• Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.
  • Distant Kingdoms: Screen zum Spiel Distant Kingdoms.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.05.2021
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Preis Update 15.12.22

Über das Spiel

Eine einzigartige Kombination aus Städtebau, Sozialmanagement, Erkundung und Abenteuerspiel. Ferne Königreiche erwecken eine reiche Fantasiewelt zum Leben.

Hilf den Menschen, Zwergen, Elfen und Orks aus Talam bei ihrem Neuanfang im sagenumwobenen Land von Ineron.

  • Erbaue ein weitläufiges Netzwerk von Städten und Dörfern, um eine neue Zivilisation zu gründen.
  • Erforsche neue Technologien und versuche es mit magischer Beschwörung, um deine wachsenden Siedlungen auszubauen.
  • Für Anfänger ebenso geeignet wie für erfahrene Städtebauer, die komplexes und detailliertes Gameplay suchen.
  • Entdecke eine neue Welt voller Geheimnisse, sende Erkundungstrupps in die unerforschten Nebel. Hilf mit, ihr Schicksal durch ein interaktives und abenteuerliches Aufgaben- und Ereignissystem zu bestimmen.
  • Beschäftige dich mit lästigen Kreaturen, mit Drachen und Kobolden, Gespenstern und Trollen, und wage dich in tiefe, dunkle und spannende Kerker, die du auf der Karte findest.
  • Sorge für die Bedürfnisse deiner Bevölkerung. Verwende dazu ein umfangreiches Netz von Produktionslinien, die sich durch alle sozialen Schichten ziehen, vom Bauern bis zu Adligen, um den Wünschen aller Bewohner gerecht werden.
  • Hilf den Menschen, Zwergen, Elfen und Orks, sich über mehrere Karten und Szenarien hinweg in einer kommenden Großoffensive zusammenzuschließen, um die Zivilisation vor dem apokalyptischen Untergang zu retten.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Quad-core
  • GFX: GTX 1060 3 GB
  • RAM: 8 GB GB RAM
  • Software: OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Quad-core
  • GFX: RTX 2070
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1613 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 16:50
Ich kann derzeit nur sagen: FINGER WEG!
Das Spiel wird in absehbarer Zeit nicht weiterentwickelt, falls überhaupt jemals...
Hier die offizielle Ansage (ist weiter unten in voller Länge lesbar):
It is with regret that we must inform you that our development partner for Distant Kingdoms, Orthrus Studios, has ceased trading and is therefore unable to continue work on the game.
Sehr Schade!
611 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 00:16
Nach nicht einmal 4 Monaten (5. Mai 2021 Release) am 8.September 2021 haben wir die Nachricht bekommen, dass das Spiel eingestelllt wird. Abzocke vom Feinsten.
295 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 15:30
Brachte den stärksten PC dank nicht gemachter Optimierung zum Qualmen. Viel zu wenig Inhalte im EA und jetzt haben die Entwickler drauf geschissen, das weiterzumachen. Kann man also gepflegt von Steam runter nehmen und den armen Leuten das Geld erstatten. Kauft es NICHT!
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 17:39
zelim svakome igra je super
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 16:53
Also ich kann die Aussagen wegen des ruckelns nicht bestätigen. Ich weiß nicht was die fürn Pc haben, aber bei mir juckelte auch nach Stunden nichts und auch nicht nachdem ich schon 3 Völker dazu hatte. Ich denke aus dem Spiel kann noch echt was werden. Und auch jetzt machte es schon sehr viel Spaß, weil es mal was anderes ist mit den verschiedenen Völkern und das freispielen neuer Fläche. Sinnloses drauf los bauen ist auch nicht. Man muss auch schon seinen Kopf benutzen :) Fantasy Optik ingame ist auch gelungen meiner Meinung nach.
371 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 23:49
Ein gutes aufbau spiel marke Anno meiner Meinung nach.Es fehlen zwar noch etwas feinheiten wie z.b. besseres Lager managment aber ich denke da kommen noch einige Verbesserungen.Hatte bisher keinen absturz oder sonstige probleme.
114 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 00:44
Ich möchte vom Kauf abraten: Schon nach kurzer Zeit trifft man auf ennervierende Bugs: Man kann beispielsweise plötzlich nicht mehr mit bestimmten Gebäuden interagieren. Das Spiel frisst unglaublich viel Performance und ruckelt bis der Arzt kommt. Die UI ist umständlich, unübersichtlich und wirkt unfertig. Das Spiel wirkt insgesamt noch sehr unfertig und Mechaniken sind wenig durchdacht. Das ganze wirkt nicht reif für die Alpha. Das wirkt so dass den Leuten das Budget ausgegangen ist und sie ein unfertiges Spiel veröffentlichen. Ein billiger Anno-Klon, der zusammengefrickelt wurde ohne wirklich darüber nachzudenken was so ein Spiel unterhaltsam macht.
170 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 05:10
A save game bug was really fast fixed, so I can proceed my save game. Therefore, a can suggest this game to others.

For the game itself, it's really cool! The fantasy part of the game lead to fascinating mechanics and a partly compleat unknown gameplay. I really like this game.
873 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 00:33
Game has been abandoned. It's been nearly a year since there's been any update on the game. That's always a very bad sign for early access games. Save your money, this isn't the town builder you are looking for.
673 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
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104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 10:23
118 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 03:39
Took my money and ran.
602 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 20:08
As of now this game is abandoned, which is sad because the idea was really interesting. The publisher said that they are looking for a replacement team but I highly doubt that it will ever happen...
100 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 19:38
Hope someone will make a fantasy Anno in the future, but unfortunately this project is dead.
476 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 23:21
Whelp... Another promising early access game seems to be dead and gone. Nothing to see here.
146 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
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194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 23:51
Do no buy this, It is abandon ware. Seems like a good idea but the developer just stopped working on this. In its currently state it can only be considered a demo, as the game is unplayable at some point.
343 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 14:13
A cautionary tale on the perils of buying Early Access games....Not all of them survive.
831 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 08:16
Never thought of EA as a crowdfunding platform.

@Steam: this isn't Kickstarter or Indiegogo. I know you write your way out of refunds in your TOS, but this was clearly a grab'n'dash. I spent 0,8 hours in this nightmare of a game, but now I can't get a refund (more than 14 days ago).

You should refund us all. Store credit is fine.
337 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 22:13

Big No No to Kasedo Games

So, game was released in Early access with Kasedo Games as a publisher.
This gave me some trust in this product and I decided to buy it (even though price was quite steep for a barebones EA game, but idea was really promising).

When developer when bust (after several game updates), we received several messages from Kasedo Games that they will try to solve this issue. I have only 8 minutes of game time, but I bought it several months before, so no refund from Steam for me.

After some time, they “solved” it – removed Kasedo Games from publisher name and discontinued sales of this game.
So… Probably that’s it.

I personally won’t be buying any new games from Kasedo Games (Recipe for Disaster / IXION), until this case will be solved to at least some satisfaction for me and other people who trusted Kasedo Games.

Shame shame shame...
196 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 23:12
Give me my money back
989 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
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18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 06:40
Do not buy!
The game has been abandoned by the developers.
What is not stated here and what is no longer apparent in the info, the publisher was actually Kasedo Games/Kalypso Media. They had their name removed from the info after the game was abandoned. Probably to keep a clean slate. Such bad behaviour towards customers should be denounced.

Anyone who buys an Early Access title from this publisher is by no means certain to receive a finished game after the EA phase!

In German:

Nicht kaufen!
Das Spiel wurde von den Entwicklern aufgegeben.
Was hier nicht steht und was in der Info nicht mehr ersichtlich ist, der Publisher war eigentlich Kasedo Games/Kalypso Media. Die haben ihren Namen aus der Info löschen lassen, nachdem das Spiel aufgegeben wurde. Wahrscheinlich um eine saubere Weste zu behalten. Solch schlechtes Verhalten den Kunden gegenüber sollte man anprangern.

Wer also einen Early Access Titel bei diesem Publisher kauft ist keineswegs sicher, dass er ein fertiges Spiel nach der EA Phase geliefert bekommt!
136 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 14:25
Thanks for taking my money a-holes
1498 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 13:24
Game abandoned by developers.
1133 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 20:01
It was a interesting game while it lasted, sadly the game has been officaly been abandoned and as such only a fool would buy this unfinished game at the moment.
1197 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 21:00
Yeah don’t buy this garbage. Was broken at launch so I shelved it waiting for future updates. The devs announced they’re ceasing development on the game just long enough so any early adopters can’t get refunds. Waste of money
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 02:09
I had high hopes for the game, given that it was a medieval-fantasy city building game it seemed right up my alley. I bought the game the week it came out, and since the developers have abandoned it. I don't know why it's still on the store given that it's a dead game, so do not buy.
217 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 21:24
Don't buy it, abandoned in EA. It should be de-listed from Steam.
461 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 01:42
The Developer is closed down and the entire team laid off, the game will never be finished from the looks of it. If you purchased recently I would try and get a refund.

For those of us who had hope.. RIP.
426 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 19:29
This game has a lot of potential, but... The current technical state of this game is awful. It is very badly optimized and bugged. Also the interface in this game looks amateur and weird. Also the difference between races is not so marginal as you could expect and the base story seems very dull and uninspiring for me. I don't think it worth the money right now, but the game also have some good ideas and mechanics I quite like. So I will keep watching this game in the future and maybe some months later I will give it another try.
217 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 14:22
It's got a lot of potential. Obviously, it' in early access and most of the game isn't playable yet, but the foundation for something deep and engaging is quite evident in what's been presented so far. If you're a fan of fantasy or Civ games, or particularly if you're a fan of both, give this game a shot; you can always request a refund if you decide it's not for you.
65 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 08:44
It still need a lot of work to improve this game.
252 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 18:25
Give this game a chance. It has a lot of love and nice little details built into it even at this stage, and has been a delight so far. This style of city builder is perfect for building cozy little settlements and constructing your own stories around them.
96 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 03:30
appears easy to understand as compared to other builder games, At 75 yrs I feel that I am playing against sadistic game programmers, where as Distant Kingdoms seems to follow a logic path not involving sudden death of your populations. Very refreshing indeed.
94 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 20:06
It's a fun little game but nearly not finished as you can't do any campains yet which would have made the game more interesting at this point.
You only have free play and tutorials at this point and with free play everything takes ages to do as resorces load quite slowly as does the money.
Don't get me wrong it's still a good game with the choice of 4 races [elves, orcs, humans and dwarves] and each with there own specialty but after 3 hours I got quite bored with it building idle as there was no storyline or campain to do.
There for I would recomand this game but only buy it if/when its on sale.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 09:12
Despite the early access bugs, this game is addictive. I can't wait for more improvements. I played Banished for years and this game is absolutely a few steps up. Glad I bought it.
163 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 13:44
I have great fun playing this game. It is slowpaced, and you have to remember to think forward, or you'll fast run out of funds and get super frustrated.
Good thing we have a fast forward option.
The game is still early access, but it is so worth it if your a fan of the older city building series. It reminds me of the olden Sierra games Zeus and Poseidon, but with new twists. The graphics are gorgeous.

Edit patch 11891 threw me off. Stuck not able to get more than 20 residents. Pay attention when you click a house and you'll se why right away. XXXXX is more that skin deep here ;)

Cannot wait for more features.
Will update this post as I explore the game more.
33 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 10:41
Very cute not a big anno like game fans as they tend to get a bit boring after awhile and sort of build in a very static square way which I find boring. I like that this game offers decorations already and gives you the party adventurer twists with the various races etc. It definitely needs some balancing with the tech vs goods though. Often you find yourself plopping down houses to get a tech only to knowingly make your people sad because you cant supply goods yet. The tech tied to housing is sort of tiresome.

After a few hours of game play and halfway or more up the tech tree - might wait until they get the resource management/warehouse thing neater its tedious.
646 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 11:45

Will you be able to manage a fantasy colony where four different races must coexist peacefully?

Distant Kingdoms is a new fantasy sim in Early Access state where you will have to manage a colony in which four different fantasy races will have to coexist: humans, dwarves, elves and orcs. Your task will not only be to manage the expansion and need of a fantasy colony, but also to control the exploration of the territories around it and the social interactions between the four different races that inhabit it.

I’ll Take the Elves Please
Before starting to build the actual colony, you will have to choose its starting race: yes, you will not be able to start a new village with all the four different races already available, mainly because it would be too complex to manage them all initially. The races are four and are all defined by different characteristics and boons: elves are scholars and are very good at extracting mana while dwarves, on the other hand, tend to be better engineers and have bonuses while working in mines.

Steady and Slowly
After the very first few hours it’s very easy to make an idea of the state of Distant Kingdoms: this is an ok title when it comes to city building, but with some flaws and, ultimately, nothing really special about it. Starting with the flaws of the game, there are way too many dead moments in which the only thing you can do is watching the screen and wait for resources to accumulate: this is due to the research system of the game, which tasks you with creating many, MANY, buildings which, especially early on, is quite demanding in terms of wood and coins.

The other flaw is the balance of the game that as of now is a bit off: prices of buildings and researches should be overhauled while some aspects of the game are almost useless while requiring resources that are hard to gather. In the latter section we can find totems, for example, some can boost productivity which, under certain circumstances, can be really beneficial for the colony, while others have different effects. One totem in particular boosts the happiness of the colonists around it, but an upkeep of 6 mana in order to boost the happiness of a bunch of houses from 66% to 67% is an incredibly high cost for an effect that has basically no impact.

Differentiation, Anyone?
Past the already cited flaws, the second big problem of Distant Kingdoms is that it has nothing too particular about it: the fantasy setting, besides some smaller mechanics and graphical aspects, can’t really be felt, along with the fact that you should be managing four different races. While I’m sure that the game will evolve (it’s what Early Access is for in the end!), right now Distant Kingdoms makes very little of the gameplay twists that should make it stand out. The fantasy setting is hard to notice and, especially early on, is limited to mana gathering, which is then used to power totems and portals. Even these two mechanics aren’t really game-breaking, with totems providing a boon to the area around them and portals acting as instant travel vectors between two points. Luckily once the city has been developed a little things change, with magical towers and dwarven drills coming out from the ground, but the city really needs to more “magical” early on.

Another shallow mechanic is the one that requires you to manage the four different races: as I already said, when starting a new colony you pick one single race, acquiring the other three later on in the game with the help of exploration parties. The only differentiation between different races is their needs in terms of resources and the production bonus they may provide to a building when working in it. While the production bonus can be really useful, there are little downsides when not meeting the needs of a specific race: they will not revolt or change the gameplay in any way but decrease the overall happiness value of your city: not really what I was hoping for.

Another one of Distant Kingdoms’ highlighted features is exploration. Described as exploring a world filled with secrets, in which you will have to send out adventuring parties into the unexplored mists and help decide their fate through a choose-your-own-adventure style quest and event system, this is another poorly implemented mechanic. Exploration involves the creation of a party of heroes, which can be recruited once you build a tavern in the town. Recruiting heroes is very straightforward and I usually just pick the ones that have the most positive perks, while also balancing between a resilient frontline and a strong backline, assuming this actually matters in the game.

Exploration per se will only require the player to select a party and click on an unexplored hex of the map: this will send the party on an adventure, often triggering very short text-based events in which the player will have to choose between a few options. This system is not new to the videogame landscape and there are games that implement it really well (the first example coming to my mind being Stellaris) but, unfortunately, Distant Kingdoms tells uninteresting tales, leaving the player picking the option with the best bonus without even reading the story behind it after a few events. Once explored, a tile becomes available to build on and could grant access to the population of a different races that was previously undiscovered.
Most of the time exploration is limited to clicking on a hex and then choosing the best option of an uninteresting story.

Not really a final verdict, as the title is still in Early Access, but I really cannot recommend Distant Kingdoms in its current state: the game is a rabble of poorly implemented and shallow mechanics that go along with very poor optimization. Unfortunately this time I can’t even recommend buying it at a discount: just wait some time and then decide for yourself if the new content is worth the asking price.

Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
318 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 18:45
I can't honestly recommend this game yet, however, it has lots of potential.

The reason why I can't recommend it yet is the difficulty isn't properly balanced yet. Certain aspects of the game don't work quite right yet. Workers don't seem to be working properly yet. The foundation is absolutely here, they just need to fix it and build on it. I am sure that eventually this will be a great city builder, on par with the likes of Banished.

Do yourself a favour, wishlist this game and keep checking back every now and then.

Let me make things clear, this is actually a great game, a great city builder, but it's rather rough. It has a few too many bugs and balance issues but buried under all of that is actually a great game. It just needs time.
229 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 19:09
First off. I don't know if the people who bought the game understand early access, or have never played an early access from the start. I had purchased Kenshi back in 2013 and wasn't released til 2018. This game has been out for a total of 8 days at the time of writing this review so i'm confused as to what they are expecting.

First Impression, don't buy this game unless you're willing to take a risk and see how the game progresses. The core mechanics are up and have a few bugs here and there. Building, managing, and the small adventure u get from clearing the tiles on the map with heroes u recruit and can level up are implemented but can use some work to make this more enjoyable. At the moment a lot of the requirements to play the game, such as populations, wants , needs make this feel way more sweaty than just a casual management. I got 10 hours of gameplay before i had to give up due to it just being way too overwhelming to get through the Civilization stages and keep things flowing smoothly. Placement on the map is Static. Currently you spawn in the same spot on the map, and the resources u discover are also at the same location. You can get a couple playthroughs but this gets old very quick.

I'm excited to see whether or not they decide to tone things down and make it more enjoyable to play rather than a grind / job feeling. But overall don't buy it yet, especially at full price. Wait til the end of the year to see if they polish it up enough
17 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 12:18
The game is just not functional at this point in my mind. Either that or the curve to be successful is way higher than what I would like. I found myself looking for an easy mode. It seems to currently get to a point where to expand you need people for jobs and taxes, but they require more resources to be happy than you can get workers that you can keep happy. So you get stuck in this loop where the happiness bounces between 40 and 60 as your money goes in and out of negative. Then people move and then it spirals. Maybe in a few more months it will be more together.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 23:08
Was a fun game for a while. That is until the store house decides not to pick up the food for you peasants anymore. This throws you into a bankruptcy cycle that can not be fixed. There is no way to get out of it. Had this happen on two different play through. Even when I took measures to stop it the second time.

Had a lot of fun until 8+ hours of game play was ruined by this.
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 03:02
This game is a bit too expensive at it's current state. (5/8/2021) The game won't start half of the time, it freezes, and the mechanics are way off. It seems no matter what I do, things just won't work properly. The games seems to be way over complicated as well, tutorial was a confusing mess and game play doesn't fall far from that tree. It's a pass for me. The game has potential, but I wouldn't spend money on it.
Logo for Distant Kingdoms
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
45.54% 97 116
Release:05.05.2021 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Orthrus Studios Vertrieb: Kasedo Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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