News Liste Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 is live!
Kerbal Space Program
13.12.21 21:32 Community Announcements
Hello Kerbonauts!

Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 is live!

This small patch addressed drifting issues with robotic parts and rotating docking ports.

Check out this patch's Changelog for further details:
Code ==================== v1.12.3 ====================
+++ Bugfixes
* Fix AOORE in Assembly Loading of Duplicate Mod DLLs causing issues with loading of some mods.
* Improved robotic parts drift when robotic parts are left locked. Players can now quicksave/reload or timewarp to reset part placement. Note: The drift issue can only be corrected when the robotic parts are set to locked mode.
* Improved rotating docking ports drift when rotating docking ports are left locked. Players can now quicksave/reload or timewarp to reset part placement. Note: The drift issue can only be corrected when the rotating docking ports are set to locked mode.

+++ Modding
* Add UpgradePipeline support for PartModule renaming.

Learn more in the Drifting Along KSP DevBlog.

You can still help us find bugs/issues by reporting them into our bugtracker, but keep in mind that the team's focus is currently on KSP2 development, so bug fixing for the original game has slowed down significantly.

Happy launchings!