Steam DB Steam DB Green Dragon - Graphic Novel: Soturi

App ID
App Type
Green Dragon - Graphic Novel: Soturi
JTS Development
Supported Systems
PC Mac
First Record Import
November 12, 2020 - 20:51:01 UTC (1260 days ago)
Last Record Update
April 04, 2024 - 11:54:06 UTC (22 days ago)
Release Date
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Green Dragon - Graphic Novel: Soturi
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Green Dragon - Graphic Novel: Soturi is a comic book in a PDF-format.

Explore the stories of Green Dragon and dive into the story with this Graphic Novel! Including 3 pages at the moment and more in near future. Unique drawing style!

Soturi is a book made up of comics content. Although the word "novel" normally refers to long fictional works, Soturi is a mix of comic book and graphic novel. Screenshots below are examples about graphical style.

This first released version of Soturi consists of three (3) pages: covers and story.

Ready novel will have 10-20 pages!

When Graphic Novel is complete, at least 50% of it has been created digitally by using ProCreate, other painting softwares and Apple Pencil.

We develop, add new pages and graphics to the novel. Also some panels of images can be black and white before novel is ready.

By buying this Graphic now*, you can enjoy new content which will be added to the novel during the development!

If you buy the Green Dragon main game during the 7 days launch discount period, you will get access to this novel FREE.