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  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Man O War: Corsair: Screenshots zum Artikel


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 15.04.2016
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Preis Update 20.05.22

Über das Spiel

Man O' War: Corsair.
Engage in epic naval combat and explore the oceans of the Warhammer world.
Man O' War: Corsair is a video game of high adventure, naval combat and exploration based on the Games Workshop classic Man O’ War table top game.

Man O' War: Corsair - Your Quest
Sail the seas plundering enemy ships, visiting ports, and trading. Dominate everything in your path with a fleet of ships at your back and watch people flee at the mere sight of you, leaving legends of your deeds in the history books and steel through the hearts of your enemies.

Man O' War: Corsair – Explore and Fight
Captain a wide variety of unique sailing vessels, explore and trade whilst combating enemy ships in frantic naval action.

Man O' War: Corsair - Boarding Actions.
As well as sea battles, engaging in boarding actions with enemy vessels sees you walking the deck, blunderbuss in hand, attacking enemy crew. Loot the vessels or sink them, the choice is yours.

Man O' War: Corsair - Enemies and Allies
Buy a variety of unique and deadly ships. Command allies from different races and fight many deadly enemies including:
Fierce storms, deadly fleets and terrible foes will block your path to ultimate glory.

Man O' War: Corsair - The Old World
A captain in Man O’ War: Corsair can sail the coast of a huge continent in the Warhammer world. Visiting over 50 ports from Erengrad to Sartosa, the sea is yours to explore.
A heroic adventurer does not only have enemy ships to contend with. The deep and unexplored oceans hold terrifying creatures that few see and live to tell the tale.
These deadly creatures emerging from the deep sea will chill blood and drop jaws in equal measure. The wise would attempt to flee but those brave enough to tackle such creatures will be famed throughout the world.

Here there be monsters....


  • CPU: Intel Core i5 2.6Ghz
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 280
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Software: Windows 7 64 bit
  • HD: 20 GB
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 3.5Ghz
  • GFX: Geforce GTX 970
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Software: Windows 8 64Bit
  • HD: 20 GB
  • DX: Version 11

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

226 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 18:15
This game is great!
I love sandbox games like this. It isn't perfect, but the stuff that is in there is amazing.
Ship combat is really really fun, and even hand-to-hand combat is nice.
Yes, the game has problems, some bugs, and not too much content.
But it is a fun experience. I hope more people play this game. And I hope that it gets updated soon.

If you like Ships, Warhammer, Sandbox, Fantasy, or the feeling of being an Admiral, then play this game.

More playable Factions needed, more weapon options for Chaos needed, bug fixes needed.
224 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.19 20:47
Als Beta würde ich dieses Spiel empfehlen, aber als vollwertiges Spiel nicht. Ich liebe Man O'War als Table Top und finde es echt Schade das es eingestellt wurde. Aber was die Entwickler hier vorgelegt haben ist einfach nur schwach. Es hat sich seit der Early Access Phase nicht wirklich was getan.

Grafik ist nicht gerade toll, aber darüber könnte man ja hinwegsehen, aber auch der Sound ist nervend, bestenfalls.
Städte sehen viel zu gleich aus und die Landschaft ist leer, einförmig und schlicht langweilig und lieblos gestaltet.
Die Häfen sehen alle mehr oder weniger gleich aus, da hätte man mit wenig Arbeit mehr machen können.
Atmosphäre ist da gleich null, man fühlt sich wie in einem lieblosen RPG-Klon der neunziger Jahre. Da gibt es so viele Spiele in diesem Genre die es mit wenig Aufwand meilenweit besser gemacht haben.
Sogar die Menüs im Game wirken unfertig und lieblos. Hölzern beschreibt es auch ganz gut.

Gameplay ist eintönig, Kampagne ist nicht als solche zu erkennen, Missionen sehr dröge und nur wenige unterschiedliche Typen. Die Umsetzung der Völker nicht gerade gelungen, z.B. die Orks sind einfach nicht so selbstzerstörerisch wie im Table Top. Etliche Einheiten fehlen, und teils spielen sich die Schiffe viel zu ähnlich. Auch sind die Größenverhältnisse nicht wirklich richtig umgesetzt worden.
Die Menüführung ist auch umständlich und nicht unbedingt nachvollziehbar.

Die Steuerung rangiert zwischen hackelig bis grausam, teilweise sind Kämpfe echt Glückssache. Was gerade gegen starke Gegner sehr nervend ist und schnell für Frust sorgt. Intuitive Steuerung sieht anders aus. Hier merkt man schnell das es viel zu früh veröffentlicht wurde. Teils muss man entern um überhaupt eine Chance gegen starke Gegner zu haben, da einem sonst das Schiff komplett zerschossen wird während man selbst ständig verfehlt.

Das Spiel macht den Eindruck eines schlechten Pirates!-Klons, bei dem die Entwickler nicht wussten was sie wollten, oder wie man Spannung und Spass erzeugt. Allen die solche Spiele mögen, würde ich das Original empfehlen ode sich nach einem andere Titel um zusehen. Hier wurde meines Erachtens einfach nur versucht ein Pirates!-Klon in Warhammer Optik zu erzeugen und dann einfach mittendrin aufgehört.

Hätte man es so umgesetzt wie die Entwickler von Battlefleet Gothic: Armada dann hätte man es definitiv besser gemacht. So ist einfach eine gute Lizenz wieder mal zum Geld scheffeln genutzt worden, ohne wirklich etwas zu liefern.
Mein Fazit bleibt: Das Original kaufen, da kommt einem sogar die Grafik besser vor, liebevoller gestaltet. Und es macht einfach mehr Spass zu einem geringeren Preis.
537 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.17 16:21
Ich schrebe sehr selten etwas zu Spielen, aber hier kann ich nicht anders. Ich habe das spiel in der Early Access gekauft ubnd angefangen zu spielen. Ich hatte teilweise meinen Spass, aber die zahlreichen Bugs gingen mir wirklich auf den Keks. Nun ist das spiel veröffentlicht und das Spiel hat immernoch die selben Bugs, wie in der Early access. Habe heute wirklich mal wieder ernsthaft versucht zu spielen und musste innerhlab von 30 Minuten ganze 5 mal neu starten. Sei es wegen festgefrorenem Charakter, der sich keinen Meter mehr bewegt, sei es wegen fliegender Schiffe, oder sei es wegen ständig rotierender Kamera. Also wirklich jetzt: Das soll jetzt allen Ernstes eine Releaseversion sein?
Ich werde es zwischendurch immer mal wieder versuchen, aber solange es so dämliche Bugs in einer Releaseversion gibt, ist dieses Spiel nun wirklich nicht zu empfehlen.
198 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.17 16:15
Moin ich muss sagen ich bin sehr überrascht vom den game macht süchtig zocke nur noch dieses Spiel weiter so
199 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.17 16:05
Ok I have played the game for 6 hours now and I am a bit confused about all other reviews that I had read beforehand. So to keep others from being disappointed, here goes mi review. Before I start I have to make clear that I am not a Warhammer Fanboy. I like the universe and especialla the game Total War:Warhammer. I am a huge fan of Sid Meier´s Pirates and I loved the Pirating in Assassins Creed Black Flag, even though not being a fan of Assassins Creed: I have just gotten the Game due to a lack of Pirates! I also enjoyed Mount and Blade and I really love the fighting mechanism of For Honor!

So I thought to myself that Man O´War: Corsair would be some Pirate Clone mixed with Sea Battles from Black Flag with a Mount and Blade graphic and some Mount and Blade Swordplay. This game isn´t any of this! I cannot understand why others think this may be the case...

To put it clearly: This is not a bad game but I think it is not worht 27 €s due to many clunky aspects. TL:DR: The fights are so messed up that they are nowhere near enjoyable, they ruin the game as well as the clunky mechanic that I need to dance around cities to buy and sell stuff... .

The Warhammer Setting is nice and believable. There is lots of stuff going around, more than compared to the original Pirates! There are beautifully written quests, and enjoyable sea fights. The universe is darn good and one can see that the producers enjoy Warhammer themselves.

The sailing part is really good and well done. It is much more enjoyable than in the original Pirates! and more strategic than in Assassins Creed. Playing with the gamepad is a bit clunky because you cannot really see where you are clicking in the menus, because accepting and declining offers look the same. You cannot hop into the menus with your mouse, because it is an either or decision. But playing the game with mouse and keyboard is ok. There is much depth in the sea fights, more than I have seen in any other game. If you enjoy this Sea Fights, search no more if it wasn´t for boarding ships... . This is not clunky, it is broken. It is a mess, I hate every aspect of it, sorry... I have seen better fighting mechanics in the original Pirates! series. Better fix this or automate it. And this sort of breaks the game, but well it is an alpha so whatever, maybe they fix it.

This is more what I would expect from a Tablet, than a Desktop PC game, but ok, this isn´t about graphics. If you need this, stay away from this game.

It´s enjoyable and well done. I am missing nothing here. The woman could less praise my skills in shooting at things..., it gets annoying the third time you are humbled for being such a good gunner, but then again, this is no AAA title Production, so it´s actually quite good.

Trading aspect:
Trading does work and is not bad. But I think there is not enough money to be made with it, so it is not as much fun in the long term. But it is much better than in Elite Dangerous oder the original Series. It is more than buy low, sell high. You also have wars or plagues affecting prices as well as the cities producing their own wares.

Skill Tree:
Functional, and good.

So to put this short:
I like the sea fights, I hate the gunfights.
This game is nowhere near complete. It is an Alpha Version at best.
I will have my 12+ hours with it, but I think this one lacks long term playability.
279 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.16 18:14
Hier meine Review in bewegten Bilden für einen ersten Eindruck.


Man O' War: Corsair bringt zwei ziemlich coole Elemente zusammen, nämlich Warhammer und Piraten bzw alles was sich auf den Gewässern im Warhammer Universum so abspielen kann. Eine wirklich coole Idee die langsam Form annimmt. Die meisten Bugs wurden gefixt bzw. durch neue Inhalte ersetzt. Mitlerweile macht das Spiel einen recht soliden Eindruck.

Das Spiel ist aktuell recht hübsch anzusehen, da einiges an Effekten wie Tiefenunschärfe oder Wettereffekte nachgeliefert wurden. Die Animationen der Chars wirken recht statisch und unecht.

Das Kampfsystem ist technisch sehr roh und hat so seine längen, davon sollte man sich aber nicht den Wind aus den segeln nehmen lassen. (kleiner Seemanns Joke)

Die Atmosphere des Spiels ist schon alleine wegen der guten Musik und der hohen handlungsfreiheit super.

Ich persönlich würde einen Kauf empfehlen.
368 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.16 16:41
Absolut Klasse.
Grafisch kein Meilenstein ganz sicher ABER : Wer Mount and Blade zusammen mit Naval Action spielen will und Warhammer Fan ist für den ist dieses Spiel ein MUST HAVE.
Bisher klappt alles ganz gut bis auf ein paar kleiner Bugs aber hey Beta ;)
Das geplante sieht schon vielversprechend aus.
Antesten lohnt sich
133 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 19:00
The game has more than it's fair share of quirks and bugs, but I really find it fun. I've just been doing missions as an independent. I have not allied with a nation yet. It seems like the start of an RPG with lots of side-quests and randomly generated quests. Perhaps that happens if I join a nation. I'm just not ready to yet.

It's a shame it's been discontinued. The developers should consider creating a sea fairing RPG with their own IP.
1766 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 03:45
Pretty much, pirate Mount and Blade (which exsists in Blood and Gold is) with a Warhammer skin. Except it is pretty simple with a nice variety of customisation options. Graphics and sound are average. Game-play sits right in the middle.

This is a hard sell for a couple of reasons. One, because you will probably get the same experience from playing any of the Mount and Blades, but with a Warhammer mod. And two.... its not for sale anymore. I'll thumb it up though because it is serviceable for what it is.
37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 14:49
lots of bugs, frustrated duel combat, slow paced, expensive upgrade with little reward from quest, no fast travel make you wait watching a booty of ships
359 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 05:44
I kept my eye on this game for years, watching and waiting to see if it ever fulfilled its potential. After all, a naval Warhammer video game could be beautiful. There's so much you could do with the setting. You could tell several wonderful stories with overarching plots and characters, all while trading, fighting orc pirates and chaos cannibals, and listening to your crew sing sea shanties unique to their world, location, and race.

Instead, the game breaks the cardinal rule of gaming: It is boring. Literally the only good thing about the game is the ship designs. Everything else, /everything/ else, is terrible or boring. The naval combat is serviceable at best, and, as every other review has stated, the melee combat is laughably horrendous. The game is full of silent trips through a visually lackluster sea occasionally punctuated by fights with a faceless enemy. They couldn't even make the water physics work correctly. In a navy game!

The game may be off Steam now, but just in case it ever comes back, I don't want anyone else to make my mistake. Don't buy it. You will just end up bored and disappointed. And the disappointment is immense.
240 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 08:14
Okayish at first, but then you realize how slow it is. Also, pretty much nothing is explained.
It's way too slow and boring. Maybe if they had finished the game I would have given it a positive review.
333 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 04:10
its so bad its not even funny. if you remove all the bugs and there is ALOT you still have bad graphics, bad combat, no story and just its boring all around. Its not even worth the 3 dollers
334 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 23:19
- Warhammer Fantasy.
- Pirates.
- Based on one of GWs discontinued speciality ranges.
- Good concept.

- Mediocre performance even on minimum graphic settings.
- Game temporarily freezes every time map screen is opened.
- Gameplay gets a bit repetitive.
- Game feels half finished and abandoned by devs in favour of other products.
- Only two factions have campaigns.
- Buggy. EX: quests can randomly disappear before they can be handed in. When attempting to board enemy ships
frequently caught on edge of ship forcing you to go back and try again...and again.
- Infrequent/yearly updates.

If the bugs and performance issues were fixed I could live with the repetition, dated graphics and lack of content. But as they aren't I can't work up the motivation to keep plodding along, and I'm a Warhammer fan that got it on sale.
357 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 13:06
this game really gets a bad rap but i enjoy it and will support it iknow its not perfect but i love the ambition present
366 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 14:32
Got it on sale for about $2 and still feel like they ripped me off. The only good thing I can say about this game is that if it could get Warhammer license then so can anyone else.
173 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 04:37
I LOVE this game, but is it finished? There are so many things missing, especially for a WARHAMMER brand game. Usually they do not sign their name to stuff unless it is pretty darned good, I should know, i only have EVERY WARHAMMER game EVER released on ANY platform... But like when you sailing past the shore, you don't see the villages and people going about their lives. Its just scenery too, you don't even interact with it other than looking at it, but it makes a WORLD of difference. Sorry. I know that he who would pun would pick a pocket, but there it is. And the combat system is VERY clunky. And maybe a few small mini games in the tavern. Cards or dice maybe. I mean flesh out the world you have built or at least give us the ability to do so...... But otherwise I like where this game is going story wise. Warhammer world. Sail where you want. Next get out and explore vast cities, not just cookie cutter ports with same three or four options at each, in other words a glorified menu system. PLEASE GUYS DO NOT GIVE UP ON THIS WONDERFUL GAME!!!
156 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 22:37
I received this game for free in a promotion for public sector workers in the UK. Evidently, we have nothing better to do than play games. I scratch my head as I fathom why this game drew me in for close to 100 hours. there are a myriad of issues inherent within the game that I will now show by opening up the shit sandwich without even a bite.
Firstly, the game is light on story and does little to draw you in with the dynamic world. The only method of completion consists of a text when you retire/ascend which is pretty much a ‘did I do good?’ the game proffers you with glitchy textures and ropey animations. I have seen enemy ships glitching through the game world (no it’s not chaos messing with my eyes!) and allied ships glitching into ports and blowing up. The amethyst wizard that I hired then displays one of his spells in the game world over and over. Two quests that I received I could never fulfil. And the game crashed on a few occasions. As other reviews have suggested the combat mechanics can be hit and miss (he he he.)
There are some odd game mechanics to boot. Examples include capturing a ship requires a crew member and once in port, the crew member goes and has a drink in the tavern. All well and good but if you forget to hire them again, you may forget where you left them. Fleet management is a nightmare, and I would only recommend having a few ships. It’s not even worth getting lower tier ships as they will blow up.
So why did I enjoy this game? It is set in the Warhammer world and the ship types that were designed are all very interesting. An ork ship will be very different to a high elf ship. In essence it’s like putting a ship made in scrap heap challenge up against a catamaran yacht with magic lasers. The skaven bell ship basically vibrates your ship to pieces and alongside the nurgle ship can kill crew members.
In summary, I liked the game for it to hook me and it was interesting in the areas that it succeeded in. Would I recommend it. No. Again, I received it for free and like Warhammer anyway. If you want to satisfy your pirate itch go play pirates! Although, in that game you won’t be able to BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!
776 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 01:17
This game is a mixture of Sid Meier`s Pirates and Assassins Creed Black Flag, but barely finished as a game. The ship combat is pretty good, but the way the ports work is very tedious, having to walk around slowly to each shop, and the boarding actions have a similar problem. I got this for a big sale and i probably got my moneys worth, but this game needs a ton of work to become playable
90 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 06:25
I wish I could recommend this game, as it had the potential to be great. Warhammer navel battles? yes please. Sea faring Mount and Blade style game? yes please. Sadly, this game simply fails to deliver in too many ways.

*Frequent and often game breaking bugs
*Clunky and exceptionally simplistic melee combat
*Rudimentary and repetitive naval combat
*Not even a hint of a story to be followed

If you snag this on the upcoming cybermonday sales, or any other time steam reduces the price to dirt cheap, you might get a few hours of enjoyment out of putzing around playing pirate, but honestly there are better games to play as a pirate in (even Black Cove was better than this), there are superior warhammer games out there (total war!) and as for a freelance, sandbox adventure mount and blade is far better.
246 Produkte im Account
187 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 19:55
Got this on sale for under £5.

Tried the sandbox which allows you to fight pretty much anything.

The Campaign was zero fun. Fought a fair sized Naval battle then sailed to Port, which actually requires you to navigate. Then you've to walk too every place you need to visit and open doors...then sail to another Port. You have to steer, and tack against the wind, then a Shark attacked which ideally you need to shoot in the eyes from a moving ship, against a swimming target with a musket that takes several seconds to load. Couldn't do it so blasted the monster with cannon. Not before it had done over 5000 gp damage. Got to Port repaired the ship Sold some fish for 600 gp. Had enough for one night.

Graphics are poor, controls are all over the place, everything is ponderous. Can't recommend it.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 00:40
A little dated, but a great naval game. would recommend to anyone a fan of high fantasy and naval combat.
1582 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 20:45
This game is beyond broken. Despite 2+ years of updates there are so many basic pieces of functionality here that just don't work that it is impossible for me to recommend, despite enjoying the gameplay itself. Man O' War is a naval combat game set in the Warhammer universe. You can play as either a human or chaos captain and align yourself with a number of different factions within each, fighting their enemies as well as unplayable but present races like the Undead, the High Elves, the Ratmen, and the Dwarves. That you cannot select those races to play in the campaign is a major disappointment. You also have no ability to control the politics of the factions, beyond more or less forcing the faction you work for into war by attacking another faction they dislike. Nor can you govern or control any of the ports. This is a pure naval combat game, so don't expect Sid Meier levels of depth or complexity in the simulation here.

Despite the limited scope and lack of complexity the game is still riddled with significant, game breaking bugs. When hiring a wind mage, for example, the mage will often get stuck in his casting animation, never again to alter the direction of the wind for you, until you quit and restart. I've had quests fail to complete. I've had captured ships disappear from existence (no they were not sunk), I've had port sieges fail to remove the loading screen despite loading the level and beginning the siege. Over the loading image I would get messages about my crew dying one by one, and I could hear the battle in the background. Some of these issues could be fixed by reloading, some, like some of the quest bugs, I could never resolve and had to abandon the quest. This was especially infuriating when I had performed some multi-hour long task, losing significant crew and resources in the process, only to find you I was going to get jack for it because the game glitched.

And those are just the game breaking bugs. There are also tons of visual glitches and AI issues. The melee combat in this game is so utterly borked that I can barely describe its awfulness. Hit animations? This game doesn't have those. Block animations? Well the enemy is always blocking so that is their default animation. Hitting an enemy in this game just doesn't feel good. In fact it feels atrocious. It's like whacking thin air over and over until the enemy does some horrific ragdoll out of existence. And none of this comes close to explaining how just broken this whole thing is. I took out a 30 crew Galleon with my beat up ship crewed by 9 crew members by simply boarding it and cheesing the AI until I single handedly killed all 30 opponents. I had some solid gear by that point, but all my upgrade points had gone into ship related skills, so I had no level advantages for hand to hand combat, just a slightly better than average shield, a sword with frost damage, and a bolt action rifle. That is how bad the combat is. I beat the strongest human ship in the game, fully crewed by myself with nothing more than a weakly enchanted sword.

The only real danger comes from the sea monsters, of which I have fought the giant shark about 10 times the sea dragon once, and no other sea monster ever. I'm pretty sure there are more than two sea monsters, but I couldn't tell you what the rest were because in over 10 hours of play I never saw any. I also didn't see an elf, or a dwarf, or a skaven. I saw a couple undead ships when they decided to invade the Empire at one point, and a couple Chaos ships when I sailed North to get my snow sword, and the rest of the time I fought humans with the occasional ork thrown in.

So despite really liking the core naval combat, and appreciating all the progression aspects with your captain, ship, and crew, I just can't recommend a game that I ended every play session by just quitting in disgust after another bug caused me to lose hours of progress.
85 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 05:31
This game has it's problems, but its still really good, though i wish you had more factions to play with without using quick battles, as i want to sail the open seas in the dwarf ships, preferable if there submarine were to get torpedo, and the option to dive, though i understand that diving would require a lot of work to be made well
196 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 01:13
This would have to be the most under-rated game on Steam of all time. It's basically Sid Myer's Pirates but with better graphics, high fantasy, sea monsters, more in-depth combat. The list goes on and on.

Well worth a play and you can pick it up for $10-15 when on special.
75 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 19:26
Feels like I'm playing a game from 10 years ago. Luckily it's a very good game from 10 years ago and feels like a proper open world pirate RPG. If you liked Sid Meiers pirates and the Warhammer universe then you can't really go wrong with this. There are definitely flaws in the game like the boarding mechanics which are simplistic and glitchy but it still somehow all pulls together nicely. Try for yourself before deciding other peoples reviews are relevant to you.
41 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 22:13
the game is clunky af when it comes to boarding but its good fun, you can be who you want do what you want and manage a ship and a crew. whats not to like
175 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 16:53
Recommended for fans of the old Man o War, Dreadfleet and WHFRP.
Warhammer Pirate Mount & Blade Warband: The graphics are doofy and UI is antiquated -BUT- I can see the love the devs had for the Warhammer Old World and the game is quite charming and fun once you get past the first hump. 7/10
42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 21:40
This game has way to many bugs in it. The board game is nothing like this. The object of the board game is to control fleets not one poorly made ship.
333 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 10:27
The developers are only a small team, but one can see that they are fans of Warhammer and really wanted to make a game set around the Man O' War: Corsair setting, even as their resources were limited.

If you can look past clunky animations and graphics that are very mixed (with some things looking decent enough and others not), then you have a very decent game here for fans of Warhammer and those who played the original Man O' War: Corsair.

Get yourself a ship, gather your crew and set sail!
647 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 10:54
It's pretty fun. I'm down for some good naval stuff. Pretty sure it's a dead project though. Don't buy it expecting any of the updates they're promising, but the game itself is a good time for a while.
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 03:54
The game is a solid C for the Warhammer franchise, it would be a B+ anywhere else. I expect more from Games Workshop... as do most fans of their IP. The variety of ships and crew is fantastic, each race has it's own unique feel. However, the trade economy is half assed, everything is within 5-10% of eachother... so why keep cargo in your hold to make an extra 10 gold on one item when your hold will be full of 2-300 gold booty from your next raid anyway. just always dump everything. Speaking of dumping, you can't dump cargo over board so you get stuck with the less valuable food stuffs when picking up cargo from sunken ships. Combat is tricky, especially early on. Quite a few glitches, NPC ships running aground - why wouldn't they stay clear of the shore line, ships materializing on land, floating... and my most recent a ship that surrendered to no one.

All that said, the pirate aspect of this game is really fun. The graphics are above average and the cities / shore lines really give you a feel you are in the Old World. Battles get very tense, both exchanging cannon fire and boarding actions. You get to level your crew and gain a connection to them... but don't do that too much as life is cheap on the high seas of Warhammer and they will die on you.

I really hope the developers haven't quit support for this game and the Dwarves, High Elves, Dark Elves, Skaven, and Orks become playable races. You can do a lot as a human, allying to Empire, Bretonians, or pirates... and they have already made the Chaos fleets playable. Good for a few evenings of game play, I'm over 30 hours in and haven't seen half the cities... so it is certainly a big world.
229 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 07:09
Was hesitant to buy for a long time, but dont be fooled by mixed reviews or let's plays. This game has actual ship combat depth which is not visible at the start. Once you get deeper into the game, more than a few hours, it opens up magically. This game is actual pretty cool. Not enough polish, could have other races' campaigns, it has good atmosphere and decent gameplay. Wish more people would actually give it a chance. Recommended.
176 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 05:53
This game is actually a lot of fun, and is better as an indie warhammer game than just an indie pirate game. Ship battles and regular combat both are enjoyable, and let you fight/block/shoot/cast in real time. The fantasy element adds a dynamic that sets it apart from other pirate style games (much better diversity in terms of enemy factions, sea monsters, interesting locations, wizards with unique ranged attacks, etc) and as a warhammer fan this is doubly as enjoyable. The RPG elements of upgrading your equipment, ship, and crew also are set up in a satisfying way.

A couple items are a little unbalanced, but ultimately that is fine. For a low budget game, there are surprisingly very few significant bugs. Worth trying for warhammer fans, and anyone that doesn't mind playing a game with slightly dated graphics.

I'm surprised more people aren't playing as this is a must have for Warhammer fans. Its the only open world warhammer RPG out there with real time combat.
320 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 23:38
This game is CLUNKY but it adds to the charm of this gameplay. Once you figure out how to buy and trade, this game is actually really relaxing. Its fun to see all they Warhammer Race's boats and how they burn, oh do they burn. This game lacks polish but the bones are good and this entire game is entertaining. If you see someone who has a cooler boat and you want it... board him and fight it out. 12 hours in and im still seeing new stuff for the first time.

Recommend at $25 or less
357 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 17:14
I love this game <3
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 16:59
It seems the difference between good/bad reviews are the expectations of the reviewers.
For those familiar with the M&B series and related mods, this game is like a Warsword Conquest mod for Carribean: blood and gold that is very extensive but they had to simplify the melee combat system.
For those looking for a more general review, it's a fun time-killer game you can be fully engaged in or play casually while listening to other things like podcasts etc. but not worth $30, this is a prime definition of a game you put on a wishlist for a franchise sale.

More detailed:
Large scale map feels big, no insta-travel but you can speed up time so it isnt tedious and you experience random events along the way, sea monsters in particular are fun.
Variety of ships and enemies, dodging orc ships with giant drills attached to the front while other ships lob rocks is very engaging.
Hits feel BIG. when you hit a ship with a clean broadside it really LOOKS like they felt it, and theres so many bigger and badder weapons each with more devastating effects. Same applies to hits you take as well.

Simple combat system. Not super glitchy but not super smooth either. Not frustrating but not a selling point of the game either. I recommend just blasting boarders with the sharpshooter from the crows next or getting the blunderbuss at the earliest opportunity and sweeping the deck in buckshot.
Open-ended sandbox requires creative application to keep entertained. Isnt effortlessly entertaining like other games but there is a variety of things to do if you stay active.
Graphics. One reason I compared this to warband is to also make a point about the graphics. They're a little better than warband, with clearly more emphasis put on explosive effects than say the insides of towns, not bad but certainly surprising this game came out in 2017.
1313 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 14:16
You probably shouldn't buy this game, it's pretty awful by all standards. However, some parts of the game are so atrocious it becomes kind of unintentionally funny, like an Ed Wood film. It's amazingly clunky considering this game came out in 2017.

It looks and plays like an unfinished mod for the original Mount & Blade, except the melee combat is nothing like M&B and frustratingly bad, it's annoying to attempt parrying when there's a serious lack of animations for the clunky character models. The game is just ugly, glitchy and the interface is mostly terrible.

What it does decently is the Warhammer world, there's quite a large variety of factions and enemy ships, probably more than the dev team could handle. That could explain the lack of polish and content in other parts of the game. The ships themselves are interesting, some chaos ships for instance being something weirder than in usual pirate games and the ship-to-ship naval combat is the best part of the game, at least until a ship gets boarded and the game switches to the crappy melee side.

Then again, I can't be angry at the game since the devs clearly had ambition, they just didn't have the resources to pull it off. When the game doesn't make you swear like a pirate due to the interface or controls, it makes you laugh due to the absurdity of the low budget presentation. It's not a mediocre game, it's many times hilariously worse and that kind of makes it memorable. At least this isn't one of those cash grab quick mobile ports.
29 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 22:40
It's just like Sea Dogs in the Warhammer Fantasy setting!
If you like sailing around, trading, and sending enemies of your chosen nation to the bottom of the sea, that's the game for you.
+ Faction system You can affect the diplomacy between the classic Warhammer Fantasy factions like Empire, Kislev, Bretonnia, Dwarfs etc. - push them into war or help make peace. Some factions can't be reasoned with: Chaos (unless you play as them), Orcs, Skaven
+ Sailing mechanics Just like the Sea Dogs games - wind speed affects ship speed (unless you use oars), different types of ships have different top speed, manouverability. Time compression is also worth mentioning - very useful setting. You can also plot course on the map and autopilot will steer to the destination
+ Ship types Over a dozen of ships available to player and even more of types controlled by the AI. Each player-controlled ship can be upgraded in a few ways
+ Quests Tasks like: sink specific ship, defend port, deliver some agent to some place. Enough variety to keep you entertained
- Graphics Nothing spectacular. Ship models and the sea look good though.
- Hand to hand combat Somewhat cluncky
- Ocasional bugs Sometimes AI ships get stuck on shores and such similar issues

Overall rating: 8/10
259 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 05:58
This game definitely has a lot of bugs, and hasn't had much added to it in a while. But its still a blast to play! But I wouldn't pay full price, wait till at least a 30% sale. There's a lot of content sure, but not so much as to justify its full price.
404 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 09:48
The road map promised alot that they did not follow through with.
127 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 00:13
worth the $7.50 but wouldn't spend much more on it.
34 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 13:10
The Warhammer universe is one I've had an obsession with for nearly 15 years at this point. I was initially quite excited to pick this game up, but unfortunately there is neither enough of a story, or compelling enough combats and development to make this particularly interesting for long.

The combat is awkward, ill paced, and incredibly one sided in most instances. You either dominate through superior numbers or your opponent does. Don't get me wrong, fighting is a skill endeavor, but most of your crews for the huge majority of the game are simply combat incompetent.

There are only two campaigns between playing for the human side and the Chaos side. There is no option to play Dwarfs, Elves, Skaven, Beastmen, Greenskins or any other of the fantastic races, so you're left just killing them and hoping it's still as fun the next time as the first 30.

If this game was cleaned up for its combat, offered story, or even just some options, and made interaction less dry on the whole it would be great. As it stands.... Don't do it.
673 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 04:16
Love the Warhammer setting and ships, nothing else to love here. Controls are wonky. It's easy enough to target other ships but melee combat is like something from 1998. Info on your crew is limited too. framerates aren't the best. It feels unfinished or 15+ years old. Not what I expected. It says action but it's really hack-n-slash which isn't a good thing when your melee is garbage. Hack-n-slash because nothing works out without a fight. I just sank 3 enemies and need to head like 1/2 mile to port, too bad here's more enemies or shark, or those peeps in your cargo that you were giving passage to turn into zombies. Such wasted potential here it's sad.
131 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
9096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 14:44
Good Game.

A good variety of enemies and the ships they come on.

I was somewhat worried about the melee combat
but it is fine, no worse that Skyrims melee mechanics.

Looking for a Fantasy Pirate Game this is it.

Today I hunted pegasus from the aft of my ship.
And if you think a pegasus is cute, you're dead wrong.
Dead like half of the men on my first ship a pegasus attacked.

I do wish for:
-Taller waves some times.
-More cosmetic for the captain.
-A sexy First Mate (Female. Not in a Slaanesh kinda way).

Hope the developers continue to provide content.
(Not that there isn't alot of content because there is).
799 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.19 19:49
Loved table top and had high hopes for this but after trying once even with more content with the game unfinished buggy mess. Like the new races but no tackling of the game rigging bugs that people have flagged since early access very sad wasted opportunity to revive this awesome game
697 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
8037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.16 19:04
Man O' War: Corsair is one of a number of games come to PC based on old Games Workshop miniature games - the specialized games. These weren't the big titles like Warhammer and Warhammer 40k, where players might buy hundrets of miniatures, but even just a handful would be enough to have a fun evening with friends.
Some of these games have been translated with 100% accuracy to the PC: Blood Bowl, Talisman, Chainsaw Warrior, Warhammer Quest, Space Hulk. Others like Battle Fleet Gothic and Mordheim have ben addapted more freely.

Man O' War: Corsair is going a bit further with this freedom - and it is a good thing.
The old board game was about players taking turns moving their fleet in naval battles. But le'ts be honest, while the Sea of Claws is interesting, naval battles never were something that Warhammer Fantasy fans truly cared about. Not in the way that 40k fans cared about the big space battles fought during the Horus Heresy.
So it makes sense to use Man O' War: Corsair to explore intriguing parts of the Warhammer world in a new way:

In Man O' War: Corsair you play as the captain of a ship. In the single player campaign this will be either a human captain or a chaos captain. The human captain can be part of one of seveal factions (Empire, Bretonnia) or independent. The Chaos captain will follow a god and have their goals and starting fleet reflect this choice. You can freely sail your ship from Kislev and the Sea of claws, down to Tilea and Sartosa. On your journeys you can fight pirates or become one yourself, fight orcs, chaos marauders, dwarves and elves. You can pillage towns or defend them against enemy fleets. You can trade or search for lost treasure.
You can do all that with a variety of ships - the majority of the miniature range are being digitized (sadly the team being small, they had to draw the line somewhere and Chaos Dwarves and Norse will have to be left for a hopeful expansion). You can upgrade your ship. You can hire loyal, or not so loyal crew for your ship, and train them as they gain experience and equip them. You can hire wizards, and air support (griffon riders, pegasus knights etc.). And you can hire allied captains with their own ship, to slowly build up your fleet. You can gain reputation with factions and even join them.

In skirmish mode you create a fleet of any faction in the traditional way of buying with a point system. That means Empire, Bretonia, Orks, Dwarves, High Elves, Dark Elves, Skaven, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh.

Sea Monsters. They deserve a special mention, because there is nothing like sailing the high seas and have a huge shark surface next to your ship, ready to take a bite out of your hull. OK, maybe there is, but it involves a large narwhal like monster surfacing next to your ship, in the fog and ramming your ship with its horn. Or a Leviathan's maw opening up, ready to swallow your ship whole.

Man O' War: Corsair is the one game that allows you to travel around the Warhammer world where you want and at the pace you want. The only thing that stops you is unfavourable wind.
Good hunting, sailor!
Logo for Man O War: Corsair
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
64.13% 379 212
Release:15.04.2016 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Evil Twin Artworks Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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