• SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.
  • SteamWorld Heist: Screen zum Spiel SteamWorld Heist.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 07.06.2016
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Preis Update 16.04.24

Über das Spiel

In SteamWorld Heist führst du Roboter an, die sich durch jede Menge Feuergefechte kämpfen. Das Spiel bietet Rundenstrategie mit einem Twist: Du zielst selbst mit allen Waffen, planst Kunstschüsse und überwindest so jede Deckung!

Als Käpt‘n einer Dampfpiratencrew enterst du Schiffe, plünderst sie und kämpfst dich zur Rettungskapsel vor. Rüste Rekruten mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten, Waffen und schicken Hüten aus und überwinde die Herausforderungen des Weltalls!

  • Strategie, bei der es um Können statt um Glück geht
  • Prozedural aufgebaute Level
  • 15-20 Stunden Spieldauer, gefolgt von Neues Spiel+
  • Einsteigerfreundlich und gleichzeitig herausfordernd für Veteranen
  • Soundtrack von Steam Powered Giraffe


  • CPU: 2 GHz, SSE2 support
  • GFX: OpenGL 2.1-compatible, 512 MB video memory, framebuffer object support. E.g. Intel HD 4600 or better.
  • RAM: 1024 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista 32 bit
  • HD: 320 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: OpenAL compatible
  • MISC: You may need to update your graphics drivers for OpenGL 2.1 support.
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch , Russisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

76 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 10:48
Chillig mal für Zwischendurch.
136 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 11:12
Ich hätte mir ehrlich gesagt ein Level-Design erhofft, das deutlich mehr Kunstschüsse (mit vielen Abprallern etc.) erlaubt.

Das ist in meinen Augen kaum der Fall. Die Umgebung lockt nicht mit vielen Möglichkeiten für coole Schüsse (in der man motiviert wäre nach der besten zu suchen) sondern raubt schnell die Lust, es überhaupt mit interessantem Waffeneinsatz zu versuchen.

Dadurch ist das Spiel dann halt einfach ziemlich schnell ziemlich langweilig.

Schade drum - das Konzept hatte seinen Reiz.
304 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.18 16:22
Roboter, Knarren und schicke Hüte

SteamWorld Heist ist definitiv eines der Spiele, die ich mit auf eine einsame Insel mitnehmen würde. Oder auf einen einsamen Asteroiden, denn die Welt gibt es ja nicht mehr. Sie ist irgendwann auseinandergebrochen und auch die Menschheit ist Geschichte. Stattdessen spielt man einen Steambot, genauer eine dampfgetriebene Roboterdame, die mit einem kleinen Raumschiff gerade so über die Runden kommt. Jedenfalls bis sie sich mit einer Armee von Schrottrobotern, einem Imperium dieselgetriebener Schnösel und außerirdischen Mächten anlegt und dabei weitere Mitstreiter rekrutiert.

Das geschieht rundenbasiert in sehr atmosphärisch gestalteten 2D-Arenen, die mit Türen und Leitern verbunden sind und die auch reichlich Fässer und ähnliches als Deckung aufweisen. Das ist auch notwendig, denn die Luft ist äußerst bleihaltig: In mehreren Kategorien sind die Roboter mit allerlei Waffen ausgestattet und können vom Revolver bis hin zum Raketenwerfer Unmengen von Zerstörungswerkzeugen einsetzen. Dabei bringt jeder sein eigenes Spielzeug mit, doch die eingebauten Standardwummen sind nur für die ersten Missionen geeignet. Danach sollte man sich tunlichst mit den bei den Missionen gefundenen Knarren ausstatten oder einkaufen gehen.

Gezielt wird manuell, was für mich mit einem Gamepad ganz intuitiv funktioniert. Überhaupt ist der Einstieg recht simpel. Farblich markiert wird angezeigt, bis wohin man sich bewegen kann, um noch schießen zu können bzw. wo man in Deckung gehen kann. Der Reiz entsteht mit den verschiedenen Mannschaftsmitgliedern und ihren mit dem Erfahrungslevel wachsenden Sonderfähigkeiten, die das Spiel teilweise komplett auf den Kopf stellen können. So provoziert Kraftprotz Bogdan „The Great“ Ivanski alle Gegner sich eine Runde lang nur auf ihn zu konzentrieren, während der flinke Farmbot Sally Bolt nach einem erfolgreiche Abschuss gleich nochmal feuern darf. Dazu kommen noch zahlreiche Gimmicks vom Erste-Hilfe-Kasten bis hin zu Raketenrucksäcken oder Ballettschuhen(!), die neue Fähigkeiten verleihen, wenn die – je nach Mission – ein bis vier Roboter damit ausgerüstet werden. All das verquickt sich zu einem sehr reizvollen Ausprobieren der verschiedenen Strategien gegen die zahlreichen Standardgegner und einige Zwischenbosse und Bossgegner. Die Gegner agieren clever aber nicht unfair und haben einige Asse im Ärmel: Während einige schlicht schießen oder prügeln, verspritzen andere brennbares Öl, können sich teleportieren oder Hilfe herbeirufen. Nettes Extra für Sammler: Jeder Robo hat einen Inventarplatz für einen Hut. Diese kann man kaufen oder schlicht dem Gegner vom Kopf schießen!

All das ist sehr farbenfroh und detailliert in schönster Comicgrafik dargestellt, Explosionen und Animationen sind sehr gelungen, ebenso wie der einzigartige Soundtrack von Steampowered Giraffe und die amüsant geschriebene Story, die ein wenig an die SciFi-Serie Firefly erinnert.

Ich habe selten so einen Spaß mit einem Spiel gehabt, weil man sich bei SteamWorld Heist Runde für Runde darüber freuen kann, wenn ein Plan mal wieder richtig gut funktioniert - oder gnadenlos in die Hose geht. Und anders als bei X-Com ist man in jedem Fall selbst schuld!
311 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.18 21:06
Putziges 2D-XCOM mit aggressiven Laserrobotern.


Aus der 2D-Perspektive steuert der Spieler seine Einheit von bewaffneten Toastern durch feindliche Raumschiffe, und -stationen. Rundenbasiert werden die Roboter wie in XCOM direkt gesteuert und können vor den Missionen mit etwa Granaten, Nahkampfhandschuhen, Schrotflinten und Gewehren ausgerüstet werden. Die Geschichte führt dabei lose durch die zufällig generierten Level, welche eine gewisse Herausforderung bieten, aber immer schaffbar sind.


  • In der Regel überwiegt der strategische Aspekt gegenüber dem Glück.
  • Ausreichend tiefe Individualisierung aller Charaktere. Hüte als nette Beigabe.
  • Unaufdringliche Story führt von Aufgabe zu Aufgabe.
  • Schönes Steampunk-Setting auf dem Sprung in die Zukunft.
  • Freier Wechsel zwischen den Schwierigkeitsgraden.
  • Breite Auswahl an Ausrüstungsgegenständen motiviert zu verschiedenen Vorgehensweisen.
  • Gewisse Spannung durch gutes Beutesystem.
  • Bewertungssystem trägt zur Motivation bei.

  • Teilweise muss ewig gewartet werden, bis der Feind seinen Zug abgeschlossen hat.
  • Hauptgimmick der an Wänden reflektierenden Schüsse nur bei einer Klasse insbesondere relevant.
  • Ausrüstung (abgesehen von Waffen und Hüten) verändert die Optik der Charaktere nicht.
  • Wert der eigenen Roboter stark von deren Level abhängig, weshalb unbenutzte Roboter auch nie die Ersatzbank verlassen werden. Das wird durch die Nichtgabe von Erfahrungspunkten bei Zerstörung einzelner Einheiten noch verstärkt.
  • Spieler muss sich selbst von einer etwaiger Monotonie abbringen, dies passiert dann aber zu großem Mehrwert durch Abwechslung.
  • DLC mit zu wenig, aber nettem Inhalt.
  • Zeitdruck manchmal sehr nervig.
  • Außer oberflächlichen Gesprächen mit anderen Robotern gibt es zwischen den Missionen nichts zu tun. Keine Forschung und kein Handwerk für Abwechslung.


  • Gute Mischung zwischen bunten und steril blauen Bildschirmen.
  • Detaillierte Spielwelt und Charaktere.
  • Stimmige unaufdringliche Hintergrundmusik.
  • Zerstörte Roboterteile fallen auf den Boden oder fliegen nach Explosionen durch die Luft.

  • Gegner sprengen sich selten selbst, das kann stören oder als „das kann ja jedem mal passieren“ gedeutet werden.


Wer in XCOM viel Spaß hatte, wird sich auch hier seicht unterhalten wissen. Der Spielerwächst in seiner Kampfkraft zusammen mit seinen Robotern und kann immer wieder in die tiefen des Alls zurückkehren, ohne sich erst wieder einspielen zu müssen. An Abwechslung mangelt es allerdings deutlich, insbesondere Aktivitäten zwischen den Missionen wären gern gesehen – in den Missionen hat es der Spieler weitgehend selbst in der Hand. Selbst in der Hand ist ein gutes Stichwort, da der Spielerfolg insbesondere von den Fähigkeiten des Spielers abhängig ist.

Falls Sie an weiteren Qualitätsreviews interessiert sind, finden sie in unserem Reviewprogramm weitere.
242 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.17 09:53
Dieses Spiel ist unglaublich gut! Das Spielprinzip zieht mich total in seinen Bann. Trotz ca. 9h Spielzeit kann ich nicht behaupten, dass ich sehr weit gekommen bin. Zu viel Spaß macht es, die bereits bekannten, aber immer wieder neu generierten, Level noch einmal zu spielen....schwieriger und mit immer anderen Chars bzw. Char Kombinationen.

Ich werde noch sehr viel Zeit mit dem Spiel verbringen.

Grafik ist top, ich liebe das Setting und den Soundtrack höre ich mittlerweile sogar bei der Arbeit :)

Von mir eine ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!!
456 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
2058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.17 12:59
Als ich vor etwa 3 Jahren mit „SteamWorld Dig“ (= SWD) in Kontakt kam, hatten mich die schwedischen Entwickler von Image&Form Games direkt als neuen Fan gewonnen. Ich liebte den detailverliebten Comic-Look, ich liebte die witzige Figurengestaltung der Steambots und den dazugehörigen Humor, ich liebte den von Spaghetti-Western inspirierten Soundtrack, und ich liebte diese Mischung aus vertikal gerichtetem Plattformer, Metroidvania und „BoulderDash“-Nachahmung. An sich ein simples Konzept, aber auf seine Weise auch irgendwie grandios. Und leider auch recht kurz. Ich wollte mehr. Ich wollte eine Fortsetzung. Besser gestern als morgen. ;)
Mit der Ankündigung des nächsten und auf den Namen „SteamWorld Heist“ (= SWH) getauften Projekts wurde meine Vorfreude allerdings gebremst. Anfangs. Denn SWH blieb zwar SWD stilistisch treu, wechselte nun jedoch in ein ganz anderes Genre. Zweidimensionale Rundentaktik auf Weltraum-Kreuzern sollte es nun sein, kein Buddeln mehr in tiefsten Minen. Mein Interesse war fast verflogen, doch beim letzten Winter-Sale gab ich mir nen Ruck und packte SWH in den Warenkorb. Nach über 30 gespielten Stunden müsste ich Image&Form eigentlich um Vergebung bitten, denn mit meiner vorausgegangenen Skepsis/Ablehnung lag ich derart falsch wie noch nie. SWH hat mich wohl noch mehr zum bedingungslosen SteamWorld-Fan gemacht, während die Entwickler den Beweis liefern dass sie ihr eigenes Steambot-Universum sogar Genre-übergreifend gekonnt zu erweitern wissen.

Es herrschen schwere Zeiten. Für Hydrofarmer, Schmuggler, Bergleute – und auch Cowbots wie Captain Piper Faraday und ihre Crew, denn Wasser ist nach der Zerstörung der Erde knapp, und so gehört es zu deren Tagesgeschäft Piraten-Raumschiffe zu entern und nur ganz bösen Schrottern (= quasi Roboter-Zombies) das wertvolle Nass mit Waffengewalt abzuknöpfen. Weil jedoch die Schrotter-Plage immer größer wird, Diesel-Royalisten vor der Unterdrückung von Zivilisten nicht zurückschrecken und dazu noch eine fremde wie auch hochgefährliche Alienbot-Rasse in Erscheinung tritt, ziehen Piper und Co. in den Kampf. Für Frieden, Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit, … Und natürlich auch für eine Handvoll Wasser. :-B

Die Story-Kampagne erstreckt sich über 3 große Weltraumkarten, jede davon weist zahlreiche Stationspunkte auf die mit Pipers Schiff zugesteuert werden können. Neben Bars und Shops als Einkaufsadresse für allerlei Waffen, Ausrüstungen und Hüte – letzteres ist in SteamWorld der allerletzte Mode-Schrei *zwinker-zwinker* – sind da eben auch jene Schiffe die es zu kapern, deren Mannschaft auszuschalten und die Beute einzusacken gilt. Zu Beginn ist die kampffähige Mannschaft einzig auf Piper und ihrem treuen Weggefährten/Matrosen Seabrass beschränkt. Diese vergrößert sich durch Anheuern weiterer Cowbots denen man ab und dann über den Weg läuft, ausreichend Ruf-Sterne vorausgesetzt. Ruf-Sterne verdient man sich nach jedem gemeistertem Level/Schiff, wobei jeweils ein Maximum von 3 Sternen - abhängig vom Erfolg - erreicht werden kann. Wer eine Level-Quote von 100% erreichen möchte muss dafür sorgen dass alle ausgewählten Besatzungsmitglieder die Mission überleben und ausnahmslos ALLES an vorhandener Schiffsbeute in seine Metallhosentaschen landet. Gleichzeitig ist ein hohes Ruf-Sterne-Konto unabdinglich, da der Zugang zu bestimmten Karten-Gebieten damit freigeschaltet werden möchte.
Die zufallsgenerierten Levels/Schiffe fallen in Größendimension und Schwere recht unterschiedlich aus, so variiert auch immer wieder die Anzahl an Charakteren die zum Einsatz kommen dürfen. Dabei hat man die freie Wahl zwischen Cowbots mit jeweils eigenem Fachgebiet wie Scharfschützen-Praxis, Erfahrung im Nahkampf oder Handling mit leichten oder schweren Waffen. Gemäß des Rundentaktik-Regelwerkes steht jeder Figur, ob nun auf Seiten des Spielers oder der CPU-Gegner, ein limitierter Bewegungs-Radius sowie eine Angriffsaktion pro Zug zur Verfügung, einschließlich individueller Sonderaktionen / Spezial-Fähigkeiten. Barrieren, Fässer und andere zerstörbare Objekte eignen sich als gute Deckung, ebenso bieten undurchdringbare Wände je nach Position entsprechenden Schutz vor gegnerischem Direktbeschuss.

Bezüglich der Gefechte muss erwähnt werden dass SWH anders funktioniert als übliche Rundentaktik-Spiele. Statt computerberechneter Wahrscheinlichkeit-/Zufallstreffer hängen Sieg und Niederlage von der eigenen Zielgenauigkeit ab.
Bei jedem seiner Cowbots muss der Spieler die Waffe manuell, also mit bloßem Auge auf den Feind ausrichten. Scharfschützengewehre/-pistolen mit Laserpointer-Aufsatz sind hier noch sehr hilfreich, bei allen anderen Waffen ohne Zielvorrichtung vertraut man einzig und allein seiner eigenen Fixiergenauigkeit. Desweiteren spielt auch die Art der Munition eine nicht minder wichtige Rolle; Kugeln und Laserschüsse können an Wänden abprallen und bei Beachtung des Einschusswinkels eine Flugbahn annehmen die selbst dann Treffer ermöglichen wenn ein Gegner kein ideales Frontal-Ziel abgibt, Granaten und andere explosive Geschosse dagegen schießen in gekrümmten Bahnen heraus und sind darum auch wesentlich ungenauer auf einzelne Gegner anzuvisieren, verursachen dafür aber mehr Flächenschaden.
Geht man siegreich aus einer Mission hervor sammelt jeder eingesetzte Charakter Erfahrungspunkte, mit Aufstieg zur nächsten EP-Stufe bekommt dieser außerdem eine neue Spezial-Fähigkeit spendiert. Auf die Arten der Fähigkeit hat man allerdings keinen Einfluss, da die Rangfolge ihrer Freischaltung fest vorgeschrieben ist.
SWH und sein Gameplay sind einfach und schnell zu verstehen, aber auch herausfordernd, jedoch nie unfair. Und sollte es mal nicht zu vollen 100% bzw. 3 Ruf-Sternen reichen ist es immer wieder möglich den betreffenden Level zu wiederholen. Auch der Umfang kann sich sehen lassen, für den Abschluss der Story im mittlerem von insgesamt 5 Schwierigkeitsgraden und kompletter Ruf-Stern-Anhäufung hab ich gut 24 Stunden gebraucht. Für nen kleinen Indie-Titel ist das schon ne ganze Menge.

Wie es die Einleitung bereits verriet haben Image& Form Games das sympathische SteamWorld-Artwork aus SWD beibehalten, diesen aber aufgrund des Genre-Wechsels ein wenig angepasst. Piper und Co. wirken etwas „erwachsener“, weniger knuffig-süß wie Rusty (dessen Sekunden-Gastauftritt man kurz erhaschen kann) und die ganzen anderen SWD-Figuren, die Schiffe und ihre toll animierten Innenräume haben ein leicht düsteres Ambiente, doch ansonsten hat es die typisch-heitere Aufmachung und die gewohnte knallbunte Farbgebung. Der Sound während der Gefechte hat ordentlich Wumms und die witzige wie multilingual untertitelte Fantasie-Roboter-Sprache passt wunderbar zum Szenario. Am meisten aber noch gefällt die musikalische Untermalung des Ganzen:
Der Soundtrack ist fabelhaft gewählt und situativ jederzeit passend, und in Bars sowie nach abgeschlossenen Endboss-Kämpfen steuert die Band „Steam Powered Giraffe“ – ja, die heisst wirklich so :-B – unglaublich schmissige Songs bei, sowas würde man bei einem kleinen Titel wie SWH gar nicht vermuten. Selbst mit dem Wissen dass dieses Spiel von der EU (!) kofinanziert wurde.

Super-spaßige Rundentaktik-Action im audio-visuell bezaubernden Gewand und mit einem schönen Schuss Humor. Spielerherz, was willst du mehr?
Also, liebe Leutz von Image&Form Games, wenn ihr das hier liest, seid versichert, egal was ihr jetzt und in Zukunft an neuen SteamWorld-Ablegern in der Mache habt… SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!! :D
1199 Produkte im Account
224 Reviews
1161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.16 00:08
Rundenstrategie vom Feinsten im SteamWorld Universum. Image & Form schafft es einmal mehr ein packendes, mit interessanten Charakteren, vollgepacktes Strategiekleinod an den Mann zu bringen. SteamWorld Heist merkt man an jeder Ecke die Hingabe der Programmierer an. Die Welt ist liebevoll und voller Details, die strategischen, rundenbasierten Kämpfe steigern sich von Kampf zu Kampf und sind angenehm fordernd. Die 3DS Version hatte mich schon vollends überzeugt und war mein persönliches Indie-Highlight 2015 - hier, die Steam HD Version, wird mich auch 2016 überzeugen. Meine Sommerliebe! ;)

78 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 06:21
This game has a very special place in my heart, I hope they make a second someday. 10/10
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 02:07
A wonderful little game with lot's of charm, really fun and engaging turn-based combat that's pretty much 2D XCom. It really caught me off how much I enjoyed SteamWorld Heist as I typically don't really enjoy these tactics type games, but it really clicked with me. What I think made this so much more fun than other tactics games for me (besides the great art style, writing and world) is how you aim your shots in a 2D space. It makes combat so much more engaging and in the latter half of the game things can get pretty challenging. Overall solid 8/10 game. HATS off to you, SteamWorld Heist.
58 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 21:21
Fun turn-based strategy , where It's entirely your fault if you miss your shots which is great.
1149 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 05:28
I like the game a lot. The combo of tactics, gear, and skill shots make game play fun. Unlocks and level ups make progression feel good too. Humor is the icing on the cake. All in all just my kind of game.
163 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 00:30
Great game. loads of robotty fun.
248 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
4574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 14:06
A phenomenal, thematic 2d strategy game that gives the shoot-out, train, bandit-wrassling story we always wanted
1454 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 07:18
Named Cowbot.
Really fun.
259 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 06:28
SteamWorld is a surprisingly flexible place, as are the developers of its world. Deckbuilder, Tower Defense, Metroidvania, Digger/crafter, and Xcom-like genres have all been thrown at the little steambots. It's impressive.

Heist, the third in the collection of games, is the Xcom-like. But as with all of the Image&Form games, it's not without its own unique twists to the formula. Manual aiming of weapons rather than a percentage chance is awesome, and removes much of the headache I feel from the genre as a whole. Certainly the game is simpler by removing much of the base building elements as well, but I gotta say: those were frustrating to me as well. The switch to a sidecrolling map doesn't remove nearly as much strategic depth as I thought it might, but there is little doubt the game certainly IS simpler and lighter overall with all of these changes.

And you know what? All of that stuff is bloat! I had WAY more fun with this than I did XCOM. Let me go out, do a mission, and upgrade a few weapons so I can do the next mission. FANtastic. It's not that more depth can't be enjoyable (Massive Chalice is severely underrated for example), it's....just refreshing to be able to open the game and just jump into the part you really care about.

A little too short to be honest, and absolutely not complex enough to avoid repetition even in that small time, but still fun from beginning to end. Coming from someone who pretty much avoids anything that tries to be xcom since I don't like xcom, the fact that I find this above average should be noted.
81 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 00:12
⚔️ Gameplay ⚔️
☐ Just bad
☐ Repetitive
☑ Fun
☑ Casual
☑ Challenging
☐ epic

???? Story ????
☐ none
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☑ Good (really good story arch with cool looks at the past games but you can play without the previous games)
☐ Fantastic

✨ Graphics ✨
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☑ Beautiful (really detailed environments, yet is light on your GPU)
☐ Breathtaking

???? Music ????
☐ Bad
☐ Regular
☐ Good
☐ Relaxing
☑ Epic (Really awesome steampunk-garbage like music, sets an awesome atmosphere)
☐ Repetitive

☠️ Difficulty ☠️
☐ Boring
☐ Easy
☑ Regular (you better get your geometry books out for this one)
☐ Hard
☐ Unfair

???? Bugs ????
☐ Unplayable
☐ very Bugy
☐ bugy
☐ Speed-run/cheaty bugs
☑ bug free

⏳ Game time / Length ⌛
☐ Tiny (0 - 3 hours)
☐ Short (5 - 10 hours)
☑ Average (10 - 20 hours)
☐ Long (30-50 hours)
☐ Grindy (60 -100 hours)
☐ One Piece (100+ hours)

???? Buying Price ????
☑ Fair [Full Price]
☐ Pricy [wait for Sale]
☐ Unfair [borrow it from a friend]
☐ Don't even Bother

❎ Should you Buy? ✅
☐ Please Don't
☐ Not really
☑ Yes
☐ Absolutely
☐ Must-Have

????My ???????????????????????????????? Opinion????
This is a really cool game with an interesting story and an epic soundtrack, Really a fine alternative to those boring Idle adventure games (cof cof *steam world quest* cof cof)
I would really recommend buying it even if you haven't played the other two games or if you missed the giveaway
96 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 22:13
Fun turn based game, even though it gets repetitive quiet fast. I like the aim mechanic which makes combat more about skill, not luck. Its kinda sad, that hats are just cosmetic. They could have stats, it would bring more variability into gameplay. But overall I can recommend.
154 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 02:43
I am enjoying the heck out of this franchise. I've played and enjoyed both SteamWorld Dig 1 and 2, and SteamWorld Heist does not disappoint, either.

Graphics - Beautiful, just beautiful. The characters, the enemy, the scenery. Everything is a work of art.
Gameplay - Fun, with trickshots and plenty of ways to power up with different guns and weapons. The enemy is well designed and I've been loving the different scenarios

I highly recommend this game - 10/10
894 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 22:51
Saw this was on special for $4.30. It's a steal at that price.

This is a great little turn based combat game. Actually I think it's time to replay it.
1141 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 18:59
It has Steam Powered Giraffe in it.
732 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 12:54
I recommend this game as I have enjoyed it immensely.

I have played SteamWorld Heist in short, intense bursts during the COVID-19 lockdowns, as well as its prequels, boarding spaceships and leading my robotic corsair crew through gun battles against crazy enemies where bullets, rockets, laser beams and plasma bolts fly left and right; gunslinging in SteamWorld Heist is all the fun.

I am Ambrax, an old biker.
343 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 20:56
This is brilliant fun. The robot characters are so well drawn, and the turn-based action, explosions and so on are cartoony and satisfying. Beneath that it has tight mechanics that require tactical and strategic thinking but don't get you bogged down in option paralysis. Highly recommended.
631 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 15:10
I don't normally enjoy turn-based cover combat, especially when your chance of a hit is a percentage. Thankfully, this game lets you aim yourself. This subtle change makes this game so much more enjoyable. Like the other Steamworld games, this game has lots of charm. The character designs are fun and memorable, the levels are mostly set out very well. For cons, the lack of inventory space can be really irritating but it makes sense for balance. The world map could be organised better, making it clearer to the player where the shops are. Overall, if you enjoy squad combat and want something fun and visually interesting, go get this game.
247 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 00:23
Good art, good music, fun gameplay. You can play it with one hand and jerk off with the other. Everything I look for in a video game.
249 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 13:35
I don't have much to say, but I think this is a nice little turn-based strategy game that deserves some more recognition and love. The overall difficulty definitely feels below the genre-wide average, but with that being said I think the skillshot attack system is novel enough to keep the game fun and interesting. I'm also piss poor at these types of games in the first place despite liking them a whole lot, so my opinion might be informed by that.
110 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 23:20
Steam shows a sprinkling of my total hours played. I completed this game a total of 4 times.

It remains to be one of my favorite games of all time, and won my game of the year for 2016.

An absolutely superb masterpiece of constant progress, a kickass world and story, and addictive, immediate action. 10/10
201 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 20:30
Great game! But somehow now I fucking hate hats... Whenever I see a hat/cap I just want to shoot it off. Is this normal?
540 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
1093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 10:02
Outstanding experience but a bit short. The music is awesome and hat hunting is so much fun!
221 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 13:16
An enjoyable turn based game. I only wish there was more character customization, both in looks, skills, and weapons, and ways to get guns then what's randomly sold in a store or randomly awarded after a mission.
124 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
4280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 11:09
*challenging and fun game play
*a good number of controllable characters, all with different abilities, which can be upgraded as each levels up
*nice music, especially in the game's bars (music from Steam Powered Giraffe)
*a variety of weapons to choose from
*turn-based combat that requires a lot of strategic thinking
*a lot of difficulty modes to suit every type of gamer
*a decent overall story
*successful missions can be replayed as much as a player wants, and still add xp to the characters on the mission
*no perma-death
*no glitching issues
*fast loading time and takes up very little space on the hard drive
*New game plus mode for those who beat it

*The companions are fun to find, but there isn't any real character development. Each has a unique personality but talking with the characters doesn't change the story at all or add much.
*There really isn't much that's negative beyond that.

Buy this game. I got it because it was very cheap and had an excellent score on Steam. The reviews are absolutely well-deserved. This is an incredibly fun game that deserves a sequel.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 13:30
Really like the game. I'm 30yo Engineer, big fan of FF Tactics / Turn Base RPG (tactics ogre, Fire Emblem...). Like this game a lot, notably due to the interesting mechanics of aiming your shot yourself. Add depth & skill to the game.

Warning on the DLC (no spoiler): I bought the DLC while in the campaign and this was a good choice as it only adds a few missions + a character. Don't wait to finish the game if you want to buy it (got it in sales for $1.5). HOWEVER, and that's a big BUT : the new character is over-powered. After lvl 5 it can heal itself almost every turn (if you kill an enemy per turn, easily feasible if you add a sniper behind him), so can be an insane tank which is a non-usual feature in this game (before that, every HP matters).
I wish I would not have bought it so I could have kept the nicely balanced difficulty ... but in the same time I like the small bit of stories added, as well as the missions (I finished all missions with 3 stars, so I did like the mechanics).
My recommendation would be to buy the DLC from the start, and from when you get the new character you increase the difficulty to compensate the power spike ?
Anyway, great game - and with the insane low price when on sales, once of the best value-for-money game I've played on Steam (the other being Rimworld, strong learning curve but insanely fun with 100+ mods).
251 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 10:08
A fun game that had enough tactical depth to keep me interested but not so much that I'd spend an hour agonising over every turn or feel that it was too much after a mentally draining day.
1918 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
4016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 07:36
Played about 2/3 through the story a couple of years ago. Forget why I stopped but started over at a higher difficulty and glad I did so and finished the game. Well done, stylish art and music and interesting turn based strategy. Cool that even though all the characters have different skills, they are effective in their own different ways. Only annoying part is some of the achievements are rather grindy and especially the rare hats needed for some of them never seemed to spawn for me even when I replayed levels on elite. Oh well, was still a lot of fun and would recommend.
2391 Produkte im Account
355 Reviews
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 08:29
its like x-com but different all though it was extremely easy for me i can see it challenging for lesser individuals
277 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 14:37
Starting off this game was a bit weird for me due to the procedurally generated nature of the levels and enemies placement i ended up just leaving the game for almost three years, untill four days ago, i said to my self all those people here praising the game can't be wrong maybe it's just me starting on the wrong foot.

Started the game, paid attention to all tutorials/instructions, level to level the game was very good and i had no problems whatsoever with randomization of the game.

That being said, oh man oh man the music u can say it was tailored for the game.... Wait a minute it really is.
Steam powered giraffe Musical band wrote 6 original songs for the game along with 6 classic songs re-recorded for this game in a way that fits steamworld vibes.


u can do trick shots and ricochet bullets all over the place in this game, u can mix and match different gears to get the best possible builds oh god i really love this game.
in general the gameplay is turn based but i haven't played anything like it before it was mixed in this 2d backgrounds seamlessly, making me playing several hours at a time it's just awesome, i remember playing 15 minutes at a time of tomb raider whatever version that one was but this game, naaah!! Gameplay was so much fun. right now i started another playthrogh with different characters to enjoy this gem again in a different way, because characters have unique abilities and this adds to the replay-ability of the game not even mentioning the achievements if you're eyeing the 100% it'll take u awhile.

Just right up my alley, cartoonish colorful with steampunk aesthetics can't ask for more. 10/10

Worth the full price.
564 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
1095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 15:50
When you think of turn based combat games (with movable units within a level), you don’t often think of them in a 2D format. This game is very unique in that aspect. There is no randomness like in other games, you actually aim your gun and accuracy is rewarded. You can even ricochet bullets of off walls which opens up some pretty creative plays. The combat is very vertical – you are moving around different platforms and are able to shoot through the floors. There is also some randomness to the levels so if you choose to replay them, you will be getting a different experience every time. There are different characters to recruit, each with a different set of abilities. Leveling them up improves their skills. You also improve their gear by buying better guns and armor. And you can collect many different hats by shooting them off of enemies’ heads. Hats serve a very important purpose… in just making you look cool.

The game just plays different than any other turn based combat game. It is a great addition to the genre and it was refreshing to experience something unique. You should definitely give it a try if you enjoy these types of games.
461 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 10:38
Top game. Great art style, SFX, music and gameplay.

Also great for people with a hat fetish.
3095 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
1498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 21:46
Nice game. Real work on the DA. The IA is cool (many difficulty level). Nice turn based tactics here.
Highly recommend.
73 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 03:49
444 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 22:03
Very surprised by this game. Really good gameplay with nice bit of variety in levels. Story with new weapon unlocks and being able to take a custom squad into each level was awesome. Would recommend.
1534 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
1004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 21:46
If both this and its predecessor, Steamworld Dig, are a little too slight for me to truly love, they’re also far too charming and mechanically solid to dismiss as fluff; there’s a lot to be said for a procedurally-generated XCOM-lite, and the aiming mechanic is deep enough that it never stops generating dramatic, hold-your-breath moments
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 00:01
This is a really fun tactical shooter!
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 23:24
I usually don't leave reviews but I had for this one. This game was sitting in my wish list for almost 2 years. I finally got to pick up for only 2 USD. I finished it in about 30 hours on experienced difficulty and I enjoyed every minute of this game. It's really fun platform strategy game that will taste your skills. with enough class characters you can mix your party to keep you enjoying the game. most mission you only can deployed 3 characters but some missions 2 or 4 depending on the length of the mission. it is slow and boring in the beginning but it gets fun when you advance in the story and of course become more challenging. I'm glad I picked up this game and I hope they make a second game.
125 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 19:18
It's very fun and engaging. Hitting those long range shots feels very satisfying. The characters feel unique and you can really adapt your team to your own playstyle. I played through the entire game in like 3 days. Couldn't put it down.
1167 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 09:05
The gameplay loop feels really repetitive to me. After an hour and a half of opening doors, hiding behind barrels, and dealing with predictable enemies, I was no longer looking forward to missions. It's not a bad game, it's well done for what it is, but for me at my stage of life (I'm 41) I quickly recognize when I'm not enjoying something and move on.
727 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 13:15
Fantastic game, and a great spin off to the main game . It's fun, it's funny and it will keep you playing 'til the end. Please make a sequel to this game!
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 11:18
very nice, and I like steampunk theme game
615 Produkte im Account
235 Reviews
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 17:43
Like XCOM with cute robots and lots of hats.
108 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
1561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 13:48
Steam world heist doesn't have much in the way of story but it is a fun, short strategy game. Bounceing bullets off walls, Charecter skills and randomized maps changes your strategy and makes sure every level is a completely different expereince that never gets stale.
1867 Produkte im Account
360 Reviews
1402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 20:55
Follow Cob Curates for more reviews!

I played and enjoyed Steamworld Dig, and then sort of forgot about the franchise. Fast forward to now, and I discover Steamworld Heist in my library. I feel the stirring of a memory of reading about it, but beyond that, I didn't know much about it or remember where I got it.

I gave it a quick look, noticed that it seemed to be a turn based tactics game with the same great art / theme from Steamworld Dig, and installed it.

It's been said elsewhere, but the game really does play like a strange combination of XCOM and Worms. You navigate your characters (from a side-scroller perspective) throughout a variety of missions, the maps of which are procedurally generated. You outfit your characters (who level up and have a variety of skills) with an assortment of gear that you find and buy throughout the game. The missions themselves involve managing action economy as you move your characters around and try to complete the missions.

The combat itself is where we see Steamworld Heist's unique spin on this genre. It's very reminiscent of the old Worms games-- you move your character, manually aim their weapons, and take a shot. There are a variety of weapon types to accommodate your variety of characters, leading to some interesting and diverse teams. I found myself particularly fond of sniper characters, but there's something satisfying about launching barrages of grenades as well.

My play time is a bit bloated, but I'd expect the campaign to take 15-20 hours or so, depending on the difficulty and your skill. Each mission has a star rating system, and the game encourages (and at a few parts, requires) you to shoot for those stars. The story isn't super deep, but interesting enough.

Overall, a fun time and one I would recommend easily.
1522 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
1471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 20:11
XCOM like combat but conducted on the vertical plane of a platformer in a far more forgiving setting. Gone is the perma death, strategic layer and unforgiving elements of similar games. The worst you lose from a wipe here is a bunch of money, money which is actually mostly useless - there are shops but random drops will get you all the gear you need. This is a much more relaxing game but still delivers some cool moments.

One thing it adds is aiming. There is no RNG in whether you hit or miss, just your skill and determining what direction a wobbling little 2D gun in pointing. That gives a nice little element of pride when you hit your shots. It is just plain cool to run into a room as Sally - one of the first crew members you meet - activate mad dog and shoot an improbable number of enemies because every kill grants her one more shot.

It doesn't outstay its welcome at about 20 hours and never runs out of little tricks. Easy to recommend.
528 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 14:25
Tried this game out at a friend's house, and HAD to get it right away! A 2D side-scrolling turn-based strategy game? With cowboy robots?! (COWBOTS!) This checks pretty much all of the boxes for me.

I love JUST missing a shot and shooting someone's hat off! HATS!

This game is great and absolutely worth $15 full price.
420 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 11:49
it's nice to not get fuck by RNG

this is how strategy games should be
330 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 09:19
I really like this game. Similar to XCOM but without the RNG
700 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 23:59
Just a really solid game on all fronts. Love the robot designs. Game did not overstay its welcome. Feel like this would be a fantastic travel game if you don't have access to a heavy computer.
813 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 19:48
Great game. It's basically 2d x-com with space cowboy robots. Missions are short but entertaining, and the gameplay is straightforward but satisfying. Totally recomended.

Oh, also, the soundtrack is awesome :)
1379 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 03:01
Dusted this off from an ancient humble offering and have found it to be a great tactical experience. The developers goad you into playing on veteran difficulty and you can definitely expect your mettle to be tested if you take the lure. I love the game but my neighbors probably aren't too impressed with the noises coming from the other side of the wall whenever it gets fired up. Hey, if losing half ones bounty by failing a protracted mission due to a shot that skims off an opponents hat rather than hitting for critical damage isn't worth some colorful language I don't know what is. Fortunately there are also times where such brutality is forgotten due to lucky loot drops and that's enough to keep me pushing through. Give it a whirl. Just don't expect to steamroll all the heists in this SteamWorld.
165 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 13:36
Good and funny game with smart gameplay
278 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 14:28
A great cool down, turn based strategy, game at the end of a long day. More story than you might think, plenty of characters and turn based strategy that makes you think but not TOO hard!
351 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 20:04
I've been aware of the SteamWorld series for years now, but had never played any of the games. I recall watching TotalBiscuit (RIP) gush about this one back when it came out, so it's been on my mind for a while as something to check out. having gone for over 3 hours in SteamWorld Heist, I'll say that it's very, very enjoyable.

+ great art style and animations. Image & Form goes for this hand-drawn aesthetic like other SteamWorld titles, and it holds up really well.
+ nice music.
+ well optimized--looks like you could run this on a potato and it'd be buttery smooth.
+ solid writing.
+ interesting, tactical gameplay. I've not played many games like this one (other than one that was inspired by it, Blood Will Be Spilled), but it hooked me in.
+ multiple accessibility options, much appreciated.

so yeah, I'd suggest you give this a bash if it looks up your alley and like something you'd wanna try. it's pretty great.
236 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 04:10
Very fun turn-based strategy game with a unique theme! Here are some thoughts I had while playing:

- Little to no luck. Outside of crits everything is based on your own strategy and not on luck.
- Replayability. Do missions as many times as you want to get more stars, more loot, and more experience.
- Fun gameplay. Kinda feels like X-com but from a sidescroller view instead of top-down. Definitely lots of different tactical decisions you can make and multiple ways to defeat enemies.
- Decent customization. Every character has 1 weapon slot and 2 accessory slots so there is a decent bit of variety in how you can build them. Each character also has unique abilities and skills. You can also wear different hats.
- Difficulty choices. There are 5 different difficulties to choose from. Pick your poison!

- Music is decent. Nothing special here but it's nothing bad either.
- Steampunk and robots. Personally I'm not a huge robot fan but the art style is not bad and it's definitely a theme that many people would like.
- Controls. Overall the controls are pretty good but it can be easy to misclick and accidentally move when you don't mean to.

- Level cap. Sadly no power grinding here. Once you hit level 10 with a character there is no getting stronger outside of finding better gear.
- Short. I beat the whole game in 11 hours, including the optional missions. There is a new-game plus which is nice but the game is definitely on the short side.
169 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 16:57
What a great game this is. After finishing SteamWorld Dig 1 & 2, I've decided to continue the story of SteamWorld universe. I knew this is going to be a bit different from the prequels in terms of gameplay since it's more like a Worms with its turn-based combat. And I really liked the change from all that digging in previous games. And I really wasn't disappointed. The story was typical one, a bunch of heroes against evil forces. But the thing that kept me chained to this gem (in a good way) was its gameplay, sound and animation. The shooting was really fun and impactful so was the clanky sound of dismembered bots etc.

I've spent 61 hours in game, about 4 hours was me being afk, so I'd say 57 hours of me playing it. It took me this much since I went for all the golden stars and all the loot in the game, oh and I maxed all the characters. I highly recommend. Will probably replay it in the future.
870 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 02:11
Bought it because I love the artstyle of Steamworld games.
Heist is 2D Xcom. It's fun.


52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 01:50
The SteamWorld series hasn't failed me yet
256 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 13:37
Turn-based strategy without the player-side RNG - you hit, or you miss! Most of the fun is in how that mechanic works with ricochets - figure out how to line up trick shots, which classes and guns are best for that, and you'll sail through the game.

Like other SteamWorld games, Heist is packed full of distinctive character designs, polished gameplay, and wholesome, quirky humor.
287 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 02:32
Played this because I got it in a bundle and had previously enjoyed Steamworld Dig and its sequel. Ended up really enjoying this one, despite not usually liking turn-based action titles like this. Seems like it's a good intro to the genre.
176 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 22:22
Yeah, so this game is awesome. It took a while to hook me in but from the moment you start to have more crew members, it just gets better and better. The strategy gameplay is nice and fun, the soundtrack is very fitting and the lore is pretty nifty too.
I think the main selling point is the crew though. In the beginning I only had the same characters in every mission, but as the game progressed and the levels started needing different apporaches, I started loving building teams, changing items and finding the right crewmate for each mission. They also have a lot of personality and talk to you from time to time, it's great.
61 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 15:19
Steam bots charm, heist movie goodness, cowboy sci-fi vibes and addictive gameplay.

Atmospheric, fun, creative turn-based strategy game. Reminds me of the best parts of Shadowrun.
The colorful graphics made me weary about it being an amateur project, but it turned out to be an amazing game!
It has a professional soundtrack, great atmosphere with fun and funny themes throughout the game. I did not expect to get hooked on it, but it sucked me in from the first few missions. Learning to bounce bullets off walls, planning unit placement, team load-out and an escape route was really cool. It never gets boring by keeping missions brief, randomizing level layout and changing up goals.
Tons of fun to be had. I highly recommend playing it!
244 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 06:29
Too good. The attacks are all skill based, so missing ranged shots feels like less of a random death sentence and more of a mistake on your part. Probably the best of the steam world games.
177 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 22:06
Great game overall, it has that Steamworld humour and a great art style. Gameplay is easy to learn, hard to master - I did find it a bit repetitive towards the end, but the bosses changed things up again. Highly recommend playing this and any of the other Steamworld titles.
93 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 04:13
a really good turn-based strategy game with trickshots, hats, and lively characters.
716 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
1073 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 11:43
Steamworld Heist is a 2D turn-based shooting game in steamworld universe. The gameplay is basically killing all enemies via ricocheting bullets or directly aiming at them. You can see how the bullet will bounce off the surface only if you are using weapons with a laser. Otherwise, you have to guess the trajectory and shoot your gun. You can also move your character once per turn before shooting. It has an addicting gameplay loop with 15-20 hours of content. If you don't mind the turn-based aspect of the game and like to pull some skill shots using the ricochet system then I highly recommend this game.

126 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 02:43
Great game, funny, nice soundtrack, likeable characters, map design is good, gameplay is easy to pick up and provides a lot of possibilites with the bullets ricocheting.
347 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
3405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 19:34
Lovely indie game. Takes around 15 hours to beat, up to 20-30 to beat twice with new game plus on max difficulty while beating all levels, replaying some levels to level up your crew and then some time to get all the achievements.

Graphics are simple but good looking (2d, hand-drawn). Music is lively and fun. Fighting is not hard, but takes a bit getting used to. The game is somewhat hard at the start, but gets easier as you get used to strategies and characters, level up and get better gear.

Overall, I loved it.
509 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 22:09
I mean, the game itself is just awesome. But if it wasn't for this game I'd never have discovered Steam Powered Giraffe (one of my favourite bands now btw, and my new favourite genre, steampunk...mmm...) which led to the discovery of the real chap himself, Professor Elemental, hats off to you! I'm in my fighting trousers! Wanna have a go?
1587 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
1037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 23:25

Follow our Curator Group for more reviews

SteamWorld Heist is a turn-based strategy game, akin to the Worms franchise. It features similar gameplay in which accuracy is largely based on you, rather than random chance (such as Xcom-like strategy games). For SteamWorld Heist, this translates to pretty well rounded gameplay that involves you leveling up your crew, buying new weapons and gear, then trying to tailor your loadout to whatever mission you are going on. SteamWorld Heist is a lot more accessible for the average person than some of the more complex strategy/tactics games. This makes it a very easy game to like, but a hard game to love. It won't hold your attention for long, even when playing on the hardest difficulty. One of the biggest issues with the game is that you are generally encouraged to bring the same few people on every mission. It is tedious leveling up your whole crew, so you end up prioritizing your favorite classes. This then leads to stale missions as you are stuck either using your overpowered crew to easily beat the mission, or struggle on a mission because you brought a new crew member who is worse than even an average enemy. Overall though, the game is still enjoyable despite its flaws. It's great for casual strategy fans that don't want to spend hours learning the mechanics and would rather jump right in and start playing.

213 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 00:11

Quite simply, it's a real' good time.


SteamWorld Heist is an enjoyable and charming little adventure with great visual style and addictive gameplay. Its premise is simple, but it's executed very well.

[quote]????SteamWorld Heist supports both keyboard/mouse and controller. Both can be re-bound.????[/quote]



Limited movement, cover and manual aim are prominent gameplay features of Heist's combat.

Placing crew in cover is crucial, and each player character and enemy can move only a limited distance each turn, making crew positioning a critical tactical decision. A short walk will open the option to shoot from the new position immediately, but a long run with consume a character's whole turn. In late-game, especially, when enemies are plentiful and highly mobile, crew positioning makes all the difference.

When it comes time to shoot, the player takes manual control of each crew member's aim, which can lead to some very rewarding skill shots - or some very embarrassing accidents. Weapon variety is good, with each weapon class feeling different and each having distinct strengths and weaknesses. Different crew members players acquire throughout the game will have their own sets of strengths with certain weapon classes, and bringing a varied team to a fight is a wise move.
Various gadgets can also be equipped to crew members for use in combat, such as grenades and healing items.

I have only two complaints about Heist's combat; how much waiting players must do in later fights when there are many enemies that each need their own turn, and enemy spawns being a bit amped-up on certain later levels, leading to the player being swarmed. It can get a little frustrating sometimes.

Level Design:

Heist's world is separated into three distinct areas, each with its own unique aesthetic and enemies. Each new area brings new enemies with new abilities while keeping and building upon aspects of the previous levels.

Most levels in Heist are procedurally generated and are built intelligently to allow players to explore various options in crew positioning, while also throwing a few tricky situations at them.



Cosmetic customisation in Heist consists of hats that can be found in the world or claimed from enemies by shooting them right off of their heads.


Heist's story is told through dialogue between characters and the occasional cutscene. Cutscenes have voiced narration, while characters simply make strange robot noises and speech bubbles.

The story is a fun little tale of space adventure. Lighthearted, enjoyable and fitting with the aesthetic of the game.


[quote]This game was played with the following PC specs:
  • Intel i5-4440 3.10 GHz
  • 16GB DDR3 RAM
  • Geforce GTX 1650 SUPER 4GB
  • HDD


Heist has a distinct aesthetic that has been competently brought to life by the developer. Characters and environments are highly detailed and light sources are rich and vibrant in colour.
Audio design is one of Heist's strongest points, in my opinion. Sound effects are crisp and satisfying, and ambient audio fits well.
When the main menu is first loaded up the player is greeted by an excellent soundtrack from the band Steam Powered Giraffe, who composed several vocal tracks for this game which appear at various points throughout the story and in certain locations in-world.

Musical tastes vary, but I think the Steam Powered Giraffe tracks fit undeniably well with Heist's aesthetic and lend weight to significant story moments.


I do not recall encountering any technical issues whatsoever in my two playthroughs of this game. It runs perfectly on my hardware.


SteamWorld Heist is a great little game, full of charm with solid tactical gameplay.

I'd recommend this game to anyone who likes the steam robot aesthetic and tactical turn-based gameplay.

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]If you're looking for more quality reviews like this, follow our curator page, Devils in the Detail.
581 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 22:48
Bought because Steam Powered Giraffe did the soundtrack/made cameos, stayed because it's a fantastic and fun strategy game.
891 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 21:49
This game 50% xcom, 50% old school bullet bouncing flash game, and 100% enjoyable.

I'd also like to note as a huge positive that while a single run's playtime may be a bit on the short-side, there are plenty of ways to extend your time with this game if you'd like to do so. The game feels like it respects your time and does not include any artificial padding.
489 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 03:04
Steam World Heist is pretty fun. To me it's like a single-player steampunk RPG version of Worms: Armageddon. You take 1-4 robots on missions that each have interesting abilities to combine and up to two items to use with some fun hats to collect. My biggest complaint is that the music supplied by Steam Powered Giraffe is so catchy in the space taverns that it was making me waste my time stopping to listen! A nice little 2D turn based strategy to run through once.
1290 Produkte im Account
164 Reviews
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 11:09
An excellent turn-based tactics game. It's something like a simplified 2D XCOM, but by no means boring. The manual aiming mechanic means you keep influencing and interacting with each combat round instead of hoping RNG favors you.

The adjustable difficulty means everyone can play at their own pace. The campy pulp sci-fi story gives you all the excuse you need to go out and shoot things and the soundtrack is excellent and fits the mood with some seriously corny song lyrics.
1088 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 02:47
Good stuff.
107 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 16:00
SteamWorld Heist is nothing short of strategic perfection. With five difficulty levels and randomly generated ships, I can honestly recommend SteamWorld Heist to anyone. I enjoyed the world, I enjoyed the ideas, I enjoyed the combat system, and it made me want to go back and check out the first two SteamWorlds. A definite recommend.
399 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 08:09
TL;DR A fun to play casual game

Steamworld heist is a game that’s easy to describe, but difficult to compare to any existing games.
It has a casual each-mission-on-it’s-own style, which allows you to drop-in/out of the game as much as you like, and make it a casual game.
On the other hand, it has an XCOM-style squad-turn-based combat (with using cover). Yet instead of hitting percentage, you’re the one responsible for aiming.
And with that, it’s a 2D game.
So it’s a combination of many genres all rolled into one.

So how does it fare against the games it “borrows inspiration from”?
Well, it’s no XCOM, that’s for sure.
It’s more of a kid’s XCOM.
It has a whimsical and humoristic style, and a cartoony look.
It is a very much casual game, so you will have no problem dropping it and returning a few days later.
Or playing in short 5-10 minute sessions.

The upgrades system is a bit lacking IMO.
You get experience after each mission, divided between all team members who participated.
And each member has a level, with a number of experience points needed to progress.
So far, same as many other games.
However, once one of the team members reaches a new level, he gets assigned an upgrade seemingly at random, according to his type. So a “heavy” may get more health, and a “support” will get more movement points. But the player has no control over it.
There are also items you collect in each mission, or buy in shops.
They are divided by levels, and basically give you the same weapon with stronger stats, for more money.
Not much diversity here either.

But in the end, I actually liked the game more than I thought I would.
I give it 7.5/10
176 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 14:13
A great game and much fun to play. Turn based combat while having to manually aim makes for a challenge without needing wild button mashing. Combat does become progressively harder and it is necessary to optimise the special talents of your whole team in a battle. Graphics are crisp and attractive with an engaging cast of characters and an interesting story line to follow. Love the old movie serial style cut scenes and with music from Steam Powered Giraffe who could ask for more.
610 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 00:17
Delightful turn-based indie game set in a world where steampunk and electricity exist. Not very long and not complex either, but it is fun.
2257 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.19 07:32
It's a delight all the way through. Great tactics action and soundtrack.
546 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.17 17:55
I hadn't realized how much I missed turn based combat driven games until I played this game.
+ Fun and enjoyable 2D turn based gameplay
+ Charismatic art style
+ Amazing soundtrack with the contribution of Steam Powered Giraffe
+ Lots of customization to suit your crew to your playstyle
+ Hats
- Alright plot that feels slighty rushed at the end
1174 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.17 20:22
To sum up SteamWorld Heist is not hard; worms style 2D turn based combat with a little bit of X-Com flair when moving. While at the same time staying its own game and taking only the steam punk esthetic from its predecessor, SteamWorld Dig.

So the game plays as follows: fly your ship between checkpoints in space - a map or hub area if you will. These may be space station bars where you get your drink on (what do robots drink anyway?), buy weapons and other equipment or hire other scrappy robots which can be used as units in battle. Other areas, enemy ships, is where you will be spending most of your time, battling it out and collecting loot to use or money to spend. Sometimes you may come across a lonesome space station selling hats at outrageously high prices...

So the bulk of the game is spent in battles and the combat system is well polished to make that time fly by. You enter a semi randomly generated map (station) with usually two or three teammates equipped with weapons and accessories of your choosing. Each round gives you a movement and attack phase in which you can either hide for cover or attack (sometimes both). Since step count is limited, it is important to find a location in which you will be hard to hit yet still easy to hit your enemy from. It is a simple design that may lack some depth. I would love to have the ability to have one of my teammates just defend a position and shoot whomever wanders into its line of sight but right now all a defending teammate does is cower behind a barrel and get hit if an enemy chooses show who has the biggest metal sack. Attacking is more engaging and rightfully more fun. An assortment of weapons is available all wealdable by its specific class of character. Your everyday pistols, scoped weapons offer bouncing bullets, high spread shotguns, high rate-of-fire multiple shot rifles, AOE line of sight RPG explosions, arching grenade launcher AOE explosion and metal to brass fists all offer different playstiles and entry points to each situation one may find oneself in. I particularly enjoyed scoped weapons which offere laser sights for their easy of use in bouncing bullets off walls to hit harder to hit enemies. Since headshots provide a higher damage output, these were particularly useful. A good combination of different characters with different weapon sets does the job fine while mixing it up just a little bit as to not get too monotonous while shooting only one tipe of weapon (as if it ever could). The reward for clearing out these outposts is usually more gear to use for the next mission or money to buy yet more gear OR a fancy hat or two. Hats are the money sink that makes the economy work as you will soon have enough money to have all equipment you need. It's an alright system that seems to work fine with most virtual macro economies, here being no different.

Each map sector ends with a boss fight in which all your skills will be tested against a fairly stronger enemy. The difficulty of these are nicely tuned and provide ample release of dopamine.

Esthetically SteamWorld Heist reminds me of Firefly (Tv Series, 2002) albeit with a cartoony overlay. Space ships looking like the scifi future movies promise swapped for coal powered furnaces and steam turbines. Ships held together by sheet metal and rivets. A world populated by robots wielding guns, wearing fancy hats and everything generally feeling like the wild west in space. The music consolidates this idea of steam punk wild west robots in space. Guitar, banjo, bass, fiddle and a strong vocal presence that tells stories of robots are exactly what one would expect from a world such as this. The Band Steam Powered Giraffe are personified as robots and can be found in any bar in the game playing their music. I sometimes visited just for the music.

SteamWorld Heist is a great game to relax with and not stress over too much. Core gameplay containing simple tactical turn based gameplay. It clearly defines goals and provides extra rewards for extra work / exploration. A pleasant to look at esthetic and guitar heavy soundtrack with some rather fine folksy vocals. It took me 17 hours to beat the game and I enjoyed every minute of it.
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Rating auf Steam Äußerst positiv
95.18% 2648 134
Release:07.06.2016 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Image & Form Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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