News Liste Constructor Plus

Constructor Plus - Bite-size Bits! Update
Constructor Plus
07.06.19 16:43 Community Announcements

Dear Constructor fans,

We would like to thank all the fans who have purchased Constructor Plus. We very much hope that the game has been an enjoyable experience for everyone thus far. We are working through the feedback we have received and where possible are making adjustments based on the feedback provided to us.

For fans who are still getting used to the game we will be publishing at a later date a new YouTube channel called Constructor Central with various hints and tips to help improve your understanding of the game. This will supplement the existing tutorials and in-game hints that already exist. More on this at a later date as we are still in the early stages of putting things together.

The focus of our first update is to address potential areas of confusion in the game based on the feedback received. The changes range from re-enabling saves in the tutorial to adding in detailed lists in several of the missions that require you to track lots of data. We hope that these changes will help in the long run with fans who are just dipping their toes into the world of Constructor.


Patch Notes


• All fences now visible at the beginning of the game and now show within the UI what unlocks them if not unlocked.
• Added house level number to right-click pop-up.
• Sloane Family now accept Zirconium and Tiffany Deco railings in place of Iron Railings.
• Saving during the Tutorial is now allowed at certain points.
• Increased push-scroll speeds whilst still retaining diagonal movement consistent with viewpoint.
• Added in new Zombie & Cockroach names from Facebook & Steam suggestions.


• Gangsters will no longer attempt to fight decommissioned policemen if the gangsters are patrolling a building such as the Police Station.
• Shortcuts will no longer trigger phantom button interactions.
• Magistrate effects corrected so that prison sentences are affected as expected.
• Prevent re-assignment of an undesirable who has recently been taken over until the enemy undesirable has returned home.


• Tutorial no longer becomes stuck if you manufacture trees too quickly before the message telling you to manufacture trees appears.
• Gangster's appearance during tutorial to stop takeover now scales with game speed to avoid problems on faster speeds.
• Hippy party now lasts until you take over the house in the tutorial. THIS IS A TUTORIAL ONLY EFFECT.
• Access is granted to estate manager during the tutorial if you build the cement yard so that it uses up all the available land in case the AI has no available land for you to use.
• Fixin' You Up will now pass the appropriate stages if you kill Mr Fixit before he bodges your properties.
• German localisation of Greener Pastures now matches English description in referencing goal of three casinos.
• Add detailed checklists to mission descripions for Builder's Delight and The Hillbillies.
• Increased starting bank balance on Martian Menace.


We would also like to thank the fans on Facebook and Steam for their suggestions for new Zombie and Cockroach names as part of the Adopt-A-Zomroach event! There were many witty suggestions that we enjoyed reading. Listed below are our favourites which have been added to the game:

Zombie Names

• George A Zomero
• Munchin' Joe
• Brian Nibbler
• Johnny Rotten
• Mikon Jacksal
• Plant Hater
• Right Said Dead
• Bitey McBiteface
• Risen Withnoreason
• Rodney Chompface
• Barack Embalma
• Don Zombiote
• Tschakka
• Keef Rechardz

Cockroach Names

• Roachafella
• Marilyn Monroach
• Hal Underfridge
• Hot Chocaroach
• Scutter
• Crunch
• Mr.Krabs
• Shelly Toughstuff
• Gaspar
• Jimmy the Legs
• Harald
• Rad Shell
• Squish Me

Thank you very much for your continued support. Have a very Constructor-y weekend.

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