• EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.
  • EARTHLOCK: Screen zum Spiel EARTHLOCK.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.03.2018
Zum Shop
Preis Update 15.11.23
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 15.11.23

Über das Spiel

Für den Wüstenschatzjäger Amon beginnt das Abenteuer seines Lebens, als er in seinem Heimatdorf Zaber einer wundersamen Kreatur begegnet. In diesem rundenbasierten Fantasie-RPG schließt du dich ihm und anderen einzigartigen Helden auf ihrer unvergesslichen Reise durch die Welt von Umbra an – eines wunderschönen, mysteriösen Planeten, auf dem jedoch das Leben rau ist, da er sich schon seit Urzeiten nicht mehr dreht.

Dir steht eine unvergleichliche Auswahl an anpassbaren Charakteren zur Verfügung. Sie alle haben ihre eigenen Persönlichkeiten und Hintergrundgeschichten. An ihrer Seite suchst du nach Schätzen, erkundest neue Gegenden und kämpfst dir den Weg von der Seite des ewigen Tages bis in die Dunkelheit der ewigen Nacht frei. Willst du Umbra retten, musst du zuerst die Geheimnisse des Planeten ergründen, seine Schatten lüften und ein Böses besiegen, das deine kühnsten Träume übertrifft.


  • CPU: x86 Dual Core 2.6 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX 10 GPU with 1GB of memory
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or newer
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Arabisch, Norwegisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch, Japanisch
  • CPU: x86 Quad Core 3.4GHz or greater
  • GFX: DirectX 11 GPU with 2GB of memory
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or newer
  • HD: 4 GB available space
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Arabisch, Norwegisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch, Japanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

176 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 20:39
Grafik: 2/5
Grafisch ist das Spiel nichts Besonderes. Es macht nicht wirklich etwas falsch, aber es haut auch niemanden um.

Sound: 2/5
Die Musik nimmt einen nicht gerade mit, Sprachausgabe gibt es nicht.

Gameplay: 3/5
Die verschiedenen Charaktere mit ihren jeweils 2 Ausprägungen geben einige Möglichkeiten. Auch das Talentpunkte-System sorgt dafür, dass jeder seine Helden einzigartig aufleveln kann.

Fazit: 3/5
Ich hatte mich auf das Spiel gefreut und fand es auf den Bildern ganz hübsch anzusehen. Leider wurde ich ein wenig enttäuscht. Im Grunde ist es aber noch immer ganz solide. Für Fans von JRPGs sicherlich nicht ganz verkehrt, aber auch kein Muss. Da gibt es einfach stärkere Vertreter. Der Verlauf ist sehr geradlinig und bis auf den letzten Kampf war das Spiel nicht besonders herausfordernd.

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91 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 15:00
Mein Eindruck vom Spiel mit einem Wort: Unspektakulär.

Startet solide, aber verpasst die Chance etwas besonderes daraus werden zu lassen. Den meisten Spaß hatte ich beim Gärtnern sowie milden exploiten des Wirtschaftssystems und das sagt eigentlich schon fast alles über meine Meinung zum Kampfsystem. Vielleicht ist diese Art Spiele auch einfach nicht mein Ding, aber auch außerhalb der Kämpfe war weder an Story, noch Visuellem oder Orten Spannendes zu entdecken. Ich habe daher das Spiel zu einem Zeitpunkt, den ich nahe des Endes wähne, abgebrochen.

Wenn man dem ganzen trotzdem eine Chance geben sollte man auf einen min 50% sale warten. Vielleicht kann man auch 7-10 jährigen Kindern eine Freude machen, die Aufmachen legt diese Zielgruppe zumindest nahe (Ich sage nur: Kartoffelkanone). Allerdings könnte der Schwierigkeitsgrad etwas überfordernd sein.
1286 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 20:26
Wer JRPGs mag, dem kann ich das Spiel wirklich ans Herz legen.
Es ist immer wieder schön zu sehen, was für tolle Indie games es gibt. Dieses hier zeigt mir wieder ganz klar, dass es nicht immer AAA Titel für 50 Euro+ sein müssen, um Spass zu haben. Die Grafik ist zwar eher "einfach" gehalten, was mich allerdings nicht wirklich stört.

Die Schwierigkeit der Rätsel sind bisher nicht sehr herausfordernd, bin aber auch noch nicht durch und kann daher auch nichts zur Gesamtspielzeit sagen. Ich bin jetzt bei ca. 8 Std. Spielzeit und laut Speicherstand bei ca.30%. Da es aber auch Nebenquests gibt, weiß ich nicht, ob diese da mit eingerechnet werden.

Es gibt ein umfangreiches Craftingsystem für Waffen, Tränke, Munition und auch Talente. All das kann man auf einer kleinen Insel bewerkstelligen auf der sich die Werkstatt und auch ein eigener Garten befindet. Jeder Charakter lässt sich individuell durch einen Talentbaum anpassen. Diese Werte und Fähigkeiten lassen sich bei Bedarf auch wieder austauschen, falls man nachbessern möchte/muss. Das Ganze ist ziemlich komplex, da die Monster auch verschiedene Affinitäten besitzen, die im Bestiarium vermerkt werden. Es ist daher kein Gelegenheitsspiel.

Wer sich noch unsicher ist, hat auf alle Fälle die Möglichkeit die Demo mal anzuzocken, diese ist allerdings nur in englisch verfügbar.

Ich hatte das Glück das Spiel im momentanen Steamsale für schlappe 4,99 Euro zu schnappen, aber hätte den Kauf zum vollen Preis auch nicht bereut!
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 22:45
einfache Steuerung, rundenbasiere Kämpfe, eine mitreißende Story (spiele auf englisch, weil die deutsche Übersetzung mir manchmal schräg vorkam) und schöne Welt
285 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
2640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 23:56


Reisen und Erkunden für Einsteiger
In Earthlock steuert man seine aus bis zu vier aktiven Mitgliedern bestehende Gruppe durch die Weltkarte, Dungeons und Ortschaften. Die Gruppe wird durch einen Repräsentativen Charakter dargestellt, der bequem via Knopfdruck gewechselt werden.
Jeder Charakter verfügt über eine Spezialfähigkeit, die in Dungeons oder Generell nützlich ist. Entweder um bestimmte Vorrichtungen zu bedienen, Schätze auszugraben oder für andere Zwecke.
In Dungeons und Ortschaften findet man Speicherpunkte, denn freies Speichern gibt es in Earthlock nicht.
Zwischen diesen kann man ab einem gewissen Zeitpunkt schnellreisen, um sich lästige Laufwege zu ersparen. Allerdings muss man hierzu immer erst auf eine bestimmte Insel schnellreisen, welche zugleich der dreh und Angelpunkt für die Gruppe ist. Von dort aus kann man dann jeden besuchten Speicherpunkt ansteuern.

Kämpfe und Skills für Könner
Kämpfe laufen in Earthlock rundenweise ab und müssen durch wohlüberlegtes strategisches Handeln gewonnen werden. Natürlich hat wieder jeder der sechs Charaktere eigene Fähigkeiten, die mit mit anderen Fähigkeiten in Kombination noch stärker werden.
Jeder Level-UP gewährt dem Charakter, eine Karte auf sein Skillbrett zu legen, welche je nach Karte unterschiedliche Dinge bewirkt wie ein Anstieg der Statuswerte, Resistenzen gegen Elemente oder gar die Freischaltung neuer Fähigkeiten.
Sobald man mindestens zwei Charaktere hat, kann man diese sich gegenseitig unterstützen lassen.
Bestreiten die beiden Charaktere genug Kämpfe zusammen, schalten sich bald nützliche passive Boni frei, die beiden Charakteren, solange sie zusammen kämpfen, nette Verstärkungen ihrer Fähigkeiten liefern.
Als Sahnehäubchen kann man nun die Ausbeute in Kämpfen noch erhöhen, indem man viele Gegner gleichzeitig bekämpft. Das Schafft man, indem man diese zu einer Gruppe zusammen zieht und den Kampf beginnt. Bis zu 8 Gegner können auf diese Weise gleichzeitig vermöbelt werden.
Ist man allerdings überlevelt oder fordert nur einzelne Gegner heraus, gibt es kaum Erfahrung und Loot.

Sobald man sein Hauptquartier auf bezogen hat, hat man Zugang zum Crafting.
Im Garten werden Kräuter gezüchtet, die nicht nur schnell wachsen (innerhalb von Sekunden), sondern auf recht komfortabel zu Munition und Tränken verarbeitet werden können, sobald man die Rezepte dafür hat.
Grundsätzlich hat man so Zugang zu einem unendlichen Vorrat an Ressourcen, womit man den Taktischen Aspekt viele Kämpfe kaum noch wahr nimmt.


Die Grafik ist recht knuffig und selten mal düster. Vorallem auch für ein jüngeres Publikum zu empfehlen.
Der Soundtrack ist gut umgesetzt. Die Hintergrundmusik ist eher atmospherisch, als dass sie sich in den Vordergrund drängt.


  • strategisch z.T. recht tiefgängige Kämpfe
  • eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, Charaktere anzupassen
  • Viel optionaler Content

  • fast nur Sammelquests als Nebenquests
  • das Craftingsystem untergräbt den taktischen Aspekt
  • diverse Bugs und Rechtschreibfehler

Earthlock ist laut dem Hersteller ein RPG mit taktischem Tiefgang und Grundsätzlich stimmt das auch. Wer ein forderndes Spielerlebnis wünscht, hält das Crafting in Grenzen oder sieht sich wo anders um.
Trotz seiner Mängel weiß Earthlock jedoch gut zu unterhalten und bietet Spielspaß für viele Stunden.
Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir.


Wenn ihr weitere ansprechende Reviews lesen wollt,
dann folgt doch der https://store.steampowered.com/curator/32139821/}" target="_blank">GermanReviewGroup.

245 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.18 13:23


Earthlock wurde entwickelt von Snowcastle Games.

Lass dich nicht von dem niedlichen Grafikstil täuschen - dieses Spiel ist nicht zu unterschätzen! Echte Fans des JRPG-Genres werden es lieben, aber Gelegenheitsspieler sehen sich lieber anderswo um. Wenn du die Zeit hineinsteckst, dann wird Earthlock dich mit einem tiefgreifenden.

Story und Gameplay

Im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte steht Amon, ein Aasfresser aus der Wüstenstadt Zaber, der zusammen mit seinem Onkel ein uraltes Artefakt in einer alten Ruine findet. Nachdem sein Onkel von einer mysteriösen Organisation entführt wurde, ist es an Amon, seinen Onkel zu finden und das Artefakt zu schützen. Auf dem Weg trifft er mehrere Charaktere, von denen jeder seine eigenen Missionen und Geschichten hat. Es gibt fast keinen Konflikt oder Widerstand zwischen den Hauptcaracteren. Wann immer Amon ein neues Gruppenmitglied trifft, gibt es eine kurze Erklärung über den vermissten Onkel, der neue Charakter erklärt seine Mission und dann stimmt jeder zu, mitzuhelfen.

Man kann Feinde erkennen, die um die Welt und die Dungeons herumlaufen, und sobald ein Feind Sie sieht, erscheint ein "!" Über ihrem Kopf und ein Countdown beginnt. Durch Drücken des Kreises vor Ablauf des Countdowns wird ein Kampf mit einem First Strike-Vorteil ausgelöst. Kann der Kampf jedoch nicht eingeleitet werden, und der Vorteil geht an den Feind. Das Einleiten eines Kampfes scheint sofort die naheliegende Lösung zu sein, aber wenn Sie mehrere Gegner anfeuern und sie alle in ein und denselben Kampf ziehen, erhaltet man einen großen Exp- und Belohnungsbonus, so dass bei einer Begegnung mit Feinden ein wahres Risiko- / Belohnungselement haben kann. Schlachten sind rundenbasiert und jeder Charakter hat zwei Positionen. Welche Haltung ein Carakter hat, kommt im Bezug auf die Fähigkeiten an, die er in dieser Angriffsrunde einsetzen kann. Es ist möglich, während des Gefechts die Haltung zu wechseln, verbraucht aber den Zug dieses Charakters.

Das Steigern eines Carakters erfolgt auf der Talent-Tafel. Die Talent-Karte enthält drei Arten. Statistiken, Vorteile und Fähigkeiten. Statistiktalente erhöhen die Werte eines Charakters, Vorteile setzen passive Fähigkeiten frei und Talentfähigkeiten aktivieren zusätzliche Kampffähigkeiten. Das Hinzufügen eines neuen Talents zum Board kostet TP, die durch Aufsteigen oder Erfüllen anderer Anforderungen des Spiels erworben werden.


+taktische Rundenkämpfe
+individuelle Charakterentwicklung
+wundervoller Soundtrack


-Übersetzungsfehler die aber nicht sehr tragisch sind
-holprige Technik & Balance
-schlichte Inszenierung

Mein Fazit

Das Spiel wirkt so als hätte es sowas schonmal gegeben. Auf der anderen Seite lockt das Fantasy-Abenteuer aber mit interessant konzipierter Rundentaktik, flexibler Charakterentwicklung sowie ansprechenden Crafting-Elementen die Spieler an. Das Spiel hat seinen ganz eigenen Charme, den allein die Option sich tot zu stellen, um einem Kampf zu entfliehen, ist herrlich!

Hat euch die Review gefallen? Dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm. Verbesserungs Vorschläge oder Kritik gerne in die Kommentare.
478 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.18 13:02
Kurz und Knapp:

Die Überarbeitung dieses Spiels hat ihm mehr als gut getan, das gesamte Spielerlebnis ist RUND - es passt! Ich hatte das Spiel noch in der alten Version gespielt und kann mich noch dunkel daran erinnern das ich sehr unzufrieden war. Nun fühlt es sich gut an, es ist vom Lückenfüller zur Kaufempfehlung aufgestiegen!
1211 Produkte im Account
224 Reviews
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.18 15:57
Gutes JRPG mit interessanten Charakteren und klassischen Kampfsystem. Bitte folgendes "angespielt Video" anklicken um sich selbst einen Eindruck zu verschaffen und mich zum YouTube Milliardär zu machen. Vielen Dank - ich geh jetzt die Kohle verjubeln:

1404 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
1845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.18 18:06
Gutes JRPG im PS2-Stil, welches unter seiner schlechten Präsentation leidet

Für jemanden der bereits auf der PS2 gerne JRPGs gespielt hat, stellt EARTHLOCK eine nette kleine Nostalgie-Zeitreise dar. Zwar gelingt es dem norwegischen Spiel nicht an die großen Titel der damaligen Zeit anzuknüpfen, aber Spaß macht es dennoch und bringt sogar ein paar eigene gute Ideen mit. Am besten gefällt mir die interaktive Weltkarte, wo man Schätze sammeln kann und dergleichen. Das Kampfsystem kann durch den Wechsel zwischen zwei verschiedenen Kampfstilen pro Charakter etwas Tiefgang aufbauen, der dann auch zunächst ganz gut genutzt wird. Später wird das Spiel jedoch zu leicht, sobald man die Spielmechaniken und Möglichkeiten ausgelotet hat.
Wirklich problematisch ist jedoch die schlechte Präsentation, welche Zwischensequenzen fast völlig vermissen lässt und keine Sprachausgabe anbietet. Textboxen alleine reichen in einem 3D-Spiel halt nicht mehr aus, da kann man dann auch gleich ein RPG-Maker-Spiel zocken. Tatsächlich bieten sogar Maker-Games teilweise über eine deutlich bessere Präsentation als EARTHLOCK. An dieser Stelle also noch mal ein großes Pfui an die Entwickler. Angesichts dessen fallen dann auch die übrigen Schwachpunkte wie die schlappe Story und langweilige Charaktere nicht mehr so stark auf.
Aber ich will das Spiel nicht schlechter darstellen als es ist. Wer das Genre mag und mit der Unity-Grafik im PS2-Stil zurechtkommt, der wird hier seinen Spaß haben.

Pro und Kontra:

- gelungene Pad-Steuerung, welche vor allem für eine flüssige Kampfabwicklung sorgt
- eigenständiges Artdesign, keine Nachahmung von asiatischen oder amerikanischen Stilen
- bietet viele kleine und größere Besonderheiten (eigene Insel-Basis, nette Crafting-Mechaniken, spezielle Charakterfähigkeiten außerhalb des Kampfes, interaktive Weltkarte)
- motivierende Achievements

- Grafik im PS2-Stil
- Spieldauer von maximal 30 Stunden

- keine Sprachausgabe
- schwache Präsentation mit einem akuten Mangel an vernünftigen Zwischensequenzen
- unspektakuläre Story und Charaktere

Das vollständige Review: http://www.gamecontrast.de/earthlock-review/
355 Produkte im Account
153 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 12:51
Interesting world building and ideas.

Horrible implementation, game is super boring, combat takes forever, everytime you find a new boss fight you have grind levels and try to guess what's the boss's only weakness.

Not to mention keyboard controls are super bad as well and it makes no sense the way they bound abilities, for example number 1 is the normal attack for some, and special with limited uses for others.
2164 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
1500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 21:58
An indie RPG with JRPG-style combat, that visits nice places.

This is a first impression review.

I'm not a fan of these kind of games, so if you want a fundamental opinion, please read another review.
What really stuck with me from this game are the varied nice locations and enemies! If you're looking for this kind of game, this one is interesting.

Sorry to be so uninformative. Decent indies deserve a :steamthumbsup:


More reviews at Omnivore Gamer, games that are easy to control (for handicapped gamers).
587 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
1905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 09:22
It's fine, it wants to be a JRPG, and succeeds at that. Has the same flaws and strengths as a JRPG. Unique art direction and not an insane story, but pretty predictable standard stuff. It's something good enough for between larger games, but otherwise pretty forgettable. Sure if its cheap and available, it's a fun distraction, but it could as easily as well just be passed on to play something you'd enjoy more as well too.
490 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 20:15
Full review with images here: https://dapperandroid.com/2021/05/30/earthlock/

Story centred around an ancient, powerful, but long-vanished civilisation? Prominent mechanised and militaristic city-state with airships – one of which crashes in the first 5 minutes? Pastoral-coded rogue with a heart of gold and a strong familial bond?

Sheeeeit son… looks like we gots ourselves one of those Japanese RPGS.

Beer and pretzel-flavoured pocky fun

Earthlock actually hails from the land of lutefisk and sursild, Norway. It wears its inspiration proudly on its sleeve though, with a peculiar blend of indie-gem shine (and roughness) and the polish of worn tropes creating something that’s strangely satisfying, occasionally surprising, and often very familiar.

After the somewhat infodumpy intro with no immediate relevance, you’re thrown directly into the boots of a well-to-do female soldier of the aforementioned military.

Frankly, I was expecting a plucky young male hero with lots of spirit, naivety, and a mysterious past… so this was a pleasant surprise. Also there was this Pokémon-looking goodboi.

And if you stop reading here, that’s basically the secret of Earthlock. A slight twist on the familiar that help shake-up a stale genre. It feels like a passion project from fans familiar enough with the well-trodden trails of JRPGs to mix things up occasionally, without losing their way.

A chicken-horse of another colour

From the soft orchestral music to the bright palette and heartwarming critters to murder, everything about Earthlock screams Final Skies of Tales of Fantasy. It’s not until the combat tutorial that you’ll appreciate how many mechanics of the game are different than you’d expect. It’s more than a cookie-cutter Chrono Trigger clone.

Mana points have been thrown out the window in favour of amri, life-energy (or mako, if you prefer). These little yellow pips power all your moves, magic or not, and the management of this slowly regenerating resource decides the success of the tougher encounters. In one sweep, this frees mages from their crippling blue potion addiction while giving your armoured chonkybois choices to make.

Speaking of your stablads, they’re able to inflict more damage types than just ‘sword’, meaning exploiting weaknesses and overcoming resistances is no longer a caster-only game of Rock Paper Scissor. Again, a lovely addition that helps share the spotlight.

And how better to do more damage than to go more often. Though fights are turn-based you don’t take it in turns thanks to a queue system. Faster characters? They come earlier and get more spots in the queue, really showing you the value of slowing, speeding-up or skipping individuals, as well as giving you a heads-up on who’s coming next.

Adding to this are stances. Each character has two drastically different movesets to tackle the changing battlefield – perhaps melee and ranged, healing and buffs, or something else entirely. This takes time, but no amri. Switching, then, becomes a question of whether and when you can afford to let enemies jump the queue as well as if you’ll have the energy to then do what you need.

And before you even get to the fight…

Earthlock has the Tales mechanic of showing enemies on the map that chase you down, giving you a chance to evade before you’re warped to the pocket dimension murder zone. Nothing new. The twist, though, is that once the cannon fodder is locked onto you, you can press a button to bring the fight to them. This nets you bonus XP and a possible first strike.

This, along with other mechanics, allows enough fine control that you either gather up groups to slay them at once for convenience/more experience, or pick off the more nightmarish monsters for an easier time.

And breathe…

I’m taking a brief break from what seems like endless gushing to clarify – nothing here is revolutionary, but it is interesting. It is layered. And it’s a welcome breath of fresh air. If everything else to this game was as well-done as the mechanics (ominous foreshadowing) then I’d be beating you over the head until you bought it.

But back to the hypefest.

Moving on up

Sooooooo… that’s from level one-ish. But what are you gonna do with all that hard-won experience?

If you said ‘Level up’, then you’re right, but also you’ve not been paying attention, because of course there’s more than that.

Every level you get some stat boosts and a point to spend on the Talent Board, which is a more rectangular version of Final Fantasy X’s Sphere Grid.

Each square will take one of three types of Talent – Stat (bigger numbers!), Ability (new powers!) or Perk (bigger numbers that make existing powers better!). Some of these are already laid out, but all of them can be switched after the fact. You’ll never utterly screw yourself over with your choices, and you’ve got space to explore different paths without the danger of analysis paralysis.

You’ve also got THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! Pair-up with a battle buddy for a fight (so two pairs in a full four-person party) and your love for each other will slowly grow like the view count on a niche Porn Hub video. Each level of Bond gives you a Talent point to spend, as well as a unique perk that’s active as long as you’re partnered – poison attacks or improved healing, for example.

Switching partners mid-battle can be an effective move if you’ve got a firm grasp of the Bond system, encouraging you to try new combinations. This also has an effect on your Super. That’s your Limit Break. One stance from each character has its abilities massively upgraded, perhaps hitting more targets or having additional effect. You level of Bond correlates to the level and number of Supers you can use for each full charge.

Less crunch, more fluff

But let’s get all artsy fartsy for a bit and look at the story and the characterisation. Regrettably, I feel this is where the game falls down.

Characters are interesting enough, certainly visually, with distinct personalities and goals… but they also feel flat. Nothing they did surprised me, there was no inter-party conflict, and they always did exactly what was needed to progress the plot in the most efficient fashion.

While the story makes an effort to dodge cliches, it feels more like they’ve shuffled an old deck into a slightly different order. It’s not bad, it subverted some of my expectations, but there was no ‘wow’ moment – just a few slight eyebrow raises.

Full disclosure, I’ve not completed the game. I can’t discount there may be some amazing plot twists and characterisation I’ve not seen… but according to the achievements while 50% of players beat the first boss, less than 10% unlocked the full party. If I had to guess, four out of five people failed to engage with the plot and drifted away.

Penultimate Fantasy

If you can’t get enough of JRPGs, then you could do worse than Earthlock. Damning with faint praise perhaps, but I enjoyed nearly every minute and found it much less frustrating overall than many triple-A titles.

If Final Fantasy is a three-tiered wedding cake, all expensive pomp and spectacle with the odd gritty raisin that makes you relish the sweet icing, then Earthlock is that tub of own-brand ice cream sitting in your freezer. You know what you’re getting, it’ll be there when you want it, and you may even be pleasantly surprised when you dig in.

Can’t promise I’ll complete Earthlock, but I’m impressed enough to be keen for Earthlock 2’s release in 2022.
701 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
1244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 13:33
Neat Jrpg. Nothing else to say really. Wont blow your mind, but a good game nevertheless.
792 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 02:49
This is what a half-assed copy paste would look like in the year 2001 to capitalize on the JRPG successes of the late 90s, bland characters, forgettable story, grindy side quests, etc. However it is faithful to the formula and will scratch that archaic itch if that is what you're looking for
54 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 15:13
Great RPG with a nostalgic feel (for me anyway). Pretty decent difficulty at the boss battles and not too much grinding (for the most part). The battle mechanics and strategy are well done and rewarding when it goes well. Not a perfect game but well worth your time if you like this sort of thing
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 01:01
This isn't worth the money. Character development is shallow and combat is unstimulating. Combat is very boring and repetitive. Game becomes a long grind halfway through, when you find out the characters are unlikable and the story plot is very basic
87 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 16:18
I am not sure why they make the controls for this game so poorly! While not making the game unplayable exactly it makes annoying and largely the annoyance there cannot be entirely fixed. After I realized there was a basic structural flaw in how this game lets you do something as trivial as open and close menus I realized this wasn't likely to be a fun experience. My only question for the developers is..... Were you just trying to make the most trivial elements the most annoying intentionally or did you just not play test this, because I am loathe to imagine a situation where this was not brought to your attention.
123 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 04:48
The game is ok but at full price it is not even close to worth the price. There are some good features in the game but it is quite short and it is ok in every aspect but excellent in none. Similar to Battle Chasers Nightwar, there is very minimal story and a lot of grinding to get all of the achievements. Characters easily max level at 20 before the end of the game. There is some strategy to boss fights but most of the time it is about using two characters to constantly spam heal. I got it on a good sale and dont regret playing it but I would have been disappointed if I had paid full price or near full price.
107 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 11:35
This is actually a neutral review.
Earthlock is... certainly a game.
It has combat, exploring, story telling, gardening and stuff. Though, it still feels empty somehow. Everything is there but at the same time they just don't have the wow factors.
After 20 hours, I couldn't find anything interesting enough to keep me going forward.
Not an amazing game but still far from being bad.
141 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 00:14
I somehow can't seem to get into the gameplay, or the characters, or the story of this game.

I even had a moment where I told myself To stop playing for a moment then try to look at it , to see if I was willing to come back to it at all. Well- the answer's no.

I wasn't even able to really finish the game, the artstyle is charming, But I can't really say much else about the game.

I don't think it was worth my purchase at least.
657 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
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730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 15:29
Gave the game a shot. Hated the JRPG style. Super cliche, but beyond that SUPER boring. Dunno there is like no story in this game. Just go around and do shit randomly.

Maybe I could have got past that, but then also the game play is just meh. Just cant muster any energy to play it because it is boring on all ends. Don't get me started with the fucking bosses and how retarded hard they are randomly.
638 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
3063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 21:48
Short but very solid turn-based RPG. Clearly influenced by classic JRPGs and thankfully this game's designers made excellent choices in this title. I normally love it when RPGs underscore their epic adventure with memorable musical scores but Earthlock has none of that. The story, music and character dialogs are forgettable. So it comes down to gameplay and that is excellent. Which is unexpected for a turn-based RPG. If you like JRPGs, you'll probably like Earthlock.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 21:32
Decent if you like old school final fantasy / jrpgs
189 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
2409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 09:48
I liked the game as a throwback to JRPGs of old. I think some people take issue with it because, like many JRPGs it is really targeted at a young audience. The story is really pretty simple in terms of the telling and the mechanics are somewhat simple but complex enough to satisfy. If you are younger and have not played a classic or if you just want a game where you can relax and kill some time stress free I would suggest this game. (another thing is that it is *mostly* not grindy which I appreciate)
219 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 05:19
Neat game, nice art, but I ended up rage quitting on a boss in an area where leveling up is difficult because of limited movement and enemies. It didn't help that the targeting mechanism would sometimes keep my last target and sometimes change my last target, and in the middle of a fight I kept wasting attacks. Better leveling options in the desert, or difficulty adjustment, would be nice. If you're patient enough to keep at it, its a nice game, but i wasn't having fun so i'm moving on.
2029 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 02:06
This is an amazing and engaging RPG with nice characters, innovative game mechanics and an interesting world. You can even have a garden and grow your own arrows for your crossbow!
69 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 15:09
pretty bland in all honesty, Outward has more character depth and design. gonna refund!
882 Produkte im Account
471 Reviews
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 08:40

Information / Review English

Earthlock - Festival of Magic is a classic Japanese fantasy RPG such as Final Fantasy.

Gameplay / Story

You go on an unforgettable adventure through the world of Umbra in this turn-based fantasy RPG with Amon and a group of other amazing heroes. In your adventure you will find and experience a mysterious and beautiful, but rugged planet that has stood still for ages. In order to save Umbra, you have to reveal various secrets, defeat shadows and seal an evil / dark force that continues to grow in strength and soon becomes unstoppable. A number of challenging fights await you on your journey, which require a strategy to master them and to progress in the story. In between we level our characters, take care of and take care of various plants or solve puzzles to get to hidden chests.

Combat system

The classic, turn-based combat system is a bit reminiscent of Final Fantasy, as you alternate your attacks and skills on the different opponents. The order of who is next in line can be seen on the right-hand side.


+ nice graphics
+ matching soundtrack
+ versatile talent system
+ interesting story
+ lots of playable heroes
+ Resources for planting, for crafting
+ sufficient enemy types
+ Fights require a strategy
+ Achievements and trading cards


- every now and then minor graphical bugs


In EARTHLOCK you will find incomparable, adaptable characters with individual personalities and self-discovery journeys. Fans of the Final Fantasy series should definitely grab it here. For me a surprise game that I would not have expected. Clear buy recommendation.

Information / Review Deutsch

Earthlock - Festival of Magic ist ein klassisches, japanisches Fantasy-RPG wie z.B. Final Fantasy.

Gameplay / Geschichte

Du gehst in diesem rundenbasierten Fantasy-RPG mit Amon und einer Gruppe von anderen erstaunlichen Helden auf ein unvergessliches Abenteuer durch die Welt von Umbra. In deinem Abenteuer findest du und erlebst einen geheimnisvollen und wunderschönen, aber schroffen Planeten, der schon seit Urzeiten stillsteht. Um Umbra zu retten, musst du verschiedene Geheimnisse enthüllen, Schatten besiegen und eine böse/dunkle Macht versiegeln, die immer weiter an Stärke gewinnt und bald nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist. Dich erwarten auf deiner Reise eine Reihe von herausfordernden Kämpfen, welche eine Strategie voraussetzen, um diese zu meistern und in der Story voran schreiten zu können. Zwischendurch Leveln wir unsere Charaktere, kümmern und versorgen verschiede Pflanzen oder lösen Rästel, um an versteckte Truhen zu kommen.


Das klassische, rundenbasierte Kampfsystem erinnert ein wenig an Final Fantasy, da man abwechselnd seine Attacken und Fähigkeiten auf die verschiedene Gegner gibt. Die Reihenfolge wer als nächstes an der Reihe ist, sieht man am rechten Rand.


+ schöne Grafik
+ passender Soundtrack
+ vielseitiges Talentsystem
+ interessante Geschichte
+ viele spielbare Helden
+ Ressourcen zum Anpflanzen, für Crafting
+ ausreichend Gegnerarten
+ Kämpfe erfordern eine Strategie
+ Errungenschaften und Trading Cards


- hin und wieder kleinere grafische Bugs


In EARTHLOCK warten auf dich unvergleichliche, anpassbare Charaktere mit individuellen Persönlichkeiten und Selbstfindungsreisen. Fans der Final Fantasy-Serie sollten hier unbedingt zugreifen. Für mich ein Überraschungsspiel, das ich so nicht erwartet hätte. Klare Kaufempfehlung.
457 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 12:31
+ each boss fight requires a strategy
+ substantial bonus exp for pulling multiple groups of trash mobs into a single fight
+ bonds system that rewards switching teammates often

+/- skill-board - it's nice to have so much customization options, but it's not developed enough to be interesting

- started seeing some bad filler (with reused animations) e.g. find all ALL scrap on desert A, and then same NPC wants you to find ALL scrap on desert B, which is the next zone. Or find plants on desert A and then on desert B... Oh and though the NPCs for plants are different then have the same animations of experiment blowing up into their face when you give it to them. Stuck into my memory as cheap padding. And the cutscenes are unskippable.
- does not respect my time - attack animations are quite slow (option to make them faster has to be turned on each fight and it's maybe +30%~ speed), walking in overworld is slow, but most importantly the game breaks its own rules by not giving a save point before a boss (and you cannot run away from a boss fight), which gave me a choice: redo the dungeon or quit. So I quit.

Maybe it gets better, but I don't feel any desire to play more.
828 Produkte im Account
541 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 00:32
I got bored with the game

and a few other things I didn't like
the user interface during the battles was really bad in my opinion
and also there are different attack types that the game never really explains and the only way to know what a enemy's weakness is, is by defeating it then checking in the bestiary
the pacing is slow
the story is weak
I don't even like the battle system in this game so this game really has no hook to keep me playing

it has decent visuals and music and thats about it
918 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
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1098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 19:56
I was kind of on the fence about this at first. It has some good, nostalgic gameplay reminiscent of FF7 (the original), but it's not as deep. It tries to be deeper with the card system and the herb garden, but all of it just feels a bit half-baked. But, even so, I enjoyed the atmosphere and the fantasy elements, and the ghost hunting, etc. up until I got to a boss that was too hard to beat. I could have invested my time into grinding my characters to max level, or attempting to figure out how to get the cloak skill that the in-game hint told me I was supposed to already have, but why? I've got like 800 games in my library, and I hate grinding if it's not fun.

So, if you're a hardcore, elite gamer that enjoys grinding old-school-style RPG's, then have at it. For me, all the little nitpicks coalesced on that one boss that just one-shots everybody. Every. Single. Time. It had promise, but it wasn't good enough to motivate me to keep trying. Meh.
57 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 20:13
I really wanted to like this game. It sat at the top of my wishlist waiting until i could finally get a computer that could play games, but sadly it didn't hold up to my expectations
The story is just meh and combat pretty basic. There are several things I like about this game but more that just left me unimpressed. There is no incentive to rotate characters around and because some of them leave and then come back throughout the game without re-balancing their level to match the rest of the party, you just end up sticking with the few that stay constant. The card-based improvement system seemed like a good idea at first but actually provided very little customization. Weapon improvements is the game’s weakest aspect. I ended up sticking with the starting weapon for most characters just because blueprints where far and few between and gathering materials was a chore.
I never finished the game mainly because by the time I reached a truly difficult boss I couldn’t invest myself in the story to do the necessary grinding to beat it. I just got to the point that I honestly didn’t care about continuing with the game.
886 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
2368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 13:12
Hmm... not sure why this is considered a JRPG (Japanese role-playing game) There is nothing about it that makes it Japanese lol. The developer is not even from Japan, the developer Snowcastle Games is from norway. (eye roll)
This is not a JRPG even if that tag up there says it is, so keep that in mind. The JRPG tag should be replaced with Turn-Based Combat. Nothing wrong with that just pointing it out.

Its a simple and basic rpg, you wont get 100s of hours out of it. I bought the original (Earthlock: Festival of Magic) back in 2014 or '15 long before this current remastered version even released. (current version was gave freely to owners of the original) It has sit for long time, I have alot of games, so it takes awhile to get around to certain games.
The story really isn't all that engaging, I never once couldn't wait to see what happened next. By the time I hit 39.5Hrs playtime, I've got to feeling more like I can't wait to just get this game beat and move on. I doubt i return for another beating in the future. If you have nothing better to play and looking for a bit of an old school style turn based combat RPG it will give you that fix, just one time though and for very short period. Buy it on sale. I also recommend using a controller for best game play experience.
By the way if you got an old old pc, I have no doubts it could run this game. It doesn't even make my PC stress. My PC doesn't even know it's running lol. You could play this on a 15 year old CPU and a 10 year old GFX card without any problems I'd suspect. Graphically looks like something out of 2005-07.
233 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 23:55
I'm ganna say no to this rpg game not because its janky or anything but because it was uninteresting and boring. I have little to no problems with how you do combat or the interface but whats the point of playing a game that has such an uninteresting overworld, loose simple plot, not alot of character depth and pretty easy gameplay. The screen shots sure look interesting and the type of world building lore is cool but while I was running around doing stuff I wanted to play things like Final Fantasy, something that has some real substance. This game feels empty and like a little kid would like it cause its not difficult to grasp but im 24 and i know what games like Chrono Trigger feel like and unfortunatly this game just doesnt have enough substance to sustain me. Sorry guys.
210 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 23:13
Although I'm sure it's possible to make the opening of a JRPG less interesting and more generic, I'm not sure you'd want to. Honestly, after a couple hours playing this game, it didn't manage to show me a single thing that would encourage me to keep playing.

If you've never played a video game, or at the very least never played a JRPG, before; maybe give Earthlock a try. Though frankly, there are still much better choices for a bland as heck introductory experience.
241 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 03:27
It can be quite grindy, but it's pretty cute and a nice time killer.
63 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 20:59
Fantastic music, multiple protagonists to keep track of, like reading a good novel, lots to do and explore. Different types of battle styles are possible too :)
687 Produkte im Account
491 Reviews
851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 19:05
In my ongoing and likely futile effort to write a Steam review for every game in my library (#482 out of 639)... it's time for Earthlock.

As a crowdfunded indie JRPG, Earthlock is extremely unique in the fact that it exists and is actually pretty decent, while it's higher-profile peers remain stuck in development hell (assuming they weren't scams from day 1).

And insofar as JRPGs go, Earthlock is fine. It's not especially good, nor is it notably bad. It is eminently functional. You play through the game swapping between different party members' perspectives before joining up, exploring a fairly generic but moderately well-executed fantasy setting and grinding through extremely conventional Dragon Quest-Style turn-based combat, and progressing through a fairly by-the-numbers narrative that hits on most of the beats you'd expect.

In another time, I might call Earthlock generic, but with the state of the genre being what it is these days, it's definitely above-average compared to the norm. The setting and tone of the game is very evocative of Final Fantasy VIII to me, so Earthlock functions well as a solid diversion for the JRPG player who has already run through the greats and/or is looking for something simple and undemanding with which to pass the time.

Note: also played on Nintendo Switch.
550 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 01:20
I was on a knife's edge of enjoyment versus frustration with this game. Earthlock is a self-proclaimed love letter to classic RPGs around the PS2 era. This is both part of its charm and its downfall. Upon first glance, it's a charming RPG with a nostalgic art style and simple mechanics.

Upon further inspection, many of the warts really get in the way of enjoyment. Save points can be infrequent and even missing before boss encounters. Sometimes enemies will do party-wiping attacks without warning leading to you wasting 30-60 minutes. There's very little interesting loot because everything is tied to a crafting system. The crafting system seems fun at first until you realize many of the weapons are side-grades and only relevant for very specific boss encounters. The vast majority of character abilities are pretty useless except for a few rare scenarios.

Worst of all though is the story was as generic as it gets. Characters don't have interesting motivations beyond the barest of tropes. The story might get interesting eventually, but I'll never know because the rest of the game was too uncompelling to keep me going.
31 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 05:02
Frequent crashes and sparse save points don't make for a thrilling experience.
1929 Produkte im Account
457 Reviews
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 10:03
After an hour:

This is an interesting JRPG-ish. Technically this is an American company but I don’t think the country of origin matters when talking about the genre of JRPGs.

It’s a typical turn-based RPG, it has a variety of skills, different characters, and each character has two stances, which change the abilities they have. There’s an ammo system for weapons, and a decent cast of characters, I’ve already seen at least 5 playable characters, out of possibly 6.

The writing is merely ok from what I’ve seen. There are a few overworld systems with each of the characters getting a different ability. There’s also a bit of a lack of challenge from the game so far, but I’m still in the first hour, it can change.

The only red flag I saw was my completion percentage on the save game is 16 percent in under an hour, however other people on the internet have said this game will last at least 20 hours, so you are probably safe from a shockingly short game then.

If you like JRPGs, pick this one up. I’ve had a good time so far, and I might come back to play more. A 20 hours JRPG sounds just right, but if you want a longer game, that’s probably not this.

Related Video:

78 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 07:19
Too grindy, and weapon upgrades require what amounts to far too many fetch quests. There's a good game underneath it all but it is quite a frustrating experience.
573 Produkte im Account
207 Reviews
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 12:35
A hidden gem, really a great game and easily recommended for fans of turn-based fantasy RPGs. Definitely worth a look, a steal on sale.

+Visuals, art style, environments
+Turn-based battles, well balanced
+Good variety of skills/abilities
+Character variety
+World map, dungeons

-No mouse support in battle/field
-No voiced dialogue
-Mediocre story
-Farming hub area felt tacked on
365 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 15:48


EARTHLOCK is a pretty fun oldschool-like RPG created by an indie team. Set in an interesting fantasy world, you must follow the journey of your characters and see where it leads you.

Quick summary:

Subject Score
Core Mechanics Good, innovative and solid
Story OK
Graphics Cute, well done 3D
Bugs None
Price OK
Game Length 20-25 hours
Achievement Hunter 25-30 hours
Achievement Difficulty Easy
Missable Achievements No

Core Mechanics

Since it was inspired by oldschool RPGs, this game couldn't have anything other than turn based combat. Even though turn based combat offers no innovation, it is still my favorite combat method and is really well done in this game. Combined with the unique character progression & build system, combat becomes very entertaining.

Each character has a special out of combat ability, so you are constantly swapping them to interact with the world around you, making the journey more interesting. The characters' speed is really on point, so traveling and exploring doesn't become boring.

There is also a crafting system, which always makes things more fun. Each weapon affects your character differently, offering you different build possibilities, which is great in this kind of game. Farming & Harvesting are related to your ammo crafting which was also an interesting way to apply this mechanic.

One negative point is that the game is heavily linear. It's still a good game but it could have used a little open-world-ish influence, like some secrets here, more optional content there.

Story, Lore and Character Depth

In this aspect the game could have used a little more polishing. This game's world is unique, interesting and has enough material to create an amazing and immersive environment/universe, but sometimes it felt like how the story was told and the dialogue between the characters could be improved a little bit. It wasn't a deal breaker for me though.


The graphical part isn't a super realistic one, it's more like the cute & fantasy-like type. It's similar to those old 3D RPGs, but improved. I enjoyed it, no complaints here. You can look at the store images if the graphical part of this game pleases you.


I haven't encountered a single bug, which is great. The only issue closest to being a bug is that sometimes when interacting with some characters, you have to wait for them to finish their animations, so sometimes there are these 3-4 seconds in which you are thinking "has the game bugged? ... oh ok it was waiting for this character's animation to finish".


EARTHLOCK is a solid, fun and interesting turn based RPG. So, I would definetely recommend this one if you are an oldschool RPG fan. If you are still unsure, pick it up at a sale, then it will be definetely worth it. I am looking forward to the sequel.
687 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 14:32
I am giving up on this game. Art was nice and whole game looked good. But after 5 hours I have zero interest in characters or the setting.
432 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
2895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 03:46
This is a very wonderful and a purely majestic game. I haven't been bored or spaced out for a single moment. The graphics are beautiful. The soundtrack/OST are a pure enjoyment, you just want to sit there and listen to it. There is even light gardening! Quests are included and puzzles as well. The puzzles aren't overly complex and they don't make you go back and get something. I haven't gotten lost in a maze at all (which is surprising).

Different mechanics will grace your presence within the combat/game. They are not hard to learn, but will take some time to fully master. Avatars are adorable!!! Especially the Hogbunny and other animal cuties. Very adorable plant/tree design and how the tree animals nap. :D

Lots of enjoyment was had with this game. LOTS. Very lots. So why not enjoy it some more from time to time? This game is proof of the Developers caring a lot about their product and it is much appreciated. Thank ya so very much for hours of enjoyment and more to come!!! :D :> =)
31 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 20:03
Fun game, classic battle system with fun new characters!
124 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 14:49
Overall, I do recommend this game even though I have a few critiques. The game is polished well with great visuals, decent music and a fairly fluid combat system. I guess my main disappointment is that the game feels rushed in certain areas. You max out your level early and can get there pretty quick if you power farm. I also wish there was some voice acting. Likewise the story doesn't take enough risks and doesn't really build upon the lore that the game developed. If you're a fan of turn-based RPG's such as FF7, Legend of Dragoon, etc, you'll feel at home here and will enjoy this game. The game is shorter compared to most modern RPG's but if you can pick it up on sale, it is worth the purchase.
338 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 22:55
so far so good after 7 hours of play i am impressed by the innovation brought to the table by this game. It's the perfect mix of nostalgia and new ideas for me.
316 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 17:18
I was so excited to start playing this game and I really wanted to like it. The nostalgia it initially invoked kept me playing for far longer than my enjoyment lasted. The story and characters felt flat, and as other reviews have said, boss fights are annoyingly drawn out with 1 single way to win every one of them.
189 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 20:38
I love turn based RPGs, the storyline in here hardly is fluid or grasps your attention, the combat is pretty boring to me as well, like there is only one way to win a fight so it might not as well even be turn based if you have to do certain things at a time.
Def not worth 40. I see it as 5.99 right now on a sale, and maybe id get it drunk, and then never play it.
I devoted about 10 hours straight grinding it out and I just dont care to finish it. The characters are all boring and the hogbunny animal mixing is just too much for me.

4/10 Turn Based RPG
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 02:59
I don't really have anything special to say one way or another. The game is pretty damn generic.

Started out decently fun, but by endgame the combat is cumbersome, boring, and drawn out.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 23:15
I must agree with all of the negative reviews for this game, especially the ones about being upset if I had paid full price. The game starts off pretty solid, though. I think there lies the problem. You end suffering through some of the most painstaking, drawn out battles and pathetic side quests in hopes of the game resembling anything like it once was. It does... Eventually. But by that point the damage has already been done.

If you are like me and are considering this purchase because of all of the reviews that compare this to Final Fantasy IX, don't. Those people haven't actually played FF9 and are making the comparison solely because its a bit cartoony. Either that or they are being paid to write that. Not sure if that kind of thing happens with unknown, indie games like these. Would make a lot of sense... But yeah. Don't bother with this one.
3093 Produkte im Account
209 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.20 06:04
When I started playing EARTHLOCK, I didn't get it why it's rated so low on Metacritic. I mean, come on. It looks cute (a lot like JRPG version of Torchlight), while gameplay feels totally old school thanks to those nice turn-based battles (something that even most of the major JRPG franchises abandoned by now, something that's missed a lot by old geezers like yours truly). What's not to love? Unfortunately, the more you play this game, the more it shows you its ugly true face.

Even though your first minutes in the game will probably give you only positive impressions, the rest of the game would feel extremely dumb and boring. See, things you'll see during the first couple of minutes... that'll be it. There won't be anything else. You run forward, you kill some random stuff, repeat.

The world of EARTHLOCK is perfectly empty and there's literally nothing to do aside from some painfully boring collectibles and some side-quests. Which (surprise-surprise) involve the same exact collectibles. Running around through the pretty small world map and collecting generic stuff feels like a waste of time. And the fact that there's literally nothing else here? It's just unbearable.

But OK, maybe the characters are especially good and the story is groundbreaking? Nope. The characters are shallow (yet another bunch of generic nobodies), while the story is yet another one of those that involve an evil guy and the ancient ruins (anticlimactic ending included). There's nothing to remember here. Literally nothing. You finish the game – you forget about it right away. Add the fact that tons of design were shamelessly stolen from popular titles like Final Fantasy VII and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and you'll see how presentation is not nearly as satisfying as you'll expect during the first few minutes.

So... yeah... Technically, EARTHLOCK is playable. It looks fine, turn-based battles feel nostalgic, the gameplay mechanics work OK, etc. Will this game make you suffer? No, it won't. Can it be counted as yet another scam product in Steam? No, it can't. But does it really worth your time? Heck, no! I mean, come on, let's be honest. Did you, guys, finish all of those important JRPG titles already? Those that really worth playing? I don't think so. And this game? It's something that should be played only if you have absolutely nothing else to play in this genre. Which, most likely, won't ever happen to you. Like... ever.
170 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 02:34
I really enjoy this game. It was exactly what I was looking for when I bought it: JRPG turn tactics, cute characters, exploration, magical worlds, text based stories, etc. My only complaint was the game save system. You have to find certain save points in the game and you can't save otherwise. This discourages me from playing because sometimes I only want to play for fifteen or twenty minutes and not being able to save when I want to walk away makes it difficult. It was probably put in to avoid save spamming but it just discourages me from playing.
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.19 19:34
For anyone who is into the JRPG genre, this is a short but challenging treat. The characters and world are surprisingly well done and the game is balanced overall between the various regions and quests, considering the length of the game. You really need to think about your team, their Talents, Bonds, and Abilities to be successful, and completing all available side quests as they are available greatly helps. I definitely recommend this if you are looking for a good JRPG-style game to sink your teeth into but don't want to spend hundreds of hours on.
174 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.19 17:15
I like the game but 2 things really bug me. First, it needs autosave! And Second, the controls are a little confusing. There is really no use for your mouse in game. I get its supposed to feel retro, but maybe not so clunky??
0 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.19 19:11
Earthlock is a decent game. It really doesn't do anything new for the RPG genre, but seeing as I was itching for a JRPG experience that Earthlock sated, I'll be giving it a positive review.

The game's OST is pretty good and the graphics are certainly right up my alley. The locations are so well done, brimming with life and colour.

The story is painfully average, nothing that would make me wish memory loss upon myself to experience it all over again.

The most frustrating bit? The battles. The maximum level you could hit is Level 20, and once you do reach that level (and you most probably will), battles become a very tedious and boring affair since you're not earning any EXP, so they're basically a waste of time. By the time I got to the final areas of the game every single battle elicited a groan and made me wish that I could immediately just teleport to the final boss.

A higher level cap and a lengthier game might have helped Earthlock shine, because the characters could definitely be fleshed out more, or rather their development could've been paced a bit better. Earthlock's world is gorgeous, giving me a sense that there was so much more that could've been done. It felt like it was over a bit too quickly and that the game never truly reached its potential.
Hopefully the devs can rectify this with Earthlock 2.

Everything considered, I cannot give Earthlock a negative review because it satisfied my RPG itch, albeit with some annoying shortcomings. I would recommend it on a sale.
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
74.71% 260 88
Release:08.03.2018 Genre: Adventure-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Snowcastle Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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