News Liste Fuse

UNLIMITED Free Fuse Auto-Rigs
13.05.15 02:15 Community Announcements

Open the flood gates! Because you can now auto-rig as many Fuse characters as your heart desires!

That's right, the 2 rig limit has been abolished for all Fuse users!

You want your army of SFM characters for your massive sequence? Go forth and conquer! You want your mountain of Gmod ragdolls to bolt rockets to? Fire away!

Facial Flex support has also been added for our Source Filmmaker export!

So smile! Because you can now pose your Fuse characters' faces in SFM!

Am I abusing the h1 markup tag? MAYBE!

But that's because this freaking awesome.

For more information on what to expect in Fuse 1.4, check out the roadmap.

So don't hold back, Fuse on!
