• Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.
  • Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis.


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Demo auf Steam verfügbar!
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 07.08.2008
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Preis Update 17.03.24

Über das Spiel

Dieses neue Sherlock Holmes Abenteuer versetzt uns ins London des 19. Jahrhunderts, wo Arséne Lupin, ein junger französischer Räuber mit beeindruckendem Erfahrungsreichtum, Scotland Yard und den Meisterdetektiv soeben herausgefordert hat.
Dieses neue Abenteuer bietet Spielern weitläufigen Freiraum und ein noch fesselnderes Gefühl des 'Dabeiseins' in Echtzeit-3D. Das Spiel lädt Sie ein durch das London des 19. Jahrhunderts zu wandeln und in dieser detailgetreuen Welt diesen mysteriösen Fall aufzuklären.

  • Das prächtige London mit all seinen weltberühmten Monumenten (der Buckingham Palast,das Britische Museum, die National Gallery, der Tower von London...), ist hingebungsvoll in diesem Spiel nachgebildet
  • Treffen Sie die Königin von England in einem ganz privaten Interview.
  • Interagieren Sie mit mehr als 40 Charakteren, um die Untersuchung voranzutreiben.
  • Wechseln Sie zwischen dem berühmten Detektiv Sherlock Holmes und seinem treuen Gefährten Doktor Watson.
  • Nutzen und kombinieren Sie mehr als 100 Objekte und entdecken Sie hunderte Hinweise und Dokumente, um diesen Fall aufzuklären.


  • RAM: 512 MB RAM
  • Software: WINDOWS XP SP2/VISTA
  • DX: DirectX 9.0 oder höher
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Russisch
  • RAM: 1 GB OF RAM
  • Software: Supported WINDOWS XP SP2/VISTA
  • HD: 3 GB freier Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9 kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX 9.0 oder höher
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1976 Produkte im Account
475 Reviews
917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 12:09
Tolles Spiel!

Diesmal geht es um einen Kunstraub, man bekommt also ein klassisches Adventure mit teilweise richtig schweren Rätseln geboten, die sich mit den Kunstobjekten und der Geschichte beschäftigen und knackige Denksportaufgaben bieten, wo man schon mal Notizblock und Stift zücken darf.
Das Spiel enthält dafür als Ausgleich ein sehr gutes Hilfesystem, was schrittweise bei der Lösung behilflich ist.
Die Story ist gut und es macht Laune den Meisterdieb zu jagen.
Es ist mal eine gute Abwechslung zu den anderen Teilen, wo man Kriminalfälle lösen muss und demnach ganz andere Aufgaben zu erledigen hat.
In der Sherlock Holmes Collection mit 6 Spiele für 6 Euro war es zudem kürzlich ein absolutes Megaschnäppchen. :-)

Fazit: stehlen, stehlen, stehlen .... äääääähh .... kaufen, kaufen, kaufen! :-)
67 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 12:21
Es gibt hier scheinbar 2 grundlegende Bewertungen es ist das Beste Spiel der Serie und die Rätzel sind zu Schwer. Beide haben Recht

Murphys Gesetz

Wenn es mehrere Möglichkeiten gibt, eine Aufgabe zu erledigen, und eine davon in einer Katastrophe endet oder sonstwie unerwünschte Konsequenzen nach sich zieht, dann wird es jemand genau so machen.

Und genau so läuft das Spiel auch. Immer versucht man Arsène Lupin zu fassen und ihm ein Schritt voraus zu sein aber irgendetwas ist halt immer. In seiner Würde gekränkt jagt man von einem Rätsel Tatort zum nächste. Immer auf der Suche nach der Lösung und dem entscheidenden Hinweis.

Genau wie in Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened - Remastered Edition kann man hier das Spiel nur mit der Maus steuern oder umschalten auf Tastatur Steuerung was wesentlich flüssiger ist.

Da man hier sehr viel an einem Ort zwischen verschiedenen Bereichen hin und her wechselt ist es empfehlenswert die Umgebungskarte zu nutzen und so von Punkt zu Punkt zu springen. Wer mag kann ja auch ständig hin und her laufen. Das Spiel ist sehr schön gezeichnet und alle mal sehenswert.

Negativ ????

Automatisches Speichern fehlt mir hier. Auch das Eigentliche Sherlock Holmes typische deduzieren fehlt hier fast komplett. Es gibt einige sehr schwere Rätzel auf die ich nur mit Hilfe gekommen bin. (rotes Fragezeichen)


Gerade wegen Murphys Gesetz was der Leitfaden des Spiel ist hält man zu England. God Save the Queen („Gott schütze die Königin“) Und ist bemüht wirklich alle Rätzel zu Lösen um seine Ehre mit zu retten. Ein sehr spannendes und forderndes Spiel das sich dank der Tastatur Steuerung schön flüssig Spielt. Kann man sich ruhig gönnen. (Speichern nicht Vergessen)

HoI 4 & HoI 4 +2

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????
269 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 23:51

Sherlock Holmes Nemesis

Von mir gibt es eher keine Kaufempfehlung, zumindest nicht zum Vollpreis.

Wer nur die Story erleben will und daher auch oft die Hinweise zu Rate zieht kann seinen Spaß haben, wer stundenlanges try-and-error mag kann auch zuschlagen. Wer aber ohne Komplettlösung und ohne stundenlanges suchen spielen will, sollte nochmal drüber nachdenken.

Naja, gleich mal vorab, wer die neueren Teile gespielt hat und dann diesen Teil kauft, wird wohl etwas enttäuscht sein. Die Rätsel und Spielmechaniken sind nicht wie in den neuen Teilen. Es geht mehr um eine Aneinanderreihung von Rätseln. Leider sind vor allem die Rätsel übertrieben schwer, teilweise auch fehlerhaft.

Und man wird oft gnadenlos alleine gelassen, man hat keine Ahnung was das Spiel jetzt gerade von einem will, was die nächste Aufgabe ist. Vor allem bei den vielen Rätseln sitzt man oft davor und fragt sich was die überhaupt von einem wollen. Man sucht ewig die Lösung nur um in den Hinweisen festzustellen, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, die Lösung zu finden, gegen null geht.

- Man bekommt zum Beispiel 30 Buchstaben vorgelegt, denen man 36 Symbole zuordnen soll, um einen nahezu sinnfreien Text zu entschlüsseln. Das sind also 13.640 Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, man ist also eine Weile beschäftigt.
- Man soll in einer Ägyptischen Steintafel mit hunderten kleinen Symbolen ein „E“ finden.
- Man soll einen Blauparadiesvogel anlocken, aber die passende Pfeife dafür ist mit Straußwachtel beschriftet.
- Man soll aus Reimen eine Rechenformel herauslesen, aber die Reime sind schon ungenau bzw. missverständlich.

Und so zieht sich das durch das ganze Spiel durch. Ich hab noch nie ein Spiel gespielt, in dem der Blick in die Komplettlösung so unumgänglich war. Ohne ist man oft Stunden am suchen und rumprobieren.

Daher meine Empfehlung, wer die Nerven für so was hat kann sich das Spiel holen, wer den Blick in die Hilfe nicht scheut ebenso, aber ich selber mag lieber richtige Logikrätsel statt dieser Versuch-und-Irrtum-Struktur.
99 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 19:42
A fester Schaß
148 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.18 19:24
Leider war es nicht mein Spiel. Dieser Teil war recht langweilig. Am meisten haben mich die Antworten zu den Fragen geärgert. Viele Sachen die ich eingab zb Schiffe war für das Spiel falsch -.- Und die Lösung war dann einfach Schiff. Das hätte man ein bisschen besser machen können. Ganz zu schweigen vom Thema: Irene Adler....Für mich also leider kein so gutes Spiel.
476 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.17 18:12
  • Die Rätsel sind schlecht und die Lösungen oft nicht nachvollziehbar
  • Detektivarbeit, also das Herleiten der Lösung aus gesammelten Fakten fehlt komplett
  • Man soll winzige, schlecht-aufgelöste Details auf unnötig großen Maps suchen
  • Die Story ist so langweilig wie die Charaktere
2284 Produkte im Account
230 Reviews
1031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.15 05:49
Schwer, Schwerer, Sherlock Holmes!

Es gibt mit der Ausnahme von Grim Fandago welches ich in jungen Jahren gespielt hatte kein Spiel, bei dem ich so oft in die Lösungen geschaut habe!

17, 2 Spielstunden und ich habe mir einen Wolf gesucht, kombiniert und gerätselt, manchmal auch probiert...

Wer hier ein seichtes Spiel für nebenbei sucht, sollte sich auf etwas gefasst machen, den es ist schwer! Einige Rätselpassagen sind dabei zwar elativ simpel, aber manch andere lassen einen bei jedem Vers die Synapsen im Kreise springen...

Story: Es geht um den berühmt, berüchtigten Meisterdieb Arsene Lupin, der Holmes herausfordert, er kündigt eine Serie von Verbrechen an und hinterlässt Hinweise und Spuren, um Holmes zu ermöglichen ihm zu folgen.
Mehr sei nicht veraten, außer - alles hat einen Grund!

Logiklücken sind mir in der Story nicht aufgefallen, allein die Inszenierung ist etwas absurd, wie man es bei Holmes jedoch kennt. Auf einem Stein der mehrere 100 Kg wiegt auf einer Seilrutsche fahren, Maskeraden die einen in jede Rolle schlüpfen lassen, ja alles ist möglich... zumindest in der Fiktion!

Die Grafik ist für den Titel recht ansehnlich und die beiden Möglichkeiten der Interaktion sind auch super, wobei ich nur die Ego-Perspektive genutzt habe, da die Kaeraführung in der 3 Person nicht immer so optimal ist und man nicht alles so genau betrachten kann. Was manchmal auch ein Vorteil sein kann aber!

Die Sprecher leisten recht gute Arbeit, nur Dr. Watson ist etwas merkwürdig... geschmacksache würde ich sagen, Lestrade klingt wie so oft recht dümlich und passt wunderbar hingegen was auch nicht jedem Gefallen dürfte.

Fazit: Für einen Holmesfan ein absolutes muss, aber auch für Adventurefreunde, die gern viel knobeln.

Meine Spielzeit ist für manche vlt. extrem viel, für manche aber auch zu wenig - doch ich bin ehrlich, ich habe trotz der langen Spielzeit zirka 20 Mal die Lösung benötigt!
Mit 10 Euro ist das Spiel auch deshalb völlig preiswert, viele 0815 Shooter spielen sich heute trotz AAA-Titels in 4 Stunden durch - da ist mir der alte Trend der langen Spielzeit doch deutlich lieber :)
74 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 04:57
pretty the much the same engine and gameplay overall as jack the ripper but with a different story and antagonist, it was a really fun storyline as arsene lupin is an iconic villain
263 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
3449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 17:06
Love the old games still being widely available. Still amazing game that still holds up. Puzzles that you actually have to think about!
26 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 20:30
Nice adventure game, though I expected more Sherlock Holmes habits in the game as well I expected deduction issues included in quests. So it could be the story about any detective not especially Sherlock Holmes. But is not heavy objection from my side.
Most of puzzles were interesting, but at the same time some of them challenging, because often was not clear what is needed to mix, what person is necessary to talk with etc. In these cases was very helpful the system of hints - it helped a lot not to struggle in the game.
Two times I faced to bugs required to return to earlier save files, but otherwise there were not many bugs in the game.
So overall game is pretty good and I recommend to play this game.
136 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 01:33
Love the old games still being widely available. Still amazing game that still holds up. Puzzles that you actually have to think about!
256 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 23:42
I didn't enjoy this game. I tried but I didn't. It has a difficult and unclear gameplay. The best of it, it's the story but takes a lot of time to get there.
786 Produkte im Account
202 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 05:01

An Exersise in Extreme Patience

My review series of the Frogwares Holmes games continues with Nemesis, also released as Sherlock Holmes vs. Arsene Lupin. While I believe that this was the best Frogwares Holmes game to date at the time of its release, and is not without redeeming qualities, it's still a hard sell in 2022.

The followup to the Cthulhu-mythos inspired game The Awakened, the Holmes series swings back away from the supernatural. In this game, the famed fictional French thief Arsene Lupin begins stealing a series of famous English treasures while also leaving cryptic clues intended to taunt the detective. Compared to Awakened, Nemesis feels like a much longer and much more challenging game that sacrifices narrative for puzzles. This Sherlock Holmes game is about 95% puzzle and just has a thin crust of story, so non-puzzle-people should definitely stay away.

While graphically and mechanically identical to Awakened, the technical issues I experienced with earlier Frogwares games are not present in this title, and the game runs smoothly. In earlier games, hotspot issues require toggling awkwardly between first-person and third-person views in order to see and interact with everything, but that kink has been ironed out here, and both navigation methods are viable (though third-person is quite a bit slower). The only issue I experienced with Nemesis is sometimes textures are missing on interactable objects, particularly doors, resulting in the object appearing as a coal-black void in the game world.

At first, I was prepared to give this game a positive review. Nemesis has a promising start, and I was really excited by the game's first major setpiece, in which Holmes investigates an an art museum heist. Holmes can explore the whole museum in first-person, with galleries full of famous pieces, and he even has a comment on every painting. For the first time since I started playing these Holmes games in order, I found myself really enjoying the experience. However, this is an extremely puzzle-dense game, and very frequently your reward for completing a hard puzzle is being met immediately with another puzzle that is even harder, and the game dragged on, and before long I was just completely over that museum. Later in the game, a similar massive chapter set in a history museum had a similar draining effect.

Over time, you notice that Nemesis commits a number of adventure game sins. The areas in the game are insanely massive, with lots of small hidden hotspots that you have to find, sometimes with no direction or signposting. Some items can be interacted with or picked up only wheh Holmes needs him, requiring same rooms to be examined multiple times. There are a large number of puzzles that are total contrivances that add nothing to the story, such as one chapter-long puzzle where the goal is to scour the enormous Tower of London to locate and trap 6 small birds. Other puzzles have absurd limitations - one puzzle requires six weapons from the armory to be placed in the correct order into six pedistals in a basement on the other side of the map, but Holmes can arbitrarily only carry two weapons at a time, requiring three full round trips at an absolute minimum and lots of unnecessary back-and-forth.

Puzzle quality and difficulty is all over the map, and it's a shame, because amidst all of the puzzles in this game that are unnecessary and/or tedious, there's some that are quite good, and well-designed. There are classic inventory puzzles, riddles which require an open-ended answer to be entered into the text parser, cryptic clues in poem form that need to be deciphered, lots of math/numerology-type things, jigsaws, etc. This game will absolutely have you reaching for hints or a full-on walkthrough if you intend to complete it, though, because the game's tenancy to throw hard and tedious puzzles at you in quick sequence will wear you down to the point where it becomes hard to enjoy the good ones.

Holmes and Watson still behave like total dinguses in Nemesis, as they did in Awakened. While not as odious in this game as they were in the last one, they still find the time to engage in extremely questionable or flat out dumb behavior. In this game, for instance, Watson obliterates a priceless museum artifact to create a diversion, steals a precious memento from Holmes to pawn it, and also steals Holmes's cocaine in order to give it to a prostitute, just to name a few things. Holmes lets some obvious clues slip right under his nose.

I thought the game was picking up in the fourth chapter. There's a fun sequence where you nab a few small-time crooks and the story is starting to mount something resembling tension. With the Queen in danger, Holmes and Watson rush to the palace to meet with the most powerful people in government. And then, of course, the great Holmes is sent on an errand to recreate a dog food recipe and locate four wooden dolls, and meanwhile, Watson scrambles to find a new pair of trousers for the Prime Minister because some pee got onto the ones he is currently wearing, and at that point, I completely gave up on the game's story. While the last chapters do move a bit more quickly than the earlier ones, the game's story just peters out into a confrontation with a very underdeveloped antagonist and an ending that is definitely not worth the effort.

However, if you want to see a well-dressed man ride the Rosetta stone like a surfboard as cops open fire on him, maybe it's the game for you?
107 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 21:14
Even though I love Frogwares' Sherlock Holmes series dearly (truly I do; I was thrilled when I heard the news that they're going to make Chapter One and I brought it as soon as it came out), I can't say this is a nice piece. Do not waste your time on it unless you can 1. bear very lame game modeling and 2. put up with seemingly endless and somewhat meaningless riddles.

Bear in mind that this game dates back to 2008, so the game modeling is far from ideal, whether it is for the characters, the expression and movements, or the details of the environment. Besides the crude modeling, the gameplay is somewhat disappointing as well. Rather than a detective game with a storyline, this one is more like a stockpile of various riddles. The riddles themselves are not that bad, but the way they're cooperated into the story is... crude (I use this word again). I can see the effort of linking the mini-games with the story, but compared to the later Sherlock Holmes games, this one is definitely immature.

The silver lining is, as I trace the Sherlock Holmes games that Frogwares made over the years from Nemesis to Testaments, and then to the Crimes and Punishments, I see such great improvements in many aspects. I can even recognise some modes that were used in the later games. My personal advice is to start with Testaments, don't waste your time on the games before it.
308 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 06:22
Did you buy the Sherlock bundle on sale and wonder if this game is worth playing? Me too! Short answer: it's not!

I've tried to humor this game and accept its ridiculous rules, but it's so annoying even when you do what it wants. And just now it bugged out, wouldn't let me progress, and refused to save before I exited, losing me hours of progress. So far this game has had maybe two interesting puzzles total. The rest have been either painfully obvious or painfully convoluted. I'm skipping ahead a few years in this series to see if it gets any better. Oh, and if you want to try it anyway and you're on Windows 10 and have issues with your mouse movements registering on your desktop, try running the game in compatibility mode. It solved that problem at least.
106 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 11:53
Sherlock Holmes vs Riddler aka Arsène Lupin
+ if you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes, you are going to enjoy this
+ interesting story
+ turtles, cute dog
+ voice acting

- few difficult puzzles
- British Museum sequence find a book, find a paper, find a book, find a paper.. was really annoying and too long
- saving the game in some locations didn't work
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 18:33
Fun game for those who are patient and want to learn about things and how to solve problems.
It challenges your mind.
505 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 16:14
It's unrealistic without hints
530 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 12:52
very nice game. I used guide in some cases, because I didn't want to invest too much time into it.

I played whole game on Linux with Proton (default) and I replaced one library in game directory to be able to set details to maximum. Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34778?tab=files&file_id=68581 To make the game to use this one, unpack it to games directory and move or delete original one (d3dx9_32.dll).

ALT+TAB to desktop causes black screen in game so save often to prevent accidental loss of progress.
649 Produkte im Account
387 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 15:14
An improvement over the Silver Earring, Frogware's previous entry in the series.
But... still not good enough.

They kept their hopeless attempt at a point n' click interface, however here you can switch to a 1st person view, back and forth at any time. The 1st person movement is a tad nauseating, but at least this game is playable, unlike its predecessor. A better interface then, and added as a choice, not as a replacement. Two pluses.

I must commend the effort put into the art museum. A lot of historically accurate paintings fill the galleries. You can watch each one individually, in 1st person view. Each elicits a comment from Holmes, when clicked upon.
Or, rather, a robotic factual statement, drier than a Wikipedia entry; basically a title, author and date.
Symptomatic of a larger issue, which is that Holmes doesn't feel like Holmes.

Simply put, the writing isn't very good.
The voice-acting is mediocre but serviceable.

My main issue is that the meat of the game is pixel hunting. On large maps. Sometimes on large empty maps. Sometimes not even for the purpose of investigation, such as these instances in which you must arbitrarily examine a random, unspoken unremarkable object or wall in order to trigger an unrelated event.
Pixel hunting is worse in 1st person view, so in a way Frogware managed to immediately hurt their improvement.

Not a good point n' click.
Not a good detective game.
Not a good Sherlock Holmes vibe.
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 01:28
Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis is a 3D adventure/detective game (which can also be played like a point-and-click game) with a captivating, well written story.

It has a lighter atmosphere than its predecessor “The Awakened” but was still enjoyable. The game has some really interesting characters, especially the antagonist of the game. I am a big fan of him.

The puzzles were the most challenging of all the Sherlock Holmes games so far. The amount of math related puzzles was unexpected. I needed a piece of paper for extra notes and calculations. This may not be everyone's cup of tea.

The middle part of the game was really tedious. You basically had to run between 3 different rooms to find clues. And not just once.... at least 15 times. I was glad that the game had a quick travel option.

The game was released in 2008. The graphics are therefore outdated and “mediocre” at best. The voice acting was okay but felt a little bit strange at times.

“It is simplicity itself!”
446 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 08:27
Main problem is the save function is intermittent. I found a forum dating back to 2013 in which the developer replied, however they failed to fix the game. Incomprehendable incompetence by the developers.

I found myself at a point in the game that the save was not working, as a result I have lost hours of progress. I will not be repeat the game play.

Decent graphics for its time.
Enjoyable story.
In first person view the movement is fast.
Fast travel function as not to be a walking simulator.
Hint system that you can reference when stuck.

Save game doesn't always work.
Puzzles are drawn out and often super boring, more of a chore.
-It feels like unnecessary aspects have been added to the puzzles to draw them out.
Sherlock's voice is super annoying. He sounds like a pompous git.
Dr Watson is made out to be a fool.

I would not recommend because of the failure of the save function. Especially since the Dev's knew about it for years and failed to talk an action.

277 Produkte im Account
227 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 20:28

+ nice looking and detailed graphics which aged quite well
+ game automatically shows hotspots. there are no more pixel huntings
+ puzzle heavy gameplay for puzzle lovers.
+ puzzles mostly enjoyable. there are also inventory puzzles you can combine some items
+ The voice acting is decent
+ full and elaborate 3D environments to explore
+ character models and cutscenes looks decent
+ three playable characters (Sherlock, Watson and briefly Lestrade)
+ game is long
+ there is a map for fast travel
+ classical backgrounds musics pleasant
+ there is an hint system


- this game's story weaker than another Sherlock Holmes games.
- the occasional obscure and frustrating puzzles
- some repetitive and tedious fetch quests
- game doesn't allowed to maximize some graphic settings
- there are no steam achievements and cards

Overall, this is an old and hard to solve puzzle heavy adventure game and i m only recommend to veteran adventure gamers because regular players will probably get bored with this game. if you don't have too much patience for this game's mostly obscure and convoluted puzzle solutions, you should keep a walkthrough one side.
480 Produkte im Account
173 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 21:50
As an avid lover of the other games in this series, I can only recommend this game for the most diehard of the Sherlock Holmes Fans. I ended up dropping it in favour of playing other games. Ultimately, the graphics are poor, the controls sluggish, and the puzzle type input style are cumbersome. In addition, I found the storyline lacking and uninteresting.
Again, I love the series, but respectfully recommend passing on this one in the favour of the later items.
However, I will say that the Art gallery of real classical art is beautiful, and almost worth the price of the game!
227 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 01:32
A good game overall.
For a remastered version, the visuals (graphics, animations) are terrible, but the plot is very good and the puzzles are all enjoyable. There is only one part in the game that I found implausible, but that being set apart, everything fits very tidily together in the end.
I do recommend.
Friendly advice : there is no autosave.
Second friendly advice : turn water quality to low and disable water refltections, because it's so terribly optimized that it makes the fps drop to 3.
98 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 17:28
Should be good for people who likes to solve puzzles. But i wouldn't recommend this game if you are too addicted to good graphics, cuz this game's gameplay and graphics makes it boring as hell. Not to mention about the puzzles which make it way more boring. I just played this game cuz i am a Sherlock fan.
4565 Produkte im Account
2059 Reviews
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38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 22:17

Built as a point & click adventure game the option to play in first person is a pleasant surprise for such an old title. Pacing is brutally slow making it a drain to chase down the mystery offered.
237 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 05:07
Many of the puzzles are HARD or maybe I'm just stupid. I enjoyed the game never the less. I wish there was a murder or something in more rated R but it's very PG.
115 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 19:06
Another great game in the Sherlock Holmes series.

Unlike its predecessors this one doesn't involve crimes, disappearances or anything heavy. It's simply a battle of the wits between Holmes and Lupin. The game focuses on puzzles, finding items and correctly placing them or combining them or deciphering poems/letters.

It's challenging and definitely had one or two head scratching moments but overall it's enjoyable and smooth to go through.

Remember to save often as I encountered an issue where I couldn't save and had to restart the game a couple of times.

I'd say a solid 8/10.
216 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
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36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 11:51
This game sadly suffers from a similar issue that plagues Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper, in that you cannot save your progress. I would recommend trying this out on GOG rather than steam.
251 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 17:57
Shamrock Hoobastank and DR. Winkle lisp out some exposition, then make you read the old testament before finding out who the culprit is -Apeman Lupus- and he pulls his most dastardly trick yet by making the game, you cannot save, crash.

Shirley Homemaker and Jane Twatson and the mystery of why you can't save the fucking game.
34 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 15:32
compared to jack the ripper, this game is kinda bad.
It's not really a puzzle game, more of a find a needle in a haystack kinda game
I mainly played this game with a walkthrough as it is basically impossible to figure everything out cuz the graphics makes it very hard

88 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 01:22
It was a fairly good game, not the best though.
140 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 13:07
Considering this game was released only a few months after the previous one, Awakened, this one play marginally better and it found all the more enjoyable.
IT's very riddle heavy and certainly is challenging, and I'll admit I did refer to the game's guide on a few occasions. Very good adventure overall though.
80 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 23:14
This is a fun, addicting game. The graphics are great, the characters are believable. ie: good voices. The puzzles are mind blowing but, somewhat easy. Again, fun! A visit to Buckingham Palace and Queen Victoria will have you smiling. There are many crimes to follow and solve before concluding with the final showdown. This is one of my favorite Sherlock Holmes' games, to date. I look forward to diving right into my next adventure of crime solving with the help of Dr. Watson and Sherlock's quirky style.
12 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 16:39
I think the frogwares holmes titles improved alot from Nemesis onwards. The presentation and gameplay have made big improvements in this one. Although I wouldn't say it is one of the best titles, it sets the standard for the better games to come later in the series. The story of Holmes vs Lupin is not one of the more memorable stories and the stakes are not quite as high. The game makes up for it though by offering much better thought out puzzles. I must admit I found myself using the hints menu a couple of times, some real head scratchers in here.


+Pretty environments (Better in first-person)
+Some solid voice acting
+Chemistry and dynamic between Lupin & Holmes is charming
+Well written story
+Some hard as BALLS puzzles
+It's like a tourist trip of all the hotspots around London
+No more pixel hunt items, easier to navigate and explore
+Great musical classics that give it a distinctly Victorian feel


-Third person view is still a bit clunky and camera is not positioned correctly
-Holmes still tends to repeat certain phrases over and over
-Lestrade's voice still sounds funny
-Forgettable story
-Can get pretty tedious in certain places
-Story conclusion doesn't feel very rewarding
-Watson is still a moron

If you're a big fan of holmes games and puzzles you will have a good time I believe. Arsene Lupin is a very likable character and i only wish they could have raised the stakes and added abit of danger as it feels like a very casual outing for holmes this time.

12 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.20 00:06
Elementary <3
51 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.19 18:06
very good game you need to think real hard
157 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.19 17:00
Its alright, keep in mind this is more of a puzzle and riddle solving/ point and click adventure game than a detective game with investigation elements and etc, if you want the latter i would recommend crimes and punishments or the devils daughter.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.19 04:44
Great Game! I received this game as a gift, as I love any Sherlock Holmes game, and this did not disappoint! Some of the clues were a bit frustrating as there is not much guidance. Some clues are more obvious while others demand you to follow specific steps. The map feature helps reduce game play time, allowing you to skip from room to room where you have already ventured. Very well thought out and will delight any fan of the genre.
Logo for Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
69.23% 162 72
Release:07.08.2008 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Frogwares Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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