• Everspace: Screen zum Spiel Everspace.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel Everspace.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Everspace: Screen zum Spiel.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.05.2017
Zum Shop
Preis Update 10.09.23

Über das Spiel

Es gibt fantastische und riesige Space-Sims mit hyper-realistischer Weltraumphysik und Milliarden einzelner Sterne, die man bereisen kann. Wir glauben, dass die Kombination mit fantastischer Grafik, super Sound und leicht zu erlernendem Gameplay mit einer fesselnden, nicht lineare Story etwas ist, auf das viele Gamer gewartet haben. Wir haben auf jeden Fall darauf gewartet!

In EVERSPACE legen wir den Fokus auf Weltraum-Action und kombinieren das mit einem modernen rogue-like Ansatz, der dich auf eine aufregende Reise durch ein wunderschön gestaltetes, sich ständig veränderndes Universum voller Überraschungen geleiten wird.

Jeder Run ist einzigartig und stellt dich vor völlig neue Herausforderungen und fordert deine Fähigkeiten und dein Talent zur Improvisation genauso wie deine Erfahrung. So bleibt das Spielerlebnis lange frisch und wird für viele einzigartige Momente sorgen.

  • PC-Plattform mit weiteren Plattformen als Stretch Goals
  • Rogue-like Gameplay mit beständigem Fortschritt
  • AAA Grafik & Sound und präzise, eingängige Steuerung
  • Fesselnde nicht-lineare Story, passend für ein Rogue-like Spiel entwickelt
  • Tiefgehendes Upgrade- und Schadenssystem
  • Cockpit und Verfolger-Kamera mit Action-Fokus (keine Simulation)
  • VR-Unterstützung


  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i3
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 480 / AMD Radeon HD 5870
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: 32/64-bit Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i5
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 / AMD Radeon R9 280X
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 32/64-bit Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX:
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

146 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 17:14
Es gibt 6 Sektoren die man durchfliegen muss und der 7 Sektor ist das Labor , wen man beim Labor erfolgreich war geht´s wider von vorne los. mit Ress Sammeln und waffen bauen und suchen .auf dauer doch ein wenig nervig. nach einer gewissen zeit kommen auch immer wider Feine in das Gebiet also lange farmen ist nicht. und gegen Schlachtschiffe hab ich bis jetzt nur verloren :)
39 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 18:28
Ich habe dieses Spiel gekauft, nachdem ich die Demo zu teil 2 gespielt habe.
Ich gestehe, dass ich erwartet hatte ein ähnliches Spiel zu erhalten.
Ich wusste nicht das es so Rougelike ist.
Man spawnt irgendwo und landet unter Umständen sofort in Aktion und das obwohl man grade gestorben war und erstmal klarkommen will, wo man jetzt ist und was man vor hat.
Teil 2 spielt sich zumindest in der Demoversion (welche sehr umfangreich ist!) wirklich gut, daher empfehle ich jeden direkt auf Teil 2 zu sparen.
In Teil 1 gibt es kein Hangar, keine base, keine Rückkehr Option, man fliegt rum bis man stirbt und ich habe nach 5 Std. das Gefühl, dass man sehr oft stirbt ohne das Gefühl zu haben, dass man wirklich ein Fortschritt erreicht hatte.

Es tut mir schon weh ein Daumen runter zu geben, es gibt aber leider kein 1-5 Bewertungssystem, ich kann nur Ja oder nein sagen, daher: Nein, spielt Teil 2!

119 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 13:22
Abgeschossen im Tutorial.
Phantastisches Design!
180 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 22:49
Also ich werde mit diesem Spiel einfach nicht warm.
Mir wurde ein Freelancer-ähnliches Spielerlebnis verkauft. Bis auf die Freelancer-ähnliche Steuerung der Raumschiffe fühlt es sich eher an wie ein Dark Souls-Spiel.
Kampfsystem = ok aber sehr repetitiv
Story = nicht existent
Loot = sehr viel grinden
Einfach nicht meins.

5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 17:37
Steuerung, top, grafik top, man macht einen lauf, stirbt, und man kann upgraden und nochmal. mit vielen interressanten begegnungen. einfach gut.
152 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 22:03
macht mir spaß. hatte nach einer weltraum sim gesucht aber irgendwie hatte ich da eeewig kein glück. entweder war die steuerung total sim mäßig, träge und schwer oder man hat mehr ne wirtschaftssimulation als nen action game. hier hat man ne recht simple und intuitive steuerung die spaß macht, man hat action und ne schöne kulisse. dieses rougelike feeling immer wieder von vorne versuchen so weit wie möglich zu kommen macht auch irgendwie laune. bei anderen spielen gefiel mir das nicht so aber hier passt es einfach zum ganzen konzept. es hat auch nen guten schwierigkeitsgrad finde ich. teilweise einfach aber wenn man etwas weiter kommt wirds wirklich haarig und man braucht seine upgrades was dann auch sehr motiviert weil man merkt dass man net wegen seinen skills kaputt geht sondern weil man mehr upgrades brauch was mich dann wirklich anspornt. man kann auch taktisch ans credits farmen ran gehen ( wie viel risiko bin ich bereit einzugehen oder wie mache ich meine upgrades ) um halt das maximum raus zu holen. das spiel ist net übertrieben umfangreich und auch net total simpel. finde dass die entwickler ne gute balance hin bekommen haben. für 10 euro im sale absolut top. da können AAA titel echt abstinken mmn.
172 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
8479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 16:25
Good Game.
364 Produkte im Account
325 Reviews
2035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 10:14
Everspace 1 (v1.3.5.36556)



+ herausragende Grafik und visuell beeindruckender Weltraum
+ einzigartige, kunstvolle Panoramen mit enormer Tiefenwirkung
+ tolle Waffeneffekte und Explosionen
+ gute Technik (Unreal Engine)
+ Deutsche Vollvertonung (es wird mehr geredet als ich zunächst gedacht habe)
+ vertontes Tutorial in Form eines sarkastischen, humorvollen HIVE-Bordcomputers der auch viel vom Geschehen ungefragt kommentiert und bei neuen Sektoren und anderen Entdeckungen auch Dinge zum Hintergrund der Welt erzählt
+ sympathischer Hauptcharakter (immer wieder sterbender Klon)
+ wahlweise Cockpit- oder Third-Person-Ansicht (ich fand beides gut)
+ butterweiche, einfache und direkte Steuerung (mit Maus und Tastatur)
+ rasante, kinoreife Weltraumkämpfe bei denen man auch Asteroiden als Deckung nutzen und diverse andere Taktiken nutzen kann
+ unterschiedliche Schiffssysteme können beschädigt werden was zu dramatischen Ereignissen führen kann
+ diverse Primärwaffen wie einfache Laser, kontinuierlicher Strahlenlaser, Pulslaser, Gatlinggun mit Vorlaufzeit, flächenwirksame Flak, Gausskanone, schrotflintenartige Streukanone u.v.m.
+ Sekundärwaffen wie Leichte Raketen die richtig schöne Rauchschwaden hinter sich her ziehen, Korrosionsraketen die sich langsam durch die Hülle fressen, Schildbrecher, Plasma-Torpedos, die alles vernichtende ARC-9000 mit einem halben Kilometer Bereichsschaden oder die zehn Raketen zugleich abfeuernde Suchraketenbatterie, usw.
+ tonnenweise nützliche Module wie der kurzzeitige Waffenbooster, der überaus nützliche Traktorstrahl, ein Schadenswandler der Teile des Schadens in nutzbare Energie umwandelt, oder der Kontroll-Überbrücker zum gar nicht mal so kurzen Übernehmen von Feindschiffen
+ coole Gadgets wie der kurzzeitige Schildbooster, verbesserte Scanner um Loot auf weitere Entfernung zu entdecken, usw.
+ 14 unterschiedliche Ressourcen
+ diverse Upgrades und Baupläne um Ausrüstung selbst zu craften
+ Weltall-Händler
+ Service Station für Reparaturen und zum Auffüllen von Treibstoff
+ Hacken von Relaisstationen um Informationen über das gegenwärtige Gebiet zu erhalten
+ gigantische Schiffswracks und Asteroiden in die man sogar hinein fliegen kann und in deren Inneren sich alte vergessene Container befinden können
+ Zugangscodes die für manche Container benötigt werden um besonders hochwertige Spezialausrüstung zu erhalten
+ Anomalien wie Blitzegewitter, Plasmawolken, Nanoschwärme oder gar alles vernichtende Schwarze Löcher(!)
+ Zufallsbegegnungen in Form von Roboterkopfgeldjäger die etwas Hilfe benötigen, Outlaws die mit uns zusammen eine Basis überfallen wollen, Außerirdische Forscher für die man mysteriösen grünen Schleim auf Asteroiden scannen soll; hier hat man sich echt viel Mühe gegeben ohne dass die Ereignisse aufgesetzt wirken
+ sich von Sektor zu Sektor weiterentwickelnde, zusammenhängende Story
+ Herausforderungen
+ unterschiedliche, modische Lackierungen
+ neben dem Standard Abfangjäger kann man noch einen schnellen, getarnten Aufklärer und einen mit Gefechtsdrohnen und automatischen Gatlinggeschütz bestückten Jagdbomber freischalten, was dann wieder ein komplett anderes Spielgefühl darstellt
+ unterschiedliche Startausrüstung die einmal in Sektor 5 (?) und einmal in Sektor 7 freigeschaltet wird
+ Subroutinen und Ancient-Runen um das eigene Schiff noch weiter zu verbessern
+ Schwierigkeitsgrad kann nach jedem Ableben neu festgelegt werden
+ Encounters-DLC ist unbedingt zu empfehlen da es viele zusätzliche Sachen rein bringt
+ VR-Unterstützung (die ich aber nicht getestet habe)



- die ständigen Neuanfänge könnte man als störend empfinden
- Zwischensequenzen in jedem neuen Sektor sind lediglich animierte Standbilder
- selbst auf dem leichten Schwierigkeitsgrad ist das Spiel alles andere als leicht
- seltene, unfaire Situationen
- das Spielgefühl nutzt sich irgendwann ab und wird etwas repetitiv (was bei mir aber recht lange dauerte)
- Bug: manchmal verschwinden abgebaute Ressourcen im Inneren des Asteroiden so dass man nicht mehr drankommt



In Everspace von Mitte 2017, aus deutscher Rockfish-Games-Produktion, erwarten den Spieler eine ungewöhnliche Verbindung aus Rogue-Like-Genre, rasanter Weltraumaction und überraschend viel Spielspaß.
Man fliegt von Gebiet zu Gebiet zum nächsten Sektor, sammelt dabei Ressourcen und bekämpft feindlich gesonnene Outlaws, außerirdische Okkars oder auch Minendrohnen, Frachter und Abfangjäger von einem der diversen Megakonzerne wenn man mutig ist. Die besagten Weltraumkämpfe machen dabei einen integralen Großteil des Spiels aus.
Nach einer gewissen Zeit wird man stets von übermächtigen Okkar Streitkräften aus einem Gebiet vertrieben, was einen konstanten aber angenehmen Zeitdruck aufrechterhält. Bevor diese in das Gebiet springen wird man aber immerhin akustisch gewarnt. Für jeden Sprung ins nächste Gebiet wird Treibstoff benötigt. Ist dieser nicht ausreichend vorhanden drohen immense Schäden an den Schiffssystemen.
Je weiter man kommt, desto spannender wird es und desto weiter schreitet auch die Story voran. Bei meinem Erstkontakt mit den Ancients bin ich sogar sicherheitshalber erst einmal abgehauen. Die waren mir nicht geheuer und maximal fremdartig. Und für derartige Momente feiere ich Everspace.
Wenn das eigene Raumschiff zerstört wird, was sehr oft passieren wird, erwacht stets ein neuer Klon von einem selbst, dem dann aber zumindest die gesammelten Credits des Vorgängers und stets das gleiche aufgerüstete Schiff zur Verfügung steht. Mit den Credits kann man sein Schiff und somit auch alle zukünftigen Schiffe upgraden, wodurch man mit jedem Tod ein klein wenig mächtiger wird. Besonders als ich mein 2. Schiff, einen Jagdbomber freischalten konnte, änderte das den kompletten Spielverlauf, da dieser ein paar sehr geniale Ausstattungen im Grundgerüst hat. Auch einmal gesammelte Viridianische Energie steht auch späteren Klonen zur Verfügung.
Ich muss sagen dass ich das Spiel in Sales immer mal wieder gesehen aber dennoch ignoriert habe, da mich die Rogue-Like-Elemente abgeschreckt haben. Aufgrund des lächerlich geringen Preises habe ich dem Spiel dann zum Glück aber doch eine Chance gegeben und es nicht bereut. Nach dem ersten Bildschirmtod wusste ich zunächst auch sofort wieder warum ich dieses Genre nicht mag. Aber dann offenbarte sich mir mehr und mehr die Genialität von Everspace und dass das Sterben nicht schlimm ist, sondern einfach dazugehört. Everspace macht einfach richtig viel Spaß da jeder Lauf anders verläuft und man auch stets neue Bewaffnungen und Zusatzausrüstung ausprobiert. Aber auch die immer weiter voranschreitende Geschichte um die Klone ist überraschend interessant.
Ich kann das Spiel zusammen mit dem Encounters-DLC einfach nur empfehlen und wer Weltraumsimulatoren und Arcade-Action mag, bekommt hier genau das richtige Spiel. Nun freue ich mich umso mehr auf den 2. Teil.

Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid, dann folgt meiner Gruppe.
120 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 13:31
Absolut großartig.
Sehr arcadig und unter anderem genau deswegen extrem spielenswert.
Die Grafik macht einfach Spaß und alleine dafür lohnt sich sicher eine VR-Lösung.
Die Story ist nicht überragend, tut aber auch aus meiner Sicht nichts zur Sache.
Die Welten sind unglaublich abwechslungsreich und detailliert designed.
Es macht einfach Spaß durch die Gegend zu fliegen und sich das ganze immer wieder anzusehen.
Mit zunehmender Erfahrung und Spieldauer gelingen auch die Gefechte gegen die auftauchenden Gegner immer besser. Lediglich große Fregatten machen einem fast immer das Leben schwer.
Sehr herausfordernd sind auch Schlachten mit mehr als einer gegnerischen Partei.
Es ist ein packender Titel der für längere Sessions genauso wie für den kurzen Zock zwischendurch absolut taugt.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 17:26
Sehr cooles Spiel!
Ich konnte das Spiel erst nicht Spielen, da es dauernd abgestürtzt ist. Die Grafik ist sehr hoch... Ich musste sie um es spielen zu können runtersetzen (Es ist nicht mehr abgestürtzt nachdem ich die Grafik geänder habe...) Jetzt klappt es einwandfrei. Sehr tolles Spiel. Man kann es sehr leicht mit einem ps3 kontroler verbinden und damit spielen( Mit SCP Toolcit ( app)) Das Geld ist es allemal wert...
76 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 16:27
Schönes Spiel für zwischendurch wenn man etwas mit einen Raumschiff durch die Gegend fliegen will und gegen ein paar Gegner kämpfen will.
159 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 21:37
Was ein langweiliges Spiel.

Man springt von einem Sektor zum nächsten auf einer 2d Planetenkarte, die Story, Gääähnn. Stirbt man erwacht man mit neuem Raumschiff und darf das etwas aufmotzen, ist aber noch mehr schnarch.

Das Weltall sieht eigentlich toll aus, es gibt aber kaum was zu tun. Eigentlich kann man Rohstoffe abbauen um sein Raumschiff zu verbessern, aber nicht wie man das von anderen SciFi Games kennt, nein die Entwickler werfen da pro karte mal 2-3 Erze hin, die man abbauen darf das wars. Auf die Asteroiden schießen zum abbauen verpufft wie ne zuckerstange an TheBeast. Ansonsten etwas rumfliegendes Alibi-Kanonenfutter, gähn. Das motiviert mich in keinster Art weiterzuspielen.

Das Spiel ist grottenschlecht, ich bereue den Kauf wirklich.
1310 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 00:06
Bockschweres Einzelspieler Roguelike Game. Es kann passieren dass man direkt nach Spielbeginn stirbt weil zufällig ein paar angriffslustige Piraten in der Nähe waren. Die Dogfights machen Spaß aber man hat eigentlich ständig Angst um sein Schiff denn viel hält es nicht aus. Sollte man es schaffen vor seinem Ableben ein paar Dollar verdienen lassen sich damit Upgrades kaufen die man auch nach dem Tod behält. Dadurch wird das Spiel hoffentlich einfacher.

Soweit finde ich das Spiel sehr lustig, ganz besonders in VR mit Hotas Joystick. Bin selber noch ganz am Anfang aber ich denke hier handelt es sich um einen echten Geheimtipp für alle die ein schnell zugängliches Einzelspieler Weltraum-Spiel mit VR-Unterstützung suchen. Schlagt zu solange es noch im Angebot ist!
417 Produkte im Account
334 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 07:10

Review zu EVERSPACE™

Eigentlich verdient es Everspace nicht, nicht empfohlen zu werden, aber mein Entschluss steht fest.
Meine anfängliche Begeisterung für das Spiel mündete letztendlich in eine Art Bedeutungslosigkeit und der Frage, warum ich das Spiel überhaupt noch spielen sollte.
Dabei ist das Problem, dass ich mit dem Spiel habe ganz klar. Es wird irgendwann eintönig. Nicht so schlimm, möchte man meinen. Kein Spiel kann man bis zur Unendlichkeit (und noch viel weiter) lang unterhalten. Wozu auch? Das Problem im Falle Everspace ist nur, dass mich das Spiel nicht mal so lange unterhalten konnte, dass ich mir den Abspann angesehen, heißt, es durchgespielt habe.
Im Großen und Ganzen hat Everspace tatsächlich nur einige kleinere Makel. Beispielsweise, dass das Spiel irgendwann repetitiv wird, oder kleinere Bugs, dass einsammelbare Objekte plötzlich in Asteroiden verschwinden, oder dermaßen an Fahrt aufnehmen, dass sie aus der betretbaren Karte herausgeschleudert werden. Wie gesagt. Kleinigkeiten.
Was jedoch keine Kleinigkeit ist, ist dieser Bug hier (Forumpost nur auf Englisch). Glücklicherweise konnte ich ihn mithilfe eines Entwicklers lösen und dennoch hat diese Erfahrung meinen Enthusiasmus dem Spiel gegenüber einen gehörigen Dämpfer verpasst. Wie man sich - denke ich - vorstellen kann.
Ein anderes Thema wäre der Schwierigkeitsgrad. Zwar ist es möglich mit einem schlecht ausgerüsteten Schiff das Spiel durchzuspielen (wobei das vollkommen darauf basiert, wie viel Glück man hat und wie gut die Reflexe des Spielers sind), leichter wäre es natürlich, wenn man das spielbare Schiff verbessert. Und das kann dauern! Stichwort: Grinding. Ich persönlich bin nun mal nicht gewillt dutzende Stunden darin zu verbringen immer wieder das Gleiche zu sehen und mein Schiff zu verbessern in der Hoffnung es dann mit einem verbesserten Schiff letztendlich zu schaffen. Tut mir leid, Everspace, aber da wechsle ich lieber zu anderen Spielen, die mir mehr Spaß machen.

Kommen wir für die Schnellen unter uns einfach mal zur Pro-Contra-Liste:


+ Grafikmäßig sieht das Spiel recht gut aus. Besonders Explosionen haben mir sehr gefallen!
+ Die Musik, wenn auch gute Sci-Fi-Musik, blieb nicht im Ohr
+ Hauptcharakter ist recht sympathisch, weil er einen recht amüsanten Humor besitzt
+ Everspace wirkt stellenweise wie ein Arcadegame. Beispielsweise, wenn man Gegenstände einsammelt
+ Nützliche Feature, wie einen Fotomodus (genannt Action Freeze) und freies Umschauen. Den Fotomodus kann man auch perfekt zur Orientierung in der Umgebung, oder - noch besser - in Kämpfen verwenden, weil dann die Zeit stehen bleibt und man sich dann umschauen kann! Das habe ich des Öfteren in hektischen Kämpfen sehr gerne gemacht!
+ Malerische Cutscenes
+ Sich hinter Asteroiden zu verstecken und vor Feindbeschuss in Deckung zu gehen hat merkwürdigerweise Spaß gemacht
+ Verschiedene Schiffssysteme können, beispielsweise in Kämpfen, beschädigt werden und das Spielgeschehen merklich verändern
+ Für ein Roguelike bietet das Spiel eine erstaunlich gute Geschichte (natürlich nichts Weltbewegendes und dennoch, wollte ich das mal kurz erwähnen)


- Cutscenes sind ohrenbetäubend laut und lassen sich auch nicht in den Optionen separat leiser stellen
- Sehr selten verschwinden einsammelbare Objekte in Asteroiden (Nein, nicht solche Asteroiden, die durchlöchert sind, wie ein Schweizer Käse, da ist mir bewusst, dass man hineinfliegen kann. Ich spreche von den etwas Kleineren)
- Wird irgendwann repetitiv. Irgendwann (glaubt man) alles gesehen zu haben und dann breitet sich Eintönigkeit aus
- Teilweise ist der Schwierigkeitsgrad nicht wirklich gerechtfertigt. Das Spiel übertreibt was es dem Spieler willig ist an den Kopf zu werfen. Ich hatte mal einen Kampf gegen zwei Okkarkorvetten und zwei kolonialen Kreuzern und das nebenbei gesagt auf dem leichtesten Schwierigkeitsgrad!
- Das Spiel hat sich mal stets an derselben Stelle aufgehängt (siehe Forumpostlink weiter oben)


+- Es gibt nur drei unterschiedliche spielbare Schiffe
+- Der Sound, wenn das Raumschiff gegen ein Objekt stößt, hört sich so an, als würde das Schiff ein Spielzeug sein. Gutes Sounddesign sieht, in der Hinsicht, anders aus

Everspace hat mich leider sichtlich enttäuscht. Irgendwann hat man alles gesehen und möchte einfach weiter zu anderen, interessanteren Spielen. Sehr schade für das Spiel.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 06:44
Finde es echt blöd und ärgerlich das man jedes mal wenn man abgeschossen wird wieder beim 1. Sektor anfängt also ganz am Anfang!!! Es speichert die Sektoren nicht ab wo schon gemacht wurden! Es ist nicht einfach oder mittel sondern würde es als Schwer beurteilen den Schwierigkeitsgrad des Games.
Es wäre toll wenn mehr Raumschiffe zur Auswahl wären als nur die 4 lol.
Da habe Ich ja bei Star Citizen bei weitem mehr zur Verfügung.
Ansonsten alles Top.
Hoffe da kommt noch ein weiteres Game vom Macher mit mehr Schiffen / History und mit Co-op Möglichkeit.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 18:05
Steuerung in VR (Oculus) nur mit Gamepad; Einrichtung des Nintendo Switch Pro Controllers habe ich nicht hinbekommen. Im Tutorial hat er ständig zwischen Hinweisen zu Controller-Tasten und Maus/Keyboard gewechselt, Steuerung war viel zu sensibel und ich konnte sie nicht korrigieren. Nach 30 Minuten habe ich das Experiment abgebrochen, war mir zu kompliziert
70 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 00:41
Es gibt einige moderne Spacegames, allerdings keine wirklich guten seit X3. Everspace ist wie Freelancer mit Fokus auf Kampf. Die Story und der Kampf ergänzen sich gut. Ich hatte 50h Spass ohne Ende und das für ein paar Euro. Traumhafte Grafik. Ich kann es nur empfehlen.
348 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 14:20
Nach mehreren Wochen habe ich jetzt 66 Stunden gespielt und das reicht auch für mich.
Grafik nett und das Spiel selber hat viele nette, kleine Spielmechaniken. Aber ich muss sagen: man stirbt erstmal so ca. die ersten 30 mal bevor mans einmal bis in Sektor 7 schafft. Und da muss ich ganz ehrlich sagen: der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist mir einfach zu hoch. So hoch, das ichs öfter liegen gelassen und mehrere Tage nicht mehr angerührt habe. Es war einfach doch zu oft eher der Spaßkiller als der Spaßmacher. Gerade weil das Sterben des öfteren zu massiv vom Zufall beeinflusst wurde. Nach 66 Stunden ist das Wiederspielpotential bei mir gleich Null - und ich habe im nachhinein das Gefühl mich öfter nur durch die Levels gequält zu haben. Auch wenn es auch positive Momente gab. Aber die negativen haben - ganz besonders am Anfang - deutlich überwogen.
122 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 09:14
Good game!
It got a few negative reviews recently, all from salty russians crying about Pootin or something idk i dont speak retard
691 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
2753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 15:44
TL;DR: 9/10 - Simply amazing. May lack some replayability after a while but everything else is top notch.

The concept of this game is very simple: a roguelite FTL-like experience where you are the pilot of a small spaceship. I've played it for a while and I was surprised how beautiful and well polished the game is. There is a lot of stuff I really liked and I'll try to list the most important of them:

● Gameplay - Well balanced, complex, with a lot of different playstyles and builds you can go for.
● Controls - I've played a bunch of games focused around piloting a spaceship and in this one controls are top tier. Your ship feels really responsive, intuitive, and just super smooth to fly. Also, easy to learn.
● Gameworld - I think it's the strongest aspect of the game. The Everspace's universe is well designed, scenic, full of life and various events. So much to explore, so many things to encounter.
● Graphics - I'm barely mentioning graphics in my reviews, but in this case these are just breathtaking.
● Difficulty - Rather good difficulty scaling, later sectors can get tough if you don't know what you are doing.
● Progression - A lot of unlockable perks, loadouts, blueprints and starting items. Perks are really well balanced, making your playstyle unique each time you pick a different loadout.
● Achievements - Reasonable and not too grindy.

Ok, I guess that's it.

Of course, as I've mentioned before, there are some cons as well. The biggest problem is that there is not that much content to keep the experience fresh for a long time, so after ~30h of gameplay it will start getting repetetive. It's not a big issue, just keep in mind that it's not an endless content game like EVE or other space sims.
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 04:30
Great space fighter. Easy controls and fun.
892 Produkte im Account
207 Reviews
11219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 22:03
A very good space shooter. Graphics are nice and runs without bugs.

The mechanics is simple, but hard to domain: the spaceship controls are fully customizable and althought its initial equipment is limited, player can find a lot of items to craft, buy and sold gear eventually.

The objetives are clear too: player controls a little spaceship and need to pass through 6 stellar zones to accomplish a main mission, more to complete the campaign and probable much more to get some secondary missions. All zones have about 6 scenaries to combat and loot, each one with all factors randomized, from enemy pressence to types of lootable things.

There aren't any boring and empty travels typical of the genre, every run last about 1 to 3 hours, so every gameplay feels different, quick and really challenger, so is highly advisable to start on easy mode. Only it has one issue: player can craft a lot of things, except the basic resource to repair ship; that feels cheater and unfair.

To learn how to domain the game and complete campaign with each of the 4 spaceships, each one with all their permanent enhances, and all secondary missions with 100% achievements ( maybe two not work ) takes about 180 hours of fun. An example of an indie proyect so well made that has more quality than many products of big studies. Nobody that have played this product can to doubt that deserves a continuation, and just already is.
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 23:38
I have absolutely no idea wether this game is good or not. What I know is that the tutorial is abismal. A lot of things aren't explained, the game tells you about interface elements without showing you where they are, and most of it is given through text dumps, usually with a voice you can't replay if you didn't understant the first time through, and can be covered by the sound of battles or interrupted by jumping through a gate. The game never gave me a reason to search a zone before going to the next one, so I'm just jumping from point to point without really knowing who I am, who are the ennemies, who is the voice talking to me or what I'm supposed to be looking for. I don't know where I came from, why I have a hangar and where it is located. I might change my review if the game proves to be good later on, but it's not off to a good start.

Side nitpick, if you're not using a QWERTY keyboard you will have to remap each key individually, which is very complicated because the key you enter is not automatically removed from its previously assigned function. That means the same action can have multiple keys, and the same key can have multiple actions. If you don't want a key to do multiple actions at once, you will have to retrieve the previous action and change it manually.
351 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 01:00
Everspace is the kind of game where you have to realize that you're going to die a lot, as it's just the nature of the genre. Once you get over the initial learning curve, upgrade yourself a bit with the $$$ you've collected, and start to get the hang of the dog-fighting, you'll find yourself starting to kick ass and you'll go farther with each run. If you enjoy dogfighting, breathtaking visuals, and don't mind learning when to run away, you'll seriously enjoy this game.

My two tips for anyone struggling with the early game:

1.) invest in Energy Regen upgrades as early as possible; your energy bar depletes when you fire your weapons or when you use Shift to boost around. Faster regen = more shoot and more scoot.

2.) re-bind your lock-on button to something you can easily use, and don't be afraid to sling missiles at your enemies. It's not hard to craft more missiles, and it's better to be low on missiles than to be a charred heap of space junk.
131 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 22:44
Everspace is for some players the IDEAL space shooter! It is NOT a space simulator, but a space cowboy experience with a Dante's Inferno twist. The core gameplay loop can be become repetitive, but the escalating challenges, unlockable enhancements, and various encounters will keep the experience fresh! I myself did not encounter a solar storm (or know they even existed) until about 90 hours into the game!

The gameplay is thrilling! The feel of the weapons and the flow and handling of the spacecraft remind you of a time when you discovered classics like StarFox or Rogue Squadron for the first time. The game does feature a unique approach to Zero-G environments, and the result varies between starship and hover craft. However, I must admit that I've never messed around with gravity, force, and inertia so much before in a video game.

By the way did I mention that the game looks and sounds amazing? It truly shines in those regards, so consider purchasing a copy if you wish to satisfy that hardcore Sci Fi Itch. Just be WARNED: this is a hardcore style Rogue Lite Space Shooter - it will make the average person rage like they're playing Dark Souls.
83 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
8222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 03:21
I am retired and a three tour EMS volunteer. I help care for my mother (in her mid-nineties) and other friends , neighbors and companions, blessing more than I could do enough to earn in a lifetime. I don't take vacations, through my computer I take staycations and visit incredible exotic places, have unimaginable adventures and stay close to those who might need me at anytime.
Everspace, Everspace Encounters and Everspace 2 are increasingly my favorite staycation sites.
Exploring the settings of Everspace and doing the quests is the kind of gaming i furst and have always loved. Sell me the place and the supplies and tools/weapons I need and don't try to lead me to be someone I never wanted to be.
I come to enjoy myself not be schooled and change. playing a game
173 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 10:31
very basic, no event just, fight, mine, hop, fight mine, hop, maybe a boss, There is no reason to play within the game, its basically the space bit from No man Sky, and only the space bits. Its a shame, there int even enough feedback for the core gameplay loop to feel fun, there no randomly generated loot like FTL just he' a gatiling cannon+, so no gattling beam lazer corrosion

So many of the upgrades are more like handicaps you need to get rid of.

But if you want a mindless podcast game in space, and only in space, its okay.
680 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 18:34
To use a food analogy, Elite: Dangerous is an entire uncooked chicken while Everspace 1 are those little oven-ready chicken nuggets. One takes a lot more skill and prep to get what you want out of it, and the later is little bite sized pieces of the same stuff. Also like that analogy, no matter how many nuggets you mash together it won't go back to being a whole chicken, and this will never be an in depth space sim. It doesn't, however, really have to be.

The basic idea is that you are being chased by a race of scary aliens called the Okkar who want you dead for reasons you learn along the way. You drop into a randogen star system, and have a limited time to explore/mine/trade/salvage/steal/scan exobiology/fight pirates before their fleet arrives. Each jump costs fuel, so you essentially have to scramble to make as much money and collect as much fuel as possible before the Okkar show up and beat you with a broom until you leave.

You'll end up dying quite a bit, but the main character, Adam, is a clone who can reincarnate upon death. This means that the main plot and little side mission subplots can continue between runs. Side missions themselves spice up runs by adding unique scenarios and levels into the mix like raiding convoys or defending space stations.

I greatly enjoy the sequel and basically came back here just to get more acquainted with the series while I wait for ES2 to be fully released.

+ Graphics are very good, some of the systems are absolutely gorgeous. This is not hard sci-fi by any means, but it uses that to it's immense advantage to create impossible spacescapes.
+ Controls are very responsive, and combat is very fun.
+ Voice acting is good
+ Plot is good enough for a roguelike, I was actually curious to find out the next plot beats.
+ Good progression system in between runs so no run ever feels like wasted time.

-Cockpit views look a little toylike, like you are flying a fisher-price spaceship. This is mostly a pet peeve of mine since I unreasonably judge space games based on cockpits.
-Falls into the same roguelite trap of only have one first level that you will get sick of seeing. More games should copy Risk of Rain's notes.
-the RNG can occasionally hand you a situation you have zero solutions for besides to die. Not a good feeling.
-Some of the visual feedback on movement just feels off, like you are walking instead of flying. This was largely fixed in the sequel.
258 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 10:42
I hate roguelikes. I bought this not realizing it is one, but it's turned out to be great and an exception to the rule. The story makes it work, and there is enough permanent progress between runs. Aside from this it's beautiful, the progression is satisfying, and though most enemies will absolutely fist you in the beginning, you actually become good at the dogfighting over time, which is very satisfying. Big recommend.
63 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
10552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 18:28
First off, know that Roguelites/Roguelikes are not for everyone. If you're new to the genre you may have a hard time with this game.

Second, a lot of people are comparing it to Freelancer. It is NOTHING like Freelancer. If anything Everspace 2 is more like Freelancer and note that Everspace and Everspace 2 are also nothing like eachother.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's begin. Where do I start?

Well first off, the game is breathtakingly gorgeous, especially considering that you really don't need a powerful system to run this nicely. I'm not sure how low you can go though, since I'm currently running an i9 / 3060ti based system.

Progression through the game for each run is very well balanced, with more powerful enemies and dangers lurking closer to the end of each run. This makes it easier to upgrade your ship as you progress through the system.

While on the subject of progression, it's nice that, although it's a roguelike and when you die, that's it, there is still a base system to upgrade both your pilot and your ships, allowing you to focus on your favorite ship rather than go into battle with a brand new one every time.

The game can be controlled just as well with a controller as it can with mouse/kb for anyone that has had any time at all using the latter.

Stability is not an issue at all. I have over 1000 hours in the game between a couple accounts and have not once had a CTD or any game killing bugs.

Overall a 9.5/10 ~ the only thing I wish is that there was an endless mode that allowed you to progress beyond the set amount of sectors. Being a roguelike that would be an easy implementation I would think.
516 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 16:29
It's... Not bad. The beginning is a bit oppressive much like other roguelikes. Don't bother trying to stretch your life out in the beginning. Get in, get credits, die. Once you have enough hull and energy upgrades that you can actually get into a fight without losing half your health, then you can take a run seriously. Use your missiles! Use them all! Don't save them while you're getting up to snuff. Don't forget your weapon booster!
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 20:21
Excellent space shooter with amazing backdrops :)
If you want to explore then go to easy mode for less credits but more time in the hot seat :)
1807 Produkte im Account
898 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 19:36
A roguelite space combat grinder where you start with a shitty ship, do a run through a system FTL style, die, level up stats, and then repeat over and over until you finally manage to win. The space combat is rough. Maybe as your stats improve it feels better but to begin with it feels like there's not much you can do to actually make it through a dogfight without taking damage until eventually attrition takes you out completely. It just ends up being frustrating.
76 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 07:09
Bit of a tough start but gets real good once you lean into it
494 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 23:21
Please remove VR support on the steam page (leave it in game or w/e) until it's playable over 20fps on modern cards. It's deceptive if it's unplayable for most. Game play on desktop is decent.
1156 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
4272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 04:01
The core game loop on this is really really solid. I had a great time progressing my upgrades through each attempt. Visually the game is fantastic. Overall highly recommended for a roguelike space arcade experience.
110 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 16:41
I dont recommend playing in vr unless you have something in the rtx3000 series or amd equivalent

By default, the game renders as a low resolution and it hurts my eyes especially while reading. When I increase the resolution at all, it makes the game unplayable due to lag. I have a 2070
116 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 00:48
If you like classic Wing Commander space piloting games and/or old school arcade games, you'll love Everspace. One of the best Rogue-lite examples out there.
277 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 20:32
I thought the game sucked at first since I kept dying.
But after trying few more times, realizing that upgrading the ship was making things more fun and learning to move the ship backwards and fly in circular motion to dodge enemy attacks, i started doing better.
Now, after dying couple more times but progressing further, even dying is fun because I can use the credits I collected to upgrade the ship.
It's addictive like playing a defense game. Upgrade the energy and money loot related perks first. Learn to dodge by flying backwards in circles. Change the controls if you need to. I changed my WASD to complete strafing keys, and I use CTRL to move back and Space to move forward. It made things much much easier. I was able to take down big enemy ships without getting touched.
This game is beautiful and easy to play like an arcade, but it's like a fun RPG at the same time due to the progress saved every time.
Note that your game saves when you get to a new area.
You can quit out if you think you will die.
I will be playing more to advance further and hopefully beat the game and buy everspace 2.
218 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 18:24
It's pretty much first person FTL except the upgrades stay constant across your runs. controls take time to get used to and the lack of a true direction can be disorienting when flying around. Overall though, highly recommend if you like the FTL roguelike style and space combat like battlefront 2 2005 or dogfighting games in general
92 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 05:47
This is an amazing game.

The first time I played VR, it was on the Oculus DK2. I've built my own VR games/simulations, and have tried multiple VR/AR platforms. I've been at it a while.

For a long time, I didn't really give modern VR games that didn't use full VR controls serious consideration. Everspace changed my mind--Once you're immersed, you completely forget you're holding a controller (highly recommend a gamepad), and you think you're flying a spaceship. This was my main hesitation when purchasing the game, and I'll never shy away from a game that doesn't use VR controls again.

However... This game is hard to master. When you start, the controls feel clunky. But I believe it's the nature of the beast. You have full rotational control, and full freedom to move in six axes. The controls take some time to get used to, but I believe the developers did an amazing job of creating believable and as-simple-as-possible controls. You're flying a spaceship and handling multiple weapon systems for Rick's sakes!

If you hit the four hour mark, you'll get sucked in.

Combat, looting, upgrading your ship, engaging in or avoiding fights, and selecting your next location in your run are all strategic gameplay elements. Your choices are important, and the way you play the game is up to you. Avoid firefights and focus on looting, or go in guns blazing. Pilot a swift sneaky ship, a slow tank, or an all-purpose ship. Select your loadout and upgrade your weapons and defense systems as you progress through a run.

Your first 10 runs will be gruelling. You will die. But once you get the hang of it, and recognize the importance of switching weapons to either deplete enemy shields, or deal permanent damage to their hulls, you'll feel like a full-on space pirate.

Great for a 10-minute quickie, or a multi-hour game session--and there are plenty of challenging trophies to collect!

For the price, you can't go wrong. I'm hoping the DLC and the sequel are as good as this turned out to be.

To the devs: excellent work! You've created a truly immersive and unique video game experience, and I applaud you. I look forward to the next instalment, and I'm excited to see your future titles!
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 21:33
Super addictive gameplay loop, fun and unique controls, incredible combat, rewarding exploration, entertaining story, upgrade system is very fulfilling and has a noticeable impact on gameplay and getting good at the game feels incredibly satisfying. Highly recommended

I happened to notice that there's a lot of misinformation in the negative reviews, alongside some criticisms which does not misinform. I'll be addressing some of that misinformation
1. Progress through dying
The ability to upgrade your own pilot and ship happens between runs but the efficiency of your refinements in the hanger (the 'in-between' space) is completely reliant on your efficiency in the run itself. Effective runs yields more credits, yields higher payoff
2. Poor controls
Although this is true unfortunately for controllers, this is not the case with keyboard and mouse. Controlling feels very easy and intuitive. This does not dispute the problem with the poor controls on the controller
3. Repetitiveness
The game encourages exploration and will often generously throw useful resources at you as long as you're good at it (or at least developing your ability to play it). On-top of this, it also throws unexpected into the areas you visit from time to time. Stuff like areas with abnormally high conflict between factions, 'entities', new characters, abandoned space structured etc
4. The game is unfair
Although the game is designed to be tough I disagree that it is unfair. If my limited experience playing this game serves me right, then the game is partially designed around the premise that exploration is a skill that have to be trained within the game, in which combat is one of these skills and that improving this ability will also yield better result. There's a line to tread here: too slow and you will be killed eventually, too fast and you will end up multiple sectors above your level with no resources and still be instantly killed. Learning to consistently hit the sweet-spot will rapidly improve the quality of your runs.
5. Combat is repetitive
The combat is very experimental and learning how to be comfortable with that element of experimentation will yield new builds very rapidly which will yield different and unique experiences/perspectives of the gameplay. Builds (by that I mean loadout + perks) are just one element though as builds do not really actually DECIDE gameplay. The devised tactic by which a build is used is of equal importance and this dual-process yields a highly variable style of experimentation and creates a sense of push and pull as you continually switch out parts in your ship throughout the runs. A sense of back-and-forth communication with the game
6. Perks have no impact on gameplay
Perks have a VERY noticeable effect on the game. If you're not putting thoughts into how you spend your credits, perks could easily come off as trivial and barely noticeable. However when you upgrade your ship and pilot with deliberate intention, you WILL very quickly notice a difference in the gameplay. For example: I play mostly as a scout and have played most of the game so far with rifle. This meant that upgrading crit chance and damage significantly increased the efficiency of the rifle to such a degree that an otherwise 5-hit kill weapon turned into a 2 hit kill weapon on normal fighters and a 1-hit weapon on drones (and even a few other enemy-types). Another example is speed. Increasing my scout's speed have allowed me to rack up the necessary resources in an area faster which prevents me from being killed by incoming okkar and have allowed me to significantly increase the amount of sectors I can consistently get through before being blown up. Ineffective investments does not mean that credits are purposeless and that perks have no impact
7. Everspace 2 is a better version of everspace 1
Everspace 2 have a few fundamentally different design decisions which makes the experiences very distinct from one another. The fact that this is untrue goes without saying. For one it is not a rogue-lite
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
32549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 15:05
Great simple game for hours of entertainment =-)
756 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 18:52
It's alright I suppose but it isn't really fun. Combat is always the same and the farming for upgrades and exploring is tedious. The story isn't interesting but I guess that is fine since it really isn't the focus of the game.
There are many better rogue-lites out there so suggest you play one of those unless you really want a space-dogfight one.
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 15:53
Oh Please stop! The fun I am having with this game has forced me to have sleepless nights in planning my next great adventure. Turning the game into a full on flight sim. Controls and all! Yes, I am a robotics engeneer, so its no great feet, it has been done plenty of times, but NOT like this. Game runs great on my old dinosaur of a pc. ddr2 memory and core to duo processor, with only a 750 ti as a screen card. Thank you Rockfish, I can be a kid again. kids enjoy the planet watching.
2469 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 13:01
Space shooter with a background story that slowly unlocks as you progress. Each time you die you'll spend credits to upgrade something permanently but start again (hence the roguelike)

Highly recommended
220 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 07:45
Interesting game. It's a space shooter mixed with a roguelike. As a result, you're going to die a lot.
Just dust yourself off, buy some upgrades, and get back out there. The combat feels good, the graphics are beautiful, and there's a devent variety of enemies. The only criticism I do have is that the game lacks depth with the roguelike part.
19 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 19:14
Warp, shoot, warp again, not much to this game but it sure is purty
69 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 23:14
I can't believe I slept on this game this long.

Imagine a game with equal parts Descent, Tie Fighter, and Galaga. No frills, forward moving arcade style action. Just point and shoot and move forward into harder stuff. What really shines is the gameplay. I remember trying to learn Elite: Dangerous or No Man's Sky or Eve Online where you are beating your head against the wall trying to figure out how basic stuff works. This game is like someone took all the crap mechanics out of those games and just made a perfect space shooter. There I said it. Its a perfect space shooter.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 20:41
oooh space pew pew
508 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 18:22
Gets boring really fast. Slow pace, repetitive, does not feel like flying a spaceship. Strafing, hovering, no drag. If you have way to much time and need something to sink it into with little return - this is where you can go.
17 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
62768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 01:43
Great mouse control. Lots of enemies. Good weapons. Lots of loot.T his just really holds my interest.
55 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 17:58
Awsome space fighter game!
Graphics are very good and so is the action.
Flight controls on mouse + keyboard are the best I've ever experienced.
This is a roguelike game, meaning you do runs and per run try to make as much progress as possible.
When you die, you get to upgrade your character and ship with the credits you collected in the run.
This way you'll start a new run even more stronger and powerful and should be able to make more progression.
This game also has a bit of a story to follow, some NPCs you'll get to meet. They'll provide you with little quests.
Do you own a VR set? This game also supports VR.
Not sure if this your type of game? Pick it up on 3rd party gamekey providers for just a few bucks and find out for yourself ;-)
37 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 23:25
It's good for what it offers as an incremental resource exploration roguelite however it doesn't satisfy my desire for arcade flight combat as I feel that I'm dealing with foes the same way regardless of weapon type and the speed feels slow despite the increases gained from progression.
408 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 16:40
Fantastic game. Story is eh, but you aren't buying this for the story. The game play is constant action. The controls are intuitive. Visuals are great.
3710 Produkte im Account
384 Reviews
3082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 05:32

“We're just clones, sir. We're meant to be expendable.”
~Sinker, Star Wars: The Clone Wars

The addicting gameplay. The thing that made video games possible. I mean, back in the days, we didn't love games like Pong, Space Invaders or Pac-Man because of their cool graphics or complicated stories. Even the mind-blowing open world games like the original Legend of Zelda barely had any story in them. Because seriously, back in the days? The games were not about the stories. At all. John Carmack, who made games like Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM and Quake possible, once said: “Story in a game is like story in a porn movie, he said. “It's expected to be there, but it's not important.” A lot of people forgot about that nowadays. Old geezers like yours truly aside, people nowadays want their games to have groundbreaking graphics, complicated stories, open world environments and hundreds of hours of gameplay. Even if most of that time will come from them walking from one point to another, doing exactly nothing. EVERSPACE? It's nothing like that. At all.

See, the guys from ROCKFISH Games? They want you to remember the good ol' times when enjoying the gameplay was the main dish. And I'm not talking about one of those gameplays where you're just... you know. Walking around, taking screenshots and sharing them with your friends (Todd Howard called, he wants you to buy another copy of Skyrim, maybe even for the same exact problem). I'm talking about real gameplay. The one where you shoot the crap out of your enemies with the rivers of the adrenaline flowing down from your ears. And that's the thing about EVERSPACE. Technically, it's a very short game. Laughably short, actually. Seriously, technically, you can beat the entire thing in less than an hour. But. You won't. Why? Well, because... you'll die. Yeah, it's one of those games, in which you'll die, you'll die again and then guess what? You'll die even more (Tommy Jarvis approves).

Don't expect any Wing Commander here. EVERSPACE? It's a pretty simple game. In this game you'll need to clear six tiny little sectors with only a few nods in each. Every node comes with its own basic mission. There isn't much variety either. Usually, you either kill all the enemies, or find the device that prevents you from going further. After cleaning six sectors, you go to the final one, in which the final battle will take place. That's it. That's the entire game. You'll be able to mine some resources, craft some upgrades and change the equipment, but all that is so basic that it's barely worth mentioning. In other words, it's a tiny little game with only a few basic features, in which you'll die a lot. Like... a lot. Sounds pretty bad, right? Well, guess what? It's exactly the opposite. For two reasons.

First – the roguelike element. You don't just die in this game. After you die – the game looks at your latest performance and rewards you accordingly, so, you'll be able to buy the new ships, unlock some useful new perks and so on. All in order to get a better chance next time. Naturally, it gives you a lot of motivation and makes you feel less bad about not being able to win again. Also, ROCKFISH Games played smart and made perfect excuse for things being like that. See, in this game you're playing as a clone(s). Clones who desperately try to reach a certain destination. Most of them will die on the way and only one... well, OK, OK, we've all been a part of those awkward and embarrassing classes in school, moving on!

The second reason for this game to working so well (Todd Howard called again, he said that one of his games works perfectly well to, but I'm pretty sure he lied) is the fact that... well, that's what I was talking about at the very beginning of this review. This game? It's addicting. It combines “Just one more run!” effect from our usual roguelikes (you know how it is about such games, sometimes you just can't stop and keep doing that “one last dungeon” until you realize it's morning already and you'll need to explain to your boss why in the world you're sleeping at your workplace today) with the basic fun of the old games. True, the maps in this game are tiny, the sectors come with only a few of them, there isn't enough variety and the ship customization comes with only a few basic options (all with close to no story, of course). But the gameplay mechanics is so addicting that... it's just impossible to stop. You just keep shooting. Because it's fun! Add the fact that there's a completely free VR mode (watch and learn, Ethan Carter!) with its own unique kind of fun, and you'll be able to see why this game is totally worth your time.

Well, maybe not so much nowadays, since the sequel is already in Early Access and it's one of those cases, when it may actually be fine to skip the original, but... while writing reviews it's always a good idea to pretend that you're there – at the moment when the game just came out. And all in all, I must say – ROCKFISH Games did achieve a lot of good here. Like... a lot. The only question here – can you deal with the old school? If your answer is “yes” and you can enjoy the game just because of how fun and addicting its gameplay is, then EVERSPACE totally deserves your attention. But at the same time, you should keep in mind that if you prefer huge open worlds and complicated stories that takes hundreds of hours to tell, then you won't find anything like that here. EVERSPACE? It's a game about dying and starting all over again, while feeling good about all that. Dixi.
309 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 08:09
this game made me realize that i like roguelikes
1071 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 19:39
Too difficult, I dislike games where death means restating even if you're played for hours. I never managed to get past sector 4 even with all the upgrades that 20+ hours of play bring. This is a shame as the gameplay is good the controls work well and the space environments are decent.

Still at least I learned what roguelike means and can avoid this genre in the future
158 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 05:38
I haven't played it much on pc but it is still a beautiful game and i highly recommend it graphics are wonderful the controls are easy to grasp. And you never know fully waht you will be able to find each sector. Its just plain awesome.
125 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
2507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 16:35
Pretty fun spaceship roguelite. Took me some time to get good at the game to make progress and enjoy it, initially was dying too much and was finding it repetitive. Stick with it and soon you get to have dog fights in space, shoot cluster missiles, take on capital ships and so on. Also involves more mundane tasks like salvaging through wreckage, mine asteroids, etc for supplies or crafting materials.

The combat feels good once you get the hang of it. Nice variety of weapons, active and passive powers and consumables. Also options to mod many of the above in different ways.

There is also a huge amount of metaprogression in terms of upgrades after each run as well as permanent unlocks you get like more modding options or starting perks found by defeating certain enemies.

Visuals are bright, colorful and pretty to look at. Probably the best looking roguelite I've played. Story seems fine and is drip fed as in most roguelites, this is mostly a gameplay oriented game.
149 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 12:44
Roguelike very fun game, death is part of it so if you don't like to lose, don't play to it. When you die, you can improve your ship and other things of the game using credits gained. Upgrades are permanent and every attempts become easier.
Story is quite good, maybe not very original, but enjoyable.
The unexpected in this game are continuous, but all in all balanced, already the fact that I have preserved my sanity is a point in favor! :D
Sooner or later I will also play the sequel.
755 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
2336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 18:39
All negative reviews of this game are mostly from people who never played Rogue lites before.
this is a rogue lite. not a rogue like.
you will die.
many times.
see this as an FTL but you are the ship, you don't manage a crew.
196 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 19:15
Everspace is a fun challenging space combat game mixed with roguelite randomly generated levels.
The gameplay feel so smooth with keyboard and Mouse,
As for the story you play as adam one of his many clones trying to survive.
Artstyle space never look so colourful before.
As for the mixed reviews I think it mostly to do with this game having Roguelite element.
But there everspace 2, no man sky and other space games if they want a space combat game that is not a Roguelite.

3056 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
3213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 06:21
Great space shooter, really good implementation of rogulike elements. Pure fun!
1921 Produkte im Account
361 Reviews
2066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 23:57
Rating: 8.5/10
Genre: Rogue Lite Space Shooter

The Good:
+ The scenery is gorgeous, whenever you enter a new sector, you are treated to jaw dropping visuals of space, planets, asteroids fields, space debris, wreckage etc.

+ Plenty of weapons, items, perks, ships, blueprints etc. to completely customize your build to see what suits you. Every run can provide something different.

+ Your ship has multiple systems such as inertia dampening, life support, engines etc. If they get damaged then things become a lot more difficult and require immediate repairs. It adds a nice touch and makes things a bit more interesting. The stronger your ship becomes the less likely a part will get damaged.

+ Certain sectors have environmental hazards adding an extra element of difficulty and challenge but also rewards.

The Average:
+/- The game is very difficult in the beginning and requires a significant amount of grinding to make any real progress. It took me roughly 10 solid hours of multiple playthroughs before my ship was strong enough to make it near the end consistently. I particularly liked the gameplay loop so this did not bother me as much, however those that are not too fond of space shooters may quit too early.

+/- I would like to have seen more environment variety. As gorgeous as the game is, it does feel like every sector is a bunch of asteroids and a few space stations scattered about.

The Bad:
- The default controls for the controller are not good and require adjustments. Making adjustments is a lot harder than it should be as the game doesn’t always recognize when you change controls. Luckily, once the issue was resolved, I was good to go.

I am not a big fan of space combat but this game really sucked me in. The game successfully combines the elements of rogue-lite gameplay with space shooting. It reminds me a bit of the indie game Faster than Light, but this game is focused on arcade space combat. I will say that if you’re a big fan of the rogue-lite genre then I think this game is worth checking out.
110 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
3086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 10:32
I paid full price for the Ultimate Edition of Everspace (£28) four years after its release, I can honestly say that I think it was worth every penny. I don't believe I can give it a better recommendation than that!

If you want to give it a go I've a few things to tell you.

1. Invest in the Credit Perk first.
2. You'll die a lot.
3. Controls are best with K&M, tricky at first but you will get used to it.
4. You'll die a lot.
5. You will progress - get used to dying.
6. You'll die a lot.
7. Use your consumables and all your equipment - do. not. hoard stuff!
8. Its great - and you'll die a lot!
9. Looks great, plays great (when you're used to the controls).

Also make sure you have the Encounters DLC, I can already see what it adds to the game is essential to its replayability.
144 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 16:38
Picked this up after playing Everspace 2 and having a great time & being a big fan of the roguelike/lite genre.

Some genius that was a part of making this game decided they wanted an arcade-style shooter that plays like it first ties your shoelaces together and then asks you to sprint, then stop dead, then sprint again. Everything from movement, to your guns, to cooldowns shares a single goddamn resource being energy that at base level regenerates at a crawl and the game actually suggests you come to a complete stop to fill it quicker. This is some split personality shit and slows everything right down to where I've got too much time to think about how awful these things feel. God help you if you want to shoot at the enemies AND attempt dodging their return fire at the same time. Flying at normal speed isn't fast enough to evade incoming damage and if you're out of energy then you're shit out of luck. On my very first run I got so frustrated with it that I sat still and let myself die so I could go back to base and upgrade the damn thing. When I drop my first few wads of spacebux on upgrading energy regen as much as possible and not buying a sweet new ship you know something is fucked up.
265 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 18:32
Fun and enjoyable in 15 min bursts as well as 3h binge.
2107 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
3835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 07:04
i will admit this game took me a while to warm to, although it has become one of my favourite games to jump in and out of. I guess I'll explain my reservation or initial dislike due to the rogue nature of play (when most space games I know don't understand how to limit their scope. What you get here is a very enjoyable space renegade game with a developing world and story as you give it more time with those rogue elements of upgrades that only last for the run and long term upgrades as well as ship unlocks. Like I said it to a while to realise the game I was playing and love it!. Give it a fly.
50 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 21:39
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Paint.exe

☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☑ Adults
☐ Human

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding

☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
191 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 08:57
My very first impression of the game (talkin' first 10 minutes) was a tentatively apprehensive one.

It had a general feeling of basic-ness to it, and I feared the game would provide a very arcadey experience.

Long story short, this is not the case. It's not a perfect game, but what it does do, it does well. So much different equipment and consumable items, all with interesting and impactful effects. Same with the weapons available: lots of variety, and they all feel really damn nice.

Exploring the ruins of a Colonial Frigate and finding a nice, shiny 'Enhanced' weapon with a bunch of interesting mods on it is dopamine manifest.

And did I mention the visuals? No, I didn't. Just buy the game and witness it for yourself. I'm playing on a damn ass laptop and it looks absolutely stunning, 100% of the time.
323 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 16:50
Play --> Jump --> Dead --> Repeat
232 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 07:25
So ive been seeing this game all over. Everywhere I swear. So i saw it was on sale and decided to go for it. Let me tell you, that was the best decision i have made in years. This is by far one of the best games ive ever played. Its basically Faster Than Light in 3d where you make every move yourself. I cant wait for the second one already! The story is amazing, the way they structured it is pure amazing. Oh and once you get the combat down you feel like an invincible beast, ready to take down anyone in your path. 10/10 here. One of the top games in my massive library. You can just jump right in and get going anytime!
101 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 21:38
It cost 5 bucks, and it's fun.
15 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 04:43
A cool take on scavenge/craft games. Just add space for hours of visually striking gaming areas, intense battles and loads of nooks and crannies to snoop around in
50 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
3459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 07:23
Not a bad game. Slightly glitchy on Linux but not unplayable. Kind of linear in action since you can only move forward through a sector and get at max three options to where you want to move next.

You will die a lot, and that is normal. I hate dying and starting over but it's still better than some other games I've played.

Credits are your friend, use them to buy perks. You can only upgrade those and switch ships after you die.
78 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 19:11
Quite an interesting roguelike or whatever buzzword variant of that word you prefer. The dogfighting feels much closer to how a space fighter could work with how we use spacecraft today, directional thrusters and not just the usual world war 2 dogfights in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. It seems that the second game is a completely different beast though.
EDIT: And the first one is damn good.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 01:15
Amazing graphics, controls and general look and feel. This is not a Space-SIM, but a space-FPS. At least, it did not take 10 years to develop, raised $200 Millions, only to not ever be released like, uhum Star-Citizen.

You can play at your own pace. You can jump in/out in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 4 hours at a time. Search YouTube for beginner videos like I did, and the rest will be fun,
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 21:52
desktop background simulator
495 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
2399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 16:46
Everspace is a great space rogue like shoot'em up with some light RPG elements.
If you want to zip around discovering secrets, blowing up baddies, and doing some light ship design this is the game for you!
There are some broad and mysterious storytelling which is mostly besides the point.
This is a game for people who want gameplay, not a game for people who want to feel like they're part of an interactive novel. Word to the wise.
That's what it says on the tin, and that's what's inside.
509 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
3155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 20:38
Most people who gives this game a negative review (I know there are others) do not understand what this game is at it's core, or bought this game with preconceived notions. This is not a space sim, it is a roguelike. The gameplay feels like a spacesim, but it is not one.

Also, If you go into this game knowing that, it is absolutely fantastic.
987 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 21:05
Like playing FTL but actually flying your ship!
Travel sectors, scavenge resources and upgrade your ship while engaging in space fights. The graphics are amazing, gameplay is simple and fun. Story is a bit confusing (It's annoying the dialogues happen at anytime, so if you are busy trying to survive you miss some pieces of discussion).

Kinda wish there was more ship customization though.
411 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 05:31
Just got this game. Got it on sale. I'd played Elite Dangerous and Rebel Galaxy (I think that's what it's called). I honestly wasn't expecting much out of this game. Unexpectedly, this turned out to be really good.
I haven't gotten very far. Haven't even unlocked a second ship yet. I've died a few times, but I guess that's to be expected in this game.
One thing that is a bit of a critical note is how hard it is to find fuel. It seems nearly impossible. It's also really hard to move on to the next level when they spawn an elite enemy that is waaay above what you could possibly take down, and then jam your ability to flee. Yes, it's a good pirate tactic (think shooting out the mast of a ship type unfair), but it makes things really hard.
I'll probably come back to this at some point or another.
135 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 21:26
Super empty and very boring. I would very much like my money back on this one!
332 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 03:25
This plays like the Elite: Dangerous trailers look.
219 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
6375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 06:45
Years ago, I remember playing Halo Reach where you're in fighting in a Sabre in outer space. It was the first time a Halo game featured space combat. That was an awesome level! It reminded me of the hours I would spend playing Galaga as a kid. I realized that I loved space shooters and wanted to play more of them. Sadly, Halo never gave us any further space combat levels. And the space shooter genre is underrated with too few good games. Google 'space shooter games' and you get trashy mobile apps on the first page. Major game companies--even EA which has released many Star Wars games--haven't created many AAA space games in the current generation.

Everspace, developed by indie studios Rockfish Games, is a perfect modern entry that scratched my space shooter itch. The game has great graphics that capture the beauty of space, kickass gameplay that suits many playstyles, challenging AI that make every dogfight a thrill along with a so-so soundtrack (too much rock for my tastes). The achievements are doable and not much of a grind. (Do get the Encounters DLC because the game is half as fun without that.)

Tips for beginners: Many beginning players quit because the game is too hard. I say stick with the game. Ever seen 'Edge of Tomorrow'? Live, die, repeat? That's how you play Everspace. It is a roguelike game where you die a lot and that's okay. Make sure to farm credits and invest them in good perks (check the Steam guides). During battles, have a good and consistent strategy to deal with enemies. Knowing how to use devices and consumables well is half the battle. Most importantly, keep an eye on the health gauge. Losing too much HP? GTFO then. Always have a foolproof exit strategy when you need to escape. Go invisible, teleport, deploy drones, doesn't matter, get out! It's not worth losing half your HP getting shot at from multiple directions.

Overall, Everspace is a good game worth playing.
528 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 16:00
This game is not worth full price. It is an ok game when on sale for less than 10$. All you do is go from jump point to jump point, collecting resources and fighting the same enemies over and over. There is no open world/galxy. This game could have been ALLOT better, if you could pick your jump points, as a more open ended game, instead the jump points are picked for you.

Once you hit the end, all your weapons, resources, and money that you collected, are reset, and you have to collect everything again.
251 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 02:05
Game appears extremely barren, encountering the same few enemies, weapons and mods over and over whilst working towards 2 additional ships.
Apparently this is widely known and you have to buy the DLC to remedy this, but they shouldn't have made DLC if the base game feels incomplete and empty, I don't buy DLC to fix the base game, I buy DLC when I've had fun with the base game and I want more.
125 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 00:32
It gets a little repetitive if you play it a ton all at once, but it is a really fun game in general. I usually drop in and play one game or two every month or so, and that works great for me. Dog fighting galore
145 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 19:20
This game has great visuals, a fairly intuitive control scheme, and smooth, challenging combat. However, due to the highly repetitive nature of the gameplay, the lack of variety and the absence of any real sense of progression, I can't recommend it.

Here's how the gameplay works in a nutshell: You start out in the first region of the first sector; you have a stock pulse laser and stock gatling cannon. You shoot and loot enemies, resource/tech crates and mineable rocks until a bunch of enemies warp in, forcing you to jump to the next region or (most likely) die. Rinse and repeat for a few more regions until you reach the warp gate to the next sector, then do it all again. This repeats until you die. Along the way, you collect resources to repair your ship or subsystems, and craft/upgrade weapons. However, when you die (and you will), everything you gained - resources, weapons, upgrades, consumables - aside from credits, is lost. You spend the credits from that run on perks, which range from slight upgrades to your ship to trading and rare loot drop chance bonuses. Then you start again in first region of the first sector with a stock pulse laser and a stock gatling cannon. What a drag.

Regions and sectors are randomly generated, you encounter various questgiver NPCs and there are four ships (three without the Encounters DLC, and they're all fighter ships; no frigates, cruisers, corvettes, battleships, etc...). This all adds a bit of variety to the game, but not enough. Perks give the only sense of progression, but again, it's not enough.

This game definitely has its good points, and is great fun for many people (as you can see from the majority of its reviews), but it was a disappointment to me as I was hoping for something a bit deeper. Here's hoping Everspace 2 fits the bill.

Disclaimer: Much of my reported game time was spent afk being a dad and stuff.
127 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 21:02
If you want an easy to learn space simulator where you unlock stuff every time you die. Then this is the game for you.
95 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 22:00
I still remember the time playing Galaxy on Fire 2 when I was younger, it was one of the best space game I've ever played. And since Everspace was made by the same creator, I knew I had to buy it so I could have this experience once again.

The Positives:
+ Stunning visuals with different space environments: Almost everything in this game looks amazing, from the ships, asteroids, creatures, to the overall atmospheres and natural hazards, though one thing I enjoy looking at the most is black hole. It gives me that calm, yet terrifying feeling every time I encounter one, which is exhilarating to me.
+ Ship is easy to control
+ Great variety of weapons and devices for you to equip to your ship
+ Space combat is satisfying

The Negatives:
- Terrible UI design: This one annoys me the most, because how can a breathtaking visual game like this have an UI that looks like it's still in its alpha state? It's like there was a completely different team that made the UI for the game or something.
- Story isn't interesting
- Can't freely go back to the previous solar systems or sectors, always have to go forward until you finish the game or die
- Can't loot items from afar with the tractor beam like in the old game

Final Verdict: Not exactly the kind of experience I would want from a space game, but I still enjoyed the time I had with Everspace. Try it out if you like the roguelike aspect of it. 7/10.

P/s: Everspace 2 looks even more amazing and seems to fix most of the issues from the first one. Looking forward to that game.
359 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 23:51
I gotta start this review out with
-DON'T buy this game without the DLC.-

I recommend this game as a very neat Roguelite, but the vanilla game is WAY too empty without the DLC.
TBH, this game is pretty hard to review without the DLC, so I'm just going to leave this review here as-is.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 02:31
It might be me. But when I go upside down to the horizon, I expect to stay there when I neutral the joystick, not have it drift back to the original orientation. When I'm in space, I expect throttle to add speed, not define it.

So I either can't turn a hairpin, or haven't figured out how yet with the joystick. T1400m duo. And everything about piloting is a fight. While the ai on the first stage is flying circles relative to me, while I'm definitely in an arc.
1175 Produkte im Account
165 Reviews
1855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 09:19
Everspace is a rogue-lite space combat flight simulator that was released in 2017, with a heavy emphasis on exploration, resource gathering and ship customisation as you push further towards an unknown destination. Imagine the best bits of FreeLancer’s combat, with the added elements resource management, persistent upgrades and stunning backdrops. It’s very good, and you don’t already own it you should pick it up.

You play as an amnesiac space pilot who knows he is on the run, but doesn’t know why or who from. You do remember how to pilot your ship however, and with the help of the HIVE AI that’s installed on your ship you manage to set off into space, with only the barest idea of where you have to head to. While the concept has been done to death in other games Everspace really delivers. The plot is filled in pretty quickly as you make progress, and the story is actually very good once you get past the 3 first sectors (it really starts to come together). Most of the story is explained via short movies that play in between sectors or in game events. I thought I would be done with it once I finished one run, but there are enough side missions, collectables, and areas to investigate that replayability is very high.

Combat is very good and very responsive, and usually consists of short dogfights (depending on the ship you choose). Even better are the 3 way fights between enemies, where you can hang back to pick off stragglers, or dive headfirst to save a friendly ship. There are situations where you are overwhelmed, and this is where use of consumables, secondary weapons and installed modes will make all the difference. While there isn’t a vast difference in enemies and types (all have shields and hp that vary) the variety of weapons and mods they come equipped makes up for it). There are larger capital ships that might appear and put a serious dent in your plans (and require different strategies to deal with), but the rewards for dealing with them are worthwhile. Ships also have other unique systems (like life support) so if you lose your shields there is a greater chance that something critical might go as well -there’s nothing worse than having both weapons systems offline but it’s great watching enemy ships vent their oxygen into space. You have a vast array of primary and secondary weapons to choose from, all which have different ranges, shield and hull damage and energy consumption.

Death is an integral part of Everspace- you are expected to die and die quite often in the beginning. Unlike other games death usually makes you stronger- while you lose everything you have collected (weapons, materials, consumables) money, blueprints and alien glyphs carry over). These allow you to purchase permanent upgrades to both your character and ship, or eventually purchase different types of ships which should make future runs much easier or align to a particular style of play. You aren’t shoehorned into playing a “white knight” character, you are free to raid and pillage neutral ships as much as you want, with the risk that they might call in reinforcements or be hostile to you in future zones.

There is a great deal of customisation available, and while the starting options are low, once you have played a few times the upgrades start rolling in and you have many more options. You can change ship, ship colours, buffs and debuffs and customisations before you start your run, along with the starting ship load out and game difficulty. These are committed until your next death, but everything else can be changed on the fly as long as you have the credits or materials. The upgrade tree is very good, with a ton of options for both pilot perks (these stay with you no matter what ship you use), or ship upgrades (which are ship dependant. All upgrades are useful, though some are situational all help in the long run.

Visually the game is stunning, with a large array of environments you traverse. While most of space should be empty, you are always in areas that have something of interest, from asteroid belts, alien structures, mining platforms and wreckages from the past war. You can change your view at any time (from first person, cockpit and third person), And the game has a photograph mode which removes the hud some so you can just take snapshots of the scenery and action as its unfolding. The background music tracks are also very good, and while they don’t take centre stage they fit the game excellently. The few characters that you do come across are voiced really well, and add something extra to the game.

I would highly recommend getting the Encounters DLC as it adds 2 extra ships, a few extra weapons and consumables to the game. The biggest addition is the added side missions, which increase your initial credit income quite quickly so you can purchase more upgrades earlier. The missions then selves are vastly different, from bounty hunting, procuring resources or items, scanning creatures or just offering a helping hand.

If you are chasing 100% achievements, then there are much easier games to play. Everspace requires you to finish a run on hardcore mode, which is basically a fresh run with no upgrades and 1 life. Since every stage is random this will all rely on skill and a lot of luck. Otherwise, it just requires lots of runs to progress missions and unlock upgrades.

For more reviews please visit https://store.steampowered.com/curator/31327216/
794 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 02:37
This game is awesome!

The graphics are amazing, with beautiful visuals and scenery in various types of space settings.

The dogfights are really cool and makes you feel kinda like you're in a movie. There is an exploration, scavenging and crafting dynamic which is interesting and also a few choices of ship with tech and hardware upgrade possibilities for each ship you unlock.

The story is so-so and the procedural maps might get a little repetitive after a while, but its really cool and spectacular for the chance to fly around as a fighter pilot in a spaceship in fantastic-looking scenarios in outer space.

The game is really worth it.

A MUST BUY if you're into piloting, space games, dog-fighting or like great graphics.
63 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 09:21
Great little roguelike space explorer. Runs and mechanics get a little boring/repetitive but I still got tons of value out of the game for my $ and I have never taken more screenshots of any other game than in Everspace. I think I took like 100 photos and at one point I had my screenshot folder as my Windows desktop background, rotating through them all. A truly gorgeous space-set game. Can't wait to jump into Everspace 2!
112 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 02:35
To me, after the first run, this game is not fun at all. It starts out looking good, but it doesn't last.
One of the main problems is the lack of fuel. After the first run, I could not find any fuel any where. Flew around everywhere in system after system and could not find any fuel source. You can pick up a little fuel from destroyed enemies through random drops, but it's wasn't enough to keep me moving. And, when the fuel is gone and you can't continue without destroying your ship you'll die to Okkar attacks.
Next, the Okkar. They constantly attack. If you're not being attacked by them as soon as to jump into a system, it will only be a few minutes before they show up. I understand that the developers wants to keep you moving, but it gets old quick when you're trying to look around for fuel.
Plus, all of the enemies are player focused. If they are engaged with another faction, as soon as they see you, they stop and head directly for you. You're supposed to be in a demilitarized zone and can't look around for fuel without getting attacked as soon as you're seen.
Very disappointed. I was hopefully since the graphics are beautiful and the ship flies and handles well compared to other games, but the lack of fuel ruins the game for me.
365 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 13:12
Fantastic game - especially for gamer dads with not a lot of time on their hands. You can dip back into it any time and not have to remember 50 million different quest things.
More fun than Elite Dangerous - there, I said it.
227 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
2624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 12:20
Best space dogfighting game since PaRappa The Rapper
590 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 07:41
I feel that it's not worth it's full price but definetly worth a purchase on a 60%+ discount, to me it felt fresh, both relaxing and engaging to stroll around a well designed space and the dogfights are pretty cool.

There could be a lot of improvements, specially for it's base price, but right now it's a steal.

The gameplay is sharp and feels smooth both on gamepad and kb+ms (it's imo it's biggest trait, it's buttery smooth); there are numerous ways to start and exit a fight, it gets old but the time spent doesn't take away it's charm. What I mean by that is I can still come back and feel engaged, I simply will just do a run instead of 2 in a sitting.
3247 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
9897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 23:47
I love rogue-like/rogue-lite games. I love space combat games. Therefore I LOVE EVERSPACE!!! Just got my alpha key for 2 and noticed I never reviewed this one. This is a very well made combination of rogue elements with 6DOF controls with just the right combination of story, exploration and combat. Each ship plays like a traditional class. There's the standard balanced warrior, the stealthy rogue and a heavy fighter tank-type. The DLC ship is like a mage. It's a very clever way of combining genres. It's also amazing in VR. Probably 80% of my hours on this game are in VR. The only VR games I've played more are Skyrim and Fallout 4. Well it looks like my download is done for the second one so I'll be going now. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy, JOY!
248 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 13:11
Great game but I have problems with the controls. Sometimes a controller works. Then is stops, Sometimes a flight stick works. Then it stops. No idea why.
80 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
5045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 15:18
I really enjoy this game. The controls are simple and easy to learn, it's fairly intuitive and user-friendly, and the game does make it possible to have a number of different play-styles so you can play your way, so to speak, & not be completely screwed over like in some games where there's only one way forward.
77 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
3302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 17:51
Great rogue like casual space shooter with 6 DoF. The flying and shooting feels very satisfying and fair. The 'random' generated system all look aboslutely stunning and I still haven't felt like I've seen a system twice after 41 hours. There are many different weapons and devices to fuel many runs and different play styles. The [spoiler] Ancients and their structures [/spoiler] feel and look especially great and different. The game feels very Star Trek at times with all the phasers and planetary mining lasers. The DLC 'Encounters' is a must.
Overall very much worth the money and looking forward to Everspace 2.
152 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 01:49
Really addicting and makes you feel like you're a star wars pilot.
226 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 14:26
It's like FTL, but less resource management and more actual game play.
108 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
6275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 16:39
Excellent - arcade - space shooter with rougelite elements. Beautiful visuals, great atmosphere and after a short learning period an awful lot of fun. Recommended to play with mouse and keyboard. Full achievements take up to 80 hours. Time well spent.

ps. Get it on sale and with DLC included.
211 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 10:09
there are so many different synergistic combinations with the weapons/mods/items/devices that it almost plays like a space version of diablo. the visuals are also stunning. when you get into a map and there's a huge planet below, you feel tiny in the vastness of space.
227 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
1448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 10:13
Wonderful Masterpiece Innovative 3D Space Shooter, With non-linear storytelling & lot of side quests in mind-blowing highly detailed graphics & atmospheres

Highly recommended to immerse yourselves into this giantanic well made universe.
196 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 14:47

No, It's Not Freelancer Or The X Series

If you've played FTL, it follows a similar pattern - you have to get to the warp gate at the end of the map by jumping to new systems and dealing with whatever random issue that system throws up (if any).

But here the gameplay is basically to loot the system by picking up / shooting everything / everyone, then the next one. The replayability comes from keeping most of your upgrades, when you die, so each time you play with a slightly stronger ship... slightly...

Alas the process is tedious. After each 'run', you'll only have enough to really upgrade 1 or 2 things, say 15% more shields or another equipment slot... then do the whole thing again. And you can't just zoom to the end if you've got a good ship, because you need to collect fuel each system for each jump, meaning you have to scour the map every time.

So there's a big grind here, especially as you have to go through the game 3 times to get the whole story and true ending. That's many hours slowly flying around a system picking up scrap and fuel.
825 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 10:11
I only got it for VR, but their interface doesn't feel right, so, playing it in pancake mode instead. It's not terrible (with Encounters package), just feels a little grindy in how you make progress through repeatedly dying, buying small upgrades, and starting all over from sector 1.
6 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 04:46
it's a lot of fun. i enjoy the rpg roguelike elements, and the sectors are fun to explore. the new expansion adds a little more depth and life to the universe.
27 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 04:26
A fun game of live die repeat. some people might not understand why its hard at the beginning but that's because u are not upgraded. the fun comes when u get stronger and get to explore more challenging areas.
508 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
1206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 21:00
Everspace has the best combat in a space game, I really enjoyed my time with it. Graphics and story are great as well, so this game is very recommendable.

Only thing I didn't like was the final battle in the last sector. Being destroyed almost immediately by a bunch of enemies appearing out of this air after more than 2 hours of good play made me give up on this game.
502 Produkte im Account
126 Reviews
2937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 20:35
play it in 2D to get used to it. Play it in VR to enjoy. Be annoyed that Everspace 2 will not come with VR
98 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 00:30
A roguelite that it is a bit slow to start which might deter some but once you get a good blueprint collection and perks you will be snowballing in power and farming which will allow you to do each run feeling stronger than in the previous attempts. I recommend it to people who want an arcade dogfightig game in space and weapons with many different behaviors and want to be mesmerized by the beauty of the planets and enviorenments and cosmic dangers (powered by UE4).
71 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 23:24
Never seen a space-dogfighting action-roguelike before. This is super fun and feels like Freelancer crossed with FTL, plus it's made by the same guys who made Galaxy on Fire so you know it's gonna be top-notch.
342 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 16:33
Everspace is a good option if you like space shooters. It has a beautiful atmosphere thanks to the nice graphics and proper sounds, and the gameplay is very solid.

Unfortunately, it has some bad things which ruins a bit the experience. Mainly: it's very repetitive, and the story leaves much to be desired.

It leaves me with a bittersweet feeling. It is a good game, ofc, but I think it could have been a lot better, I feel it was a missed oportunity to make something great. Imo, with a good story with more charismatic characters and a more varied gameplay (some bosses, different enemies), it would improve a lot.


6.6 / 10

=^._.^= ∫
138 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 00:07
This is a really fun game. Arcade-y, easy to learn, easy to play, and can give you hours of fun, but it lacks what made Galaxy on fire 2 the game that it was. I knew not to expect that exactly, but because I knew the history of the making of this game, I set my expectations a little too high. I hope that in the next game we get more of that GOF2 feeling, where you feel like your gameplay and upgrade decisions matter, get the freedom to trade, mine, fight, etc. and so far it looks like it could be a possibility. I hope the devs go towards that route, since while this game is really fun, dying kind of makes me want to take a break from playing, as I feel like all my efforts were meaningless and I have to start all over, only to be thrown into a dangerous area immediately to die again. Having HOTAS support definitely makes this game a lot more fun for me, and I hope the next has the same. This game is fun when I have friends over and they want to try out the HOTAS, since they can pretty much start a new run without worry that their decisions and abilities to play will impact my progress.
159 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 16:40
A lot of care has gone into making Everspace an engaging experience that has tens of hours of unique content.

The game has been crafted brilliantly to make every death feel like progress. It is one of the only games I have played where losing a life does not prompt frustration or anger but instead short sigh of indignation before gleefully going back to the start screen to spend that run's credits on upgrades.

You will get better at the game not only because your ship is better but also because of what you have learnt over many lives of trial and error.

The game can present you with really impossible odds but ultimately everything is possible no matter how basic your ship is. Though running into a Frigate with a Jump Suppressor when you're low on resources and fire power does feel a teensy bit unfair, a fair few runs have come to an end due to that.

A particular favourite part of the game for me was exploring structures and locations. It feels very rewarding and isn't half bad to look at, the art and lighting direction is really good.

I was hitting around 50 hours of game play and I was still finding systems/ phenomena which I had never seen before.

One of the best games I have ever played.
167 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 16:53
I'd like to recommend this game, because it’s a great game with great graphics, good music, and I really enjoy playing it. But here’s the rub: it’s agonizingly hard to progress in the game, because of the way the progress is structured. Let me explain.

In the game, you can equip all manner of guns, missiles, shields, sensors, and the like - none of which you get to keep after you die (and you will die A LOT, so don’t be discouraged by it). Instead, as you play you will pick up either the items themselves, or various resources which you can use to build the afore-mentioned items. Alternatively, you can sell what you find to earn money. But all of the progression in the game is done by spending your earned money on things that aren’t guns, missiles, etc. Instead, you buy “Perks”, like additional weapon slots (but not the weapons), shield upgrade slots (but not the upgrades), better knowledge of what’s waiting for you in the next sector (but not the weapons and shields you’ll need to fight them) and so on. So even though you do s-l-o-w-l-y upgrade your abilities....those upgrades have precious little effect on the game play, because your equipment really never gets better, and you’re always building/finding everything all over again from almost scratch every time you play. And I write this review as someone who embraces grind, and who has happily grinded for many things in many games, from consoles to PC to mobile games. But the grind here just doesn't seem to truly benefit you, in the ways that matter.

That’s why, although it’s a VERY close call, ultimately I’m not recommending the game, even though I don't regret buying it, I enjoy playing it, and I'll continue to play it a lot, because it’s fun in the short term. But in the long term you just don’t ever feel like you’re making any progress. Every time you start over, it’s like you’re starting a fresh install of the game. And that’s frustrating, at least for me.
68 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.19 02:30
For 10 bucks it's a steal.

This game looks really beautiful. A fast-paced roguelite space shooter (run-based, but with permanent progression). Most ship designs and weapons are common archetypes, but there are some interesting surprises. You get 3 playable ships and a few dozen weapons and tools that encourage different playstyles. The story is nothing life-changing, but it is nice.

You are expected to die.
Roguelikes are repetitive by nature, but if you like dogfights, space and explosions with some story sprinkled in, this is a great game. Dying by slamming into a 2km warship stings, but you get to improve your chances and try out different gear.

The soundtrack is great, the best part of the deluxe edition. The artbook is also not bad, if you enjoy that type of thing.
The Encounters DLC adds the fourth player ship and some extra weapons and missions. It is not essential, but there's a French robot.

I recommend a mouse and keyboard for playing. Also disable autoroll in the control settings, it makes the ship much more responsive. If you played Galaxy On Fire 2, you'll love this.

Fast fighter combat with some story, pretty graphics and soundtrack, Encounters DLC is worth it.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
79.45% 4565 1181
Release:26.05.2017 Genre: Weltraum-Action Entwickler: ROCKFISH Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unreal Engine 4 Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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