• Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Seinen Helden kann man auch gut ausrüsten...
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Seinen Helden kann man auch gut ausrüsten...
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Strategie kann auch gut aussehen...
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Seinen Helden kann man auch gut ausrüsten...
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Seinen Helden kann man auch gut ausrüsten...
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Strategie kann auch gut aussehen...
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.
  • Eador: Masters of the Broken World: Screen aus dem Strategiespiel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.05.2013
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Preis Update 04.09.23

Über das Spiel

Eine zersplitterte Welt, gezeichnet vom Krieg. Unsterbliche, mächtige astrale Meister, wollen jeder für sich die Kontrolle über alle Scherben an sich reißen. Kannst du es schaffen durch geübte Kampfkunst oder geschickte Diplomatie die Provinzen zu vereinigen? Wird dein Reich eine Herrschaft des Lichts oder des Chaos erfahren?

In Eador wird dein ganzes taktisches Geschick herausgefordert! Rüste deine Helden mit immer besseren Gegenständen aus und bestimme ihre Talente beim Stufenaufstieg, indem du mit ihnen dein Reich ausbaust und verwaltest, oder die Questen fremder Völker erfüllst. Durch zahlreiche zufällige Ereignisse und zufallsgenerierten Welten ist jedes Spiel einzigartig und das Erkunden der epischen Fantasy-Welt wird dich Nächtelang in seinen Bann ziehen.

Die Welt wird durch die Entscheidungen, die du triffst und die Schlachten, die du schlägst tief beeinflusst. Herrschst du mit eiserner Faust über ein Reich der Unterdrückung oder rettest du die Welt vor ihrer Zerstörung? Stellst du riesige Armeen auf oder konzentrierst du deine Kräfte auf deine mächtigen Helden? Die Entscheidung liegt bei dir allein.

  • Erlebe einen einzigartigen Mix aus Strategie, rundenbasierter Taktik und Rollenspiel-Elementen
  • Erforsche mehr als 170 Gebäude, 80 Zaubersprüche und 70 verschiedene Einheiten
  • Erkämpfe deinen eigenen Platz zwischen Gut und Böse in der epischen Story von Eador
  • Entdecke eine lebendige Fantasy-Welt mit über 100 Stunden Spielspaß und hohem Wiederspielwert


  • CPU: Intel Pentium 2,0 GHz/AMD 2000+
  • GFX: GeForce 7300/Radeon 9200
  • RAM: 512 MB RAM
  • Software: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7
  • HD: 2 GB frei
  • SFX: DirectX kompatibel
  • DX: 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Polnisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1,6/AMD 3000+
  • GFX: GeForce 8800/Radeon X1900
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7
  • HD: 2 GB frei
  • SFX: DirectX kompatibel
  • DX: 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Polnisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1305 Produkte im Account
1398 Reviews
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.18 23:02
- technisch leider nicht perfekt. Hatte bisher (bei 6 Stunden Spielzeit) ca. 10 Abstürze

+ das Erobern, kämpfen macht Spaß
+ immer wieder kommen Ereignisse wo man Entscheidungen treffen muss, wie gut oder böse sein
+ Tutorial finde ich gut gemacht
+ Soundtrack
+ Grafik ok

Das Ziel ist mehrere Scherben einzunehmen. Dort auf einer Scherbe gilt es nach und nach Provinzen zu erobern, um stärker zu werden. Die eigene Basis muss aufgebaut werden wie man es z.B von Heroes of Might and Magic kennt, wie jede Runde ein Gebäude bauen. Auch die Kämpfe erinnern daran. Nur man kann hier keine gefühlt unendlich große Armee aufbauen, wie im genannten Game. Denn hier bei Eador steigt die gekaufte Rasse Level auf und man kann zwischen Atributen wie Vitalität usw wählen. Etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig aber mal was anderes.Der Soundtrack finde ich passend gemacht, genau wie die Grafik, die vollkommen ok für so ein Gameplay ist. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, das man einige Stunden spielen kann. Wären da nicht immer wieder die Abstürze...
251 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
10215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.16 17:48
Ein gutes Spiel mit ein paar Schönheitsfehlern. Grundsätzlich geht es darum Welten zu erobern und seiner eigenen Welt hinzuzufügen. Mit jeder Eroberung bekommt man irgendwas, z.B. Einkommen, Gegenstände, Gebäude oder Truppenarten. Prinzipiell also ein gutes Spiel.

Der Haken ist leider, dass sich die Welten letztlich sehr ähnlich spielen. Natürlich sehen sie anders aus, haben unterschiedliche Größe und mehr oder weniger Gegner, vielleicht hat man schon bessere Truppen, Gegenstände und Gebäude und vielleicht gibt es irgendwas besonderes an der Welt, z.B. dass Magieeinkommen verdoppelt ist, was gut für Magierhelden ist. Dennoch ist es sehr repetetiv, da man nur sehr langsam voranschreitet, die späteren Welten immer mehr Spielzeit benötigen und man sich irgendwann auf eine grundlegende Strategie festgelegt hat.

Das Spiel an sich ist gut gemacht, aber man muss sich eben daran festbeißen. Ich selbst habe rund 140 Stunden gespielt - für rund 20 Euro Normalpreis also durchaus beachtlichen Spielspaß bekommen. Und das ist es doch, worum es geht - oder?
522 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.14 19:20
Das Spiel wiederholt sich mit jeder Partie sehr stark ohne wirklich Abwechslung oder motivierende Neuheiten zu bieten. Zudem ist der Spielverlauf sehr zäh und es kommt auch kein Gefühl für die immer wieder neu erstellten Charaktere auf.
246 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.14 21:32
Ein schönes Strategiespiel. Mit Pros und Cons
Gut finde ich die erzählte Geschichte. Wenn auch nur auf Textbasis will man immer mehr wissen, wo wird das ganze enden, wer ist mein Freund wer ist mein Feind. Sehr gut ist, dass man sich dabei offenbar zwischen gut und böse entscheiden kann. Auch die Rundenstrategie gefällt mir recht gut. Leider wird mir die auf dauer etwas zu eintönig. So ist zwar jede Scherbe anders, aber doch ist alles gleich. Man nehme einen Helden (am besten hat für mich der Späher funktioniert), gebe ihm ein paar Babaren (billigste/stärkste Einheit von T1) und nehme Land für Land. Das eingenommene Land ausbauen (Miene, Sägewerk, Mühle) und nebenbei den Helden Leveln. Dem Helden noch ein paar gegenstände gekauft... und naja was soll ich sagen, der macht dann fast jede Armee im alleingang fertig. Die KI schein zumindest auf den beiden niedrigsten Schwierigkeitsgraden keine herausforderung zu sein, egal wieviel Zeit man ihnen zum Aufbau gibt. Was ich als besonders nervig empfinde ist, dass freie Städte/Länder zum Teil abnormal starke Armeen zur Verteidigung haben. Einmal alle freien Länder zwischen dir und dem NPC eingenommen, läuft die Armee einfach durch, da gibt es kein nennenswerten wiederstand mehr. Der Weg zum Gegner ist am Schwierigsten und eigentlich auch am Nervigsten. Ich hätte mir gewünscht das die Ländereien leicht zu erobern sind und ich dann, nachdem die Scherbe aufgeteilt wurde ich harte schlachten gegen meinen Gegner schlagen muss. leider ist es anders rum.
Wer den schwierigkeitsgrad anhebt damit es etwas interessanter wird muss sich an ganz neue gegebenheiten anpassen. Das was vorher noch zu den leichten sachen zählte wird nun bocken schwer. Naja und der nervige Teil mit den freien Ländern, nervt dann umso mehr!
Ich habe es noch nicht durch die Story geschafft (bei fast 60h Spielzeit). Damit hat es eine beträchtliche Spieldauer, für wenig Geld. Außerdem gefällt mir auch die Grafik/Artworke.

Wer dem Spiel auf dauer seine monotonie verzeihen kann, bekommt ein klasse Strategiespiel.
274 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.14 13:09
Eador ist ein durchaus solides Fantasy-Strategiespiel. Das System funktioniert gut und die Schlachten lassen sich vielseitig gestalten. Allerdings macht der Spieler nur sehr langsam Fortschritt und erspielt sich neue Gebäude auf äußerst zähe Art und Weise. Schade, wäre das Spieltempo höher, könnte ich Eador mehr genießen, so wird es leider recht schnell langweilig. Für die ersten 12 - 15 Stunden ist es jedoch empfehlenswert.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.14 22:30
Für 5 EUR im Angebot gekauft und mehrere Tage gezockt. Auf mittlerer bis schwerer Stufe echt eine Herausfroderung. Kein Spiel welches man (ich) auf Dauer ewig spielen könnte, aber immer wieder mal für einige Stunden (und momentan zu Anfang einige mehr...). Hier bei Steam bisher die am besten angelegten 5 EUR :)
92 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
30265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 18:00
This is one of the best 4X turn based games out there, period. The fact that i spend almost 400 hours playing this $5 game, and spend maybe like 30 hours playing your typical $60 AAA game tells you a lot about how underrated this game is. There is so much content, and honestly the only thing the game needs is just some balance of the late game units (some late game heroes and units pretty much invalidate having anything else in your army, really hurts the commander general).
320 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
14921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 13:04
How does this have mixed reviews? It was a great game, at least when I played it (though this was back in 2014 so I don't know how the QoL holds up).

I've read the reviews and I can say up front, a lot of these reviewers haven't played the game long enough or are factually wrong. One reviewer complains of random starting positions, that victory is 'randomly' determined. But here's the thing: you upgrade your starting position as you progress through the campaign. On each new world, you get a stronger starting position depending on how many worlds you've conquered.

This is also why the complaints about unit tiers are wrong: in earlier, smaller maps, you will win (or lose) before tier 4 units make it to the field. On later, bigger maps, the reverse is true and any unit below tier 3 becomes obsolete.

All in all, I enjoyed the exploration mechanics of Eador. I think it's unbalanced in an interesting and creative way that enhances gameplay rather than detracts from it, the same reason I love many Warhammer titles. If you're a strategy/rpg fan and you're okay with playing older games, I can recommend this title.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
33000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 18:08
Okey, so after 500 hours of this game and after I passed the game let me give you a simple review without spoilers:

For those that don't want to read: I give the game 8/10. I take 1 point for lack of working multiplayer and 1 point for overrepeatable ways to play. At some point of the game it is virtually impossible to switch playing as evil if you went deep into good or vice versa and trying to play neutral is an incredible challenge aka not possible to keep the balance as such. Turn based lovers, go for it, you won't regret it.

Now for a longer review:

Game is HUGE... but maybe not on a good way. Let me explain. Game is broken (campaign) into two main parts. Battle on the shards and decisions in astral plane. Short version is battle on the shards is 95% of the game and every shard is a hard as hell thing to play if you play on higher levels. It will take you around 200-450 hours to pass the game on one of medium difficulty levels (there are A LOT OF DIFFICULTY LEVELS) and at around 100-150 hours of gameplay you will know that every single shard when you disect the game to it's core for the most part is rehash, repeat. Game also doesn't have a functioning multiplayer which honestly.... would probably be fantastic in this game BUT also problematic as waiting on your turn might take 10+ minutes when things start to happen.

I know it looks like I am trashing the game but I just want to give you a heads up what to expect from this game from start. Tutorial is oversimplified compared to what there is in the game in general. Choices, ways to build, so many things are not explained at all, you have to learn them.

Now after all that... this game storyline is one of the best I've seen in ages (be ready and willing to read a lot, and enjoy it, humour of the creators is fantastic). There are multiple ways to end the game, both win or lose (yes, you can fail and lose the campaign).

Even as shards themselves are /repeat, it is not a /repeat in it's core. Best thing I can compare it to is Diablo 2 map wise. Is it the same thing all the time and generally you know what you do? YES. Do you enjoy it? HELL YEA. Game is MADE for turn based fans that are willing to spend hours on hours on hours to try different strategies and different playstiles and there are abbundant of them.

Warm recomendations for people who spent months playing a single map of Heroes of might and magic 3 and are ready to play another 30-50 of them after you pass it (no joke, maps are that huge sometimes). Can you just rush some maps to pass them in 10ish-20ish minutes? Yes.... but what is the fun in that? You always enjoy looking at your mighty army and overgeared heroes.
410 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
15765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 03:47
Great game that has visual glitches. The developers have not fixed this and instead offered DLC.
It is possible to easily spend over 100 hours in this game. At some point though the manual saving and visual glitches become too much to bear.
I recommend this ONLY to people who have plenty of time and patience who are willing to manually save very often.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 14:43
Nice strategic turn-based game. Maybe a bit repetitive after a while. Hard to understand in the beginning but that makes it fun
308 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
12624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 04:59
The biggest negative of this game is its lack of respect for your time. I only completed a single campaign, once, and it took me ~200 hours to do it...

And I hate it for that.

But other than that, it's great.
147 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 22:12
Only good if you can get it for free.
It crack at any time, any maps for no reason.
179 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 23:38
Wasting so much time , too repetitive .. didnt even bother getting the 4 tier monster.
The game have at least function to carry over half of the previous effort, not all start from scratch.

Its funny how many people comments this game is good but just played less than 10 hours.
Actual Gamers knew for few hours of playing that this game is good.
Only the player have played more the 300 hours are worth checking but they really have too much free time.
This is the worst tactical turn based strategy ever, nowhere near Civilization Series or King Bounty or HoMM 3.
Playing Civilization 3 even better than this game
230 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
21516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 18:52
Good game. pleasant grind and collect.
2100 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
34348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 19:03
First of all, after sinking over 580 hours into Eador Masters of the Broken World i did not encounter a single bug crash or anything described by some of the reviewers, the game ran smoothly.

For a turn based fantasy strategy game, Eador has the longest Campaign i have ever played and you seriously need to hang on to it if you ever want to defeat or even reach the last Master.
The game is not the most accomplished or attractive strategy game out there but it did gave me some good time, excitements, joy, annoyance, sleepless nights, hair pulling, desk banging and frustrations. Then i know after all this that the game was worth playing.
it would be a mistake to compare Eador with the other fantasy strategy game out there because the game stands on it own.

Eador has nice graphics, the fantasy atmosphere is well reproduce and a story line could have been better, the music isn't too bad however best to turn it off.
Eador has almost everything you can expect from a fantasy turn based strategy game, building you Fortress and improving it, you can hire your Heroes and build many units with their own strength and weakness, mythical units like manticore, hydra, dragon, pegasus, trolls, gobblins and many more are all present in the game, build your armies and conquer the world of Eador.

- Fantasy strategy game with nice graphics.
- Unbelievably long Campaign.
- Great choice of heroes and units
- Heroes and Army Unit can level up by earning XP, you can pay for one Hero and his army to progress to
the next shard to continue your conquest.
- Many items and equipment can be obtained or bought to improve your Heroes.
- Random events will occur in your Cities and you'll have to make decisions with possible consequences.
- Magic is also available if you choose that path depending on the class of your Heroes and magical building
can be constructed.
- You can find Eggs from Mythical creatures and hatch them so they can be added to your army (Basilik,
Manticore, Hydra, Spider, dragon....).
- Alliance with local species can be made to help you conquer your shard.

- Combats can be random,boring and repetitive, they are not always balanced however you will have the
opportunity to measure up the strength of your army against the enemy before deciding to ether engage
or retreat before the actual confrontation takes place.
- The number of items you can carry over to the next stage of your conquest is ridiculous and specially
considering the amount of them you can find.
- You can only construct 1 building per turn, with an upgrade you'll then have the possibility to construct 2
per turn and per city, It's an unbelievably stupid system considering how many buildings you can
construct and how many cities you will manage. It makes improvement process so damn painfully slow.
- The Masters you are facing maybe different visually but their strategy during shard conquest is all but the

Overall i found Eador to be a good and entertaining fantasy turn based strategy game, most elements are there and also some unique elements like hatching eggs, mini quests to obtain an alliance with local species, explorations...). If you can get over a long campaign which can be very boring and repetitive.
196 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
25933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 07:33
It's a good strategy game that allows for several approaches to winning. I also really like the auto fight feature to keep the game face passed and allow for quick exploration and treasure hunting. That begin said you almost always will be able to out play the game and often can win even when the odds calculator is against you. This game is great also for either a quick play or killing an afternoon. There is defiantly a Civilization one more turn feel to it.
233 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 16:57
Non-working game. Will always lead into corrupted saves with random crashes that are unfixable. In a game with 100s of hours of campaign, it is simply impossible to finish the game. Having to restart the campaign every other shard as the game corrupts itself. Don´t buy, they have had years to fix this, but they just don´t care.
395 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 11:25
Pretty game, awesome concept, absolutely broken cant finish the tutorial had 4 crashes and now the game wont even boot tried re installing and still wont start waste of money.
177 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 07:35

I gave Eador a try for a few hours, working through games in my backlog. While the game is undeniably pretty, it is a mess of systems that are cumbersome and poorly explained, it progresses very slowly, and combat feels random and punishing, even in the game's introductory tutorial scenario. Looking at the game's combat system, I was hoping for something reminiscent of Heroes of Might & Magic III, which I would've been pretty into, even if it wasn't as good as the old class. I gave Eador two sessions of a couple hours a piece to try to give it a decent shot, but nothing that happened in those 3-4 hours gave me any inclination to come back. The hope that it would be a worthwhile riff off HOMM3 was left unfulfilled and I was pretty disappointed by it. If you're also hoping for a game to scratch that same itch, don't waste your time and go elsewhere.
50 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 14:13
dude, how old is this game? I have never, ever, been able to finish a single freaking campaign because the campaign always has this slow decline of stability until it finally becomes unplayable.
and it does it after a few shards gathered....

This drives me crazy, like I cant stand it. i'm sure as shit not going to buy the latest iterations of the game because if you guys couldnt fix this one then why am i going to buy the next one?
107 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 19:27
Too many bugs and crashes.
490 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 16:46
Game breaking bugs every 20 minutes
483 Produkte im Account
339 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 16:51
Done with this after about 8 hours. To my recollection, the auto-resolve wasn't quite up to the task. A major detriment if you consider the combat isn't all that either. It's a bit of a shame.
139 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
46465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 21:54
I like this game with the overworld / overarching story then you have a little tussle on each world. I will say some of the balance on this game is a bit out of wack. If an enemy gets a super high level contract to protect a critical section of land, it's really annoying to have to grind all the way up to get a hero/army that can beat it. Overall, very fun and I look forward to the game announced.
200 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 00:12
Prepare to grind in this game, that is the element that ruined this game for. Others reviews about the time spent on grinding is something to consider before getting this game.

Others have mentioned crashes, it wasn't terrible for me but there was a crash every 10 or little more hours on average.
81 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 06:17
Good while it lasted till brutal crashes.
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 22:22
Quite simply, the game is utterly broken on any platform above windows 7. There has been a long standing problem with it related to memory access violations that the developers never solved, so the game crashes every few turns. The violation manifests differently for different players (sometimes it's related to save files, sometimes after battle, sometimes while building things), but no conclusive solution exists and the devs have washed their hands of it.
170 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 20:00
I have no idea what I do wrong, but literally impossible to even have a chance to win in the lowest difficulty. The enemy lords always has more and stronger units.
29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
152798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 03:59
I'm really not sure whether I can recommend this game. I'm kind of on the fence about it. I'm still not sure whether I'm going to click 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' when I finish writing this review...

The thing is, for what the game is and tries to do, it's probably my favorite game of all-time. I've spent THOUSANDS of hours playing this over the years. Things that I love:
- the tactical combat, complete with diverse battlefields, terrain, spells, balance of stats and abilities
- the wide assortment of diverse fantasy units and items
- the random events!
- the karma system: your dialog choices, units, spells, and buildings all influence how good or evil you are, which impacts gameplay quite a bit
- the art - while it may seem dated to some, I find it beautiful and colorful, and the animations are perfect to me
- the excitement of discovering something new through exploration, whether it's a special location where you can recruit fairies, a new source of magic gems, or the last piece of that awesome armor set you've been collecting!
- honestly, I think the UI is fine; I know a lot of people complain about it after playing Genesis, but IMO I think it works well and makes sense... maybe just because I've gotten used to it over my 2000+ hours
- great map generation, with random provinces of different terrain types, hidden locations, and race populations

What I don't like about the gameplay:
- I'm not really into the campaign; I just like to play random shards (below I'll explain why)
- The content of the game itself doesn't really fit the campaign. There is so much to discover on each shard that you CAN'T possibly even begin to delve into it all. So you could spend time on it... level your hero(es) and units, find treasure, build up a killer economy, etc... But the goal is to wipe out your opponent as quickly as possible. If you meet your goal, you're missing out on 90% of the games content... However, playing on a random shard is lots of fun for me.
- Diplomacy, which is generally weak in 4X games anyway, is very weak in this game. It's maybe slightly better than in Warlock. Any diplomacy is basically just a delay of war, because there is only one way to win a shard - through conquest. I do wish there were alternatives, because I'm not much of a warmonger :)
- The cycle of choose your action for all heroes, and then end your turn and wait for all player's turns to execute. In theory it's a nice idea. Until you're conquering enemy provinces and they're conquering yours at the same time. For some reason it seems that the AI can hire a guard immediately on capturing a province, whereas you have to wait until you take your next turn. I feel that this part could have been done better.
- The heroes (if you even get more than 1 per shard) are pretty much dictated to you by necessity. At first you need a scout, because he doesn't need fancy armor (which you don't have) and has a strong ranged attack. If you go warrior first, he can only get lousy armor and weapons at the beginning, which means he's nearly as weak as your other units, and it's easy to get him killed. With a commander, you'll need lots of good troops to keep him alive, but you don't have access to them at the beginning and couldn't afford them anyway. And a wizard needs gems to cast spells, or a good wand to use for ranged attack; but at the beginning, you'll have no gems, no spells, and no wand. Spending your few gems to keep casting spells to keep fighting early on will mean that you don't save up gems for other things, such as erecting buildings to boost your gem income.
- There are other minor annoyances in gameplay, but these are not the reason I have trouble recommending this game, which is due to...

CRASHES!!! Eador MOTBW (and Imperium) is notorious for crashing with an 'Access Violation' error at random, unpredictable times. The game seems to like some computers, and not others. On some, you can play it without crashing for several hours; on others, you can't get even a few minutes into the game before it crashes. Now, the way I like to play, as I mentioned, is on a big random shard (not campaign mode). I like to take my time, build my economy, explore, look for treasures, build my armies, have fun, da-ta-da... It works for awhile. And then the crashes start. Maybe about turn 100-200 it will crash for the first time. No problem; I'll just reload and continue. But then... there are more... they come more frequently... Eventually I get to the point where the game crashes EVERY OTHER turn or even EVERY turn!!!! It's impossible to continue... It's at this time that I uninstall the game - again - and try to find something else to play. Fallen Enchantress or Warlock or *something* that will at least not crash EVERY DAMN TURN!

I love this game... But it's like a love/hate relationship. It's so fun to play, but it frustrates the F#^%@ out of me to the point that I don't think I can even recommend it to others. But I know the devs do lament their shortcomings with this game, and they would like to make a better Eador in the future, and I would be glad to support that effort. Because Eador itself is a gem among games.

In the end, I have decided to give the game a 'thumbs up', only for the reason that I hope others fall in love with Eador and hope for it's brighter future.
491 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 21:31
Great game, interesting story and good combat. Bit of a learning curve, though you're introduced to new elements as you play so easy to pick up the basics. Def recommend you pick it up and give it a go. Just make sure you keep track of the time! Playing on a modern computer and I haven't encountered any bugs at all.
127 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 06:50
Great game, also for playing with your friend.
217 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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7422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 11:02
I always find myself coming back to this game from time and time again because it's just so good. Same kind of game as Heroes of M&M but with really great campaign mechanic.

There are some bad aspects though. Some of the maps are just super long and tedious but if you can spare campaign resource for those maps they won't be so grindy. The unit balance is also a bit off because one of the early game units is just way above anything else.

EDIT: Refreshed my memory a bit and noticed that the game has way too many bugs and crashes to be enjoyable. You have to avoid certain maps which crash at turn 1 in order to continue campaign.
566 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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2960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 10:34
40 hours in and bogged in a slog. Gone through most of the events. Units are repetitive. I'm only on the second island but I don't see the point of following on with this. I guess you can go on, I just don't want to lose more hours of my life in something this boring. I honestly lilke the concept but I'm just going to do something more productive with my life
64 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 19:47
It might be a good game, but it is totally made of bugs. Useless garbage. Can't remember how I managed to play in it at some point. Major disappointment
657 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 17:24
Other games do what this game does much better, and less tediously.
6 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 11:18
crashed absolutely, its a great concept game where payer is possible to command any creatures of the game except the dragons. unfortunately it will crashed every beginning of the turn. purchased without capability to play it.
1144 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
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727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 00:48
I’ve tried to play this game once again and once again it became an unsatisfactory taste in my mouth. The concept behind the game is to not lose your main shard and obtain other shards (you could look at as floating islands in space) to make a bigger shard to fight off the impending doom of chaos (evil creatures). You yourself are a deity that creates life on these shards and obtain their power to become stronger in the long run. You’ll eventually fight other ‘masters’ that you can align yourself with or become their rival.

Even when you ‘lose’ a shard the game isn’t over which is a nice touch because you can claim another shard which will help you progress. When you do start on a shard you’ll start with nothing unless you had a hero from the first shard carry over. Each time you start on a new shard it is like you’re starting from scratch again. With that being said, unless you have enough of this energy don’t expect to be taking a hero over to the next shard. The concept is there and I like that in terms of persistency with heroes, but it was flawed. The tutorial was a joke. It doesn’t explain a lot of the concepts or the features within the game. What do these icons do? Oh, using the cursor over the icon reveals nothing!

The UI was clunky and it felt out of place. It almost felt like a puzzle trying to find the same things at times or you’d have three different ways to access your hero’s inventory of course using keybinds on some of the UI were there(e.g. hero inventory). You get to right click to build one building at a time if it isn’t your stronghold, you move to the provinces but the way the game lets you know is barely there. At times you have to click the hero or read the red texting hoping the hero is either exploring or moving to an area that you requested. Oh, and you can’t ‘unclick’ the hero. In case you left click well the hero goes there now.

Every shard opens up an opportunity to give you an upgrade from the prior shard. I can live with that. Get more stuff the more you progress. But how come the NPCs get to take over the entire shard before you can even set yourself up? Why does the NPCs already taken half the shard when you still got slingers. Resources at the beginning are extremely slow if not almost abysmal. You got manage quickly or expect to lose a shard early on. You gather more coins and gems once you completely explore a province, you get gold/gems from buildings, quests, exploring and killing monsters, and selling the gear you get back. I mean it sounds nice, but the balance of it all is out of its mind.

The combat is similar to that of King’s Bounty and Battle Brothers, but more mediocre with King’s Bounty. The combat is hexed format so this brings in opportunity such as backstabs, flanking, and attacking from a far; it also has environmental advantages (e.g. hills, plains) and disadvantages (swamps, etc.) You can cast spells or scrolls or both depending who you are. With that being said, the enemies that spawn can be very easily taken down or broken if you are to face off against multiple dragons or medusas or golems at high level.

I played a Scout, Wizard, and Commander. Commander just boosts your army and helps win fights like no one’s business. I mean, clearly the clean cut pick. Scout was really well picking off everyone on the map at long distances and never losing people. Mages… I have no idea. Bastard never lived long enough to do any worth, lol. Also, the local lords and Masters have their own ‘hero’ type and will also fight against your hero.

Don’t get me wrong the exploration is a nice touch, but to endure 2%-4% to get to 100% on province turn after turn after turn (that’s base depending on hero – unless you throw in items, talents, and buildings) can become boring and quick. The building in your stronghold was a mess too. You have a dial for all your buildings and tiers, but as I said earlier it comes through the shards, but you have to build A and B to make C. Nothing bad in that concept.

The problem why I couldn’t enjoy the game was balance issues, clunky UI, lack of description on what is going on or what icons are used for what, or popularity for cities; the limitation of what can be built to improve your morale, happiness, or the strength of your army. Heroes that felt off-putting or too strong for one category. How the combat is so repetitive that I would just auto attack and spam E (next turn keybind) to hurry up. The game almost felt like a chore instead of something fun and entertaining. It just felt like you were doing the dishes, unless you like doing the dishes.

I personally didn’t see any bugs or crashes as other people have, but I’d say if you’re wary on a title like this buy it on a sale or play a demo or watch a YouTube video if available. I just can’t recommend it.
234 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
10691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 21:46
Really underrated game with a cool concept behind it!
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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47812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 12:50
ok...i love this game in many ways but have to forewarn anyone playing that this is by far the worst glitchy crashing your pc game ever made....i am stuck now on 31 shards...no matter what i do as soon as i save it now it crashes..EVERYTIME....Steam are no help at all....shockingly bad website...and the original makers offer little helpful advice....i am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED...another concern is STEAM are selling this game with no help or support if it goes wrong...SHOCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
357 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
9136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 10:50
Nice and interesting turn-base strategy game, similar to the Heroes of Might and Magic titles. Can become a bit repetitive further in the campaign.
332 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 13:02
Eador. Masters of the Broken World is essentially a 3D reskin of an original Eador. Genesis - with a few relatively insignificant changes.

It's a good game, because Genesis was good, but I would say the original was better. Despite being 2D and not having any animations, Genesis had a better pronounced visual style and - more importantly - a way better UI. Everybody should take lessons from the city screen design in Genesis. Plus, with no animations, battles went way faster than here.

If you just want to play something fantasy-themed - it's very good and you should take it.
If you're here for the strategy first and foremost, you'll end up much better off playing Genesis itself or The New Horizons mod for Genesis - it expands on the base game so well, the author himself approved of it.
607 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
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92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 21:58
Game #113 6.4.2020.

Eador, Masters of the Broken World starts off really strong. It was world ruled by Gods full of power and magic. One day, the Gods thought that the world was just way too powerful to even exist so they destroyed it… huh? Anyway, the Gods destroyed their own world BUT because the world itself was so powerful, they couldn’t destroy the whole thing so it became an infinite number of sky-blocks where people still live and some more powerful individuals can travel between them. Now that you (the player) have arrived, it is up to you what you wish to do with this world.

As exciting as it sounds, let’s just cut to the chase. Eador, Masters of the Broken World, as cool as the name sounds is just Heroes of Might and Magic with a couple of differences. Now I’m not going to go on a deep rant and give you details about how the combat is better or worse than the game it was based on or how the building makes no sense so I’m just going to give you a really sloppy observation.

See, when you make a game that strikingly resembles another game (another popular game I might add) people are going to start to compare the two. Unfortunately, I have never been a huge fan of the Heroes of Might and Magic series. I have played the HMM 3 and 5 and liked them a lot but I don’t think I would call myself a fan of the series. Because of this, take this review with a huge grain of salt.

Eador, Masters of the Broken World (it sounds cool to say the entire title) plays just like Heroes of Might and Magic (also cool, but the former is still cooler). You have an overview map and you have your hero who can explore the world. Each turn you usually do 2 things with your hero (heroes): move and maybe attack and you select what you are going to build in your castle. You do this until you die or until you finish your campaign mission. That’s the gist of it.

The battle system in Eador, Masters of the Broken World is a bit different than Heroes of Might and Magic. In both games, you get a hexagonal grid where you place your hero as well as your units and move around and attack the opposition. Both games share that iconic look. However, in Heroes of Might and Magic you are able to buy a large amount of a single unit and divide it up into smaller groups or stack it all into one huge and powerful unit, in Eador, you just recruit units and fight away, no stacking. It works.

So after I realized how this game is really similar to Heroes of Might and Magic, I said: “OK. What else are you going to offer me game?” and then I realized that Eador, Masters of the Broken World, didn’t have that much to offer that Heroes of Might and Magic already couldn’t.
Don’t get me wrong, the game works and is fine but it’s not much better or different than the game it was based on.
It doesn’t offer better graphics than HMM, not a great soundtrack, the game is kind of slow to play, the combat in particular is really slow unless you click again to “hurry up” your units, when your units attack they seem so unwilling to do so and also the multiplayer is barren.

I don’t know what I was really expecting. Perhaps I was expecting the battle system to be a bit more flashy and dynamic but it isn’t.

The real reason why I’m not recommending this game is that, in the little time I spent playing it, all I could think of was how much better it would be to just play Heroes of Might and Magic. Then again, I’m really not an expert in this genera so I will leave you with this.

If you like the Heroes of Might and Magic series and need something similar, this just might be the game for you. As for me, I’m just going to stick to HMM.

Next game: Edna and Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes
147 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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5718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 01:06
Amazing concept, terrible execution. Piss poor balance and entire campaigns based off RNG make for a poor game.
610 Produkte im Account
337 Reviews
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162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 15:50
In my ongoing and likely futile effort to write a Steam review for every game in my library (#321 out of 560)... it's time for Eador: Masters of the Broken World.

Eador is one of many fantasy-themed Civilization-style turn based grand strategy games out there, and arguably one of the more interesting. Unfortunately it's definitely far too ambitious for its own sake: it tries to be a Civilization-style grand strategy game, a Heroes of Might and Magic-style tactical strategy game, and also a fully fleshed-out CRPG. Which ultimately means it's a very complex game with a great deal of very tedious management involved. The campaign can be especially infuriating as your progress is reset at each chapter, which is definitely something that works well within the confines of a grand strategy game, but is kind of antithetical to the well-proven progression curve of a roleplaying game.

And, as you might expect from such an ambitious game, but the UI is a bit of a mess -- you'll know your in for a bad time almost immediately upon starting up a campaign, once you notice that the button used to close a window is placed in the bottom-center rather than an upper corner as has been standard for the past quarter-century or so. The campaign map is also problematic in that there's a great deal of information that needs to be conveyed about each province that is revealed almost exclusively through nested menus--almost no useful information is visible on the map itself.
49 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
31435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 14:15
A game for those who loved HMM3 and who love a slow grinding RPG where you carefully build up your game and character. It does not come much slower than this, and that is exactly why I love it.
169 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
27910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.19 10:26
This is one of the best games I have ever played. I didn't realize just how many hours I had sunk into this. 462 hours on this accpimt to date and I just keep coming back. It's the kind of game you play through and then come back to an play again. The 1000+ hour campaign really helps with this. There are the occasional bugs that can get annoying at times but everything else allows you to look past these bugs with ease.

Now, I only play on the hardest difficulty (which seems almost impossible to begin with) but once you know what you are doing then it becomes manageable. This demonstrates the fact that there truly is strategy to be mastered here - and if you really want to learn there are some great YouTube tutorials out there.

Also, this game is EXCEEDINGLY well balanced, despite the fact that you may not realize it to begin with. You may begin to believe that your style of play (always starting with a commander for example) is the best and only way to play. But you truly can lay any of the commanders viably, they just have very different play styles. Some maps are also more suited to different commanders and so even the choice of commander comes down to strategy.

You can play good and evil, make your subject happy or continually suppress rebellions and kill them all. And it is all viable.

The 1000+ hour campaign, unlocks things for you in a piecemeal manner so you truly get a sense of progression throughout.

Slight con:
I won't say too much but I believe some of the out of map dialogue options ruin the strategy component a bit as things may happen that you had no idea about / couldn't plan for unless you had played through and knew what to expect. In fact, I am quite annoyed about this feature as I don't like games that you need to play, without knowing what you are doing, in order to learn the strategy. However, you will still learn whats going on - even in your first play through, albeit realising that you may have made some subpar choices previously.

IMO this game is MUCH better than their newer version which is nicer looking but offers less depth and strategy.

In other words, if you are a hardcore 4X fantasy RPG lover. You will absolutely love this game!!!
124 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
7730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.19 04:09
This game is better than the previous one, however it still has random skills to choose from when you get your heroes. You should have the complete list of skills to choose from, not 3 picked random ones. Besides that, its still unbalanced like crazy and the computer cheats, luckily there's mods to fix it sort of. So besides those points, the game is fun but insanely repetitive to the point where your going to want to auto battle every engagement on fast combat speed while you only pick the warrior hero with some really cheap fodder units in his group , if you use any units with him at all. Still fun though at least the campaign. Also there are bugs, I keep getting a random crash when saving.
250 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
77170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.15 22:57
Ok I always look for negative reviews first. My opinion is that someone who hates the game will over exagerate the flaws, but at least will talk about the flaws where someone who loves it is less likely to. That being said, I still love this game even though it has flaws. However, some people won't like it as I do so I will begin with the negatives then move on to the positives since that's how I approach it anyway.

Crashes too much. I'd say once every few hours of play time you will have the game crash. It's not enough to bother me, but it can be frustrating.
AI can be off pretty bad. Battles that will tell you are impossible sometimes can be beaten manually without losing a single hit point. Battles that say they are so weak they are not worth your time will sometimes wipe you on auto. That doesn't happen all of the time, and with some play time you can easilly judge for yourself. Also computer players will keep throwing themselves at your defenses every time they resurect even if they die every single time in some situations.
Bugs. There are a few, one that for some reason will pop up the AI's hero screen in front of me which has shown me they get a +10 gold per turn bonus per hero at the level I was playing at.

It is constantly changing. Every time you start a new character or see a new world, the game will be different, different maps, different quests available. It kind of reminds me of Civ in that aspect.
You can chose how you play. Some games require you to be the hero, some games require you to be the villian, this game requires you to be whatever you feel like being.
It is a great strategy game IMO. Losing a single soldier at the wrong time can cost you an entire map, granted like most strat games you can always load fail (load the game and redo a fight because you lost), but not all of us play like that.

So with all of that I'd say the game play and replayability are worth it. The bugs and glitches and even AI issues can be fixed (or modders can fix them if it ever opens to mod on steam). Overall I'd say the positives outweigh the negatives enough for me.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
61.01% 748 478
Release:24.05.2013 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Snowbird Game Studios Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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