News Liste DARQ

Patch 1.3.1
07.12.20 04:53 Community Announcements
Hey Dreamers!

Thank you all so much for submitting bug reports! I really appreciate your patience, positive attitude & understanding (It's genuinely difficult to release a perfect & bug-free build on day one, especially when a team is small and the level (The Crypt) quite ambitious and non-linear. )

I'm happy to say that most of the bugs that have been reported are now fixed. Some issues I was unable to replicate just yet, but I'm in touch with a few of DARQ's fans who graciously agreed to help troubleshoot those, so one more patch is definitely coming soon. While I'm working on the remaining issues that might take a bit more time, I wanted to release a smaller patch in the meantime, so you have a better experience with the game.

Fixed issues

  • Switching between the body and the head rapidly in some cases resulted in controlling both at the same time. Not anymore.
  • Sometimes switching from the head to the body would result in a change in lighting. Not any more (at least, that's what it seems like. If you still experience this issue, let me know).
  • There were multiple unexpected collisions of lack thereof when controlling the head. Not anymore.
  • A never-before-discovered bug in the first level has been fixed. A big thank you to @Amöbe for reporting it.
  • The head no longer gets stuck in the air when it's left on the bottom of the second elevator (and when the elevator goes up)

To be fixed soon

Thank you to the members of this community who agreed to submit longer playthrough videos to help pinpoint what might be the cause. I'm working on these and a new patch will be released soon.
  • Some of you reported an issue that involves the head resetting its position in the rotating disk/coin puzzle. I was unable to replicate it as of now.
  • Some of you reported soft-lock when "hugging the wall" on the left after solving the bell puzzle. I was unable to replicate it and I'm working on pinpointing the issue.
  • Some of you reported issues with wireless controllers. They seem to do with the recent Steam client update and I'm still investigating. I also heard that the issue is related to Steam Link. I appreciate your patience as I'm looking closer into it.

Thank you all for the warm reception of The Crypt & The Complete Edition across all platforms! The new patch and more improvements are on their way!