• The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.
  • The Shapeshifting Detective: Screen zum Spiel The Shapeshifting Detective.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.11.2018
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Preis Update 19.07.23

Über das Spiel

The Shapeshifting Detective ist ein übernatürliches, mysteriöses FMV-Spiel. Spiele als Detektiv und untersuche den Mord, indem du dich in eine beliebige Figur verwandelst. Sogar in das nächste Opfer.

Dorota Shaw ist tot. Und die Hauptverdächtigen sind drei Tarot-Leser mit der unheimlichen Fähigkeit, einen Mord vorherzusagen – oder ihn zu begehen. Es ist deine Aufgabe, herauszufinden, was sie sonst noch wissen - aber sie werden ihre dunklen Geheimnisse nicht jedem verraten... Glücklicherweise kannst du jeder sein, der du sein möchtest.

Das Spiel verfügt über mehr als 1.600 Full-HD-Videoreaktionen, eine einfache Frage-Schnittstelle mit einem einzigartigem Mechanismus zum "Löschen" und einem zufällig ausgewählten Mörder zu Beginn des Spiels. Entwickelt von den Weltrekordhaltern und Herstellern von "The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker".

  • Shapeshift - Verwandle dich in neun weitere Figuren, um Beziehungen aus allen Blickwinkeln zu untersuchen und zu manipulieren und die andere Hälfte der Geschichte freizuschalten.
  • Spannung - einen Mord aufklären, einen Mord stoppen, nicht erwischt werden. Jeder von drei zufälligen Mördern hilft, Spoiler zu minimieren.
  • Entscheidungen zählen – den Mörder fangen, die Opfer retten, Beziehungen knüpfen und abbrechen – oder auch nicht.
  • Problemlösung – kommt du nicht selbst auf den entscheidenden Hinweis? Versuche, dich in den Polizeichef zu verwandeln. Denkst du, dass die Dialogoptionen eine Falle sind? Löschen Sie diese.
  • 100 % FMV - ein komplettes Spiel mit fließenden FMV-Schnittszenen und Antworten aus der Perspektive der ersten Person.
  • Katalytische Ereignisse – nicht alle Verzweigungen sind binär. Dränge jemanden in eine Ecke und er hat vielleicht mehr als eine Möglichkeit zu reagieren.


  • CPU: Intel i5-4590 / AMD FX 8350 equivalent or greater
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / AMD Radeon HD 5750. OpenGL 3.3
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

452 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 13:06
Wer die Laserdisc aus den 80´ern oder die CD-ROM Einführung in den 90´ern mit erlebt hat, wird diese Art von Spielen noch kennen und noch immer lieben. Ein simples Spiel mit Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten, welche die Spielfilm Szenen in verschiedenen Variationen abspielten lässt. Somit gibt es verschiedene Mörder bei jedem neuen Spiel start. Nostalgie im neuen HD Movie Look.
471 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 17:51
yoo i finished the game with kissing 3 girls and 1 boy. This game is now even more worth to play
469 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 17:44
Leider etwas kurz. Die Geschichte und die Charaktere sind interessant. Ein wenig Interaktion mit der Umgebung hat mir gefehlt.
575 Produkte im Account
168 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 13:10
Not Nice.
390 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 17:33
Great game with very nice actors. Your decisions really matter in the story to find a few secrets.
130 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 16:15
Ich liebe FMV-Spiele! Daher kam ich an diesem hier natürlich nicht vorbei - zum Glück!

Zur Handlung: Wir sind besagter Shapeshifting Detective, aktuell offiziell unterwegs unter dem Namen Sam, um den Mord an einer Cellistin aufzuklären. Tatverdächtig? Eine Kartenlegerin namens Bronwyn und ihre Kollegen, die den Mord vorausgesagt haben. Dies ist dem Polizeichef hochgradig suspekt, also beauftragt er uns, mehr herauszufinden.
Da wir die Gestalt jedes Menschen, den wir kennengelernt haben, annehmen können, haben wir natürlich Mittel und Wege, an Informationen zu gelangen, die ihm verwehrt bleiben.

Ich finde bei diesem Spiel einfach alles sehr gelungen: Dass der Mörder in jedem Spiel per Zufall bestimmt wird, den Aufbau, die Schauspieler und auch allgemein Sound und Grafik.
Für Fans dieses Genres kann ich eine ganz klare Empfehlung ausprechen!
75 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 21:39
I bought this game as a joke, prompted by the quite funny acting in the trailer. So I got together with some friends and we started playing on a Saturday night only to become absolutely engrossed by it and totally invested! We ended up loving every moment of it - the acting (which I must admit I had initially thought looked cringey in a funny way based on the trailer) was actually good enough to sell the story and I'm definitely a fan of Rayne now while Poe just gives me the creeps. The story was very enjoyable too - especially if you like a good whodunnit - and it has the added shapeshifting element.
Initial playthrough (if you're being thorough) is around 3 hours 30 minutes. If you're after all the achievements, you would need a minimum of 2 playthroughs but it took me 3.
Overall, this was a really fun game that has got me hooked on the FMV genre. Great work to the developers and actors!
1703 Produkte im Account
274 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 03:04
Follow my Curator page, Fruit N Doggie Reviews, so you can be updated whenever I post a new review.

First Impressions

Thanks to YouTube gaming videos over the Sega CD, FMV games were brought to more peoples' awareness, though certainly not in a flattering way. It did provide the most life-like graphics possible for that time, but with amateur actors filling prominent roles, their wooden performances could make them seem more robotic than AI. So, I wasn't really sold on the premise when looking into The Shapeshifting Detective (SD). However, it had good reviews overall, and wouldn't take me that long to play through, so why not? Answer me that detective.


Even though the title of the game includes the word detective, SD doesn't play like a detective game as you might expect it to. You aren't searching around the crime scene to find clues, and the way you speak with potential suspects doesn't include confrontational questioning as you might think. Instead, since you pose as different people, you speak to them more conversationally, trying to find contradictions in what they're saying to people they trust. As you spot them, it's more about keeping them in mind and exploring them with others, instead of throwing contrary points or evidence in someone's face to trigger a confession. Ultimately, the game plays out more like a visual novel than anything else, as you progress through the vital conversations to each chapter before moving on to the next.



Since the gameplay is so narrative driven, it plays like any other visual novel, as you use your mouse to do everything. I never encountered any problems here, so I've got no complaints.


With an FMV game like this, I'd say that its success hinges on its writing and acting, and I think SD falters a bit with the story. As a shapeshifter, there's already an element of the supernatural acknowledged in the very beginning, but as I heard various accounts from the people involved in the case, the more I thought everyone was a kook. Even though I should have a higher tolerance and more suspension of disbelief due to what I am doing as the protagonist, what makes the most sense to me is that people are rushing to overly complicated, far-fetched possibilities instead of the simple truth. Instead of thinking that an alien force is possessing people in very loosely related murder sprees, there's simply a serial killer you non-detectives aren't able to catch. It's not like most criminals would heartily confess to the crimes afterwards. The other issue is that when most characters are written as dodgy and suspicious, its hard to see any of them as reliable.



Unlike older FMV games that suffered from compression issues and graininess, the video is much clearer in SD. In a much different way than most games are made, getting enough video footage presents its own challenges, but if you're able to compose the right shots with quality lighting, you've done a significant amount of the work necessary to get good visuals. From my perspective, this would be a great way to handle cutscenes, but for the interactivity I like most from video games, it's not ideal. However, for a creepy mystery, the moody atmosphere in many of the shots is used effectively.

Sound Design

Since voice acting is something I've covered under this section before, I thought that acting overall would be best explored here as well. Although I don't recognize any of the people that starred in this game, I'd say all of them did a decent job acting out their parts. Even though I was a bit surprised by how much people were willing to share at times, such as Violet's experience with aliens, the attitude and tone they'd present while performing those lines were believable. The audio was also recorded well, as their deliveries were clear. There's some ambient noise in the background, mostly in the form of a piano playing, but it's quite low-key since they obviously didn't want the acting to be overshadowed.



???? Even though the game is short, recording enough footage of red herring and filler dialogue to make the characters more fleshed out and believable wouldn't have been easy.
???? There's some degree of randomness, as there's three possible culprits, which is decided randomly as you start a new game.


❌ Maybe it was supposed to match the overall mysterious tone the game was going for, but some characters are really shady and creepy. The photographer admitting that he takes illicit pictures and would happily share them with others is surprisingly stupid and disturbing. It'd be one thing for a detective to claim all of them as evidence, but for him to break confidentiality and privacy, while speaking with law enforcement, would get him arrested on the spot.
❌ Since your investigation doesn't include any clues or key confrontations to offer more clear feedback, I found myself very unsure on whether I was on the right track or barking up the wrong tree.


???? If you're stuck in a chapter, you're missing at least one crucial conversation with one of the characters, and there's no good way to figure out who without trying several combinations. I spoke with the psychics often, as well as with any new characters that were introduced in a chapter, and that seemed helpful.
???? I expected more potential failure events from saying something suspicious or going into the wrong room as the wrong person, but the game doesn't seem to have many game over routes, unless you do something as blatant as tell someone you're a shapeshifter.

Final Thoughts

Although I think the acting was pretty good, I never really bought into the narrative the game was going for. Theoretically, the psychics are pretty much right on the money, even though they have such flimsy, unpractical evidence supporting their outlandish claims. It's kind of like a movie about a bumbling detective that accuses someone nobody thinks was guilty, and being 100% correct in the end. The only reason it works is because it's a comedy, but there's not a good reason for me to believe these psychics tripped over the deep-rooted conspiracy underlying the entire cosmos. I think a lot of this stems from how you never see anything extraordinary in the game or obtain any smoking guns that give anybody's claims credence, you just have to take their word for it.

SD somewhat works as a detective game, even though what you have to rely on is how people present themselves and whether you think they're guilty or not. Compared to finding solid evidence or even some clues, you merely base it on the conversations you have with them, looking for accounts too mysterious to ignore. However, that wasn't all that satisfying to me, and I wasn't positive I was correct with my guess at the end. Also, the person you implicate isn't really guilty, so you know arresting them is meaningless. Between a somewhat unconvincing ending and having so many possible conspiracies about the supernatural lingering leaves too much to the imagination. It might work for them if they expand upon this in future games, but in a single release I would say it's not successful.

PC Specs Performance
Ryzen 2700
RTX 2070
The game ran without incident on default settings.
???? - SD is healthy

398 Produkte im Account
277 Reviews
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 23:22
As games go, this one really isn't. Unlike Doctor Dekker, you mostly follow along a path of similar preset text options. The fun twist is that you can turn into other characters and interact with everyone else, but presumably given the lack of content, they parse everything out through laborious scene transition times that ruin part of the fun. It's an interesting story with interesting characters and I like what they were going for, so it's probably worth it on sale.
45 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 07:06
485 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 21:52
Neutral honestly.
A cinematic experience. The acting and visuals were all good and the story was enjoyable, however the gameplay is quite tedious with going backwards and forwards with no direction. Basically have to keep switching between everyone and talking to everyone to progress to the next chapter. It's quite annoying when you're trying to uncover a tiny bit of dialogue to physically move on. It took me about 3 hours to play through but half of the time was checking everyone over and over. It would be more interesting if you could choose to move on without gathering all information at your own risk.
248 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 23:12
At first, I thought I was not going to like this game. I pushed through the awkward beginning, and am glad that I did. The Shapeshifting Detective is both well done and quite comical.

The acting is not exceptional, but for the way it is presented, well done. The transition carries from many different interactions and choices, and adds a lot to the game's value. The game can be quite short, if you skip it all, but that is the best part of the game, in my opinion.

While I do not know if all the comical scenes are intentionally humorous, I do know many of them are. This is a good game to enjoy while relaxing.

I recommend this game for those that like to laugh and enjoy choose your own adventure live action movie games.
5175 Produkte im Account
2693 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 16:34

Leaning hard into the cheesy premise and hammy acting is almost perfect for this style of FMV game. The story has enough hooks to cover for a bit of a plodding pacing.
244 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 20:12
Loved the game, love how each gameplay is a bit different, took me about 3 hours to finish one gameplay, gonna go for a second one after this. Love all of their games. I play it with my husband, its such a good game to play with someone.
232 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 20:56
good game
232 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 04:30
I developed a crush for all the readheads in this game
200 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 21:58
Perfectly balanced detective game, you might lose or win, not rigged like any other detective games. Characters are nice, they act good, I'm sure you will love some of them. Story is also good and short like 3-4 hours. After that you can explore more and get achievements.

Totally recommended.
515 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 06:16
It's a shame that fewer than 5% of players have experienced the joy of kicking Zak in the sack.

As far as detective games go, I liked that everyone is suspicious in some form. Just because someone lies, it doesn't make them guilty - and similarly, a guilty party might be truthful about something, but lie by omission. While the killer is not hard to figure out if you pay attention, I appreciated that it wasn't necessarily obvious.

The Steam achievements elevate things a lot here - it was nice to have little sub-goals for how to steer certain conversations. The results were usually pretty hilarious, too.
121 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 16:52
Atmospheric and well made, but just too tedious to play through multiple times to get all the endings. Managed two endings before getting too bored with it to continue. Also frustrating that Steam didn't record some of the achievements.
2322 Produkte im Account
1235 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 05:51
Neat FMV game. I think I may play more because of this. This is coming from someone that gets bored to death by your typical visual novel
439 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 20:45
Richard O'brien's finest hour.
711 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 07:28
A nice mystery, had me guessing until the end. Glad I got it, and wish I could know more about certain characters, but I think that's because they were well written. Some of the acting was a bit hammy but that fit with the tone... a bit Twin Peaksy.

Edit - Just found out that the killer can change on other play-throughs... excellent idea! I will probably replay in this case.
2073 Produkte im Account
420 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 23:23
What I usually want from an FMV adventure game is either fun quick paced “interactive movie” experience, where every choice I make leads to a new interesting possibility, or a solid adventure game where the FMV is just a visual style. The Shapeshifting Detective is neither.

The Shapeshifting Detective is a mystery/detective adventure game where the main gimmick is that you can turn into any of the characters you’ve met to get some information out of the other characters you wouldn’t be able to as “yourself”. All while not revealing your ability, of course. And it’s such an incredibly fun premise. Shame it couldn’t shapeshift into a good execution.

What this setup calls for is a highly reactive and dynamic gameplay, where you Hitman but with dialogues. And try to be very careful with your dialogue choices. Heck, maybe even have a good old text parser instead of pre-written dialogue options. What we get is a slog, where you talk to the same people over and over again, with an inconvenient single “change form” spot you must return to, until the game decides that you’ve done enough to deserve to move to the next chapter. It’s neat that there are multiple possible culprits. But this concept isn’t really explored in a way where you piece facts together over the course of the entire game, rather there are several extremely specific points where you can get definitive clues, while most of the other dialogues are just vague and prove nothing. Not helped by the fact, most characters are unlikable, the game has no respect for player time and lots of “meta” plot elements are just horribly written.

While far from the worst FMV title I’ve played, The Shapeshifting Detective is simply not fun to play, while it’s story just isn’t worth the effort to sit through it until the end.
457 Produkte im Account
262 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 12:19
Nice game, it's different than what we're used to play.
A game last 1h30-2h and each playthrough have a different killer so you can do it multiple times.
1857 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 06:59
A mostly well-acted FMV game with a great supernatural/sci-fi twist to the plot. Most of the characters were likable in the roles they we given and the music was subtle Noir-style that reminded me of the old 40s films. The game has a wide range of endings, so each play through is different generally. I hope they make more ... highly suggest you buy if story and mystery is your thing,
1748 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 06:29
The acting cannot carry a sub-par choose your own adventure.
2372 Produkte im Account
278 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 01:21
this is hardly a game its like a movie but i cant understand any of their goofy accents so i dont understand whats going on
169 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 20:06
i enjoyed playing the game and the detective part is the best part of the game but the ending it quiet unclear, but it seems to be by design.
588 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 11:41
The Shapeschifting Detective is a testament that not all good ideas can be well executed. As much as the cast of this game are interesting and gripping, the emotional weight behind the conclusion of the story is so unrewarding and in the end, feels completely random and pointless.

The gameplay at first was ok to get by. One of the most interesting factors of the game is how you cultivate different reactions from the cast as you shapeshift unto other members. This creates a new leway of opportunities in story telling. Its a shame that by the third chapter its becomes increasingly annoying to keep going back to your room and shapeshifting and looking for new story points as you go one by one interviewing the suspects of the case.

Its hard to not say more without spoiling the game. After hours of clicking away on interviews and getting hearing suspects after suspects, the resolution is SO BORING and before you know it, you are back in the screen. Without spoiling the ending. Lets just say its more cliche than your less than average Hollywood movie.

5.5/ 10
316 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 23:37
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☑ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding

☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short (~2 hours)
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
1152 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 18:14
Not very compelling. I played it with friends while making fun of it, and if I had played it on my own, I think I would have had a very bad experience. The game seems to consist of mostly trial and error, shapeshift into everyone, talk to everyone, and so on and so on, with none of your dialog choices really mattering. Overall, I found it tedious.
419 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 05:24
I don't know how it is I have this game - likely it's from a Humble Bundle. I installed it as sort of a 'lets get this over with' notion, having no interest in this type of game. I'm so glad I did... it's very, very well done. The acting and writing are excellent - the story very intriguing. Anything they were at risk of doing wrong in a game like this - they didn't - they got it all right. It's fun, it's very different and interesting. I'll be on the look out for more games like this ... and for sure more projects from this team.
153 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 11:39
1697 Produkte im Account
417 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 18:08
I like detective games and the acting and premise is cool. I just wish some of the UI/game elements were skippable. The pacing was too slow to complete this. I eventually just YouTubed the endings and moved on with my life.
79 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 13:24
Absolutely loved this. The entirety of the game there is a constant tense, creepy atmosphere that helped to keep the mystery element of the game effective. The video froze a few times, but other than that no major bugs. The acting was great, they make it quite difficult to clear anyone of suspicion which really keeps it interesting and the game includes dialogue options that definitely merit a replay.
610 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 22:18
Alot of replayablity yet no chapterselect. :(

Random outcomes, a few funny interactions.
I got baited by the sexual content, there is not alot of that...
298 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 00:51
Good vibes, interesting case, Not to easy.

Great with different killers, don't know yet how that will impact the play through or story.

I liked the feeling, a lot of the acting was good, some a bit over the top but non the less enjoyable..

- Some scenes where the room is empty or the person you meet don't have anything to say takes some time, non skippable. Just a couple of seconds with video but still. Also the radio transition you have to listen to twice which I do not understand why.
927 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 18:11
Fun game, completed in one sitting and interesting story!
130 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 22:22
Buy it
102 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 23:52
Cool story, I enjoyed the premise very much!
728 Produkte im Account
132 Reviews
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 00:44

So the intro almost completely turned me off as the first character you meet feels like this is some ultra low budget community theater production. I was *this* close to not even giving it a shot. But I stuck with it. The longer I went with it the more interested I was. It definitely takes some crazy turns. Definitely worth the time though. Give it 20 minutes and you'll likely enjoy the ride.
2704 Produkte im Account
384 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 01:27
I have to admit, I wasn't certain exactly what I was in for when I first started this game up, but I've been quite happy with what I've gotten! First of all, FMVs are such a retro form of games, but also very fun to keep as some of the older ones had some REALLY cringe acting or insane stories.

this one does appear to get more and more insane the deeper we go, especially with the tarot readers having some crazy theories as to where the spiritual abilities come from, the nature of tarot and the ouija board. They also have a randomised killer so not two playthroughs will be exactly the same so whoever I get is not likely the same person that you'll get.

For more information on what the gameplay (if you can call it that in this case) is like, please check out my stream: https://youtu.be/1w-uA7VpmRQ
1599 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 07:55
its an ok game.

doesent feel like a game you seem to never got to make any decisions, you simply talk to people.

i would suggest playnig contradiction, its a far better game.
485 Produkte im Account
425 Reviews
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 21:38
The Shapeshifting Detective is a game with an innovative and very interesting concept. You will play as Sam, a detective who needs to find out who murdered Dorota. To do so, you will have to talk to many different people, in order to understand what happened, what alibi the persons have, etc. You will also shapeshift into those people to make the characters tell you important secrets.

It definitely isn't the best game, but it is a fine detective game with interesting plot twists. The developers did an effort and invested time into it.
1236 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 20:24
My vote: 6/10

This is more an interactive movie than a game. You are a shapeshifter and you are assigned to an investigation about a murder. The main suspect is a tarot card reader who foreseen the death of the victim. She stays in the same hotel you do, along with the other two tarot readers. You'll soon discover the owner of the motel is pretty strange and suspicious. Not everybody has a solid alibi. You'll meet new charachters and discover a couple of secrets.
When you talk to someone you have 1-3 things you can say but if you return to them with a different look, they are going to tell you something more. I liked the idea and the mystery was interesting enough and I liked how it was told.
The acting is ok even if not great, but the light didn't meet my tastes at all.
The music is not memorable but it never annoys. I liked the characters.

On the downside, there is an annoying radio playing in the background that you can turn off, luckily. But when you can change chapter, you HAVE to listen to the full discussion from the radio and no, you cannot skip it. That means that if you want to continue investigating because, let's say, you have not talked to everyone yet, you'll need to ear the discussion AGAIN. Not cool.

Another flaw happened to me after my first playthrough. Since I suck in investigations I didn't find the killer and got to a bad ending (no spoiler). So I restarted the game, but (maybe) because I didn't waited for all the credits, the game didn't allow me to unlock the so-much-needed skil button you are supposed to get after your first full run.

That meant I had to replay ALL the dialogues again in my second attempt.

On the bright side, instead, a cool feature, the killer is not always the same, so the game has some kind of replayability.
1412 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 03:06
rawWwRrr's raTiNg: ???? ???? ???? ⬛ ⬛ = ????

Fun narrative story. I like the premise of the detective taking on the roles of other characters to ask follow up questions. Good dialog. Good actors.

-- rawWwRrr
3136 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 09:40
Last time I played some Full Motion Video adventure games they came on half dozen CDs you had to rotate to get access to areas. If anything I'm glad that advent of larger hard drives got around those with radical new features like full install, but I would hesitate to actually call The Shapeshifting Detective an adventure game as such.

Upon starting the game you're sent on a mission to resolve a killing in small town of August, but even as you're briefed up to speed by an antagonistic agent it's clear you, the character who assumes the name Sam, isn't exactly normal. Shifting forms is your primary tool as you check in the local guesthouse housing a motley crew of characters who may have had a hand in the murder of Dorota Shaw. Or seem to have foretold it seeing as they're a group of tarot readers everyone is wary of.

Where the game falters is more or less the fact it's just a sequence of interviews you have with real life actors playing these characters. That is the draw. A novelty, if you will. What The Shapeshifting Detective eschews in the process is anything resembling puzzles or challenge in general. You interview people, assume their forms and then ask again under pretext hoping they'll spill some beans. This goes on for couple of literal hours after which you make the decision on who you think is the killer. Needless to say this is somewhat of a simplification on my end lest I spoil anything, but as you play you clearly find out not everything is as it appears to be in this small town and everyone has baggage they'd rather hide. You are there for the experience rather than brain teasers.

I'm glad to report that, baring select few, performances are on the quality side of acting, Zak and Poe's actors hamming it up a smidgen too much for my taste. This works on some level because the killer apparently varies if replay information is to be trusted. Hourly news reports book-ending each Act and radio drama readings do wonders for the atmosphere.
212 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 10:47
I liked the idea and enjoyed the experience, but I identified several flaws that would have made it far better, some of which (bold) are crucially serious:

  • You don't know much about your powers; only that you must not GET CAUGHT.
    Code During the whole game, I tried to compromise myself implicitly, by messing up with conversations and encounters, but that lead to NO CONSEQUENCE. Only once, a character said «Huh, it's weird».This penalized the game by making the experience flat and irrealistic, which is the very opposite of what the FMV aims at.
  • Later in the game, you will be warned that YOUR POWERS WILL FADE OUT at a point.
  • A limited number of shapeshifts would make the experience more engaging and the decision-making more thoughtful. That would be closer to a Detective game than just a Choices Matter Graphic Adventure, and the former makes much more sense in the context.
  • «But never -ever- transform into a CHILD»
    Code It's not even possible?
  • The very final choices are irrelevant to the experience.
  • Too many threads were left undeveloped and unsolved.
    Code There's potential to squeeze out of those winks, which made the game feel too SHORT, SUPERFICIAL, and CONFUSED about its delivery.
  • Transitions: they are painfully slow.
    Code You can't skip scenes, even if they're not new to you. You pick the wrong character by mistake? You have to go back to your room, re-listen to the vocal adjustments, click Leave, and then finally proceed. This becomes irritating soon.
  • Clichés, stereotypes, commonplaces.

It's a shame because I'm actually willing to replay it (even though the unskippability is discouraging), but I don't really recommend it -- unless you are curious enough to overlook the flaws I've listed.
2395 Produkte im Account
840 Reviews
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 06:18
I would've thoroughly enjoyed this game if not for the fact that it is fairly confusing to figure out how to progress. If that aspect of the game was a bit more straight-forward then I would've highly recommended this. That being said I'd still give it a 6/10.
9431 Produkte im Account
247 Reviews
626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 11:58
interesting game with multiple choices and endings.
1648 Produkte im Account
244 Reviews
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 13:01
It'll test your patience, but it's a decent game. A 60/100 effort.

The good

Good production values
Scales well to larger resolutions
Decent ambient music
Taking different paths to catch the murderer can be fun
Shape-shifting mechanism

The bad

Some very variable acting
Can get stuck with where to go/how to proceed etc
Can be a slog wading through previously viewed material to get somewhere new
Some of the character motivations are a little strange and nonsensical
1281 Produkte im Account
1011 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 20:46
While not for the full price, this interactive movie is quite good and worth trying out if you can get it cheaply enough! This came as a surprise to me as I am not really into the genre. Interesting detective mystery with reasonable ending, that is not often the case with many other detective stories. The gameplay is limited as it is just an interactive movie, nonetheless, it doesn't feel to limit you too much and resolving the mystery and finding out the murderer is left to the player, just as finding out hints, although how many is hard to say, as I only played it once, so I can't say how much of them are the same or different in various playthroughs.
2841 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 19:59
The Shapeshifting Detective is an FMV adventure game with a little twist. Instead of collecting items to progress, you must use your shapeshifting powers to turn into on of the suspects and trick their friends into giving you new info. The story is your typical murder mystery, small town, murdered girl and so on. However the game feels atmospheric and the shapeshifting mechanic makes for some fun dialogue. The game offers some choices that don't matter much to the story, so there's not much replay value. Even with the fact that the killer can be one of the 3 people, it will be easy to spot them on second playthrough due to dialogue changes.

+ Mysterious atmosphere
+ Charismatic characters played by good actors
+ Funny hidden dialogue and scenes
+ An original idea with Shapeshifting, haven't seen this done before

- Shapeshifting is somewhat restricted, you can't talk to everyone when you change form
- The game is very linear
- Not much of a replay value

Overall the game left a positive impression on me. If you want a short murder mystery for an evening or two, give this game a shot.
498 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 18:53
Gameplay consists of exhausting dialogue trees to continue. The shapeshifting gimmick means that you have to repeatedly interrogate everyone using every combination of characters to do so. This just fragments an already lame narrative where the characters are all some combination of insipid and insane.
278 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 17:03
A pretty good murder mystery FMV.
219 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 20:00
This game make you feel like a detective in a classic SF novel written by Philip K. Dick
1215 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 14:13
An elegant detective story mildly reminiscent of Twin Peaks. The characters are fairly well developed with alternate dialogues depending on your actions and who the killer turns out to be. There is a skip dialogue feature that unlocks after you finish the game without exposing yourself to be a shape-shifter that can be almost more of a curse than a blessing when trying to determine who the killer is. Over all it is quite excellent, yet I felt that there were some missed possibilities as far as what they could have done with it...
789 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 07:37
Sooo, mmmh...
It was my first FMV experience, and I did enjoy some of it. The actors are not doing bad at all. I am not a tarot, or alien abduction believer, but knowing that the main character is a shape-shifting detective, I did let myself believe the characters, and got into the world the game built.
It has been a bit long to complete but in the end, I was satisfied by the game.

The only thing is that this was part of a bundle, so I am not sure I would have enjoyed it as much had I paid full price.
2423 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 22:56
Not my favorite modern FMV adventure, very slow, with a strange UI and even stranger story, but it's playable if you get it in a bundle or on a sale. If you never played FMV games I'd say start with something else, this is more for people who know they like this genre.
670 Produkte im Account
236 Reviews
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 06:58
Intriguing FMV detective game. There are issues, but overall it's fun and enjoyable.
383 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 22:09
I got this on Humble Bundle, I'd never heard of thew game before sow as unsure what to expect.
Normally when I get my monthly bundle I skip through the games in one night to decide what to keep and what to remove, but IO ran this first and after 4 hours I finished it, without running any other games :)

This is a fun way to spend an evening, maybe 2 evenings if you wish to get all the achievements - it has a good story, of course it's FMV so no graphics to rate, but the scenes are well acted in most cases, sometimes it can be a bit cringe worthy but these are not Hollywood stars, they are probably just regular people who do a spot of acting on the side - One particular character was really bad, but I wont spoil it by telling you which one lol

All in all, a good game, a bit of fun when you're in lockdown, but it is short, don't be expecting to play for days on end as this is more like an interactive movie, so 3 to 4 hours is all you get.
It's £10 normally so good value for money especially if you play it twice and/or buy it in the sales :)
633 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 21:54
Got this with Humble Bundle. This FMV game has some of the best writing and acting of any game I have ever played. If you like FMV games, I highly recommend.
1146 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 16:53
Magnificent game. I'm not quite sure what kind of impact my decisions had on the course of the game, but I loved the characters and the dialogues. Let's hope for a sequel, because I definitely want to see more of the adventures of Sam.
1965 Produkte im Account
489 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 08:45
The Shapeshifting Detective is an FMV game. This is from the same studio as The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker and is the followup title.

An FMV game is mostly about having a live actor talk directly to the camera and player and act out their role, then the player has some level of interactivity. In The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, it was a complex language system where it tries to parse questions from the viewer and respond, though that system didn’t work exactly as promised. The Shapeshifting Detective took a step back from that and created a better framework, and it’s a huge improvement.

In The Shapeshifting Detective, the player simply has to click the question they want to ask that appears on the screen. It takes almost all the guesswork out of the game, but it produces a better experience as the player can involve themselves with the story instead of being pulled out of the story to play a guessing game about what word the game is expecting.

In practice, it does its job and keeps the story moving, to the point my wife and I was watching and playing along. Well, there is a minimal amount of interactivity in most FMV games, The Shapeshifting Detectives adds a few pieces. There are multiple points where players are given two questions that they can ask, and once that decision is made the other response is lost forever. In addition, players are now able to “Delete” a question, which means they are choosing not to ask that. It doesn’t seem like a major piece of the gameplay, but it is nice to be given the choice or needs to hold back on certain lines of questioning.

With the name The Shapeshifting Detective, the entire game revolves around an investigation, and, of course, a shapeshifter. Our main character Sam has powers. It’s never really clear what or how these powers exist but Sam can change into the form of anyone he meets, which means if there is some level of collusion between two people, Sam can pose as one of them and discover their secrets. That’s used a couple of times in the game, but it’s not a very common necessity sadly as it has the most potential.

The rest of the game is mostly an exploration of a small town called August somewhere in the UK where a murder has occurred. A trio of tarot readers said it would happen with the name of the target ahead of time and so Sam is sent to help the police with the investigation.

Since the entire game is FMV related, much of the game will focus on both the actors and delivery of the material as well as the material itself. In that… The Shapeshifting Detective flounders a bit. It’s not that these actors are poor, in fact, one of my favorite actors from The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, Aislinn De'ath, returns in a new role, and even she seems off.

There’s a lot of cuts in the responses, weird camera angles used, and strange takes. If I found out this game was recorded in a rush, that would make sense, but I don’t think that’s what happened. What’s stranger is I praised the Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker for the high quality of both their actors and delivery of the material, so the weakness here makes no sense.

That material is also underwhelming. The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker focused on a psychiatrist who was murdered and five of his patients who all had interesting and compelling stories. In The Shapeshifting Detective, there are only a couple of characters who are interesting. There is also one that feels completely repugnant on purpose, but none of the stories feel satisfying or complete. The reason to play through an FMV game is both the stories and characters(actors) and in this case, it feels like they let the game down.

The story also tries to be a little more mature and sexual, focusing a few kinks and adult topics. However the writing treats this as simple titillation, rather than an interesting and deep look at the topics, and it comes off feeling more juvenile, such as someone bringing up a topic they are unsure of and quickly changing the subject before they are exposed. There are interesting ideas present but they don’t get explored.

Part of the reason can be that The Shapeshifting Detective is over in only three hours, where the Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker will likely take two or three times that length. Perhaps there wasn’t room for a deeper dive into the adult themes brought up, but if that’s the case, they might not have needed to be brought up at all. It certainly started a more interesting line of thought but the thread is abruptly cut before anything more can be said.

The Shapeshifting Detective tried to improve on the previous game. The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker was too long to replay for a minor change to the ending delivered by a randomized killer. In The Shapeshifting Detective, the game is shorter, but that doesn’t help as much, besides, there’s only three possible killers instead of six.

But I feel this was the wrong change. The infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker’s real fault was that it was unable to give a single cohesive story with the randomized killer. The Shapeshifting Detective could have the same problem, but instead delivers a worse experience and I honestly don’t know why the experience here suffered so much. The studio clearly can film characters interestingly and uniquely. It can bring a story to life and did so in the previous game, so it’s a bit disappointing that the newest game feels so underwhelming.

There are a few more things that bother me but shouldn’t matter. The biggest being that it would be nice to have a chapter select rather than requiring players to replay the entire story a second time. I also felt the story wasn’t fully clear if my choice was correct and left the answer ambiguous, though it would have been good to have some solid closure on that.

Ultimately The Shapeshifting Detective is an interesting game, it is a unique format that is worth playing. However, it is flawed and a major step back for the studio.

On my arbitrary scale of arbitrariness, I give this a


I enjoyed the short time with The Shapeshifting Detective, but I’d recommend The Insane Madness of Doctor Dekker over this. With that said, I’ve recently moved to make a 6/10 a non recommend, however, I’m going to override that in the case of the Shapeshifting Detective as it’s enjoyable for what it is, but it is not a great FMV. If you liked The Insane Madness of Doctor Dekker, check this one out, but it’s a small step back.

I played this as part of my coverage of the Humble Choice September 2020, if you want to see my further thoughts on this game or that bundle, you can find them:


Also, I played several FMVs recently and made a video on the best and worst part of them, including the Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, which can be seen here:

3302 Produkte im Account
200 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 02:22
Fun FMV detective game. I appreciated that there were plenty of clues to indicate who the killer was. There's four possible killers I guess, but I played twice and got the same one. LOL.
410 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 12:24
I got this game from humble bundle and I would say it's not that bad. Like, you can do a full run in 2 hours or so and it's honestly is worth it. The acting is cringe, the gameplay is very sloppy with constant movement. Radio is annoying and it's awful that you couldn't skip it first playthrough. Other than that story is somewhat interesting. If you got this from a bundle or this game has a decent discount consider grabbing it just to spend an evening.
595 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 05:48
Nice murder investigation FMW game. The only downside is that I cannot skip conversations and the whole UI is a slog.
648 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 01:44
I love this game, it has such a weird surreal feel to it. It dose not hold your hand but will offer tips and keep track of things if you need it.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 17:30
such an amazing game with wonderful characters and actors! if you're an FMV lover, this is definitely for you.

couldn't choose between Lexie and Rayne at the end, so i chose them both. thank you to the game for our polyamorous relationship haha
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 16:28
Brilliant game and worth what I paid. I have played this game for 20+ hours now to really see if there are multiple endings and plot lines I was missing out by asking the wrong questions! I know I'm obsessed with mystery games. The answer is a definite YES. The mechanics and character development is pretty genuine. The choices of your list of suspects at the end of the game...well frankly the ? # of characters you can lock up, all of them could have done it. It depends what questions and clues you have revealed somehow that determines who tries to kill you.

Spoiler alert! The way they use the actors especially the tarot readers to explain the concept of tarot, mercury, travellers, the history of August, etc made me understand the whole story and character's background. There are very funny scenes and off track stories that made this whole game laughable and kept me entertained. Mr Hedges story, the devil/traveller impression by Dupont, Rain asking you if you are not really Bron, Bron getting Oscar on the bed, and Lexi doing a photoshoot with Zak.

I did find out on my fifth go around in an interesting scene where he finds out from Lexi that Zak has serial killer books. I heard it every time he says it's for criminal course he took before. This time his response to the question was completely different and mentions that the books told him the typical killer is actually a middle age white guy. Hmm...the developers actually put a lot of thought into this game and mechanics I was surprised. I don't know what I revealed earlier that changed to this response.

In the end, you can fly through this game to see the gist of the story. Or you find out more about August and these characters by switching and replaying the game. You might miss out on finding out about why Munrue selling Poe pendant, Rain and his death tarot reading to Munrue, Zak's strange photoshoot with Lexi(!), Poe missing a bag of special coins, Violet's 7 member cult and her extreme jealous of wanting Zak but he only looks at young girls. The three characters with no alibis all can appear at the end as your killer!!! One who is possessed by a traveller, one who hates redheads and young girls, or one who kills because these girls don't like this person back! Somehow the choices you reveal come full circle to determine for your story who the computer chooses as the killer. I don't how but surprisingly the game doesn't keep the same person as the killer over and over again!
436 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 19:08
I wasn't expecting this one to grab me, but it did. The story in engaging, the characters feel like real people, and there's plenty to see on subsequent playthroughs. The shapeshifting mechanic is interesting and works really well. If you like murder mysteries give this a go.
307 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 20:11
D’Avekki Studios’ The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker is one of the most interesting and memorable games I’ve played. It’s a well-crafted FMV murder mystery game that sucked me in with its Lovecraftian story, appropriately discomforting cinematography and photography, and use of a text parser for simulating natural conversations with NPCs. Given the high standard that Doctor Dekker had set, I went into the studios’ next project, The Shapeshifting Detective, with great expectations.

Unfortunately, I find The Shapeshifting Detective disappointing. As a whodunit mystery game, it lacks suspense. The mystery is predictable, even with the game randomizing the identity of the murderer at the start. Although I narrowed down the five or six likely suspects to three by mid-game, I still needed to mechanically interrogate everyone until one of those three revealed an obvious tell. There was only a couple of instances near the end where I felt some form of mild tension and suspense, but the game is pretty tedious for the most part.

The tedium stems from the game’s gimmick: you play a detective, who can morph into anyone you’ve met. Assigned to a murder case in a quaint town called August, you interrogate different suspects in hopes to find the killer. By transforming into other people whom the suspects know, you can find out what they’re hiding from you. So, the logical way to approach this game is to simply interrogate every suspect, as yourself and as every person you’ve come across in your investigation. It’s monotonous, but it works.

You naturally can’t be seen shapeshifting, so what does the game make you do? Perhaps find a good hiding spot -- like a toilet stall, behind a building, in a deserted alley, or even in the bushes by the roads in the country -- and then transform? Of course not, that would be too reasonable of an approach. Just to complicate things, the game forces you return to your hotel room to shapeshift. Every. Single. Time. Imagine how many expensive cab rides your character has to make during the course of the game, just because of this limitation.

And that’s it -- that’s the deceptively simple, yet unnecessarily complicated The Shapeshifting Detective in a nutshell. If you try to interrogate a suspect as someone inappropriate during the chapter, he/she will be away. Their unexplained absences confusingly have no bearing on the story. Because the things you can say in the game are pre-determined, you can’t really screw up. Even if you’ve said something that would significantly alter the relationships between suspects, or sever the trust they may have of you as the detective, the story simply goes on.

The Shapeshifting Detective, therefore, feels more like a visual novel with high-definition FMV clips. Thankfully then, video and audio production values are high. Although the cinematography and photography are uninspired, the actors did a fine job (over)performing the pedestrian material they were given. It feels as though the capable actors were purposefully hamming it up as if they were paying homage to first-generation FMV games.

Sorry, I just can’t recommend The Shapeshifting Detective, even though it really is just a mediocre, inoffensive game. It really could have used more of what made Doctor Dekker so great: a text parser to make the interrogation more challenging and immersive, rather than simply selecting one of several choices; story elements to obfuscate or disorient you during your investigation, rather than just waiting for the suspect to slip up; and basically, a better story. This game tries to pull off a post-credit twist/cliffhanger with the finesse of M. Night Shyamalan in The Sixth Sense and Split, or with aplomb as in Kevin Feige-produced Marvel movies. Yet, the result of this effort only ends up being more confusing than enticing and revelatory.

So what are you waiting for? Go play The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker instead.
460 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 21:46
The Shapeshifting Detective, Sam, is a human or maybe not... who can shapeshift into any human he meets, allowing him to take onto his shape, form, and voice and with that premise in mind, and you being a detective who get sent to investigate a murder, in a gloomy small town, filled with different types of people that any of them could be the culprit, the game's settings is promising but it hits a few obstacles that completely ruins it:

-The story is weak as hell, even with all those interesting surroundings and setup that I mentioned, the acting is bad, overdone, excessive facial expression, and accent, now I, of course, didn't expect Hollywood level of acting but not weird, out of the place acting and accent at the very least.

-There is a theme of lecherousness, lustfulness filling the air, personally that disvalues the game for me.
every woman in the game pretty much wants to sleep with you, and it shows pretty much in every dialogue, and with the weird acting and facial expressions, you can only imagine how bad and cringy that was...

-The gameplay has so much downtime, between changing what you are doing, going from place to place, shape-shifting, granted the menus are fast and almost instantaneous but there was so much stuff that could be streamlined or completely removed. like you have to listen to the same voice line every time you shapeshift to someone, every time you want to change chapter you have to listen to the same voice line, loading screens are the same for the same places from start of the game to the end, etc.

-The story not only being weak but it is also short and linear, and also they added some metaphysical stuff/nonsense delusions stories that you might tell to your kids before bedtime, you also have very limited ways of approaching the game and its options, even though, a shapeshifter.
at first, I thought the concept of shapeshifting was so cool that it would out-weight the cons of this game but it only got worse towards the end, I do not recommend this game.
2244 Produkte im Account
278 Reviews
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 10:25
What a pleasant surprise. I never thought the game will be very entertaining especially that it plays differently than most of the FMV games. I enjoyed the game thoroughly, at the beginning it felt slow, but then I couldn't stop playing until I finished the game. The story about a young woman named Dorota Shaw who died in a mysterious way, you were assigned to investigate the case, the prime suspects are three tarot readers who you moved to live in the same building with them to get to know them more. With your special ability, you can shapeshift into anyone you've met, this allows you to get more information from people as they wouldn't share it with you as a detective but to their 'friends' I loved the game's mechanics and loved how you interact with people differently, funny how when you shapeshift to someone else and get a piece of news you can break to the other person as a detective, I loved how stunned most of them looked.

Everything is well made in this game, the cast did an amazing job. I almost suspected everyone because of their behavior after interrogation. What makes this game amazing that there are three different murders, each time you play it will randomly choose a murderer. When you make the final accusation you'll get a list of names and you need to choose carefully depends on your investigation. Every single choice you've made through the game has consequences

Although the game is good, it lacks a couple of things such as a journal, something to write your notes on, the more you question people, the more information you get, the more you screw up especially if you shapeshift into someone and say something you were not supposed to say to another character. Also, a hinting system would have been helpful, sometimes I kept going to each person's room to check if they are around, or I asked them everything.

There is a minor thing that bothers me when I started off this game, and almost made me drop it, is when you speak with a character and you get the options, the video freezes paused, the character doesn't move and there is no sound around. This made the game looks cheap, but thankfully the story and shapeshifting made me ignore this. (or got used to it)

The soundtracks are good, fit the creepy and suspense atmosphere. The stories told on the radio are creepy, in the second playthrough you can choose which story you'd like to listen to instead of randomly getting one! Also, in the second gameplay, you can skip the scenes, which makes it faster to get to the parts you want to change your answers or take a different route.

+FMV game with good acting.
+Good cast and very-well acting.
+invistigation detective style.
+Multiple endings. (generated randomly)
+Good soundtracks and creepy radio stories.
+Steam achievements.

-The video pauses when you get the list of questions to interrogate the characters
-No journal or notes were taken during the gameplay.
-No hinting system.

I was happy to see a couple of actors who played in other games casting here too. This game is very entertaining for FMV lovers or people who enjoy mystery/detective games.

Other reviews:
The Bunker Review
The Complex Review
Late Shift Review
Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

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209 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 06:41
A bit cheesy at times but fun. Plus the chicks are hot.
348 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 09:59
This game has the fella from Contradiction in it, as well as several cute redheads.

What more could you ask for??
25 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 05:32
This game is very exhilarating for those who share an inquisitive mind and enjoy psychological type games and choice driven games. Although your choices are rather limited, you still have a choice of what to say and a lot of the power is really in your hands. I also found that this game struck me as a good way to learn about manipulation. The ability to shift into other people and manipulate them into trusting you are who you say you are. I think this game has a lot to offer psychologically speaking and socially speaking. In this game you can really learn a lot about why people behave the way they do around you and it is obviously because of what is happening behind the scenes. You can see a lot of body language as well.
345 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 19:39
This is a lovely game. You play a character who is asked to assist in finding the killer of a young woman. There are several suspects, and you question all of them. However, you can also 'shapeshift' into one of your suspects to question the others, and get information that they might not share with the protagonist.

The good:
- the acting was good, from the quiet, unassuming boyfriend to the smarmy photographer
- the story was interesting, and kept you guessing
- the murderer changes from game to game, so there is replay value, and you can also start skipping scenes that you have already watched on your second playthrough
- the pacing is good, and there is some tension and sometimes a real feeling of risk / danger
- while there are no note or case files, you can visit the Chief of Police at any time and ask him for a summary of everything you have uncovered so far; this way, you don't have to rely on your memory entirely
- completing a game is short (2-3 hours): for me, that is a plus in game like this, as it makes me more likely to want to go back and play it again to try for a different ending

Not so good:
- there is never really enough information to be certain of the who killer is, and the end was a bit of a guessing game for me; personally, I didn't mind that but people wanting a bit more certainty might not enjoy it
- shifting from one character into another could have been a bit easier, and not required a trip back to your room at the guesthouse

These are minor complaints, however, and overall, this is a good game and recommended for fans of FMV games.
47 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 00:51
An interesting story about a shapeshifter trying to find a killer by talking to suspects. While the acting was pretty decent, I wasn't a huge fan of all the different camera angles on a person while I was talking to them. Regardless of that, the game still makes for a good murder mystery.
811 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 23:34
A pretty good FMV with an interesting twist. Story is a bit short but many possible endings make it really cool for meaningful replay. Most of the acting is really on point. I hope to see something larger from the studio one day :)
303 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 11:47
Second best role I've seen Jenks play. Play with friends. 10/10 recommended.
639 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 20:48
Compared to Wales Interactive's other FMV games like Contradiction and Late Shift, this entry simply falls short.

The cinematic fundamentals are poorer all around, including sound, sets, and lighting. It's very tedious shifting from one character to another, forcing you to traipse through multiple screens and a 5 second soundclip each time. And each time you shift and talk to a new person (as a new person), you may only be rewarded with a very short response. This makes the game feel abbreviated and content-poor.

I've beaten it with the best ending (I can't imagine there are that many different ones) and don't really care to experience more. It wasn't the worst FMV game I've played--far from it--but it was very unsatisfying. It's a much simpler, cheaper, and less interesting game than other modern FMV titles.
2781 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 10:39
342 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
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766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 22:29
The premise of the shapeshifting detective was really interesting but the case you're called to solve is uninteresting and full of needless occult elements which make no sense even when you finish the game. The game's duration is extremely short- finished it twice in one day- and the acting in the cutscenes is mediocre to say the least. In the end the game has an extremely poor value for money since you'll most likely quit it after a day or two and never touch it again.
467 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 11:40
If you want to be a detective, which will go to a photographer, who trying to harass you and you can kick into the baby maker, then this is your game!

This game is really good and has a unique gameplay too. Story is interesting and you really have to be a detective to get the best ending in the game. Worth the money!
369 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 05:58
Totally waste of time.
-This game's scenes are absurdly focusing on woman's leg and feet shots. (which may be someones like this and buy but its easy and pathetic marketing technique.)
-Game bugged after 3 hours playing while I am also on a live stream. My audience (about more than 30 viewers) also cannot solve how to going on. Even from walkthroughs.
-Scenario and Game Design are totally meaningless. Our character has a shapeshifting element but there is no explanation or and reasonable ways to fail in basic communication. For example, they cannot detect anything from our dumb info check test. They just remembering them to you like nobody cares about the dialogue choices.
-Most of the time the whole game is just going to some places to see empty seats. While this happening nonsense cut-scenes have to wait again and again.
-I still cannot believe how these two developer groups can be made such a horrible job after that amount of FMV experience.
-I am a big FMV lover and my OK limits for FMV game's acting is pretty low. But when you feel choices are non-effect your whole first 2-3 hours gameplay and just the game tries to click you whole information while shapeshifter, its getting total shitshow.

10/100 and the 8 points for leg shots because they prove to you its the only reason whoever wants to buy this game.
8823 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 05:40
I'll keep it brief...you already know if you like FMV games. It's well done, but like Late Shift and #WarGames, you don't feel in control because you have very little idea what the consequence of any particular action will be. And you don't really feel like you finish the game because you probably don't have the patience to re-watch every scene in hopes of getting a different clip, leading eventually, hopefully, to a different ending.

For a more investigative game, play Contradiction. For longer interviews (but more frustrating game progression), play The Infectious Madness.
357 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 23:11
Not a bad game if You like interviewing people to find a killer. UI is trash and menuing is annoying as hell.
47 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.19 16:04
While I liked the idea of the game and I think the developers were definitely onto something with the shapeshifting element, I felt a little disappointed having finished the game and identified the murderer in less than 3 hours of game play (and I was being fairly thorough). I thought some of the acting was good but other characters weren't particularly convincing and to me some of this acting even made it fairly evident what the outcome would be. I was very excited about this game but ultimately felt let down with the overall package.
131 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.19 10:16
Game wasn't even captioned at the start despite the subtitles being on. I couldn't even progress because the start wasn't captioned, so I couldn't understand what was being said.
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Release:06.11.2018 Genre: Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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