News Liste U-Boot: The Board Game - Digital Edition

Ship's Logbook - 1940.08.03
U-Boot: The Board Game - Digital Edition
23.08.23 11:51 Community Announcements
Attention! Captain on deck!

At ease, sailor! In today's course we will talk about advantages and disadvantages about submerging and ascent from the underwater.

Submarines have this nice ability to not only get underwater but also make it back to the surface! Have you ever considered what is happening, why submarines want to submerge in the first place?

Let’s take it step by step!

First, the commander, in our case, the Captain, must give such an order. Why? In order to avoid detection and be sneaky - this way we can approach enemy ships without being detected! This is a huge advantage on any battlefield, and the sea or ocean is no exception.

How deep you may ask?

The answer is - it depends!
Just before submerging, the Captain will order you one of two possible depths. One will be a periscope - it is up to 10 meters or full sumberg - it is anywhere from 11 meters to the durability of a submarine for not being crushed because of high pressure, and it may be different depending on the submarine.

Aye Captain, we submerged. What next, then?

First thing - we cut off Diesel Engines and switch them fully to electricity engines. Traditional engines won’t work underwater. Electric engines have less power, so you must keep in mind that you will be moving slower, but on the other hand, we are now sneaky and we are trying to surprise our enemies, so it is not that we need all that speed anyway.

Captain, then the enemy won’t notice and detect us, while we are submerged?

It depends, sailor. You can assume that if we are the first to detect an enemy and get underwater - then we should be safe. Until we fire our first torpedo or unless the enemy got planes that could detect us.

When do we want to be submerged, besides approaching the enemy?

When we want to avoid the enemy, or just when we sink a precious merchant ship and we want to go away from the destroyers. It depends. We can also make hit and run tactics until all enemy ships are sent to the bottom of the sea.

Captain, after we are out of combat, then can we ascent from the underwater?
Aye sailor - and then we can breathe fresh air! Nothing tastes as good as fresh air after ascending from the underwater, and trust me on that - you will love the feeling of victory with the perfume of fresh air! You will appreciate that after your first encounter with the enemy!

The session is over, now go to the cafeteria for dinner, and we'll see you on the next lesson, sailor!

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