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  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshots Januar 16
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Resident Evil: Zero HD Remaster: Screenshot zum Titel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.01.2016
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Preis Update 08.09.23

Über das Spiel

Resident Evil 0 enthüllt, was hinter dem Villen-Zwischenfall steckt, dem Auslöser der gesamten Handlung der Resident-Evil-Serie. Diese Remastered-Version bietet die Story und das Gameplay des Originals und wartet zusätzlich mit atemberaubender HD-Grafik, 5.1-Surround-Sound, optionaler modernisierter Steuerung und Breitbild-TV-Kompatibilität auf. Mach dich bereit, die grausamen Geheimnisse zu enthüllen, die die Ursprünge des Bösen bergen.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

89 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 13:06
Dieser Moment, wenn das Spiel immer an der Selben stelle Abstürzt und man begreift, dass man es komplett von neu Beginnen darf.
Untermalt wird das das ganze Dilemma sobald man realisiert, das dieser Bug auch auf dem zweite Speicherstand besteht.
Für ein Remaster geht das gar nicht.

52 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 12:02
Aufgrund von konstanten Crashes für mich leider nicht spielbar.
97 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 00:09
Buy it its good:)
138 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 23:28
Hat auf jeden Fall Laune gemacht! Aber der eigentliche Gegner hier ist das ständige Backtracking und Inventory Management xD


67 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 21:23
For The Love of Nemesis, do NOT buy this game.
I got it, because I finally wanted to fill that missing story part, after 20 years...but this game is simply impossible to play without suffering a stroke.
I played this for 3 hours, in that time I have crossed the same 3 wagons of a train...multiple times...like 30 times. The inventory management in RE Zero is the greatest pain you can inflict to a human beeing. You have to run from A to B and back again, and switch your characters (and items between them too) so many times, to get the items where you need them that getting slapped hard on your icecream-balls is something you'd desire. Imagine...doing this for 30 minutes and on one of your ways back, you get killed by a zombie that respawned the 20th time, because the camera / aiming angle is still from 1915 - replay factor 10.000.

Guess I'll read a playthrough of RE Zero, thats a lot faster and way more enjoyable.

407 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 15:50
Gutes Spiel! Auch wenn man es wirklich mögen muss mit der festen Kamera und der doch ungewohnten Steuerung. Da ich aber selbst mit solchen Kameraperspektiven aufgewachsen bin war das für mich inordnung!

Zu empfehlen!
25 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 05:18
wie immer von den Re Teilen echt Hammer ;)
77 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 09:00
DIese Review umfasst nur den Story Modus und nicht Leech Hunter ( Den Bonus Modus ). Nochmal für zur Erklärung man steuert in RE Zero zwei Charaktere zwischen denen man wechseln kann. Der andere Charakter kann aber auch von einer AI gesteuert werden.

Und damit werde ich nun aufzählen was ich denke was die Entwickler gut und was sie schlecht gemacht haben.

Erstmal was ich gut fand:

- Das Spiel hat immer noch eine sehr gute Grafik
- Viele Rätsel
- Guter Soundtrack

Sachen die nicht so gut waren:

- Die Steuerbaren Charaktere haben ein paar Probleme von der Programmierung her die nochmal spezifisch erwähnt werden sollten

Es kann vorkommen das man dem anderen Charakter den Befehl gibt einem zu folgen dieser von einem Gegner getroffen wird und einem dann komischerweise nicht mehr folgt sondern einfach stehen bleibt.
Wenn man von einem Gegner gepackt wird und man keine Munition mehr hat schießt die AI des anderen Charakters gerade mal jede 3 Sekunden. Als ich zum Beispiel von einem Frosch verschluckt wurde und ich darauf gehofft hatte gerettet zu werden statt die AI nur da anstatt den Gegner anzuschießen. Es kann auch vorkommen das die AI einfach im Weg rumsteht und man keinen Platz hat durch enge Gänge zu laufen. Anders gesagt... die AI hat sehr viele Probleme.

- Man bekämpft die meisten Bosse immer nur Alleine anstatt mit beiden Charakteren zusammen
- Die Story kommt von den 5-7 Stunden die man spielt in gerade 1-2 stunden vor
- Rebecca macht in diesem Spiel keinen Sinn ( In Resident Evil Zero kann sie einen Tyrant ALLEINE besiegen aber schafft es im ersten Teil nicht mal einen Zombie umzulegen )
- Außer Rebecca bekommen die anderen Bravo Team Mitglieder fast gar keine Beachtung obwohl ich mir gewünscht hätte von deren Persönlichkeit mehr zu sehen
- Das Spiel ist für seine eigentliche Story viel zu kurz und wird mit schwierigen Rätseln einfach nur in die Länge gezogen
- Das Spiel erklärt manche Aspekte der Geschichte nicht ganz die es versucht zu erzählen
( z.B: Warum gibt noch einen Tyrant der fast so aussieht wie der vom ersten Teil? Oder warum ist Rebecca so ruhig wenn sie gegen Gegner kämpft aber im 1 Teil hat sie vergessen wie man überhaupt mit einer Pistole umgeht und einen Zombie erschießt? )

Das Spiel kann sehr frustrierend sein selbst wenn man die Steuerung, Kamerawinkel und Mechaniken versteht. Das Spiel bietet leider sehr wenig und ist als eine Vorgeschichte ist es auch wenig mit dem man anfangen kann.
Aber für Fans die wirklich alles wissen wollen ist es vielleicht etwas interessant.

601 Produkte im Account
256 Reviews
5983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 10:31
Resident evil 0 is like all Resident evil´s part´s amazing good,
graphic is very good.
gameplay is very good.
you can play it with controller or mouse and keyboard,.. with both is It very well to play.
all achievements work.
401 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 08:06
Resident Evil 0 REMASTER ähnelt stark dem Remaster des ersten Resident Evil was Gameplay, Grafik und vor allem Kamerasteuerung angeht, etwas verliebt könnte man hier von Retro sprechen, wobei man sich echt damit anfreunden muss um das Spiel zu Ende zu spielen. Für Rätselfans und Fans des Franchise dennoch ein absoluter Muss, hier werden wichtige Zusammenhänge in der Story des ersten und zweiten Teils dargestellt. Spielte man im ersten Teil noch Jill Valentine oder Chris Redfield und hatte so 2 (mehr oder weniger unterschiedliche Kampagnen zur Auswahl), so spielt man hier Anfangs nur Rebecca Chambers von S.T.A.R.S. und trifft relativ schnell Billy Coen, einen verurteilten Mörder, und spielt das Spiel quasi im Koop mit einer Begleiter-KI. Hierbei gibt es Passagen die man allein spielt und große Teile des Spiels aber zu zweit. Das führt zu interessantem Inventarmanagement. Wer bekommt nun welche Waffe? Wer nimmt die Munition mit? Wer die Kräuter? Die beiden unterscheiden sich was Kraft, Verteidigung und Fähigkeiten angeht, so kann nur Rebecca Kräuter kombinieren und Billy hat ein Feuerzeug das gelegentlich bei Rätseln genutzt wird. Was die Rätsel angeht, so steht das Spiel dem ersten und zweiten Teil in nichts nach. Es gibt wieder eine zweite Möglichkeit die Kampagne durch zu spielen und einen Wesker-Modus den ich allerdings noch nicht ausprobiert habe. Einen kleinen Kritikpunkt gibt es, man hätte die aus dem Remaster des ersten und zweiten Resident Evil bekannte Truhe auch hier einfügen können, wenn man so alle Items in späteren Passagen des Spiels zur Verfügung haben will, muss man sich entweder gut überlegen was man in den 12 Slots der beiden Charaktere unterbringt oder die Items zur nächsten Schreibmaschine schleppen und dort alle ablegen um dann zurück zu laufen und den Rest zu holen, was so ein bis zweimal im Spiel vorkommt, da man eine Verbindung aller Passagen erst fast ganz zum Schluss freischaltet. Man kann hierüber jedoch hinweg sehen.

76 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 10:55
Gelungenes Remake eines Klassikers!
466 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 21:32
Not very tight
80 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 22:46
Brings shame to the Resident Evil series. A disappointment
154 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 19:29
Has balancing issues, turns into a chore, it's either too easy or too hard (depending on difficulty), has all the gameplay elements of other resident evils but in a rough, unbalanced way which is not fun.
68 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 14:16
Great concept with having two switchable characters but it just isn't executed well. I played until the tedium got to me and I just couldn't bring myself to finish the game. The puzzles and exploration are there and the graphics look great but everything just felt too slow and tedious with the item item management being the worst part. It's still a good game I guess but it isn't for me.
470 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 07:20
Game isn't as hard or complicated more like tedious, but on the plus side the zombies, monsters, characters, story, cutscenes are all awesome and great nostalgic for me :D. And also you get to play as Albert freaking Wesker!!! LETS GO!!!! Really enjoyed the puzzles, fights, and the pressure of fighting with limited ammo or even only with the knife! My only tidbit problem is of course inventory space XD but overall wonderful game if you love horror and action <3
42 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 21:30
game sucks
350 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 20:02
For most people, I would NOT recommend this game. If you are an avid fan of early style resident evil games, i.e tank controls, heavy item management (like, a lot) and limited resources, then I DO recommend. I have 100%'ed this, and that I can't justify. So many achievements, such as killing 50 enemies with the death stare, aren't challenges, just inconveniences. If you are to play this game, pick easy or normal, and you're bound to not be too frustrated. Only play on hard once you know the game well enough to manage your resources, and know what's coming up.
40 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
4841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 04:08
First Resident Evil game I played growing up was good back then and managed to hold up nowadays.
112 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 11:25
if u like getting pissed off play this game
86 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 18:54
It's a pretty alright introduction to the series, although with quite a few bumps here and there, namely the astronomical amount of backtracking and the infuriatingly small inventory space. The combat is very bland and characters look like Barbie and Ken in the quest for the Magical Pegasus, but the stilted dialogue, awkward animations and cringe-inducing cinematics kept me wanting for more. It's a nice experience overall and I'll always love a game that doesn't hold my hand, but considering I'm new to the series and looking at the completion percentage for the final boss, this really felt like it was not fully made with beginners in mind.
1003 Produkte im Account
165 Reviews
1478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 17:07
Probably the weakest mainline RE game, but it's not a bad game, just tedious.

The graphics are amazing just like REmake.
The story is nice that tells what happened before RE1's events.
The gameplay however, is flawed.
Replacing the magic boxes with dropping function did hurt the gameplay as it's really annoying and forces you to backtrack often to get the items you want when you need them.
IMO the worst part is the puzzles as they are tedious.

This HD version having Wesker Mode and skins is also a good bonus.
Overall, it's a solid Resident Evil game, especially if you like the classic fixed-camera style.
Make sure to download the Skip Door mod and enjoy!

51 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 11:52
I like the classic resident evil games with the clunky controls and fixed camera views, something about not being able to see or fight enemies too well enhances the horror and survival experience a little bit, i think this one is pretty solid HD remaster of RE 0, i don't mind the idea of controlling 2 characters instead of 1 like usually but i def hate that they removed the storage box and they made the inventory way too small but if u can look past this issues there is some fun to be had here
221 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 11:47
Play if you really really really like Rebecca but otherwise completely avoid unless you're a masochist wanting to play a game littered with terrible gameplay design and enemy choices and a story that makes absolute no sense when paired with the game its supposed to be a prequel for
72 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 01:29
It's a terrible decision to remove the item box
27 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 02:21
I have procrastinated playing this game for ever, finally gotten around playing it, here's what I think of it, it starts really fun, exploring and solving puzzles and putting pieces together is exciting and progressing feels good in this game, HOWEVER, after I got after like %60 of game, all of the curiosity/joy of exploring and solving puzzles totally disappeared, the game suddenly got incredibly boring and became a chore, really, and I found myself just waiting for the game finish, not to mention having to constantly looking things up on YouTube to progress ruined some of the experience for me, also items management is pretty painful due to fact that there's no item boxes, If you played most or all of resident evil games like me and this is the only one left for you, then by all means go for it, otherwise you will probably enjoy any other RE game more than this,
491 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 01:02
2060 Produkte im Account
256 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 22:39
possibly the worst resident evil game ever made. Replacing the item box with a second character and allowing us to leave items behind is not better. Perhaps on a second or third playthrough when you know which items to pick up/leave behind and are experienced enough to not die to the 2 hits it takes Rebecca to die from a regular zombie ON NORMAL, then it would be sufficient. But subjecting peopel to this ocd inducing nonsense it's completely unacceptable. Difficulty is also far too much compared to other previous installments, especially on lower difficulties.
287 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 15:39
Probably the hardest Resident Evil game released. Falls short compared to the REmake but still a good game. Get on sale.
206 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 17:50
As a huge fan of the franchise and someone who literally owns all their games I have to say that this was tragically poor. Literally no need for the cut scenes open doors and stairs as new machines DO NOT need the load time of the old systems - so why have they not been removed? The game play is frustratingly clunky and playing it on a modern PC is awful, imagine only being able to aim up straight or down! Running and trying to dodge is made almost impossible by the poor controls. I really wanted to like this game and I'm struggling to see how people have given it high ratings. Personally, I doubt I will even bother playing it anymore. The fun of the game has been taken away by the poor effort to modernise the game. Focus should have been on better controls and better, more fluid movements. Its potential ruined by clunky outdated mechanics. I'd stay away from this one.
331 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 07:25
The Good:

For the most part it's classic Resident Evil game play. It contains some of the best visuals and locations in the series. There are a couple of new mechanics, such as swapping between characters and dropping items, but that's about all the innovation the game has when compared to its predecessors. If you like old school tank control-era survival horror it's a welcome addition. It's pretty fun and the atmosphere was comparable to REmake, and for the series, it was the last of its kind.

The Bad:

The thing that drags this one down is the completely embarrassing, awful writing. The story makes almost no sense in context with Resident Evil 1. Rebecca really shouldn't have been the protagonist of this one. She goes from taking out the Proto-Tyrant in this to being scared and hiding in a safe room with a can of bug spray in the original. Don't expect the ending to lead into the first game nicely. It's a convoluted mess.

This and Code Veronica almost suffer from the same exact problems. They forgot how to write compelling characters. It's a coin flip who is a worse antagonist Marcus or the Ashfords. Billy and Steve are also both awfully written. The series went from lovable camp to cringe starting with these two games. I guess it's not as bad at least as what came after it with the boulder punching, Revelations games, and perhaps the absolute worst offender, REVIII.

Once Raccoon City got nuked at the finale of 3 the story line of this whole franchise went with it and hasn't recovered since.
1366 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 23:27
I'd play the 1st Resident Evil instead of this one if I had to choose only one, but this one is still decent. The best part of the game is its beginning, the train, which is like a quarter/third of the game. The rest of it is alright, but never tries harder than what the 1st already achieved. Also Billy is an annoying cliché. I wished Rebecca could do it all by herself so we wouldn't have to play him.

Also note that the game is very short and has no real replayability.
28 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 00:45
As someone who loved the RE Remake from this same year, I can confidently say that overall I did not enjoy my time with this game. I played this on normal difficulty. That's not to say I didn't enjoy any of it, but the parts I didn't like absolutely overshadowed the parts I did like.

First, some positives:
I liked the whole first section on the train(for the exception of the un-creative boss fight). It had great atmosphere, was a new and fresh environment for the series, utilized the new mechanics the best out of any area, and featured the most actual zombies out of the rest of the game. The graphics are astonishing, easily the best out of any of the games from this era. Also, while the character switching idea has its own problems, the fact that they made it such a seamless function way back in 2002 is an impressive technological feat. Lastly, while I have plenty of issues with the gameplay, let me say this: when the game sticks to that classic RE formula, I would have a fun time. However, that's where my praise ends.

Now the negatives: the story and the gameplay.
The gameplay additions of removing item boxes, the two character system, and new enemy types, all combined with old elements really make the game a chore to play, and not the normal RE style of difficult but satisfying gameplay. Without item boxes, you have to transport items between areas whenever you move to another section of the world. However, with limited inventory, several rooms all separated by loading doors, and possible enemies, this makes the transportation process a long and tedious one. Then there's the character switching system, which, while a cool idea, is implemented in a very hit-or-miss way. The way that you can adjust their movement and combat behavior is quite interesting, but with two characters to keep track of, limited health even by RE standards that has to be split between two PCs, and Rebecca having the endurance of sandwich, makes it more advisable just to do most of the work with Billy. But when the game forces you to use two characters, you better hope you put the right character in the right spot with the right weapons and items. Otherwise, you're gonna have a bad time.

Then there's the enemies. Many of them are just from RE Remake, or giant bugs(very original). But there are two new ones that are both the worst things in the game, the Eliminators(mutated monkeys) and Leech Men. The Elims are fast, small, have way too much health, they stagger you when they strike, hit you multiple times in succession, stunlocking you, and there's usually at least two per area. Then there's the Leech Men. They are sturdy, deal a lot of damage, can tank several point-blank shotgun blasts, have a long range and a close range attack, and can only be killed permanently using fire, which the resources for are spread very thinly. If you don't kill them with fire, if you go through that room at any point later on, there are individual leeches that will grab onto you, lowering your health gradually. And you can't kill the individual leeches.

Lastly, there's the story. Not getting into spoilers, it's stupid. And not normal RE stupid. The villain is too ridiculous to be believed, the main characters are blander than any previous protagonist. Also, the story is practically irrelevant to the story of the first or later games, making it even less needed to play. Probably the worst offence is that it takes itself deadly seriously, yet is incredibly dumb. That makes it a lot less fun than say RE 4 or 1.

My conclusion: it is a beautiful game with a great first level that gives you more Resident Evil, but it's gameplay and story are lacking, and the difficulty is artificially hard. Unless you are a completionist, a hardcore RE fan, or a masochist, I would recommend skipping this. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play RE Remake again to cleanse my palate.

5/10, too much monke
31 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 07:55
Rebecca makes my heart warm
300 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 02:03
Very good game. Highly recommended
701 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 06:52

Nostalgia with a visual upgrade.
Good Game even in 2021.

795 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 17:32
Looks Great In HD
Good Replayability
Classic Survival Horror (for fans of genre)

Inventory Management
Clunky Game-Design Shows Its Age
Rubbish Bosses

'Zero' is a curious entry in the Resident Evil franchise, most of the game is familiar territory except for its partner system which allows switching between characters and defeating enemies together as a team. This adds a different element than from previous games but does end up being quite hit or miss. There is enough quality here to make it worth your while if you're a fan of the series or genre. However, for anyone uninitiated that is considering this I would instead play Resident Evil 1 Remake as it's vastly superior.

12 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 00:24
Whoever had the idea of removing the item box in this game should be immediately fired
93 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 13:43
if u like endless pain and suffering, sure
34 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 10:59
Paha Rebecca sangat mulus ????
244 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 23:23
Rebecca: The name is Rebecca Chambers, but that's *Officer* Chambers to you.
Billy: Well then, *Rebecca*. Why don't you go and try while I wait here?
59 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 02:45
I really want to like this game, I really do. REmake is one of my all time favorite, and Rebecca is my favorite character.

The gameplay is so tedious, this is mostly due to the removal of the universal item box, instead you can drop an item in one area and pick it up later, this just makes the looping level design more clunky than it should be. It is impressive how you can instantaneously switch between characters but when the other character is with you they just feel like a liability that might burn through your resources. Some puzzle designs where you are required to switch between characters are well done and I wish most of the game is like this as this would lessen the time you have to travel with an A.I. companion. The train section of the game is well done, the narrow hallways make enemy encounters more tense, and there are parts where the previously mentioned smart puzzle designs come into play. The training facility is a bad version of the Spencer mansion. The enemy characters range from Normal zombie to stun locking little monkeys. Most bosses are just giant animals.

The story is silly, and sometimes reach lore breaking levels. There is a villain that sings opera to control T-virus Leeches, there is a returning area from RE2 but the geography makes no sense, and this game makes Rebecca's character pretty inconsistent. I like her in RE1/make as she is more brains than brawn. Not necessarily a combat professional but saves Chris from pretty hairy situation by non combative means. In this game she becomes hardened enough to take on giant monsters but she becomes incompetent in combat again in RE1 which happens just a day later? :/ Billy has an interesting backstory but it doesn't really have anything to do with the plot that will unfold in the game, he is also pretty inconsequential to the overall lore as this is the only (non spin-off) RE game we see him in.

I wish I could give an in between score, but personally for me, the negatives outweigh the positives. I wish we could see Rebecca star in another, hopefully more engaging game.
524 Produkte im Account
420 Reviews
896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 10:53
Pretty good game but its so annoying that there is no storage box
685 Produkte im Account
227 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 00:14
I am quite torn over RE0. It has some great ideas but I don't think they are well thought out, it has a interesting story that ends up muddling further the overall narrative, and at the end of the day it ends up feeling like a game I can only recommend with severe warnings to the curious.

Let's get to the point. Having two mutually playable characters is a very interesting gameplay twist, but the game really suffers for it. You have to manage way more than usual, and combined with the lack of item boxes that will force way more trips and the crammed up level design just leads to way too many fights you are likely going to have to tackle.
I also really dislike how you don't have an adaptive AI setting that makes them change if you're under attack, so I'd be chewed and my friend would sit doing nothing.
The sloppy level design and significantly stretched out backtracking really hurt the game for me, which is really disappointing considering everything else is really above bar. The game is still good ol' survival horror, with all the lovely quirks you'd want, and this HD remaster looks absolutely outstanding to boot, featuring some really good parts and fun puzzles to seal it.

If you REALLY like RE you likely already have played it or know about this one, and if you not, maybe consider it on an aggressive sale, knowing you might give up after the first chapter. I think it has a lot of positive qualities, and this is a very good port, but I am hesitant to really encourage anyone but dedicated fans of the genre and people with a significantly higher pain tolerance.
200 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 07:52
This game is extremely frustrating, the mechanics/controls are horrible like the inventory there is no management, you basically have to dump items on the ground and return or forget them later, even with 2 characters it's very annoying to manage.
You don't have difficulty fighting enemies its the controls that kill you.

Also the game crashes frequently for most of the game due to resolution settings.
I'm on the last level and I am going to finish it last in the series its just a huge pain in the ass to play.
I would love to recommend this game because I think it could actually be a good addition to the RE series but its just the first game but with tacky/frustrating mechanics.
382 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
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239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 16:44
By far my least favorite Resident Evil game.
I hate the fact that there is no item box.
Whenever you have a full inventory, you'll have to drop your stuff somewhere and pick it up later.
This resulted in me leaving all my stuff in the hall, and having to come back every damn time I wanted to pick up something I need.
This game just annoyed me.
762 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 01:01
I'm just playing through all the mainline Resident Evil games, and have played them all, but forgot how mediocre/bad Resident Evil 0 was. The main reasons have been covered in other people's reviews, but my summary:

-This game is basically Resident Evil: Inventory Manager. I spent so long waiting for items to be picked up, dropped, exchanged, backtracking to pickup things I needed, it's a bad experience for sure. Dumb waiters take forever too.
-The story is complete bananas, even for Resident Evil's standards. It's very striking how barebones and backseat the story is compared to any other Resident Evil. Totally laughably bad.
-So, so boring. The environments are basically just repeats from Resident Evil 1, with the train being the most interesting to look at, and lasting about 10% of the playtime, ugh. Then it's basically just mansion->industrial facilities for the rest of the game.
141 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 02:13
ahhh i love the door animations <3
102 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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1402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 10:49
Resident Evil 0 as a game was okay overall, however the thing that really hinders this game is the mechanics. Having the control of two characters seems fun in theory, but the way that it's executed results in much frustration and annoyance some of which I will discuss in this review.

First, inventory management : Unlike the first Resident Evil this game gives the ability to drop items, which sounds great at first, however the drawback is that there is no longer any item boxes. I like the concept of this idea, however the reality is that you have to constantly backtrack, moving items from each area as you progress. The game also ironically punishes you for backtracking by spawning enemies in places that you've already explored that it comes to the point in which I would prefer to have item boxes over dropping items. There's also the annoyance of have to constantly pass items back and forth between characters, which I inform you is only possible when they're standing right next to each other. If they aren't then you have to spend minutes on end sending items one at a time through a slow ass dumb waiter or even worse be stuck with the items because the characters are separated due to some story element.

Second, partner A.I. : So with the introduction of two controllable characters gave way to the ability to swap between each person, with the partner being controlled with an A.I. from whom you can issue commands to. This, like the dropping of items, sounds good at first, until you realize that your partner is a absolute dolt. There were many occasions in this game that I would dodge an enemy's attack only for it to hit or even kill my partner as they stood there staring blankly off into space. It would come to the point in which I would leave my partner in another room while I killed the monsters up ahead as they were more of a hindrance than helpful, sometimes even blocking me as I tried to move around.

Lastly, the enemies : There were two enemies that I found to be really annoying to deal with, those being the Leech men and the Eliminators (aka the monkeys). With the leech men you've got two options : either run past them and risk getting hit by their far range attacks or use the janky throwing mechanic to chuck molotovs to burn the thing and pray that you don't accidentally clip parts of the environment lest you want to waste grenade launcher rounds. With the Eliminators, dealing with one alone isn't too bad, however the real frustration comes when having to deal with two or three in the same room. These gremlins can attack multiple times and as a group can chain multiple attacks so that you basically get stun locked. Not to mention that these guys are resilient little fuckers, so good luck trying to kill them with a only a handgun. Luckily unlike the Leech men these guys only appear in a small portion of the game unless of course you backtrack.
748 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 21:12
Lot's of neat concepts, none of them pan out well. Just a worse Resident Evil 1 with tacky, poorly aged gimmicks slapped onto it. Not a fun experience.
256 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
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972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 09:24

its not a bad game at all, i like atmosphere and survival, puzzle gameplay .But some point its too hard to find a clue to progress, puzzle is not make sense at all, lack of item box and inventory is painful !!!
boss fight is boring, not hard just annoying because stunlock mechanic

overall it make me frustrated much more than enjoy

51 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 07:52
256 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
3323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 17:22
Poucos jogos da franquia Resident Evil conseguiram inovar na jogabilidade como RE0 sem cair pro lado de ser um jogo 100% FPS (do RE4 pra frente). O jogo segue a fórmula de sucesso de ação+horror+quebra-cabeças, com a novidade da necessidade de dois personagens pra resolver alguns puzzles mais intrincados.

Super recomendo pra qualquer fã da série Resident Evil!
266 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 21:18
ok so i could not get the other character to move on top the train and the guy was stuck i like the game better then 1 but i cant get this game to work for me ether but i do shoot better with this one and can get through doors hopefuly i can play the other resident evil better but i am interested in the story itself but i got stuck on both characters and could not get anywhere

it glitch on me im starting to noticed my PC hate old game did the same with tomb raider
900 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 18:46
Decided to give it another shot quite soon after my last attempt, this time i got quite far (near the end of the lab) and it froze, there was no lag and my PC can run this 10 times over but what made it freeze.......? me pressing the volume button on my keyboard WTF to that never had that error on any game i've ever played skipping this for now but the no save run seems near impossible due to stupid bugs or glitches

Pains me to put a negative review on a resident evil game, i've been waiting 20 years to play this (not been a fan of GC) but the controls and the switching characters sounds better on paper than the reality of it, so far (90 mins) the story seems a bit dull compared to any other title in the series .

I did try to finish the game without saving on my first run but it was the controls that let me down, accidentally pressed the switch character button (thinking it was the menu button) which dropped something on Rebecca's head leading to game over. unlike other resident evil titles where i would of dusted it off and started again, there is nothing that has happened so far that makes me want to go back immediately.

I will give this another chance in the future but as of right now i'm not really fussed.
227 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 23:27
The port gave me no technical troubles! My troubles are with the gameplay decisions. I love Rebecca, but man, the lack of inventory boxes is Super annoying. You don't have inventory boxes, so all you can do is drop items all over the floor and pick them up when you need them. There's a limit to the number of items in one room (I think it's 10?), so you have to divide the items between multiple rooms if you're a hoarder in games. And certain enemies can and WILL catch you in a never-ending stun-lock that will make you rage quit. There's not a lot of replayability because there aren't really any important choices and there's only One ending. It's just like, do you want Billy to be in this cutscene or do you want Rebecca? There's Leech Hunter mode, where each character collects different leech tokens, but I don't know how many people want a mode where you have even Less inventory space than usual lol. You can unlock Wesker Mode after one playthrough, but the game itself is the exact same I think, a Wesker model just takes Billy's place. I'm not really great at games, but for me, there is a BIG jump between the easy difficulty and the normal one, it feels super unbalanced. I had an excess of resources and ammo in easy, Billy legitimately had like 200+ pistol bullets at any given point in time lol. But when I tried normal difficulty, I was struggling REALLY badly with managing my resources, I had to stop halfway through the second location because I had no healing items and barely any bullets and could not progress any further. So for casual players, I recommend just sticking to easy difficulty. I'd recommend this game to people who like RE1 remastered type gameplay (fixed camera angles and puzzles, but RE0 is inferior to RE1 remastered) and Rebecca Chambers, but that's about it. It's worth at least one playthrough (get it on sale lol) if you're a Rebecca fan.
460 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
8991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 22:15
Better then RE3 Remake
1449 Produkte im Account
1218 Reviews
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 21:14
A quality remaster well worth the price. A nice little twist on the classic Resident Evil game play loop having to coordinate all the items on the map rather than having a supply point. Otherwise it's the same classic action from the original series. Looks and runs great!
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 02:54
The keyboard controls suck but once you connect a controller you are ready for a party ????
98 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 04:23
rebecca is so hot wtf
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 19:51
Same classic game but with better graphics
67 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 22:33
First time playing
No walkthrough
Some puzzles were challenging
I absolutely loved it.
I absolutely recommend it. Even more that it's now on special.
Now let's start the RE1
22 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 02:35
Great game!! Love it even if it's 2021!!!
184 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 22:20

The classic RE formula (kinda)

As a huge RE fan I don't know why it took me so many years to play through this entry in the series. Having read the books, I knew exactly what to expect when I started it, still, it managed to surprise me in a bunch of ways.

This game is a prequel to the original Resident Evil, it takes place around the same area, the Arklay Mountains, telling us the story of Bravo Team and how Rebecca Chambers got to the Mansion. The story is straightforward; you start off as Rebecca Chambers, who is a member of S.T.A.R.S. investigating a series of brutal attacks in the region with her team. After your team finds a wrecked prison transporter, you're tasked with finding the escaped convict. Strange things begin to occur, killing some members of your team. While exploring a nearby apparently abandoned train you end up crossing paths with the escapee, Billy Coen, who's going to become your partner, setting the tone for the rest of the game. Overall, the story’s alright, it provides some solid background to the Mansion arch, it’s not as mysterious as the first one but gets the job done. Some things I found silly and corny, like Billy’s backstory or the villain’s cutscenes.

The gameplay is core classic Resident Evil, with the fixed camera and pre-rendered backdrops. You're going to be exploring, reading notes, managing your inventory (2x), gathering items and supplies, surviving the common enemies and killing the occasional bosses. I loved the creatures in this game; the mutated animals look awesome. The location's design and the color palette used this game reminded me a lot of the first RE, it looks and feels the same, although this one is a bit more “claustrophobic” with the environments. The main difference gameplay-wise is that now you’re playing with two characters at the same time and you can switch between them whenever you want (for the most part). They have their own abilities, inventory and health, bringing new challenges to the game, like, some particular actions can only be done by a certain character and in some puzzles you’ll need to position them in a specific way or with a specific item. You can give orders to the other character you’re not controlling, things like: hold your fire, fire at will, follow, stay, meaning that there are many ways you can face a situation. The levels and environments in this game are very cramped and tight. You are going to be either using a lot of ammo, a bunch of healing items or both since it’s pretty tough to avoid the enemies in the narrow halls and corridors, which is a huge problem cause the inventory space is a joke (more on that later). Like the originals, this game has no “dodge” in combat, so you either run or gun the enemy down.

The game also features two extra game-modes that you unlock after beating the game for the first time, one called leech hunter and the other is Wesker mode. Leech hunter is basically a poor man’s raid mode, not really engaging, you unlock new guns and bonus after completing it, only worth it if you’re a completionist or would like some fun with unlimited ammo in the campaign. Wesker mode on the other hand is great, one of my favorite things in the game. You play the same main story but Albert Wesker replaces Billy Coen as your partner. I loved playing as him, his abilities are awesome, he looks great and Rebecca is a total Babe in that outfit.

All my gripes with this game come down to one thing: the stupid inventory system. Look, I get it, it’s part of the RE series to manage your stuff and make good use of your inventory space. In this game though, they take that to next level and ruin it, there are just too many items you have to keep, taking precious space, it seems like some of them take way too long to get used in the story. There’s a goofy ass grappling hook that takes two inventory slots and you have to carry it through almost all the levels, it serves absolutely no purpose other than moving your character a level up in a building, you can’t even use the thing as a weapon or something, couldn’t they find a better way? Maybe a quest to build a ladder? Even a simple rope would do, taking less space and making more sense. Another major issue that the inventory bullshit creates is backtracking. Again, I know backtracking is a part of the classics RE, I don’t mind it at all when it makes sense. In this? It is waay too much, excessively frequent, feels forced as hell and drags the story. All because your inventory sucks and you’ll have to return to a place to get an item you couldn’t carry before.

I really enjoyed this game and I recommend it to any classic RE fan, if you liked the originals or just want to know more of the story and some Rebecca Chambers “fan-service” [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler], you’re going to love this. If you are new to the series, I suggest you try the original first as it makes more sense and it’s the overall better game.
216 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 03:59
Pretty good RE game, but definitely not at the top of my list in the series. Clearly it's gimmicky controlling two characters and seems a lot more linear as opposed to say RE1/RE2. But if you liked the other classics you'll probably still enjoy this game. Some segments of the game seem more weaker than the others but it's definitely worth a try playing if you like the series.
1616 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 20:27
has to be one of the worst games I have ever finished
67 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 17:44
Overall 9/10

RE 0 is an awesome game that everyone should try. Classic fixed camera angles that we are gonna miss someday. Limited slot in the inventory, no item box provided and loading screens may not be everyone's cup of tea including myself, I definitely understand those, but this game has a lot more to offer.

I really appreciate the map feature where it marked the item that you dropped. Oh believe me, my items are scattered around the map due to the lack of slots in the inventory. Thankfully, this map feature always enable me to backtrack my items and I made strategies out of it. Also, I love the characters and the remastered graphics. Interesting puzzles, lots of enemy variety, co-op partner swap mode and a good story plot that will definitely give you the unique classic RE experience. Definitely recommend because everything about this game is awesome. ????
171 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 19:49
108 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 21:36
The right taste of spicy horror fun.
2377 Produkte im Account
464 Reviews
649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 16:45
Yet another game finished from the Resident Evil franchise. This game's story will lead us to where Resident Evil 1 starts. Although it is a prequel, it is recommended to be played after the first, since it might spoil a few story elements for Resident Evil 1. I found it a little harder than the first, and annoying by the fact that we don't have a storage box to store the items, which makes us spread them around the map, but at least this time the map indicates where we left the items.
The game mostly (with some exceptions, that is) depends on our two characters, Rebecca and Billy, to solve some puzzles and do specific tasks (like Rebecca to mix chemicals and herbs, Billy to light up some stuff and push heavy crates).
Even if this game had some annoying parts, I enjoyed it, and it made me understand better some details from Resident Evil 1.
164 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 18:49
All these bad reviews don't understand what makes a resident evil game great. They complain of unbalanced weapons and lack of inventory.. First of all, a good player doesn't try to kill every enemy thrown in front of them in a game like this. The weapons aren't balanced because you actually have to weigh what is worth killing and expending ammo and health to kill. Because you gain nothing from killing an enemy, only lose resources. Maneuvering around enemies is a must. But maneuvering isn't always possible and is sometimes hard... That's where the planning and genuine fear comes from in this game. The mechanics aren't set up for you to be able to snipe a zombie from 1000 yards away and breeze through the area. They also aren't set up for you to be able to take out an entire hoard of zombies. You may not always be able to bring an entire aresenal of weapons. This isn't that type of game. You have to plan. Pick and choose which weapons to take with you. This is a game where one enemy can cause so much fear and distress and make you actually run away as the player. If you fight a tough enemy, you will have to expend your best ammo and resources to kill them. If i can easily kill the enemies, why should i ever be afraid of them? This is where the frustration comes in for most players. We are so spoiled and so ready to easily defeat whatever is put in front of us.

All the people complaining about lack of inventory management or progression loss probably never made it past the train sequence. THAT IS ON YOU! You're fault as the player. You didn't manage which items and weapons to take and you didn't even manage your ink ribbons properly.

With that said, RE 0 is one of my favorite in the series. Just beat it on the GameCube and it is amazing. The puzzles are simple but fun and require you to use your notes to solve. DO NOT GOOGLE how to beat them, you will rob yourself of the experience. I love the environments and how the developers use context clues to tell a story. An example of this is in the operating room of the laboratory, with the overturned operating table and the trail of blood which leads into the next room. Inside the next room is a legless zombie in a military uniform. showing that he was the subject of one of Marcus's experiments. There is nothing in writing or in the storyline about this zombie, but just from the context clues of the map, you could piece together a small story which makes this zombie more than just a random enemy, but a person who was taken here and experimented on. An unobservant player will miss these details which immerse you into a much bigger world. The game is great and i recommend playing it with some patience and care. Actually think about what you're doing and you will get immersed in it.

It's just more of what made classic resident evil so good. This era of Capcom resident evil games were just so good. This and the 2002 remake of RE1 are among the best in my opinion.

35 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 10:07
Goodlord the real horror in this game is progression loss and inventory management goodluck.
183 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 02:42
The Dark Souls of Resident Evil Games.
70 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 16:33
Resident Evil 1 but you control 2 characters and no item box
11 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 14:00
RE 0 is a very underated game in the RE franchise
Lots of people complain about the 2 main characters and some new things they tried on this game as for the gameplay BUT i personally like these changes and when you get used to it .. it's a classic old school RE game and a very good prequel to RE1
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 06:39
Always nice to have a prequel! Unfortunately, the inventory management is horrible since inventory crates in safe rooms don't exist. You'll find yourself constantly going back and forth to locations, taking up a huge chunk of time. If they make a REMAKE of Resident Evil 0, they must add inventory boxes...a must have..a necessity. I also found your AI partner barely does anything to assist in eliminating the threat. Outside of those two gripes, it was awesome to see a timeline before the first Resident Evil.
123 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 05:03
Rebecca is hot
243 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 19:09
rebecca chambers my beloved
124 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
1098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 19:48
RE 0 is a slow-paced, challenging survival horror. Its gameplay creates tense moments sending a character into an area the other can't access forcing them to go alone is always nerve racking. I love having a secondary character to back me up in hairy situations. RE 0 has improved graphics, new modes, and still is a great classic RE 0 game 13 years later.
49 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 21:58
Not one of my favorites in the Resident Evil series but its the game that tells you how the story of the series begins but like i said not my favorite .I recommend this game to those who want to understand the RE story but not to those who want a fast and exciting gameplay .
28 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 05:08
Playing the old school resident evil game and got all achievement boi, that was crazy experience
224 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 22:53
Between the corny voice acting akin to the og resi 1 and the lack of ammo/health combined with bullet sponge enemies just leads to a very unenjoyable second half of a game that is already a copy of resi 1 makes you question did the devs even play through it without the cheats
484 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 00:56
I 100% completed it before reviewing.


After the first, pretty good area - the train (which is basically a tutorial), the game's first half is very bad with lots of boring backtracking, many difficult enemies, some illogical enemy spawns and lack of means to properly defend yourself in most scenarios. After that, the second half of the game is pretty good and sometimes even really good.

Buy if you just must play every RE game. Don't play this as your first game in the series, play RE1 remake instead.


Resident Evil 0 is a survival horror zombie game that takes the static camera angle mechanics of Resident Evil 1 Remake and introduces some new additions like 2 controllable characters. You will play as Rebecca - a supporting character from RE1 - and Billy - a new character to the series. Rebecca is less damage resistant, but can mix herbs with her mixing set, while Billy is tougher in a fight and has a lighter used for some puzzles. The story is a prequel to the events from RE1, making this the first game in the timeline as far as I know. You will explore, collect weapons, resources and key items needed to progress through the story, all while defending yourself from zombies and monsters.

The game is very difficult with scarce resources and many dangerous enemies, demanding you to pick your battles and avoid combat wherever possible. In that respect it's one of, if not THE most demanding RE game to date, so keep that in mind if you are looking to try it.


+ New mechanics fine on paper
+ Classic RE game
+ Second half
+ Unlockable modes


- New mechanics don't work with the rest
- Map design
- Spawning enemies
- Partner's AI
- Common, dangerous enemies
- Mansion

More about pros and cons below:


+ New mechanics fine on paper
There are 2 changes from RE1 remake to this:
1 - No item boxes, meaning you can't stash items and access them from any save room like in other calssic RE games, instead you can put items on the ground and they will stay there for you to pick up later.
2 - 2 characters you can switch between at will, with one being controlled by the AI while you control the other yourself. You can ask them to stay, follow, attack enemies or stay passive. Characters will often have to split to solve some puzzles or open passages that only 1 of them can use.

In practice this may not have worked out this well, but more on that in different parts of cons section.

+ Classic RE game
Static camera angles ain't popular nowadays, but I still think they represent the best way of portraying a survival horror gameplay as long as they are not used to obscure enemies. Here there's some of that, but for the most part it's fine.

+ Second half
After you are done with the first major area (mansion) - the game gets more focused with tighter environments and good puzzle design dependent on characters working separate, but still interacting. There's also less problem with lack of resources and much less enemy spawns from nowhere.

+ Unlockable modes
There are 2 unlocked by finishing the game:
1 - Wesker mode - where you play the game normally, but Billy gets replaced with RE5's version Wesker, who sports some special moves like super-running and powerful melee attacks. Rebecca gets a new costume in this mode.
2 - Leech hunter - where you explore the mansion with the task of finding leech statues hidden all over the place, while fighting enemies and looking for items and weapons. It gives you rewards depending on your performance. It's much more fun than the typical mercenary mode seen in other games of the series (I was never a fan of time-based, kill-enemies mode).


- New mechanics don't work with the rest
There is a problem with both new mechanics being used in this game. No item boxes is bad because of how much backtracking the game will demand from you and how much stinginess there is with ammo and healing items and spawning enemies. More about those in their respective sections.

The AI partner would be great if not for already mentioned spawning enemies and terrible lack of resources as well as AI being simply bad and unable to dodge and being useless in a fight. So let's get straight down to it.

- Partner's AI
This idiot will stand in a spot and shoot at anything that comes close, but won't disengage to gain distance or really display any sense of self preservation at all. If you put AI in passive and try to run through a room, they will nearly always get hit in a process because they simply cannot dodge attacks like a player can. If you want to dodge through a room it's better to control them separately 1 by 1, which is tedious and unfun.

- Common, dangerous enemies
Some enemies like the leech mimics and eliminators are very dangerous, being able to take you down from yellow health down to dead in 2 hits sometimes and that's on normal difficulty. Mimics are also very resistant to gunfire and have to be killed with fire or they will explode in your face and even then they can take 3-5 hits to go down. They appear too frequent and in areas which make them difficult to avoid and you don't get enough means to deal with them for half of the game.

- Spawning enemies
During seemingly random events or exploration, new enemies will spawn in specific areas. Some of these spawns are just naughty with a dangerous leech mimic spawning just behind you if you explore a room with some resources for example. God help you if you left Rebecca in a corridor behind you at that point. That works to the game's detriment already even without mentioning how scarce ammo and health is...

- Scarcity of ammo and healing
There's a serious problem with ammo and health in this game. For the most part you will have enough ammo for the pistol, but it's only really effective against weakest enemies. Eliminators and mimics are very common, as already stated. Molotovs can be wasted if you stand to close to a wall when throwing - they will hit that wall instead of being thrown forward. Also AI partner tends to waste health if left on their own. The difficulty in here being how the game requires you to memorize sections of the game in order to conserve resources properly. That with how you don't have item boxes and the map that requires backtracking is problematic...

- Mansion
All of the above problems are the most noticeable in the first major area you will spend about half of your playtime in - the mansion you get to after the train (tutorial area). I don't want to spoil any more, but trust me - once you are out of this place you will start having much more fun with the game.


So the train is ok, mansion is very bad, the rest of the game is good. Since mansion is the largest area you will spend the most time in, about half of the game is below average, with the rest being fun. So how on earth do you review this thing? Do you recommend it with caveat of having to slog through half of it by trial and error? Or do you not recommend with a comment that only first-ish half of it is bad?
I decided to go with a not recommended, because a player should not be expected to go through bad gameplay only to get to the good part. I can tell that RE0 will be more fun on subsequent playthroughs, especially with 2 additional modes and many unlockables, but I'd still give it a


Average score, because of that very bad mansion level seemingly put in just because RE1 had a mansion. Do I like it? Yes. But speaking objectively this game cannot get a thumbs up. I can recommend it for a fan of the series that wants a game that will demand planning and time investment, but not for someone who just starts their adventure with classic RE games or just wants to play a good horror game. Play RE1 remake instead and if you like it - you can try this one.
149 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 21:14
201 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 19:39
Preface: ive earned all achievements and +60h playtime.

This is by no means the best residrnt evil game but it is not the worst. It has good atmosphere, sound and graphics, dated to todays standards but hold up well.

The lack of an item box can lure those away from this title but once you have figured out the flow of the game this becomes non existant as you are familiar with your intuitions of needed space or not. It in itself is a puzzle and that's what Resident Evil has always been.

Leech mode is a fun distraction, and the unlocks are fun as well.

Overall i would rate this game 8.5/10. Its a good game but feels antiquated in some aspects, but still is a great title to play.
637 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 16:57
This is a great game, like the RE1 remake, but it has had some major changes made to the gameplay. The main change is the addition of a partner system- you will need to keep track of two characters in this game, making sure they both have enough ammo and health to survive enemy encounters. This can create a bit of a problem where one of your characters is fully healed but the other is close to death, and if one of your characters dies, the game will end. This adds another level to the micromanagement of the game, but it is usually not a huge problem if you make sure to keep track of all the health items you come across, and this is made far easier by the new item tracker which lets you open the map to see which items are in each of the rooms you've been in. To counter this change, the item box has been completely removed from this game, meaning you will need to carry all the items you need to new areas. This does get annoying later on, especially when you pick up the new weapons that take up two slots instead of one.

One of the changes I was glad to see in this game was a lesser amount of backtracking compared to the RE1 remake, with many interesting locations that do not to be revisited over the course of the entire game, including some areas from other games in the series that have been completely remade. Graphically, this game looks as great as the RE1 remake, with some highly detailed backgrounds and excellent visual effects for the time.

In terms of story, this game is a prequel set before the events of the first game, and it's interesting to learn more about Umbrella and more about the backstory of characters such as Wesker. Still, it is nothing groundbreaking and you shouldn't go into the game expecting a story on par with RE2 or RE7.

Overall, you should play this game if you were a fan of the RE1 remake, it is very similar but has enough changes to keep you interested. It's also a great place to start if you're new to the series.
2060 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
1418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 12:03


This game was released after RE1, AS-A-PREQUEL.

It's with a pause, a moment to myself when i reflect on this game & my experience with it.
In retrospect having played RE2 remake.

This remaster WAS released before RE2, i then completed RE2, then returned to this game.
With that perspective then playing this, RE2 started to make A-LOT of sense. There's a WESKER mode :) to enjoy the game again, to describe though THIS game graphically does reach the fidelity of RE2 remake in parts & in retrospect if you're observant you would see through the preparation of RE2. The cut-scenes are so interestingly made, & clearly 'dedicated' to this game. I remain impressed to all the detail that was inserted to this game.

My thoughts;
-PLAY with a controller (the inability to 'hover' with your mouse),
-small inventory to work with,
-the choice to 'THROW-AWAY-THIS-KEY' as it has no further use to you, RE2, doesn't say that, you're left wondering,
-3rd person perspective,
-Rebecca & Billy are OKAYish, I wish they would have worked more on their appearance, THERE-IS DLC for their looks.
-if you're guessing my thoughts on-to-buy this on sale or not, i think that depends, on a few things,
(a)THIS is a good game, the gameplay experience comes out as CLUNKY, that may repel certain people wanting the FLUID experience, even with controller it was only more manageable.
(b)What person doesn't appreciate a sale. Your choice.

I'm overflowing with gratitude for the release of this. THIS-IS-THANK-YOU...'Capcom', Shinji Mikami, WHO... thanks for the experience I wouldn't have had it otherwise. Special it is.

I recommend for THE EXPERIENCE & the knowledge of THIS-PREQUEL (we all need to know this)
602 Produkte im Account
238 Reviews
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 14:42
Resident Evil 0
A great story and a great soundtrack create a fantastic Resident evil game.
Resident evil 0 is a must play for the fans of the series.

Its a classic with fantastic moments. Some of the systems havent aged as well.
But thats something that is normal in these older style of games.

A lot of praise for resident evil 0. A fantastic entry for the franchise.
Enjoy the game.
275 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 13:57
Arguably the worst game in the RE series. Don't let the positive reviews fool you. The only people reviewing this on steam are die hard Resident Evil fans. On release this game was considered mediocre and the people of the time were right. After having played through it again I can say confidently that I hate it even more than I did when it was initially released.

- Horrible partner system. Your AI partner will constantly get attacked because it doesn't understand how to avoid enemies. The only way you can avoid this is by taking manual control of the AI. The amount of healing items you'll have to waste because of AI stupidity is utterly ridiculous. Your AI partner will also waste ammo on trivial enemies rather than running with you to get past them. Better put your partner on passive if you don't want him pumping five shotgun shells into a harmless leech. In fact it's often best to just leave your partner behind entirely. Then bring them in when you've cleared out an area.

- Horribly designed map with absurd amounts of backtracking. Even for a Resident Evil game.

- No item boxes. You literally drop your items on the floor and have to run around the map picking them up. This adds to the already ridiculous amount of backtracking.

- Some of the most annoying enemies in the franchise. The guy who created the leech zombie and the monkeys is a sick individual.

Overall the gimmicks such as the partner system and lack of item boxes just make the game extremely tedious and unfun to play.
414 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 00:28
if you are a fan of the original games go for it.
4673 Produkte im Account
2153 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 16:11

Filling the spot as the last Resident Evil of the original style many of the mechanics end up being stiff and unwieldy by modern design structures.
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 16:56
yeah I'm not a great rewiever, so I'll just say - if you like RE and like its lore OR like to suffer from inconvinient camera location(...) - this game is for you.
P.S. The Wesker mode is lit, totally worth to play.
378 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 07:42
Would be a near perfect Resident Evil game if there was a storage box like other classic RE games.
Having to drop stuff, pull up the map to see where and what you dropped, going back to go and get it is tedious.
Also hate giving the AI ammo but you're forced to otherwise they wont defend themselves and you'll get a game over but they wont stop shooting nor will they run away with you when you need to flee, most deaths in the game have been from Billy or Rebecca dying because the AI took control of them.

Only getting through this one because I've not finished it nor played it since I was a kid and am going through the series until VIII comes out.
627 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 06:12

“It’s going to be dangerous from here on in, why don’t we cooperate?”

From start to finish, Resident Evil 0 just refuses to cooperate. Let’s keep ink ribbons and Typewriters. Let’s keep low inventory slots and all the other frustrating design choices from other early Resident Evil games. Let’s change the controls to some bizarre and un-intuitive scheme that no one EVER would choose on purpose. After several hours I was still hitting the triggers to shoot (they don’t, they control the map) and the aim button to open my inventory, or the inventory button to open a map… it’s terrible and the game doesn’t let you change it. Instead of a game that is fun to play and gives you an exciting and interesting survival horror experience and uses those elements to ADD to the experience… with Resident Evil Zero we’re going to throw in a barely cohesive player swapping mechanic, puzzle after puzzle after puzzle, enemies around every corner… oh but we’re going to take away storage boxes, now you have to just drop items you don’t want to carry… now you have two characters with bad AI that will get themselves in trouble… Now you have ZERO (see that? It’s the numerical title of the game!) healing items when you need them and lots of insta death situations that are in NO WAY explained to you. HEY CHESSBOARD I’m talking to YOU! You hear me FROG!?!

Okay, now that I have that out of my system. No, I don’t hate Resident Evil Zero. It’s by FAR the weakest entry in the entire series though, yeah I said it, it’s the worst, but it’s still Resident Evil. Rebecca Chambers being a likeable character in RE 1 doesn’t make any other character in this game interesting, well written, or relevant. In fact, playing Resident Evil Zero is like watching Star Wars: Rogue One if that film were just the characters dying in an explosion and ending 30 seconds after it started. Sadly, this game takes that knowledge of these characters' fates and expands it to about 10 hours (for a first timer) and makes you slog through it room after room.


Who cares? Well, I do. You might. SO here it goes. Resident Evil Zero isn’t just a clever numerical title. It’s a prequel to the classic Resident Evil. You are Rebecca Chambers of S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team. You know, the one who helps Chris Redfield in the first game, and doesn’t seem to have any idea what’s going on. You were the first team sent in to investigate the mysterious murders that have been happening around the Racoon City forest area, which is apparently SO LARGE that several MASSIVE secret mansions and Facilities, including an entire railway system with Waystations can go unnoticed by anyone for, welp, 30+ years. ANYWAY, impossible train aside.

There are now not just zombies… but killer leech monsters too. And a bat, a frog, a scorpion, you name it, this game probably has a Virus version of it. Now they’re on a train, and so are you. You run into an escaped convict Billy Coen. This man is such a douche that even after he helps and saves Rebecca a bajillion times throughout the game, you still fully expect him to either murder or drug her by the end. With all his flat out deplorable and sexist remarks and comments I don’t understand how they ever thought this character was a good idea. This is also who you play as throughout the game. Yep, you play as both. Not in separate sections, not in different chapters, you play as both basically at the same time. When you’re playing as one character the other follows along right there with you, wasting your ammo, dying, or standing in the way of you trying to push a puzzle table around to climb up on. ANYWAY, STORY, sorry.
So you and Billy are then set upon by a mysterious Sephiroth lookin’ guy who can for some reason sing like Matthew James Bellamy from the band “Muse” to control these gross, slimy slug creatures… it’s just… ugh. These creatures can even take the form of the “first” uh, overseer of the facility? Dr. Marcus… and access a loud speaker system to randomly shout:

Attention! This is Dr. Marcus. Please be silent as we reflect upon our company motto: Obedience breeds discipline, discipline breeds unity, unity breeds power, power is life”

Yeah, this guy may as well be a leech and slug infested Sith Lord. Seriously?
You venture through a train, barreling at impossible speeds through the forest, a training facility that acts as sort of a pre RE1 mansion area, a laboratory, a dam… I mean this thing just slogs on like a slimy slug. Except the slugs in this game move at loony toon speeds and leap through the air while this game just crawls, leaving a slimy and smelly mess of a trail. When you finally get a story payoff in the FINALE of the game, explaining why this mess is relevant to the series and what’s been going on… it still is irrelevant and nonsensical. I truly have no idea why this was written, except maybe to introduce us to Billy and bring back fan favorite Rebecca.


This is the Resident Evil 1 style. Fixed Camera angles, tank controls, inventory management (but without storage boxes this time, which is a HUGE problem) typewriter save points, janky animations, poor dialogue etc… but instead of campy fun and tense atmospheres like the first game, this game is just super far out there. If Resident Evil 1 is Evil Dead or Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil Zero is Plan 9 from Outer Space. Yeah, it’s bad. Gameplay is bad. Not in a Deadly Premonition It’s so bad it’s actually endearing kinda way. I tried with keyboard and mouse, like the first game, this simply doesn’t work. I mean, people beat Dark Souls with a guitar and Dance Pads, so it can be done, but why the fuck would you want to? Controller isn’t much better here sadly. This game is just NOT FUN to play. It honestly seems like people like this game a lot because they find Rebecca adorable and just want to stare at her all day. That really is all it has going for it.


Much like the Resident Evil HD remake, this game runs just fine on newer systems. I had to do zero tweaking and had no issues through the game (other than the game itself) No crashes, no frame stuttering, no patches just to get it to work. It gives you the option of widescreen or 4:3 like it’s original release, which is cool but… I don’t know why anyone would choose 4:3 on purpose. Whatever.


Overall Score: 4/10
Why you should play it: It’s technically RE canon. So, there’s that I guess.
Why you shouldn’t play it: If you care about the RE canon you can simply read a synopsis, because this game is just painful to play.

Sorry to hate on a game so many people seem to absolutely love, but man… I just couldn’t find enjoyment here. Skip this sucker and move on to the vastly superior Resident Evil HD Remake or the more modern remakes of RE2 and 3.
Thanks for reading, if you did, and please let me know if you found this review helpful!

789 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 16:56


The review you are about to read is based on my own experience with the game, my judgment, and the rating system! No third party has impacted anything said in this review. This review is also 100% spoiler-free, so you don't need to worry about that either.

Gameplay and Interaction (20 out of 20)

Resident Evil 0 Remaster brings back the robot-like gameplay mechanics which I personally think fits the game perfectly. Had they done the remaster in the same way as Resident Evil 2 and 3, I think that it would take away too much from the original presentation.

Having not played many horror video games with puzzle-based gameplay over the years, I generally tend to appreciate a simpler and more straight forward gameplay approach found in other genres, but not in this one. I love that it looks kind of complicated at the start. Fixed camera views, careful character movement, and fast decision making are the things I enjoyed the most. First-person or third-person survival horror video games might be better at delivering a more refined and enjoyable gameplay experience, but boy... do I love Resident Evil 0's take on everything.

Everything you see in a scene, you can pretty much interact with. Every single item, be it an old figurine, a bottle, or anything else - serves a purpose. In the beginning, I thought I'd be overwhelmed by the number of items there are to manage and think of all the time. Once I got the hang of it, I truly started to appreciate all the micro-management and decision making. There's no room you won't enter, no object you won't interact with, and so on. It's truly an awesome experience.

The gameplay revolves around two playable characters that can either work as a team or solo playable characters for faster progression (kind of). If you know what you're doing, where and when to search for certain objects (applies generally to the second playthrough), character switching will save you some time for sure. However, in some instances, two of the characters must be used simultaneously in a collaborative way to solve a particular puzzle.

The inventory of each character offers just enough room for a primary weapon and a few other things such as herbs, ammunition, etc. You don't get to carry hundreds of useless items that you either won't use or don't need at all. The inventory must be managed in such a way that you know exactly what each of the characters is carrying at all times. It's possible to leave anything you don't need anywhere around the map and come back to pick it up later if required.

Graphics and Sound Quality (18 out of 20)

The graphics have obviously been revamped for the Remaster release. Textures are of high quality, all the assets are also very detailed. Every single thing about the graphics and the horror feel overall is excellent to the point where I don't think it could've been done any better. The only thing I would've loved to see is a few additional settings to turn off/on some graphical effects, but I understand why it hasn't been done. The grain effect for example hides all the artifacts on certain objects, while the bloom effect lights up some of the darker corners. The sound design is flawless with some great soundtrack pieces that truly add to the overall horror experience.

Performance and Optimization (18 out of 20)

The game runs and plays great on various hardware to the point where even an integrated GPU is capable of delivering playable framerate. I haven't experienced any stutters and/or freezing during gameplay, except in a few instances during camera angle change. The switch between actual gameplay and cutscenes is seamless as well. I highly recommend you use the door-skip mod which will save you some precious seconds for each and every door-opening and ladder-climbing. This is also an option I would've loved to see being implemented by the actual developer.

Story and Content Value (16 out of 20)

The story follows officer Rebecca Chambers and convicted criminal Billy Coen as they explore an abandoned training facility for employees of the pharmaceutical company Umbrella. If this isn't enough to get you excited, I don't know what is.

Resident Evil 0 for some fans of the franchise is known as the 'Resident Evil game with the silly story.' All I'm going to say is that it's different from anything else I've ever experienced. Even though I don't find horror stories in video games fascinating or enjoyable, I must admit that Resident Evil 0 has the perfect amount of both serious and cringy moments that kept me hooked and interested. Boss fights are both tense and hilarious, partially due to the appearance of each and every one of them. Sometimes I even found myself pausing the game and laughing my ass off at the presence and look of certain enemies, as some of the designs are just hilarious.

As far as the value of the package is concerned, well, once you finish the story itself - there's not much replayability left. Yes, you can replay it again and do some things in a different way, but the story itself isn't too complex to the point where a second playthrough is necessary to fully understand everything. Well, if you'd like to 100% the game and get all the achievements, there are a few that might be interesting to chase. Just read the description of each and every achievement and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Animations and Movement Controls (16 out of 20)

CAPCOM's animations system might not be the best in the gaming industry but is just detailed and polished enough to make the animation work convincing. The so-called 'robot-movement' isn't without its flaws though. Sometimes, it's impossible to pick up an item or interact with a specific object unless the character is facing it directly. This makes the 'in-and-out' type of gameplay where you'd go inside a room to pick something without wasting ammo on killing enemies tricky sometimes. Movement controls are also clunky in some areas of the map to the point where a careful and precise movement doesn't help at all. All in all, it's nothing game-breaking or something that I'd consider at all problematic, it's just worth mentioning.

Final Score and Conclusion (88 out of 100)

Resident Evil 0 is by far the best horror survival video game I've ever played. The perfect balance between serious and cringy moments is something I didn't expect at all from a game that's supposed to be kind of dark and serious. If I (as someone who doesn't generally enjoy and play horror video games) have enjoyed it, Resident Evil 0 offers you once in a lifetime (at times silly) horror survival experience.
660 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
1341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 10:58
One of the weakest entries in the main series. Resident Evil 0 brings new gameplay mechanics to the table, At first its interesting to have 2 characters, but eventually it becomes more of a hassle to manage. The story is another typical Resident Evil game, which imo adds little to the overall lore. If you're a Rebecca Chambers fan, I 100% recommend this game, but as it stands, this one is quite mediocre to me.

59 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 23:47
Great game and well known
I really enjoyed the interesting story and puzzles
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 09:54
Muito bom jogo mas poderiam otimizar as partes pretas das cenas.
35 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 07:36
242 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 22:54
I really think it's an overlooked game. Maybe not the best old school RE but definitely worth playing it. I had a great time doing it as it was the only old one I didn't play. I don't understand why it was so bashed. A nice addition to the story and good puzzles. Love the duo Rebecca / Billy but as we are almost never alone, the game is less scary. Still a very nice experience.
20 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 10:33
The train or first chapter was fun enough but once you get to the Training Facility with no item boxes, the whole game becomes a chore to play. I can't stress how much I began to hate this game. Switching between characters, terrible item management, it's too slow for a Resident Evil game! I can't stand to play anymore of it.
623 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 22:42
Prequel to Resident Evil. Juggling items is annoying, but it's all in good fun
49 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 03:40
Very good. Much like Resident Evil 1 except with different puzzles and story. Also there is the addition of using two players at the same time as opposed to only one. You can switch control of either character at any time during the game. Some puzzles require a cooperative effort between the two characters. Overall a great addition to any Resident Evil fan's library.
131 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 19:01
Far and away the most aggravating RE game. This shit was legitimately designed to frustrate. Only reason to play is to enjoy the amazing pre-rendered backgrounds and new puzzles. With a few tweaks this could have been much better. 0 has always felt like a fan made Resident Evil game.
56 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 06:24
There are too many items to carry, but only a maximum of 6 items can be brought, which is not enough.
The door opening animation is very, very time-consuming!

58 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 23:12
671 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 05:55
For people new to the franchise, start with Resident Evil 4.
598 Produkte im Account
218 Reviews
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 21:16
I think this might be the most hardcore game of the franchise.

Yes, it has some flaws, the inventory management is a nightmare, the enemies are not the most interesting, and even tho I love Rebecca, Billy is probably the most forgettable protagonist that any Resident Evil have had.

Still, overall its a solid, old school hardcore Resident Evil experience, and a game worth recommending to anyone looking for a challenging survival horror.
1425 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 23:58
This game would have been better if the developers didn't have a leech fetish. Seriously, those things are everywhere, on the intro, main menu, loading screen, even the enemies are made of it. Resident Evil 0 is tedious and fµcking boring, the name really makes sense as it is an step back from RE1. To start off, managing two characters is dumb, I want to play on my own. This game lacks the itembox that RE1 had, where you could leave all your items there and it would even be connected to future boxes you find. RE0 on the other hand forces you to leave items scattered on the ground, making you have to go al the way back to a certain room just because you have something important on the ground there.

So many fade-ins and outs to black, constantly preventing you to play, when you think you gonna be able to play there's another damn fade or cutscene. Terrible animations, horribly designed enemies that get repetitive because you encounter only the same 5 all the time. I know the Mimicry is made of pure leeches (which is disguing and stomach turning to say the least), but the way it moves exposes how the little effort was spent on the animations and the low quality of this infuriating game. Repetitive is the music as well, it doesn't fit the game in general and sounds like a OST for a shᴉtty J-RPG from two decades ago. For example, the song that plays on the first time you encounter zombies is an 8 second loop, no effort at all!

Billy was a character created with the sole purpose of being used as a partner in this game, it could've been Chris that appears in other REs but no! Literally the world would be a better place if this game wasn't made. This game didn't age well, not scary, forces horror too much, puzzles aren't in depth and require no thinking. Would've been the worst RE of the series if RE6 wasn't a thing, definitely the worst out of all the classic REs then. Rebecca has an interesting mechanic on her inventory with the chemicals but sadly it's just a RE1 J-VOLT puzzle rip-off, and worse at that!

Low-effort cash grab that isn't fun... for fµck's sake, the mere existence of this piece of dog shᴉt game enrages me. It would surprise me to know the devs expected anyone to play this unpolished trash for more than 20 minutes. Definitely not worth the price without a doubt, not even half on sale. CAPCOM should be paying users to play it, can only recommend this for absolute dying hard fans of the classic REs and no one else. Resident Evil 0 isn't a game, it's a stressful chore and fµcking boring.
10 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 23:19
Resident evil 0 is a very good game in the franchise

puzzles: DIFFICULT

summary: the game was produced perfectly, but it didn't have as much
recognition had the potential to be a memorable resident evil.
461 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 18:12
I hear a lot of criticism for this game, but my experience here was only positive. This was actually my first experience with the classic Resident Evil formula, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience once I understood to conserve ammunition as much as possible and not simply kill every zombie I saw.

This game is supposed to be one of the most difficult games in the series. I did find it challenging, but not ridiculously difficult. The dual partner mechanic is actually really cool and I liked the amount of control you had over it, especially the puzzle sections with them both. The item management is a much deserved criticism here, it is a pain but it's pretty manageable if you plan ahead and think about what you're doing.

In terms of who this game is made for, it's clearly aimed at veteran players who want to discover more about the game world, as this game is overloaded with lore. If you're not bothered by that all though, this game is still a lot of fun, and I had fun trying to put the pieces together myself. I do feel that perhaps Resident Evil 1 HD is the better game to play first despite Resident Evil 0 being the prequel, but I don't think it's an issue if you play this one first.

After playing this game, I was actually pretty disappointed that Rebecca doesn't get more recognition, she goes through quite a lot in this game and you never play as her again in another instalment outside of mercenaries. I enjoyed my time playing as her, and to me, Rebecca and Billy will always be my Jill and Chris, I found I couldn't have the same level of connection with them once I played RE1. Regardless, I think if you're a fan of Resident Evil, this is a great game to play, but it might be a bit much for the average first time player; start elsewhere first.
285 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 22:30
TLDR: To the general person, I cannot recommend this game. Even though this remaster is very well done with beautiful graphics, high framerates and resolutions and somewhat modernized controls, the interface, controls and inventory system are still clunky and awkward which means that playing this to the end is more of a slog of an experience: trying to cope with awkward camera angles and the inventory system, rather than enjoying the horror, story, iconic locations and characters. There are multiple newer horror games on Steam that provide a good experience without the awkwardness – including Resident Evil 2 Remake and 3 Remake which I think are much more accessible ways to get that original Resident Evil feel but with modern 3rd person shooter controls.

Conclusion: This Resident Evil Zero Remaster is an excellent effort in bringing the original to the modern age though I fear it is only interesting to existing fans and people really wanting to check this historic franchise – just be aware you’ll have to be very tolerant to awkward controls and very patient with frustrating inventory management.

More detail:
I was born in '84 and was around when these games originally came out, with the original tank controls and all that. And this remaster is very well done preserving the original but modernizing graphics and the controls somewhat (free move with the analogue sticks).

However, all this can't make go away the fact that the controls and interface are still awkward and frustrating, and the overall design is just antiquated. You will spend lots of time going back and forth carrying items, weapons and ammo due to the limited inventory. I understand the limited inventory is a way to heighten the dread, but when you open a door and suddenly face a tough enemy or a boss and you don’t have everything with you because you’re saving slots because you may run into a key, a card or something like that, and end up dying, it’s more frustrating and tedious to repeat that section… Also, of course the fixed camera angles makes it so that sometimes you can’t even see what the enemies are, making combat not a very enjoyable affair.
It’s a pity, because I feel the background story is interesting and the different locations very iconic as well. Also you can separate the two main characters which is necessary to complete some puzzles – there are sections where story events even force that – which I found make it a nice twist (though if you get caught with the wrong equipment you might have to reload to a previous save).
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 21:44
Resident Evil 0 is probably the most overlooked game in the early series.
I, for one, think it's fantastically done. Albeit the enemies are a pain to put down for good *cough* eliminators *cough* but there is a great sense of achievement to these older style games. Some enemies even carry over to Resident Evil 1 which is great for continuity purposes.
The story is good, gives a bit more background to the 'villains' of the series but be prepared for cheesy one-liners. Every single game has them and this is no different.
Having no item box is a pain in the *** but you have two characters inventories to manage and you can drop items in certain rooms for later. Its a compromise.
I have played this multiple times now, each difficulty, with all weapons and I could play it again and again.
If you've played any of the originals with the fixed cameras and enjoyed them, give this one a go. Might just surprise yourself.
183 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 15:12
Could be a good classic Resident Evil if it wasn't for the terrible controls and camera, the idiotic annoying characters (even Mikami disliked Rebecca and is there anybody in the world who cares for Bily?), the unnecessary and boring story, unfair and overpowered enemies that will jump at you out of nowhere, underwhelming uninspired boss fights, ugly outdated loading screens that take forever (a simple mod, which should’ve been a feature in the HD edition, removes them and makes the game more enjoyable (still not enjoyable enough)), the shitty extra modes that are even less fun and more frustrating than the main game, overpriced cash grab fanservice costume dlc (12€ for RE0 costumes?? f you Capcom!!!), THE HOOKSHOT, the fact that it‘s hard to pick up items because your character has to be standing in the exact right spot to pick it up or else the game shows you a generic message about the nearest object for the 20th time, and possibly the worst most tedious inventory system in the history of games where half of the game consists of you walking back and forth to drop and pick up items in order for you to be able to progress to a new room where you find yet another weapon which you can‘t equip because it would take two inventory slots and then you couldn‘t carry ammo and key items anymore so then you have to go and drop it at a stupid safe room where you collect all of your items to get them when you need them and soon that item room will be full because you can only place a limited amount of items in one room so then you have to go to another room and put your new stuff there and when you need a weapon or ammo for a shitty boss fight 3 hours later you have to backtrack 20 minutes for 3 magnum rounds or a fucking green herb

the safe room music is nice though
511 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 10:25
1710 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 16:05
Resident Evil 0 was released just after my weird childhood Resident Evil obsession came to an end, so I didn't know too much going in for my modern Resi marathon. I knew it closely linked up with the start of RE1, I knew there were leeches involved, I knew it promoted antidote-fetching all-star Rebecca Chambers to a starring role, but aside from that I was a bit in the dark—not a good place to be in a horror game.

Once the credits rolled, my first impressions were... eh? Not bad. It was probably by default the worst RE game I'd played at that point (Code Veronica is great come at me), but it was still a perfectly reasonable experience Entering the Survival Horror.

There's some great elements to RE0. There are some pretty cool enemies and bosses to deal with. The artwork demonstrates a similar mastery of the nearly outdated pre-rendered background method displayed in REmake. The opening level is absolutely incredible, trapping you in cramped passenger cars packed with monsters for an all time great train level.

Part of the meh-ness comes from the fact that, incredible opening aside, a big chunk of 0 feels like a too familiar rehashing of RE1's haunted house set-up. The games following RE1 really varied up the scope and settings of the series with city streets, secret islands, Antarctica, etc. Moving back to a mansion turned secret lab—not the same mansion turn secret lab, mind you, just another one right next door—feels... safe. If the rest of the game was as gutsy or fresh as the train level, RE0 would've had a lot more cachet with me.

The other bump in the road is the partner character mechanic. Like most RE games, 0 features dual protagonists. However, in 0 your characters stick together throughout, finally realizing a design-doc goal from as far back as RE1.

This is a surprisingly sensible in-universe decision for RE protagonists, but it presents a bit of a logistics mess for the player. You end up spending a lot of time babysitting whatever character isn't under your command, or trying to octopus maneuver both with the left and right sticks simultaneously. The AI, bless its heart, does its best, but the optimal plan is usually to leave one character behind in a safe spot and run each hallway dodging gauntlet twice. It feels like the game was built for actual, human-buddy co-op just without the co-op actually implemented, so the hacked together one player two character solution didn't enhance my enjoyment all that much.

Still, it's worth a playthrough as a sort of not bad Rogue One lead-in to the much better RE1. If you're gonna play it this remaster is easily the best way to do it—your next best option is, what, the Wii version? And unlike REmake, there's actually new game content in here as well as the widescreen and alternate, newbie friendly controls. Overall RE0 is a bit weird, a bit experimental, but it's still Resident Evil. If you're already into the series it's a fun enough installment.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 08:23
This game is just not fun.
All the enemies are bullet sponges and they like to put way too many of the strongest enemies(which take like 10 shotgun shells each) near what I assume is the end.
The puzzles are fine.
I can't say if the story is worth anything because I gave up.
Also, the door/stair cutscene every time you enter an area is annoying.
436 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 15:16
RE0 is a game for you if you like classic Resident Evil games (fixed camera angles + tank controls).

Two new features.
1) No more item box storages. Now you just drop the item on the floor and pick up again when you need it. Let say more backtracking than usual, if you drop a key item who knows where.
2) Two playable characters. The AI controls the 2nd character and its pretty good. You can switch between them at any time.
265 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 15:51
Existence is pain. Inventory and char switching makes it that way.
458 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 20:36
While overall I did enjoy the game, I had to write a review to warn any new players. DO NOT PLAY YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH ON HARD DIFFICULTY!! Between some of the worst boss fights I HAVE EVER COME ACROSS (Don't get me started on the bat), clunky controls, poor item management and multiple softlocks resulting in multiple reloads, (I almost gave up when I got to the final boss and realised I didn't have enough ammo to kill it. All my ammo went into the previous fight, so I had to use the knife for the second half of the encounter) I was just about ready to tear my hair out! When I got to the final screen the game told me I completed the game within 7 hours, and my steam playtime was at 30hrs from all the reloads... There is a lot to love here, its got that Resident Evil charm and the dual player mechanic is refreshing. But the game does have issues. Don't be like me, play your first run on normal. I'm going to lie down now
23 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 23:07
I bought this game as part of the RE origins bundle. played through the first 1 twice and thought it was great! It felt rewarding to figure out how to avoid danger and conserve ammo whenever possible. The puzzles could usually be solved with what was right in front of you. Combat was balanced. sure you can mow down anything once you have the grenade launcher or even shotgun, but you can't do that in every room you go to, so you pick and choose your fights.

This game is not like that.

Between being straight up stun locked by stupid monkeys, messy inventory management(despite being able to put things down, which is cool, though usually hard to pick back up again), to the opening segment on the train where your forced to do quick mental math, assuming you realized thats what it wanted. which i did not. Ive heard re 4 and 5 catching flak for not even being resident evil games. clearly they were not the first RE to try not to be, except this one feels poorly done whereas those succeeded.

I swear, i don't trash talk games. This one however, it earned it. ill likely finish it, and never touch it again. If you already have the RE 1 remake, and you liked THAT game, this one may not be for you.
187 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 10:42
at first i thought this game was majorly difficult, but after a few times beating it, i realized it's fairly easy. other than the leech monsters, the game is a walk in the park after your first play through. other than that, it's a lovely prequel to the first game that sets up the mansion incident pretty well
239 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
2450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 07:02
My opinion probably shouldn't be taken much into consideration, but I personally enjoyed this game *a lot*. I even considered it might become one of my favorite RE titles when I first tried it lol.

So, gameplay mechanics are very similar to REmake's, but instead of item boxes you just drop items on the floor... Now I can totally see why this can be a big deal for many and it can certainly be annoying, but you can also use this to your advantage (especially in subsequent playthroughs).
Luckily most areas are connected one way or another, so it's not like you have to backtrack as much as you'd imagine, you'll be fine most of the time.
The map will tell you where every single item is located, and you can make your own item boxes by choosing a certain room such as a main hall to drop most items.
The main annoyance with this game is the hookshot. This item takes up two slots and it's required in 4 instances and *will* force you to backtrack if you don't have it nearby.

I suggest you leave it in your personal item box room and maybe take it with you if you feel like you're entering a large new area. Count how many times you've used it so far, when you reach 4 just drop it for good.

I personally find all of it quite entertaining. The inventory management, the co-op aspects (with the A.I., that is) and stuff like that make it a rather interesting entry in the series.

Oh, almost forgot. Leech mode and Wesker mode are pretty neat :p
78 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 23:15
342 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 06:34
Good game, wish it had item boxes though. Managing the items becomes tedious as hell.

Rebecca is a qt though.
12 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 21:06
My 4th PC game.
A back to basics Resident Evil game.
It is very much like the first 3 in terms of movement, puzzles, story, location and combat.
The movement can get in the way from time to time and the voice acting is very basic.
But overall good and enjoyable and hold up well in 2020.
Just watch out for the animal puzzle because its a pain.
164 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 05:44
Unlike the strengths of a game like Alien Isolation which provide a frightening white knuckled gaming experience through level design, story and atmosphere, Resident Evil 0 offers the same thing through its mechanics. Although the game does a fine job with its soundtrack, atmosphere and visuals, the core design of the game play severely holds it back.

Although there is often the opportunity to evade an enemy, there is little incentive for the player to actively engage in combat given the fixed camera which makes combat a chore. Since enemies can attack you while off camera, the process of having to turn and face them in a fixed camera perspective, especially to align aiming, feels more inconvenient than it does necessary for survival. This is especially frustrating for fast paced boss fights.

Additionally, much of Resident Evil 0's game length is substantially perpetuated by constant backtracking as a result of the limitations and inconsistencies of the inventory system. Although a limited inventory system is a welcome feature to any game, RE0 is not only limited but also inconsistent since a key and a gun take up the same space. This requires players to constantly leave behind certain items and then backtrack to reclaim them. Secondly, the save system also adds to the backtracking since not only are the save locations (a typewriter on a desk) are limited, but so are the number of times a player can use these points due to an ink printing strip.

The game also features a bug where, upon quitting the game, it will drop the player back to a black screen. The game can only be exited properly by pressing ALT+TAB.

While the game can be frustrating, there is a b-movie charm (through its hokey voice acting and dialogue) which adds an ironic levity to the story with its cackling villain and oversimplified characters.

Resident Evil 0 is great to admire at times, but it hardly invites any replayability.

2 out of 5
498 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 05:36
Oof. Do yourself a favor and just read a Wiki summary for this one.
23 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 12:58
Bought this game on sale and have to say that it was disappointing, the game consists of 20% door opening transitions, 40% of item management, 10% cheesy cut scenes and 50% game play. The game only has one or two memorial puzzles and the rest of it is holding 'W'. Probably one of the most forgetful resident evil games - would recommend watching the story on YouTube or buying it on sale.
228 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 01:51
Atmospheric, bizarre, and strangely charming. This is the first Resident Evil game I've played and I am hooked. Thank god there are so many of these to play.
173 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 21:00
Excellent texture remastering with new video effects
The new control scheme works properly

Tedious and slow rhythm
Annoying inventory management

Resident Evil 0 is a cult gem that contains the characteristics of all good survival horror. It is an innovative installment within the franchise that raised the level of difficulty, although the experience can be tedious due to its slow pace. Regarding the quality of the remastering, iam happy with the work Capcom delivers — once again; the result is excellent for new generations of gamers and worthy of the current generation of systems.
33 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 16:06
Ele vacila em alguns pontos, mas pelo menos é QUASE tão bom quanto o remake do re1 porém faltam algumas coisas pra ser tão bom quanto. Apesar disso tudo, eu recomendo!
65 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 10:49
rebecca <3
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 10:33
102 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 18:52
Resident Evil 0. What can I say... nice game... but...

+ Duo character gameplay.
+ Game areas.
+ Feels like Resident Evil game.
+ Puzzles.
+ Music.
+ Unique.

- Duo character gameplay. Sometimes you dont like it.
- Too much inventory handling.
- Taking items from the ground, can be HARD.
- Wesker mode? Same game again... (same videos too tf..?)
- Camera angle in some parts.
- Lame bosses.

413 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 12:56
Hope you like covering the floor with items.
329 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 22:15
The last of the classics RE style games. Also, Rebecca Chambers ♥
73 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 23:12
This game is great. Some may claim this game is one of the more lackluster in the series but the elements of this game combine into something that is very resident evil like, and an amazing horror puzzle game. I wasn't particularly shivering in fear, but if you're scared easily it will be a thrilling enough adventure through purely awesome early 2000's sci fi action. the inventory management is spiced up in this one and unlike other resident evil has no universal item storage box and replaces it with the large combined inventory of the 2 player characters. and unlike other games, this AI companion isn't stupid difficult to manage nor does it tend to dive into battle without fear of death, like in resident evil 5. the story of this game as the title suggests, takes place right before the events of the first game. the end of this game is like a few hours short of the start of the 1st, so playing back to back or buying the origins bundle is a good idea as you really get the whole story. though it does spoil a twist villain in the 1st game (But its a little obvious). the puzzles in this one are difficult, but in a fun way. handle it like real life and always inspect everything as its almost like an escape room. but the english voice acting is pretty bad, the only good/great voice performances are Billy and Rebecca, your main characters. but the writing is pretty good, and I thought it was appropriately silly at parts, yet still took itself serious, sci fi horror. and the game comes with a bonus mode so that's fun. Its a great introduction to the early age of resident evil and overall for 20 dollars, or 5 on sale at the time of writing, buy it, just do it its pretty good.

In short
-interesting enough story
-that distinctive RE atmosphere
-engagingly yet not infuriatingly difficult puzzles
-great use of inventory management
-decently spooky
-great training for future RE games

-A little tedious
-below average voice acting
2 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 18:01
One of the best games in the entire series! :3
459 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 15:55
Originally intended to be released on the N64 (Nintendo 64) and then development was moved to the Nintendo Game Cube where it was finally released as an exclusive (of course since then it has had a few re-releases including this PC release on Steam).

When I first played RE0 on the Game Cube (back in the good old days) I didn't get along with it at all and I still don't get along with it to this day. RE0 has many elements that that so many RE fans have pined for the return of for years such as the camera angles and puzzles but unlike earlier installments in the series it has minimum back tracking. Gone is the character select screen and item boxes, now you switch between your characters at will (rookie S.T.A.R.S. member Rebecca Chambers and convicted war criminal Billy) and instead of storing items in boxes for later you now just throw them on the floor and pick them up as and when you need them. It's by no means the worst game in the series and if you are a fan of the series I can't recommend against buying this game especially at the low asking price and even lower in the frequent sales it appears in but it just doesn't take you by the nads and lead you on a wild ride through the house and into the bedroom like other high points in the series.

Resident Evil 0 | 7/10
97 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 03:27
I like RE1 remake
151 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 05:24
Worth every cent! Great old school Resident Evil feel with beautiful modern graphics. Another awesome remaster from Capcom
1595 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 23:08
There are three items on the ground in a row spaced out evenly in front of you. You want the typewriter ribbon in the middle.

You stand directly in front of the typewriter ribbon and try to pick it up. Game: Do you want to pick up the empty bottles?

You reposition and try again. Game: Do you want to pickup the magnum ammo?

You reposition and try yet again. Game: Do you want to pickup the empty bottles?

This is Resident Evil 0 in a nutshell. Then throw in an extremely limited FOV and awful camera angles divided up into way too many segments, bad auto aim, bad voice acting, an incoherent story line and awful inventory space limitations. You will spend more time managing items and weapons between the two characters and the ground then actually playing the game. This includes backtracking to where you left an item you now need again, but couldn't carry with you.

Avoid this game unless you have nostalagia from playing it originally on the Gamecube or are a completionist and must finish every Resident Evil game.
25 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 19:48
Bad story, and seems to short. But gameplay is a nostalgia for classic Resident Evil games fan.
1243 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 08:49
Where it all began,remastered and fun <3
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 10:38
I'm a major fan of the entire Resident Evil franchise, and it upsets me to have to say just how garbage this game is. The entire game is glitchy, and that's putting it nicely. No other resident Evil will have you dancing around an object pressing 'A' frantically trying to pick up an item, for example. The story is interesting, and the gameplay is unique for an RE game, but only if you can get past the extremely clunky controls and placements.
112 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 13:28
The story for RE0 is odd but the game is still lots of fun. I enjoyed playing as the Rebecca and Billy to solve puzzles and swap items. The no item box design was new at the time this was first released, and they managed to pull it off. Overall a great game that I keep coming back to replay every couple years.
1453 Produkte im Account
166 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 17:12
Very good but quite a bit different than what I was expecting.

Having to control both Rebecca and Billy was typically pretty cumbersome but it did have a few shining moments or joint interaction. Especially the inventory management. Speaking of which, who's the genius that decided to omit an item box in this entry?? Seriously, thee lack of an item box my biggest gripe with this game. Still recommend playing it though.
251 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 13:39
I bought this game with the hope I could get a similar experience that I got with Resident Evil 1 HD Remaster, but boy was I wrong! In paper, having two characters you can control and having them swap items and solve puzzles seems good but it was terrible executed and WTF Capcom! NO ITEM BOXES?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! THIS IS T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E.! I don't know if some of the devs were smoking something strange at the time and got such a brilliant idea or even if anyone tried to test the game beforehand because this is ridiculous. You basically have to make Rebbeca your mule (since she is far worse at fighting than Bill) and go back and forward, from area to area to pick all the items because this game forces you to to leave your items on the ground! Oh and good luck picking up the item you actually want to pick! Also if that wasn't bad, the room has a limit to the items you can leave on the ground so you are forced to leave them scattered throughout different rooms. Imagine that, the time it will take to pick everything up, the cutscene of doors opening and closing.... This is soooooo boring and it makes me furious that a developer could do something as stupid as this. This shit completely ruined the game for me. If it wasn't for this the game would be okay and I would recommend it, there are other problems with it, of course, but overall I would consider it a good game, but like this the game is ruined. I couldn't even manage to finish the game (defeated the Bat boss and afterwards there was no desire or fun left in playing this).

All in all, I do not recommend this game even if you are a fan of the franchise and of the classic Resident Evil games.
321 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 14:42
if you 1st play resident evil 0, level easy is good, but for me level normal, im really little a bit stress about limit ammo and health, replay & replay & replay again old save to save ammo & health. overall i like it story, remember when i played re3 play on playstation 1.
301 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 04:31

Resident Evil 0

I'll start by saying this is probably my least favorite Resident Evil out of RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 and RE7, I don't include 5 and 6 because those games are hot garbage. That being said Resident Evil 0 is still a good game.

The Great:
This game definitely nails the atmosphere of a true Resident Evil game and plays like a true survival horror game which is Resident Evil's roots. The game is probably the hardest out of any game in the series also so if you like a challenge this is really for you I was able to finish it with no resets but with a Rank D in my first playthrough.

The Good:
Resident Evil 0 has the replayability you would expect from a Resident Evil game such as unlockables that make future playthroughs easier, but it also adds Wesker Mode and Leech Hunter. The puzzles in this game are definitely good but I did not like them as much as other games in the franchise. The soundtrack in this game is good, has very dramatic timing and ties into the atmosphere a lot.

The Garbage:
What I don't like about this game is the Inventory management it is atrocious, there is no Item box like in all of the other games instead you control 2 characters (Rebecca and Billy) at the same time with 6 slots of inventory each. You will find yourself dropping most items in the main lobby to be used for later so expect A LOT of backtracking. The story is pretty bad in this one, it almost makes no sense the only thing saving it is that it does tie into Resident Evil 1 and the origins of the T-virus.
36 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 22:59
I'm a fan of resident evil so I'm going to recommend this game ???? still it's fun to play. The only bad thing about this game is the positioning of the camera as I miss some items and files because if it, sometimes I cannot even see there the zombie coming and I have to guess there the zombie is. I would give 7.5/10????
1467 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 20:50
I have been a Resident Evil fan since the beginning. Having played and loved the original trilogy. But in the early 2000s for some bizarre reason Mikami and Capcom decided to take the series exclusive, first to the Dreamcast with Code Veronica, then finally to the GameCube. Releasing a highly regarded remake of the first game and Resident Evil 4, which quickly lost its exclusive status, returning the series to the fold. Before that though, they released the comparatively unknown Resident Evil Zero. Set just one day before the events of the first game, Zero was supposed to fill in some of the gaps and flesh out the story, while providing a glimpse at Umbrella's history. It would be more than a decade before the game escaped Nintendo's clutches, pushing it further into obscurity. Finally an HD remaster found its way to Steam and my PC.

Starting up this game was a blast from the past. The tank controls, the set camera angles, the pre-rendered backgrounds. It was like playing one of the original games again. Rebecca being the star of the game further magnifies the nostalgia factor. The game quickly introduces us to the other protagonist, ex-marine convict Billy Coen and here is where the game starts showing off its more novel features. Unlike the original trilogy, here you control two characters. You can switch from one to the other at almost any time and you can have them follow you and help fight the various enemies, or wait somewhere safe while you take care of business. Initially, I was skeptical of this system, partly as a result of the whiplash this change caused. But though far from flawless, I did grow to like the mechanic. It helps that the initial area of the game is by far the strongest.

You start the game trapped in a luxurious train, filled with horrors and speeding towards the unknown. This initial area is both excellent and appropriate to the genre, the game's tone and mechanics. It is small, detailed and not too difficult. The pacing is great. You get a few glimpses of the big bad, some backstory via cut-scenes and you get to see the protagonists rapidly come to terms with the fact they are not in Kansas anymore. The game provides you with just enough resources to kill everything and forces you to use both your characters to solve puzzles. The area contains only one leech man and inventory management does not yet become the hassle it will become later on. It really starts the game strong, teaches you what you need to know and keeps you engaged. But it is only the prologue. Soon it comes to an end and as you move to the second main area, clouds begin to gather.

After the train, you find yourself in an old Umbrella training facility, which looks suspiciously similar to the Spencer mansion from the first game. In fact when I first saw the main hall with the staircase I immediately got excited thinking we are back at the legendary house of horrors, before quickly realizing that the layout is just too different. It did leave me somewhat incredulous that Umbrella would have another opulent mansion-like structure with a hidden lab underneath within walking distance of their other much more famous facility. Almost as if the developers could not think of anything better and instead were just aping the original. Nevertheless, a copy of something great does get to reflect some of that greatness. Indeed the training facility as a location is pretty neat. I wouldn't have much to complain if the game successfully aped the original anyway, but as it turns out, it is not similar enough.

Though the game does a good job emulating the classic gameplay of the original games, it falters in the things it does different. The fact you can now control two characters being one of the few key changes that are not negative. Like in the originals inventory management is a big part of the game. This game, however, turns inventory management into medieval torture. Limited item slots are a huge hassle. Even though you now have two characters, it still feels like you have less space. There will be lots of pointless backtracking just to pick up items you couldn't before, or had to drop. But it gets worse, this game does not have an Item box. That's right, no Item box. I don't know what genius at Capcom thought this change would be a good idea, but I do hope they never let them direct a primary school play, much less a game after this. I cannot overemphasize how negatively impactful to the whole experience this change was.

The game is difficult, perhaps the hardest out of the Resident Evil games I've played. But it is difficult in all the wrong ways. The enemies it introduces are some of the most annoying in the series. The leech man is an absurdly difficult opponent to manage, if you don't happen to have fire based weapons. The infected apes are basically mini-Hunters that somehow feel even more agile and durable than the real deal. Then there is that bat boss. Ugh. The enemies are generally hard to deal with due to in-game limitations, like controls and movement. This coupled with the limited resources the game offers you and the aforementioned problematic inventory system, can make it pretty frustrating to slog through the game's later areas. Of course, if you know what enemies await, you can equip yourself correctly. But the only way to know that, is to make sub-optimal choices early on, die and try again. Hardly ideal.

Starting up this game I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Now that I've finished it I'm not entirely sure what to think of it. At its worst, it caused me a fair amount of frustration. But at its best, it really brought me back to the old days, when the first games had come out. Perhaps it wasn't the case when it was first released, but today it feels like a throwback, a relic of a different era. It is undeniably flawed, but it is also memorable. The story may seem a bit more absurd than usual, I mean controlling BOWs with opera was a feat even the original wasn't campy enough to pull, but it is a true Resident Evil. I am happy to have finally played this game and I will recommend it, but only to mega-fans of the series. For the rest, if interested, you are probably better off watching the game's story on YouTube.
487 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
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1240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 22:06

That other Resident Evil

Simply put, the Resident Evil series had grown robust over the years, to the point where even among the major releases some of the games weren’t intended for the limelight by design. Resident Evil 0 is one such “B-side” title. Initially released on Gamecube as a follow-up to 2002 RE Remaster, it was intended to satiate those whom the first game left longing for more. This alone, should flare up the red lights all across the control board, especially for a modern player. Resident Evil HD Remaster is nowadays a title recommendable only for the franchise and oldschool fans. In turn, RE 0 is a rushed expansion to that, offering more of the tedious gameplay and none of the cult status or atmosphere of the original. While RE 0 is not terrible, a title fit exclusively for die-hard RE followers makes for an audience way too narrow for the game’s own good.

That other mansion
Resident Evil 0 is an immediate prequel to the first game, the game’s events taking place 24 hours before the Spencer’s Mansion incident. The story follows Rebecca Chambers, member of the soon-to-be-missing S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, dispatched to investigate a strange cannibalism reports on the outskirts of Racoon City. After an emergency landing of their helicopter, Bravo Team comes across the evidence of a death-row escapee Billy Coen and they choose to spread out in pursuit. Soon Rebecca finds Billy in a train full of zombies and the inmate becomes an unlikely ally in a struggle for survival.

Awkwardly enough, the duo finds a second Umbrella facility within an eyeshot from where the events of the first game took place. The derelict mansion that used to be Umbrella’s training facility also hides a secret laboratory and a whole gallery of mutated test subjects running amok. There are even some secret passages operated via overtly convoluted mechanisms too. What a coincidence.
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You can now easily tell, that Resident Evil 0 in general is a copy-paste of the first game. To make matters worse, an abridged one. The game is far more linear and blunt in its use of puzzles. Furthermore, the rooms’ cluttered backgrounds no longer have hidden items that would award exploration. Admittedly, the touch of the mad inventor is still present, though most of the meticulously obtained keys serve only to open a single door. In result, RE 0 often feels like you can barely step off the beaten path, complex as it may be. While the original had you circling around, solving a single grand mansion-sized puzzle instead.

Two heads are better than one
Despite all of the above, the game does deserve a credit where it’s due. Resident Evil 0 introduces a unique twist on the series’ dual protagonist formula – the player gets to control both characters at the same time. This change and the cooperation mechanics coming along with it completely reshape the way you approach tasks at hand. Would you rather clear the way with a single character you can fully control or move in as a team, relying on additional firepower to manage the threat? How to properly divide the supplies among characters? You can only fully control one at a time, alas the number of character swaps will soon exceed that of fired bullets. Especially that the equipment management returns to its quirky roots, having you drop items rather than use global storage chest. Each protagonist has a separate equipment, forcing you to leave, exchange and combine a lot in a bid to make the most of the highly limited room.

Despite still operating on the fixed-camera RE 0 has fewer and better thought-out transitions making them much less confusing. Furthermore, it also makes the character movement feel more fluent and dynamic. It’s a welcome change, especially with the game taking slightly more action-oriented angle. To facilitate said angle, RE 0 features enemies in greater variety and numbers when compared to the first game. New additions include mostly mutated animals, including a giant bat being a boss designed exclusively with malicious intent. Having said all that, most of those are decent twists on what ultimately are tedious mechanics. All the improvements in the world won’t change the fact that the characters control like a tank grinding through mud.

Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster
Many vices of the title in question won’t change a single aspect in which RE 0 is inherently better than the first RE – being a remaster. Most of the backgrounds are better detailed and much less grainy allowing you to actually see the improvement in graphics. On top of that, once you have beaten the game you unlock two additional, remaster-exclusive game modes. An aracade-ish Leech Hunt that has you search for treasure in the mansion from the base game. Being a decent extra in itself, the player is rewarded based on their performance with bonuses such as pistol with infinite ammo, to ease any future replay. The second extra is what the game dubbed “Wesker Mode” in which Billy’s model is replaced by that of Albert Wesker from RE 5. Beside a model change, Wesker now has psychic powers – after a short windup Albert releases a blast from his eyes making the heads of nearby zombies explode. It’s a silly gimmick but a wildly entertaining one. As far as weird extras in Resident Evil games go, RE 0 HD Remaster definitely takes the cake. Too bad only a few players will be persistent enough to beat the game in order to actually reach them.
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Ultimately, Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster is not an inherently bad game but one that leaves a lot to be desired. Having it strapped to a cult classic that Resident Evil is with copious amounts of duct tape invites an inevitable comparison RE 0 can hardly stand up to. The title does expand the lore and provides some context to its “parent” game, albeit it does so in a way you start to appreciate that the original chose to keep its questions unanswered. That said, the game can be easily recommended to radical fans of Resident Evil series. To the wider audiences though, RE 0 will remain at best a footnote in the history of the wider franchise. A fate essentially intended for it by the game’s own parent studio from the day one of the development.
191 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 18:20
The pen is on the table.
191 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 19:08
The beginning of this game can be frustrating, but after you get used to the inventory system it is very rewarding and just as good as any other RE game.
555 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
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547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 15:05
Worst inventory manager ever. Backtracking like hell. I don't know if I finish it because game mechanics is really ANNOYING. And yes, I finished first RE and I enjoyed it but this is too much for me.
195 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 15:00
Is good :)
62 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 08:02
Resident evil is a good series of games
267 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
48840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 09:25
fun game
81 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 01:49
Do you love backtracking? Dropping items on the ground instead of using boxes? Having trouble picking up items directly in front of you? Then you might like this game.
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Release:19.01.2016 Genre: Horror Action-Adventure Entwickler: Capcom Vertrieb: Capcom Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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