• Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.
  • Kairo: Screen zum Spiel Kairo.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.04.2013
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Preis Update 04.09.23

Über das Spiel

Enter the lost world of Kairo. Explore vast abandoned monuments. Bring strange and ancient machinery back to life. Slowly uncover the true purpose of Kairo and fulfil a great destiny.

Kairo is an atmospheric 3D exploration and puzzle solving game. Developed by Richard Perrin the creator of the white chamber with music by Wounds (Bartosz Szturgiewicz).

Key Features
  • Exploration - Travel through a strange world full of abstract architecture. Each room is unique so there's always something new to find.
  • Puzzle Solving - Repair ancient forgotten machinery to slowly bring the world back to life.
  • Enviromental Storytelling - Exposition without the traditional dialogue or text. The story of Kairo is told through the world itself. The things you find will slowly help you unravel the true purpose of this mysterious land.
  • Atmospheric Soundtrack - The music helps shape the land and will fill you with an equal measure of wonder and dread.


  • CPU: 2GHz Dual Core
  • GFX: Shader Model 3.0
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP
  • LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch – SpanienSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

299 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.15 14:11
Ich habe leider nichts gefunden, was dieses Spiel besser macht als andere, allerdings macht es auch nichts total schlecht. Die Grafik ist irgendwie... wie Fernsehen über Antenne wenn es regnet und die Story hab ich nicht gefunden... :( Das klingt vermutlich schlimmer als es ist: das Entdecken der unterschiedlichen Settings macht durchaus Spaß und die Puzzles sind ok. Zusammenfassend kann ich sagen: 5€ ist ein angemessener Preis, wenn man darauf vorbereitet ist, was einen erwartet.
1381 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.15 20:24
Wow ich liebe solche surrealen Games, völligst abgedreht und mit abstrakten Rätseln. Die Grafik ist dementsprechend sehr experimentell in verschiedenen Quadern und Objekten dargestellt und trotzdem sehr passend und stimmig.
Ich weiß das ich den Kauf nicht bereuen werde da es mir nun schon sehr zusagt.

+++ Gefällt Euch das Review und wollt mehr Reviews von mir lesen so schaut doch mal bei meiner Kurator-Seite vorbei: Reviews von Jadefelsen! +++
217 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.14 16:26
Ein Spiel im luftleeren Raum - was das Spielerlebnis angeht...

Kairo ist bemüht eine düstere mystische Amtosphäre zu erzeugen, durch z.B. übereinander schwebende Ringe, die nach Lösen eines Rätsels einen Strahl erzeugen, oder durch Herumfliegen von Quadern um einen herum, sobald man geradeaus läuft. Warum das geschieht, erfährt man jedoch nie, weder durch eine Erklärung, noch durch Andeutungen (vllt am Ende des Spiels, die Motivation das herauszufinden wurde bei mir jed. nicht geweckt). Somit entsteht nicht einmal ein Gefühl dafür, wo man ist und was das ganze überhaupt soll. Grafik-Stil und die Architektur der Bauten wirken minimalistisch und gezielt generisch, auf mich persönlich allerdings irgendwie noch zu undefiniert und unfertig, als dass ich sie als charakteristisch und außergewöhnlich empfände. Die Rätsel sind ok, ihren Sinn / Notwendigkeit erkennt man jedoch nicht.

Somit mMn nur empfehlenswert, wenn man grundsätlich auf mystische und atmosphärische Spiele abfährt. Wie gesagt, Atmosphäre ist vorhanden, die im Ansatz interessant ist und ja auch dem ein oder anderen hier gefällt, mir persönlich war das jedoch zu wenig.
1975 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.14 10:28
Ein sehr verwirrendes und langwieriges Spiel. Jedoch lohnt sich die Aussicht und (mit kleiner Lösungshilfe) sind die Rätsel wirklich sehr interessant umgesetzt.
Einfach ein atmosphärisches Erlebniss!
276 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.13 16:59
Zurück aus Kairo also....dem verwirrendsten Indiegame, das ich jemals gespielt habe. Kairo kombiniert jede Menge gute alte Rätsel (Labyrinthe, Enigmi, etc.) und funktioniert dabei ohne ein einziges Wort! Der Spieler erlebt alles aus der First-Person-Perspektive und ist wandert durch teils sehr verwirrende, sich stetig ändernde Welten, bestehend aus geometrischen Formen. Während des gesamten Spiels kommt sich der Spieler fehl am Platz vor; gar so, als ob er die feine Balance in den wie natürlich wirkenden Abläufen dieser Weltensysteme stören würde. Der wunderbar stimmige Soundtrack wechselt dabei zwischen klassischen Klängen und irgendwie industriell klingenden Soundeffekten. Der einzige wirkliche Anker, den der Spieler bei der Entdeckung dieser riesigen Welt vorfindet, sind bekannte Bilder und Fotos (u.a. Albert Einstein, Go spielende Geishas, verwaiste Wüsten, etc.) Nach und nach, indem Rätsel gelöst werden, wird diese doch triste, meist in schlichten Farben und Beton gehaltene Welt wieder zum Leben erweckt. Kryptische Zeichen zeigen dem Spieler dabei den Weg. Hört sich verrückt an? Ist es! Manche Rätsel verlangen wirklich Hirnschmalz, andere bestehen wiederrum aus dem einfachen Erraten von Reihenfolgen. Eine Empfehlung für Rätselfreunde alle mal, genauso wie für kunstbegeisterte Architekten :D EInziges Manko: Ich würde mich über ein paar mehr Soundeffekte freuen. Zwar gibt es Sounds für fallenden Regen und Hall in größeren Räumen, elektrisches Knistern, etc. Fließendes Wasser hingegen, genau wie stehenden Wasser, durch welches durchgewatet wird, besitzen keine Sounds. Würde der Atmosphäre definitiv ein Sahnhäubschen aufsetzten! Kairo ist dennoch zu empfehlen - mit nichts zu vergleichen und ein Abenteuer wert!
136 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 12:28
This game is totally out there, I have attempted to play it several times because i was bored with all of the others that I have but each time it made no sense, these supposed puzzles are not puzzles at all as they don't function as puzzles they are just random stuff this dev threw out there, good luck if you buy it but, I would not suggest wasting your money.
227 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 10:15
Kairo is both a complicated, and a simple game at the same time. Primarily focusing on general exploration with puzzle solving to unlock the continuation of the game. Some of these puzzles are very simple, others might requires some looking around or trial and error, but overall it's a fairly great experience. One that for 5 bucks (at posting this review) is very much worth the money if you like atmospheric games.

The atmospheric part of the game is by far, the best aspect in my opinion. There are so many neat places and so many charming and sometimes off-putting things to see. It's classified as a horror game in the tags, but it's not an, in your face, type of horror, it's more psychological based if you actively choose to look for it. It's kind of brilliantly done.

Searching for some things, particularly the collectables can be tedious at times, but mostly, if you use some logic as to where you'd hide them, and keep a sharp eye out, you'll probably find most of them on your first pass through the game.

Plus, that secret ending. Didn't expect that!
1549 Produkte im Account
251 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 14:02
A first person atmospheric puzzle game.

Usually I try to give games a fair shake before giving them a verdict, even if they can be somewhat strange. I didnt play this one for long, but I think Ive played enough of it to understand what I can expect until the end.

This game doesnt have a story. At least not one you can see while going through this world. Maybe there is something towards the end, but until then you dont really have much. There are some screens that can appear with obscured images on them, but they dont tell you anything.
The world in itself is made up of abstract geometric shapes (basically what you see in the pictures). You go through different chambers via portals, solving puzzles to get parts of keys or sometimes just going through corridors. This is accompanied by eerie background music. The visuals arent that good. And its not like Im expecting anything major, its just some places have a grain filter that makes the already unimpressive visuals even more lackluster. Lighting often doesnt help either. Often it can feel difficult to navigate because of it. Some objects you can go through because they dont have collision.
And the puzzles. Most of them require you to do busywork. Trial and error, waiting for setup. They arent fun. Some of them can be rather vague in what they expect you to do. Ive heard there is even a puzzle, which requires you to talk to people from different playthroughs to get their piece of the puzzle hint. It wore my interest out pretty quick. Granted, there are hints for each puzzle chamber and their is a kind of level map in the pause menu, so you wont get lost. But with the lackluster visuals and story I just dont want to bother.

If you look at the achievements, less than a third got the first zone done. Even more dropped off before finishing the second. That should tell you something. I wanted to quit before finishing the first zone, but decided to put in some more effort to be sure I wasnt being too lazy to try and get it. But aside from an eerie mood, there really wasnt anything there from making me feel bored.

155 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 06:25
This is one of those surreal first-person exploration games that I like so much, this one coming with a number of puzzles. Nothing is really explained, but most of the puzzles are either intuitive or will click after you mess around with them long enough; if not, there are always guides. What really sells this is the atmosphere: a pleasantly geometric landscape of abstract objects in monochrome, with that one color varying by room; the way that the visuals are put together also gives it a vibe similar to those FMV Adventures from the mid '90s. The music is weird and ethereal, so it feels a bit like Yume Nikki, but much lonelier and more meditative. I couldn't have asked for a lovelier world and experience, and there are plenty of well-hidden secrets to find. Oh, and that secret ending is PERFECT.
160 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 04:49
I don't hate this game, it definitely makes me wish I could give mixed reviews on steam instead of an absolute yes or no recommendation. There were some pretty neat puzzles, the environments while simple I still found fairly charming and it has a nice semi-haunting atmosphere that I liked.

The reason I can't recommend it is that I found quite a few of the puzzles to be completely unrewarding and frustrating. The frustration arose from there not really being a reason for why you're doing some of them or how to even solve them (the puzzles you have to solve for 100% completion are the worst and I have no idea how people figured out some of them, it must have just been a matter of dumb luck or a ton of trial and error)

If it's on sale for really cheap maybe pick it up
156 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 17:31
Why. Why did I bother?

(It's a pseudo-abstract walking sim with nothing special except unpolished gameplay.)
743 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 23:32
Atmospheric and mysterious, and it doesn't hold the player's hand. The puzzles are typically clever; the biggest 'problem' in puzzle design is that sometimes it's hard to determine what's a puzzle and what isn't. Luckily there's a hint system; if in doubt you can see if there are hints for the room and that will settle it for you.
368 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 12:00
Great little game. I see a lot of comparisons to Myst, which I never played. What I have played is The Witness, and this felt kind of like a creepy, dilapidated version of that, in a good way. You can see this game's edges, sometimes literally the edges of construction in the Unreal engine. It's also mostly cubes and squares. But it still is a masterful, atmospheric work .
421 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 22:13
I found this game to be more frustrating than anything else. I got stuck on a puzzle for a long time until I found out that the games gives you a partial random solution, and that you have to ask others with game to give you the rest. Thankfully it turned out to be the only puzzle of that type, but that's not what I look for in a single-player puzzle game.

A majority of the game is a walking art simulator, where you go to various locations and look at pretty but monochrome geometry. Most of the puzzles are straightforward, apart from the few (2-3) for which you are given no clues. The sound design was poor, with the occasional tone to let you know you found the solution to a puzzle you didn't know you were doing, and many loud static sounds passing for background music. I was more or less enjoying the abstract nature of the game and the puzzles until it started introducing the background story.

I finished the game despite itself, and derive no real pleasure from having played it in its entirety.
547 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 04:54
cool little puzzle platformer, experiment in environmental storytelling, where you play as a slowly accelerating pill shape. takes maybe 4-5 hours to 100%.

the main draw is the graphics. the environments are abstract and beautiful. they have a cohesive style and personality, mostly of brutalist, monochrome architecture, and stylised, low-tech effects. completing puzzles also visibly changes the game world, which is nicely satisfying.
imagery of war is scattered throughout, but that theme never climaxes into a story.

the puzzles themselves are hit or miss. some are fun, others are so obtuse it's like they came out of a point and click. the main shortcoming here is that the puzzles are just that; there are some themes that appear in a few different puzzles, but for the most part, there's no cohesive element or theme that ties everything together. in many puzzle-platforming games, there's some sort of device the game is built around; portal has the portal gun, braid has time travel, and super mario sunshine has fludd. kairo does not have any sort of device, and puzzles range from connecting the dots, to drawing symbols, to correctly orienting dynamic objects; so this is where as a puzzle game it falls short.

also there's this one sound effect that's obscenely loud and it peaks and i hate it.

i still recommend it though, because of the beautiful environments, good soundtrack, and respectable level of polish. there's also a cool secret developer room, like the kind you find in old community tf2 maps that have development concept art and stuff. i just wish there was a disco room to match... maybe i haven't found it yet.
1522 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 13:32
Kairo is an odd first person puzzle game with an interesting aesthetic and ambient soundtrack. When you get into the game, you have no idea what's going on. This is a feeling that will follow you through the game as you continue further and solve more puzzles.

There's no real story going on and tbh, there's not much going on at all besides you and the puzzles. But with that said, it's not a bad thing. You walk around, solve puzzles and hoping that you'll manage to continue to the next area. Before you know it, it's over. You finished the game! There's some hidden areas, extra puzzles and even a secret ending for the person who wants to push in some extra time into the game as well.

I recommend this to people who are fans of first person puzzle games!
132 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 19:14
seriously one of my favourite games of all time, bought the soundtrack too because Wounds rocks, awesome ambience and visual design; great backstory if you read into it, 10/10
64 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 06:32
It feels more as an art piece than a game. At best a rough, unfinished art piece with low texture quality.
311 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 11:25
Another example of why game journalism reviews are meaningless. Either these sites smoke a ton of crack before playing games or they're literal infants who giggle at car keys being waved in their faces. Eurogamer comparing this to Fez (because it has symbols?) and Minecraft (because there's a cube?) is so laughably offensive that I wish I could go back 20 seconds to before I read this game's store page.

This game didn't grab me beyond the sound design, and you can tell a programmer brain tried to make these puzzles.
57 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 23:42
Like nothing else I've ever played - Kairo is one of the loneliest and most mysterious games you'll experience. Everything about it - its grainy visual style, abstract and monumental architecture, haunting soundtrack, and almost complete absence of words and dialogue - combines to make it a thrilling discovery. After seven hours with it I'm left still wondering what it's all about or what it's trying to say, yet still satisfied at what I'd just been through. Almost impenetrable yet also in its own way fascinating.

So what do you do? Functionally it's a first-person exploration game with mostly mechanical puzzles, which involve pushing objects, turning valves, aligning things, that sort of stuff. These puzzles are pretty much the engine room of the game, serving as both a mental challenge and the way of breathing life back into this world that Kairo presents you. The playing areas are large and it's very impressive watching the whole area come back to life after you've completed the puzzle. Along the way you can collect hidden runes, hear bizarre echoes of human voices long gone, see broken images of places that seem to hint of a connection to more familiar settings. It's essentially environmental storytelling, but it's extremely fragmented and abstract, tantalising but keeping you guessing as to the true message of the game.

There are also optional puzzles, which - for me, anyway - were much harder than the main ones. The only one I have managed to solve so far was music-based, so was very challenging for me as I've got a very bad ear for pitch or melody! They are interesting diversions, but the meat of the game is definitely in exploring all these surreal, interconnecting areas that lie relatively dormant before you've put everything back together. Kairo captures the sensation of being completely alone and lost, and while you may not fully understand it, you'll be quite reluctant to turn it off.
546 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 03:40
Obscure, sometimes tedious puzzles and not very satisfying. Movement is floaty and the visuals are very basic, even considering the fact that they're going for a geometric shape look.
553 Produkte im Account
433 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 13:33
This game looks exactly like my square-ish creatings in 3D MAX back when I was a child in 2006. You would say it is the developer's STYLE, but no, even for a square-ish style you have to add something and make it more eye-pleasant, this game is just lazy-made game. Puzzles weren't that bad though. The problem is that you can't die here. I was quite enjoying the game, despite of all of these flaw, until in Garden level I fell on the bench of the map and there is no way to go up, even if I die I immediately respawn at my last place - on the bench. And there is no save / load function to prevent this.

EDIT: Controls are terrible, too. It is really annoying to move, especially considering this game could be called Walking Simulator.
254 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
7356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 19:28
- 真难 估计是我比较傻逼
- Es ist wirklich schwer oder ich bin dumm
- Es muy dificil o soy estupido
- È davvero difficile o sono stupido
- Это действительно сложно или я тупой
- それは本当に難しいか私は愚かです
1004 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 14:46
  • Beautiful, surreal, obscure
258 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 03:01
This is one of the most intensive yet also one of the most atmospheric puzzle games I've played. It's hard to explain this game other than that the environments are so barren and creepy and the puzzles will use every area of your brain. If you like challenging puzzles and minimalist games I suggest you check this one out.
335 Produkte im Account
284 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 11:09

Atmospheric & Isolating // Recommended for those who enjoy an abstract experience

+ The combination of unique architecture & creative puzzle environments lends the game a certain beauty in design
+ Cultivates both a spirit of exploration & a feeling of loneliness
+ Each area has a unique design & atmosphere
+ Can feel really quite eerie, though in an admittedly non-threatening sort of way
+ Puzzle hints are available to prevent frustration; the game does not penalize the player for using them

- Aged visuals & textures
- Limited replay value beyond an alternate ending

LockeProposal's Big Day Out

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599 Produkte im Account
172 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 12:20
Exploration in a very surreal and oppressive world, with huge rooms and hallways filled with different puzzles and secrets. I think that all the images and trailer point-out the atmosphere of this game well and its somehow distressing gameplay and blunt delivery might not suit for everybody and although I have mainly enjoyed, I am most definitely not forcing myself to play Kairo with one sitting.
69 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.19 04:03
Kairo is a world of surreal, foreboding architecture. Pillars rise from an infinite red mist, platforms interspersed between. A park of blocks in a black void, underlit by a green glow. Strange machinery that feels alien yet familiar. And behind it all, a purpose - obfuscated, hidden, but gradually revealed through the environment. Deeper secrets lie in the nooks and crannies of Kairo, revealed to prying eyes and inquisitive minds.

Play the demo on the developer's site for a taste of the experience. If you like the demo, you'll like the full game. And do yourself a favour - go in as blind as possible. Let Kairo surprise you.

Mysterious, awesome, and at times terrifying, Kairo is well worth the price for a tremendous atmospheric experience.
65 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.19 01:04
Kairo is primarily a walking simulator with a few puzzles thrown in. There's nothing wrong with walking simulators or puzzle games, but this one was incredibly slow and tedious. Most of the game was just walking through corridors with nothing much interesting to look at. All geometric shapes, all factory-like.

Puzzles were either far too easy or way too difficult (like, impossible without a walkthrough difficult.) Even after knowing the solutions to all the puzzles, I couldn't figure out where I was supposed to gain the information to solve the harder ones.

Lots of backtracking too. Very maze-like. Wouldn't recommend unless you want to get frustrated.
99 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 06:49
I love this game. The atmosphere is creepy, the architecture is stunning, the music is... soothing... The puzzles are challenging and really made me think, it's been only 5 hours of playtime and I can remember what all of the puzzles look like. This game was right up my alley. I'm so glad I picked this up during the sale.
Now I will attempt to break down everything I loved about this:
The graphics, ohhh the graphics. The game felt... So real, as if I was dreaming... Props to Locked Door Puzzle for thinking about the grain that naturally comes from human eyes, especially while dreaming, and simulating it to the game. Fullscreen also recommended for a surreal experience but I understand if it messes stuff up, but I definitely recommend turning on the grain for that dreamy feel throughout.
The puzzles are difficult, but at the same time I'm able to understand them. I only had to look up one of the puzzles, and even then it was probably the most cryptic one. (besides the [spoiler]vision puzzles[/spoiler].)
The architecture is absolutely amazing, it sets the mood of the area extremely well and, on their own merits, are stunning. Definitely adds to the aesthetic and atmosphere of the game.
The music also plays a great part in aesthetic and atmosphere as well. It's all ambient, something I would definitely put on loop trying to sleep into a weird dream like this. The music is placed very carefully into the areas where they'd fit only the best. I'm a total sucker for ambient anyway, so even without the context I'd fall in love.
The game keeps it simple, everything in it consists of walking, running, and jumping around. No fancy powerups, or anything, hell, not even an action button. When I put it like that It may sound like a boring walking simulator, but I think that the puzzles it throws at you make up for that, plus it makes the game easier to learn, at least for people with a basic understanding of how first person games work, because you barely need to waste any time learning the controls, and you could get right into the meat of the game after fixing the settings.
All that combines into one of the most surreal experiences Ive ever played, and something I wish my dreams would expand. It's easy to pick up, the atmosphere is beautiful, and Ive found myself enjoying this game more than I should. In those 5 hours I beat the game twice and got the [spoiler]secret ending[/spoiler] once, but I will likely definitely come back to this game at some point in the future to relive this trip. Something like this, in my eyes, is just... I can't think of more words to describe how I feel about it.
Now, I understand this isn't for everyone. I would say that this is for people who have a taste for atmosphere, for puzzles, for ambience, for tranquility, or for all of the above. however, Coming from someone who has a taste for all of the above, I definitely recommend this game, especially at it's awesome price of $5. In fact, I'd probably put this experience up there on my favorites, right next to experiences like The Witness, Yume Nikki, and FEZ. Come to think of it, this feels oddly like a mix of all 3 of those. Amazing. I love this game.
64 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.14 19:31
Very cool game with impressive visuals and puzzles to challenge your mind. Be warned though, the solutions to these puzzles are not easy, and more often than not you have to go seek out answers and explore.
166 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
10332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.14 18:40
There are many, many able reviews of this game so I'll just add some short remarks.

I find Kairo haunting and beautiful. Every time I reach the final goal, and the credits roll, and the music plays I think of creator Richard Perrin and his father — and the loss of my own — but it’s hopeful and optimistic. Still the entire experience exhibits a sense of loss and recapitulates same. For me the game is an expression that I enjoy somewhat plaintively in its context.

I play it often enough at my three-year-old's insistent request. He has none of this context! But he still wants to come back again and again. He finds it mesmerizing as he instructs me where to go and what to inspect next — the first time, his eyes wide in amazement. I think at his age he's captivated by the geometry and the color (children's entertainment is generally far from this). “Go see where the blocks are painted!”, “Go to the black moon!”, “Go in the elevator!”, “Show me the dinosaur!”, “Fly into the sky!” He’s still surprised when the environment springs to life. I’m surprised to see we’ve wandered around Kairo for over 150 hours in the last year or so.

In short, a moving experience for a parent, and a curious adventure for a child. Play it together. Appreciate the time you have together.

So really, this is a thank you note. Thank you, Richard Perrin and the rest that made Kairo possible.
275 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.13 08:01
It's like video games meeting modern art. I'd recommend this for game designers and architectural students to play at least once. At the low price for what it's worth, it's almost like experiencing a one time movie, so it's well worth the money for those that like art. As a video game, it's a very zen-like experience, all you really do is walk and solve puzzles with the walking controls. I do not recommend this for gamers that expect this to be a horror game or an action paced game, it's more of a world to just experience and watch the changes happen before and after you solve puzzles. So if you liked Myst or games like it, sure, this game plays well right in that area, puzzles are a lot easier compared to Myst.
Logo for Kairo
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
73.54% 867 312
Release:24.04.2013 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Locked Door Puzzle Vertrieb: Lupus Studios Limited Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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