• Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.
  • Lightyear Frontier: Screen zum Spiel Lightyear Frontier.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.03.2024
Zum Shop
Preis Update 02.12.24

Über das Spiel

Baue in diesem entspannten Open-World-Farming-Abenteuer dein eigenes interstellares Gehöft!
Errichte mit bis zu drei Mitspielern eine nachhaltige Exofarm, züchte außerirdische Pflanzen, passe deinen Mech an und erkunde eine neue Welt voller Geheimnisse!

Geh es ruhig an und lasse deine Umgebung auf dich wirken. Genieße ein entspanntes Spielerlebnis ganz ohne Kämpfe oder Survival-Mechaniken wie Durst und Hunger. So kannst du dich ganz auf die Aufzucht deiner Pflanzen, die Erkundung des Planeten und die Entdeckung seiner Geheimnisse konzentrieren.
Entspanne zu einem ruhigen, atmosphärischen Soundtrack mit kosmischem Country.

Zum Farmen, Bauen und Erkunden kannst du einen modifizierbaren Mech nutzen! Triff deine Wahl aus einer ganzen Bandbreite an Werkzeugen, schalte neue Verbesserungen frei und personalisiere deinen Mech mit verschiedenster Farbwahl und Mech-Teilen.

Pflege deine Beziehung zum Ökosystem, stelle die umliegenden Regionen wieder her, indem du mysteriöse Verschmutzung beseitigst, invasives Unkraut entfernst und die Effekte von Gefahren abschwächst. Pflanze neue Bäume, um abgeholzte zu ersetzen, und sorge auf deinem Gehöft für Nachhaltigkeit!

Dein erster Schritt auf dem Weg in ein neues Leben? Säe unterschiedlichste Pflanzen aus! Auf deinen Erkundungstouren auf dem Planeten kannst du die Samen zahlreicher Pflanzen entdecken und sammeln, die du züchten kannst, um in Hülle und Fülle zu ernten. Kümmere dich um deine Felder, indem du sie bewässerst und das Wachstum der Pflanzen mit Dünger beschleunigst. Verkaufe deine Ernte für Credits oder verarbeite sie zu Material für den Gebäudebau und Upgrades weiter.

Verwandle Rohstoffe in Gebäude und errichte die Exofarm deiner Träume! Baue eine Handvoll schlichter Vorrichtungen zu einer ausgewachsenen, retrofuturistischen Farm aus und richte dich dann mit verschiedenen Farbpaletten und Dekorationen ganz nach Belieben ein.

Erkunde die Wildnis und entdecke uralte Geheimnisse, die auf dieser neuen Welt begraben liegen. Mithilfe deines äußerst zuvorkommenden Scanner-Satelliten kannst du Hinweise entziffern, die überall in den abwechslungsreichen Klimazonen des Planeten zu finden sind, um verloren geglaubtes Wissen zu bergen.

Obwohl es auf dieser Welt nichts gibt, das dein Mech nicht allein meistern könnte, kannst du bis zu drei Freunde dazu einladen, dich auf dieser Reise zu begleiten, um gemeinsam den Planeten zu erkunden und hier eine neue Heimat aufzubauen. Legt eure gesammelten Rohstoffe zusammen, um die perfekte Exofarm zu errichten, und teile das Glücksgefühl einer reichen Ernte mit deinen Freunden!


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-4170 / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
  • GFX: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050 / AMD Radeon RX 460
  • RAM: 12 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell)
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K / AMD Ryzen 5 3600
  • GFX: AMD Radeon RX 6600 / NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell)

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1622 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.24 09:41
Bei diesem Spiel sieht man mal wieder das Problem der Steam Bewertung ... Würde ich das Spiel Empfehlen? Nein... ist das Spiel deshalb schlecht ... nicht wirklich.

Aktuell fühlt sich das Farmen für mich nutzlos an ... Ausser für bestimmte Bauprojekte, wo man Weiterverabeitete angebaute Materialien braucht und um das (wilde) getier zu füttern um nen buff zu bekommen ist es unnötig. Das verkaufen der Ernte an den Händler ist nur für skins des Mechs Nötig. Wer wie ich in der Ego Perspektive spielt sieht davon aber nicht wirklich was. Was übrig bleibt ist das Erforschen des Planeten und das Reinigen . Ja die meiste zeit Räumen wir auf um dann neue Materialien zu bekommen. Für neue Gebiete benötigen wir da bessere Werkzeuge, weil der Schmodder "stärker" ist als unser Wasserstrahler , oder das Unkraut Bessere Wurzeln als unser Sauger. Zumindest bei mir springt der Funke nicht über. Verstärkt wird das ganze durch ein kleines Inventar, das sich zwar überfüllen läst aber voll verhindert das man Springt oder Sprintet. Lange Ausflüge werden also verhindert. Eine Transportdrohne z.b. könnte hier Abhilfe schaffen. Insgesamt hat das spiel potential, aber ich kann es Aktuell nicht Empfehlen
3252 Produkte im Account
372 Reviews
1489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.24 18:02
very cosy "sandbox" game, which can be played with up to 3 friends, but can be perfectly played solo. Also you can use your singleplayer file and host it, so others can help in your game. You have to clean up regions to make them prosper again; gather resources to upgrade your novelty mech; so you can venture deeper and clean up more regions. It has a somewhat annoying texan AI helping you, but if you ignore that one its a very nice relaxing game to play. There are places where you need to solve a "puzzle", but it's basically locate all the artifacts. Story wise it doesnt really tell a lot on who you are, what you are doing exactly on that planet. You are required to jump out of your mech when upgrading and going through hard to get places.

However i finished the current EA content at around 25 hours. (ALL upgrades on Mech, solved all ruins, located all resources, built a decent farm with decorations, ...) Now waiting for more content...

This game feels like a game that can be played with your family, brother, sister, parents, kids, its very friendly and very easy to understand. a very basic upgrade system and cute animals to encounter. However, it is also very limited right now... so the game really needs more content for me to keep playing. It is definitely promising, but it needs more content.

Soundtrack is okay, story is minimal, gameplay is quite fun but limited, the sandbox is also limited but more regions will be added later. For now, if you are looking for something new, cosy and a relaxing "adventure" familyfriendly farming game, this is your thing.

Honestly 20-25 euros for 25hours ingame isnt bad, and this is EA, so more content will be added in the future.
524 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.24 03:51
Graphics: Great
Mechanics: Interesting, but very quickly repetitive
Gameplay: Interesting, but very quickly repetitive
Story: Good enough

Do i recommend: "Not really". I did not find it personally very interesting.
Reaching a new area and having to clear what feels like 100 noxious slime is a chore.
Finding and opening artefacts is a chore.

Many things in this game are just pretty and cosmetic, the mech body parts are all cosmetic.
When upgrades are "gates" to more progress, its just very frustrating going into new areas and not being able to do anything there.
When the resources you need only unlock after an area is cleared for you to progress this is also exhausting.
Going out to collect the resources you need and having to walk back being carrying to much is just annoying.
Building structures and needing the items in your inventory, and not being pulled from boxes. Is also annoying.

The farming and its related unlocks is fun. I would lean into this angle with more mechanics and scaling the game up.

Overall the game just drained me too much.
312 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.24 01:05
Fun coozy game, but feels like you're playing minecraft sandbox.
You have a field and some materials, now go build until you're tired of it.
The game has potential, but it definitely need some love in making it feel grindy, driving, and not like a open sandbox world.
0 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.24 00:45
It is a peaceful game, but not as advertised. It is a slog, and annoying mechanics make you run around constantly encumbered and confused and annoyed. I am sure the game will see improvements, but right meow it is impossible for me to enjoy.
251 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.24 13:37
Satisfactory meets Farming Simulator. Pretty good so far. Looking forward to seeing how it develops.
930 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.24 13:23
A cool concept but missing a lot of important quality of life improvements as well as real content, it very quickly gets boring and frustrating. Pretty but empty.
It needs more time in development to be worth playing.

In the end I got sick of getting in and out of my mech every minute to craft things and pick up the items then constantly building, demolishing and rebuilding things (because you can't move existing structures) to make them actually fit inside my base zone that I just closed the game.
I won't play it again until it gets the QoL features it desperately needs and some real content to make them worth using.

The moment I started the game the first thing I heard was an extremely jarring voice from the robot that talks to you and this thing talks constantly, every time you fall over, run into a tree, build something, feed an animal, go to sleep, get in or out of your mech, basically anything you do. It's infuriating. One of the first things I did was go into the settings and turn voice volume to 0 because it's that annoying.

From the store page and the videos it seems like the main focus of the game would be farming but it isn't really. Farming is the first step of all crafting in the game because you need the crops which you then turn into oil, but farming takes very little effort or time. You have to water the crops every day if it isn't raining as well as harvesting them but watering, harvesting, planting seeds and fertilising them is extremely quick - this feels like a good thing because it gives you more time to craft, build or explore but then you realise that none of those things have any substance to them either.
I think the game would be better with a stronger focus on farming but it needs all of these things to be more interesting first and they just aren't.

The way progression works in this is you use the vacuum and water hose on your mech to suck up weeds or wash away slime in different areas, then at the end of the day those areas become clean and you have to go to animal nests to feed the animals in order for new resources to spawn.
The problem is that the very first resource you need after aluminium is copper which only spawns in the smallest region on the map and because the resource doesn't actually spawn until you have cleansed the area and fed the animals it was really hard to find it. I went around the entire map through all of the areas before finally finding the one spot where copper spawns.
I very nearly closed the game and refunded it because of how frustrating this was but I finally found it before then.

The thing that actually did make me quit is the item management.

Your mech is the thing that actually carries your items and it can hold an infinite number of items but has a base weight limit of 60, if you go over that you can't sprint or jump in the mech. That's fine besides the few times you might get stuck because of it but you can always drop items. However this means that when you're crafting a lot of items you have to keep getting in and out of your mech to suck up the items or carry the items 8 at a time to your mech.
The game desperately needs some automation and logistics to fix this.

The main issue is that all of the storage options available at the start of the game can only hold 60 weight like the un-upgraded mech, rather than having a limit to item number. For things like crops and oils it's not so bad but you need a lot of all of the metals, woods and stone to do anything in the game and you need several crates just for each of those resources.
You can eventually make a silo that can hold 900 weight of a single item type but these are annoying to make because of the resources you need to craft them, these are also massive and take up far too much space - with such an awful storage system the best storage should not be so tedious to make and too big for the base area around your house.

Another issue is about the houses. When you place your house it has a zone around it where, if storage crates/silos are placed inside it, crafting stations in the zone will be able to pull from those crates. The zone gets bigger for each house upgrade but it's far too small for the early houses, especially because you also need to build decorations inside the zone to get certain buffs.
0 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.24 05:10
Very relaxing, a great game if you had a stressful day, and just need to wind down and hangout with your friends, while you clean up a planet, build your farm, and discover ancient secrets. Extremely polished, I cant say the last time I played an early access game this well made off the rip. well done developer!
0 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.24 04:07
So after 16ish hours, I have essentially completed early access.
I have definitely moved slower than possible though, so actual playtime may be 8-10 hours at this time.

I do recommend this as a relaxing, simple farming game. The mech adds a neat take on having different farming tools, the artstyle is nice, and the gameplay loop is fairly simple.

Go to an area, clean up all the poison and weeds, harvest it's resources, use those to upgrade your mech and crafting capabilities. this unlocks the ability to clean up hardier weeds or more toxic sludge.

theres no combat, your biggest enemy will be your mech stepping off a ledge and comically rolling down the hill. that or accidentally falling into water, which resets you to the last solid ground you were on.

weeds and sludge will also occasionally try to attach to your farm, which must be fought off with your tools else they eat your crops. but this tends to happen only, say, once an ingame week.

if youre looking for hardcore mech fighting, or some kind of helldivers experience of conquering an alien world, you wont get it here.

if you want to walk around in a mech suit, harvest some wood and ore, and use it to build up a fun base with cosmetic furniture, and a barn full of crafting machines, then you'll definitely enjoy it.
356 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.24 03:42
Very chill and relaxed game. The map is very well done also and great to explore.
Logo for Lightyear Frontier
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
87.79% 338 47
Release:19.03.2024 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Frame Break Vertrieb: Amplifier Studios Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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