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Update 1.0.97
15.09.23 17:12 Community Announcements
Despite being an update about fixing things, most fixes required significant rewrites, so expect hotfixes.

- Added new main menu music theme
- Added Czech localization
- Added proposed fixes to Italian localization

- Replaced BTR-70 with BTR-60 in 120th Guards MRR for authenticity
- US TFs almost completely lacked M2A2 as an option: adjusted 2 TFs to include them instead of redundant options
- Added a separate icon and decal for the Belgian 4th Pantser Infantry Brigade
- Engineering tanks received a minor buff so that a platoon of 3 tanks is equivalent in breaching ability to a platoon of 4 assault engineer squads. M728 CEV and AVRE also made a bit cheaper.

- Platoon panel now has a small red blinking dot near icons of the platoons that are in combat
- You can now see which targets platoons are engaging when holding SHIFT
- Bomb and PGM strikes should now actually ignore helicopters as valid targets
- Fixed instances where AI Artillery won't displace after salvo
- Fixed AI Artillery idling when there are no same-AI groups to support
- Added basic fixes against AI overcrowding in spawn areas
- Adjusted Operation "TF McMains" starting resources to be less stingy

- Fixed (hopefully for certain this time) cases where a platoon will move through impassable terrain (typically, lake)
- Fixed US M577 deploying smoke despite not having smoke launchers
- Fixed small arms fire causing dirt splashes in the air when targeting helicopters
- Fixed minor bugs with suppression calculation
- Fixed unit movement audio not playing after spawn
- Fixed minor waypoint drawing issues
- Fixed AI SAM platoons not reacting to threats when following a combat group
- Fixed TacAid voice reports depending on the presence of targets in the attack zone
- Fixed platoons with lost vehicles endlessly consuming supplies
- Fixed multiple issues with pooling logic, which should slightly improve performance toward the end of long sessions

- Platoon attack logic had a rewrite, though public-facing behavior should remain largely the same
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Release:18.08.2022 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Bird's Eye Games Vertrieb: MicroProse Software Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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