• Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.
  • Insurmountable: Screen zum Spiel Insurmountable.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2021
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Preis Update 21.02.24

Über das Spiel

Insurmountable ist ein Roguelike-Adventuregame, in dem der Spieler einen gewaltigen Berg besteigen muss. Dabei muss er die körperliche Verfassung seiner Spielfigur im Auge behalten, um zu überleben und sein Ziel zu erreichen. Erschwert wird das durch ein dynamisches Wettersystem, Tag- und Nachtwechsel und viele andere Ereignisse, die den Spieler vor Herausforderungen stellen.

Damit der Spieler die Herausforderungen bestehen kann, wird er während seines Aufstiegs seinen Charakter verbessern können, indem er neue Fähigkeiten freispielt und nützliche Gegenstände findet. Außerdem wird der Spieler mit jedem Aufstieg seinen Charakter neu formen müssen und somit verschiedene Strategien ausprobieren können, um schlussendlich den Berg zu bezwingen.
Der Fokus liegt zum einen auf den Entscheidungen, die der Spieler unter Risiko und Unsicherheit trifft. Auf der anderen Seite wollen wir ihm das Gefühl einer harten und bedingungslosen Umwelt präsentieren, die Menschen in Extremsituationen erfahren.

Dynamische Welt
Der Berg ist zufallsgeneriert und bietet bei jedem neuen Durchgang ein anderes Erlebnis. Unterschiedliche Wettersituationen und Events, die Einfluss auf die Spielwelt haben, sorgen während der Laufzeit für immer neue Herausforderungen.

Starke Konsequenzen
Jede Entscheidung, die der Spieler trifft – angefangen bei der Planung der Route bis hin zu möglichen Exkursionen in dunklen Höhlen –hat Auswirkungen auf die Spielwelt oder den Charakter selbst. Dabei gibt es keine pauschal richtige oder falsche Entscheidung. Sie steht immer im Kontext, welche Strategie der Spieler gewählt hat.

Strategisches Gameplay
Der Spieler kann den Charakter in verschiedene Richtungen formen, um zu sehen, welche Auswirkungen unterschiedliche Spezialisierungen haben. Nur wer experimentiert und ausprobiert, hat die Chance, es lebend auf den Gipfel zu schaffen.


  • CPU: Intel Core(TM) i5, 2.6GhZ
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 64 Bit
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

116 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 17:22
Es ist kalt. So unbeschreiblich kalt. Zitternd stecke ich mir meine Hände samt den Handschuhen zwischen meine Achselhöhlen und ziehe die Schultern zusammen, während ich ein Fuß vor den anderen setze und das Eis unter mir genau sondiere; Ja nicht abrutschen, dieses Gelände ist tückisch. Meine schlecht verbundene Bisswunde in der linken Wade macht auch schon wieder Probleme. Warum erkunde ich auch eine Höhle die Stockdunkel ist und der ein strenger Geruch entsteigt? Die Kälte, es war die Kälte. Es ist immer die Kälte. Darum. Während ich wiedermal meinen Kopf darüber schüttel knarzt das Eis leise unter dem Druck meiner Steigeisen. Nur weiter. Immer weiter. Als urplötzlich das Eis unter mir nachgibt und mein ganzer Körper taumelt und wegrutscht, hinein in die Dunkelheit der Gletscherspalte. Hart pralle ich unten auf. Als der schmerz nachlässt halte ich kurz inne und mache eine Bestandsaufnahme meiner Vorräte; Zwei Sauerstoffflaschen, eine Dose Bohnen und diese Kräuter die beim kauen immer ein wohliges kribbeln im ganzen Körper auslösen, Taschenlampe alles da. Nur mal wieder nichts gegen die Kälte. Wie immer. Mit letzer Kraft schlage ich meinen Eispickel in die wand der Spalte und hieve mich hoch. Es wird dunkel. Es wird noch kälter. Zitternd wende ich mich zum Gipfel. Wie Majestätisch er in den Wolken liegt und alles überragt. Erfurcht packt mich. Kann ich es schaffen? Keine Dose Bohnen würde ich in meinem Zustand darauf wetten. Wieder setze ich völlig erschöpft und halb erfroren einen Fuß vor den anderen. Weiter. immer Weiter. Nach der nächsten Kurve bemerke ich eine Hütte, eine Zahnlose alte Frau grinst mich schief an und winkt mich zu sich. Wird sie mir helfen? Wird sie mich vergiften? Mich wegschicken? Nun ich habe keine Wahl als mich ihr anzuvertrauen. Ich muss es zum Gipfel schaffen. ich muss einfach.

Ein wunderschönes, herausforderndes Survival und Ressourcen-Management Spiel das auf random Events setzt und einfach bei jedem Spieldurchgang anders ist! Indie vom feinsten, klare Kaufempfehlung auch wenn ihr keine Bergwanderer seid! ;)
383 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 21:35
Als erstes mal das Positive, es ist echt mal was neues was es so noch nicht gegeben hat. Die Grafik ist gelungen und der Sound stimmig. Auch die Steuerung ist schnell gelernt. Es gibt 3 Spielbare Character wobei jeder seine eigene kleine Story mitbringt warum er denn klettern will^^. Aber nun auch das Negative was mir echt nicht gefallen tut. Die eben genannte Story ist wie ich finde total undurchsichtig und erklärt nix. Beim klettern stößt man immer wieder auf verschiedene Orte wie z.B. Ruinen, eine Ziege, ok das nicht negativ, aber wenn ich auf einen Ort treffe wie ein warmes Lagerfeuer das auch noch brennt und kann aber dort nicht meine Körperwärme regenerieren frag ich mich schon ob den Programmierern nicht klar ist /war das Feuer echt warm sein kann !?!?! Oder ich geh in eine Höhle wo ich dann unter anderem schlafen kann und nach dem aufwachen ist die Höhle (immer) dann verschwunden und ich könnte kein zweites mal dort pennen......soll das ein Witz sein ???? Es gibt auch noch eine warme Quelle die man finden kann, aber nein auch dort ist ein aufwärmen nicht möglich. Dann auch noch das tolle Zelt.....hält ja immerhin 3 mal schlafen und dann ist es futsch.....genial. Schön wäre es auch gewesen wenn man seinen Character etwas hätte ausrüsten können vor dem Start.....muss ja nicht gleich die ultimative Survivalausrüstung sein aber zumindest etwas Kleinkram wie Dosenfutter oder warme Klamotten, ja......warme Klamotten hat kein Char groß am Start. Ist ja auch logisch, ich kletter mal eben aufn großen verschneiten Berg ohne warme Sachen. Darum werde ich trotz der tollen Ansätze die das Spiel bietet es negativ bewerten und ich versteh nicht das scheinbar alle das Game toll finden trotz der vielen unlogischen Aspekte. Aber vielleicht haben die meisten es nicht so mit Logik. Sitzen denn alle nur noch sabbernd und hirntot vor den Spielen heutzutage ?
760 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 22:32
Hab das Spiel zufällig im Store entdeckt, und es sah ganz nett aus, also kurzfristig gekauft und installiert. Tatsächlich waren meine Erwartungen geringer, als was ich letztlich im Spiel erlebt hatte, ich bin mehr als positiv überrascht! Im ersten Run hatte ich den Gipfel erreicht, bin aber auf dem Rückweg doch noch gestorben, also neues Spiel mit einem anderen Charakter, mit dem habe ich nun ordentlich gelevelt und 2 von 3 Bergen erklommen. Es spielt sich sehr entspannt, da keinerlei Zeitdruck herrscht, fordert aber doch leichtes Management, um seine Temperatur, Sauerstoff und Energie oben zu halten. Verschiedene Berge, mit verschiedenen Routen und verschiedenen Charakteren plus unterschiedliche Wege, letztere zu leveln und an seinen Spielstil anzupassen versprechen samt der prozedural generierten Events einen hohen Wiederspielwert. Ich bin durchaus locker eine Stunde beschäftigt einen Berg zu bezwingen, so ist das Spiel ein willkommener Zeitvertreib für mich, während ich mal kein Valorant oder Crusader Kings zocke. Ich denke, dass für das Spiel auch zukünftig noch Inhalte veröffentlicht werden und freue mich drauf. Originelles Spielprinzip, ich bin überzeugt und kann das Spiel uneingeschränkt empfehlen (außer für Leute, die es nicht mögen, Story zu erleben und ihren Kopf anstrengen zu müssen).
328 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
2706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 16:51
Wir schlüpfen in die Rolle eines von drei möglichen Bergsteigern mit jeweils anderen Fähigkeiten und Startitems. Zu erklimmen gilt es drei Berge. Wir können uns für eine von möglichen drei Routen pro Berg entscheiden.

Alles beinhaltet taktische Entscheidungen. Vor Allem das Bergsteigen an sich erfordert Kalkül (Welchen Weg nehme ich? Warte ich auf besseres Wetter? usw).

Und denkt mal nicht, nach dem Gipfel sei es vorbei. Man muss natürlich auch wieder runter und es schließt sich direkt der nächste Berg an, d.h. man nimmt Items und Skills vom letzten Berg mit zum Nächsten (sehr nice!). Alles in Allem ein feines Spiel, dass trotz der repetitiven Mechanik bisher nicht langweilig wird.

Sehr viel richtig gemacht für meinen Geschmack. Ich hoffe, die Entwickler schließen noch Modding aus, sorgen im Laufe der Zeit für ein Leaderbord, mehr Personen und Berge, verpassen den Charakteren noch kleine Storys und sorgen für mehr Abwechslung bei den Mini-Events (pro Berg kommen manche 4-5 mal vor).

Zum Release gibt es noch FPS Einbrüche ohne ersichtlichen Grund, denke aber, dass das demnächst gefixt wird.

Für den kleinen Preis eine sehr gute Investition, denke ich vergebe 9/10 :)
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 13:21
A unique game with a relaxing and immersive atmosphere that you should definitely give a try. The new update added a lot of content and replayability.
170 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 12:49
Love it.

Let us start from the beginning...

I bought this game as a niche sim for mountain climbing. It was enjoyable and the gameplay mechanics worked solidly, but the repetitiveness of the runs starts to sink in after 10 or so hours. So i moved on back into the Great 'Steam' River to find my next Great Fixation.

Fast forward to present day...

New content update. More like they completely overhauled the game and reworked the rogue-like progression system, as well as a bunch of new events and whatnot. The new system is fantastic, breathing life back into a game that i had thought lost in the abyss of my library.

Current prognosis...

This is a wonderful update to an already enjoyable game that focuses on making the replayability more enjoyable and builds a deeper connection to your character, through a more hands on skill progression tree to a deeper backstory and plot. And it's FREE (The update, not the base game). So rig up, grab a bottle of hot tea and some canned food, and go overcome YOUR mountains!
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 21:24
An awesome take on the roguelike genre. Quite unforgiving to mistakes, so it's tough to learn, but fun nonetheless
423 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 05:24
This is just the sort of game I'm in the mood for at the moment. Having recently invested hours completing a heavy narrative driven game, I've switched my focus to more contained, smaller gaming experiences that I can pick up and play for an hour or two at a time.

Insurmountable is a very unique take on the roguelite genre, where the objective is to summit 3 peaks that get progressively more difficult due to changing environmental conditions and the need to carefully ration consumables and search for gear in randomised locations. Despite the challenges, I managed to complete all 3 peaks on my first attempt without dying, but came very close during the descent on the second mountain and towards the end of the last summit. I've only tried normal difficulty so far using the adventurer persona.

My only complaint is that there are only 3 mountains, which appears to be the same for all personas and difficulty levels from what I've read. On that note, I'm hoping that the developers are able to pull off their planned narrative driven mode: https://www.byterockers.games/post/a-new-place-to-catch-your-breath-insurmountable-devblog-10-1?lang=en
369 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 17:27
+easy to learn
+unique gameplay
+good repeatability
+different experience on every climb

-hard to master
-small mistake cost you nearly everything
227 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 22:31
I'm really glad that I picked this game up. As a lifelong gamer, I'm finding that the older I get the harder it is to find unique game experiences that keep me interested beyond the first play session. This game hooked me right away. It looks unique and it plays uniquely. It has it's own style which is executed wonderfully. It's almost like a mountaineering version of Endless Legend, if you're a fan of the Endless games. Insurmountable is definitely worth checking out. Thanks to the game creators for this unique experience.
108 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 23:25
This one took me by surprise how much I liked it. Unique game play that is engaging and well designed.
146 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 08:01
I'm a rock climber and even though this game is not very realistic, it is REALLY fun and challenging! Good stuff for a few days of chill play time.
160 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 23:37
TLDR: A unique concept combining role-playing with strategic and tactical decision-making in a rogue-lite package. Although refreshing and engaging, RNG and cookie-cutter events diminish overall experience

Every once in a while I come across a game that still surprises me, despite thinking I’ve pretty much seen most of the games that the industry has to offer. Insurmountable is one of those games. The game has you play a mountaineer trying to summit various peaks in pursuit of set objectives. Along the way, you encounter randomly-generated events which may help or hinder your ascent -- you may receive useful items, or get injured, or lose time and heat as a result. The game is set in a rogue-lite format, with a single save game and a single attempt to summit all 3 mountains. You may choose one of three different climbers, each with varying starting traits, items, advantages and disadvantages. There are also different difficulty levels. Let’s take a look at the game in detail:

+ Insurmountable’s unique concept is a big plus. The challenge of playing a mountaineer is both interesting and compelling

+ There are both strategic and tactical choices to be made: Choosing the type of explorer, route, and summit strategy may give the edge you need (or disadvantage you); while climbing decisions, path choices, terrain, weather forecasts and random events are some of the tactical decisions you have to face

+ The gaming UI seems to make sense: you have a health bar, but also levels of sanity, oxygen, energy and warmth, some of which can be replenished by items or events. These stats have to be continuously monitored (like in real climbing), as it may mean the difference between life and death

+ The audio track complements the game well, is unobtrusive, and adds a layer of immersion to the game

+ Once you summit the mountain, you have to make your way back down to base camp. As much as I would prefer the journey to end after reaching the top, this two-way trip is realistic. It also forces you to budget your items for the trip back down (do you have enough oxygen, warmth, etc?)

- The game can be frustrating. My biggest grouse is the RNG inherent in the events that you face, and the cookie-cutter format that exists. For e.g. if you ever encounter a cave where you observe a light, always go in and explore -- you will receive some stat increase in addition to being able to rest. Similarly, if there’s a smell, don’t venture any further and just rest. This prefabricated format is kind of lazy and not characteristic of the overall production values in the game

- In general, the random nature of the events are the biggest wild card. You may receive outcomes that can be devastating to your climber. While some may consider this to be “realistic”, and yes, random events do occur in life, but the game should more closely mimic the preparedness, supply and replenishment, and detailed planning reflected in actual climbing. For e.g, as you begin the game, you start with some basic supplies, depending on the type of climber you choose. But after you return to base camp, there is no option to re-supply or heal before you’re forced to the next ascent. Seriously? Who climbs 3 mountains in a row without being able to re-supply or heal?

- The two camera angles can be limiting as well. Yes, you may be able to see only so far as you’re climbing but what about all the information and intelligence you’re supposed to have on the area, the mountain, etc. (like in real climbing)? Shouldn’t that warrant better top down camera angles? Visibility is everything -- if you can’t pick the best path to the top, be prepared to fail/die

- There is no way to replenish energy except by sleeping (for some reason, you don’t need to eat/drink); but if you sleep while in the “death zone”, you’ll almost freeze to death by the time you wake up. There should be a feature that allows you to replenish energy other than sleeping (in “real” life, it’s called eating/drinking)

The negatives mentioned here affect the overall balance and replayability of the game (for me, anyway). The format of the events is the same, but the order in which you get them is totally random; you have no opportunity to heal or re-supply (yes, there are no resources at base camp), and the rogue-lite features (only one save game; no incremental or in-progress saving) can be unforgiving and unnecessarily punishing. If there was a way to heal and re-supply in between ascents, Insurmountable would be longer-lived, but as is, I’d likely uninstall it and move on. I understand the need for randomness, but the devs do not reward planning and strategy enough, and some conditions are just outright ridiculous.

Insurmountable is a good idea, but still needs to be better balanced and fleshed out before it can be a great game (Insurmountable 2?). In my book, it makes the grade (just barely), as the positives still outweigh the negatives. I would still recommend not paying full price for it though, unless the shortcomings mentioned are addressed.

446 Produkte im Account
233 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 09:58
Could've been good, idea is nice, but the execution is lacking.

You spend lots of time watching your character move along, with nothing for you to do. You can't even check your inventory while moving. This could've been nice if the game were more interesting to look at, but the terrain makes no effort to smooth out the hex pillars, the sky is a simple static skybox, the props are static, the lighting is uninspired. Overall the audiovisual design is perfunctory and fails to do justice to the majesty of a mountain.

The game relies heavily on events, but these are nonsensical in what they present as exclusive choices. Caves can only be rested in once, you must choose between picking berries and investigating a rock in the same location. Tents also break after three uses, and your climber lacks much basic equipment without which they have no hope to reach the summit, but which they are expected to find scattered over the mountainside. It all makes sense from a gameplay perspective, but severely harms immersion.

Overall I like the premise, but the game ends up underdelivering in its presentation.
443 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 20:48
It's different. A resource management board game about climbing a mountain. Does a good job capturing the atmosphere of a dangerous climb. Not much else. After your first playthrough you've seen everything, and gameplay becomes very repetitive. There's little content, good perk choice can completely destroy the resource management aspect as you go weeks without eating, breathing or sleeping. I clocked my first mountain range at 3.5 hours and don't want to play again. If I had used cheat engine to speed up animations I'd probably be done in 2.

Still going to give it a thumbs up for standing out. Give it a try for a chill, short resource management game.
72 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 00:14
I really wanted to love this game. It had all the elements I love to make a game I love but a game's rng can only give you the double bird so many times before it's just not fun. Playing as the adventurer was fine. It was challenging but felt very balanced. That's where it stopped. As soon as I started playing with the journalist or scientists the terrain got very rough even when i didn't pick a route with very rough terrain. That's forgivable except the other characters aren't advertised as increased difficulty, just different play styles. The real problem is the events and Item drops. except for the first mountain on adventurer your success is dependent on your consumables. They give you items that are equipment but they're junk. You get 100 points into each stat and the best and the best oxygen mask I've ever found gives you get this .75 oxygen an hour....you're losing stats on average between 5-7 points an hour and that's the best item they give you??? After almost 20 hours of play I did find a Fire charm which gives you +3 warmth per hours, that was pretty neat.

Trait perks are also RNG and are heavily biased for energy reduction which is usually fine if you're getting good items...

Events are extremely repetitive and after the 1st mountain on both scientist and journalist just kept giving me the bird. Caves only had biting bears, backpacks you sacrifice sanity to steal only give xp, found crates and shacks and shipping containers are always empty. Meditation events either cost more sanity over time then they rewards or get this...gave +0 sanity...YUP! The event designed to restore sanity started giving me 0 sanity rewards.....

Despite all the elements being there to be a great game the rng is so bad that in the end I wasn't having fun. I might try this game again in a year and see if they fix it up. My last playthrough of mountain 3 didn't drop a single oxygen bottle. You have no chance of survival without those on mountain three and only getting .75 oxygen an hour from the 'high quality' mask. Keep the challenge but remember you occasionally have to give the players SOMETHING!
101 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 04:09
At first I was really enjoying this game, but after beating it 2 times its just very repetitive. I know some people like that style of game and I usually do too. I just can't see myself playing this game again however. This game is a great idea and it does work I'll give them that!

Also for the Developers, you need to make an option to adjust the size of the UI. The UI is so tiny that I find myself straining my eyes most of the time!
783 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 01:41
I fed a goat my last can of food and later he popped up and warned me about a mountain lion. What a bro.

I froze to death later.
530 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 09:52
A creative idea, both thematically and from a gameplay perspective, but a rather lacking execution.

Simply listing the, to me, major issues with this game:
- The entire challenge of the game lies in the management of your five available resources... but you can completely remove that ressource management with one or two perks each. There's this 'Death Zone', where above a certain height you will start losing oxygen, putting you on a timer. Unless you have a perk that lets you regenerate oxygen whilst on snow (one of the 3 terrain types, and probably the most comon), suddenly it becomes an 'Irrelevance Zone'. Climbing costs you energy? No longer if you combine an item, a perk and a modifier that give you a cumulative -100% energy cost. I'm not certain where the supposed challenge of the game is supposed to come from when you can 'solve' the resource management aspect of the game one third into a run.
- Speaking of one third into a run, by the time I was done with the first summit, I had already seen so many repeitions of perks, items and events (not to speak of the same 3 terrain types over and over), that I would dare to claim I've seen most, if not all of the content the game has to offer. Less than 2 hours in. That's not a good benchmark, and is a very bad omen for replayability.
- Furthermore, the game feels needlessly slow. You queue a move order... and then you spend 30 seconds fiddling thumbs as your character strolls across the landscape, slowly scaling cliffs and such. There IS a button to speed this up... but only by x2. You could add another x3 to that and it might work out, but as is the game contains way too much waiting. I'm not sure whether this is an oversight or an intent, to encourage the player to enjoy the calm mountainscape... but the latter is kinda not a thing if you ever turn the camera outwards, as the non-playable area is a rather ugly sight of low-polygon mountains.
- Semi-related to the last point, next to waiting for my character to execute the movement, what was the 2nd most time-consuming part of the game? Inventory management. But not the interesting kind: See, there's a couple items that give you boni, usually energy cost reductions, for specific terrain types (or conditions). This means, to play optimally, you have to switch out items depending on the terrain you're walking on. So, instead of queueing a long move order and waiting for it to finish, the actual gameplay consists of taking 2 steps, opening the inventory, switching two pieces of gear, closing the inventory, taking 2 steps, opening the inventory, switching two pieces of gear... admittedly, that optimization probably wouldn't be necessary to beat the game on normal difficulty (given the complete non-relevance of resource management)... but this is bad design that will probably hit hard (by becoming mandatory) during higher difficulties. I understand the concept of 'you can only wear one pair of shoes, and have to change what you want to wear!' but it's atrociously implemented from an actual gameplay perspective.

Overall, I like the theme and the idea,
but the gameplay is dull, the balance seems off, and the content is abyssimally shallow.

So, for that pricepoint, I can definitely NOT recomment the game.
90 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 20:10
Really loving the variety of choices/events throughout each run, and how the game combines all it's survival mechanics without them being cumbersome or annoying. Loving the game so far!!
314 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 20:18
Lots of agonizing decisions, difficult situations to handle and a very creative and interesting take on mountain climbing and turn-based games. I really enjoyed my time with it.
Played through one of the classes (adventurer) and finished it, though I didn't really feel the need to go through all the other ones after finishing one.
Worth the money definitely.
2031 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 12:13
Guide a woefully unprepared mountaineer up a mountain

THE GOOD: Novel concept, simple gameplay, good controls, decent graphics
THE BAD: Variability is a bit of an illusion, extremely luck based, camera jank

Would very much like to see a stats system so you can have some influence over the outcomes of your choices, rather than the dice roll it currently feels like.
260 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 08:58
As an avid backpacker, this game held some special interest for me. I love rpgs and strategy games as well, and had some pretty high expectations going into it. I was not disappointed. Interesting and thrilling gameplay with high replay value. HIGHLY recommended.
265 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 23:46
Very interesting game. Games take a very long time to play, 3 hours per run (1 hour per mountain), but I cut that down to 0.5 hours per mountain after gaining some familiarity. They do save at every move for you to take a break, though it's hard to put down once you start. Roguelite components are on point. Challenge is solid. Various survival metrics are well balanced.
1427 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 22:58
In 2 hours, I did the following:

I pilfered a hunter's backpack while he was fighting a bear.
I jumped a chasm.
I jumped another chasm.
I slipped down a hill.
I slept in a stinky cave.
I was amazed at some fireflies.
I ate some exotic berries.
I found a satchel with a can of soup in it.
I gutted a deer and ate the herbs still undigested from his stomach.
I jumped another chasm.
I crossed a rope bridge.
I started freezing to death.
I found a weird warm rock and toasted my arse on it.
I found a dead women and pried a can of soup out of her hands.
I stared at an old toothless woman sitting in a shack on a mountain top.
I ran away from a mountain lion.
I slipped again, this time spraining my ankle.
I forgot where I was supposed to descend to.
I went insane, listening to odd mountain flutes and whispering voices.
I shivered in a state of panic on a ledge.

360 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 13:14
Interesting concept, unique solutions, intuitive gameplay. Definitely worth playing! 8)
952 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 22:50
At last, a roguelike where it's not some brokenly OP monster's fault that I died.
885 Produkte im Account
149 Reviews
1569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 19:56




WHAT TO EXPECT: Adventure rogue-like. Turn-based strategy. Hex-tiled maps. Graphically beautiful. Layers of themed mechanics. Ironman style saving. Challenging gameplay. Permadeath. Singleplayer only.

More info below....



Insurmountable (ISMe) is a turn-based strategy game with a mountaineering theme and rogue-like structure. Players take on the role of an individual stranded on a island. Their goal to scale three successive peaks and uncover the secrets of this mysterious place.

Set-up requires choosing which mountain to tackle and preferred difficulty. Opting for one of three routes to take. Followed by determining the class of character to play. Then setting off with naught but their starting attributes, strengths and equipment. While on their trek many dangers will be endured and tough decisions made, while continuously balancing four pools of inner resources. Energy, sanity, temperature and oxygen are all vital in keeping the climber alive and focused. These decline as challenging terrain is traversed, dealing with setbacks and enduring harsh weather. These resources are refilled by resting or using consumables found during encounters. Incidents can occur when in transit causing a multitude of bad effects. Both permanent and temporary.

Gameplay takes place on procedurally created environments depicting the mountain being climbed. Several types of terrain and features are modelled on a hex-tiled map to include: rocks, snow, ice, cliffs, fjords and inaccessible paths. Together forming a patchwork of possible routes for the player to take and obstacles to avoid when attempting to reach the summit. Along the way, a number of signposted locations can be visited that provide event encounters. The most important of these are caves, ideal for taking shelter in. Others bestow or deplete resources or equipment. Experience points are awarded on completing encounters. Gaining points allows a skill to be chosen from four, augmenting capabilities for their journey. Passive types are constantly in effect. Actives must be used and then go on cooldown.

A day and night cycle complicates matters, bringing with it changes in weather which can reduce visibility and inner resources, complicating the climb even further. To aid them characters can use a small array of equipment. Clothing, picks, torches, provisions and more help keep the climber alive or give them a better chance to succeed. As they near the summit of each mountain, the character must have the inner resources and equipment to overcome the Death Zone. An area of low oxygen and sheer cliff faces below the summit. Getting to the top of the mountain is only half the battle. Players will need the wherewithal to ensure they make it to a sheltered area. Where they can begin to prepare to scale the next mountain.



+ 3x mountains of growing length and difficulty to overcome, without dying.
+ Choose to play one of 3x characters with different starting abilities and equipment. adventurer, scientist or journalist.
+ Procedurally generated mountains with various terrain, day/night and weather cycles.
+ Can remove GUI to reveal the amazing scenery.
+ A preview feature displays cost in resources to get to a target hex. Useful for pre-planning.
+ Tons of strategic dynamics provide a complex challenge: environment, equipment, traits, buffs/debuffs and injuries.


- Animations are basic.
- Can be a lonely experience. No other characters.
- No option to restock between mountains.
- No manual saving. No checkpoint reload. Basically ironman mode from start to finish.
- High initial difficulty curve. Can be unbalanced to a point.
- Inconsequential story revealed in chunks.
- Permadeath. Artificially increases difficulty.


* Fair number of random events. Many are overly generic in nature. Could do with more event chains.
* Rendered terrain: fjords, ice rivers, glaciers, and rocky crags
* Dynamic weather system and day/night cycle. Lowers resources and affects visibility and temperature.
* Gain XP by completing encounters and levelling-up. Specialise characters through a sophisticated skill system.
* Decent setup options: Difficulty (normal, hard and insurmountable); Route; (left, centre and right); Character type - (Climber, adventurer and journalist).
* Good flexible camera. Can get stuck depending on zoom and angle.
* New difficulties, mountains and climber attributes can be unlocked by reaching mountain peaks.



ISMe brings a remarkably distinct concept to the turn-based strategy genre in a very polished format. Every constituent part of its DNA reinforced its subject-matter and theme. Capturing the expectation, trepidation and feel of the experience in a satisfying way. While a medley of related mechanics collectively provided a thought-provoking challenge, with appealing visuals and immersive environments. Making this a contender for anyone's library.

There is no combat. That and due to its slow deliberate nature and decision-based exploration, it would appeal to fans who prefer taking their time when strategising. Especially those capable of inhaling its layers of game dynamics and processing them, before making their move. The ability to adapt as situations change would also stand the player in good stead. While some phases of play were almost casual in nature, just like a blizzard ISMe would manage to disrupt the most meticulous of planning, shifting the context of the challenge in an instant.

The effect of RNG was limited to the encounters experienced and skills available for selection when levelling up. These could feel unbalanced during a run. Over time accumulating to make for a frustrating experience. At least there were no other major RNG issues. For the most part it really is the character, their abilities and equipment up against the mountain, elements and bad incidents. There was a fair amount of replayability but players would essentially be playing the same game with little change bar what RNG provided. The suggestion of a story never materialised.

It very much played like a board-game and what strategy there was worked well but, the action could descend into a lull. It missed having a base camp between mountains to equip anew for the next journey. Equipment that could break during critical incidents. The inclusion of a nefarious entity that would send climbers after the player would have added an extra dimension. Making it more rogue-lite. The imposed Ironman mode and lack of saving, made the game alot less accessible for casual players.

ISMe did sometimes feel overly lonely. Perhaps adding characters from a roster to form a team would have added a tactical element that often felt missing. Turning critical incidents into mini-games of their own. Played out on zoomed-in maps. Adding climber related actions affected by ability and RNG with detailed animations that felt missing from the main game. Changing terrain as an effect of weather would have been a great addition.


ISMe managed to capture the mountaineering experience in a very satisfying way. For its few flaws it was well worth the time sunk into it. Will suit patient thinkers or fans of the subject matter. I enjoyed it despite a few shortcomings.

Thank you for reading. | Find my reviews here. | Key provided by Reviewers' Paradise
127 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
1449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 07:54
This is how you make a great game
You will win awards for this
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 18:22
all round good atmospheric adventure
239 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 08:37
Needs more content, events, and a little more strategic planning when going into the mountains. Its kinda borring only to click and wait.

Concept itself its interesting, but it could be better executed.
1020 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 06:50
This is a really fun and half chill half stressful game. It looks great and it plays really well with a good difficulty curve the further you get. The strategy behind the game is interesting but some times you just need luck on your side to get what you want to pass through each mountain.

Great visuals (I stopped and panned many times just to look at the lovely landscapes
Good length and replay-ability
Interesting stories throughout the game
A lot of resources and events to work with
Increasing difficulty
UI shows everything needed
Speed up and stop mechanics are really useful

Increasing difficulty
Sometimes you need luck to get you through an area others can be incredibly brutal
Events can repeat but sometimes they may be a good thing because you already know what to do
Story can be underwhelming in the end

First Look Review: https://youtu.be/nvunV71pyiE
Steam Curator Page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/10995314-Szamer%2527s-Collection/
764 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 15:17

I also made a longer, more in-depth video review here:

Insurmountable is a mountain climbing strategic roguelike that is super unique and a one of a kind experience.

The game starts off by having you select one of three different climbers that all have different starting bonuses and equipment and then you choose the mountain you are going to be tackling.

The game then puts you at the foot of a mountain that is made up in a hex grid type style and tells you to climb to the very top.

There is a decent tutorial explaining all the different mechanics but overall you have 5 main stats you need to worry about.

First is your sanity which can get lowered by supernatural events or traumatizing situations like finding the dead body of another fellow mountain climber.

You also have your energy which is super important because this is what you use to actually move around. And you use up more energy the steeper the climb is. So if you are going between two tiles that are the same height it won't cost that much energy but if you are having to scale a 3 story difference in height between two tiles you are going to have to spend a ton of energy.

You also have your body temperature which gets lower the colder it is especially if the weather gets crazy bad like a snowstorm starting.

You then have your oxygen which only really matters once you get super high up in the mountain in the “dead zone” where there isn't enough oxygen so you cant stay super high up for too long.

And of course you have your health in case you fall during an event or get attacked by wild animals or things like that.

So all of these are super important to balance because one if your health gets to 0 you automatically die, but the other ones if you get them to 0 there are massive side effects.So like if your sanity goes to 0 you start hallucinating and hearing things that can cause you to make major mistakes that hurt you. And if you can't breathe because you have no oxygen that is obviously bad. Same with the energy and body temperature.

So you start scaling these mountains by trying to find the best route and there are also a ton of random events scattered in the mountains that are represented by these tokens.

They all pop up these impressive looking art pieces and have a ton of dialogue describing what is happening and most of the time you will have to make decisions that impact the outcome.

These are one of the coolest features about the game but I will say that after getting to the second mountain about an hour and a half in my game time I already started to see repeating events.

And the events that repeat aren’t even randomized. Some games will have multiple randomized outcomes from a single event to make it even more varied if you get the same event multiple times but this game doesn't seem to do that. The game definitely needs more events considering this is a huge chunky of the game.

The other huge part of the game is that you can actually level up your climber by gaining xp from events. And every time you level up you can choose an active or passive perk that fall into a couple different categories. So on my Let’s Play series of the game I kept taking a ton of perks that where focused on climbing at night time.

So I would try to rest up which let you regain some stats by spending some time sleeping during the day and then would just try to make as much progress as I could in the middle of the night.

And the actives you get are on cooldowns so some of them you can only use once a day but they would make you run extra fast for 2 hours in game time.

You also can find a bunch of different equipment like different boots, hats, climbing gear and more that all give you passive bonuses to different activities like a climbing pick that lets you less energy climbing steep parts or a hiking stick that helps you walk faster on flat areas. I like this a lot the only problem I have with it is that it is wayyyy to tedious to constantly switch between the equipment.

Because technically the optimal thing to do would be to move one tile and then switch equipment on what is the best for the next tile, move that tile, and then change equipment but that's not fun at all so I tended to just keep the equipment on I thought was generally better. Maybe if there was an auto switch mechanic where if you had the equipment in your inventory space it would automatically use the better gear you needed.

And the only other complaint I have with the game is the camera. The camera is a little bit janky and kind of locks and glitches sometimes because I think its tied to each tile and its super cool to zoom in sometimes and get cool shots but some of the time it can be wonky. Nothing too bad just something I wanted to mention.

The devs have released an updated that added a handful of new events and made a couple fixes to the camera but I don't think they solve my issues entirely.

So overall Insurmountable is a genuinely enjoyable experience mainly because it is super unique but I will say I dont know if I could see myself playing the game past a couple of hours. I think if they add even more events, make a couple of changes to the gear mechanics and camera it would be a lot better but its overall a fully launched game its not in early access or anything.

So if you think its worth it for a couple of hours of really awesome unique gameplay then I would say definitely go for it but if your wanting something with more replayability I might hold off unless its on sale or anything.

And if you love Roguelikes and Roguelites as much as me then follow my Steam Curator Page for more reviews and videos about them.
456 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 04:25
Really cool game, great to chill out. 5/7 would freeze to death on the North face again.
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 22:40
perfect game to chill.

The game can also be very challenging as you must keep track of your character health, stamina, body temperature, oxygen and sanity... but also think of weather changes. The key to getting victorious is to always adapt your strategy proactively : strategy for pathing but also item consumption
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
88.21% 232 31
Release:01.03.2021 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Byterockers' Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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