News Liste JCB Pioneer: Mars

Patch 1.07r
JCB Pioneer: Mars
29.01.18 15:12 Community Announcements

Happy 2018 Pioneers,

Before we go over the latest patch notes we want to address some concerns regarding our continued work on the game, which we have always been 100% committed to.

Some of you may have read that we are working towards a new code base for the game and haven’t been given more information than that.
Now, we are happy to say that through February and onwards we will be showing you the first in a series of small updates on our progress; you will get to see exactly what we’ve been working on over these last few months.

We hope that you’ll be pleased with what you see as we have spent time going through everyone’s feedback, both positive and negative, and using that to make the game better.

So until then, here’s the changes in the latest patch update.


  • Improved building descriptions in the CPV.
  • Fixed an exploit where the buying and selling of buildings refunds the player more than expected.
  • A number of craftable items now have their own models when they are being crafted through the crafting bench. More items will have their own models to come.


  • Fixed instances where resources would disappear when attempting to enter large amounts of them into the 3D printers.
  • Players can use “Shift + LMB” to transfers items between inventories and when using the 3D Printer.
  • A number of fixes to issues regarding inventory transfer of items.
  • New general “transfer all” arrow icons in the inventory display.
  • “Transfer All” button in the 3D Printer display has been removed as functionality has been placed on the new general transfer arrow icons.


  • Improvements to the compass marker: general UI changes and fixes, and player marker has also been changed.
  • Fixed mission markers, for instances where they remained on screen after mission completion.
  • Fixed issues with the Tutorial - where the tutorial wouldn’t progress if you had entered the vehicle before the respective prompt.

Atomicom Team.