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Grey Goo Archives - Keyhole Theory
Grey Goo
30.03.16 18:58 Community Announcements

What's the most efficient way to communicate across the galaxy? Wormholes!

Otherwise known as keyholes in Grey Goo, these tiny wormholes burrow through subspace and connect countless points in the galaxy. Their existence as a natural phenomenon was first theorized by the Brazilian astrophysicist, Gabriel Paulo Souza in 1993.

When asked whether these theoretical wormholes, if discovered, could be used as doorways to other worlds, Souza’s reply was, “I would be overjoyed if they were but keyholes to peek through.”

A vast wealth of knowledge about the universe opened up to the Grey Goo races when keyholes were first discovered, particularly for the Human faction. Humans realized that keyholes were not just a mathematical consequence of nature, but out there in abundance.

Read on to discover more about these conduits through space!



Conventional Model


The typical model for explaining wormholes is a crisp sheet of paper folded over on itself so the two distant points can be connected by accessing another dimension. Space is not naturally this ideal and the amount of theoretical energy required to fold space in such a manner is astronomical.

The Spitball Model


Souza speculated that such energy was present in the first moments of the Big Bang. A more accurate model for describing how wormholes could exist is to imagine a sheet of paper wrapped up into a tight ball, and then flattened out on a table.

Placing corresponding points where the surface of the paper had made contact with itself, would fill the paper with a sea of dots separated by a web of folds and creases. This is the canvas on which the Milky Way was born.

As more historical documents are recovered from the Grey Goo archives, we will dust them off and reveal their secrets to you here on the Steam Community Hub.

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