The most frightening thing about Jonathan?s nightmare is that he may not be dreaming...

Inmates is a psychological horror game with puzzle elements in which you must find out the truth behind your confinement and uncover the dark secrets of the run-down prison you find yourself in.

You?ve awoken from a nightmare, Jonathan. But did it truly end? You are in a seedy prison cell and have no clue how you got there. You?re terrified and confused, but you also feel something else: a painful sense of familiarity. You?ve convinced yourself this is all just a bad dream. Unfortunately, according to the voice coming from the old radio, things are not as simple as you?d like them to be.

Delve deep into your psyche while trying to stay sane, in this most disturbing of horror games.


The most frightening thing about Jonathan?s nightmare is that he may not be dreaming...

Inmates is a psychological horror game with puzzle elements in which you must find out the truth behind your confinement and uncover the dark secrets of the run-down prison you find yourself in.

You?ve awoken from a nightmare, Jonathan. But did it truly end? You are in a seedy prison cell and have no clue how you got there. You?re terrified and confused, but you also feel something else: a painful sense of familiarity. You?ve convinced yourself this is all just a bad dream. Unfortunately, according to the voice coming from the old radio, things are not as simple as you?d like them to be.

Delve deep into your psyche while trying to stay sane, in this most disturbing of horror games.


The most frightening thing about Jonathan?s nightmare is that he may not be dreaming...

Inmates is a psychological horror game with puzzle elements in which you must find out the truth behind your confinement and uncover the dark secrets of the run-down prison you find yourself in.

You?ve awoken from a nightmare, Jonathan. But did it truly end? You are in a seedy prison cell and have no clue how you got there. You?re terrified and confused, but you also feel something else: a painful sense of familiarity. You?ve convinced yourself this is all just a bad dream. Unfortunately, according to the voice coming from the old radio, things are not as simple as you?d like them to be.

Delve deep into your psyche while trying to stay sane, in this most disturbing of horror games.



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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2017
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Preis Update 09.02.24

Über das Spiel

The most frightening thing about Jonathan?s nightmare is that he may not be dreaming...

Inmates is a psychological horror game with puzzle elements in which you must find out the truth behind your confinement and uncover the dark secrets of the run-down prison you find yourself in.

You?ve awoken from a nightmare, Jonathan. But did it truly end? You are in a seedy prison cell and have no clue how you got there. You?re terrified and confused, but you also feel something else: a painful sense of familiarity. You?ve convinced yourself this is all just a bad dream. Unfortunately, according to the voice coming from the old radio, things are not as simple as you?d like them to be.

Delve deep into your psyche while trying to stay sane, in this most disturbing of horror games.

  • Interact with the environment to unravel the truth
  • Intense and mind-bending puzzles
  • Suffocating setting
  • Disturbing imagery
  • High-quality graphics powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • Controller support
  • Estimated game length: 3-4 hours


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

58 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 20:26
1951 Produkte im Account
456 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 12:34
Nett gemacht.

Schönes kurzes Gruselspiel mit guter Story.
Man wacht ohne Erinnerung in einem heruntergekommenen Gefängnis auf.
In den folgenden 2-3 Stunden untersucht ihr jeden Raum und nehmt ein paar Dinge mit, löst ein paar einfache Rätsel, erschreckt oder gruselt euch immer mal wieder, und schafft nach Möglichkeit die 100% Errungenschaften einzuheimsen.
In diesem Spiel geht es hauptsächlich um die Erzählung einer Geschichte, daher ist es eher ein Walking-Simulator und auf keinen Fall ein Horror-Survival-Spiel, wo man sterben könnte.
Also genau etwas für mich, den kleinen Angsthasen und Hosenscheißer, der trotzdem mal gerne Mystery- und Gruselfilme schaut, aber nachhaltig Angst vor The Ring hat. ^^
Für das Geld bis 2 Euro im Sale absolut zu empfehlen!
Viel Spaß!

Fazit: kaufen, kaufen, kaufen!
252 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 19:41
Ich fand dieses Psycho-Horrorgame nicht schlecht.
Auch wenn es grafisch nicht so der Burner ist, kommt eine gruselige Stimmung auf, zumal es atmosphärisch - aus meiner Sicht - äußerst gut umgesetzt wurde. Auch die surrealistisch gestalteten Zwischensequenzen oder Rätselszenarien empfand ich als echtes Kunstwerk, wenn man bedenkt mit welch einfachen Mitteln hier gearbeitet wurde.
Die Rätsel empfand ich als relativ einfach, auch die Spieldauer war mir viel zu kurz.
Es fehlte mir ein bisschen an Action...irgendwie fehlt dem Spiel noch etwas.
Trotzdem würde ich dieses Game weiterempfehlen, weil es mich in den wenigen Stunden sehr gefesselt- und an frühere Horrorgame-Zeiten erinnert hat.
606 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 17:54
Nach ca. 3/4 des Spiels liess sich eine Tür nicht mehr öffnen, durch die ich aber zum weiteren Fortschritt des Spiels durchgehen musste. Nochmal alles von Anfang an neu anzufangen hatte ich keine Lust, da das Spiel sowieso unterdurchschnittlich gut rüber kam.
In der Grafik ist immer ein extremer Grissel Effekt (Film Grain) aktiviert und ich habs nicht geschafft, den Effekt zu deaktivieren => nervt sehr.
1305 Produkte im Account
1395 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.19 23:16
Spielzeit ca. 1,5 Stunden

- Story Umsetzung schwach. Viel auf Zettel geschrieben. Nachdem man das Ende kennt, waren die Versuche den Spieler zu fesseln nicht gut umgesetzt. Hätte viel intensiver statt finden können.
- einfache Rätsel
- oft nur laufen und was anklicken, wie Türen zu öffnen
- Sprecher
- Vollpreis
- teilweise zu dunkel
+ Grafik ok
+ einfach 100% Errungenschaften zu erreichen
+ Story nicht schlecht

686 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.17 20:28
Ein kurzes,sehr amtosphärisches Spiel, die Grafik ist in Ordnung, die Umgebung plus die Musik fand ich schon beklemmend. Besser wäre es gewesen wirklich gute Rätsel einzubauen, diese waren so einfach das man sie nicht mal als Rätsel bezeichnen kann. Die Story fand ich auch in Ordnung, alles in allem würde ich das Spiel mittelmäßig, also weder gut noch schlecht bezeichnen (die Rätsel dabei außenvor). Erwartet habe ich leider bisschen mehr. Trotzdem einen Daumen nach oben wenn es im Sale ist!
301 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.17 23:48
Einfach nur langweilig. Ich habe das Spiel in weniger als 2 Stunden komplett durchgespielt. Die meiste Zeit geht man (ja gehen, laufen gibt es nicht) durch endlos wirkende Gänge und klickt hier und dort was an. Die Rätsel sind witzlos und die Story ist recht dünn. Allerhöchstens im Sale kaufen! Und selbst dann ist es maximal 1-2 Euro wert!
206 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.17 10:25
Das Spiel kann man nicht wirklich ernst nehmen. Ein Horror Spiel baut mit der Atmosphäre und dem Soundsetting Spannungen auf und spielt mit diesen.

Hier wird man entweder mit einen Schockmoment nach den anderen konfrontiert oder ebend mit gähnender leere.
Die Figur kann leider nicht rennen. Bei den langen gängen die man öfters abläuft ist es schon nervig.
Man wird wenn in einem Raum ein Rätsel ist genötigt dieses erst zu absolvieren. Will man aus dem Raum raus gehen dann macht die Kamera immer so einen ruckartigen schwenker in den Raum und weisst einen daraufhin das da noch was zu erledigen ist.

Hat man ein Streichholz angezündet und schaut bei einer Gefängnistür durch das Schauloch ist das Streichholz plötzlich aus!?!?!? Starker Windzug oder so.

Ist man im Spiel kann man die Controller bzw Tastenzuweissung nicht erneut aufrufen. Dafür muss man das Spiel beenden. Ob das jetzt nun wichtig ist oder nicht sei erstmal dahin gestellt aber jedes andere Spiel bietet diese möglichkeit, warum das hier dann nicht?

Man weiss nicht wann das Spiel speichert. Scheint nach festen etappen zu sein. Musste schon paar mal einen Abschnitt erneut spielen da ich das Spiel beenden musste.

Wer Horror will bekommt es hier nur nicht in gewünschter Form. Ich rate ganz klar von diesem Spiel ab.

2865 Produkte im Account
498 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 00:37
Short but awesome story and gameplay. So few jumpscares but really scared of me. Otherwise these footsteps made me nervous. Actually it was mine :D .
702 Produkte im Account
184 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 12:05
A review is an assessment in an informative or entertaining form, which only reflects my personal opinion and does not constitute an attack on a person who takes a different opinion.

MY RATING: ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ 0 / 10

Unfortunately, since there is still no way to rate a game neutrally, I had to take a few minutes after finishing the game to decide whether I should rate the game positively with few stars or rather negatively.
Due to the regular price I decided to leave a negative review because the game is definitely not worth $10. Luckily I only paid about $2 for it, which is just about okay for me and the experience. But the game is definitely not worth more.

The game looks very promising on the store page and the specified playing time of 3-4 hours would also be quite decent.
Unfortunately, in reality it looks a bit different and the game can't actually keep any of its promises such as Intense and mind-bending puzzles, suffocating setting, disturbing imagery or high-quality graphics.

It starts with the menu, which is absolutely spartan and offers almost no setting options.
Overall, the game is relatively dark. Actually too dark. The matches, which are lying around in sufficient quantities, only help to a limited extent because they burn for a very short time and also have an excessive glare effect, so that you hardly see anything else.

Furthermore, there is only one running speed which I would rather define as sneaking around with lousy movement.
The advertised interaction with the environment is actually limited to pushing open (cell) doors, collecting / reading pieces of paper with notes and matches throughout the game. I couldn't find any of the intense and tricky puzzles throughout the game either. On the contrary. They are relatively easy and simple.

Unfortunately, there weren't any moments of shock or horror that you actually expect in such a game.

It's really a pity, because the idea behind it isn't that bad or could be good if it weren't implemented so catastrophically badly. A little more love, especially for the details, would have been desirable.

With a playing time of approx. 1-1.5 hours you get through the monotonous and neither shocking nor disturbing game quite quickly and for someone who has already played a few (these) games, both the story and the ending are fast predictable.


✅ hmm...nothing, unfortunately

❌ too expensive
❌ nothing disturbing
❌ predictable story
❌ boring and easy puzzles
❌ short playing time
❌ too dark

PLAYED WITH: ⌨️ ???? ????


16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 10:22
If you like to walk around and like puzzles this game is for you!
7366 Produkte im Account
302 Reviews
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 21:58
Beyond impressed on the story with Jonathan's nightmare unfolding into a series of memories. The puzzles are simple and require very little critical thinking skills. During the dream you are told what to do and direction is plenty. Not once did I feel stuck, but in the larger areas it was more time consuming to search for clues. The achievements can be unlocked 100% if you pay attention and complete the puzzles on the first play through. Rate 7/10 based on length, story and difficulty. The movement was a bit slow and the loading times were a bit long when transitioning from scenes. There is a lot of walking in this game and a few jump scares so it was mostly a horror environment with creepy and spooky sounds.
353 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 00:20
Lightweight horror, mostly incurred by the sparse lighting. One unnecessary jumpscare, probably because it was expected in a game like this. Puzzles were interesting enough, although I did need help with the tape recorder puzzle because I was attempting to use the code on the recorder (oops, try something else!).

I enjoyed the story. Ending wasn't exactly expected. No regrets purchasing or playing this.
654 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 05:00
A short, plot-driven, mildly suspenseful adventure-lite game.

* Creepy levels.
* Decent plotline w/ a twist.
* Decent music.

* Not scary.
* VERY short.

* No hide-and-seek or dying.

TL;DR: If you like spooky wandering w/ a handful of simple puzzles, 5/10 (7/10, if on sale for a few dollars); else, avoid.
36 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 05:41
So far, the game play experience is good, other than the screen is a bit blurry/smudgy.
I downloaded it since it uses the same game making engine as Shadow Corridor, but had received lots of spam and negative comments. So bought it at 80% off for 3 euros as I wanted to justify it that Inmates is not a bad game.

The atmosphere and BGM are good. One downside is that, there isn't an inventory to read notes again. The game has automatic save though('v'). Read the controls on the title screen option before entering to play(pretty basic arrows and 3 extra buttons). This game does gives me feel like living in a jail cell department(prison simulator?).

Game play:
It started off where the player is placed in a tower with a long spiral staircase, with cages of human beings hanging in the centre/pillar of the spiral. It did gave me some shivers from peaking down the staircase in this tower.

After that, player woke up in a prison cell and found that the door is opened and started visiting each jail cell on his floor.
Most of the time the objective here is just going into each confined room and check out what the previous roommates like to do in his spare time by looking at the writings on the wall in their cell(maths, space, cult, Bible, symbols etc.).

To some point, a small child suddenly appeared and ran across the jail cell corridor, which gave me some creeps. The child speaks too (''Dad, follow me(laughs).'').

I know most reviewers mentioned about Matches, after playing the game, I can now tell you that, the jail cell rooms and corridors are well lit up. So, far, maybe 1 room requires you(or maybe not) to light up one match. Plus, player can pick up Match boxes, containing about 3-5 match sticks per box, in 80% of the jail cells, there is plenty around without searching(20 in my pocket so far, still in my pocket). Yes, the match stick lights for about 7 sec., but then again, the hall and most rooms are bright enough already.

I have yet to complete the playthrough (50 minutes in), I will continue this review afterwards.
103 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 03:08
Unfortunately, I wouldn't flat out recommend this game, but I don't feel that I should completely dismiss it as a 'bad game' either. In other words, I recommend the concept being used here, if not the game itself.

I had low expectations going in, so I can't say this game disappointed me. My experience playing this game wasn't very entertaining and hardly scary (I will give it half a point for startling me once, but a random jump-scare in a dark room is frankly low tier at this point). Also the fact that there is no real threat was, in fact, disappointing, as well as the lackluster puzzles. The frequent moments of no control are also very annoying and not a good design in the slightest.

However, there is promise in the idea of this game. While the idea here was executed a bit poorly (disjointed story line, irrelevant rooms/items/messages, poor plot reveal, iffy dialogue), the concept itself of a prison representing the mind of a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder has great potential! I'd say, if this game was remade with better graphics, better voice acting, competent animations, and a complete overhaul of its story and characters, this could be a great experience! Especially if more thought was put into the different personalities. Give faces to them! More than just the generic, shaking, emotionless faces and glowing eyes. Give each personality a face, a name, and a character, just as would result from the real-life disorder. Have the game built around interacting with the personalities as the player tries to escape or piece things together, as if they were fellow INMATES in a prison, with the reveal that they are actually one man's (your) different personas slowly hinted and unveiled with each interaction and conflict. Make the player care for or despise them, and give the player the choice of resolving issues/allying with some and pushing away/fighting others. Make them threats and/or friends with their different wants and natures. In the end, you could also be given the choice of trying to stop the rogue personality or submit to your fate (perhaps the sum of the player's choices resulting in different endings).

I can say with 100% certainty that I would enjoy exploring a vast, dangerous prison (which I would later find out is of the mind), unraveling the mystery piece by piece, if there were plenty of colorful and/or sinister personas to meet and get to know better (be that with running away as fast as possible or trying to mentally outmaneuver their darker natures and desires in order to befriend or pacify them).

Also, as a side note, making the writing and items in the cells more relevant and meaningful would be a big plus. Currently, almost all of it can be ignored with no consequences and are not worth investigating.

All in all, for this attempt at the idea, it is good for a starting project, but as a full game? Not right now.
454 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 01:12
Door's locked
523 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 00:41


One prison i really don't want to go into...

Great game and nice jumpscares.
860 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 03:25
It could be entertaining, but the constant cut-scenes and input freezing for the character to talk just makes it be annoying to play, assuming you even last till the top of the stairs..
342 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 22:46
Story is confusing, character is slow, gameplay is confusing, puzzles are boring.

They have tried too much but unfortunately the whole game is a mess.

Any cent I might have paid for this game, I regret
655 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 16:11
If you want to play a walking simulator with cheap jumpscares and easy/boring puzzles, go ahead and buy this game.
63 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 09:53
Rather interesting game especially when it on sale.
It made me remember the first Amnesia a little bit.
373 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 04:02
It's a little rough around the edges, and the jump scares are more annoying than scary, but it's enjoyable enough, especially if you get it on sale. Largely being the work of a single person makes those rough edges smoother.
247 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 15:11
Sometimes I like to try out short indie horror games and Inmates is on of them. This game has some decent visuals and easy puzzles. It has an interesting storyline and the voice actors are doing a good job imo.

Things that sucked the most is the walking speed which was pretty slow. Sprint or jump mechanic aren't present in this game. The animation is minimal and crappy, but overall a decent game for a solo dev.
527 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 14:51
This is a short atmospheric story driven game, with a mild psychological horror aspect and simple puzzles. The emphasis is on story, so call it a walking simulator if you want. It isn't always visually spectacular, but still looks decent. I normally don't review, but the amount of negative criticism for this game seemed to be too high. Yes there is only one movement speed, but there are really only a couple of spots where you even need to run and that is still only if you are one of those now now now people. If its on sale, grab it for one of those games you can sit down and finish in one play through.
50 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.19 00:24
I like walking sim's. This one tried my patience though. The middle game gets so slow that I decided if I got stuck, I would quit the game forever and not look back. I didn't get stuck and I'm glad I didn't because I really liked the ending. 6 out of 10. Buy on sale. But only if you like walking simulators.
93 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.19 07:13
I finished the game but I just didn't enjoy playing this one. Glad it's over. Graphics/Visuals were not very good. Not like the pictures. I did not like using matches (that burn out in a few seconds) to see and light up the environment. There is nothing really bad about this game but nothing good either.
5756 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.17 04:29
This is an excellent example of a game that would be a quite basic puzzle horror game with quite nice environments with a story that is alright but nothing special; but it is marred by constantly jarring transitions to short cutscenes & the worst movement speed I've ever had the displeasure of playing with, give me garbage stamina over this nonsense.
The Store Page indicates a 3-4 hour playtime, given how absurdly straightforward the puzzles are & how linear and obvious the game is about where you need to go that a good half to three quarters of the playtime is from lousy movement.

It's almost masterful how much the movement speed ruins a game that should just be kind of boring & turns it into one of the most unpleasant experiences on Steam, almost worth picking up (& then returning just to see it in action), starting out with a good 3 minute walk up a winding staircase set me on edge about what I was in for & it never recovered.

Logo for Inmates
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
52.1% 62 57
Release:05.10.2017 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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