Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
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Über das Spiel

Damit Spieler es mit den Besten des Westens aufnehmen können, dürfen sie auf den verbesserten Concentration Mode zurückgreifen. Dieser erlaubt es, eine Welle an Kugeln abzufeuern und gleichzeitig feindlichen Kugeln auszuweichen. Zusammen mit diesen Revolverheld-Eigenschaften verbessern Spieler ihre Fähigkeiten und erlangen im Spielverlauf durch das brandneue Skill-Fortschrittsystem neue. Das gibt Spielern die Möglichkeit, ihren ganz eigenen Kampfstil zu formen.
- CPU: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo oder 2 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2
- GFX: DirectX-9.0c-kompatibel mit 512 MB Grafikspeicher
- RAM: 2 GB
- Software: Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP2) / Windows 7 (SP1) / Windows 8
- HD: 5 GB
- SFX: DirectX-9.0c-kompatibel
- DX: Version 9.0c
- Peripherie: Windows-kompatible Tastatur, Maus, optionaler Controller (Xbox 360 Controller für Windows empfohlen)
- LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Japanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch
- CPU: 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo oder 3 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 oder besser
- GFX: DirectX 10-kompatibel oder höher mit 1024 MB Grafikspeicher
- RAM: 4 GB
- Software: Windows 7 (SP1)
- HD: 5 GB
- SFX: 5.1 Surround Sound
- DX: Version 10
- Peripherie: Windows-kompatible Tastatur, Maus, optionaler Controller (Xbox 360 Controller für Windows empfohlen)
- LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Japanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 13:49
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 21:14
[ ] Realitätsnah
[ ] Sehr schön
[ ] Gut
[x] In Ordnung
[ ] Schlecht
[ ] Sehr schlecht
[ ] 5 Jähriger mit Kreide an Hauswand
[ ] Sehr gut
[ ] Gut
[x] Genre Standard
[ ] Nicht so gut
[ ] Langweilig
[ ] Nasse Farbe an der Wand beim trocknen
[ ] Wunderbar
[ ] Sehr gut
[ ] Gut
[x] Ganz ok
[ ] Schlecht
[ ] Kratzen an der Tafel
[ ] Kinder
[x] Heranwachsende
[x] Erwachsene
[ ] Jeder
[ ] DoS Niveau
[ ] Schrottkiste
[x] Standard
[ ] Leistungsstark
[ ] Extrem Leistungsstark
[ ] Walking simulator
[ ] Einfach
[x] Normal
[ ] Schwer
[ ] Sehr Schwer
[ ] Extrem
[ ] Nicht vorhanden
[ ] Uninteressant oder schlecht
[ ] Durchschnitt
[x] Gut
[ ] Sehr Gut
[ ] Literatur Nobelpreis
[ ] Frühstückspause
[ ] Kurz (5>)
[x] Durchschnitt (15>)
[ ] Lang (30<)
[ ] Lebenslänglich (100<)
[ ] Gratis
[ ] Den Preis mehr als wert
[x] Normales Verhältnis zur Leistung
[ ] Überteuert
[ ] Absolut nicht wert
---[Bugs etc.]---
[ ] Praktisch nicht vorhanden
[x] Kleinigkeiten
[ ] Kann das Spielgefühl stören
[ ] Wie ein Ameisenhaufen
Nicht Empfohlen
883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 16:00
press space
it was blablablaaaaaaaaa - 10 idiots shooting at me - 3 sec later dead
press space
it was blablablaaaaaaaaa - 10 idiots shooting at me - 3 sec later dead
press space
it was blablablaaaaaaaaa - 10 idiots shooting at me - 3 sec later dead
press space
it was blablablaaaaaaaaa - 10 idiots shooting at me - 3 sec later dead
press space
it was blablablaaaaaaaaa - 10 idiots shooting at me - 3 sec later dead
press space
it was blablablaaaaaaaaa - 10 idiots shooting at me - 3 sec later dead
press space
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 20:56
- Gelungene Wild-West Atmosphäre mit spannender Geschichte
- Silas übertreibt gerne und setzt uns so ein nicht machbares Level vor -> Schaffen wir es nicht, korrigiert er sich und gibt zu, dass es vielleicht doch nur 10 und nicht 100 Gegner waren -> Wir können das Level dann erneut mit nur 10 anstatt 100 Gegnern spielen
- Die Erzählungen und Kommentare während des Spielens verändern die Gegebenheiten
- Humor
- Skilltree
- Abwechslungsreiche Orte und Level (Mal ein Duell, Flucht oder klassische Schiesspassage)
- Keine Nebenmissionen und wenig optionale Dinge
- KI
Nach gut 4 Stunden fliesst aber auch schon der Abspann über den Bildschirm. Aber es hat sich gelohnt. Gunslinger ist ein kurz unterhaltendes, witziges und spannendes Spiel. Probiert es aus! =)
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 13:27
Als ich zum zweiten mal Red Dead Redemption 2 durchgesuchtet habe wollte ich mehr Cowboy Games und habe mich auf die Suche gemacht aber vergebens es gibt sehr wenige Cowboy Games was sehr traurig ist weil ich dieses Setting sehr gern habe.
Call of Juarez geht um einen Mann der in einer Bar seine Geschichten über sein Kopfgeldjäger Zeiten erzählt und wir steigen in seine Geschichten ein und erleben selbst seine Abenteuer die sehr wunderschön sind.
Die Graphik sieht so aus als wäre man in einem alten Wester Film was fantastisch ist, Am Ende jeder Geschichte befindet sich ein End Boss und jeder End Boss ist sehr kreativ dargestellt.
Das Einzige Problem dass ich habe ist...
Es ist viel zu kurz man kann die Geschichte in 8 Stunden durch rushen
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger 7/10
1086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 16:16
From the gameplay to the lore, this game is for casual and hardcore gamers alike. The lore is extremely rich and deep and it will keep you invested. I recommend this to anyone.
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 16:55
Gameplay is quick, smooth and rather precise. Not many guns were used, but it's probably for the better that way. The ones that are there feel good enough. Rather short, but for its own good, as it gets repetitive after a while. This game loves shooting, and there is a lot of it with upgrades to guns to whistling bullets flying over your head. Scoring is also fun, incentivising various gameplay tactics and quick succession kills. After a while it becomes a shooting range to keep the score going. That part is good, but let's talk about bad and ugly.
Duels are the bad ones. It's a reaction test to have a quick finger to shoot first, but there is not much more to it and every duel feels the same. After a while I got used to them so they did not create a problem. Now the ugly - bosses have huge health bars and it is not quite clear sometimes what is the intended way of beating them, as it takes time to headshot them 30 times while they approach you and there is nowhere to run. They just feel clumsy and unnecessary. Just like all the names and characters this game has, soon I was lost and stopped paying attention to cards or story and could not glue it together even after second paythrough. It's like they tried to fit every memorable person from wild west there, but it became too crowded.
Cowboys, outlaws and revenge. The stories were wild too, you would not believe most of them if the narrator was not there, experienced them all. All are true. Well, maybe with some vague details, but still. This is how this game will be remembered, as a good story and some decent gameplay.
536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 23:07
???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????? ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????????????... ℕ???????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????!
The bits of American Western history has left my University teachers baffled at the amount of knowledge I had... Little did they know, all I did was play a videogame! Call of Juarez: Gunslinger sees you through the story of retired bounty hunter Silas Greaves, who you play as, as he narrates his own story to a couple of commonfolk he'd met at a saloon. Although sometimes old Silas would imagine things while recounting the adventures he'd had as a young, motivated bounty hunter, there's one thing he always gets straight: The amount of mayhem he'd cause in each of his adventures.
That's a positive thing for the player, as we all LOVE to cause mayhem in videogames, especially if it's not by choice. Killing enemies levels you up, which grants you access to an RPG skilltree with amazing skills to try out. You can be an amazing sharpshooter, a gunslinger or a buffed resistant shotgun kind of guy, or you can be a jack-of-all-trades but master of none.
The graphics are amazing and the gunplay? even more so. The voice-acting is also quite reminiscent of old Clint Eastwood movies and Silas Greaves just gives off such badass vibes you can't help but have your jaw drop whenever he speaks (let's just say he's got a sexy voice). Another core mechanic of the game is the DUELING... If you've played old Kirby games, you'd understand that speed and focus will win you these duels and nothing else (I know, weird comparison but I'm sure the duels in this game will instantly remind people who played early Kirby games on the Gameboy of the duels those games had)... Anyway, to me, the dueling could've used more refining but it's still great; except the mouse's movement becomes all sluggish and awkward when you draw your weapon.
The game also offers you two other modes to try besides the story: an Arcade mode and a Duel mode. To be fair, I've played all Call of Juarez games to date (even that one that had nothing to do with The Old West) and this game is by far the best out of the three. Recommended to all fans of FPS games, and fans of the Old West especially. 7/10 game with great western feel...
Clint Eastwood would be proud!
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 07:44
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 21:56
Gameplay: It's a lot of fun, and its gunplay is extremely satisfying. Enemy AI is intelligent and aggressive enough to keep things interesting, but also vacant enough that clipping consecutive foes with well-aimed headshots is fairly simple. This is not a serious or hardcore shooter. It readily emphasizes its arcadey feel.
Graphics: It's OK, nothing fancy. Cutscenes are illustrated with static, hand-drawn images.
Sound/Music/Voice: Very well voice-acted storyteller.
Optimization: Amazing.
Bugs: No bugs.
Singleplayer: Yes (100% playable solo).
Multiplayer: No.
Pay to Win: No (no DLC/only content DLC, no lootboxes, no microtransactions).
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 17:52
Call of Juarez - Gunslinger is a first-person shooter set in the Wild West. The game offers a story campaign and an arcade mode. While this game is the latest in Call of Juarez series, it's not required to play previous games, because it's not connected to them in any way.
Pros & Cons
+ Fun shooting mechanics
+ Engaging story
+ Arcade modes you can sink hour into
- Boring bosses that feel like bullet sponges
- Duels are much harder than regular gameplay
You're playing as a famous gunslinger, now an old man, reminiscing about the good old days, while drinking whiskey at the saloon. Each of his tales is a level, in which you play as the narrator. All the while he's changing the story and consequently the level, due to his poor memory in some cases or a wild imagination in others. This use of an unreliable narrator trope makes the whole experience engaging and memorable. The plot itself is a mash up of old western movies, so if you're a fan, you'll spot lots of pop culture references.
It's your usual first-person shooter with an ability to slow down time, which also helps you evade bullets by moving to the right direction. There are multiple weapons you can use like handguns, rifles, shotguns and so on. Each weapon feels different from the rest and at the start of each level you're usually given some random weapon. So by the end of the campaign you'll try them all out and will be able to pick out what you like most. The game has a couple of arcade elements to it, you earn more points for dealing headshots and you have a combo counter, that multiplies your points, if you manage to kill enemies in a short period of time. Using the points you've earned you can upgrade your abilities, like longer bullet time or longer combo time or upgrade your weapons skills for more damage and faster reload.
Duels are a somewhat of an original idea. They require you to manage your hand to gun position and aim by moving thumbsticks (or keys+mouse) at the same time, while waiting for the opponent to draw. When the time comes, you have to draw your gun and deal a killing blow in a very short time, which might require a lot of practice if your reaction is as bad as mine. Though for those who're struggling with the controls, the game allows you to draw first but reduces the amount of points earned.
Graphics & Audio
The game's graphics aged pretty well, thanks to this gritty comic style. Though some of the textures look pretty bad when you look at them from up close. Animations are great though, which is more important, since the gameplay won't let you stay still and enjoy the sights. Soundtrack is about as much you would expect from western genre. It highlights the action happening on screen and creates the tension when it's needed. When playing the story mode you will hear the voice of the narrator a lot and you won't be annoyed by it, because the actor is very charismatic and does his job well.
Specs: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU, 32GB RAM.
The game runs in 1080p at 60 FPS without any drops or technical issues.
Call of Juarez - Gunslinger is a great game, that holds up to the modern standard. The campaign is memorable and fun and it's worth getting the game for it alone. If you're an FPS fan, you will also be happy to see an arcade mode, that will push your skills to the limit.
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 01:17
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 19:57
Like I said it is not perfect, even within it's stature. Most of the time it is too fast for it's own good, for some reason some of the narration takes place in the middle of the combat, and the combat requires all of your attention since you can die very easily 'cause enemies are aimbot-like and you don't have that much of a life bar at your disposal. So all that exposition, extra information, world-building and honestly the solid voice acting which helps a lot with the atmosphere especially being combined with the cute, Borderlands-esque presentation just goes to waste for a decent chunk of the game. Even that I like the graphical style of the game, it also makes it a ton harder to spot enemies and considering the hasty nature of the game, spotting enemies shouldn't take long but it does and it becomes annoying, especially at the beginning, I say you kinda get used to it through the middle of the game but it shouldn't take that much, and honestly shouldn't have been a thing at all in the first place (which sometimes strains to the navigation too, it isn't exactly that easy to figure out qhere to go sometimes, and the climbing mechanic needed a lot more polishing, like a lot). Another issue I can point out is the fact that some levels are designed to be played -not forced but let's say heavily advised- with certain weaponry and I don't think that doesn't exactly work if you give me a skill tree that divides to three different (weapon) types which I can freely explore, the level designs should follow the freedom that's been given with the tree itself and I can say the same with the boss battles as well, and on top of that that they are just either incredibly challenging or extremely easy and anticlimactic, no inbetween.
However and a BIG one at that, almost everything else is just enjoyable and solid. I do have my problems with the engine and the cellshade style but those become almost insignificant when the game just throws in some great imagery in that style and some great scenery alongside that. Admittedly, the style of the cutscenes sign to the amount of budget they were given yet I like them, found them well done for their style and think they add further character to the game, which is nice. Talking about the cutscenes and the presentation, the very well pulled of voice acting and the more than good soundtrack help you to get into the mood and the story, which while perhaps not being the most groundbreaking one, is more than enough and has flavors of self awareness and a decent kind of humor (which can be subjective, but it worked for me). Lastly the arcade-y nature of the game didn't bother me -I don't like them that much normally- and the stupidly fast action was enjoyable for the most time but the game overall just feels like it was a half-decent console port at worst and it shows, chiefly during the duel minigame in my opinion, I imagine it playing at least a tad bit better with a controller but I don't like playing most types of games with a controller, so I used a mouse-keyboard for this one as well. I think on top of that it also needed a bit more refinement too and I can honestly say the same thing for the game itself.
So, I think the game should be seen as a double-A title which makes most of the issues to be overlooked easier. And if you can overcome them, the rest of the game is just great, stylish, mind-numbing action shooter. It also is a bang for your buck since it has a couple enjoyable modes -not for me honestly but it can be for other people who are more capable than me- that can expand your playtime, but I say this without knowing about the regional pricing Ubisoft chooses to do -they can be d*cks about that, they certainly are concerning my region- yet the game was given free and I believe most people got it during that period anyways. If you find this sitting in your backlog, and if you're tired of half-baked and repetitive modern open-world games, give this one a try. It's not that long, but manages to be satisfying and will worth your while.
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 12:11
If that doesn't answer your question to play this game or not, here's a long boring review:
Story: you play as Silas Greaves, a bounty hunter on a revenge mission. I really enjoy stories that are narrated by the characters themselves both in games and movies and COJ Gunslinger does this too, I love it. The story itself is also pretty cool and interesting and has many references to western novels, movies, etc.
Gameplay: The shooting in this game is really fun and the skills and upgrades are satisfying to obtain. It's all about being precise and fast to get the best scores. Duels are cool. Arcade mode is a nice addition but I never really do the extra challenge stuff in games so I haven't done them. Weapons are cool, enemy variety is done well, everything is done well. I have 0 problems with the gameplay, it's awesome.
Music & Sounds: The music is just what you'd expect from a western fps game, nothing really special to listen to outside of the game but perfect for the experience itself. Sound effects are very nice indeed.
Visuals & Art Style: The graphics of the game itself are good, the landscapes in some of the missions are beautiful, overall great for it's release time and also good in 2022. The cutscenes... are really nice, hand drawn comic-style pictures. I've uploaded some of those on my profile so you can see how cool they are.
COJ Gunslinger is a perfect game in every category, fun, cool, with a neat story. Everything is done well. It deserves more recognition.
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 20:36
narração divertida e engraçada, fases bem feitas, e uma trilha sonora muito boa
a historia não é nada nivel red dead 2, mas ela entretém bastante
gameplay meio arcade, com pontos e combos, e gráficos um pouco cartunescos
em geral 8,5/10
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 06:17
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 19:33
Also if you cant boot the game (Game doesent launch for cpu's with more than 10 cores) heres the fix below wich worked for my Ryzen 9 5950x
A guide i made wich i hope may help who-ever has this issue
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 22:40
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 21:32
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 15:08
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 20:26
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 00:22
Techland really went from strength to strength with the Call of Juarez series (except for Cartel, we're ignoring this one) improving on almost all of the series's shortcomings and weaknesses, eventually landing on not only the best game in the series with 'Gunslinger', but one of the best FPS games of the last decade, in my opinion.
The first game is somewhat of a mixed bag, there's a lot of tedious exploration and platformer sections that really don't work very well, and end up taking away from the otherwise fairly engaging story along with some pretty satisfying gunplay (considering the game came out in 2005, I found the combat to be pretty good). The dynamic switch between the two protagonists from hunter to hunted was a very interesting approach to the story and I really liked that.
The second game was a major improvement over the original, cutting out all of the aforementioned tedious sections, allowing you to enjoy it's amped up combat, characters and story. You can really see how by this point Techland had started to get comfortable with the CoJ series and what they wanted the games to be moving forward, larger set pieces, more guns, more gore, more characters and more yeehaw.
Now on to Gunslingers, the third (technically fourth, but once again we are ignoring the existence of Cartel) instalment in the franchise. An absolute gem of a video game, the definition of underappreciated and a f*cking blast to play with more style and substance in it's relatively short campaign then most videogames releasing today. The art style, which was slowly built upon in the second game, but really utilised in Gunslingers is still to this day, in 2021, gorgeous. It's the type of art style that will still look great a decade from now - similar to Borderlands, but a little less cell shaded I guess.
For me, Gunslingers is a masterpiece, a stylistic FPS with a fantastic cast of characters, interesting story, and balls to the walls gunplay that'll make you want to replay it over and over with the same enjoyment you got out of it the first time.
Dying Light quickly became one of my favourite games of all time with Dying Light 2 being my most anticipated game of all time. Safe to say Techland are doing the Lords work in honor of our friend Ray McCall :)
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 19:28
You play as Silas Greaves, a bounty hunter who's telling a story to a bunch of folk in a saloon. This style of story telling led to some pretty funny and unique levels in the game, where environments and events mix and change as the story gets told by Greaves who's sometimes interrupted and corrected by his listeners.
While the game can be completed in about 4 to 4.5 hours it's more than enough for the arcade-y style of gameplay it has to offer. More and it would've been too long and could've started to drag in my opinion, especially as some levels start to look repetitive in the second half.
The game features several guns, from dual-wieldable revolvers, rifles and shotguns to sticks of dynamite. As you progress through the story you gain XP that you can spend on new skills that later turn the game into utter, badáss madness.
The graphics are amazing for a 2013 game created by a development studio I had never heard about. The gameplay is fluid, animations are smooth, the sound design is top notch and there were no major technical issues on my system except for one game freeze that happened as I was closing the game, so it wasn't a problem.
All in all if you want to pass a bit of time, are a fan of westerns and/or arcade shooters then I can wholly recommend this game. But get it on a sale as it's definitely too short at 12,49€.
☒ 5/5 (Great)
☐ 4/5 (Good)
☐ 3/5 (Okay)
☐ 2/5 (Bad)
☐ 1/5 (Terrible)
908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 06:00
In summary, game is an amazing single player western FPS and you should definitely buy it, or try it out. It's one of the few games that still have a demo.
1580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 11:19
At this point I have completed it 6 or 7 times in and out of steam since it got released back in 2013. Got all collectables, upgrades and achievements, so I can write this with a bit of knowledge and passion for it.
It is one of the few games that makes it feel fun and easy to do all the achievements and unlock all the upgrades that slowly turns you into an unstopable killing machine; it includes: dodge bullets, survive death, aimbot, slow motion, infinite bullets, etc.
It has one of the best if not the best quick time events I ever saw in a video game, especially in a first-person shooter, where they are rare to non-existent.
The objective of the game is to fight against and also alongside some of the most famous wild west outlaws; Billy the Kid, Jesse James, The Daltons, Johnny Ringo and a really long etcetera while you pursue your own personal revenge. Considering that fighting these outlaws was the main objective of the game's script you can't ask for a better story, it has a nice plot-twist that might even surprise you the first time.
It was made with the well-known cartoonish graphics that got so popular in the early 2010s, which in my opinion is the key to make games age well, it will still look good in 20 years on your Windows 17. You can literally run it on any computer. Even if you don't, it got added to “GeForce Now”, so you got no excuses now.
The game can be completed in a relative small amount of hours, but it has a new game plus, so you can carry all your entire progress that includes collectables and try for harder difficulties. It also has duels and a game mode called Arcade where you can kill enemies only to get a higher score for the pure pleasure of playing and enjoying it, a kind of pleasure that got lost lately in all these new games with all the pointless and empty grind.
Where the vast majority of games makes you fight enemies that resist all your weapons impacts without even losing their balance, or they simply die and fall on the ground like a bird against a window, in this game the weapons fire sound sounds powerful and bullet impacts and death animations are steel-solid; when you shoot an enemy you can almost feel his body breaking in half or hear their skulls crack like a nut or a watermelon smashed by a hammer.
— Ok, ok... it might be one of those violent games that makes you feel violent, But that's how things are in the wild west, city boy. —
I can't think of a single negative point about this game, it stays in my top ten games since it got released and will continue there for a long time.
Not sure if I would recommend it at full price, but at 60-75% it's a MUST HAVE unless you're a dirty descendant of the coward Robert Ford. — Spitting chewing tobacco on your shoes —
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 00:39
Definitely worth the money, It's definitely got the feel of a budget title however. With very linear levels, cutscenes that are just stills with narration attached and a fairly short campaign, i'd say about 2-3 hours on normal, 3 1/2 on hard, but there's a bunch of challenge levels to keep you busy as well.
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 12:26
4876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 02:07
What I DONT like: the game seemingly stops you every 2 mins or less, The dueling mini-game isn't very fun or memorable, it was the part I dont look back at with fondness.
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 18:32
8739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 10:54
The game is old, but i like both the visual style and the gameplay. And the story isn't half bad either - exactly suits the Wild West style of the game.
468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 01:19
1536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 23:22
1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 00:41
Animations are extraordinary, shooting is out of this world, the story is awsome.
The only disadvantage of this game is it's playtime. You can finish the game in like 5-7 hours.
From me, 9/10.
I hope this helped you, thank you and take care.
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 17:57
+ Great and memorable story-telling
+ Lots of variety in terms of missions
+ Sound effects and OST are spot on
+ Can be completed in less than 5 hours making it great for a weekend play
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 22:11
Its story is very good yet short with characters that are likable and sometimes funny. The Borderland art style sits this game well with its blood effects and general 'don't take this game super seriously' gameplay and story.
Its a nugget of gold in a old mine that's been forgotten by time.
10/10 definite must play!
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 20:28
1698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 23:43
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a Western-themed FPS. The player takes the role of bounty hunter Silas Greaves, who, as an old man, is recounting his life's story to a small group of patrons in a saloon in 1910. As you can imagine, these stories have him shooting a bunch of people and even dueling famous outlaws in pursuit of their bounties.
The gameplay is somewhat standard fare. You run around various levels on to your objective, shooting the bad men that appear in your path with a choice of period weapons, from dual-wielding revolvers to a lever-action rifle. Then, in true Call of Juarez fashion, you have the ability to slow down time (called Concentration, which charges up as you kill enemies) that also lights up your foes and lets you shoot them better. Adding to this is another one of Silas' abilities: when near death, you can quite literally dodge the bullet that would've killed you, allowing to run for cover and a Round Two.
To spice things up even further, Silas is an old man and he sometimes rambles or gets things wrong, acting as an unreliable narrator. The patrons even call him out on many occasions resulting in him having to readjust his story. This has an effect in the game right away, for instance uncovering a hidden path out of nowhere or talking about a native attack, then going back on it (resulting in said natives popping out of existence).
This is also where Gunslinger shows a more arcadey influence, as for every kill you rack up you gain points and start building up a combo, with more varied kills giving more points. These points translate into experience, which lets you unlock skills from three distinct skilltrees, from the inane 'reload faster' to the more spectacular 'split dynamite in the air' and the like. This culminates in the second gamemode available, Arcade, which places you in a linear level and challenges you to rack up as high a score as you can while maintaining your combo. You can even race your friends on the global leaderboard!
Every once in a while, Silas will recount a tale of his duel with some famous outlaw of the Old West, first introducing them by way of a comic-style vignette. These duels work differently to Bound in Blood, where you now need to use your mouse to focus your view on the outlaw while using your keyboard to adjust your hand over your holstered gun. Moreover, you can now draw first and win dishonourably, but history does not remember cowards well! And if this dueling sounds like your cup of tea, you're in luck, as there's an entire gamemode dedicated to Duels!
On the technical side, the game looks excellent and at times downright gorgeous, owing in part to its slight cel-shading and terrific choice of environments, from mountain passes to moving trains. The music is moody and very Western-y though with a slight foreign touch, and the voicework is nicely done as well, further enhancing the narration. In my experience the game also runs with no hiccups, no crashes to speak of and practically no bugs either (which is very unlike Techland, mind you).
All of these factors come together into an incredible genre piece, a love letter to the Western genre and the romanticized legends of the Old West, and further proof that Europeans can do American culture justice better than they can. Gunslinger is a damn solid game, though somewhat short, and will provide great entertainment for anyone, especially Western fans!
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 08:46
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 07:10
After beating this fantastic game I am left with nothing but a smile. However inside I know there is a disappointment, not in the game itself but for my future. This truly was the best McCree simulator, not even listening to Big Iron by Marty Robbins and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly theme song for 24 hours straight gives me such satisfaction. The game itself is simple, cheap and incredibly enjoyable, combat always feels fresh and rewarding with interesting and useful skills that come quite often as well as different scenarios that come from the interesting story. But in the end, it all boils down to what the game does very well, making you feel like one bad-ass gunslinger and that's what we all came for. Hitting multiple slow-mo head-shots that give you points as they fall to the ground only for a new target to take its place is a great feeling, you feel invincible (until you die) especially with the bullet-dodging function in the duels and when you are on your last breath, even the quick time events are superb. The art style for the game is fresh and pairs well with the gritty, bloody battles as well as the character intros. Silas Greaves (aka McCree) is a likeable and awesome protagonist, quick as the devil and the precision to match it but in the game, you feel like the legendary Silas Greaves and what a feeling. The weapons are great and the revolvers are cool as hell. Now let's talk about the story itself, you gotta play on hard difficulty first off, you follow Silas Greaves recounting his revenge story at the bar, you are living and fighting in his tale or how he perceives it, as a big theme of the game is perspective and how people often exaggerate also how thing can be seen as right or wrong depending on the person, or how anger can blind your actions. Silas meets and goes up against real legendary cowboys, such as Butch Cassidy and Billy the Kid as well as nods to Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday. They are all well re-incarnated and brought back to life by this game, staring down Johnny Ringo in a duel is fantastic, but sometimes the duelling can feel a bit finicky but once you get it down it's golden. You go from location to location with surprisingly stunning views that will soon be littered with corpse's as you feel Silas' anger-filled rage that allows him to push through and overcome death as this one-man army tells you how things went down. There's a lot more I have to say but I got to get back to playing it on True West difficulty now. 10/10 really makes you feel like McCree.
456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 01:53
It works so well that I'm amazed more games haven't gone down this voiceover narration route in the 7 years since it came out. Silas's chatter adds so much to what would otherwise be a decent but fairly shallow and repetitive FPS. It helps that the voice acting is really well done, and the writing is also well above average - I don't think it's a spoiler to say that you'll see the plot twist coming a mile off, but it's still paid off in a satisfying way.
The barroom stories gimmick also lets the game skip a lot of the padding usually found in a single player FPS, instead throwing you straight into the action from the first seconds of each level. It also solves another common problem with action games by explaining why you'll find yourself single-handedly slaughtering half the population of the Old West - who hasn't exaggerated their exploits after a few drinks?
If I could sum up the gameplay in two words, they'd be 'headshot practice'. Although it isn't on rails, the sheer relentless number of enemies and tight locations (taking in all the Old West staples - train robberies, ghost towns, saloon shootouts, etc etc) sometimes give it the claustrophobic feel of a lightgun shooting gallery game (think House of the Dead).
Seen quite a few reviewers saying they blazed through their first playthrough in 4 hours but it was more like 7 for me on the lowest difficulty - still quite short, but I felt I got more than enough bang for my buck having bought it in the sale. Personally I found the last couple of levels a bit of a slog and was dying constantly, but then I'm not a big FPS player and was mostly playing it for the story.
Finally a word about the game's other big gimmick, the shootout minigame. At first I found this utterly baffling as the controls are explained terribly in-game, but after reading a guide the penny dropped and I found it quite enjoyable. Some will hate it, but it only crops up at most once per level so it shouldn't be a dealbreaker when there's so much else to enjoy here.
576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 16:42
For achievement hunters: game needs 2 playthroughs as the hardest difficulty unlocks after completing the game. I recommend rushing as much as possible while also using the concentration gameplay mechanic. By doing that the game feels very fast paced and I really enjoyed that.
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 13:09
I played it on normal and it was pretty easy. I'm for sure going to take a second pass for the harder modes, even though I don't really like difficult games. It's that fun.
It rewards you for accuracy, but not necessarily headshots. Most bad guys go down with a single shot (at least on the difficulty I was playing on) and there are a lot of them. You get extra experience with headshots, but the game wants you to get a high body count, which it rewards with an experience modifier. You can easily string a 30x multiplier, which you'll want to keep going higher. It's a lot of fun.
While I didn't like the story, I did like how the action was truncated by it. You know when your going in the right direction because the story will continue, stray off the path too much and the game will tell you that you're leaving the story. You know when action is over because either the story will continue or the protagonist will flourish their weapon. I liked that.
The only real gripe I have with playing the game is the weapon choice is very limited. There's basically only 3 weapons. By the end of the game you'll have you preferred load out and you'll only use it. There's really no reason not to. Quite honestly there isn't much to this game. It's like they made an arcade light gun shooter into an FPS, but they kept the fun parts of arcade shooters. It's a very fun game.
I was also put off by the historical fiction of it too. The developers are putting fiction alongside actual history and it was a little confusing for me. The level where you have to kill a lot of Native Americans was pretty unpleasant for me as well.
That's literally the only bad things I have to say about it.
The game ran solidly. The only glitches I ran into were either because of ladders (they're kinda weird) or I was trying to get out of bounds.
Great gameplay, dumb story, and fun. If you wanna be a cowboy and shoot a bunch of goons and not feel too bad about it, it'll scratch that itch.
782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 21:10
Regarding the gameplay, this is an incredibly fun shooter.
Just be noted, the shooting is NOT meant to feel like a simulator it is more like an Arcade shooter, but it is damn fun.
I can't remember when I had so much fun in a game with mechanics focused mostly on shooting only.
The overall minimum platforming in the game is quite buggy at moments, but you will care least about it because of how much fun you will be having shooting the enemies.
Go for all achievements just for the reason to explore all the game modes and what this game has to offer.
Regarding the story, it had a well polished and really interesting plot which will most likely engage you to keep wanting for more - even if you are not in to the whole western type stuff. Not a single time I had the need to skip a cutscene as the story is told in a comic book stile about a bounty hunter Silas Greaves and about his adventures (it has an interesting twist to it and the ending for it was perfect - you have two options at the end, but if you want both achievements take one and the other one you will be able to pick playing new game +).
The game is well polished and if you did not have a chance to get in to this game (myself included as it was in my wishlist/library for almost 3-4 years or even more and I did not find a chance to try it up to this moment - which I regret).
This is one of the best shooters unambiguously just for the amount of fun I was having with it and I believe it should be the same for you.
10/10 Shooting
10/10 Presentation
10/10 Story
10/10 Replayability
9/10 The rest of the game mechanics
Give it a try if you haven't
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 23:24
I had a lot of fun with this game and the story. The 1 on 1 duels are pretty dang hard. Expect to do a lot of replays of checkpoints. The voice cast was very good. The enemies outside of the boss endings were copy/paste. The weapons were great and worked well most of the time. Beware that this game requires QTE moments. Mostly in the duels with the gang leaders. Sometimes at ambush points. The music was also great.
I did encounter some bugs and glitches. While dodging out of the way of QTE debris sent your way I fell through the map multiple times. Overall this game has a great story. Better to play in small doses though. Can get annoying with all the QTE's and predictable ambush locations. The dialogue between characters can be clever. Sadly, the main game character gives away who he's really after by saying the characters name in such a way. It's the tone that will tip you off and how many times he says it. The ending was a good choice. Lack of video options somewhat hurts this game. Needs more FOV for sure. Level design can have issues and can easily get confused or lost on where to go. Overall fun and great story. The game play can repeat a lot and hurt the fun. Finding Nuggets of Truth can be a challenge. Reading the Nuggets of Truth is worth it though. No crashing issues at all. You can continue where you left off. Though you can't manually save. The game does have a checkpoint system. You also have the ability to restart the mission from the beginning. This game also has a New Game Plus feature. If you like that kind of thing. Also a wild west setting with no weapon crosshair.
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 06:18
Played it in 2013. And was deeply impressed.
Played it again in 2020 − the same feelings.
The gunplay is just so satisfying with all those «concentration» and «sense of death» mechanics.
The story: it's awesome! Exciting, deep, diluted with humor. Remarkable voice acting.
Pretty short, to tell the truth. But leaves such an aftertaste...
The artwork, the sound, the atmosphere of the Wild West − everything is done perfectly.
Thank you, Techland!
You're doing great!
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 21:11
1330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 18:54
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.20 14:04
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☐ It doesn't have
☐ Bad
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Fantastic
☐ Make your own story
☐ Its multiplayer what did you expect
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ Humans
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☑ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☑ Wait for that SALE drop
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
☐ Fallout 76
☐ Its so bad ????
☐ Ehh ????
☐ Oh yeh ????
☑ Not to shabby ????
☐ Yes baby Jesus ????
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 22:04
Underated gem that deserves the sequel treatment.
Gameplay is fast and frantic with some slight RPG elements thrown in to keep progression engaging
Pick this game up when you can.
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 11:51
Get this game, it's tons of fun.
It has solid gunplay that feels badass, combos, skills, arcade modes, duels and a beautiful world.
The story is pretty alright too. This game has replay value as well so that's a big plus if you are willing to put in the few extra hours it will reward you... Along with dozens of dead bad guys and a sick aim.
1023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 14:16
At the beginning you will be at a bar where the main character (Silas Greaves) is telling the bar tender his adventures in exchange for free drinks. While Silas is telling the stories, those stories are the game sections in where you kind of re-live his adventures and encounters with recognized cowboys from the old Wild West. While going through the game you can listen to Silas narrate the story and the reaction from the people around in the bar, which makes for a immersion a bit good. Also, there are no cut scenes while this is happening either, is more like changing pictures and dialog. In any case, being a not well known game and probably from a tiny studio inside Ubisoft the game can feel a bit short, but worry not as it delivers, if you are really looking for old Wild West action. Also without saying anything else about the story, there are multiple endings to it and that's all I'm going to say.
Controls are simple and pretty much the standards as any other first person shooter, so getting the hang of them is not difficult at all. Also, the gun play is pretty much well crafted, feels fluid and easy to master too. Another great thing about this game (and a huge plus for me) is that the game do NOT force the use of UPlay (Ubisoft's version of Steam) on you, so you do not have to deal with it, you press Play and you go into directly the game (no third party platforms nonsense like any other modern Ubisoft game). Music is well adapted to the environment and makes a good job putting the appropriate pieces in the different sections of the game by adding a little bit to the adrenaline you might experience while going throughout the action sections of the game. Another good thing to mention is how they implemented the duel or stand-off in this game, of course, it would take you quite some tries to master the mechanic, but I think it was good implemented as instead of staying in first person mode you go into some sort of like third person, but you have aim and move your character's hand close to the pistol and then make your move by reading the opponent's movements; there is even a dodge opportunity during these duels, but if you misread your opponent you get shot, but if you do it properly they get shot and you win. Something to really keep in mind while playing too is that the weapons you used are of course themed to the old Wild West, so there is not scopes, laser sights, large clips/magazines, fancy explosions or anything else, you get your good old six shooter, a basic shotgun and rifle for some distance shots.
Progression System
While going through the game you game you gained experience points, which you can use to get some new skills. Said skills will help you in your journey throughout the game; the skill can affect your guns and even some passive abilities like getting more experience for example; there is a good variety of them to make the gun-play even better. Reloading a pistol or shotgun or even a rifle faster can be really useful in those parts where you are pretty much surrounded a bunch of enemies.
Side Content
There are few things to do besides the story mode in the game though; those being getting the collectibles, the arcade mode and duel mode. Every section of the game will have 2 or 3 things you can collect, they are addressed as Nuggets of Truth and they have their little description and everything. Then there is the Arcade mode, which is pretty much, shoot and get a lot of points for shooting baddies, of course the sections in where you will shoot them are taken from the main story mode, but some of them are shorter or have more enemies in it, your objective is to make as much points as you can without being shot, if you are shot you lose the score multiplier you get for shooting enemies in a row; each of the levels have their point goals and your job is to be the greatest there is and make a better score; you can also compare your score with anyone who has the game and is on your Steam Friend list. And finally there is Duel Mode, which is pretty much going through every duel in Story mode back to back, you get five tries to complete all of them, and if you think it is not possible to complete this mode, you might want to re-think as it takes some practice to be able to master all of them, very fun mode if you ask me.
There is no multiplayer mode in this game, other than the leader-boards in both Arcade and Duel mode with anyone who owns the game and you have in your Steam Friends list.
Closing Thoughts
If you really like first person shooters is probably a short, but sweet game to consider and like mentioned before the big plus being Ubisoft Game is you do NOT have to use UPlay to play it. All in all, is a good and entertaining game to try and when is on sale you can get it really, really cheap. So, what are you waiting for grab that hat and a pair of six shooters and get ready to be an old Wild West legend now.
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 04:22
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a Great Finale Entry to a Fantastic Series
I finally beat all the games in series (CoJ Cartel doesn't exist) and I reflect on how much I like all the games. My favorites are Bound in Blood and Gunslinger. They are both amazing games and some of the best western games of all time.
Gunslinger is very unique
This specific game in series is the most different and I mostly like it. It's shorter and more action packed. It has a fun, cartoon, comic art style. The gunplay is very meaty and satisfying. It's fun to rack up combos and killchain enemies. Too bad duels mostly suck. The way the story is told has always been different and mostly good in the Call of Jaurez games, but Gunslinger does something even more different and it's worth playing to see how it's told.
If you like western shooters, you should get all the games in the franchise! If I had to recommend one game in the series for someone to try, it'd definitely be Gunslinger. It's pretty short and keeps your attention the whole time. The Story took me about 5 hours and I spent an hour on Arcade for my first playthrough. Go play this classic!
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 02:46
964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 07:48
I got this game back in 2017, because of its popularity and positive reviews.
But quite frankly I was quite reluctant of playing it, as it seemed really far off from anything I like to play.
But after giving the game a real chance - it turned out to be a really great game. And if it had any sequels, I would gladly buy them.
As weird as it sounds, the game is a casual First Person Shooter.
There is no tight plot with strict progression as we’re used to getting from FPS games, but instead a series of loosely tied missions. Unrelated to one another.
Which you can easily jump-in/out of as you need.
There’s barely any plot you need to keep in mind - you can start the game, jump into the action for 10 minutes, then drop it for a couple of days and repeat.
In many games, if you don’t play for a while it may feel cumbersome coming back, as you don’t remember the plot, where you were, what you were doing last, etc.
In Call of Juarez this is not the case.
There’s not much drawing you to come back, but not much keeping you from it either.
It gives you the best of both worlds - both being good looking and fun to play, and casual enough to drop-in/out of whenever.
But that doesn’t mean the game has no progression or no continuity.
You earn experience by killing people, performing tasks or finding hidden objects.
Which you can convert into upgrades, like deadlier bullets or longer “bullet time”.
You also have 3 main skill trees: Dual wielding, Sharpshooter or Tough guy. Which you’re free to invest in one, or spread your points between several.
And there is a plot which tells you a bit about the protagonist in every mission.
And as a history buff, I really enjoyed the hidden objects you find, which give you additional info and background about the people and actions that happened in the old west.
If you like the wild west historical era, I think you will really like this!
An experience I personally enjoyed.
A solid 8/10.
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos