News Liste Eastshade

Version 1.07
18.02.19 06:42 Community Announcements
1.07 is live!
  • Unlocked console (tilde '~') for free use of one command "WarpToLyndow" in case your save is bugged from falling through the world. You can use all console commands if you do "EnableCheats" but achievements won't work for that save.
  • Fixed 'Keeper of the Forest' achievement. It is retroactively compatible if you've already beaten the game with it satisfied, just load your save and you will get the achievement.
  • "Locked Box" now completes if you give the box to Samira. Should be retroactively compatible if you've already completed the quest. Just load your save.
  • locked ability to load from Machra area, because doing so breaks many things.
  • made it so you can't have a cold death during the "The Thief of Sinkwood Inn" quest
  • swapped Chinese font to NotoSans, making all characters consistent
  • made fixes and improvements to translations
  • fixed transparent shaders not respecting FoV shaders after changing AA back from TAA
  • candles, fabric, and boards no longer regrow