News Liste World of Diving

WoD UPDATE v0.17.5
World of Diving
17.06.16 16:33 Community Announcements
The new WoD version is live. There have been a lot of changes (and a lot of time..) since the previous version.
We have made some really big improvements performance wise. All levels are now running at a solid 90fps on an Oculus mininum spec PC in VR mode.
For this, almost all art has seen a complete overhaul which you will be able to see once we put the new build live today.

Additionally, the following major changes can be found in this update:
- A complete re-do of fish rendering
- Fish AI improvements
- Tablet for most interface interaction
- Story-mode which guides you through the game
- HTC Vive & Oculus CV1 support
- New fish density setting

You can find more information about the changes in the devblog below.
Let us know what you think!