News Liste Serena

Why is ASYLUM taking so long (and also news about Serena!)
26.02.19 22:23 Community Announcements

Hello there, fans of Serena! We hope you've been enjoying the ASYLUM updates, our huge upcoming adventure that will surely satisfy your craving for more mysteries and horrors. As we describe in our latest post, we tell you why the project has been taking so long, but we also tell you when we expect it to be ready:
(spoiler: things are finally looking pretty good!)

As for Serena, we're aware the game is dated and several bugs have surfaced. We honestly never expected to have such a huge audience (well over 2.000.000 downloads now!) and admit we should dedicate it some time, even as a free game.

We are planning to do so — among features such as Steam achievements and new easter eggs, we have several fan translations lined up to be implemented. Currently our priority remains ASYLUM, which we really need to get out of our systems, but we expect to deliver that overdue Serena update later this year. Thank you for understanding!