News Liste Industry Manager: Future Technologies

Patch #3 just released!
Industry Manager: Future Technologies
14.11.16 11:15 Community Announcements
Dear Fans,

we have good news for you - Patch #3 is out now and fixes several bugs and issues.
Here you can find the complete changelog for this patch v.1.1.2:

- AI: All buildings are properly removed after a company leaves the game.
- AI: Improvements for AI companies
- AI: AI companies do not go bankrupt so frequently
- Market: The demand does not drop so suddenly
- Market: A message is shown when a demand change happens because of in-game events.
- Stock market: Should not display negative shares anymore
- Message: Sales reports from the global market no longer appear in a new game
- Product reports: Corrected generation and numbers
- Warehouse: Sometimes the quality shown on transport routes was 1 instead of the correct value
- Warehouse: Sometimes the upgrade caused a crash/bug
- Global market: Does not provide easy profit anymore
- Game goal: Scientist end game goal fixed
- UI: Scrolling the map using the mouse on the window borders is now more reliable
- UI: Texts are now bigger to have better visibility on smaller monitors/resolutions
- Construction menu: When scrolling through the building shop the camera does not zoom anymore
- Util: added the option to switch full-screen game between multiple monitors
- Localization, stability and other minor fixes

Thank you everyone for your ongoing feedback and your support on finding some of those bugs! :D