News Liste Felix The Reaper

You Rock Our Wishlist! 1st Achievement unlocked!
Felix The Reaper
30.04.19 18:37 Community Announcements

So we strive to get to 50.000 wishlist entries before we launch the game on Steam! (see why below)

And we are insanely proud to announce, that we hit a beautiful milestone today:

5.000 wishlist entries on Steam now!!! Thank you so much!

And do Wishlist us NOW, if you haven't already done so!




And yeah, why do we want these entries?

Games are also a business, that shall allow our studio to release the next game too.

Raising wishlist entries now lowers risk of failure significantly and enables us to forecast sales to a certain extend.

Way to many game development teams struggle to reach the finishing line, with way too little time for PR, because the market is harsh, money is scarce and development in itself takes a lot of focus in a small team.


Esben Kjær Ravn - designer and producer of Felix The Reaper