• Armada 2526: Schiff-Artwork.
  • Armada 2526: Schiff-Artwork.
  • Armada 2526: Schiff-Artwork.
  • Armada 2526: Schiff-Artwork.
  • Armada 2526: Schiff-Artwork.
  • Armada 2526: Schiff-Artwork.
  • Armada 2526: Schiff-Artwork.
  • Armada 2526: Schiff-Artwork.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.08.2010
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Preis Update 24.06.24

Über das Spiel

Übernehmen sie die Kontrolle über das Universum! Armada 2526 setzt die Tradition großartiger Space Opera-Spiele fort. Sie führen Ihr Volk ab den ersten interstellaren Reisen an und errichten ein mächtiges galaktisches Imperium. Dabei erkunden Sie die Galaxie, betreiben Forschung, setzen Diplomatie ein, treiben Handel, gründen neue Kolonien, kommandieren gewaltige Raumflotten und tragen großangelegte Schlachten aus. Unzählige Strategien bieten dabei viele Taktische Möglichkeiten. Dabei kommt ein rundenbasiertes System zum Tragen, sodass Sie sich so viel Zeit lassen können, wie Sie möchten. Sobald Sie aber an einer Schlacht teilnehmen, wechseln Sie in den Schlachtmodus und tragen den Kampf in einem Echtzeit-3D-System aus, das die Schönheit und Intensität von Kämpfen im Weltraum beeindruckend in Szene setzt.

Führen Sie eines von zwölf Völkern auf eine interstellare Reise von einem einzelnen Planeten hin zu einem allmächtigen pan-galaktischen Imperium.
Per Sternenkarte müssen Sie Ihr Imperium führen, Ihre Flotten entsenden und Forschung, Diplomatie und Handel betreiben. Planen Sie Ihre Strategie.
Erforschen Sie das Universum und gründen Sie neue Kolonien. Verwandeln Sie Ihre Planeten in schlagkräftige Bastionen. Verbünden Sie sich in Allianzen, schmieden Sie Drohpläne oder bitten Sie um Beistand - und wenn die Zeichen richtig Stehen, dann erledigen Sie die Diplomatie mit anderen Mitteln und kämpfen sie in Echtzeit in 3D Systemen, die die Schönheit und Gefährlichkeit von Weltraumschlachten aufleben lassen. Alles nur zu einem Ziel: um siegreich empor zu steigen und die Galaxie zu erobern.

Hilfreiche Beraterfunktionen helfen Ihnen, sich schnell in dieses komplexe und tiefe Spiel einzufinden und die endlosen Strategiemöglichkeiten zu erforschen.
Ganz im Gegensatz zu anderen Spielen dieses Genre bietet Armada 2526 Ihnen ein Spiel das Sie in zumutbarer Zeit bewältigen können, das zudem Schlachten und Strategie gegenüber ökonomischem Mikromanagement betont.

  • Rundenbasierte Sternenkarte zur Flottenbewegung, Kolonie-Management, Forschungsfortschritt und um Diplomatie durchzuführen.
  • Die einstellbare Kartengröße und Spieleranzahl erlaubt es ihnen enge zwei Spieler Schlachten zu konstruieren oder riesige Galaxien mit 50 oder mehr Spielern und tausenden von Sternen. Map-Editor inklusive.
  • Sie können gegen zwölf animierte Außerirdische Völker antreten oder deren Kontrolle übernehmen.
  • Das komplette Diplomatiesystem, inklusive hochintelligenter KI, bietet Optionen, um auf Beistand zu drängen, Forderungen auszusprechen oder ein Ultimatum zu stellen.
  • Mehr als 100 Technologieobjekte gilt es zu erforschen, inklusive Fortschritte in der Schiffskonstruktion, der Bodendefensive, der biologischen Kriegsführung und psychischen Kontrolle.
  • 3D Echtzeitschlachtsystem für riesige Gefechte mit 100 oder mehr Schiffen pro Seite.
  • Bodenkämpfe sind im Gefechtssystem integriert und erlauben es Soldaten mitten in der Schlacht zu landen, um gegnerische Verteidigungspositionen anzugreifen, während die Weltraumschiffe über diesen Positionen weiterkämpfen.
  • Mehr als 100 wunderschöne Schiffsmodelle, inklusive allmächtigen Dreadnaughts, Langstrecken-Raketenwerfern, Kampfjets, Schiffsbasen und Asteroiden, um Planeten zu bombardieren.
  • Schwierige KI-Gegner.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
230 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 07:45
This isn't Master of Orion.

This game has less micro management, and thus is faster paced. Combat is closer to MOO 3 without the broken AI. Graphics is closer to MOO 1 but without the charming pixels.

The game is Master of Orion watered down and that's all the positive things I can say about it.

If you have played any Master of Orion, you can continue playing them.
If you haven't played any Master of Orion. I don't know your frame of reference but it's safer to get a Master of Orion game than this watered down version.

If you can't get Master of Orion and crave Master of Orion, this game may still your hunger if you close your eyes really hard and let the Master of Orion soundtrack play through your head.
51 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 03:03
best lager scale fleet battles ever
208 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.19 23:33
This is a far far far far far far Better improvement from its predecesor 2525 for Dos including the Deluxe version.

Oh yes.

You can do much more than the original version, diplomacy, control battles, research new technologies including psychic and biological technologies.

Also the graphics and music soundtrack is terrific.

I'm very sad this isn't getting out more.
174 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
2859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.19 10:10
Why would you buy the original game when there's armada 2526 gold (with the supernova addon)? Because it offers a darker and different experience. It's much harder to keep everything in balance and to get money in the original game as you can't establish the big commercial hubs you have with Supernova. Also pollution is a much bigger problem as you don't good tools and techs to keep it down. I think it's still worth it for different challenge and you have to think the building of your colonies differentely. It's also the game i started with before the addon was released. If you don't have the game yet, i recommend to start with Armada 2526 gold first as if offers a lot more features.
464 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.17 00:53
I got this game in 2011, and I played 8 hours of it.
From the video it looked like Master of Orion 2, one of the greatest games ever, which is why I bought it.
I didn't get out of the first mission, as the game was so bad. Poor graphics, even worse gameplay. This game exists as an effigy for greater 4x titles such as Master of Orion 2, Stellaris, and Stardrive/Stardrive2.

Don't buy it. Buy one of the other titles I mentioned if you need a 4x space strategy fix.
67 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.17 23:29
A game that hasn't aged well, or at least appears 5 years older than its release date. Armada 2526 seems lackluster and outdated.
Flat interfaces make up the overall map, which isn't so bad and could be forgiven if it were better in other areas. The top down 2d battle system looks more like a Scrolling shooter from an arcade with little of the movement control.

1998's Star Wars Rebellion beats out this title in nearly every way.
777 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
1121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.16 11:50
i recommend this game only to fans of 4x strategy
+interesting concept about space strategy
+u choose a faction from many with each unique characteristics
+enjoyable and relaxing
+/- weird space music
-supernova complete edition off steam?
588 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.14 23:16
Very basic for a 4x Space Empire-type game. There are much better, competing games at near the same price point such as Endless Space (which I don't really like, but do like better than this) & Space Empires V. Battle is pretty flat, no ship customization options (only through tech unlocks), very shallow technology trees.

One feature that I did like and did not expect to find in a game of this low-end quality, was the ability to schedule repeated round-trip shuttling of popuations, or other land-based assets.

If you can get this game on sale for $1 then maybe give it a whirl, otherwise pass.
967 Produkte im Account
218 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.14 20:15
So I played the game here and then I purchaed the gold edition on Gamer's Gate. The game is fun to play and moddable. However once you hit turn 200 or colonize 20 planets the game has a dramatic slow down in game play. At that point you'll mostly be waiting on the Resource or Population Manager, often times 20 mins plus for your turn to come up. At turn 200, I was just getting into the game and having fun. So I checked if there was a fix for this. No fix. Per the developers, the game is not designed to be played for long periods or for you to colonize every planet in sight. I usually won the game after 30-45 minutes of game play, often winning before I ever met another race, having gotten bored with that, I modded the victory conditions for more time. What's the point of having a universe with hundreds of planets, but if you colonize more then 20 planets, the game becomes unplayable with long periods (many minutes waiting on the AI to complete processing your turn) between turns. Eventually you'll get tired of waiting and hit crl+alt+del, kill the game and go play something else.

The other thing is that diplomacy is a joke. The ai will attack you, make peace, agree not to attack you for 20 turns, 5 turns later will attack you again, make peace, make you an ally, attack someone else, you'll attack the enemy of your ally, they'll make peace, you won't even know they made peace, etc. Or you can attack another race, make peace, attack them again, make peace, etc. If a planet has too amny defesnses, buy the planet, the ai will sell any planet they have except their home base. Hey, there's an invasion fleet at your planet, just buy their ships if you have the cash.

Iif you manage to wipe out a race, they'll become friendly and start asking you for tech, even though they don't have any ships or planets and you've completely wiped them out.

I've never been able to get thru all the techs in the game, just takes to long to research them and playing with the default game without modding, you'll just barely scratch the surface. Once you've researched every tech in a particular catagory, it would have been nice to get a messages about it, but you don't so you have to keep checking and then remember to go thru every planet and delete that type of research facility. I have noticed from conquered planets that the ai does not have the same limitations as you do when it comes to building research facilities. So the top tier reseach facility, you can only build 1 for your empire, where as the ai can build 4 per planet. And on top of that, the ai will always be willing to sell you any tech that you don't have and they've researched.

If you are thinking about getting the Supernova expansion pack and that they have fixed these issues. Sorry, they're still there. I really didn't see any point in it.

So all in all the game is fun in the beginning, is moddable, but has too many issues to keep you inteserested for any length of time.
423 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.12 17:15
This is an interesting space based game but its really weak on some things. The tech tree is much a joke compared to many other similar games and there is no ship customisation you get what you're given pretty much.

To be honest I don't consider it worth £12 because it feels more like a flash game import than an actual game itself.
Logo for Armada 2526
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
58.06% 18 13
Release:20.08.2010 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Ntronium Games Vertrieb: Koch Media Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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