• Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.
  • Beyond Contact: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Contact.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 04.04.2023
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Preis Update 13.02.24

Ãœber das Spiel

Beyond Contact ist ein innovatives Science-Fiction-Survival-Spiel mit einem unverwechselbaren Top-Down-Grafikstil, der von alten Genre-Comics inspiriert wurde.

Die Spieler haben die Wahl zwischen einem Story- und einem Eroberungsmodus mit offenem Ende. Dabei erinnern die Ziele und moralischen Dilemmata der Story-Elemente von Beyond Contact an moderne Science-Fiction-Filme.

Das Gameplay von Beyond Contact bietet ein robustes Forschungs- und Herstellungssystem, das es den Spielern ermöglicht, eine Vielzahl von Werkzeugen, Waffen, Gadgets und Anlagen herzustellen, die ihnen beim Überleben helfen. Das Schaffen von Lebensräumen, die Landwirtschaft und andere Spielmechaniken machen Spaß und bieten befriedigende Ergebnisse. Die offene Welt des Spiels setzt sich aus einer vielfältigen Fauna und Flora zusammen. Für Spieler, die ein ruhigeres Tempo bevorzugen, gibt es eine Reihe von Einstellungen zur Anpassung des Spielerlebnisses.

Jetzt beginnt dein Abenteuer!
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2766. Quinn Hicks, ein Elitemitglied des Weltraumkorps, dem Expeditionszweig des UWC, wird wegen einer immer schlimmer werdenden Krise an den Rand des bekannten Weltraums einberufen. Dem Planeten Ketern droht die Zerstörung, eine noch unbekannte Energiequelle aus dem Inneren des Planeten gefährdet die Zivilisation, die Ketern ihr Zuhause nennt ...

Kämpfe im neuen Eroberungsmodus von Beyond Contact um die Kontrolle über den Planeten Ketern. Dieses freie, endlose Spiel ums Überleben bietet optimale Möglichkeiten zum Basisbau und epische Schlachten gegen die furchterregenden Armeen der Verdorbenen.

Die Details des Story-Modus wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit unserer engagierten Community abgestimmt – jetzt ist alles bereit, um die Spieler in eine epische Entdeckungsreise eintauchen zu lassen, bei der es um nichts Geringeres geht, als einen ganzen Planeten vor der Vernichtung zu retten.

Kooperativer Modus
Arbeite kooperativ mit anderen Spielern zusammen, um erfolgreich zu sein. Jeder Spieler kann einen Charakter mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten und Werkzeugen wählen. Belebe gefallene Teamkameraden mit neuen, nur im Mehrspielermodus verfügbaren Funktionen wieder und arbeitet zusammen, um gemeinsame Forschungen und Ziele zu erreichen.

Dynamische 3D-Engine
Kannst du auf der dynamisch vielfältigen, ausgefeilt detaillierten und stets tödlichen Welt Ketern überleben?

Nutze deine vom Weltraumkorps zur Verfügung gestellte Ausrüstung, deine Waffen und deinen Atmo-Anzug, um verschiedene außerirdische Umgebungen zu erforschen, außergewöhnliche Kreaturen und ungewöhnliche Pflanzen zu entdecken und schließlich der uralten Zivilisation von Ketern auf den Grund zu gehen.
Ab jetzt sind mehrere einzigartige spielbare Charaktere verfügbar – jeder von ihnen mit eigenen Fähigkeiten und Werkzeugen. Quinn ist eine vielseitige Alleskönnerin, Kangah ein wilder Krieger und Professor Zaine ein erfahrener Baumeister. Ein vierter Charakter wird gerade entwickelt und nach der Veröffentlichung hinzugefügt werden.

Ausgefeiltes Forschungs- und Herstellungssystem
Scanne, sammle, baue Ressourcen ab und birg die exotischsten Materialien des Planeten, während du ein tiefgründiges Forschungs- und Herstellungssystem nutzt, um in einer sterbenden Umgebung mit aggressiven Bewohnern zu überleben und dich voll entfalten zu können.
Mit dem neuen Farmsystem und einer neuen Anlage kannst du genetisch veränderte Pflanzen erzeugen, Farmen in geschützten Lebensräumen bauen und deine Ernte optimieren, um dein Überleben in dieser unbarmherzigen Welt zu sichern.

Baue, erweitere und verteidige deine Basis und reize die einzigartigen Stromnetz- und Sauerstoff-/Hitzesysteme bis an ihre Grenzen aus.

Mit dem neuen Lebensraum-System kannst du das ultimative Refugium schaffen und deine Kreativität beim Bau einer Basis ausleben.

Story-Quests und Fraktionen angehörige Alien-NPCs[/h2]
Arbeite mit außerirdischen Zivilisationen zusammen, entdecke bisher unbekannte Technologien und hilf den Einheimischen, indem du auf deiner Reise die Wahrheit über den Untergang des Planeten aufdeckst.

Die einst blühenden Biome von Ketern werden von dunklen Rissen, chaotischen Wetterverhältnissen und anderen Gefahren heimgesucht. Hast du das Zeug zum Überleben?


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 (Sandy/Ivy Bridge) or AMD equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows (7SP1/8/8.1/10)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Onboard Sound
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell)
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 (Sandy/Ivy Bridge) or AMD equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA Geforce 1060 or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows (10)
  • HD: 10 GB available space
  • SFX: Onboard Sound
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell)

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

85 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 07:50
Es gibt nur einen Spielstand und selbst wenn man Ihn ordnungsgemäß speichert kann es sein das man ihn nicht mehr laden kann. Somit ist jeglicher Erfolg/Fortschritt dahin.
142 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 13:11
Im Vornerein, wir haben das Spiel gekauft um es zu Zweit zu zocken, haben es beide zurückgegeben.Man läuft einfach nur rum und sammelt Sachen, es sieht zwar alles schick aus und es gibt auch einiges zu sehen aber das macht das permanente herum laufen und Sachen sammel nicht weg. Du läufst von A zu B und erntest bzw. Scannst die Sachen, dafür bekommst du dann die Ressouurce einmal und evtl. ein Forschungspunkt für eine der Kategorien. Dann baust/ verbesserst du dein Ausrüstung, später gibt es noch ein Basesystem, konnten wir leider nur kurz antesten weil die Rückgabezeit fürs Spiel sonst überschritten worden wäre.
Koop war ein Witz, jeder Forscht für sich, das heißt jede Forschung muss sich jeder für die Forschungsteile suchen, unter Koop versteh ich das man zusammenarbeitet und sich gegenseitig hilft. Hier ist Koop das du zusammen auf einer Map bist und platzierte Gegenstände des anderen benutzen kannst. Mehr nicht.

Für Leute die es mögen viel über die Map zu laufen und eine gut Aussehende aber dafür eher unspannende Map zu erkunden und dabei nur am Ressourcen suchen zu sein, für den ist das Spiel was, für den Rest eher nicht.
44 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 18:15
Man ist von Minute 1 nur damit beschäftigt Sauerstoff Essen Leben zu generieren man kann sich auf nichts anderes konzentrieren weder auf Forschung Landschaft Story es ist eher ein Speedrun als alles andere .

Eher keine Kaufempfehlung
233 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 02:02
Man ist die ganze Zeit damit beschäftigt Sauerstoff,Nahrung zu besorgen das nervt gewaltig dann gehen Sauerstoffmaske und Weste noch kaputt mit der Zeit.Man kann das Spiel überhaupt nicht richtig geniessen weil man ständig am rum rennen ist ...wo ist der nächste Sauerstoff....Tag Nacht Zyklus 5 min? Grauenhaft.Zum aktuellen Zustand des Spiels.....geht gar nicht.Hetzsimulator hoch 10.Dann gebt uns zumindest die Optionen es einzustellen wie man gerne spielen würde.
133 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 07:33
Macht Spaß!
255 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 18:20
Warum muss man hier alle gefühlte 10 Meter irgendwas Essen oder den Sauerstoff aufladen? Man hat keine Zeit, die Landschaft sinnvoll zu erkunden oder mal die Forschung genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen, es geht ständig darum, das oben genannte irgendwie hin zu bekommen. Man rennt nur herum, sucht Nahrung oder was zum atmen. Sorry, aber das macht so wirklich keinen Spass, umso ärgerlicher, das das Ambiente wirklich gut ist. Nur hat man unter diesen Hunger --->Atmen Mechaniken rein gar nichts davon.
160 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 06:16
So polished for a Day 1 EA. No Bugs, no Crashes. There is so much to do and so much to explore. The world is challenging. Base Building is fun and feels deep. Graphic looks good. Multiplayer works without any lag or other Problems. For Fans of surviving and Isometric Game, a must have,
Go on Devs.
152 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 18:34
Great game, Awesome story line.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 23:26
I waited a little while to get this game because I read about some of the issues with difficulty and grinding when it first got released. I’ve been very excited to try it out for a while now. There have been a bunch of updates already, so I decided to jump in.

I’m happy to say that almost all the features I was worried about have been worked on by the developers. They seem to be really active on steam, and in the Discord chat servers. This game is very addictive once you learn how to play. For an early access game, it feels like a polished release game, so you want to judge it to a higher standard. If it wasn’t for the few problems here and there it looks and feels like a AAA game. I had only one issue with audio after a long play, but didn't have any other issues with bugs or performance which is very good for an early access. The audio problem went away after a restart however.

I wasn’t expecting a story, but it’s a great addition to survival I thought. I felt very overwhelmed when I started the game, because I was trying to explore, do objectives and survive with oxygen and food at the same time. I found it difficult to do all that and follow the story. It felt like everything was happening at once. Once I got the hang of things however, I settled into what turned out to be a really great experience. There isn’t really any assistance or help when you start playing. I’m sure this is being worked on though.

The game is big. There are a lot of features to master and some of them are not quite complete yet, but if they are able to get these existing things done, this game is going to be HUGE! Base building, resources management, research and objectives. Base building is feature rich, and there’s a lot to explore and make, but it’s not entirely clear why you need to make certain structures or what advantages they give you. I didn’t need to build walls and defences, but I read that this will be much more important as new features are added to the game. I’m not sure what the different energy buildings are for, but that didn’t stop me playing the game. I’m sure there’s so much more to learn. There are just so many different things to build and do, but it’s not clear what they’re for yet.

I'm really looking forward to the updates.
409 Produkte im Account
128 Reviews
1737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 16:34
Imagine a Sci Fi Don't Starve with a much easier difficulty curve. Sure it technically has less content and the game can be cleared in 12 hours by rushing, but in my opinion its still a good survival sim.

There are some gameplay tweaks that are a problem, (like void rifts spawning ontop of your base), but nothing too major. Game is also still in development so additional content will likely be added ontop of it. Player feedback might help with the additional changes, but got this with the early release discount of 20% off and very happy with my purchase.
138 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 00:47
Great game from just exploring so far, favorite part is the survival aspect in space, keeps you immersed and involved always leaving you with something to do

234 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 15:18
I will be looking forward to seeing this game develop and grow.

The world is bright and beautiful, the visual is like eating candy on steroids.
It is a great departure from other game in the same genre that has the player explore a dead, desolate planet.

In the time that I have spent so far, I have been enjoying it.

Though, that is to say with me looking it at through my Early access glasses.

The UI still needs a little bit of work.
There is a bit of a learning curve and imagination needed by the player.
It was not a problem for me but it might turn others off.

The Map brought up by the M-key looks great but is hard to understand at a glance.

It is a bit annoying to click on every material after mining something.
Can we not just run over it with our mouse pointer to have it suck everything up? It is just a bit too tedious for me personally.

I would like to see more craftable buildings and items.

For now, personally it seems to be heading in the right direction.

[b]Worth supporting!

218 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 04:48
For the most part I like the game. I don't particularly like the rift aspect of the game. I recently found that there is a setting when you first create your game that lets you turn off doomsday as well as decrease the number of rifts that can spawn. This makes the game much more enjoyable. There are still some bugs or unexplained parts of the game. I died once and decided to quite the game instead of respawning and my game was gone next time I logged in. Not sure if it was intentionally deleted or not. Overall so far I am enjoying the game.
1329 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 00:35
Currently cannot recommend this game. Lack of tutorial, lack of direction. Basic crafts cannot be completed because resources are either unknown or unobtainable because you cannot kill the creatures that drop them or get close enough to scan them without dying. There is one particular creature that seems to have what is needed for these.... again... BASIC crafts... but it runs 4x faster than you then buries itself underground leaving you with no way to get to it. Shovel only seems to swing or dig up plants. Respawns leave you with 10% health and none of your gear.
106 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 18:57
this game is very difficult. it is a game for people who like grindy games with OP enemies and constant, CONSTANT, management of health, oxygen, and stamina. mostly pointlessly so. protective suits wear out faster than you can find elements to replace them. it IS visually amazing. the animations are excellent. but it falls down in gameplay. it just isn't fun. it's a grind and it's frustrating having to spend HOURS even trying to LOCATE materials, let alone another handful of hours trying to collect them.

TL;DR - Game is bloody hard. is NOT fun. if you like that, give 'er. otherwise, don't let the eye candy fool you.
169 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 00:49
I really wanted this game to be good, but there is things that just make it unplayable without throwing your keyboard through a wall. every time you die you spawn on the opposite side of the map with zero health and no equipment so you get your shit kicked in long before you can pick up your stuff, you are starving to death every five minutes, consumables like food and medkits are so absurdly expensive to craft that you may as well just walk around almost dead the entire game instead of using them.
313 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 22:48
It is good. Playable with controller and coop works fine.

Interesting story and a beautiful planet to explore.
Personally, I would avoid playing this game alone - as any survival crafting game - it is quite tedious to do everything alone.
251 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 10:24
I like this game a lot. The only issue I have with the game is the storage issue. There are so many resources you need for the start up quests that you do not want to leave items, and have to go all the way back to that specific biome to retrieve it. The chests only have, I think like 8 slots starting, so you just (I just) end up throwing items on the ground and then you have to cycle through everything. This has made me rage quit frequently... :) ...At least that my experience. Overall though, GREAT GAME.....!!!! Thanks
391 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 19:22
Although I played less than 2hs I've been watching gameplays and following the game news since EA released.
I was lucky enough to get the game for free on their official Discord channel (thanks @Shievo <3)

the game feels like Don't Starve series, but it is less forgiving for new players at least in the very beginning (and even on the easiest difficulty level) as there are numerous hostile creatures roaming nearby the spawn location and it takes a while to get required items to craft health regen stuff.
The survival aspect is right there. There is no tutorial so you must explorer further and further and find your way around but need to be careful, you are a bit underpowered compared to enemies at start and you must discover and kill foes to gather both resources and data to craft and research new tech.
The visual aspect of the game looks fine and the performance is ok. For me it runs at constant 60 FPS (I have FPS locked at 60 anyway). Haven't had any major drop in FPS.

One negative aspect I could mention thus far is the inventory management system, it feels like a mobile game and everything you pick up goes into your hotbar which leads to be constantly moving items around or dropping them.
44 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 15:28
2 hours in so far

- Stunning, vivid, beautiful outer space world.
- love the day-night cycle, the lighting, particle effects

Game Play:
- Crafting system + survival + combat + + multiplayer
- Crafting is interesting and easy.
- Map is randomly generated and quite big,
- Control is a bit stiff, I am on keyboard + mouse, where WASD controls movement and mouse controls character facing and action, maybe I am used to Diablo or TorchLight style of control where you just need mouse for the movement. It would be cool to have path finding feature.
- I haven't touched multiplayer yet but I think it would be super fun with friends/

- Love the interaction with environment
- A Tutorial for early game would be cool
- Voice acting sounds a bit weird to me, feels like voice actor is just reading
- Bag is too small, there are way too many items but you can't carry much, for early game at least

it's a beautiful sci-fi survival strategy game. Recommended for adventurers
It is still in early access so there are more content and fixes for devs to put in, really looking forward to this game.
93 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 22:28
Frustrated. This game has all the elements to be fantastic. My only complaint is the forced grind of re-manufacturing equipment that constantly wears out within minutes of game time. The devs have to address the game balance to fix this to get me to come back to this game.
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 14:00
Overall I enjoyed the game but, CASUAL PLAYERS BE WARNED!

First, this game is NOT a base builder early on. If you plan to hunker down at the start and work on building a little foot hold for yourself, you will be overwhelmed with void rift spawns and you will find navigating the map mid-game to be absolute torture.

Base building is mid-game ONLY. Early game you must focus on collecting basic items and progressing through the story objectives as fast as you can.


If you can get through the first 3 to 5 objectives in a couple days you will be on track. If you meander around and take your sweet time at the start (which is very tempting because the game is beautiful), you will be brutalized mid-game and probably quit in frustration. If you keep running and watch your mini-map, you will have ZERO issues with oxygen or food.

Second, although the game looks polished and feels well flushed out, it's very much EARLY ACCESS and you need to understand what you're in for.

The game has many bugs, and it's easy to find yourself in a world that has not spawned key items to progress through the story. I had two game seeds that did not spawn key locations and had to be abandoned. A third put a winter story on a key location and I kept freezing and could not progress dialog.

These items are being worked on and will eventually not be an issue, but currently you need to find a seed that is known to be good if you want to be able to get through the whole playthrough.

With that said, I got all the way to the end, 46 hours of playtime and 5 attempts, and the game crashed at the final part. While that would normally be enough for me to not recommend a game, I wasn't even upset. I think the look and feel of the game is nice, and there's a solid and fun challenge to progress and discover the tech tree and resources the world has to offer.

Final verdict: If you want mindless entertainment, a simple casual playthrough, or a well polished game, this is NOT FOR YOU.

If you like a different play style than these usually have, understand that this is early access and you're willing to put up with the errors, and like discovering little gems here on Steam, I think you will appreciate Beyond Contact. The look and feel of this game is great, the story is decent, and the time spent playing the game is mostly a rewarding challenge if that's what you're looking for.
317 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 13:02
Great Arts. That's what this game only got.
✘ Bad UI/UX design, the only good part of UI is player can quick assemble items from craft requirement. Yeah, that's all. LOL
✘ Terrible game flows and mechanics. Oxygen system is completely unbalanced, players not rewarding by finished the oxygen research. Oxygen items are pure garbage and meaningless.
✘ Questionable gears and event design. Try to find the crab leader, but there's none, watched others gameplay video they found the leader at first contact. Seriously wtf? Also, gears requirement and timing are weird, already surrounded by snow storm, but still haven't found the materials for heat-tech gear.
✘ Voice acting in daily gameplay are terrible. If you short on budget, then don't hire voice actors!!!! Constantly heard character saying the same dialogue is terrifying, ffs stop! This is not how you use the game assets!
I bet the dev team didn't have everyone on the same paper. Game flows, gameplay, art, etc... everything are not performing together well. The whole game feels not working properly.
At least, fix the map generation and make better UI.

Also, try to make game more challenging, made this oxygen system obnoxious means the game is lacking difficulty and depth, then you choose the worst way to annoying players.

You are free to make what game you want, but also make a game what players wants.
928 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 20:29
Not a fan so far. Hope it gets better. It's a bit nuts how quickly the character goes through resources.

Edit 20211104:
Looking forward to testing the new changes out when they go live!
88 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 20:52
You will constantly be grinding for food and oxygen to the point where the actual game play or base building takes a backseat. And both those stats won't stop dropping for the story dialog that pops up, you can die while trying to read through what your next quest is to progress the story.
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 02:04
This game has potential. The concept is sound, artwork is great, and it there is enough mystery to keep you engaged, but the constant, endless running to find oxygen and food is monotonous and leaves me more frustrated than entertained. You walk along and find interesting things to investigate and creatures to talk to or battle, but instead of doing any of that, you have to charge off to search for oxygen and food. Even in the one friendly alien encampment that I found, there's barely enough food and oxygen around to keep me alive and then I'm still spending almost all of my time pursuing those things.
626 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 11:30
TL;DR: Dont buy it now. wait for the devs to fix the poor systems. game is tedius as all get out currently, and punishing for no fault of the player.

Really gorgeous game, I love the concept and the dev seems quite active, but theres some serious issues with the survival systems in the game. I play A LOT of survival games, so I kind of have a good sense of this, but-- this game is really not ready yet. I cant give a recomendation for it until these issues are ironed out, cause otherwise this is just an excersise in tedium

gorgeous aesthetic
art in-game is really rich
voice acting is very nice, high polish
concept is cool
awesome alien designs
clean and mostly easy to read interface

survival meters tick down insanely fast
Oxygen is a perpetually losing battle; sources feel fairly rare, regenorate slowly, and theres very little to stem its loss long term.
tech gating is wonky-- EG urchin shells are needed for a lot of basic advancing components, but are found in a toxic biome players are warned away from, stopping progress.
the base building is rough, and youre not allowed any custom waypoint markers to mark your base, and there doesnt feel like theres any ownership to the zone you build in.
the void storms trigger too early, and the game basically punishes you for not sprinting through content by having the storms eat multiple biomes as they advance. if 9 of these storms reach full size its game over iirc.
food rots absurdly quickly.
your upgraded equipment and spare space suits all take constant durability damage and vanish when broken. they have very little durability to begin with, limiting your desire to make use of them.
all items have very small durability. with odd exception for the thermal torch lasting longer than the night.
farming research points is a pain.
respawn mechanic is far too punishing. you only get 'lives' for each of the alien monoliths you find and they can only be used once-- death is far too common to allow for that. either lighten difficulty and refine combat better, or make the respawns infinite. janking the game to run in multiplayer mode to get infinite respawns is not a good thing for players to be doing.
crafting can be obtuse.
storage of items is handled poorly. chests only have 6 slots and stacks are tiny for how much you end up scavving a farming in the first place. player inventories are likewise tiny, as are the backpack upgrades.

remove gear durability-- its a task getting most of the components for this stuff-- stop punishing players for using their equipment (especially things like the grill to cook food)
severely slow your survival gauge's depletion and item decomp.
Make oxygen nodes a passive recharge of air just standing on them, instead of a node that you drain and have to wait meatspace hours to respawn.
allow player waypoints on the map.
re-consider crafting system.
increase player local and internal storage.
keep up the story stuff.
remove research point requirements for research; just use items + time.
include a bestiary to catalogue monsters and plants you find, show off your art and give tips.
add long range scanning items.
increase base decor and building items, OR simply make the base a deployable that you can customize.

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Release:04.04.2023 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Playcorp Studios Vertrieb: Deep Silver Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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