News Liste Dragons and Titans

Patch notes for May 9th Maintenance
Dragons and Titans
09.05.15 18:50 Community Announcements
General Bug Fixes and Optimizations:
Performance, physics, and network optimizations.
All textures are halved on the lowest graphic setting.
General networking overhead reduced in Towers & Titans map.
Bloom corrected in Ballista Alley and Nethergate.
New lighting settings and optimizations applied to Tutorial map.
Adjusted many projectile hit settings so they don't hit more often than they are supposed to.

Chaos and Ballista Map:
Fixed Slow wall collision to match visual.

Nethergate Map:
Increased number of minions on Nethergate.

Minions AI fixed to go to the wall instead of sitting on Capture Points.
Fix: The gate archers show up in PvP.

Balance Changes:
Reduced defense bonus from 50% to 25%, but adjusted HP appropriately. Wardhammer is still tough, but resists less damage and effectively takes longer to heal.
Health increased from 1300/1550/1800/2050
to 1900/2250/2600/2950

Health on level up increased from 70 to 100.

Increased Ice Wall mana cost from 20/30/40 to 30/35/40.
Increases Ice Wall cooldown from 1 to 1.75/1.5/1.25.

Increased the health of the spider from 3000/4500/6000 to 4500/6750/9000.
Reduced Cobwebs mana cost from 70 to 50.
Increased Cobwebs size by 10.
Spider now fires 3 spit projectiles at a time in a cone.

Increased Scales of Gold armor to gold rate from 2 to 2/3/4.

Fracture Barrel:
Reduced Iron Fist projectile speed by 5%.
Damage reduced from 150/200/300 direct + 100/150/200 splash to 120/160/200 + 120/160/200 splash.
Cooldown increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds.

Increased Sandstorm’s speed from 130/140/150 to 150/150/150.
Increased the speed of spineback’s breath to match Hellfire.

Changed breath speed/duration to be same as Hellfire
Increase Rot Breath crit % from 5 to 10%

The Harvester:
Decrease Phantom Blade life steal from 60% to 50%.
Increased size of Grim Harvest hitbox

Reduced Tail Thrash chance to inflict slow from 100% to 50% (not the posion chance).

Health Increases:
Icemaul health increased from 1200/1450/1700/1950 to 1400/1650/1900/2150
Dragokin health increased from 1200/1450/1700/1950 to 1300/1550/1800/2050
Gemtalon health increased from 1100/1350/1600/1850 to 1200/1450/1700/1950
Venomtail health increased from 1200/1450/1700/1950 to 1300/1550/1800/2050

Fireball now combines splash damage and direct hit.
Fireball splash damage no longer falls off.

Increased Poison Breath DoT duration from 4 to 5.
Increased Noxious Cloud damage from 52/64/84 to 70/85/100.
Increased Noxious Cloud size +50%.
Noxious Cloud does 50% damage to structures (down from 100%)

Increased Jungle Mist width by 25%.
Decreased Warrior Spirits cool down from 15 to 13.
Jungle Mist Damage falloff at max range decreased from 75/75/75% to 60/50/40%.

Changed Forge Rippers to a charge system; 6/8/10 max charges, gets a charge every 2 seconds, can use charges every 0.5
Forge Rippers damage decreased from 60/83/106 to 50/75/100
Decreased Forge Rippers mana cost from 50/60/70 to 40/45/50
Fix: Inner Fire can be used without enough mana (like all breaths).
Fix: Forge Rippers from cannot be used without enough mana.

Boulder speed increased from 150 to 170.
Increased health from 2200/2550/2700/2950 to 2500/2850/3000/3250.

Sting Punch hitbox increased.
Poison Spit speed increased slightly.
Poison Spit range increased.

Sphere of Wudeng:
Increased Dragon Blossom range.
Increased Dragon Blossom damage from 150/190/230 to 180/220/260.

Elder’s Branch:
Reduced Restoring Salve charge time from 8 to 6 seconds.

The Aegis:
Increased Astral Ward slow % from 30/35/40 to 40/50/60.
Increased Astral Ward armor break from 10/15/20 to 20/25/30.

Increased travel speed of Ice Shard, without increasing its range.
Ice Shards spread out more.

Decreases Buzzbomb cool down from 10 to 8.
Increased Bile Shot mana cost from 8 to 10/11/12.
Increase Bile Shot damage from 75/90/105 to 75/100/120.

Changed Living Flame’s speed, acceleration, and weight to be a little more nimble.

Reduced Arrow Storm mana cost from 500/550/600 to 400/450/500.

Increase the rate of Rushing Waters damaging/healing from 1 to 0.25 (total damage/heal-per-second unchanged).

Reduced Whip Thrash cool down from 12 to 10/9/8.

Increased Blood Breath damage from 130/180/230 to 150/195/240.

Sky Rip minions spawn interval increased from 3 to 5 seconds.

Killing Shot and Precise Arrow no longer inherit additional velocity from the dragon rider.

Shock Breath mana cost increased from 2.5 to 6.

Fix: Hoarfrost should no longer inflict massive damage when the enemy fires from inside it.

Heal Spell I & II:
Now removes negative status effects.