News Liste Lunar Flight

VR Remaster CV1 Beta Now Available!
Lunar Flight
10.07.16 13:53 Community Announcements
A beta build is now available, simply opt into the ‘CV1’ beta and you should be right to go.

Right Click on Lunar Flight - Properties - Betas Tab

I am really excited to finally let people try out all the work that has been going on for the last 9 months or so. It has been a source of much anxiety but I am feeling pretty good about releasing this ‘Early Access’ beta.

I have not done any testing with HOTAS setups and am keen to hear how well the Rewired Input configuration screen works for those trying it out. Everyone else should use their XBone Gamepad. (Right Thumb Stick Button - Recenters)

If you’ve got a high end PC go into the Video Settings and crank things up! You can display the frame rate with F5

There are very likely to be bugs!

Features Not Yet Ported:

  • Multiplayer will come at a later date
  • Replays should be available within a week or so of the this first release, Replays will be a great way to show of Lunar Flight to friends and will come with some demo files piloted by me.
  • EVA (Exiting the Module) is not implemented yet

Ongoing Optimisation:

  • This build has been built with Unity 5.3.5p5 and does not yet feature Single Pass Stereo.
  • The default VR Preset in the Video Settings should be playable on Min Spec machines.
  • When Unity 5.4 is out of Beta I will update the build and we should see some nice framerate gains.
  • I want to look into using the Valve Lab Renderer but this requires Unity 5.4
  • [*]Vive doesn’t support ATW and I want to wait until 5.4 is out so I can do a proper targeted release