• BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover
  • BlazeRush: Game Cover


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.10.2014
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Preis Update 09.05.24

Über das Spiel

BlazeRush is a dynamic arcade racing survival game with no health, no levelling and no brakes!
You can assemble a team of friends to play in local or online multiplayer, choose a car to your taste and chase, blow up and cut off!
Adapt your style and tactics to new enemies, obstacles and tracks. Welcome to the World Of Racing and Frantic Fun!

Key Features:
  • Simple multiplayer. Up to 4 players locally and up to 8 players over the Internet;
  • Couch vs. couch. Start races with local players;
  • Connect to the game at any time;
  • Dozens of fun tracks on three planets, 16 cars and a variety of cool guns;
  • Lots of medals for various tricks and antics.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

129 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 18:09
Gutes Splitscreenspiel.
33 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 22:08
Ein cooles Spiel für eine größere Gruppe.
Der Singleplayer eignet sich für das nebenher zocken, während man im Multiplayer mit den Freunden richtig ausrasten kann! :)
208 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.17 16:33
Sehr cooles Partygame, wenn man 3 Controller oder mehr hat.
Auch die Kampagne kann man mit seinen Freunden spielen um neue Fahrzeuge freizuschalten.
Wir haben uns selten so oft und laut beschimft wie bei diesem Game.
212 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.17 07:11
Ein schönes top town Rennspiel. Schade nur das hier online multiplayer versprochen wird abrt die Server dauer down sind. Behebt das bitte dann wäre es sein Geld gänzlich gerecht!
1807 Produkte im Account
374 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.15 10:08
Ein sehr abwechslungsreiches Rennspiel, bei welchem oftmals Taktik und Glück erforderlich sind, um zu gewinnen.
Es gibt etliche, sehr verschiedene Fahrzeuge, diverse Waffen, die man während eines Rennens aufsammeln kann, schöne Effekte und eine Dampfwalze, die alles plättet, was zu langsam ist.
413 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.15 08:17
Ich glaube, die Russen und ich, wir könnten richtig dicke Freunde werden. Gemeint sind die Jungs von Targem, die mir erst kürzlich mit „Insane 2“ (= I2) superbe Arcarde-Racing-Stunden beschert haben. Ein toller, grenzenfreier Offroad-Renner, der dem angestaubten Codemaster-Original mehr als gerecht wurde. Mit reichlich Renn-Modi und sattem Umfang. Sowas zieht mich mehr an als die ganzen Edel-Rennspiele a la „Need for Speed“ und Co., und leider sind gute Spiele von der Klasse eines I2 nur sehr schwer zu finden.
Darum hatte ich mich bereits drauf eingestellt dass eben I2 für längere Zeit mein letztes, persönliches „One-Hit-Wonder“ unter den Racern bleiben würde. Doch siehe, unverhofft kommt oft, wieder klebe ich an einem Rennspiel Marke „Arcardig & Lustig“, nur heisst es diesmal „BlazeRush“ (=BR). Und - wie es der Zufall so will – wieder aus der Targem-Bude. Als könnten die Entwickler meine geheimen Rennspiel-Vorlieben regelrecht riechen. Fast schon unheimlich… ^^

Ein erster Blick auf BR und sofort denkt man wohl an eine Kreuzung aus „Micro Machines“ von – Himmel, noch ein Zufall?! – Codemasters und Nintendos „Mario Kart“, stimmt’s? Joah, kommt in etwa hin. Berücksichtigt man noch die 45°-Fernansicht, kann vielleicht sogar Blizzards „Rock’n Roll Racing“ als wahrscheinlichste Inspiration vermutet werden, weil die Parallelen hier am deutlichsten durchscheinen. Targem versucht erst gar nicht aus der altbekannten, aber ungebrochen-beliebten Fun-Racer-Formel was völlig Neues zu erfinden und hält sich lieber an Genre-Standards:
Jede Menge futuristische Flitzer in den ausgefallensten Konstruktionen, genügend Tracks mit verschiedenen Umgebungssettings, ausreichend vorhandene wie unterschiedliche Spiel-Modi/-Ziele und vom Himmel regnende Power-Ups. All das zusammen soll laut Targem den Bedarf an Features abdecken um den Spieler lange genug bei Laune zu halten. Das tut es auch. Individuelle Tuning-Möglichkeiten oder optische Spielereien an den Fahr-/Flugzeugen gibt es nicht und werden (meiner Meinung nach) auch nicht vermisst. Auch unterscheiden sich die nach und nach freispielbaren Turbo-Kisten in keinster Weise hinsichtlich Höchstgeschwindigkeit oder Beschleunigung, wohl aber in ihren Fahreigenschaften. Kettenfahrzeuge haben eine sehr gute Bodenhaftung, dem gegenüber sind Schwebe-Gleiter weitaus wendiger während bei bereiften Karren beide Aspekte im ausgeglichenen Verhältnis stehen.

Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen: BR macht Mordsspaß.
Nach dem Startschuss geht’s richtig ab, denn die Gegner-KI kennt keinerlei Scham. Sie drängelt, schubst und beschießt einen ohne Unterlass, und im Solo gegen 4 computergesteuerte Gegner bedeutet da vor allem eines: heilloses, vorprogrammiertes Chaos. Mitsamt vielen Lach- wie Schrei-Momenten angesichts der geschickt mit Waffengewalt ausmanövrierten Opponenten oder dem eigenen Versagen aufgrund eigener Doofheit. *g* Genau SO will ich einen Arcarde-Fun-Racer haben. Mit einer bissig agierenden KI die einem den fast schon sicheren Sieg noch so eben (und ohnerlei Cheaten) vor der Nase wegschnappt. Ohne Gummiband-Effekt, ohne das Gefühl im Baby-Level einen Winner-Pott nach dem anderen einzusacken oder mangels Herausforderung womöglich noch am Computertisch einzupennen. Zusätzliche Motivation kommt durch das schon aus I2 bekannte System des Karriere-Modus, bei dem erst durch errungene Medaillenerfolge nach und nach neue Strecken sowie Fahrzeuge freigeschaltet werden.

Das irrwitzig-explosive Racing-Spektakel kommt auch wegen seiner knalligen Aufmachung ziemlich gut zur Geltung. Wirken die Menüs äußerlich noch etwas billig, ist die eigentliche Spielgrafik gar nicht mal so übel. Schön designte Strecken, coole Fahrzeugmodelle samt sehenswertem Trefferfeedback, teilweise stimmige Wetter- und Licht-, vor allem aber Explosionseffekte noch und nöcher. Das ultrabunte, sehr flüssige Treiben läuft zudem auf Wunsch ohne (!) FPS-Begrenzung, was jeder Besitzer Hertz-starker TFTs ohne Frage dankend annehmen wird. Anzumerken wäre allerdings dass die Spiel-Kamera ein höchst eigenwilliges Verhalten an dem Tag legt, als wenn sie sich nicht entscheiden könnte ob sie nun mir, den Gegnern oder was auch immer folgen soll. Mal fand ich mich im Zentrum des Renngeschehens, nicht selten aber tummelte ich mich auch nahe des Bildschirmrandes (und bekam fast Angst hinter diesem gar zu verschwinden), ebenso erlaubt das wechselhafte Rein- wie Rauszoomen nicht immer den allerbesten Überblick. Ist kein echtes Ärgernis, es sei nur der Vollständigkeit halber erwähnt.
Klangmäßig stimmt soweit das was die Boxen ausspucken. Die Fantasie-Vehikel rattern/rollen/gleiten mit passender Akustik, die Waffen lassen ihre Wirkung lautstark tönen und der mal rockige, mal technolastige Soundtrack dudelt munter vor sich hin ohne sonderlich zu stören.

Ein sehr kurzweiliger und wilder Rennspaß bei dem es nur so scheppert und kracht. Als Einzelspieler macht es irre Spaß die Gegner von der Piste zu werfen, diese wissen aber genauso gut den Spieß schnell wieder umzudrehen. Auch als witziges Multiplayer-Fest könnte sich BR durchaus eignen – ausprobiert habe ich es nicht, vermute es aber mal stark. Bis dato hab ich knappe 4 Stunden hierin investiert, weitere werden definitiv folgen. Wer sich für actionlastige Funracer wie zu SNES-Zeiten begeistern kann, der macht beim Kauf von BR gewiss nichts falsch.
805 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.15 18:17
Micro Machines war gestern! Mein Gott, was macht dieses kleine Spiel für einen Spaß. Im Prinzip ist BlazeRush nicht anderes wie Micro Machines mit Waffen.

Und es hat alles, was so ein Funracer alles braucht: MP bis zu 8 Leuten (bei weniger wird der Rest mit Bots augefüllt), verschiedene Autos mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften, diverse Spielmodi (King of the Hill, Death Race), einen abendfüllenden Singleplayer als Dreingabe uvm. Ein Controller ist bei diesem Spiel imho dringend zu empfehlen.

Wer immer zu Nintendo und Mario Kart geschielt hat, kann mit BlazeRush nix falschmachen.

Solltet ihr noch ein paar Euros übrig haben, dann bitte zuschlagen!

173 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.14 00:31

Verschiedne Karren
Verschiedene Waffen
Verschiedene Modis
Verschiedene Karten
nette Grafik
bis zu 4 Spieler an einem Computer möglich

langzeit Motivation
noch sehr wenige Spieler für online Matches

das Feld wird durch Boosts zusammen gehalten
zu weit abgeschlagene werden vor Teleportiert
409 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 14:22
182 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 07:33
The greatest local multiplayer racing game no one has ever heard of. It's like Mario Kart but way more action and excitement.

Justice for Targem Games.
309 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 09:05
Its really fun to play with friends, and its worth it for that price
682 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 10:03
This is oldschool racing fun and chaos, with gorgeous graphics. Not only is it a lot of fun, but it is also an ideal game to play with friends. I recommend getting the 4-pack as it really is worth the price. But even without friends this game has an extensive and interesting singleplayer campaign which never gets boring as the number of cars, weapons and boosters create different experiences everytime you play. The single drawback, this game have, is the time it takes to set up a multiplayer game, since it takes upwards of a couple of minutes to connect with the server. But once that is done, everything else runs smoothly.
88 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 15:36
If only there was a sequel..
873 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
15186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 22:45

Best Game Ever!

An excellent top down action racer inspired by micromachine/rock'n roll racing that is very easy to play, and not too hard to master.

Buy it if you want to have a good time with up to 3 friends, playing the Death Race mode, where you must drive as fast as you can to avoid getting steamrolled (literally). The game shares some similarities with Mario Kart, in the sense that players lagging behind will get boosts while the race leader will mostly get weapons, this allows for great last minute comebacks and some raging fun.

Online works pretty well too, but don't expect a huge community for a game that came out in 2014.
147 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 01:30
6936 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 08:00
Fun party racer with an enganging single player mode. As with most games of this kind the racing and shooting is sometimes so frantic that it's hard to see your own car. Although it's quite an old game and online multiplayer is almost dead this is still an easy recommendation for fans of fun racers.
528 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 14:30
Not a very complex game, but delivers perfectly on arcade-y multiplayer fun with friends in 1-2 hour bursts. In the derby mode everyone is bound to see some action even if the skill level varies between players.
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 05:39
Fix your camera angles or give options to change the camera view. This game gives me a headache after only 15 mins. Its very hard to follow along using only just a colored arrow for navigation. I cant in good faith recommend this game.
1830 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 15:27
Controller keep disconnecting for no reason, every 5 minutes or so.
Tested with different controllers to make sure the problem is in the game, not the controller.
318 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
4069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 19:03
This is the best game ever to have fun with your friends!
I suggest the Deathrace mode!
75 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 06:38
hidden gem - one the games I end up playing the most with friends

easy to learn - hard to master

can play online or with remote play
4191 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 08:08
Top down view for racing make me feel the control awkard.
Multiplayer/server not working to me.
Whole mechanic is too simple.
108 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 00:31
This game seems pretty bad when first booting it up. The UI in the menu is bad, the graphics seem mediocre, and the gameplay looks shallow. Yet even though all of this might be true, the game is great. Playing local, or online multiplayer with your friends has never been this fun.

BlazeRush features explosive power-ups such as homing missiles, fast rocket boosts, and bouncing razor-discs. The vehicular combat works more similar to Smash in that you don't have any health bars. Instead, each weapon deals some kind of knockback or crowd control. Each player is always visible on the screen, which is one of the reasons why it is such a good game for local couch play. The vehicles not only look cool, but they also handle slightly differently which adds some nice variety to the gameplay.

One gripe is that there is only a single gamemode that is fun. Deathrace is brilliant because it is an elimination gamemode, and if someone falls too far behind, out of the screen, they will get run over by a massive bulldozer. This makes sure that each player stays on the screen in a fun way, instead of how it works with the other gamemodes where players falling behind will get teleported forward. Deathrace is also fun because when you die, you don't have to wait long until you respawn since the bulldozer will keep on getting faster and faster until everyone is dead, at which point everyone will instantly respawn and the match continues.

Keep in mind that this game is best enjoyed as a party game. The sometimes uncontrollable and bouncy driving mechanics combined with incredibly strong power-ups, and unpredictable knockback directions will mean that it is not certainly the best player that will come out on top. Though this is how it should be in a FFA party game, where the random gameplay assures that ganging up on a single person won't work, or winning against your nephew will never be certain. So you shouldn't buy the game thinking it should be taken seriously as a purely competitive game.

If you plan on playing the game alone or with randoms online, it might not be the game for you. This because the campain is rather shallow and there might not be enough online lobbys for you to find a multiplayer game. But if you plan on playing the game with a few friends, either local or online, it will be a great experience.
219 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 08:46
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 05:25
This game is so underrated! Its basically completely dead in the online browsing for games but if you can get a few friends to get it then its a masterpiece. Fun arcade party style game that will not get boring! great game.
64 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 17:38
It's a fun game with friends. Therefore I recommend it.

BUT only for that. Unfortunately you have to play career mode to unlock all cars for multiplayer. And boy, that career mode is atrocious. It's just a drag with tons of flaws and hardly any fun. The main problem being that the max speed of all cars is the same and boost only drop way behind the leader in career mode.

You can never get away from the AI. They are as fast as you and you don't get boosts if you lead. This makes 2.5 of 3 laps completely pointless. It's literally the last few seconds that decide the race. And if you don't have a boost, you will most likely lose. This mode literally punishes you for being good in the first 2.5 laps.

Death Match:
You must kick your opponents of the track to become the last man standing. A giant vehicle follows you and the AI and crushes everything it touches. And it will be faster than you unless you have a boost. More often than not it's about who has the right boost at the right time. There are multiple sorts of boost and they just appear on the track at random points. And the lead does not get any, which again punishes you for being good.

King of the hill:
Lead the race for 50 seconds. But since the leader does not get boosts the lead will switch a lot. There are even weapons that you need a boost to counter, so you're screwed when you lead. Combine this with an AI that is completely all over the place and pulls of insane shots with their weapons or just does not use them at all, A boring drag without any fun to it.

There are some mini games where you have to beat the time on a track which you are racing solo. They are kind of fun but mostly not that challenging. Still better than the actual game modes in career, though.

So if you have a bunch of friends to play with, go ahead. If you're looking for something to enjoy on your own, stay the hell away from this.
279 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 01:55
This game had VR support and then it was removed and VR was made Oculus exclusive. . .Lame
571 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 02:55
very underrated, reminds me of micro machines but with awesome guns
35 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
6110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.20 23:26
Fun racing game, great for single player or with friends. You can use a keyboard and win but it takes more practice, controller is far easier. When playing with friends the host can change the settings so you get only the race/weapon types you like. Our friend group loves Death Race (>15 points wins) and all mods on.

I have so much fun with my friends I haven't gotten around to finishing the career path. But I do wish that the makers make the night-time race an optional multiplayer ting. That would be awesomely hilarious.
313 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 13:43
Initially had fun with the game, but at later levels, it felt like vehicle stats literally meant nothing. Seemed the vehicles would go at whatever speed they wanted.

Interesting levels, nice variation of game modes and racers, but it all becomes samey after a bit (an issue I find with most racing games though that's just a personal feeling about them) and the above stated issue doesn't really help with it.
3347 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 14:42

TL;DR: A very well done Rock'n'Roll Racing clone.

If you haven't seen the game I'm referencing above, that's no wonder -- it was released by Blizzard (yeah, that Blizzard) in 1993, and it was all the hype, back in the day. It got re-released in 2003 on GameBoy. Core gameplay was 4 cars per ride, recklessly racing each other for the victory, while using various gadgets to hinder each other's progress. Isometric camera did not help with the lack of recklessness, as you only could see around 20 meters around and in front of you.

Key features of the game were power-ups that you would find while driving and use them to destroy your opponents or gain lead -- a concept, which Mario Kart uses to this day very much effectively.

Well, as the time passed, various developers started trying to copy the critically acclaimed game formula, with more or less success. As of the game I'm reviewing right now, I can say that today we have a game that definitely did it's best and succeeded in copying and improving the formula of a good combat racing game.

Graphics look good, despite the game being 6 years old -- I mean, as good, as your arcade combat racing games go. The cars are easy to tell between each other, smokes and trails are neat, explosions are flashy and tasty, and unique tracks are... well, they are unique, in the first place.

Game progression is not something you would lose your sleep about, but there's certainly no lack of scenarios you'll encounter. Say, a giant insane lawnmower that goes after you and your opponents, adding even more stress to the action-packed races? Or would you rather play a variant of battle-royale (before they were even a big thing), with only one car standing -- or rather, riding -- in the end?

As for the weak part of the game, music doesn't really catch your ear, but it does it's job, although I did prefer to ride with my own music on, or while listening to a podcast.

Should I buy this game in 2020?

If you're into combat racing games, or if you want to reminisce the golden Rock'n'Roll Racing days, you definitely should.
1411 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 11:57
Follow our curator page, Original Curators Group, if you want to see more reviews like this one.

First Impressions

What I liked when looking over BlazeRush (BR) was the rip-snorting, highly destructive racing action. It's a logic be darned, explosive racing game that I prefer over grounded, realistic options. The trailer is a good representation, because you will send other cars flying off the track, including your own if you aren't careful. If you like these kind of racers yourself, the game can be a real rush.


When starting career mode, BR opens up with basic tutorials so you can learn the core mechanics, such as the different car types. As new mechanics, weapons, and boosts are introduced, the game gives a brief tutorial on them and utilizes them heavily so you see how they work. It's a simple, smart approach to a tutorial system that avoids being heavy-handed or pointless.

There are 4 main types of race in BR: normal, time trial, survival, and king of the hill (KOH). The majority of races are exactly as you'd expect, just a basic race. Time trial removes all other racers from the track, dropping boosters throughout the course, and your goal is to finish 1 lap under a time limit. Survival places a car-cruncher behind the racers that dogs everyone constantly, picking off the weak until every car has been destroyed. Points are awarded based on how long you lasted, until someone earns enough points to win. KOH was my favorite, as the winner isn't determined by who crosses first, but instead who can stay in front longest. It's always annoyed me in racing games that although I might hold 1st most of the race, I can have victory stolen away in the last few seconds. KOH is the antidote to that issue, and I hope to see it elsewhere.

One mechanic you'll see in all of BR (except for survival) is how the game forcibly rubberbands those who fall too far behind, as their car is literally pulled further ahead. Purists may have issues with this, but the range is large enough that it doesn't give an edge to fall behind, while also not letting the gap become too big that you have no hopes of catching up again. Plenty of games have AI that rubberbands, and this does so in a way that benefits humans as well.



There is the option to play the game with the keyboard, which I promptly ignored. However, when I tried playing it with a controller, I was really confused. I'd tilt the “L joystick” left and right to make it face forward, with the results varying through every bend and turn. That's because you don't control the vehicle in a traditional sense, and it functions more like a twin-stick shooter, minus the shooting. You simply angle the “L joystick” in the direction you want the car to go, and after figuring that out, I no longer had issues with the controls. I'll mention that you active boosts with the “A button,” and fire weapons by hitting “B.”


There is a story for this game, but in a game about destroying infinitely respawning cars, I had no interest in the plot. From what I can gather, a wicked company is shutting down racetracks on different planets for unspecified reasons, and you winning races somehow puts up a resistance to this effort. It's clichéd, illogical, and doesn't show up much, aside from dialogue at the start and end of races. When you achieve victory at the end, you overcome this diabolical scheme and allow these races to continue, though you don't actually get any new races afterwards.



The backgrounds all look fairly standard environment-wise, in spite of theoretically taking place across multiple planets. The elevated racetracks do give a sense of depth and context, as opposed to a fully sterile course. I'd say BR looks fine, but nothing really stands out or looks that impressive.

I think it's a mixture of factors including the perspective, perceived scale of the cars, and control scheme, but this makes me think of people racing RC cars. So in effect, I connect less to the car or racer, and think of myself as the distant RC driver instead.

Sound Design

The music for the game is about what you'd expect. Not the grungiest or hardest rock, but fast-paced tunes with strong percussion to them. The game's audio wasn't well-balanced against all the sound effects though, because all the power-ups you and the other racers will use create sound effects that drown out the music. Shooting sawblades, activating rocket boosters, and explosions going off aren't the quietest noises in the world, though a good fit for the action.


  • The game lasts around 6-8 hours, depending on how particular you are about getting all the trophies and earning achievements.
  • Between the different types of races and tracks, the gameplay has a good sense of variety.
  • I like that there isn't just one type of boost; there's some range in strength and traits.


  • The final race is a lackluster boss battle. Nothing else like it occurs in the game, so it takes a while to figure out. It's basically a survival mode run, where position means nothing, because the boss vehicle can warp in front and behind you at will. Instead, you have to stay away from it and blast it with weapons until it goes down.
  • Power-ups are not in fixed locations on courses and spawn in intervals where the racers are. It can be frustrating and difficult to get a power-up at times, as one may spawn right in front of an enemy car, or an area you just drove past.
  • When facing the AI, they can be really cheap in later races, as if they're ganging up to ruin your chance to win, rather than advance their own.



  • My personal preference was to drive the cars with high acceleration, regardless of what type of race I was in. However, in certain situations it may be helpful to switch to a car with higher mass and better handling.
  • Sometimes, being in front isn't always the best situation in the early or midway point of a race, and you'll only win by lurching forward near the end.

Final Thoughts

Something I haven't brought up yet, but to me is a significant benefit, is that each race was completely separate from the others. Many racing games build around tournaments such that you have to beat 4 tracks to win, so you can do exceptionally well in multiple races, but lose out on total victory because you get screwed over in one bad race. BR's approach leads to less pressure, since if you fail a race, you just retry it without the burden of worrying how it'll impact your overall results. Case in point, there's some races in the midway point of the game I never got all the trophies on, while being able to do that on later races, and this didn't hinder me from beating the game.

This has the added benefit of making coop mode more enjoyable and helpful, because it doesn't matter if you or a buddy do horrendously in a few races, as only one of you needs to win for both to advance. My friend carried me through many of the survival races, as I wasn't as good at them, while I excelled in the KOH ones. Due to the relatively short length of the game, we finished BR on a weekend, but it's one we happily kept returning to, in spite of some frustrating races, because it was zany fun. I wasn't too interested in playing this game against my friend, though up to 4 players can race against each other, but it made for a great coop racer. I recommend it for a solid weekend playthrough.
653 Produkte im Account
515 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 23:46
I can see how this would be fun mario-cart style multiplayer game, but I would not recommend for single-player campaign. The game has wonky controls, the camera does not show the upcoming track, and the vehicle occasionally gets caught on the terrain. The steam store shows some kind of comic-book story, which makes it incorrectly seem like there is an in-game narrative.

There are a lot of good points, too. The graphics are really astounding, and there are a lot of very nicely detailed race maps. There is a big selection of vehicles (although they all sort of act the same,) with different driver graphics. I did grow to enjoy the wonky controls, after playing for several hours, to collect steam-cards.

The game has fast performance, and I ran the program on an ubuntu linux desktop with radeon mesa graphic drivers. I tried both keyboard and gamepad controllers (one does relative direction and the other absolute direction), and I got the impression that the game was designed for gamepads. The game takes 360MBs of diskspace. The game is often on sale at a deep discount, and you might consider it for a couch-co-op experience but not single-player. Less than half of steam owners obtained the achievement for completing the first set of campaign races.
457 Produkte im Account
172 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 02:40
I initially had fun with BlazeRush. I enjoyed the quick races and even though there’s only 3 race types, it was fine. You unlock more weapons and cars as your progress.

However, around half way through the Career mode, it started to get repetitive. I hated seeing yet another Survival race come up. By the time I was on the last handful of races, it was just too frustrating to try and get through.

This game suffers from rubber-banding. Meaning, if you fall behind you get pushed (warped) up back into the pack of cars. BlazeRush takes this to an extreme. For the regular 3 lap races, you can simply sit there and let the game push you along until the last lap and then boost your way into the lead and win the race.

There’s a lot of luck in each race, especially noticeable in the later races and the final boss. Very often I would feel cheated out of winning. Not a good thing when I’m trying to have fun.

+Weapon variety

+Rubber-banding mechanic
+Frustrating in later levels
+Borderline cheating AI

There are just too many annoyances for me to recommend this. The devs wanted to make such a level playing field that it just turns annoying. If I’m racing well, let me stretch my lead out. The later levels really brought this game down.

4/10 Below Average
1363 Produkte im Account
517 Reviews
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 03:16

18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 09:02
An enjoyable racing game with a bit of action. Thumbs up for me as it kept me entertained for several hours.
Also a story line which isn't too bad.
Not as good as Death Rally, but I haven't seen anything as good as that particular game.
141 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 22:11
Was amazing in VR. Seems they removed the support between then and now. Too bad!
229 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 13:26
Micro Machines meets Rock 'n' Roll Racing. What's not to like?
81 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 14:37
Wonderfully enjoyable (and chaotic) battle racer with a decent single player campaign and incredibly fun multiplayer modes either locally or online.

The controls take a while to get accustomed to as you have to push the controller stick in the direction you wish to move rather than having steering on one stick and acceleration/brakes on triggers, but once you've got that down it's a lot of fun.

It's probably the closest thing in spirit to Mashed I've played recently (which is definitely a good thing) - it even has a similar mode where you try not to get left behind as you all battle to survive which is very enjoyable. It looks great, plays really well and the games I've played with a friend have always ended up with us laughing, shouting and swearing - it's just a lot of fun, something games can't always get right but this one does.
32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 22:23
Really great fun both single player and multiplayer. Looks great and handles well - highly recommended.
947 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
1125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 05:53
Un sucesor digno de Rock and Roll Racing.
188 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 13:23
Sorry bro can't play, Banx isn't here
1852 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 13:22
this is by all means a very good entertaining game that you will probably pick up from time to time.
check it out. recommended
1582 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.19 11:38
Can't recommend this enough! You miss Micro Machines? You miss Off Road? Then just imagine those fun little racing games of old, but with cool physics, awesome weapons, pumping sound and a great variety of game modes!

Just pure fun and can't go wrong for the price!
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.38% 615 97
Release:29.10.2014 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Targem Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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