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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.07.2020
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Preis Update 05.05.24

Über das Spiel

Five years ago, a witch's curse beneath the red moon turned Chante into a fairy. Now she and her sister Elise search for a way to transform her back into a human, and in their travels they come across a particular town, which is home to a number of nearby ruins, as well as a peculiar shopkeeper named Aira, and a strange, mercurial fortune-teller who calls herself Elma. Could this place hold the key to returning Chante to normal? Or will it lead to more answers than our two sisters ever wanted to know?...

Key Features

  • A classically-styled action-RPG title for the PC!
  • A treasure to find in every single area!
  • Inventive boss fights to challenge the player!
  • Full controller support, including full Xinput trigger and right-stick camera control support!
  • Five core dungeons, plus two bonus dungeons! Hours and hours of gameplay!
  • Fishing! With collectible fish!


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

493 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.15 22:10
Die Graphik erinnert kurz an bestimmte N64-Games - bis man sieht, dass die Charaktere nur schlecht animierte 2D-Graphiken sind. Die Kamerasteuerung ist mies und muss immer nachgezogen werden, eine automatische Positionierung hinter der Spielfigur sucht man vergebens.

Das alleine wäre noch zu verkraften gewesen, dass bereits am Anfang sämtliche Spannung fehlt verdirbt das Spiel hingegen völlig. Man muss schon ein extrem treuer Fan lieblos gestalteter Spiele sein, um hier den überhöhten Preis zu rechtfertigen.

Insgesamt genügen 10 Minuten, um mich zu überzeugen, zukünftige Spiele dieses Herstellers zu meiden. Das Geld, das ich hierfür ausgegeben habe, tut mir jedenfalls Leid.
6771 Produkte im Account
274 Reviews
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.13 15:28
Schöner Anime Look, den man sehr schön in 3D eingebunden hat.

Das Spiel ist relativ hart und man muss einige Level doch schon mehrmals spielen.
Wer etwas genauer in den Levels hinschaut findet sogar einige Secrets die einem das Spiel vereinfachen.

Magie gibt es auch und setzt sich aus aufsammelbaren Steinen zusammen die jeder für sich mit einer anderen Farbe eine andere Wirkung hat.

Wer schwerere Spiele mag und auf einen solchen Look steht sollte definitiv mal reinschaun ;)
140 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 09:46
Game mechanics that haven't aged well at all. Kill all the enemies to get to the next stage then do it all over again if you die isn't fun.
Terrible camera angles that make it hard to see what's attacking you.

If you like games with dated gameplay and a bad camera angle then this game is for you.
1458 Produkte im Account
1388 Reviews
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 23:22
Awesome action RPG with a neat art style, fun combat, an amusing story, and awesome boss fights. It's short and fairly simple but I still had a great time with it. If you enjoy RPGs like Ys or Recettear you might enjoy this game too!
623 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 07:05
The game is not complicated in the least, so if you run in expecting anything more than a very simple hack and slash dealie you're going to be severely disappointed.

With that said, the characters are charming, the aesthetics are on point throughout and assuming you wanna play it straight through it'll take you no more than 8 hours or so assuming you don't screw around a whole lot. You can easily get it done in a day or long afternoon.

All in all a good time, though MAKE SURE YOU SAVE. The game does not have auto save and if you dip out before doing so kiss your progress goodbye.
228 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 05:50
Chantelise has all the makings of something great, and certainly, it has many strong components, but its structurally poor gameplay spoils much of its appeal.
The opening is well-paced, not bogging you down in too much exposition or tutorials. It establishes enough of its setup and teaches you the basics before leaving you free to play around with the mechanics. Unfortunately, it soon becomes clear that Chantelise doesn’t have much to show for its gameplay loop beyond what you can see in minutes. See, all you’ll find yourself doing is clearing rooms of baddies ad nauseum, with little to evolve the combat save for the boss battles. While the selection of monsters to face isn’t exactly lacking, once you discern some effective strategies (and find some decent equipment), there’s not much to challenge you. It’s a shame, too, because I think Chantelise’s combat system is a solid one. Sword strikes feel nice to land, and the magic reveals a nice swathe of strategic options with their different effects. Boss fights provide an appreciable change of pace, but they’re not made equal. Many of the late-game bosses are easy to abuse with strong gear or repetitive strategies, but the second boss proved a wall which highlighted how tedious it is to retrace my steps back to the boss room on death.
Key to succeeding later on in the game is your ability to find or purchase serviceable gear. This can prove frustrating. The money you attain from monsters is a pittance; you really need to rely on selling treasures, but these lose value with each duplicate item you sell. Meanwhile, items you buy only get pricier with every purchase, in addition to the natural increase in cost of stronger gear as the story progresses. See the problem? And the process of discovering many of the treasure chests is terribly cryptic, essentially demanding a guide or use of the bizarre in-game system, in which you can sacrifice max HP for a hint.
The story is intriguing and enjoyable. There’s an interesting curse befalling the pair of protagonists, which proves more tragic and troubling as the plot progresses. Chante and Elise develop compelling relationships with two of the residents of the game’s single town. While the game could have stood to give more time to the story, opting to stay in a bit of a hurry to cover all the core narrative beats quite swiftly, it’s a cozy little tale nonetheless, and one which certainly helped me overcome the gameplay pitfalls and see Chantelise through to the end. The writing usually tries to be witty and lighthearted, but there’s a melancholy under the surface which frames the adventure nicely.
Everything about the visual presentation is marvelous. The low-poly environments and large, beautiful spritework make for a lovely low-fi aesthetic. Complementing these is the strong use of color and lighting, as well as a lovely art direction. The music is agreeable but didn’t stick with me save for a few tracks that simply crop up rather often throughout the game’s playtime.
Chantelise has so much going for it, which makes it all the more unfortunate that it ends up being less than the sum of its parts. Simply put, the gameplay structure is not all that fun or dynamic. The game’s story, presentation – and even its combat – deserve to support a more exciting gameplay experience than Chantelise can provide.
267 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 05:38
This is my first time playing a game like this, but the game is so charming and so fun. I mainly picked it up because of the graphics being that of an old PC game, but I'm so glad I bought this because it was such an enjoyable experience. From the music, characters, dialogue, worlds, combat, it was all so fun. This game took me 12 hours to beat (over 3 days) and I loved every minute of it. To discovering new combinations for my magic spells to trying to learn my enemies weakness, it was just all so great. I don't know what I'll play now, but I'm interested in seeing similar games to this one so I'll probably get more of these types of games (Fantasy RPG).

If you like the graphics and the game looks interesting, definitely give it a try and I'm sure you'll have lots of fun :)
185 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 15:39
It's not the prettiest or deepest dungeon crawler, but it is cute, charming, and generally fun to play. Just don't feel bad using a guide for the 'secret objectives' or expect something groundbreaking.
107 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
8771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 02:32
everything is good if u like old school games
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 02:57
Great game that doesn't hold your hand. Makes you figure things out. Love that it aligns slightly with Recettear.
682 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 12:49
Super cute visuals however; the controls are awkward, the resolution is terrible, I also find the game hard to the point that it annoys me.
516 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 16:34
Capitalism, ho!
43 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 16:32
Old but Gold
1282 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 13:08
10/10 anime souls game

extremely difficult

a masterpiece beyond compare

like Code Vein but good
624 Produkte im Account
466 Reviews
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 15:47
In my ongoing and likely futile effort to write a Steam review for every game in my library (#316 out of 560)... it's time for Chantelise.

Simple but charming action-RPG with a fairly by-the-numbers story. Most appealing aspect is the fact that you're maneuvering through 3D environments as a 2D sprite--with absolutely gorgeous animation. Visually, the game is very dated, but mechanically the combat is very smooth and satisfying.
43 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 04:58
THE CONTROLS ARE TERRIBLE LSDKJFLDSJ i couldn't even get past the first dungeon because ???? are you supposed to move the camera or attack or what? becuase like. you cant attack + move the camera + run away from bosses. Honestly the game was super frustrating (and the reason we fight the first boss is so ridiculous i quit there and then).
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 05:44
Interesting combat style. Similar to Recettear. If you liked that, then try this.
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.17 04:09
So, right off the bat, let me just say that I love this game. It offers a novel experience akin to some of the older PS1-era action rpgs, and is definitely worth ten bucks.

I originally played it quite a few years back, and I got just a little past the mid point before stopping for whatever reason. I recently found myself wanting to revisit a game I'd enjoyed, but never beaten, and let me just say, this did the trick. I clocked in about 7 hours in my playthrough, and beat it in one sitting. It wasn't quite as difficult as I remembered it being, but then again, I guess I've simply gotten better at video games in general since my early teens, which is when I first played it.

That being said, it is quite challenging, yet still fairly so, and the majority of my deaths were during bossfights and especially the final boss. (Minor spoilers ahead, but I promise not to go into a degree of specifications that would ruin it for a first-time player.)

All of the areas in the game are enjoyable to varying degrees. Some are a little tedious, but that doesn't really ruin the overall experience. The bosses are probably the most enjoyable aspect, as each has a decent pool of attacks to choose from, and requires a specific way to be defeated. Dying to a boss your first time facing it is expected, since they do a lot of damage and their attack's damage type isn't always obvious. (Physical damage vs magic damage.) There are also a few mini-bosses with cool attacks that you will encounter every now and then, and despite reusing the same base sprite, add a little extra challenge to the game.

The final boss is really well done, I'd have to say. Some parts were a little confusing at first, and enduced a little more rage than I'm proud to admit, but after you've delivered the final blow and you're watching the credits, you'll realize just how much it took out of you, and that's a good feeling. One of its forms has a crazy amount of attacks, which change slightly after damaging it enough, which definitely keeps you on your feet all throughout.

The game never makes you backtrack unless you really want to, either to farm gold and items or simply to see what all you missed your first time through, as each individual area has its own hidden treasure chest to uncover. Once you reach a point near the end, you can even do a mode that randomly picks areas and bosses to fight, as a sort of arcade-survival mode. See how far you can get and how fast you can advance.

The story isn't anything revolutionary, but does the trick. It doesn't force unskippable cutscenes down the player's throat, and that's a good thing. The characters are interesting enough to care about, even though there aren't too many.

The combat is truly where this game shines. Chantelise features a combination of fast-paced melee combat and an extensive mid-range magic system using gemstones that drop from enemies and some other objects like trees and barrels. As you advance the plot, you gain access to more equipment slots and stronger spells that can be cast using multiples of the same gem type. You even gain the ability to summon familiars to temporarily aid you, and they can really give you the edge in larger fights. The equipment system takes the place of any sort of experience points mechanic. You can equip up to 2 items with the same stat boost. For example, 2 gauntlets to boost your physical damage, or 2 shields to boost physical resistance. It's pretty bare-bones, but not in a bad way. It definitely makes a difference what equipment loadout you roll with in different situations, ESPECIALLY boss fights, where you may end up switching equipment mid-fight several times. (I'm looking at you, crab-boss!)

All in all, what else can I say? The 3D environments are fun to run around in, the sprite-work on the characters and enemies is very pleasing to the eyes, the combat is fast and allows plenty of strategy, and there's even a fishing minigame! Seriously, what adventure isn't complete without that?

I haven't done much of the post-game, since I'm a little burnt out after playing 7 hours straight, but I will definitely be revisiting this game in the future. Once again, it's a great buy for only $10, and it's one of the few indie games I actually like. My thanks goes to the developers for this game's existence.

P.S. - Theres a bug with controllers that makes the camera spin constantly. The way I fixed it was easy and never made controlling the camera too obnoxious. Simply map the camera spin (Left or right, I can't remember which.) to the spacebar and put something heavy enough to depress it on top of it. I did this for my whole play-session, and despite getting used to not being able to turn the camera left or right, and simply have to rely on the camera re-center button, had no real complaints with it.
211 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
28011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.15 13:03
Chantelise is an overlooked game by EasyGameStation. It was released in Japan 2006 and was localized in 2011, with the more popular game, Recettear: An Item shop Tale, by the translation company, Crape Fulgur.

There is a demo available on Steam. I strongly suggest you try this game before purchase.

In a nutshell: the game is an action RPG with some magic thrown into the mix. There are times where the game can be a little unforgiving. Stay calm, reflect on what happened, and try again.

Controls: Simple. Attack, jump, dash(Attack + jump), lock-on, and magic. The lock-on camera sucks. The longer you hold down the back button, the more gems you use. Everything is explained in the tutorial. I recommend using a controller. If you don't have one, don't worry, the game has full kayboard controls. Though you might have a slightly harder time getting use to the controls. The config allows you to map your own buttons. If you really want to, you can play with a steering wheel.

No amount of key configuration will improve the lock-on camera. I suggest avoiding the use of the lock-on unless you are using projectile magic, then hold down the lock-on button to remove / un-lock-on... the camera.

Plot: It's a witch hunt. Everything is explained in the introduction.

Review: It's a cute anime RPG with an enjoyable story. The artwork throughout the game is wonderful. If you've played Recettear, you'll recognise quite a number of textured used.

The game may be a bit difficult to get the hang of. You've got a small health bar and the enemies hit hard. For some, the 2D sprites in a 3D environment may seem confusing to judge hitboxes. You'll spend quite some time getting use to the controls and enemy movements. The magic system works in reverse order; the last gem picked up will be the first gem consumed. Play around with magic; different magic combinations have varying results. The first gem above Chante is the main gem, and the gems around Elise feet are the support gems. It's confusing at first.

Treasure can be sold to purchase health boosts and equipment. However the prices double every purchase, directing players to get better at the game or farm for a ridiculously long time in order to farm enough pix(money) to afford the next item.

As the story unfolds, you'll have access to more magic and equipment. You'll also encounter tougher enemies that have more health and hit harder. Learning to avoid damage early will help along your adventure. Every boss has a unique feel to them. Well... unless you count mutual hatred. When the game gets tough, and you feel like an area is far too difficult to handle currently, take a breather, and take it slow. Going in with a clear mind helps with observing your opponents movements. There is also a little something to reward the explorers.

Lets wrap this up: The game is challenging and you need to get good. If you're someone who gets easily frustrated at failure then this game may not be for you. If you haven't, try out the demo and see how bad the camera is.

Tips: [olist]
  • Save often.
  • Time Attack DOES NOT progress the stroy. It is a good way to practice.
  • Hold down the lock-on button to remove the enemy target.
  • Observe your opponents. Avoiding damage is a good thing.
  • Learn from your mistakes, and gear up accordingly.
  • Use magic to help clear areas or deal with tough enemies. Super Armour reduces damage and prevents damage knockback.
  • Hidden Treasure may help along your travels. Try asking the monk in town.
  • [/olist]
    Try not to spoil the game by looking at a guide unless you really get stuck.

    As for why I have an absurdly high playtime on record: I have my reasons.
    82 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    806 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.11.14 05:12
    Reminds me a one of the Japanese action RPG from PS1. We don't see this often enough, and that's a shame.

    Now, indeed this game is bit hard to control if you are not use to it, but you can map it from game folder. Go to local game folder, open SteamSteamappscommonChantelise and you can configure the control from there.

    I used this mapping- ←→↑↓for movement, A for attack, S for Jump, D for dash, F for lock-on, left Shift and space for camera angle. Trust me, this works like charm.

    Now on to the game. I loved it. I beat it, and I still play it from time to time. Stroyline isn't much deep and straight forward, but it's charming and easy to play. English translation is bit cheesy though- I played it on Japanese because... I am. It's almost like a mixture of Xenogears, Mario, and Zelda. Fun beat'em up, less puzzle.
    Only downside that I can think about is that the dungeon is very simple and only one-way direction. All you have to do is to defeat all enemies and unlock the gate, rinse and repeat. The boss battle is more fun. You have to figureout the pattern of the movement, and find the weakpoint. This part tends to be more like Zelda.
    You will also unlock few more things, like having magic on your sword. Charge attack will release the magic with several different ability, and I thought that was fun.

    Anyway, I would recommend this game, especially if you like doujin games. You won't be dissappointed.
    1563 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    100 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.09.14 14:51
    This game was released in 2006 by EasyGameStation at the Comiket in Japan. The same group that made Recettear An Item Shop's Tale. It was translated and brought to Steam by Carpe Fulgur in 2011.

    In this game you play a little anime girl with her fairy sidekick sister. You adventure through dungeons, defeating enemies with sword and magic attacks. Of course this reminds you of Zelda and it plays a bit like one. It focuses much more on combat though, akin to a Ys-type of game. The game features a blend of 2D sprites in a 3D world, which works surprisingly well. I had some issues with aiming in the beginning, but that worked itself out after a while.

    The magic system is the central part of the gameplay. You use different colored gems to cast fire, water, wind and earth spells. These gems are used in the order you pick them up from the ground, but when you hold the cast button longer you use up to three gems at once. This way various different colored gems can be combined and produce different spells. This make for quite the deep system and keeps the combat interesting. Fuck earth though. Those gems are worthless.

    There are no levels, so you only improve through your items. This makes the game faster and removes the grind you have in typical JRPGs. Upon death a Game Over screen pops up, but you just respawn at the town, which makes dying forgiving. That is needed though, because you will die a lot.

    I actually had a lot of fun with the story, especially the characters. I don't know if it is thanks to the translation or source, but there are some really funny lines in there. I recommend this game, if you like some oldschool dungeoning.
    190 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    234 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.04.14 01:07
    Really fun game. I was recently gifted this and Recettear, and when I'm done crying because I never get further than the third week in Recettear I come play this. Similar art styles, similar fun.

    That and I pretend I'm an adventurer working for Recette.

    Give the demo a go, it's not for everyone, but being my first games of this type I would be lying to say I haven't had a lot of fun.
    Logo for Chantelise - A Tale of Two Sisters
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