places and awkward in others. But even when the voice acting is good, it can still look awkward because lip-syncing is basically non existent and sometimes the body and face animations (or lack there of) don't really match the tone delivered by the actors' performances.

The combat is very fun. It feels fluid and offers different play style options. You have 3 stances to switch between at any time, each one using a different weapon set: A staff that allows you to hit multiple enemies with a swing if they are grouped; A dagger and pistol, that allow you to either attack from range, or get up close and personal with quick strikes that have a chance of dealing poison damage; A mace and shield that deal slower but stronger hits with a high chance of disrupting the enemies' attacks, and block or parry strikes instead of needing to dodge incoming strikes like with the other stances. You also have of electric based powers to use in parallel with your weapons (magic). Each of the 3 stances and the technomancer powers have their own ability tree, with up to 24 ability points to invest in each one, and you can really feel the difference as you progress in a tree, but you feel more compelled to invest in 1 stance and the electric powers instead of investing in different stances.

The enemies respawn fairly quickly so grinding isn't too hard, and i found the fights enjoyable all the way till the end of my playthrough. And grinding isn't necessary (unless you're going for the achievements) but it doesn't get harder as you progress because it takes the same experience to level up no matter how much you progress.

The starter companions you get in the game aren't really that useful except for splitting up the enemy groups which can be useful when you're still low leveled, but later on in the game you get other companions that are much more interesting and useful, and at some point i wished i could bring more than 2 with me at a time. The romance options in the game feel a bit tacked on just for the sake of saying that the option exists.

The environment is vast with a lot to loot, but walking around it can get tiresome after a bit. There are also areas where you'd think you should be able to go from looking at it, until you hit an invisible wall, but if you look at the map it's clear what's reachable and what's not. The soundtrack is nothing exceptional but is fitting enough with the theme to be immersive.

The story is enjoyable and you have a lot of choices to make along the way and a satisfying ending.

If you're a fan of story focused epic action rpgs i recommend this game. It's not perfect but there's a lot to love and It's a huge improvement from its predecessor (Mars: War Logs) that makes me look forward to see what they've done with their new epic action rpg Greedfall.
522 Produkte im Account
216 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 06:49
To be honest i liked Mars War Logs more. I don't know, something feels off about the combat, character bland as tinder basic girls, world is dead with npcs just staying at their designated spots and not moving, not to say that they lip sync is bad.
173 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
5048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 05:08
The story takes off once you get outside Ophir - before that it is almost boring just finding ways to build your skills up - well worth playing though and some interesting characters.
469 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 20:04
My favorite games are RPGs, and I had some hopes for this one too, despite the mixed reviews. It started nice, but as I got further into the game, it became apparent that the world was very small. And there is a lot of running back and forth in the same zones over and over again, fighting the same monsters both ways.

The main problem with the game is that there is zero exploration and zero mystery. That's 2 very imporant things in an RPG in my opinion. It has a some very basic crafting and not much to choose from.

There are very few different monsters (I think it was 7 different monsters + humans), they respawn very fast, and when inside, which is 97% of the game, you can't just run past enemies, you have to kill them before climbing a ladder or open a door to move on, so a huge time sink along with all the running back and forth.

There are only 2 real bosses, and a couple of semi-bosses, which was disappointing. The beginning was cool, the end was good, but everything in between was cool for awhile, but then gets bland and repetitive.

On the plus side it was a lot of voiced dialogue, with good voice actors. The graphics is also good. There is no lore outside of what you learn through talking to people, and not many NPCs to talk to, but you get 5 companions you get to know and learn about the world from.

The combat is decent, we get 3 different fighting styles that are fun to play with for a while, but in a game that lasts this long, I would like more variation.

I didn't experience any game breaking bugs. I only saw one bug, a map pointer that didn't go away when it should have, other than that, it was stable and nice.

I figured I had played at least half way through the game before I was wondering if I should just quit, but when I am that far into a game, I usually just push through to get done with it, as I did here.

I won't recommend this, there are some positives, but it didn't tickle the right neurons in the brain for me. I recently played Elex, I like that a lot more.
644 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 13:14
After reading a bunch of mixed reviews I have to say that I loved the game.

I completed everything in one run and while it was difficult at times (due to saving skill points) it certainly wasn't as bad as some people say. The combat offers a fair amount of options when it comes to dealing with enemies.

The story was great, a couple of bits that I didn't really care for but overall it was easy to enjoy and follow along to find out more.

Overall, great game and story, would really like a second part to this tbh.
923 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 06:43
Doesn't work on systems with too many cores, and there doesn't appear to be any intention to fix. Buyer beware!
281 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 00:11
Forgot to review when I bought this on release.
An ambitious game that has all the makings of an epic. A second addition to this world's story would be amazing to smooth out the issues it has. You can tell a lot of love was put into this; there's lots of lore for those who seek it to get in to. I enjoyed the story and companions as well as the world it's set in despite some monotonous game play amongst it. The combat is fun and the animations for it are surprisingly fluid (and I like the detail that if you finish on a move and don't move, your character will hold that position for a while before relaxing. Feels very natural). At first some might be put off by the Dark Souls-esque combat (by this I mean it involves a lot of dodging) but if you pick that up it's pretty straight-forward.
If you give this game a chance, there's an underrated gem here.
256 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 14:53
As an RPG fan, especially of the isometric classics, but also of the new generation of games, I really enjoyed Technomancer. I have decided to give it a try after starting Greedfall and learning that the studio responsible for it made other games in the past. Since I liked the first hours of Greedfall I have decided to give the previous games from Spiders a try first, expecting that I might not find them as rewarding after completing Greedfall as it is the newer title. Mars War Logs did show its age and budget constraints very strongly, however, with Technomancer it is different. I consider it to be a really solid experience with an interesting setting, good story, likeable companions and in my opinion really nice graphics. I also found combat to be well executed. Maybe it has something to do with me starting to learn martial arts and appreciating aspects of combat like distance, pace and setups more. It could use a bit more depth though as it was getting tedious a bit at the later stages of the game. On the lower note, the second part got quite repetitive due to a lot of backtracking. The game could use a bit more variation in terms of locations and enemies. Another aspect is loot, which in the game boils down mostly to crafting materials. There are some other issues like the game not making it clear what to do with some quests e.g. sometimes you just need to wait and do some other quests before you can proceed with another one, but online guides are quite helpful in that regard.

If you are an RPG fan, especially one interested in story and setting I strongly recommend Technomancer from Spiders studio :)
121 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 00:07
So, where do I start with this one? One thing that I want to make clear right off the bat is that this game is definitely not a AAA title. It's rather obvious that this game was made on a tight budget, and a number of issues result from this that I will discuss later in the review. However, I would still give a solid recommendation for this game if for no other reason sheer surprise at how much they were able to accomplish with limited resources. I will go through the major positive and negative points of the game, before rendering a final summary judgement.

1. This game has a very detailed player mechanics system. You have multiple different sets of stats and abilities to manage and modify, allowing you to generate a character that ultimately feels unique to your experience with the game. This game allows you to customize your characters fighting style, skills, stats, and special abilities, and these differences have serious impacts on how you will play the game in terms of both narrative and combat. This sounds like the kind of thing that an RPG would normally be expected to contain, but these days I find that The Technomancer is more the exception than the rule.
2. The story is actually engaging. While the budget limitations definitely have their impact, I was pleasantly surprised by how much the story grabbed me once things got going. There were a number of plot twists that I didn't expect, the game setting is *usually* interesting, and the main character is intriguing enough to carry the plot forward through the rough patches. Also, while not the high point of the story, the main antagonist is certainly threatening enough to make the central conflict feel important.
3. The equipment system. While the number of items you can collect is about average for a game this size, the bonuses offered by certain items makes it very much worthwhile to wear different equipment for different situations, thus increasing item utility. Furthermore, the crafting system is frankly amazing. Around 80% of the equipment you find can be customized via crafting upgrades, often with multiple upgrade slots on each item. These upgrades also make a big difference, allowing for equipment specifically customized to your fighting style. You can even swap out upgrades (at significant cost) allowing you to further specialize your gear for specific encounters. I really cannot praise the crafting system enough here, it's the kind of thing that even AAA games have trouble pulling off to this extent.

1. The voice acting in this game is not great. You can tell that the voice actors are giving it their best shot, but it's fairly obvious that they had to skimp on the budget somewhat in this area. It's not completely terrible, and I have heard worse, but don't go into this game expecting oscar winning performances.
2. The combat. I know other people have complained about this game being too difficult, and I can understand why. The combat itself is not bad at all. It's tough, no doubt about that, but the game usually gives you plenty of room to maneuver and you will get plenty of health items following the prologue. The main issue with the combat is that the game itself does not do the best job of explaining things to you at the start. You are given a bare-bones tutorial on combat, and then rapidly thrown into the deep end against multiple enemies. On higher difficulties it is not at all uncommon for enemies to kill you in 2-3 hits. My advice for new players is this, learn how to dodge and weave around enemies and do so with alacrity. Always try to end combat as quickly and efficiently as possible, don't get cocky. Use your explosives and health items whenever needed, and ALWAYS remember to take out enemies with ranged weapons first!
3. The first chapter. This is probably the single largest flaw with the game, and I know its an expansive statement to label the whole first chapter problematic, but it's true. The first chapter of the game (following the prologue) is a slow moving, frequently tedious, and overall frustrating experience. While the ending of chapter 1 is memorable and exciting, getting there took me around 9 hours and involved a number of wholly unpleasant side quests (including a VERY frustrating escort mission). Once you get to the end of chapter 1, the game opens up significantly, the missions become more varied, and you gain a much better set of allies to support you in combat. Given the story that the game developers are trying to tell, it makes some sense why the first chapter is frustrating, but not enough to excuse the frustration and rage some of the early segments caused me.

This is very much a B-game. It was made on a budget and certain parts of the final product have obviously suffered from that. But at the end of the day I would still recommend you play this game. It's got a LOT of content for a middle-market game, and the RPG elements have been done quite well. The crafting system is excellent, and the story provides a nice amount of flavoring as you work your way through. Its a rare budget video game that manages to be more than the sum of its parts, but The Technomancer pulls it off well.
119 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 21:28
I did not like this game when I first played it. The boss you first come across has you pinned in a circle arena and its HARD. You have no idea what you are doing or the quirks of the game yet. If it hadn't been for the promise of a gay romance option I would have dropped it then and there. I had played Mars: War logs and had liked it, so I was a bit disappointed when I first loaded the game up. In the end I have really liked the game. I enjoy the world built, the characters met and the overall feelings the game gives me. I do not like the game play or the level design, as maps will constantly tell you to go to this corner, oh wait you actually have to go down this alley to the left, THEN turn right, but you wouldn't know that from the mini-map. Its frustrating at first until you memorize the areas. Overall I had fun with it and it was worth my time and money, but I can understand why other people would be against it. I'm excited to try Greed Fall now, but again I'm only really in it for the gay romance. To each their own?
2191 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 17:29
Game does not run on machines with high (above 8?) core count. Searching for the issue it has been there for at least 3.5 years with no bugfix.
153 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 21:55
Like a small-studio low-budget The Witcher but on Mars and you have electrical powers. I enjoyed it.
386 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 18:01
A solid continuation of the Mars: War Logs series. The game has it's flaws, but some special moments can be found within. I'd rate the Technomancer game 6.5 of 10
833 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 00:32
I'm kinda 50/50 on this game, I enjoy the combat what little of it that I have found, but the running around doing quests Is kinda boring. Just the whole running to one side of the map then back to the other goes on n on like a broken record. That part really bores me I'm not sure why, maybe because of the limited combat scenarios or lack of exploration. What I'm saying is, it is just the same sights over and over. I'm going to try to at least beat the game but it is dreadfully boring, so it may take me years. I mean I got this game back in 2018, I just quit it because of what i said above. Picked it up again last night and I'm already becoming bored yet again of it. Now I've been gaming for along time since 1984 so I'm not gonna say it's a sh*tty game because it could just be me, I get super burnt out on games anymore. With that said though, it is not an amazing game its got bugs in quests.

I'm thumbing it down because I find myself at odds with the game play, excluding combat. Like I said combat is alright and i enjoy that aspect of the game.
With everything said still give it a try you might enjoy some things more than I, once you become a 35 year gaming vet sometimes games have a hard time pleasing you. It takes a really really fun game to keep me happy. Pick it up on sale and remember your refund window closes at 120 mins of game play.
11 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 23:14
Im really enjoying this game. Quests and story are great. The only thing I would like to have seen is a hide helmet option and being able to play as a female.
4384 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
2117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 00:22
Sure, is not Mass Effect or Dragon's Age but it's a solid RPG adventure.
Even with all its flaws, I can't understand why some reviewers gave it less than 7/10.
415 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
3365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.19 04:21

Technomancer was an enjoyable experience

Long ago I tried playing Technomancer and only played a bit in act I but moved on to other games. Recently, I decided to give a solid try to this game and start fresh again. I enjoyed the story, the bosses, and gameplay. You will have several companions throughout the game but only 2 with you at the time. They do give certain group bonuses once you develop friendships with them and are useful in the fight. You can romance some of them as well. The game has 4 different play styles: sword + shield, dagger + pistol, staff, or technomancy. Each one of those techniques has a skill tree and you will have enough points to maybe develop two branches. Fight is a lot of fun. I went with staff + technomancy combo and enjoyed the experience. It felt like playing Darth Maul with the electrified staff. Game took me about 55 hours to complete going through all the main, side, and companion quests. Some were very engaging and felt like there was a purpose to the quest.

+ Great martian world and atmosphere
+ Great graphics for AA game
+ Interesting and engaging combat
+ Memorable NPCs

- Not to many areas to explore
- Aurora was never an area you can travel to
- Uninteresting loot

Overall I do enjoy games created by Spiders studio. Most recent game I played before Technomancer was Bound by Flame and I enjoyed that game as well. I definitely recommend this game to any RPG fan that likes futuristic world. It has good gameplay, lots of skills and statistics, and good story.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
70.07% 1220 521
Release:31.05.2016 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Spiders Games Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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