• Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.
  • Dead Age 2: Screen zum Spiel Dead Age 2.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16.07.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 28.09.23

Über das Spiel

Dead Age 2 ist ein einzigartiger Mix aus Survival, Management, Rogue-Like Events, rundenbasierten Kämpfen, klassischem Rollenspiel mit etlichen Quests und einer Story, bei der deine Entscheidungen signifikante Auswirkungen auf den Verlauf der Handlung haben.

  • Komplexere Story, aber keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich: Auch ohne den Vorgänger gespielt zu haben wirst du dich in Dead Age 2 ohne Probleme zurechtfinden und der abwechslungsreichen Story folgen können.
  • Verbessertes Kampfsystem (Final Fantasy 10 trifft Darkest Dungeon): mit schnellen, aber dennoch strategischeren Kämpfen und Einsatz von bis zu 24 Skills
  • Fraktionen-Rufsystem: steigere deinen Ruf bei drei verschiedenen Fraktionen, um Gefälligkeiten einzufordern und Handel zu treiben
  • 3D Basis-Management: weise Überlebenden Jobs zu, crafte Gegenstände und baue deine Basis aus für bessere Ausrüstung
  • Kompakte Open World: freie Erkundung der Karte mit über 80 detaillierten Locations, um überlebenswichtige Ressourcen zu plündern
  • Entscheidungen mit Konsequenzen: deine Entscheidungen beeinflussen den Verlauf der Story drastischer als früher. Insgesamt bietet Dead Age 2 sechs verschiedene Enden
  • Rogue-Like Elemente: zufällige 3D Events mit Permadeath. Stirbst du, kannst du dir durch freigeschaltete Upgrades den Neustart erleichtern. 3 Schwierigkeitgrade auswählbar

10 Jahre nach der ersten Zombie Apokalypse ist die Gruppe um Jacks's Camp in die Stadt Freedom City geflüchtet, da hier ein Heilmittel gegen Infizierungen des Virus gehandelt wird. Doch die positive Nachricht bringt mehr Ärger als Freude. Neue Fraktionen haben sich gebildet, die um die Vorherrschaft streiten. Die gnadenlose U.S. Army, die zwielichtigen Schmuggler und die Unabhängigen, in denen vor allem die Zivilisten leben.

Als Flüchtlingslager der Unabhängigen von einer großen Zombiehorde angegriffen werden, kämpfen sich die wenigen Überlebenden auf der Suche nach Nahrung und wertvollen Ressourcen durch eine gnadenlose neue Welt, immer auf der Hut vor den umherstreunenden Zombies und gefährlichen Plündererbanden.

Obwohl der große Vorteil des Rundenkampfsystem von Dead Age gegenüber Taktik Spielen der schnellere Spielablauf ist, ist der Kampf deutlich komplexer geworden. Bis zu 24 Skills kann ein Charakter gleichzeitig im Kampf benutzen. Wechsle während der Kämpfe deine Strategien, um den Zombiehorden oder feindlichen menschlichen Fraktionen Herr zu werden. Nutze deine vorderste Front, um Fernkämpfer vor Nahkampfattacken zu schützen und verwende neben neuen Waffen auch Jagdhunde, Tiger und Geschütztürme.

Besuche die Außenposten anderer Fraktionen, um Handel zu treiben oder Nebenjobs anzunehmen und baue so deinen Ruf bei den Fraktionen auf. Steigt dein Ruf, kannst du bessere Ausrüstung kaufen und Gefallen einfordern. Bei negativem Ruf kann es zu feindlichen Auseinandersetzungen mit der Fraktion kommen.

Deine 3D-Basis ist deine Zentrale. Hier teilst du Überlebenden Jobs zu, um Gegenstände zu craften und Nahrung und Ressourcen anzubauen oder zu beschaffen. Upgrade Räume und baue die Basis stetig weiter aus, um bessere Gegenstände craften zu können und mehr Nahrung anbauen zu können.

Die neue, offenere Spielwelt bietet eine freiere Erkundung der Karte mit über 80 grafisch detaillierten Locations. Neben vielen Naturszenen gibt es nun auch neue Indoor-Locations z.B. Krankenhäuser, Keller, Schulen, Kaufhäuser oder Waffenshops.

Deine Entscheidungen haben signifikante Auswirkungen auf die Handlung der 3 Fraktionen, der Überlebenden, die Romanzen und die 6 verschiedenen Enden im Spiel.

Auch in Dead Age 2 gibt es wieder zufällige Events auf der Map mit unterschiedlichen Konsequenzen, dieses Mal vollständig in 3D inszeniert. In einem Survival-RPG ist es immer besonders gefährlich da draußen. Permadeath (mit 3 Schwierigkeitsgraden) sorgt dafür, dass du jederzeit deine Mitstreiter verlieren kannst.

Stirbt dein Hauptcharakter musst du wieder neu beginnen, kannst dir aber deinen Einstieg durch freigeschaltete Upgrades erleichtern. Mit genügend Ruf bei den Fraktionen kannst du z. B. für Rüstungen der Fraktionen freischalten. Unterschiedliche Allianzen mit den Fraktionen bieten 6 verschiedene Enden, wodurch der Wiederspielwert nochmals deutlich gesteigert wird.


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 1050 3 GB or AMD Radeon RX 560 4 GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Chinesisch
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i7-3770 or AMD Ryzen 5 1600
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB or AMD Radeon RX 590
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Chinesisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

154 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 12:16
Es ist ok, es ist nichts wo ich nun sagen wurde WUHU ,der weisheit letzter schuss aber es vertreibt die zeit und ist , gegenüber dem ersten teil um einiges besser . Wer ein paar stunden tot kloppen möchte soll,es sich holen . Ich gebe aber zu zum vollen preis hätte ich es nicht gekauft.
373 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
2969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 17:09
Das volle Video-Review kann hier gefunden werden:
Fazit: Selbst wenn das Spiel aktuell erhebliche Schwächen im Balancing und auch wenig Wiederspielwert hat, heisst das nicht, dass es sich um ein schlechtes Spiel handelt. Das Spielprinzip funktioniert an sich immer noch gut und die Kämpfe machen auch so eine Menge Spaß, da auch das Optimieren innerhalb der Kämpfe interessant ist, wenn auch nicht so interessant wie es mit besserem Balancing wäre. Und gerade die Quests führen auch bei normalem Spielverlauf dazu, dass man ständig motiviert wird um weiterzuspielen. Ausgebremst wird diese Motivation aber eben wenn man nach langer Zeit stirbt. Das kann passieren, muss aber natürlich nicht, gerade auch wenn man nicht auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad spielt und sich möglicherweise noch mehr Zeit lässt, wobei der fehlende Zeitdruck ja auch etwas ist, das ich bemängeln würde.
Insgesamt erhält das Spiel von mir nun einen knappen Daumen auf halbem Weg nach oben. Für den normalen Preis von 18€ würde ich es immer noch empfehlen, aber man muss sich eben bewusst sein, auf was man sich einlässt, und dazu zählt eben auch, dass man das Spiel möglicherweise eben nicht durchspielen wird, aber eben Spaß hat bis es zum tödlichen Ende kommt. Fehler im Spiel, durch die bei mir sogar noch Charaktere gestorben sind, sind mittlerweile weitestgehend behoben soweit ich es beurteilen kann und ich würde auch davon ausgehen, dass der Entwickler über das nächste Jahr das Spiel noch weiter pflegt und das Balancing verbessert. Wenn ihr es also später irgendwann, vielleicht sogar im Sale kauft, würde es sich also umso mehr lohnen. Ansonsten kann ich natürlich auch weiterhin den ersten Teil empfehlen, der zwar die selbe Motivationsproblematik beim späten sterben hat und etwas schwächer bei der Grafik ist, die aber jetzt auch hier nicht überragend ausfällt, dafür aber ein besseres Balancing im Kampf und damit auch im Charaktersystem bietet.
388 Produkte im Account
335 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 16:19
Dead Age II (v1.1.1)



+ Zombie-Apokalypse
+ Charakteraussehen kann zumindest geringfügig angepasst werden (Gedicht, Haare, Haarfarbe)
+ 3 Gruppierungen: die gut ausgestattete US Army im Westen, zwielichtige Schmuggler in tiefen Wäldern und Bergen und die humanen Unabhängigen die Zivilisten sicheren Unterschlupf gewähren; je besser der Ruf zu diesen, desto bessere Rüstungen kann man bekommen (leider nur jeweils zwei)
+ Wiedersehen bekannter Überlebender (Jack der Held aus Teil 1, die Bardame Trish, Bill, Mary, Hank der alte Haudegen von Jack, Lydia, Jamal und Sheriff)
+ Crafting (wenn auch nur mit geringer Variation und Auswahl)
+ angelegte Ausrüstung ist auch optisch jeweils am Charakter erkennbar
+ Entscheidungen die sich oft erst Tage später Konsequenzen haben
+ Start-Formation (die man dann aber auch meist beibehalten wird)
+ Handel mit anderen Gruppierungen
+ Tag- und Nachtwechsel (bei letzterem kommen mehr und stärkere Zombies; gewisse Aufgaben können auch nur Nachts erledigt werden)
+ Arena in den Schmugglerlagern
+ U-Bahn und Häfen für Schnellreisen



- kein richtiges Intro
- Unity-Engine und (entsprechend) unzeitgemäße Grafik
- keine Sprachausgabe (was heutzutage ebenfalls nicht mehr zeitgemäß ist)
- ständiger „Material“-Mangel auch wenn man immer alle Händler damit leerkauft
- das Aktionspunkte-Kampfsystem führt leider kaum dazu, dass man mal über 2 Aktionspunkte hat, man nutzt eher meist die gleichen Standard-Aktionen die sich zuvor bewährt haben, was wiederum dazu führt, dass die besseren Aktionen fast nie zum Einsatz kommen (außer mal bei einer 2. oder 3. Welle im gleichen Kampf)
- viel zu wenig unterschiedliche Waffen (nur drei(!) in jeder Kategorie)
- jedes Rüstungsteil und jede Waffe kann gleich modifiziert werden, was ziemlicher Quatsch ist (wie sollte eine Schrotflinte einen resistenter machen oder eine Pistole meine Blockchance erhöhen, oder wie kann eine Hose meine Wahrnehmung verbessern?)
- Campverteidigung ist leider nur einmal zu Beginn des Spiels, gerade hier hat man viel Potenzial verschenkt
- zähe, sich ständig wiederholende Kämpfe
- mögliche Talente sind bei jedem Charakter gleich (der RPG-Anteil ist lediglich marginal)
- nach einiger Zeit einfach zu öde
- völlig identische Nebenquests bei allen Fraktionen
- kaum Abwechslung oder Motivation
- maximal belanglose und viel zu lineare Geschichte in der nur alte Kamellen aus dem Vorgänger aufgewärmt werden
- schlechte Präsentation der Geschehnisse (hier hätte ich zumindest coole Grafik-Bilder für Zwischenereignisse oder Zufallsevents erwartet, aber davon gibt es kaum etwas, was sich zudem auch noch wiederholt)
- Spiel dauert mit über 55 Stunden viel zu lang ohne dass wirklich interessante Sachen passieren (DA1 war mit etwa 35 h für diese Art von Spiel auch schon recht lang, aber eben noch überschaubar)
- Bug: Isa, die bei mir zwischendurch starb, war gegen Ende bei einer Konferenz im eigenen HQ plötzlich wieder am Leben und kommentierte die Ereignisse



In Dead Age 2 von März 2021, ist eine Mischung aus RPG, Rouge-Like, Rundenkämpfen und Survival, inspiriert durch Darkest Dungeon, War of Mine und The Walking Dead. Leider reicht DA2 aber in keinem Bereich an die Genialitäten der genannten Spiele.
Die Zombiefizierung ist nun schon seit 10 Jahren im Gange. Dank eines Heilmittels konnte sich die Menschheit wieder etwas erholen (DA1). Im Grunde hat man aber das Gefühl nichts erreicht zu haben, weil sich einfach von der Geschichte her nichts verändert hat. Ja es ist sogar noch schlimmer, dazu müsste ich aber massiv spoilern, was ich nicht möchte.
Das Spielprinzip ist in diesem Teil im Grunde das Selbe wie im Vorgänger. Klar es wurden viele Dinge verbessert, aber das reicht nicht. DA1 war schon sehr redundant, aber da fand ich wenigstens noch irgendwie die Motivation es durchzuspielen. In Teil 2 war der Spielspaß irgendwann weg. Die Kämpfe sind sehr berechenbar und finden viel zu häufig statt, wodurch sich das spiel unnötig in die Länge zieht.. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist okay. Wenn man keine Fehler macht und vorsichtig agiert, stirbt man auch nicht. Durch Unachtsamkeit ist mir lediglich ein Begleiter gestorben.
Spielt besser das um Längen bessere und realistischere This War of Mine. Dead Age 2 kann ich so nicht empfehlen.

Hier mein Review zu:
Dead Age 1

Dennoch Dank an den User Criz-White, der mir dieses Spiel geschenkt hat.

Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid, dann folgt meiner Gruppe.
1070 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 14:18
gutes game 3+ !!!!!
828 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
7780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 15:55
Wer Dead Age 1 mochte kann getrost wieder zuschlagen. Vieles wurde im Vergleich zu Teil 1 verbessert und der Umfang ist deutlich gestiegen (zB. Overworld Map dieses Mal). In höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden kommt der Survivalaspekt schön zum Vorschein.

Besonders positiv ist, dass während des ganzen Early Access Prozesses und auch jetzt nach Veröffentlichung noch immer auf Wünsche der Fans eingegangen wird und Quality of Life Patches kommen.

Dead Age 3 kann kommen!
1211 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 14:30
Kann die vielen positiven Bewertungen nicht nachvollziehen. Für ein Rogue-Lite dauern die Runs viel zu lange. Dazu gibt es da auch kaum Abwechslung. Die Quests sind immer die gleichen, die Story dazu auch. Diese ist dazu völlig belanglos und wird nur per viel zu langer Texteinblendungen erzählt, die man sowieso relativ schnell nur noch wegklickt. Was dafür sorgt, dass sicher 20% der Spielzeit auf Wegklicken von Dialogen geht.

Es gibt 3 Fraktionen, bei denen man den Ruf pushen kann. Die drei Nebenquests dafür sind bei allen 3 Fraktionen völlig identisch, nur der Zielort variiert. Varianz ist sowieso ein großer Schwachpunkt in dem Spiel, sie ist viel zu gering. Auch die Zufallsereignisse wiederholen sich sehr schnell und sind immer gleich. Die umständliche Bedienung, die für eine schlechte user experience sorgt, tut ihr übriges.

Ich habe jetzt 2 Runs gespielt, der erste etwa 1,5h, der zweite etwa 7h. Beim zweiten gab es einfach überhaupt keine Gefahr nach einem guten Start. Ich spiele einfach so vor mich hin. Hatte genug Munition und sehr viele Heilitems. Dazu viel Wasser uns sonstiges. Dann kam plötzlich kein Kampf, der ungewinnbar war. Flüchten ging auch nicht. Zack tot. Und dann frage ich mich: Warum zum Teufel soll ich das alles nochmal völlig identisch von Beginn an spielen?

Nope. Just nope. Keine Empfehlung.
87 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 21:39
So Simpel und komplex zugleich... man muss den Spielstil mögen, aber wer This War of Mine gut findet & auf Zombies steht wird hier bestimmt auch mit glücklich.
Das Spiel macht einfach süchtig! Klare Kaufempfehlung.
242 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 19:53
Macht voll Bock. Kann man schön Stressfrei nebenbei beim Film zocken.
Schön abwechslungsreich, strategisch und ne gute Story dazu.
204 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 14:22
Schade eigentlich ein Spiel mit Potential ?
Warum ?
Ganz einfach, weil auch als EA Version das selbst auf der leichtesten Stufe sehr schwer ist, und das folgende Spiel sehr zäh mit permanenten, sich ständig wiederholenden Kämpfen ohne echte Motivation ist.
Ob es besser wird ?
115 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 20:19
Hat noch ein gutes Stück Arbeit vor sich.....aber lohnt sich jetzt schon.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 13:29
Top Game.
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 21:50
Schönes Spiel hoffe es geht bald weiter...
11 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 12:36
Still stucks on Startscreen on Ubuntu. NOT PLAYABLE.

172 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 18:09
Ein gelungener Nachfolger zum ersten Teil. Zudem ein Exempel, wie guter Early Access funktioniert, da die Entwickler aktiv mit der Community kommuniziert und sich deren Probleme annimmt. Dazu die regelmässigen Content-Updates. Props
244 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 12:44
Das Spiel ist eine gelungene Weiterentwicklung des Vorgängertitels.
Wer Dead Age 1 gespielt hat wird den Nachfolger genauso oder gar
noch mehr mögen.
Durch den Basisbau à la War of Mine und diverse neue Skills muss
man seine Taktik stets überdenken, zumal für wichtige Quests nur
wenig Zeit bleibt.
Das Spiel befindet sich zwar noch in der Early Access Phase, wirkt
aber schon sehr ausgereift. In den paar Stunden Spielzeit von mir
konnte ich keine wesentlichen Bugs erkennen. Das Entwicklerteam
ist sehr freundlich und hat einen kleineren Bug bei mir nach Zusenden
des Reportes innerhalb von 2 Tagen behoben.

Das Preis/Leistungsverhältnis stimmt absolut !
Für alle Fans von rundenbasierenden Games :
Klare Kaufempfehlung !
190 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 12:32
Schickes Point & Click Action RPG. Hier kann man nicht viel falsch machen.
Wer das Setting und diese Art Games mag auf jeden Fall ein ---> Must Buy (evtl. warten auf ein Angebot)

Gegenüber dem ersten Teil gab es einige Verbesserungen die sich echt gelohnt haben.

Grafik: 8,5/10
Sound: 8,0/10
Story: 9,5/10
Preis: 6,5/10
Quests: Hauptquests sind ganz gut gelungen und einige nette Sidequests gibt es auch. Gibt also genug zu tun.

Fazit: 8,5/10

Auf jeden Fall Daumen hoch.
56 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 18:57
Macht schon echt laune das game :D

Bevor ichs mir gekauft habe dachte ich es wird nur wieder so ein 20h Spiel, was dann recht schnell langweilig wird.
Aber sah halt schon echt Interessant aus deswegen hab ich es mir dann auch geholt.
Wie man sehen kann bin ich schon bei weit über 20h und es macht mir immernoch spaß :D

Dafür das es Early Access ist, kann man schon ne menge machen. Es gibt momentan noch einige Bugs im Spiel, das sollte man vorher auch beachten. Dafür ist das Feedback vom Entwickler Team wirklich grandios, wenn man Bugs findet oder Probleme hat, und ihnen das auch mitteilt, bekommt man innerhalb kürzester zeit eine Antwort und es wird auf das eingegangen was die Spieler vorschlagen.

Dafür auf jedenfall n Daumen hoch :)

Zum Spiel selbst:

Der Fokus liegt hier wirklich hauptsächlich auf dem Kampf, bzw auf effektiver Wegfindung, Ressourcen Sammeln und möglichst viele Aufgaben an einem Tag zu erledigen.
Basis ausbau ist dabei natürlich nicht zu unterschätzen. Man muss manchmal wirklich überlegen wo gerade die eigenen Prios liegen.

Das Kampfsystem bietet jeh nach Spielweise, lvl der Chars, Fähigkeiten, Spielfortschritt und deinen Munitionsvorräten genug Möglichkeiten, die Kämpfe gut bestreiten zu können.
Wenn man erstmal herausgefunden wie die Kampfmechaniken funktionieren also Sprich:
welche Fähigkeit benutze ich wann, lohnt sich der Schuss oder Fokussiere ich meine Aktionspunkte damit ich nächste Runde mich buffen kann um mehr Schaden auszuteilen, Läufts eig wie geschmiert :D

Aber das sind alles Erfahrungswerte, die man im Laufe des Spiels sammelt. Man sollte nicht erwarten das man das von Anfang an drauf hat bevor man es wirklich mal durchgespielt hat.

Wer nicht so auf viel Kämpfen steht, oder auf nachdenken über seine Aktionen sondern nur Ballern will, für den wirds warscheinlich eher weniger was sein.

Im Zweifels Fall würde ich jedem ein Lets Play vorher empfehlen, der sich noch unsicher ist ob das Spiel für einen was ist oder nicht. Ein Blick vorher mal riskieren schadet nie :)
339 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 09:44
Seit langem warte ich auf den Release und habe es mir sofort geholt trotz Early Access. Wenn man das erste Spiel geliebt hat, muss man sich erstmal umgewöhnen. Die Spielweise hat sich etwas verändert, es ist komplexer und vielfältiger geworden. Das finde ich aber gut. Auch die Bezüge ingame zu DeadAge 1 gefallen mir sehr.

Bestimmt beschweren sich einige darüber, dass es Bugs gibt. Aber bedenkt bitte... Early Access und erst vor so wenigen Tagen auf den Markt gekommen... NATÜRLICH hat es Fehler. Trotzdem ist es ein gutes Spiel und ich erkenne eine große Bemühung seitens der Entwickler den Spielern gerecht zu werden.

Ich freue mich schon auf das Endresultat :) Bisher hat es mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht!
350 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 20:48
Hab das Spiel mal kurz angetestet.

Die Schwierigkeit ist weit über dem vom ersten Teil.
Wer also meint locker zu zocken der liegt falsch. Schon die erste Quest kann Tödlich enden.
Also es dauert nicht lang und es geht von Vorne los.
Bis jetzt gefällt mir das Spiel gut. Es hat allerdings noch ein paar Probleme.
Die Grafik hängt hier und da mal ein bisschen und nach einiger Zeit fängt das Spiel an zu ruckeln
und das nicht ohne, nach einem kurzen neustart läuft es zwar wieder flüssiger aber es hält nicht lange.

Für einen Early Access start ganz gut, sobald das Geruckel weg gepatcht ist wird es Bombe.
Kaufempfehlung von mir sobald es flüssiger Läuft.

Edit: Das Spiel läuft jetzt flüssig, schon nach 2 Tagen weg gepatcht. Das Spiel wird sehr gut Supported und es gibt Regelmäßig Updates.
Klare Kaufempfehlung für alle die Rundenbasierte Zombie Survival Simulations Spiele liebt.
105 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 15:59
This game is by no means perfect but what It managed to do is give me that bit of nostalgia from those Flash games in the past, such as Rebuild, Zombie Pandemic and The Last Stand: Dead Zone. It's graphically very simple, pretty repetitive and the gameplay is very simple but it manages to do everything is intends to do correctly. I personally wouldn't pay more than £/$5 for it but it's worth a pickup if you want to feel like you're playing a bloody good Flash game once again.
1057 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 18:04
While I like the looting and survival aspects of the game, I can't recommend the tedious amount of combat you have to go through. I'm on day 10 (the in-game time) and I've already had to face at least MINIMUM ~100 combat scenarios. Combat is slow and time consuming, and cannot be skipped. The game also requires you to move to the same outpost SEVERAL times. Which means you have to trudge through a lot of zombies and more combat, and at this point I'm already bored of fighting the same enemies. They could of made a auto resolve, but they didn't. So that's why I cannot recommend the game for the price it is at.
231 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 09:35
I liked the concept and the art, it does get very very repetitive. But it is turn based combat so that often happens with those kinds of games. The graphics are nice, I love the style. In all honesty I don't know if its worth £15, there are free mobile games with the same concept and good art, I don't want to say I don't recommend it, but I do recommend checking out google play or apple store for a free zombie survival game with almost the same mechanics rather than paying for this. If its on a decent sale then I do recommend getting it, if its about £4.99.
You have to start over with nothing when you die which can also be a pain in the ass. It has limited variety of many things. Story is not that great also, it hasn't made anyone care about its characters enough to feel anything if they die or whatever else.
If you like things that are repetitive then it may be great for you.

Its clearly heavily inspired by this war of mine and darkest dungeon, maybe some walking dead, but I thoroughly enjoyed those games even in their repetitiveness, this game made me feel like playing is a bit of a chore. The games it's inspired by also had a much more compelling story line and made me care about the characters enough to keep playing, however this game doesn't do that for me.
194 Produkte im Account
172 Reviews
2370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 22:42
I was a big fan of Dead age 2, and this one simply continues the storyline; the turn-based combat is mostly the same.

I recommend that you try out the first game 1st, and if you like it, get this one. 100% Worth it.
241 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
3951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 18:58
It is decent enough for what it is. Worth catching on sale. However, the combat is extremely repetitive so expect to get bored with it quickly. You can choose between just engineer or hunter. Not a whole lot of diversity in terms of combat skills. But if you are autistic like I am and find dull, repetitive tasks soothing then this is a solid game for you.
207 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 22:23
Combat strategy isn't very deep but has turned out to be a great background game while listening to new music. Just had to get over being bored for the first half hour.
338 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 06:26
I refuse to give an indie game like this a thumbs down, but straight up: I did not enjoy the time I spent with it. It's slow and obtuse. I feel like with some heavy UI tweaks (basically - make it visually simpler for the player to decide what they should do and let them do it faster) Dead Age 2 could be a solid title, but at the end of my first playthrough I was so turned off I decided not to play anymore.

I still have no idea whether it's possible to change the default starting row for my character. :(
206 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 04:12
I almost feel like a traitor by leaving a negative review on this game but I really can’t recommend it.

This game has so much of what I like in a game. A mix of survival management and sandbox adventuring with a zombie apocalypse theme: everything meant to make me an addict. This game claims to be inspired by This War of Mine, Darkest Dungeon, Fallout and Walking Dead: I’m a fan of all of these and, clearly, the creators of this game are too.

The mix of all these inspirations is not even failed. The thematic is well presented for an indie game and the adventuring/survival element is decent. The graphics are plain yet pleasant while the interface quickly becomes intuitive. After two hours of play, I thought I would play this game endlessly. But after five hours, I was bored. Why? Combat mechanics.

Simplistic, repetitive combat mechanics. At first glance, combat seems quite similar to Darkest Dungeon (which is the highest standard for sandbox adventuring). Then, it feels more like Final Fantasy (which is still good). Finally, it reveals itself basically being a turn-based hack ‘n’ slash. A slow, unexciting hack ‘n’ slash.

Combat may be only one of many aspects of this game but it is where we spend 80% of our time. I like everything else about this game and I love what this game tries to be. But combat is dull and it is most of the game. I can’t recommend this game.
509 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 13:50
Watching other people play it turned out to be more entertaining than playing it myself. Otherwise not a bad game, just not for me despite my appreciation of zombie genre.
499 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 12:38
The sequel continues to develop ideas of the original, most developments are welcome and positive.
It's a quite interesting game and it requires making some calculations, making you think tactically and strategically (even on the low difficulty), e.g. on higher difficulties some fights are better be avoided than won, even if you win them your team may be left too low on health, supplies or ammo... or you can lose a character. And losing an experienced character may be not fatal, but finding a replacement and training them is not the task you want, especially on later stages.
844 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
2446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 14:14
Very repetitive and game economy is way off. But I like it. Only real difference is better graphics and audio over DA1. Get it on discount. You'll like it too.
37 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 19:57
Such a fun game! I lost track of time playing it. If you like turn based combat, resource management, and base building you'll enjoy this game. The only bad thing I'll say is that there is a story, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. It may interest some people, but I found it lacking. However that doesn't bother me, but it may bother some.
397 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
2305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 12:50
Zombie survival game, graphics are pleasing and it has good battle mechanics. Well done. It was far better than the first game. The first game depended too much on luck. At least this one you can fight easier. Still, I think these games should have normal saves cause luck games can be realllly annoying. Seriously, I dont want to play this several times, I just want to play it. I have a hundred games in Steam which I dont have time so stop making loop games, nobody with a live likes it.
1630 Produkte im Account
172 Reviews
2233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 03:30
It didn't fix a lot of the problems I had with the original, but it's still a solid offering. It's a little slow and grindy, but fun, with interesting narratives, and mechanics.
924 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 02:09
I am editing this since within 24 hours of the first review not only was my issue fixed, but the dev was kind enough to respond to let me know.

Dead Age 2 is a very fun zombie survival/turn based RPG that will provide you with hours of entertainment if you enjoy the turn based old school RPG format. The game improves on practically everything the first game did. A great sequel by dev's who obviously care very much about their game.
135 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 22:26
The game is poorly designed I cant believe they made a 2. The quest line ok but confused half the time where to go to complete missions. In combat you cant control where you attack some of the time. Yuck im sure somebody likes this game I did not.
313 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 21:09
Incredibly bland and repetitive game play. Even on sale, I regret the purchase
359 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 18:29
It could be a good game combat is interesting, lots of skills, base building seems good, just a lot of confusing party systems. I died and started another run and one of the main NPCs was just missing and no way to add anyone else to my party so I was stuck with two and there's no way that will turn out good. So I died and started another run now the other NPC was back and the one I had on the last run was missing. Then I gave up.
70 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 16:04
I enjoyed DA1 a lot, so I'm glad that for DA2, a lot of features that I wished for have actually been included.

What I like:
- The game in general lol
- Graphics, animation, etc. have been improved a lot since DA1
- Returning characters from DA1
- Open world with many more things to do
- Combat system is fun with more variety

What I dont like:
- Random encounters are somewhat annoying with little value added to the team (upgrades, resources, etc.) especially on my 2nd playthru when I have had enough lol
- Crafting could be better with more variety (weapons/armors attributes)
- I wish base improvements would be more developed (e.g watch towers, turrets, more defense posts, more options for crafting especially at late game when armor/weapon upgrades are much needed). Lots can be improved may be for DA3 in the future.
- Assault rifle could be more powerful.

After all, it was a fun experience and I'd like to recommend this small gem. Waiting for a DA3 in the future. Please support the dev.
276 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 20:50
Honestly, this feels more like a DLC than anything. Whilst lots of extras have been added, it still feels exactly the same as the first game.

Also, this game will eat your GPU alive, so keep that in mind. I've been cooking everytime I play this game
64 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 18:58
Decent story, but the game can get tedious with boring tasks
151 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 04:22
Good game, Kinda becomes a slog towards the end though
153 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 22:33
A fun zombie experience, however I do have the following suggestions. 1) the quests are too vague and dont give you enough information or leads, especially later on when you get a time limit of days you have left (YES, there is a time limit) and 2) enemies graze and block WAY too much during combat, which makes it so tedious and frustrating.
113 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 20:05
I really enjoy this game and the game is developed by a small team so some small flaws are acceptable. Overall, I would give this game a 7/10
Here are some the suggestions I would like to give:
1. Character Development: There aren't many characters in this game, but I do love the artwork and I think they all look unique and different from one another. However, the skill system doesn't make anyone one special. No one has special perks or unique skills and based on the game's current skill system, it's hard to make something creative or unique.
2. Quest: For game's quests, I think the developers have done what they can to make them interesting. One suggestion I want to give is improve the variety of quest rewards. Quests usually reward players with money, reputation, and occasionally weapons. I think, as the story goes, the quests should start rewarding with unique weapons, players, or items. For example, if you risk to help a character in the game, you will get a unique weapon or armor.
3. Weapons and armors: I love the artwork and how the character's appearance changes when an item is equipped. My suggestion is that the developers can add quality or rarity system to encourage players to play for better gears. I know there is a weapon level system, but nothing is unique. Fighting a special boss should reward the player with a special colored weapon and special weapons should have unique perks and skills.
4. Crafting and farming at base: Personally, I don't like this part of the game because a player can only have a limited number of players and if you want to have a team of three going out and fighting constantly, having only two characters staying at base and doing crafting or farming food is very inefficient in my opinion. Because I think it takes too long to craft an item and players usually have to make a choice of farming food or crafting items. It might have slow the progress of the game for players and make them spend more time on the game, but I dislike it.
5. Day and night: To be honest, I don't think daytime enemies and nighttime enemies are different or one is stronger than the other. I think exploring at night should be risky, but rewarding at the same time. If a player decides to go out at night, he/she will face stronger or special enemies, but they will drop better loot if defeated. I am also thinking about adding a visibility bar or a torch/flashlight durability bar to increase the difficulty to explore at night. When the bar runs out, the player has to return to the base, but that's just something that came across my mind and it might not work in the game.
So far, I've really enjoyed the game and I am looking forward to see this game's developments in the future.
166 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 23:43
I enjoyed it a lot in the beginning. So I would recommend getting this game on sale and rush the story. Don't expect anything, It becomes Incredibly boring very fast.

It comes to a point where you repeat everything, go to the objective and kill zombies.
Low water? go to the water tower, kill zombies. Loot
Low food? go to the farm, defend the same merchant you have defended like 7550 times already. Loot.
low ammo... well that sux because you made poor choices and nobody in your party can craft, or you can, kill the same zombies with the same weapons and the same team and get the same items and listen to the same sounds.... get the same useless Loot with 3 shells.
(start over)
Suddenly it becomes a chore do anything at all. The story and quests are horribly cringy with stupid and uninteresting dialogs. Going from encampment to encampment talking to people back and forth to the same spots you have been before, doing exactly the same things and killing the the same group of Bulletspongy zombies in the same scenery like trillions of times. Loot

The animations: super bad.
Graphics: ok
Character design: Tiddies and vomit
Sound: awful
Gameplay: Repetitive
Replay Value: None
Design: Hellish
Bugs: zombie swarm

Wow,so many replies. Sorry guys, I've had very little time to read all comments.
I respect devs reply, defending their game. Working on a game is damn hard and expensive.

This is my honest opinion of a game, and have no real harmful (personal) intention towards the Dev. That said, work harder to develop a better game next time.
374 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 13:44
Really enjoyed this game, would recommend picking up if you like the look of it.
148 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 12:01
Far too repetitive. You are going to be repeating the same shit over and over, grinding through boring fights that all look and feel the same. The base building part is cool but you have to devote someone to guard duty night and day or you will get raided. That only leaves one other person to actually make stuff while the other 3 collect materials. The story isn't anything interesting, a 12 year old could have (may have)written it.
290 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 10:20
i own the first one but never played it so cant really compare it to that.

its not bad. give it a shot if this is your type of game.

i feel there could be more to it, like better customization options for your main character but thats really just to nitpick at it.
they are active balancing the content so thats good, some of the skills did feel pretty underwhelming but it seems they
are actively trying to address that. resource management felt a little stressful when trying to relax and pay hella casual but probably just because im wasnt very well versed in the game yet. but overall yeah give it a try, can get a lot done in the 2 hour window to see if you actually do like it.
479 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 01:27
I recommend this game if you like simple turn based combat mixed with some light resources and base management.
This game is straightforward: fight, manage items, move on the map, fight, manage base, etc.
I guess I grew tired of games where you have to run around with your character to open stuff and talk to npcs and progress the story. In Dead Age 2, this is all automatic for the most part, just fight and make choices and manage some stuff and then fight some more. I really like that.

A big pro for me is the quality of life aspect of this game.
The inventory is shared between all characters (at the base or not) and limitless, so you are not constantly managing inventory to avoid being overweight or stuff like that.
Save is automatic and often, when you finish to manage your base in the morning and quit, it saves so you don't have to re-do your management (the previous game would only save at start of day).

I just finished my first run on normal difficulty, 60 hours.
I really enjoyed the overall atmosphere of the game.
In my opinion, it is much better than the first game.

The cons? They don't bother me but here they are:
- Advanced combat abilities that cost more than 2 AP are rarely useful. Simple attacks are often spammed but combat animations run quickly enough to follow pace.
- Some people might not like the simple graphics, but it is much better than the prequel, especially animations I found.
- Not a huge replay value after a successful run but 60 hours of entertainment is definitely worth the price!
The game is quite unique so if I feel like it again, I might do another run at the higher difficulty setting.
There are quests and achievements that cannot all be done in a single run but it's not a huge incentive in my opinion.
230 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 03:38
A pretty good sequel, if still a little buggy at the time of this writing.

Basically, DA2 is a straight upgrade to the original. The writing is much better; characters have more personality now. Story wise, you're trying to survive amidst 3 factions who exist uncomfortably with each other. You take over for an important yet small time leader and try to lead your little group to survival and prosperity. It's nothing ground breaking, but the story is told decently.

There's no shortage of tasks, quests, and other such things to do, while you exercise time management and plot your next move on a map. Do you seek more resources? Chance fighting at night? Play it safe and build up? The game has a somewhat chaotic but logical flow to it- you need to be ready to roll with the punches and have the sense to trade risk for opportunity. Additionally, there's rogue-like elements, such as dying but starting a new game with more benefits and different results of each new story, although I haven't tried this yet.

Graphics are decent enough. The characters range from homely to attractive to Morrowind in their appearance. Zombies are mostly recognizable by their types, although you'll want to swipe over them to remember exactly what they do in the bigger groups.

In combat, prioritizing the right zombie to focus down can be just as important as how you do it. You have a lot of tools to work with if you train your characters well. The game is also more merciful than before in regards to using healing items and defensive options, it feels.

I'm not sure I'm sold on the skills system. It's pretty much what it was before and it's not hard to use, but there's a sense of minimal power improvement, versus diversifying your talents. So far, characters never really feel significantly stronger upon leveling, which takes away a bit of the fun of leveling in the first place.

As for bugs, the UI isn't as clunky as the first one, but there's some definite background lag in the menus and loading of different screens sometimes. I haven't noticed an outright pattern behind it- sometimes the game works for a good long while, and another time, it froze my PC early into a session.

DA2 is perfectly enjoyable as far as I'm concerned and it's a step up, it just needs some ironing out.
292 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
5533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 16:34
If you liked Dead Age, or if you want to find a good base management / turn base zombie survival rpg, then you will like this game. (You don't need to play Dead Age for understanding the story, just some characters will pop up from the first game)

Base management
Story (there are quite a few twists actually)
Jobs / Skills
Factions / Relations

Good but could be better:
Romance (although limited number of romances and no interaction, just a cutscene and a side mission)
Multiple Reruns (you can rerun multiple times trying to get different faction bonuses but faction reputations don't effect the ending)

Might get repetitive after a while
Ironman on normal difficulty (if you die, that's it)

Overall, good game for it's price, just like the first game but quite better than it, just like the devs promised.

436 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 19:17
I will review this from the point of view of a fan of the previous game.

This game is a huge improvement over the original, but I wouldn't say it's worth full price. It's clunky, has bad animations, walls of text, and navigation is poor.
Having said that, the base building is very interesting, the tempo of the game feels right and I do look forward to reaching my goals.

I hope the devs improve menu navigation, and add more settings and options. Continuing with 3D combat was one of the worst choices.
267 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 09:58
*Reviewed by Aiori on turnbasedlovers.com*

After some months of intense work on Early Access, Dead Age 2 was released on 12th March 2021. A turn-based rogue-like RPG game based on a world devastated by zombies where you have to survive against them and other survivors. With the essence of the first game and tons of new features, it presents itself as one of the important releases of the year.

After creating your character, you can choose the aspect of your avatar and the localization of the protagonist's first three skill points, and a short tutorial, you will start at Jack's camp, your group HQ. At the HQ, you can do several tasks: you can talk with your mates, upgrade the base installations, accept missions and create resources and equipment. Also, new characters will join you after complete their missions.

Aside from the HQ management, you can explore the area, every day you can explore it twice, in the day or at night, with a group of three characters (or less). The exploration is time-based, you can move around the map as you want (30 in-game minutes per move), from point to point, but after some manoeuvres, you will be forced to return to your base. Between points, random events can happen; you will meet merchants with bodyguards, civilians in danger or groups of enemies. You can try to haggle the merchant's prices or threat them, with the possibility of provoking a fight with their bodyguards. In the case of the other survivors, if you rescue them, they will reward you....

There is an enormous variety of foes in the Dead Age 2 world: zombies, scavengers, other groups' members, animals and zombified animals. Even, when you advance through the story, you will meet improved versions of them. Some enemies are marked with a red skull, this means that they are veterans, they have better stats than the normal ones, but they will give you better rewards, and, of course, there are bosses and mid-bosses. Aside from normal attacks and skills, some opponents have passive skills, like immunity to some status ailments or attack your team when they move to the other row, among others....

Read the full review on: https://turnbasedlovers.com/review/dead-age-2
409 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 01:45
Was really looking forward to this game, but it just didn't do it for me. I find once I get past just the begging part the game really isn't that hard but just a grind. And while there are 3 factions you can ally with, it still just feels very linear and like I'm just going through the motions and don't really have much choice. Scenery, zombies, etc all very repetitive too.

For reference - huge this war of mine and fallout fan. Darkest dungeon was alright, but also turned into a grind fest. Didn't play walking dead
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 10:28
As a big fan of the original Dead Age I can say the sequel is a huge improvement and would even argue that the aspects that they took from other games such as This War of Mine have been implied in an even better way.

So does the upgrading system in Dead Age 2 feel way more rewarding, and give you access to truly better equipment, where in TWOM you only got different equipment. The combat system also feels more tactical, with an even wider variation of abilities/passives/zombies and other things to consider. The crafting system also had an improvement where you can now choose on what different skills you want the equipment to focus on (perception/strength/defense, etc).

The exploration is really great with a wide variety of different encounters. Later on in the game you'll unlock the [spoiler] subway system [/spoiler] which I found a very good implementation whereas in Darkest Dungeon the mindless backtracking could become very tedious.

As a disadvantage the game can feel a little too overwhelming, and you've to figure a lot of things out by trial and error. Some zombies are, for example, incapable of attacking your characters from their backline, while some abilities, such as the molotov cocktail thrown by the bitten civilian, can actually hit multiple characters while this is never specified. The turns order is also a bit foggy, where characters in the front row attack first and the ones in the back later. The turn order of the turret is also very weird whereas it will shoot when it is deployed and at the end of your turn, but will only shoot ones if the turn it is deployed also happens to be the last action of your turn. Another thing is that the game gives you about 20 quests in the first 2 days, and that you have to keep track of which were the difficult ones and which were the easier tasks. Maybe the developers could try to even out the amount of quests you constantly have?

You can also definitely still sense that the game is still in early access, there are a lot of typos and I have experienced 1 crash. If you can look past an occasional typo and a very rare crash, then the game is definitely playable and highly enjoyable.

Overall a huge improvement and definitely looking forward for more to come!
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 00:45
It is more a neutral review. If you like turn-based combat (similar to Darkest Dungeon), story with a lot NPCs, survival with base building and a lot of different zombies (more Resident Evil Style), this game will probably give you enjoyment.
However for me turn-based isn't my favorite and I love realtime combat with
games like State of Decay 2. I think Dead Age could be a bit faster in combat. Sure X-Com and turn based strategy games are still much much slower than Dead Age, but I personally still find it a bit too slow to play it longer.
136 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 21:35
Shoot 'em all, survive and explore in dead world!
132 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 12:14
Really good game. Easily worth the asking price.

There's some monotonous things that drag it down a bit to pad the gameplay time out, which I hope they fix during EA, but other than than that core game play is really good, and overall very unique.
396 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 22:10
Turn based combat with base management aspects and resource managements elements....right up my street! I enjoyed the first Dead Age alot but felt it was lacking a little bit of meat on its bones, and I feel Dead Age 2 addresses that.
They have done the wise thing of keeping all the elements that made the first game great and have built upon those systems and created an enjoyable and addictive game.
If you like turn based combat and/or are a zombie game fan then I would say this is a must for your collection, especially when considering the price of the game in comparison with many others.
251 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 00:08
I loved the first, and this is such an improvement so far. I'm in early access and I've exhausted most of the story until the next update, but what i've played so far is quite amazing. Highly recommended for those into turn-based rogue-lite type games. Plenty of replay value.
79 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 04:44
Yes I really like this game a lot.

I wish they didn't indulge in the occasional political indoctrinations I don't need to be told I'm a racist for supporting a strong and effective national border wall thank you very much. You want to drop that crap into a game you get it returned in your commentary. As for the game it's a great game which is not savable except at exit. If things go badly you have to start a new run no matter how far you are into the game and no matter what difficulty.

The interface with the team members is a little wonky as it will switch your selection to another as you scroll sideways through them. You have to click on the team member again just to be sure that the one framed is actually the one selected for a task. Also there is no exit option from a decision to commit to a task which will produce a state of depression due to no food or water unless you are the avatar leader.

Why is it a good game? Well it is very satisfying if you like grindy games. You had better not assume you are strong enough just because you have been assigned a mission. Unlike other games you are going to have to tread very carefully into new territory even when the NPC's give you the opportunity or a directive to do so.

It's a hard game and you have to think carefully about how to engage each group you encounter. Smart analysis of the opposition makes all the difference. You are challenged to adopt new approaches to each encounter as the various mixtures of opponents presents unique hazards.

You have to manage your consumption of consumables very carefully. You can't just fire your assault rifle all day or you will be out of ammo when you really need it. You can't just melee all the time or your team members will take a lot of avoidable damage. You can't just top off your health all the time or you will run out of medkits and be forced to take serious risks.

After a few run-throughs you'll be handling the challenges like an expert and then those dirty beggars had better watch out !

Fun game !!

15 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 07:38
So far it has a couple annoying bugs. For one thing the mouse is 1 inch to the right of where you see it so clicking things is a pain. Two, I added guys to my group but when I left camp my guy was alone. 3 I have no idea how to save it so I just closed the app. besides that its ok. I'll change this if it gets any better but right now Im frustrated and if I have to start over when I log back in There is no way i'm going to go through all that automated stuff again.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 11:43
It is more a neutral review. Story, graphics and gameplay are okay so far. But I think that the game is too unfair in some situations. What should I do if the too few survivors die and I have to fight alone against the zombie pack. The antidote against zombie bites has to be found as well. It would be better if there are still a few more survivors. Okay, of course I can start over, but with more survivors we would have more chances.
33 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 05:04
Dead Age 2 is a very fun and challenging game, especially for new players. It is a strategy-survival game hybrid with turn-based combat that is fun to play for a few hours at a time. In the zombie apocalypse, you need to manage money, resources, food, water, and a group of survivors to help you manage and collect all of the resources listed above. It's constant stream of quests & activities - some of which may severely impact your survival if not completed - that the game gives you will make sure that there is always something to do. In order to survive, the game forces players to plan ahead, as the smallest mistake may lead to your doom. The game is very challenging, especially for players who are new to the game or haven't played the original Dead Age. The game all-around is a huge step up from the original Dead Age, and it is generally extremely fun to play. 9/10.
168 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 21:09
great game
668 Produkte im Account
150 Reviews
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 18:04
Code Written By Hidden Gems Review : https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38624426/

Dead Age II it's a turn based strategy zombie game.

This is a really interesting game where the choices matter, just in the start of the game apear a girl who make me remember walking dead with negan and his lucile, obey or... you know... fight.

The graphics are stunning for an indie game, looks really awsome it's one of the best points of the game.

The turn based and the strategy there is a bit of learning curve but easy to understand when you play it for hours.

Seems pretty realistic, in the day you go outsite to do missions grab stuff ect, then you go back to the shelter for sleep and rest and prepare for the next day.

You can see my Gameplay here : https://youtu.be/TvMviYiFToo
50 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 06:12
i read the guide in 27 days game will be over if there any mode of endless days and it's up to us when game will end and if there were sniper guns it would be nice.But all over game is very good.Always keep me playing.
527 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 19:18
Don't expect the ease of the first game. Theres a harder difficulty here for sure. The learning curve is more steep as the options for combat and base have been expanded. So much more to do. That said the game is EA so don't expect perfect polish. Check game play videos and judge for yourself. I plan to sink some time in to the game this holiday season, I'll likely update with a better review then.
390 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
3781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 21:53
I got DA (1) cheap and I liked it. So when DA2 beta was available at reduced price I grabbed it.
And played it as far as the story will take me in beta. And I like DA2 too. Dev's ask for thumbs so here it goes. Good luck & thanks =)
429 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 09:03
For an EA game under $20 it's a good time some weird design choices and dumb mechanics, but all in all not to bad.
297 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 14:44
A really good sequel to a really nice rpg. I did'nt like dying that much in games befor Dead Age!
And a real plus: The game crashed and my savegame got damaged; I sent a mail to the devs and they fixed it in a couple days... Great dev team! Thank you.
128 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 02:19
I'm going to give this game a chance. It has very well done graphics with a cool/basic fighting system. It is enough to keep the player on their toes. Per usual, I would not buy this game yet since IT IS IN ALPHA! There isn't going to be a lot of content and hopefully the devs have a lot more to add on their final product.

One thing I would like to see is more on an expansion of skills, possible weapons, or talents. It seems very minimal when it is just blade and blunt with support in the same section. I think they could split this, add a piercing section. (There are creatures with armor, this could be something to bypass or consider) and allow another support in the realm of negotiation/charisma. I do like that the leveling follows that closely of Shadowrun, I enjoy an rpg that always add conditional perks. If a player gets hurt really badly, maybe now they have a permanent injury, traumatizing event could make them more susceptible to fear, etc.

Combat is a lot of fun and seems to be the most work they put into. Last thing I want, please allow a skip tutorial action when you make a new game, it sucks doing it over and over and over when you restart.
180 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 07:01
the game is so enjoyable if possible add quest widget for limited time or main quest no complain so far game work so well ????????
2211 Produkte im Account
214 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 22:53
Although they’ve certainly oversaturated the market in recent years, I have a soft spot for zombies when they’re well done. Back when I was still a frequent flier of the shooter genre, I sank a crazy number of hours into Left 4 Dead 2. After having the hype built up for me by the earlier seasons of The Walking Dead, several others clicked for me as well. I got a kick out of Dead Island and have even returned to it and played it recently with a few friends that were roped in. It’s admittedly superior successor Dying Light is next on my recent zombie stand-outs to hit up in multiplayer and ideas have been thrown around about jumping into a couple of the forever-in-development survival simulators that were already fun years ago, 7 Days to Die and Project Zomboid. Oh, and we can’t forget my long-standing addiction to State of Decay 2.

The original Dead Age only caught my eye within the last year or so and although the depth may not have been comparable to many of the aforementioned titles, I had a good amount of fun with it for what it was. There were several times that I played it a couple of hours in a single sitting, though I ultimately burned out of it before I saw it through to the end. With the arrival of Dead Age 2, I once again found myself hooked over a couple of sessions thanks to the improvements that you’d expect in a sequel, though in the end, several of the same major flaws showed through.

Oh Great, Another Apocalypse
Dead Age 2 tells the tale of a camp of survivors as they struggle against seemingly insurmountable odds. Although the zombie apocalypse had been all but overcome by the fraction of humanity that had scraped by, a resurgence has taken place several years later and pushed the recovery phase back to the drawing board. The living have once again become the hunted scavengers divided by faction lines that they once were. The army, the independents, and the smugglers are the three key ones that hold serious sway in the world as it is.

These factions can make for useful allies and provide benefits like unique equipment, though you’ll have to build a relationship with them first. Running around the map and completing tasks for them is the key to this and these missions come in quite a variety with differing levels of difficulty. At the end of the day though, it’ll be up to you to ensure that your camp makes it through this harrowing experience and out the other side.

A Makeshift Fortress with Too Many Mouths to Feed
Your base of operations is a decently large building with plenty of room for improvement. Each area within its domain, whether a room inside or a space outside, has a predetermined capability that allows a specific facility to be constructed and upgrade there. These offer necessary advantages like improved armor, being able to produce food, and increasing the quantity and quality of your camp’s defenses. The variety of improvements is done well enough to keep you occupied during an indie title like this one, though I often found myself wishing that I could’ve had a little more creative license and decided on how I wanted to use the space available to me.

The Feared and the Fearless
No matter how efficiently your base may end up running, you’ll need to send you survivors out every so often to scavenge for supplies. Instead of providing their labors to the camp, they’ll instead be dealing head-on with the dead and gathering whatever useful items the come across. The territory map has locations scattered all about it with different areas being better for different types of loot. If you’re looking for food, the forest may be ideal with its berries and wild game running about, but if you’re looking for guns and ammunition, you might want to give the police station a shot instead.

Most of your time will likely be spent scavenging these locations. This experience can mostly be summed up as your party running from left to right through an area, stopping at certain points to loot, fight, or interact with events. Combat plays out similarly to other turn-based RPGs, like Darkest Dungeon, WARSAW, or just about any classic RPG. You’ll be making use of character positioning, managing your health and supplies, and using abilities based on your characters’ skills and equipment. The variety of zombies with a few other enemies sprinkled in keeps it interesting longer than you might expect and the experience gained from these trips lets you level up and customize your survivors. These levels grant them boosted capabilities that help both in the field and at home.

Rogue-Lite… Lite
Dead Age 2 has several features that technically make it a rogue-like, though I’d suggest there are some limitations to this. When you die, your game ends, though you’re granted medals based on what you achieved during that run. These can be spent to improve your starting conditions with better equipment, a more talented main character, and friendlier relations with the factions. This all sounds nice, but there’s a catch. You may not even end up using this aspect of the game.

When you first kick the experience off, you’re informed that you shouldn’t turn up the difficulty until you’ve completed the story once. The problem is that there just aren’t enough rogue-like elements or difficulty to justify the engagement that’s required to dive into them. The gameplay loop is too repetitive when compared to the rogue-like classics that have truly left their mark on us. I found myself running out of steam a few hours into my first run and have never used the rogue-lite mechanics at all. It seems to me that a much more challenging base difficulty would’ve suited the title better overall. As it is, the skilled and experienced gamers among us are likely to see everything in their first go of it.

Dead Age 2 is a nice diversion of a fairly casual zombie-themed RPG that can provide a good amount of fun for a few hours. After that, it’ll likely start to feel repetitive and you’ll find yourself looking for a new experience to jump into instead of giving it another go with the rogue-like improvements. I’d recommend it to fans of the zombie theme as its solid enough for what it is and can certainly provide fun for a bit, but don’t expect it to earn a place on your mantle.

Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
18258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 13:05
Fantastic game. Smooth gameplay. Detailed storyline. Fast response from DEVs.

Just wish to have more rogue-like elements. :)
793 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
2967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 16:40




OF A SIMILAR NATURE TO: Dead Age, Darkest Dungeon
Potentially a proper sequel in the making. Turn-based story RPG. Apocalyptic zombie setting. Character levelling and skill-point allocation. New overland nodal map of dynamic locations. Expanded locations with longer encounters. Deeper combat with more tactical options. Multiple factions with a reputation model. A few dozen quests. Larger inventory pool. Current balance seems more forgiving. Graphically expanded with increased animations. Permadeath - made with repeat dying in mind. Singleplayer only. A work in progress, some bugs. More content to come, still in EA.

More info below....


Dead Age 2 is a quest driven RPG with survival elements and side-on encounters with turn-based, tactical combat with up to six on each side. It is set in a large dystopian world following a zombie apocalypse where factions are now jostling for survival and domination. After creating a character and playing through a tutorial the adventure begins.

Players start at their home camp and gather their party. The party moves across an overland nodal map to explore, scavenge, interact with groups and complete quests. NPCs belonging to one of three new factions provide quests via dialogue. Resources such as food, water, materials and ammo must be collected to arm and feed the group, and upgrade the camp's facilities. Survivors are assigned jobs at these factilities to provide a steady supply of resources.

Visually the game has seen lots of benefits. Camps are fully rendered and their facilities visited to interact with NPCs. Locations now have three sub-areas instead of one with a range of randomly generated encounters. Combat occurs against hostile survivors, zombies and wild-life when conflict arises. Up to six individuals can fight on each side. XP is gained by winning fights, saving random survivors, completing quests and jobs. This allows characters to level-up and allocate points to a range of skills. Completing quests for factions also increases the group's reputation with them required. Required to progress to additional quests. If the main character dies, the game restarts but 'upgrade points' can be allocated to give the character a boost before taking on the challenge anew.


+ A new, comprehensive story of linked quests and detailed backstory.
+ Graphically expanded world with more backdrops to locations.
+ New nodal overland map with over a hundred dynamically generated resource locations to explore.
+ Reworked combat with greater tactical options, dynamic elements, with up to six allies vs six enemies.
+ Greater range of non-combat related encounters to gain resources (hunting, rescuing, healing, etc) and possible ambush encounters.
+ Larger selection of resources and an enlarged inventory of items.
+ Reworked range of skills.
+ Logically redesigned GUI showing showing alot of game's hidden depth (info, tooltips etc).
+ New features like purchasable healing and hard to find resources.
+ Redesigned weapon and armor crafting with up to 3x selectable tactical modifications.
+ Organically gained achievements.
+ Consequences of actions matter for some quests.
+ Fully graphically rendered faction camps with personalities, services and quests givers.


- Voice-overs would add to the immersion even more.
- Missing a few features I would like to see (i.e. no manual save, no retreat feature, healing other character, weapon jams.)
- Forced return to base at sundown not entirely nailed.
- Cascading combat effects on prone characters needs balancing. Possible for characters to die without being able to help them.
- Timed quests require a better notification system. Possibly alerts on the main screen.
- Only basic creation options for main character have been implemented.
- Needs more recruitable NPCs.


* A solidly put together campaign with around 10-30 hours of content.
* Extensive tool-tips provide a window into wealth of under-the-bonnet information.
* Some gameplay elements require more balancing.
* Random encounters between travel points brings welcome dynamicity to exploration.
* Only peripheral use of characters from the first game. No need to have played the first game.
* Early game has a fairly steep learning curve.
* Minimal quest tracking. Needs improvement.
* AI mostly works. Enemy AI may need tweaks.
* Still a work in progress.


Dead Age 2 is looking a proper sequel in the making. All the ingredients are there. The core features of the original game have been taken to a new level. Important aspects of gameplay have been enlarged, enhanced or revamped to offer more immersive gameplay. Substantially increased content and greater possibilities to interact with the game world make for a stronger RPG experience than its predecessor.

The new overland map adds a significant level of strategy to exploration and scavenging, making it feel worth pursuing. Expanded encounter locations and greater tactical options offer more engaging combat. The addition of factions, reputation and graphically rendered camps create the sense of playing in a larger game world. Sutble tweaks to the nature of map locations and how encounters are populated provide a level of dynamicity that softens the repetitive nature of gameplay from the first game. A larger inventory pool and more prevalent resources combine for a more compelling experience. Something pack-rats will enjoy. While trimming some of the more mundane aspects such as abstracting camp attacks have streamlined the pace and feel of the game for the better.

Missing features seem few in number. I would have liked to have seen: a retreat option, a way to heal prone allies. Group interpersonal relationships from the first game seem to have disappeared. The atmosphere generated between camp survivors is missing. If added the immersion would be taken up a level. Recruitable survivors are virtually missing. Hoping some of these get added.

The developers have managed to make the game they probably wanted to originally produce. Overall the changes in design and implementation are substantial if not entirely complete. The amount of content is bordering on 20-30 hours if you take your time to fully interact with this newly created world. However since the game has perma-death losing dozens of hours in a playthrough is possible. If that isn't your idea of fun then the consider that it has been designed with that in mind. Subsequent playthroughs allow new characters to start with upgrade points assigned to key skills.

Though I am no fan of Early Access I enjoyed the first Dead Age game. I was always going to get the sequel if it was larger, better and offered a different experience than the original. Which it does. Dead Age 2 is well designed, suitably enhanced and going in the right direction. Its substantially complete but needs more work. If you are considering purchasing this in EA then I recommend it but with the usual caveat.
1550 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 21:56
Dead Age 2 is a roguelite, turn-based RPG with survival elements. It's basically like The Walking Dead (Season 10). Your Main Character is the leader of a small group, which you need to take care of. You need food and water for everyone to survive. You can find both on the map or harvest them by yourself. The base management is at least as important as the turn-based fights which are pretty deep and full of surprises. There are several different weapons (firearms and melee weapons), dozens of different enemies with traits and abilities, aswell as different abilities for your own survivors. Some can use turrets or call a dog. Your Survivors level up. With each level, they gain points which you can spend how you want. Some skills are usefull in fights, some are useful at your base (Being able to harvest more food a day etc).

In your base, you can craft new and stronger clothes/armor, weapons, ammo or medicine. All of this is needed in the long run, since enemies get stronger and the quests harder. There are innumerable story and side quests. Usually in rougelites the story is kind of boring. Something i skip after the first few minutes. In Dead Age 2 even side quests are pretty interesting since you learn to love or hate characters - especially quests about survivors in your team are interesting. One of my characters died and his personal quest just ended. I was pretty sad to not find out more about him. Many quests are pretty personal. Thats why you don't want your survivors to die. Often in other roguelites it doesn't really matter if one of your team dies, because you will eventually get a new one or start a new run. If your main character dies, your run ends and you have to start over. After every run, you gain points to start the run stronger than before.

Besides your own little team of survivors there are other factions (like U.S. Army). You have a relationship to every one of them. You can decide if you want to turn on them and fight them, or if you will cooperate and work together. Every faction gives you adventages, but some factions want you to attack others. This makes it pretty hard to be on good terms with everyone.

Every day is split into daytime and nighttime. Each is 8 hours long. One move on the world map takes 30 minutes, so you'll need to plan exactly what you want to do and when. It is also possible that other factions or zombies attack your home base. To defend your home base, you'll need to put someone on duty and that's what i dislike about defending your base. Everyone is at the base and just one can defend (you can level up your defence later and get more than that to defend)? I understand that the others are asleep at night or doing other things and that the one on duty notices first when someone attacks but there are so many enemies attacking that it wouldn't hurt balance-wise if there was some mechanic to wake others up. Survivors could have the ability to wake someone up for 2AP per turn (then you can't attack) and the one who wakes up joins the fight the next turn. I did not finish the game yet, nor is it finished - so maybe they will add that later (hopefully ;)).

One other thing i dislike is the tutorial. The tutorial tries to explain every little thing and mechanic at the very beginning of the game and to top it off, the UI and the menus are full with details. Some infos you could hide 'til you hover over some keyword/name/object to make it look cleaner. Also, within a fight you can hover over enemies and see details. It's not perfect right now. Sometimes you hover over an enemie and it shows stats from the one next to it. With 6 enemies it takes WAY to long and is WAY to hard to see stats from specific enemies.
You can play the game perfectly fine without a keyboard which is an important part imo. The only thing you CAN'T do without a keyboard is to return to the base before 8 hours are over. It's nothing big, but i would suggest to make it possible to select without the keyboard. It's just easier when you want to play on a couch and relax.

All in all this is an big improvement in the series. It's still in EA, has some minor bugs and glitches but is very playable and fun after the tutorial. The roadmap looks promising and the dev's really care about the game. They give answeres to every review and question and really pushed out a decent number of updates since release. With HeadUp as the publisher im sure they will take care of most things players are unhappy with. I would suggest everyone who is into the genre or liked Dead Age 1 to give it a shot.

If you liked my review and are into strategy games (such as deck- builders/battlers, turn-based or real-time) please follow my curator page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38553778/
336 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 04:54
Big thumbs down for this. There's a really key aspect that they dont tell you about this game. And you only find out until it's way too late.

This game has a time limit. You have 33 days to do everything and win.

WTF?! Had I known this had a time limit I would never have bought this in the first place. I hate games with time limits. When I play a game, I want to play at MY pace. I want to be able to choose when I want to advance the story, when I want to do side mission and when I just want to farm a bit. In my game that's exactly what I've been doing...farming for about a week to stock up on some materials and get some levels. Then out of the blue, I get a mission telling me I have 9 days before the world ends basically. The task I have to perform to avoid this is 100% impossible for me at 9 days. It would have been difficult to do even if I had known from day 1.

This is some first class BS.

I can't thumbs down enough.
98 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 14:04
Dead Age 2 is a mix of survival, exploration, turn base combat and some rogue like elements where you try to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Main gameplay elements:

  • Map exploration
  • Turn based combat
  • Character skills
  • Random encounters
  • Quests
  • Choices
  • Factions
  • Camp upgrade
  • Relationships
  • Permanent upgrades

Let's start with the rogue like element, you probably going to die and your main character gets some points to spend on stats to help you in your future runs.

After a bit of story you get your first quests after that the map is yours to explore. Similar to this war of mine, you are trying to find food, water, building/crafting material... while at the same time heading toward your quest objectives. Once you get back to your camp you can upgrade different rooms. Garden for food, crafting stations for better recipes... Exploring the maps result in random encounters with turn base combat. Your party members have a melee and a range weapon plus a specialization the tutorial does a solid job explaining this part. It took me some time to get into it, but after a few hours I was hooked. Can only recommend if you like this type of games.
690 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 01:22
If you enjoyed the first game, you will love the second as its the same, but better in every single way.

If you didn't play the first, but the idea of this games genre mashup sounds appealing, give it a shot, you will know whether its for you in the 2 hour refund window or not.

Dead Age 2 is a mix of Final Fantasy combat, community management, open world, rogue-lite with permadeath and unlock progression between runs in a post zombie apocalypse setting.

Game plays well, is difficult but fair and if your looking for your next zombie game this will hit the spot.
5179 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
1243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 08:44


Dead Age 2 is a fantastic take on the survival/rogue-like zombie genre with great improvements from the first game.

In Dead Age 2 you play a survivor trying to survive years after a zombie apocalypse. You’ll manage yourself and a small group of survivors you can expand as well as a base you can upgrade. You will have resources you’ll need to find and manage in order to to craft, upgrade and keep your people alive and have a successful run.
There is a pretty thorough tutorial which explains everything you need to know which prevents you from becoming overwhelmed with the many features (levelling, management, factions, trading, base upgrading, quests) and is a massive improvement from the first game which was lacking an in-depth explanation of how to play. The tutorial is a little long but it’s thorough and you’ll appreciate it as you get deeper into the game.

Management of resources is a large part of Dead Age 2 and you’ll need to manage your time properly for the best shot at a successful run. This means scavenging at the right times, trading with other factions, and even limiting the number of survivors you want in your base. Ensuring your resources are your number one priority gives you the best chance for survival. The combat in Dead Age 2 is turn-based and is almost identical to the first game which is a good as it is easy to understand and intuitive. The only downside to combat is you CANNOT control random survivors that you come across and sometimes they can really, really mess up a fight even though they are out of your control.

The addition of factions in Dead Age 2 is another great feature as it makes the world feel more alive and realistic (it wouldn’t just be your group that survived this long) and also adds trading and quests for rewards so you always have something to do in the game. There is also the levelling system to allow you to customize your survivors and their skills (blunt of bladed weapons, shotties or rifles) but this is not that fleshed out. There just enough to make you feel like your survivors are different but I wouldn’t really call it RPG style as some others have.
Dead Age 2 almost encourages you to die as you’ll receive certain buffs on your next playthroughs giving the game a nice rogue-like element to it and adding a lot of replayability as you next runs will be easier. Replayabilty is also added by the fact that some events, quests, and locations are all randomized and apparently there are different endings (I haven’t got that far yet).

I only have a few main gripes about the game that I would like to see improved over its time in Early Access.
Maybe there could be some rebalancing with the resources as that is the biggest issue I have so far. Finding water seems to be really, really hard sometimes but maybe I’ve just had bad runs. Sometimes making sure you have enough resources whilst juggling fetch quests and survivor quests can feel a little overwhelming, especially since some quests are timed.
The performance also needs major work in some areas. I’ll enter an area at times and there will be random lag that makes the game close to unplayable.
Timed quests can get really annoying really fast when I have no control over when they are activated, and I already have 6 other things to do.


Solid combat system with enough variety to keep it interesting.
Great base-building, upgrading, resource management and trading features.
Plenty of quests and things to do, none of which feel too repetitive
Great replayability.
Massive improvement over the first game


Performance issues can make the game almost unplayable and have been the sole reason of me ending my session for the day.
Some resources are really, really hard to find.
Timed quests can make things overwhelming if you don’t proceed with them right away.

All in all, Dead Age 2 is a great game with great potential and developers that seem passionate about making the best product they can. If you were a fan of the first game, then this is a must buy as it has major improvements that you probably wished were in the first. If you’ve not tried the first, I would still recommend the game as it’s been an enjoyable experience for me throughout the 20+ hours I have played.
259 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
3863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 15:27
Very enjoyable game about base management, scavenging and tactical combat, with rpg elements, characters and a story to move things forward. The only obstacles to get over is the unpolished interface and an overly long, boring tutorial. Just give me the gist of it and let me play the damn game. Thank you.
245 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 21:48
It's been pretty fun, and the devs look like they're listening well to the early access feedback.
79 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 05:37
If you liked the first one but felt the storyline rushed and constrained you this has a much more open feel while still having to make hard choices. The sandbox style choice system, time constraints, base development, and campaign map pathing have all been given more depth. An absolute improvement to game I already enjoyed.

Also most of the glitches and that you are being warned about have been fixed and so far I have not experienced any game breaking issues. Just one isolated load up issued fixed by a restart.
11352 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 20:38

A Zombie survival game with a mixture of roguelike and turn based aspects. Gameplay is pretty good with there being an open world like system where you can go on quest to go loot for resources required to build and improve your base. There is also the day and night cycle where you may or may not want to go out to do the quest or rest up, as it is more dangerous but are able to grab better things. So planning when playing is a rather important, when to go out as well as when in combat. It's has turn based party gameplay where you control multiple people, having some in the frontline or the back, using melee and ranged weapons. Overall, i had an ok, enjoyable time so far.
412 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 04:25
This is certainly a mixed review for me as I enjoyed the first game and I do enjoy the improvements they tried to make. Considering this is an early access I hope they can fix and polish the game.

+ More engaging story. I like the fact that you are a part of a greater community. Trying to gain alliances and figuring out the mutants ended up being interesting enough.
+- The combat. It works but it's not balanced. Some weapons are much more cost effective and better. For example rifles are completely useless because of the cost of ammo and little dmg. There's also little variety in combat.
+- Events. I know they're updating this but there's very little variety in the events and the same ones will continue to reappear.
+- The overhead map. It works, but it's super annoying to always have encounters when you try to get somewhere.
- It's very grindy. Base management and upkeep is not fun. You're not given many companions and are constantly under scavenger attacks.
- The quest line and time limits are unfair. You are given time limits which seems fair but then you realize you have to do 20 quests to earn the leaders trust. These quests are scattered all over the map and are also not very intuitive. For ex. One leader wants you to spy on the others. He says to talk to the three leaders (the quest marker say you need to speak to 0/3 leaders) What it doesn't say is how you need to report to him while you do it making you lose precious time.
It's too hard to figure out on your first go and while the game is designed to be replayed it is too boring to do so. Playing on normal difficulty you have to min/max your time usage which allows for little freedom in a strategy/Rpg.

Dead Age 2 has great potential but I can't recommend it yet. It is too grindy and unfair. Hopefully the devs will listen to the feedback.
128 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 19:14
I stumbled upon Dead Age 1 when it came on sale and though it was rough around the edges... I really enjoyed it and have 70+ hours on record.

As I write this we are still in Early Access of this game and I have been looking forward to it. I am only about 4 hours into my first run through and I enjoy it... Many of the reviews I read were pretty savage and critical of the game and the developers and I felt the need to throw in a support review because I enjoy their games. Bottom line is... if you enjoyed Dead Age 1 you should enjoy the sequel. If you want to support the developer, get the game. I got mine with the 20% loyalty discount for owning Dead Age one.

I wasn't really sure what direction this sequel would take, but I like where they are trying to go with it... though the game is still unpolished, rough around the edges and sometimes repetitive... if they listen to customer feedback and make improvements this game could be much better than it is now.

-Overall the game is more graphically pleasing than Dead Age 1
-Your base has a more obvious layout like in Fallout Shelter or This War of Mine
-I think the quest tracking is more obvious
-More choices with consequences (although it would be nice to have more obvious prompts on what choices actually do)
-Crafting system and skill system has been changed a bit and I think it is a bit cleaner than it was in the original
-Really enjoying the scavenging and gathering resources
-Added factions with reputation
-I like moving around on the map and all the choices
-Characters from the first game are built into the story which is a nice touch
-Zombie theme, turn based RPG with levelling up

-The first... hour or so of gameplay is a forced tutorial which takes you through the nitty gritty details of the crafting systems and how things work. I felt uncomfortable with it and would have preferred to have it separate from the main gameplay and just have the option to a) watch the parts I wanted to watch or b) simply learn by playing it.

-My biggest complaint is the controls... everything is done with the mouse and it is clunky, it takes several clicks to get an action done, etc.. If there was a way to map out actions it could be much more intuitive. If they had controller support for like an Xbox controller that would be nice too as the game is fairly straightforward in regards to what buttons you need to press.
2648 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 18:32
Dead Age 2 - the successor of the original Dead Age - is a tactical turn-based game with rpg rogue-like and survival elements in an open world strategic meta.

Played on i7 8700K, nVidia GTX1060, 32 GB RAN, WIN 10.

Written at the state of early access, there is still a lot of work to do and the developer needs the feedback of the commumnity.

But is the second part better than the first one? Yes! Here is why, in my humble opinion:

- world map with free roaming, random encounters, loot and quest sites
- day/night cycle - at night with higher risk, but higher chance for better loot
- base building with improvements during the game
- factions and their bases for trading, story and side quests
- party and base management with focus on skills and well thought-out use of goods/food/commodities
- challenging turn-based fights, more enemy- and skill-variety compared to DA1
- rogue-like elements and permadeath - invest skillpoints for an easier re-run
- reunion with some predecessor NPCs during the story
- developer is very close to the community and reacts quickly
- short early access phase due to the roadmap

- difficulty probably needs little balancing in some areas
- more resolution options beyond Full HD, like 2K or even 4K

- some sounds are louder than others - adjustments needed
- framedrops in some areas - my rig can handle that - maybe others not
- Bugs. They do exist as expected for early access. And obviously they depend on different (random affected) playstyles.
Sure, its annoying everytime. But the developer takes care of them so I'm sure this is going well until release.

So far, I like the game and its ideas, not at least because of so many improvements after Dead Age 1.
Thumbs up, I can't wait for the final content!
275 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 17:16
More of the same from the first one, good times! Needs some polish, but what new game doesn't these days? The developer listens and updates regularly, worth your money. Still makes sense to say Final Fantasy with zombies, but much improved over the first one. Look at some hints in the discussions if you have difficulty.

At least give it a wish! That way if it goes on sale you can pick up this diamond in the rough!
1039 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 02:53
DEAD AGE 2 much more detailed and survival oriented then the first game was. They really went all out on giving a strong authentic zombie survival simulation feel to the huge detailed world. Thus far its the best I have played in the genre with great graphics and stimulating consequential thinking when deciding on who to help or get hostile with as well as mission decisions such as whether to grab some much needed food at a location which may draw some unwanted attention to your party.

Its like STATE OF DECAY if it was a table top game. Plenty of tension done just right with resource gathering, base building, making sure there is food and water, base defenses are built and maintained etc. The music is also great with a gothic cowboy quality to its sound. For early access its a very satisfying package.

DEAD AGE 2, BUY IT! PLAY IT! See if you have what it takes to survive the zombie apocalypse or if you will be a feast of blood red guts for some rotting gums disease infested zombie flesh eater!
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
82.84% 367 76
Release:16.07.2020 Genre: Action-Strategie Entwickler: Silent Dreams Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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