News Liste Born Punk

Born Punk has launched!
Born Punk
18.06.22 23:32 Community Announcements
Hello, everyone!

Today is a day of celebration at Insert Disk 22. After three and a half years, a Kickstarter campaign, applying for arts grants, developing through good times and bad times (globally bad times, that is), and finally trying to shout our name from the rooftops as loudly as we possibly can, it is done. Born Punk is out!

Was it worth it?

Oh, it definitely was. Seeing the first reactions on Youtube and twitch, reading the first Steam reviews, looking at what our kickstarter backers have to say so far... it looks like we did well! Which of course is a tremendous relief; nobody wants their beloved project to meet disapproval, after all. Apparently, that's not a fate Born Punk will have to suffer - and we're happy that the first players are able to immerse themselves in 'Bornholmverse'!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved during the production of the game. Our whole team, our kickstarter backers, the fine people who decided to wishlist our game before release, our amazing voice actors, the Steam support team and so many more! The journey to our launch is now over, and another journey begins. What kind of journey? Well, I hope to be able to shed light on that a few weeks from today.

To you, our players, I extend my gratitude for giving our little game a try. With so many big titles competing for your hard-earned money, and with so many other smaller games like ours vying for attention, it is an honour that you have decided to click on our title.

I wish you a lot of fun in Bornholm, and when you see Mariposa, Eevi and Flash, do tell them we're proud of them!

Have a wonderful day,
Falko from Insert Disk 22