• Episode 1 ? We Negotiate with Terrorists:

    When a hostage crisis erupts in the centre of Clappers Wreake, Hector has to make a choice: carry out a terrorist?s demands, or let innocent hostages die. Hector?s still on the fence.
  • Episode 2 ? Senseless Acts of Justice:

    Hunting a psychopath, Hector is pulled down a twisted trail of meat, sin, sleaze, and more meat.
  • Episode 3 ? Beyond Reasonable Doom:

    Can Hector escape his squalid demise and stagger back to Clappers Wreake to save it from extinction?
  • ">
  • Episode 1 ? We Negotiate with Terrorists:

    When a hostage crisis erupts in the centre of Clappers Wreake, Hector has to make a choice: carry out a terrorist?s demands, or let innocent hostages die. Hector?s still on the fence.
  • Episode 2 ? Senseless Acts of Justice:

    Hunting a psychopath, Hector is pulled down a twisted trail of meat, sin, sleaze, and more meat.
  • Episode 3 ? Beyond Reasonable Doom:

    Can Hector escape his squalid demise and stagger back to Clappers Wreake to save it from extinction?
  • ">
  • Episode 1 ? We Negotiate with Terrorists:

    When a hostage crisis erupts in the centre of Clappers Wreake, Hector has to make a choice: carry out a terrorist?s demands, or let innocent hostages die. Hector?s still on the fence.
  • Episode 2 ? Senseless Acts of Justice:

    Hunting a psychopath, Hector is pulled down a twisted trail of meat, sin, sleaze, and more meat.
  • Episode 3 ? Beyond Reasonable Doom:

    Can Hector escape his squalid demise and stagger back to Clappers Wreake to save it from extinction?
  • ">


    Du musst angemeldet sein
    • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.04.2020
    Zum Shop
    Preis Update 05.05.24

    Über das Spiel

    Detective Inspector Hector ? the hard-nosed, soft-bellied lawman of Clappers Wreake, a town that took the ?Great? out of Britain. He?s violent, drunken, and has a taste for all things criminal, corrupt, or smothered in curry.
    All 3 episodes available now - get the full season!
    • Episode 1 ? We Negotiate with Terrorists:

      When a hostage crisis erupts in the centre of Clappers Wreake, Hector has to make a choice: carry out a terrorist?s demands, or let innocent hostages die. Hector?s still on the fence.
    • Episode 2 ? Senseless Acts of Justice:

      Hunting a psychopath, Hector is pulled down a twisted trail of meat, sin, sleaze, and more meat.
    • Episode 3 ? Beyond Reasonable Doom:

      Can Hector escape his squalid demise and stagger back to Clappers Wreake to save it from extinction?


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    Steam Nutzer-Reviews

    1647 Produkte im Account
    1250 Reviews
    69 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.09.19 14:10
    Point'n Click Adventure
    Ich persönlich mag es nicht mit 2 Leuten hin und her zu schalten.
    Ansonsten witzig
    1135 Produkte im Account
    466 Reviews
    221 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.05.15 19:55
    Zuerst hab ich mich gewundert, dass die ersten beiden Episoden keine Shopseite haben, aber dann hat sichs ja erklärt, dass man des im Komplettpaket holt(ich hab einzelne Teile aus nem Paket auf Steam).

    Die Grafik ist cool gezeichnet und das Spiel hat einfach ne Menge Humor.
    Ich muss hier betonen, dass Point & Click Spiele mich nie besonders angesprochen haben. Aber man schlüpft hier in nen merkwürdigerweise sympthatischen Charakter, der aber auch gleichzeitig ein echtes Arschloch ist. Hector macht immer lustige Anspielungen auf verschiedene Objekte und Personen und die Lösungen sind... nunja ich sage mal unkoventionell. Wir benutzen einen getaserten Kriminellen als Starthilfe oder bringen trockene Alkoholiker zurück zum Glück. Teilweise sind die Rätsel recht schwierig aber insgesamt bin ich oft in Lachen ausgebrochen, angesichts der wirklich lustigen Dialoge.

    Die Spielzeit ist auch völlig akzeptabel (Etwa 10-12 Stunden für alle drei Teile) und es ist durchaus kaufenswert.

    Aber Achtung: Das Spiel ist ausschließlich auf Englisch und es wird viel mit Akzenten gespielt, sodass man manche Wörter echt nicht mehr einfach verstehen kann. WIrklich nur für fortgeschrittene Englischkenntinisse, welche sich aber auch durch dieses Spiel verbessern.

    Hat dir das Review weitergeholfen? Dann folge mir doch in meiner Steamgruppe, wo ich meine Reviews als Kurator verfasse.
    3443 Produkte im Account
    39 Reviews
    370 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.02.14 21:56
    Schöne Serie. Ein etwas rüder Polizist muss Aufgaben erfüllen, damit ein Heckenschütze niemanden mehr um die Ecke bringt. Ob dafür gerade Hector der richtige ist? Erfahre das in diesem Spiel ;)
    Ich kann es empfehlen. English only!
    285 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    384 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.11.21 15:48
    highly reccomend this series to anyone looking for a good point and click game to waste a few hours per episode
    10788 Produkte im Account
    426 Reviews
    256 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.10.21 19:02
    Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.

    Is this game a masterpiece? Yes, but only if you like the vulgar humor. Some people may find it a bit disgusting, but I'd say it is about the level of Married… with Children. You play a slightly alcoholic, corrupted and perverted police detective, who still does try to do the right thing (most of the time). When a maniac threatens his hometown, you are the one to bring him to justice and save (most of) the town. The game is a classic point and click adventure - collect items and use them at the right place. Since you usually encounter clues on how to solve problems, most puzzles are not really difficult. The most difficult thing is sometimes finding the items. No real pixel-hunting, but you can oversee some things if you race through the locations.

    Technically the game works fine, although I had to restart twice in episode 1 because the mouse cursor disappeared. No real problem, since it autosaves in every room. There is also a blocker bug as well, if you do not take an item before leaving one room, it disappears and you have to restart. Since the item is large and clearly visible, it is hard to miss, though. Apart from that, I had no problems until the end. The game is not epic long, but it is not that short either. Took me a few hours to solve the case.

    Funny, fully voiced point and click adventure. A masterpiece, but only if you enjoy the crass humor.
    92 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    216 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.06.21 16:18
    The story a little too week, with crude humour for the sake of it rather than because it's witty and the puzzles a lot to easy. It's not terrible, it's just not that good either.
    396 Produkte im Account
    57 Reviews
    551 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.03.21 16:40
    Excellent finale of highly entertaining and wonderfully crass “Hector: Badge of Carnage” point’n’click trilogy.

    Still in a pursuit of ecologically minded domestic terrorist, Hector REALLY puts everything on the line for the town of Clapper’s Wreake. Well, “pursuit” is more like Hector and his faithful doormat, sorry - sidekick, Lambert, stumbling in all kinds of traps very obviously set up for them by the psychopath, as evidenced by the start of the third episode where both wake up in a septic tank. Not just your average septic tank, but the kind where Hector needs to continuously run on a treadmill to keep them alive. Hector. Run. Run on a treadmill. There are relatively few things he’d find more atrocious than this heinous act, so all of this suddenly becomes deeply personal. Following the footsteps of delusional maniac, however, Hector is about to witness the entire town blissfully unaware of being few hours away from annihilation, happily getting wasted and enjoying questionable carnival rides. It’ll be only up to him and Lambert to stop the madness. There will be competitions, fighting and sauerkraut (Possibly. It’s really hard to say what kind of food “that thing” was.)

    The narration continues to be simultaneously witty, entertaining, and full of one-liners right along with vulgar, risqué and unabashedly insensitive, enough to make this more of a “niche” point’n’click. British humor with a dead-pan delivery of smart-aleck comments quite often interspersed with potty, x-rated and brash jokes that will either make you a fan or turn you off. Everyone is getting insulted equally here, so it’s up to you whether the “no walking on eggshells” comedy is your thing. If it is – Hector will most likely occupy a little dark place in your cold, deserted heart. This is a case of quality-written adventure that has a distinctive style and sticks to it throughout entire trilogy making no apologies about it, and it’s not for easily offended.

    Inventory puzzles, dialogues and all the interactions with the world will reflect this rather crude and raunchy approach all through the episode. You’ll meet quite a few favorite characters (that’s a joke – who likes them?), and get loads of absurdity-filled dialogues where, quite often, only Hector makes any sense, so the quaint beauty of Clapper’s Wreake won’t be lost on you, don’t worry! There might be a few moments where it can be a bit unclear of what is needed to be done next, but remember – use “Hector’s logic”, aka doing something gross/callous/downright disgusting without a blink of an eye or a second of regret, and you’ll be on the right track. The overall goal of the game is never lost, which isn’t hard considering that THE ENTIRE TOWN AND ITS CITIZENS ABOUT TO BE WIPED OFF THE SURFACE OF THE PLANET WITHIN A FEW HOURS isn’t something that is really easy to forget. For those not used to the, let’s call it… interesting way of doing things Hector employs – there are subtle hints available through asking Lambert about the next move, and in case of a total blank – a built-in hint system that is an excellent example of satire in itself. If you want to keep asking for hints just so you can see another entertaining suggestion while being mildly insulted – there’s no judgement, only understanding.

    Just like Hector’s love life – the look of the game is that of an uncomplicated cartoon filled with caricatures and zero nuance. It’s familiar, inviting and enviably well-suited for all the lewdness and violence perpetuated throughout the series. A constant visual reminder that all the sarcastic quips and disturbing situations are comedic in nature and not meant to be taken seriously. Plus, you will also get a glimpse of Hector and Lambert’s buttocks – they are exquisitely drawn and animated… No. No, they are not.

    Music, as in the previous two episodes, is pleasantly passable and isn’t a highlight of the game, and the voice-over is wonderful and very “Hector, if that makes sense. It is indie, nothing too grand, but it’s very well-done. All the cheeky comments by glorious Detective Inspector, pleading lamentations of Lambert and various attitudes of NPCs ( such as properly odd countryside farmer, overconfident chief of Police and young gal who’s just trying to make a buck by selling “special” cakes to get her entire family out of jail) are delivered with just a right amount of gusto, generously adding to a comedy core.

    By this point, It should be crystal clear that enjoyment from the trilogy will entirely depend on your like/dislike of THIS kind of humor. If all the edgy stuff you’ve read about in the review doesn’t seem like your thing – “Hector: Badge of Carnage” will not be a series for you, as It lives and dies by the provocative narration. If you, however, happened to be a connoisseur of shit-talking then look no further, as this game delivers not just jokes but a wholesome point’n’click experience all across the board. As a reminder, despite that all three episodes are absolutely worth the regular price, they frequently go on sale for $5 (yes, all of them combined), so It is easy to enjoy this quality adventure without breaking the bank. If you really look at It – this is a bargain to pay for participating in the “who’s the ugliest contest” or trying to outsmart a naughty leprechaun. You always wanted to try those things, right?

    For more point’n’click awesomeness join our group!!
    https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CPANDC" target="_blank"> Coalition of Pointers and Clickers

    806 Produkte im Account
    47 Reviews
    1173 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.01.21 07:03
    Easily the best of the bunch. The writing got better and jokes are even funny now at times, Hector is more relatable, got a proper climax, otherwise it's just more of the same, decent adventure game.

    Still, I can't recommend the episodes for a full price, I got them at fairly low price and was quite happy with them (mostly).
    302 Produkte im Account
    190 Reviews
    349 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.11.20 21:30
    A great British toilet comedy point & click game on a buget. Slapstick done right.

    The game is on the fence of going into the trash category like Scary Movie and the like. But Hector knows it's limits. It makes a joke out of everything, including of itself. It doesn't take itself seriously enough to become trash. It's a really harsh standup comedy that keeps on giving, even if it has some awkward sidesteps with some questionable jokes. Nothing's perfect.

    - Brilliant hint system for thick people as me. Very hard to find yourself in a stump. No need for guides or anything like that. The game really respects your time. I say that as someone who plays puzzle and point & click games with walkthroughs all the time;
    - Toilet humor, but it knows how to be smart. It's dark, yet without the hardest of swearing words. The insults are carefully thought out British expressions concocted from all over the media;
    - Really decent tracks in some locations. Sadly no OST has been released and the game is not very well known.

    - Only a few voice actors. In the first episode even women are voiced by a male actor, a little annoying but forgiveable;
    - Sometimes the humor isn't appropriate, but it's part of the appeal of this genre and it works when it gets to the punchline. Humor is subjective after all. But it might not be for everyone.

    Recommended even for people who aren't into solving puzzles. Now after I've finished this game, I'm 1% more sarcastic in life.
    Game can also be found on GOG: https://www.gog.com/game/hector_badge_of_carnage
    187 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    65 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.10.20 19:49
    I really liked theese Games. Part 1, 2 and 3. It's soooo Funny. Hector is a lovely character haha.
    31 Produkte im Account
    22 Reviews
    260 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.09.20 18:20
    Very good but i'm biased...
    696 Produkte im Account
    103 Reviews
    230 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.06.20 19:02
    Solid series through and through, up to the last episode.
    37 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    325 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.06.20 22:16
    Hilarious. Proper British humour (with a u, yes). Brilliant script and characters. Different from all the point and clicks, and better.
    765 Produkte im Account
    17 Reviews
    128 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.10.19 10:46
    This review applies to all 3 episodes of Hector: Badge Of Carnage.
    If you like point & click adventures, rude and crude humour and don't care to much about political correctness then this could be a game for you.

    The puzzles are logical most of the time but I've found myself twice or thrice missing an object. This is not so much a problem of pixel hunting but more with the unconventional control. With one click you look at an object und with a double click you interact with it. Sometimes Hector just looked at it instead of taking/interacting with it which told me I can't take it and ignored it for a lot of time which brought me trouble with some puzzles. Also there is no hotspot-feature which is fine, because most of the objects are well visible. Two times the gameplay changes to a multi character adventure like The Day Of The Tentacle in which you have to exchange objects with each other and solve problems together wich is awesome. The world and the characters are whacky and strange and fit perfectly in this fictional british town called Clapper's Wreak. The voices on the other hand vary from ok to some 40 yo imitates a young woman through a 1999 headset microphone. Maybe this is humour the wanted and on purpose. The first could be and is some of the time funny but the latter is not ok for a game released in 2010/2011.
    2214 Produkte im Account
    166 Reviews
    237 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.02.17 22:27
    Game features various british accents and a load of slang and wordplays and has no localization - and it's not a starter's english material, keep this in mind before purchasing.
    One of the most undeservedly forgotten games - published by Telltale games before they started doing the interactive movie-type of games. Hector is a traditional point and click, and it's a fairly easy one - it has some point and click logic to it, especially given by it's twisted style, but it helps with lots of references ingame, and with an ingame full guide.
    The game is quite mature in topics, but at the same time has crude, juvenile and absurd humour. Play the policeman who for whatever reason goes the distance to save his cesspool of a town while verbally abusing whoever he can, comitting breaking in, indecent exposure, blackmailing, felony and some other nice stuff just to get the job done. Certainly it takes a personality to put up with the game, but the game has really high production value. Filled to the brim with wordplays for better of worse, original ideas, a honestly great storyline and really memorable puzzles. I can understand that the game is not for everyone because of it's style, but I do believe that the game is genuinely outstanding, and one of the very best point and clicks I've ever played. Very much recommended to get it if you're interested!
    885 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    1377 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.11.16 10:19
    Firstly I'll say it's a travesty no sequel has been made to Hector, come on Telltale, there's plenty of us that prefer Hector to your cheesy franchises. It's maybe the best adventure game I've played, certainly the most enjoyable and most humerous. And I've played allot of them. The main character is a sarcastic, crude, crass, slob of a detective but with plenty of masculine humour. He's essentially Gene Hunt from Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes. The humour is quick witted and vulgar. The voice acting and timing of it all is perfect for the characters. The puzzles are logically of maybe a medium difficulty, which doesn't halt story progression. And story and interraction between the characters is key to the enjoyment you get from this game as with any great adventure. The story arc doesn't disapoint and despite the aged graphics you feel immersed in the environment. You feel a real sense of connection to the characters. Graphics are cartoonish which fits with the comical nature of the game.

    Buy it or put it to the top of your wishlist at least. It really deserves more sales to maybe encourage a sequel. Come on let us start a cult Hector following. It's loads better than the Sam & Max series or Deponia series for my money, neither of which are anywhere near as funny.
    575 Produkte im Account
    68 Reviews
    128 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.03.15 05:02
    + Funny game with excellent dialogue. Lots of British slang. The mechanics of the game is simple: click once to See an item, double-click to Use it. All 3 episodes are connected, but Episode 2 is probably my favourite because it has the largest number of locations. The story isn't the greatest, but there is a big plot-twist at the end of Episode 2.

    - The graphics are cute but the game's maximum resolution is quite-small, and doesn't support wide-screen.
    1173 Produkte im Account
    180 Reviews
    251 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.08.14 21:42
    “If I could get off this thing I’d come over, shake your hand and say congratulations, you’re ret@rded.”

    There is no mistake that the humour in this game series is the highlight of the whole experience. It’s a slightly darkish humour but funny none the less. Especially if you get the quirky little remarks and references only a fellow brit would.

    Hector: Badge of Carnage is a point and click adventure game set in a small shitty British town that has been overrun with corruption and lack of giving a toss. Full of chavs, junkies, prozzies and rather crappy coppers you play as Hector, a questionable detective who is going to help the town, catch the bad guy and save the day!
    …so he can indirectly help himself to probably go back to the pub or for a kip.

    Dialog in this game is very amusing, at least it was to me. I would recommend the game for that alone.

    Characters are enjoyable most of the time, the main ones are loveable, the… chav and junkie extras and whatnot not so much. But they’re WRITTEN to be annoying! So good job, old bean!

    What I remember of the music wasn’t bad. Didn’t make me want to pull my hair out so that’s a good start.

    Graphics are nice, I enjoy classic point and clicks more so then the newer ones and this game series is definitely one that should be on the list for anyone that likes the same.

    Literally the only problem I had with this series is that I had a crash during the second episode. I lost no progress but it was still mildly annoying. Apart from that and me having a slow start with it (probably the old point and click brain trying to boot up again) I haven’t a bad word to say about it.

    TL;DR : Great/slightly dark British humour, amusing characters, nice graphics and an all-around great little series, I recommend any point and click fan buys it.
    570 Produkte im Account
    69 Reviews
    227 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.08.14 16:42
    If stuffing a comatose heroin addict into a love doll box and returning him to a adult toy store for an exchange offends you, then this is not the game for you!

    Is it a fun adventure game? Yes. Not a very challenging adventure game but it is fun.

    Is the storyline fun? Yes, although there is a LOT of british slang dialogue, it's not hard to understand the humor.

    Would I replay this game, probably not, but that won't stop me from giving it a rating of 7/10.

    380 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    438 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.02.14 13:17
    Very fun and the puzzles are relatively easy and logical. The dialogs are funny and good for learning Cockney English... so that's a plus!
    Logo for Hector: Badge of Carnage - Full Series
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