• Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Ultimate Edition für PS4
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Ultimate Edition für PS4
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version
  • Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: Eine Riesen-Ladung neuer Screens zum Release der PC-Version


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.06.2011
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Preis Update 05.05.24

Über das Spiel

Aus Schlachten werden Helden geboren!

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars ist eine Flugkampfsimulation, die sich in realen Szenarien des ersten und zweiten Weltkriegs bewegt. In insgesamt sieben Kampagnen fliegt und kämpft sich der Spieler durch 49 spannende Missionen. Für jede Mission kann er unter zahlreichen Flugzeugmodellen mit verschiedenen Stärken und Schwächen auswählen.

Innerhalb der Missionen gilt es, die verschiedensten Aufgaben zu erfüllen, darunter Patrouillenflüge, Schleich-Missionen, Blitzüberfälle, Bomber-und Eskortierungsflüge. Nach absolvierten Missionen kann der Spieler seine Fertigkeiten ausbauen und dadurch bspw. Flugzeuge besser kontrollieren, sie haltbarer machen oder einen besseren Co-Piloten wählen.

Zwei Steuerungsmöglichkeiten stehen zur Auswahl: Im Arcade-Modus ist die Flugzeugsteuerung vereinfacht, im Simulationsmodus wird sie realistisch abgebildet.

Neben dem Kampagnenmodus gibt es mehrere Multiplayer-Modi für bis zu vier Spieler, die lokal und über das Internet gespielt werden können.

  • Actiongeladenes Gameplay mit realistischen Luftkämpfen
  • Über 20 detaillierte und der zeitlichen Periode entsprechend angepasste Landschaften
  • 16 verschiedene Flugzeugmodelle aus dem 1. und 2. WK
  • Vielfältige Ausrüstung: MGs, Abwurfbomben und Raketen
  • 49 abwechslungsreiche Missionen: Kampf-, Schleich-, Action- und Kundschaftermissionen
  • Zwei Steuerungsmodelle: Arcade und Simulation
  • Diverse Multiplayer-Modi, lokal und via Internet


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

149 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 09:07
Ganz nett.
661 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 19:00
Aufgesetzte und dumme Story, nur damit man anscheinend verschiedene Flugzeuge fliegen kann. Dazu sind die Missionen auch teilweise recht lahm und langweilig. Zumindest ist es spielbar, aber die ganze Air Conflicts-Reihe ist einfach Schrott. Keine Empfehlung.
129 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 01:18
Gut gelunges Flug Arcade Game.
Es ist weniger Simulator. Trotzdem bringt es fun zu spielen.

Überrascht war ich, welche Flugzeuge man freispielen konnte!
Findet es heraus. Ich würde es empfehlen!
6 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.19 07:03
Achtung!! Schlechtes Spiel mit unrealistischer Kampagne.
Schon nach den ersten Minuten wieder deinstalliert.
269 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.14 15:42
Eigentlich ein gutes Arcade-Luftkampfspiel,aber leider Gottes eine sehr lahme Story, und teilweise sehr unrealistisch. Beispielweise wird an einer Stelle gesagt das man Peenemünde bombardieren muss,um die Entwicklung der V2 zu stoppen,es wird aber gesagt das sich Peenemünde in Polen befindet und das ist schlichtweg blödsinn. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist teilweise übertrieben,und selbst wenn man sich nicht für Geschichte interissiert bemerkt man die Geschichtlichen Fehler sehr schnell, was aus meiner Sicht bei einem Arcade Spiel auch in ordnung ist.

Aber das Gameplay ist gut,und die Grafik ist auch noch annehmbar, gerade wenn man das Erscheinungsjahr berücksichtigt. Der Multiplayer eine schöne Abwechslung, hat aber leider zu wenig Spieler. Mit Sachen wie den kleinen Abschnitten im Ersten Weltkrieg oder die gezeichneten Sequenzen wurde sich auch viel Mühe gegeben, meiner Meinung nach verbessern sie sonst sehr langweilige Story um vieles.

Fazit: Wer auch mal über faktische Fehler hinweg sehen kann wird mit diesem Spiel sehr viel Spass haben!
1571 Produkte im Account
704 Reviews
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.12 19:35
Ein Super Spiel.
Ideal für Leute die auf Luftkämpfe Stehen.
82 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.12 13:00
wer auf alte luftkämpfe steht sollte das mal ausprobieren giebt auch einen multiplayer also währe das auch was für uns OSG ler
828 Produkte im Account
1232 Reviews
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 09:11
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on,
good amount of action and special effects,
some difficult battles.
Some missions have some bugs.
Sometimes the enemy can infinite spawn/respawn.
some crashes. fix requires lowering settings and turning off post effect.
keyboard controls are not rebindable.

good game.
Personal Suggested Purchase Price: $0.99 Or Less During Sale
3173 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 22:22
I got this for under a buck in a bundle.

It wasn't worth it. The only positive thing I can say is it's better than Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers.

Bland story, poor graphics, repetitive gameplay do not a good game make.

Reading this review offers about as much entertainment as this game would, which is obviously, not very much.
1808 Produkte im Account
326 Reviews
1399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 16:50
Not a bad game for what you pay for it. The graphics are what you pay for, not overly great, but we have a shortage of flying games out right now so you roll with what you got, until we can get a AAA title published.
652 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 04:02
Fun game overall if you approach it as being an over-the-top rambo mobile port. If you're expecting ace combat you'll be disappointed. AA snipes, friendlies do nothing, all enemies target you, and heavy bombers can do barrel rolls (But the player cannot) But the story is nice, the characters were memorable, and I actually had a good amount of fun. It's very short though at only ~8 hours for a playthrough. But that means it's perfect to knock out in one sitting.
300 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 18:48
Yeah it's not the best but You'll get your money's worth
1725 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 07:35
I actually really enjoyed playing this game. I used a gamepad to play it, and had no problems running it. Yes it is not a military sim, so if your into more arcadey type of games then this is pretty fun. The graphics are outdated by now but it's still plenty fun if you don't mind that.
130 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 01:06
Simply one of the best WW2 Arcade flight games I've played (and I've played more than a few....) - The pics above do not do this game any justice believe me and if the Devs added a video of actual gameplay I'm sure they would sell far more copies.

Use a Game Pad for a great flying experience - Story led linear mission progress about a rather strange female mercenary pilot & her friends flying various missions throughout the war, the ability to select different aircraft & replay missions makes for great game play & you also do some flashback missions in WW1 - what more could you want - bought on sale but have enjoyed this so much would happily of paid full price.
535 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 09:03
This is what i call a arcade 3D flight game. Simple game mechanics. Simple player objectives. Simple graphics and sounds. Overall a simple, short & fun game.
1672 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 21:33
It's working on Windows 10, you just need to turn off the Steam Overlay.

If you can withstand first hour of boring missions, you'll get very good WWII (WWI) airplane arcade shooter with variable missions, a story and light RPG elements. For €6 it's a steal.

I have only one major problem with the game - bombs have almost no blast radius, so you need to be very precise with them (you can switch to rockets later in the game, they are much better).
44 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.20 03:21
This game is not really bad at all; beside telling the WWI stories, it also tells some elements in Call of Duty: World at War and Battlefield I, and about a life of a female fighter pilot. Same control physics as the other Air Conflicts series; it's not even too bad as a classic flight simulator at all, though. Definitely worth a try for storytelling, I suppose.
2481 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.19 12:06
Extremely fun game (definitely the best in this series) , though multiplayer is dead and many of the achievements are linked to multiplayer.
414 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 18:21
Nice arcade-style flying game. Easy to master the controls, nice storyline and lots of missions. Would recommend for single player, multiplayer not so much.
3139 Produkte im Account
222 Reviews
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.19 03:55
Everybody likes being a combat pilot. Even Joe Cool himself enjoys fighting Red Baron from time to time. Unfortunately, not everybody's dedicated enough to learn how to play all those complicated simulators, which also require buying some extra controllers. That's where arcade-style games come in. And the trick with them is to make everybody happy. Simulation fans should be able to relax a bit and get some basic, but addicting fun, while those who can't enjoy complicated games should feel just at home. In other words, the entry threshold level should be pretty low, but gameplay should be fun and addicting. And Air Conflicts: Secret Wars? It does exactly that.

First of all, this game looks pretty good for a basic arcade-style game. The planes are very detailed and there's quite a lot of them. Secondly, the UI feels exactly right. It's basic, but perfectly effective. Finally, the missions are pretty small, but very addictive. And there's quite a lot of them (49 to be precise). In other words, Air Conflicts is exactly what you may want from this kind of games. It's a basic game with simple controls that won't punish you for not having a real pilot skills, but at the same time, it's fun, charming and addictive.

Sure, there are the downsides too. The story is kinda meh, for example. Not like you'll want complicated story with twists from this kind of games, bu-u-ut you know how it is. There's also another story-related problem. See, you'll often get interrupted during the mission. In this game, when you achieve one of the goals, you'll need to listen to a pretty long conversation. While keeping flying. And there's no guarantee that after the conversation the timer won't start and it'll turn out that all that time you were flying into a wrong direction. Which means that you'll need to waste a lot of time to get back (sometimes there won't even be enough time for that). Sure, the missions are usually short enough to not feel too bad about restarting (there are checkpoints, but the game will save right when the timer starts, so...). And yet, it's just... stupid. Finally, the maps are just way, way too small and very often the game will tell you that you're flying into a wrong direction and should turn around. Very annoying stuff.

But then again, all that just can't ruin the game. Air Conflicts: Secret Wars is still a fun and addicting arcade-style game. You'll control different planes, you'll shoot Nazis, you'll bomb Nazis and it'll feel good. Especially since there's a gamepad support with rumble feature. Unfortunately, multiplayer is almost dead. The LAN part still works, as far as I can see, but online servers are long gone. Keep that in mind while thinking about buying this. It's a sad thing, since I always loved the deathmatch mode. And yet, campaign and dogfight mode are fun enough to make it worth it. Especially if you'll get this game on sale. Years after the initial release, this game is still fun.

P.S. Make sure to disable Steam overlay and Steam input in Steam client's settings before starting the game. Otherwise, it'll crash. A lot. You have been warned.
350 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.15 20:32
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars is a mixed bag of things, but mostly an arcade sim with a decent (though hyperbolic) story wrapped around it. You play a female protagonist named DeeDee who, being a pilot smuggler gets caught up into World War II. And she serves with a man who personally flew and fought with her father in World War One. As the missions progress, the story unfolds through static cut scenes that have a pleasant cell shaded hand drawn look. Missions vary from stealthy strike missions to all out balls to the wall multi-plane dogfights. If you’re looking to play an IL-2 Sturmovik imitation, look elsewhere; this is strictly for the arcade fans. Difficulty can be toggled, but some missions are more difficult than they have any right to be. One particular mission toward the end involved destroying fleeing vehicles through the city of Berlin. Tall buildings made it difficult to get decent bombing runs or rocket attacks, and it took me over 50 tries to get it. (But at this point, being so close to the end I had to finish it!)

Graphics are okay, serving the purpose. They look console-ish, and the voice acting is pretty much done by three people. One guy doing four different men’s voices with different accents is cheesy to the point of being hilarious. The music score, on the other hand, is polished and grandiose. It’s on par with a Stephen Spielberg Hollywood feature. I even looked during the end credits to find out who the composer was. Sadly, he was not credited.
The game offers multiplayer, but servers were pretty scant. I did find one each time I logged on, and this is probably a testament to the game’s age. It was fun, but mostly consisted of aerial jousts with rockets being launched at each other. A lot of my kills were dumb luck.

I won’t be in a hurry to play the original Air Conflicts or Air Conflicts: Vietnam, but if you have a few bucks left in your Steam Wallet during a Summer or Winter Steam sale, you could do worse.
628 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.14 03:20
Fun arcadey flight sim. It's more of an XBL-arcade-tier indie title than a full-fledged flight sim, which is good because I'm terrible at flight sims. The planes seem kinda the same, the missions are uninspired, but if you want to fly around and blow stuff up, this does the trick.
3069 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.14 00:53
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars is an arcade flying game published by bitComposer Games.

Set in World War 2 with linear storyline. It's not about military power of the Nazi, Red Army or even RAF. It's about a person who try to survive in the war that consumes many other. But of course, you will be joining the Allies in the war against the German. From the desert of Tobruk to the plains and forest of Europe, you fight for your survival.

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars has good gameplay, it's just since the game is about a person, it doesn't have so many great battles and some of it are stealth mission. Still, it's a challenges, not a bad game for me. The graphics is quite good, the sounds are good and the music is kinda good. I still recommend this if you like arcade games.

Rating 6/10
Logo for Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
64.25% 142 79
Release:17.06.2011 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Games Farm Vertrieb: dtp - entertainment AG Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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