News Liste Fishing on the Fly

Thank you and Demo update
Fishing on the Fly
20.01.18 06:44 Community Announcements
The game is now in about twenty different countries. I just wanted to give shout outs for everyone that has been supportive of the game and the launch so far this week. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!


I did upload a demo today, but like everything else it is under review before Steam will allow it to become available. I took the basic game and linked the Chapters for four of the maps changing when you catch a single fish, so it will give you quite the tour. Also as per request, I jacked up the fighting system so you can see how it really works in the game as a whole. Starting with the second fish you catch in the demo, the line tension kicks in. The third fish is somewhat easy, but I guarantee you will not catch the fourth fish on the first try. You have one tenth of a second before the fish makes a change to the line tension meter. This should give you a much clearer idea of what progression in the game looks like. You will not earn achievements, points, equipment or need to change flies in the demo.


There have been only a few problems so far but please let me know if you encounter one. If your computer goes over 60 frames per second - the UI might act up. Holler as I have a fix for that with Bizkit's help. Also I'm going to force restarts for when you make changes to the video settings for certain things. The HUD (when changing screen resolution or video settings) might look like the score and points are getting cropped or something. If the HUD looks weird, just restart the game. The game will launch with the correct settings you chose and should run correctly restarted.


I have been working on the two-handed model for reeling in the fish and made good progress there. I think you can expect that in game soon. I also have the new fighting system for expert setup so as you progress (or other factors) you will have less time between to choose between reel and brake. I think you will find the fighting system will definitely leave you with the feeling what it is like fighting fish irl - those moments of shear panic if they stay on the line or not.

Again thanks for all the support!

- Mac