MechWarrior Online
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Über das Spiel

MechWarrior Online™ is a tactical, 'Mech-based online shooter set in the rich BattleTech Universe. The battlefields of the 31st century are dominated by immense and powerful mechanized units known as BattleMechs. Piloting these war machines are the most elite soldiers that the galaxy has ever known. To most, they are known simply as MechWarriors.
You will assume the role of an elite MechWarrior, fighting for supremacy over the galaxy against other players.
Quick Play is where you'll find fast action, fielding a single 'Mech in team-based game modes and maps. Unlike Faction Play, Quick Play matches do not influence the layout of Inner Sphere territories; these battles are fought purely for rewards and glory.
In Faction Play you will field 4 ‘Mechs per match, lending your skills and allegiance to the Faction of your choosing in prolonged team-based engagements, conquering and defending planets in their name to earn rewards and expand your Faction's territory across the Inner Sphere.
- CPU: Intel: Core 2 Duo E7300 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD: Athlon 64 X2 6400+ @ 3.2GHz
- GFX: NVIDIA: 8800 GT / AMD: Radeon HD 5670
- Software: Windows Vista
- HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0c
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel: Core i5-3470 @ 3.20 GHz / AMD: FX-6300 @ 3.5 GHz
- GFX: NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 660 / AMD: Radeon HD 7870
- Software: Windows 7
- HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
5129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 12:17
ich dachte es wäre ein typisches Multiplayer online spiel, wo es cool ist alle NOOBS zuschlachten ... aber weit gefehlt. Ja als als Anfänger hat man es nicht leicht, aber das einzige was man verlieren kann ist ein Match, sonst nix. und mit jedem Match lernt man immer mehr dazu, besonders wenn man bis zum ende, als Spectator zu sieht und nicht gleich abhaut nur weil man verloren hat.
11384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 20:38
+leichterer Einstieg als in WOT und unendlich Möglichkeiten seine Mechs zu konfigurieren.
+kein P2W
+nice Waffensounds
+++friedlichste Community die ich kenne
-Spielzahlen Clankriege/Faction Plays wartezeiten sind deutlich zu lang
Nicht Empfohlen
165790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 12:59
Some really negative aspects:
1. Lock-On Weapons galore
A light mechs only defense is its speed because they are so terrible fragile. Yet, this game does everything to make the life of a light mech miserable. Major culprit are lock on weapons. LRMs, Streaks, and ATMs... usually boated (especially the latter 2) are usually enough to seriously damage or outright cripple your light mech.
And of course they nerfed the agility of heavier light mechs along the road so that they have a harder time to evade fire.
What is fun: weapon and agility boni are higher on heavier mechs than on lights who have notoriously low firepower anyway
2. Snipe- /LRMfest
Brawling is as good as dead and that is all that is left
3. Queue Merge
Paul had the BRILLIANT idea of merging group queue (which was dead for a good reason) with the solo queue called Quick Play. Now, premades roll over pick up groups again and again. Only 4 men teams are allowed as premades but hey...4 men group plus a couple of sync dropping friends get easily 6 of you into the same match on the same side. Brilliant.
Today I have had 15 rolls (win and lose but neither is fun) in a row. That is balancing as only PGI does.
4. Communication
PGI's communication with customers is just horrible. Some comments are so unreal that you think they are out of touch either with the game or the customers...or they blatantly lie. During the last 2 weeks I have had hardly a good match...all were rolls after the queue merge...and Russ claimed that there would be only a 5% increase in rolls. Witnessing this I think that is really...unlikely (to put it diplomatically).
5. New Players
This game is just trash level for new players. The matchmaker (well, there is actually none anymore after the queue merge) will pit newbies against comp player premades (just go to the boards there are a couple of threads about it).
All in all...stay away from this game. Alone the road it has lost its balance completely and fights are now terribly lopsided to the point where you wonder why you even bother to try to get a decently balanced match.
For future purchases from this company...well, I would be careful and see what people write about the game.
Nicht Empfohlen
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 01:35
nach etwa 3 Jahren Pause wollte ich mal wieder in MWO reinschauen und... ich war etwas geschockt.
Die Spielzeit hier braucht man nicht beachten ich habe es immer über den eigenen Launcher gespielt.
Mal ein paar Punkte (auch nach etlichen Stunden nachlesen von Foren/Dev Posts)
1. Development ist quasi Geschichte, der CEO hat wohl direkt verlauten lassen das MWO nur noch im Wartungsmodus ist...
2. Die Spielerzahlen sind erschreckend gesunken, klar es war und ist ein Nischenprodukt aber wenn man sich manche Tabellen so ansieht ist das schlicht jämmerlich. (Faction Play ist quasi nicht mehr vorhanden) was wohl auch der Politik dieser Erbsenhirn Firma zu danken ist.
3. Kein bzw kaum Fortschritt bei den Maps oder Spielmodi in 3 Jahren, gut hat sich ja jetzt eh erledigt.
4. Sale after Sale und komische Repetitive Events kurz nacheinander, sieht mir alles ein wenig zu sehr wie Schlussverkauf aus.
Mein Fazit: Als Rückkehrer für ein paar spaßige Runden Quickplay, okay wenn man schon einen Mechhangar und Equip zum basteln hat, aber Neueinsteigern empfehle ich das Game nicht, da es vermutlich das Jahr 2020 nicht mehr übersteht.
Bei Mechwarrior 5 kam grade der Editor raus, lieber hängt man sich da ran und freut sich an den Sachen die die Community moddet anstatt sich bei MWO auf einen Publisher zu verlassen der seine Community Jahrelang nur anlügt und als Melkkuh benutzt.
Sorry hier ist kein Salt nur die ekelerregende Wahrheit. Konnte/kann man teils sogar noch auf Twitter, dem Mwomercs Forum usw nachlesen.
3309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 17:21
There are so many mechs to choose from that it gets a little overwhelming as each one represents a significant investment in time to advance your skills. I have had some really great battles and some that made me rage but each one has taught me something. The community is the best. I have yet to see/hear a toxic, disrespectful, button mashing troll. As it's F2P, I would definitely recommend you try it out. It might be kinda frustrating at first but don't give up. Find a role you like playing and concentrate on that.
31795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 20:43
But optimization is still bad. I can't even get a consistent sixty FPS at high settings with a mid-grade 2020 rig. This is a pretty common gripe from what I've seen, so I don't think it's just me.
The devs are making an effort to keep this title on something more than life support with regular events, little challenges, new cosmetics, and even some new map work as of late. Nothing super out there, but they seem to care well enough, even if they might be incapable of fixing some core optimization and gameplay issues that are somewhat annoying, but not game breaking.
Pretty decent game with mechanics you just won't get in any other multiplayer title. It's worth a try, just to see if it's your kind of thing.
25740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 18:05
The best part about this game is the extensive customization options- which will let you build and pilot nearly any robot you can imagine. There is a steep learning curve for 1st time players, but those that stick with it will find they are rewarded far more frequently than on other MMO/PVP games. At the time of this review I've played 200+ hours on this game and have not spent any money. I feel the system rewards you well enough to enjoy the game without paying- which is a huge upside for any budget gamer.
70086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 18:20
10427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 04:59
67402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 09:32
Also for the love of god, this isn't BattleTech. No bracket builds here please.
11853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 10:08
Mech shooters make my monkey brain happy, and this one definitely does. Love the replayability, and the feeling of improvement as you learn how to play better, and also spending ages making ridiculous mech builds lol. It's free too :D
And devs are still running events and stuff which is cool :P
7313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 23:20
- It's Free to Play - You don't need to invest anything to play. Eventually if you start getting a lot of mechs, you have to buy some 'mech bays' to store them, and there are also some vanity items you can buy with premium currency.
- Good introductory tutorial and achivements shows you the basics and gets you on the way with enough money to buy a few mechs
- The community is amazing and super helpful. There's little toxicity here. You start out you have a 'C' icon (Cadet) appearing next to your name so people know you're a newbie.
- No pay to win. While throwing real money can get you more mechs, skills and upgrades faster, it won't make you better. Skill is the real differentiator here.
- Frequent promotions are run, which hand out free in-game currency, premium currency, mechs and vanity items for your mechs.
- There are an enormous amount of mechs within the game now - 800+ at last count, and you can customise them to your heart's content.
- When you find yourself in one-on-one mech duels, they can be intense and fun.
- Some of the maps are quite beautiful, especially the snowscapes.
- Lots of variety in the mechs mean you can adopt one that suits your playstyle: Everything from faster, nimble harassers getting up close and personal to huge lumbering behemoths that rain missiles from a mile away.
- Very little player agency exists. If you don't follow the pack you simply get murdered on the sidelines. Battles end up in 'murderballs' or resemble 18th century musket firing lines. This is a pity since the most excitement is found in duelling other mechs one on one. If they reduced the 12 v 12 battles to something like 4 v 4 (I heard this is what it was like in Beta) then this would introduce more player agency (and more fun).
- Different game modes don't impact gameplay in any meaningful manner, due to the above player agency issue. There's domination, skirmish, conquest, incursion and some others I forget, but it's faster to just destroy the other team since there are no respawns.
- Due to the 12 vs 12 format, Once a team loses 2 or 3 mechs it usually snowballs and ends up in a massacre quite quickly. there is no way for a losing team to reverse this dynamic. It's not possible to take on 4 mechs at once, let alone 3 and even 2 is a stretch. Regardless of if you're on the winning or losing side, these massacres are a joyless experience.
- The game systems can be bewildering sometimes, with very little official documentation or explanations of what something does or how it works. You'll find yourself trawling forums, youtube and reddit to understand the mechanics of the game.
Closing thoughts
The game seems to be going through something of a renaissance at the moment and there seems to be a complicated relationship with the developers (Piranha games) and the community, who are really passionate about the game. Apparently they released the first new map in years which is hopefully the sign of some renewed investment in the game as it's clearly been in a state of neglect for some time with very little new features release (aside from lots and lots of mechs, which at this point won't improve the game)
If you're curious about Mech combat or just want to give it a go, I say try it out.
155592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 02:38
23540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 03:27
17282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 16:28
The day-to-day community has waned somewhat in recent years, and some gameplay types have longer wait times. Quick Play is always full though, and gameplay is very fun. It's a shame that Faction Play doesn't have more consistent players, because the rewards seem vast. I feel like I've only scratched the surface.
MWO is not pay to win, by any means - A person can go on playing for free forever and never run out of things to try. Real world money is spent on mech packs, that include hero mechs, garage bays, and cosmetics. This game seems to cater to more mature players, so in game communication is more civilized and constructive than most shooters. Teamwork is held in high regard.
MechWarrior Online definitely shows its age. Texture resolutions seem lower, post processing effects are minimal, and there are some wonky materials here and there. I think the consistent support from the devs makes up for this. Maps are regularly tweaked or revamped, and this gives stale gameplay new dimension. Tactics adjust, and players compensate with new mech builds.
Regular community events give players the opportunity to earn loads of goodies, like mechs, weapons, global XP, cosmetics, and consumables.
Whether you are a MechWarrior fan, or like a good vehicle based shooter, or you like big stompy mechs, or you like battle royale style gameplay, you should give MWO a try. New players are welcomed with open arms, and advice is freely given.
You should come give MWO a try. :)
20639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 19:02
2174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 00:49
Still alive after all this time
... And for good reason - I've seen nothing else quite like it.
I racked up a few hours before MWO hit Steam then took a few years' break (got sick of how poorly my hardware at the time was handling it). It can seem daunting to get into the game as a new (or long-gone returning) player - so many mechs, so much customisation - but YouTubers 'TTB' and 'Baradul' among others have plenty of video guides and builds available including some solid newcomer-specific content.
The only 'absolute must' that isn't covered by the in-game tutorial (which I feel compelled to include for the sake of everyone's ability to enjoy MWO) is: Stick with the pack. This'll show up in heaps of beginner's guides for good reason. I wish I hadn't spent my first who-knows-how-many games thoughtlessly running around like a wannabe commando (/headless chicken), constantly frustrated with how often I would get cored in the first two minutes.
What's obvious
You drive a (really, really) big walking robot and shoot (really, really) big guns at other (really, really) big walking robots. Glorious.
If you want more details on what's obvious about the game, a Let's Play would be the place to look.
What's not obvious
I started with MW4. As a kid, I saw others play some earlier titles. MechWarrior, as a series, has always been all about putting you in the pilot's seat. Really, viscerally putting you inside that hulking tower of metal, making you feel each thundering footstep, each shot fired, each autocannon round to the torso - and MWO sacrifices nothing (other than the between-mission stuff (budget's better spent on the core game anyway)) in that regard to make the MechWarrior concept work in a modern, competitive multiplayer setting. It's hard to think of other games that so successfully convey a sense of the massive scale of whatever big things the player gets to operate.
Also, if you're anything like me, you're gonna spend ages customising your mechs and you're gonna enjoy it.
MWO can be a fun (tactical) romp in a big machine as much as it can be a rabbithole for second-guessing your build.
TL;DR/Bottom line
Could the UI be better? Yes. Could the tutorial be better? Sure. Could cooperative missions attract a broader audience? Almost certainly.
Is MWO a blast anyway? Hell yeah.
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 04:21
17126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 02:06
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 23:25
Support links : URL not found
1080P Max Resolution.
I'd love to play, get some clue why my registered account doesn't work...but it is what it is.
- No support, no login. How can you even play.
2323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 20:08
Will warn that this game can be scary to get into - the UI is very detailed and there's a lot to learn. I'm not good by any stretch of the imagination but I enjoy it!
34308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 17:37
The weapon balance patches and map reworks are outstanding too. The game feels great to play again and I'm more than happy to spend money on it. Give it a try and get into a community. At the time of writing this review (7/15/2021) they are giving out lootbags (which have insanely generous drop rates) and in phase 2 they are giving you a free Assault mech with more lootbags.
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 22:31
12344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 22:28
2822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 16:09
just for the new player,you only get extra money the first 25 matches do not waste it.
you also get some free skill points.(you only get them once (3x25)).
save your skill points for mechs your actually going to use. (and do not forget you can scroll to the right in the skill tree).
you need 5 mech for faction game-play,so choose wisely. ( at least 1 scout ).
at match 25 you get an extra mech-bay.
a lot of mech are to expensive to pay,at start.
tip:use the trial mechs till match 25,then you can buy about any mech you want.
hero mechs can only be bought with real money,but they get a c-bill bonus.
also be careful with equipment,selling them is always at a loss,same with mechs.
so do some research,check stats and weapons mount, before you buy.
another tip:
you can test mech's before you buy the equipment (just do not save it),great for heat testing.
you can test it at the mech stats window,in the mech bay.
and last tip,do not leave matches...just spectate till the end,else you wont get payed for the match.
(this does not include the 25 matches bonus,you get them for just participating)
if you at match 25 and the cadet bonus is over,and you did not leave any match,and used the trial mech's.
then you got enough money to buy any mech you want,to start out with.
also you will have at least 75 skill point to spend,on that mech.
do not get angry if you get killed all 25 matches,they probably all have skill points,just so you know why you lose at start.
there is a limit on how many skill points you can spend on a mech,so choose what best suits you play-style/mech-built.
also they only apply to that mech,not any other mech,even if its the same one.
you lose your skill if you sell the mech.
now you know everything you need to know to start playing,without having to make a second account,like everybody me.
personally i like the catapult,its a good noob missile boat.
but its kinda boring to play that style,and there are probably better mechs for the job.
(dont buy the one with 4 missile bays,you will only use 2,for 2x(LRM 20),not only is your mech full then,but firing more then 2 at them same time,produces extra heat.)
there just going to be 2 slots you are never going to use,also this leaves room to pick different equipment.
for the same mech.
28569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 23:18
This game when I started playing around November 2020 was completely out of whack. If you didn't chase the meta, then you were going to have a very subpar experience.
This all changed with the April patch this year. The developers decided to give balancing power to the community through a group of players called the Cauldron. This flipped the entire game balance on its head in the best way possible. They basically rebalanced every weapon in the game to be viable. No longer are you forced to follow a meta, and instead can design whatever mech works for you.
Aside from that, what's the actual game about?
It's a game that focuses on highly customizable loadouts on various mech chassis and bringing them into a multiplayer match. You can equip various weapons to relevant hard points for their type, swap out engines, trim armor from spots to save weight add jumpjets on mech that support them, etc. You can export these loadouts with a line of text and share it, save and load them, and import with the mentioned line of text.
Gameplay is basically a team death match. There are various game modes, but matches largely come down to who kills off the enemy team. Positioning and staying with your team is very important, to the point that if you get cut off from your teammates it will very promptly end in your death due to half the enemy team taking advantage of it. There is a faction play mode that gives some decent rewards, but queue times are long and you really want an optimized loadout specifically for that game mode.
Maps range from being good to garbage. They're actually working on this right now and already revamped a popular map to stop people from constantly running in circles on it, and next they're working on polar highlands, which is basically just a field with hills.
The community is pretty good, but just like any community (especially in a free to play), you're going to have some people who are toxic, or are just constantly on comms complaining about the team instead of making important call outs. But in general I have had a very good experience with the community, and especially in the upper skill tiers.
The worst part of this game is the UI and performance. The UI does not scale well above 1080p, and playing on 1440p makes things hard to read. This really needs to be addressed at some point. The UI also requires more clicks than it should to navigate, which could be streamlined. The performance is subpar, but not terrible. I can only assume that the game doesn't utilize multiple cores very well, due to it being built on an old version of the cry engine (which still has performance issues even in the current iteration used in hunt showdown). Certain maps (like Solaris City) also give FPS drops for me, Implying that some maps may need an optimization pass.
The game runs events on a monthly basis that will give a free mech and mech bay to house it. Usually these events are very reasonably set up to not be super grindy, and often have secondary tasks that give you premium currency, camo patterns, and colors/ cosmetics. They sometimes run other events along side them, meaning you can grind multiple events at the same time.
The game frequently runs sales, usually 50% off the purchase cost (both premium and standard in game currency) of mechs and mechbays, sometimes only 1 chassis class such as light, medium, heavy, assault, sometimes all of them.
The game is free and you have nothing to lose other than time by giving it a try. It may not be for you, but you may end up loving it like I did. If you can look past the flaws and enjoy the game for what it is, it's an enjoyable experience.
Nicht Empfohlen
33082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 18:32
5479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 17:31
Since it's a free-to-play title, I always think it's important to start by talking about the monetization and potential grind. When you first start out you only get to play in trial mechs, mechs you cannot earn skillpoints on or change the equipment of. As you play you earn credits, which you can use to buy new mechs and purchase equipment/upgrades for said mechs. You can skip that step by just putting down money, but you can totally be competitive without using any real money. Every mech chassis has several variants, and while each chassis has at least 1 variant you can only get with the paid currency, this is not really an obstacle to playing the game or being competitive. Unfortunately, you do have to put down money for more mechbays (slots for new mechs) but you can also earn a small amount of the paid currency during events, or use the faction play system to earn a limited number of free mechbays. Regardless, earning a new mech can take somewhere between a day or a few weeks, depending on how often you play and how expensive the mech you wanna buy is, so be prepared to spend at least a bit of time grinding to get your stable sorted out.
So, next, the actual gameplay. First off, designing your own mech is an absolute joy in this game. The game lets you tailor almost every aspect of your mech, from how fast it can move, how armored its individual bodyparts are, how many guns you bring and how much ammo per gun (if applicable). While it will take some time to figure out exactly what everything means and does (expect a learning curve, but not a huge one!) in the end it will leave you appreciative about how much freedom you're given to create your own personalized death machine. I also really enjoy the UI for adjusting your mech, as it shows you exactly what you can change about your mech and what kind of effect this has on your mech. In a system like this that's relatively complex compared to other titles, I appreciate that level of visibility.
When you finally drop into your first match you'll start to see why the game shoves so many numbers and modifiers in your face when you look at a mech's stats! Each mech is composed of several components (two legs, two arms, a center torso, a left and right torso and a head which serves as a cockpit) that can not only have the capacity to hold weapons and equipment, but can also be individually targetted and destroyed during battle! Get shot in your arm too much and it'll be destroyed, potentially leaving you with less weapons or equipment. Lose a leg and your mech's movement speed will be hobbled. Have a bunch of ammo stored on your left torso, and it gets destroyed? Kaboom! You're probably dead or extremely crippled.
Since mechs cannot regenerate lost health, this makes part of the tactics behind the game to try to never take damage unless you can gain something from it. Usually this means you wait until there's a situation where you can damage an enemy for more than they would damage you in return, but depending on the gametype you're playing in you may end up sacrificing yourself to achieve an objective instead. Different mechs are also better at different tasks. Light mechs excel at scouting the locations of the enemy team, or rapidly capturing abandoned objectives. Assault mechs are tanks, loaded with armor and heavy weaponry, who lead any charge by your team. A mech loaded with long range missiles acts as an artillery piece, sitting back and bombarding enemy mechs from afar, while a mech loaded with rotary cannons will shred mechs at short ranges, making them ideal for engagements in urban settings. Doing your job in a team properly can often mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Of course, no game is perfect, and MWO is no exception. First of all, this is an old game. Not ancient by any means, but the graphics are definitely not up to par with any modern games, nor are the sound effects. While they do their job of conveying information to you pretty well, you can easily see what type of weapon an enemy is using, even at great distances, and most mechs are relatively easy to identify from their profile alone, you should keep your expectations when it comes to graphical quality low.
In addition, the game no longer has the population it once did. Don't get me wrong, I haven't had any issues with long queue times in the standard game mode, but game modes other than standard quickplay might take you a while to get into.
There's also the issue of the grind. Getting a new mech is not that hard, unless you want one of the bigger mechs from the Heavy or Assault class. In that case, it can take you several weeks to grind up the money to get them. There's a few systems in place that make the grind less painful (you get free credits from getting ingame achievements for instance, and there's events that give out millions of credits per objective achieved) but it can still take you a while to get all the mechs you want. Not only that, but a fresh-out-of-the-box mech usually sucks (unless its a hero mech, but i think those are only available with the paid-for currency). You will likely want to put new weapons on it, switch it to a better type or armor, put some extra equipment on it, maybe switch out the engine... You'll be looking at spending anything from 10% to 200% or more of the mech's original cost to refit it with better equipment, which further increases the grind. Then you also have to get skillpoints to spend on your chosen mech, which costs both exp and credits... I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. My point is, the grind isn't as absurd as it is in some other free-to-play titles (there are FAR worse offenders out there) but do expect to spend a lot of time grinding just to get your favorite mech exactly as you want it.
The pricing in this game also needs some serious revising. If I wanted to buy a heavy mech (the 2nd heaviest class of mechs) with the paid-currency, I'll probably be paying like 5-8k in paid-currency. Buying 6.5k in paid-currency costs 30 bucks... Really? For that price I can buy like 3 good steam games, double that number during a sale. So while at least the grind in this game isn't too bad, and events can help with reducing that further, it's extremely unfriendly to your wallet.
Lastly, as I already implied, there's a learning curve. Pointing at something and shooting is easy enough, but designing a good mech is hard. Each mech variant gives its own unique bonusses which favor certain weapons over others, each mech has a certain number of hardpoints for weapons (which means you may be able to equip your mech with autocannons, but never lasers, depending on the mech you chose) and each mech has a tonnage limit on how much stuff it can carry. Expect to have to read at least one lengthy guide to really understand the fine details of the game.
To conclude this review, I'd like to point out that it's 2021 and I'm still having a blast playing this game. It might not be the prettiest game anymore, but it was never meant to be. It was meant for those among us who like shooters, but not the twitchy one-shot-kill variants most people are familiar with. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy, there's no reason not to hop in and give it a go.
Nicht Empfohlen
3106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 05:35
I say all this not to brag about how good I am, but to blunt the immediate get gudders of the community. Yes I am not an ace yet, not even near a veteran, but my pants are on my ass and not my head, I know what tactical gameplay should look like, this ain't it.
If you wanna play this game as a new player prepare to hide behind hills and walls and do literally nothing for hours on end. For a game about giant robots and weaponry, 90% of the game is spent hiding from LRM (Long range missile) spam and eventually charging once you have a 2-1 advantage in numbers. That's end of discussion 90% of games for a new player. Its a horrifically boring experience.
The other 10% of your experience will admittedly be glorious charges by counter meta players that lead you and your company to victory through superior tactics or it will be getting swat down by alpha striking meta tards of a different variety to the LRM spam. Just like in every other game there is no honor or sense of sportsmanship amongst the community, I guess I was foolish for thinking Mechwarrior could possibly be different than Overwatch and ilk like it. If you hate the latter you will hate the former. End of discussion.
That aside the gameplay is fantastic. Moving your mech is intuitive, your weapons fire and behave the way you expect. Maps are great, unfortunately only the same three or so will ever get played because of the aforementioned LRM and alpha strike meta which lends itself to only about 3 maps, all of them frozen city apparently. Don't forget highlands! You'll quickly grow tired of staring at whited out arctic scenery.
As well you will never get to experience the best the game has to offer in terms of gameplay, because you will constantly have teammates that refuse to do anything but the meta. They will demand that you hide inside your base or not engage the enemy at all, because A. they want all the game for their c bills with their LRM spam. B. they are in assaults but aren't willing to play their role and push the frontline of the fight close enough to the enemy to actually counter the meta.
In short the game is full of meta idiots, assault mech cowards, and the absolute most insane and skilled light mech pilots. Its unfortunate that so rarely do you meet a good Assault pilot that you begin to absolutely despise them. My three friends and I if we ever play again will probably spend the time friendly killing our own assault mech pilots if we see them with LRMs.
Don't get this game until PGI does something about the new player experience and balance of the game. Specifically fixing the meta in general. The game shouldn't be on a 4 month rotation of whats most powerful due to a lack of willingness for pilots to go against the meta. PGI is also unwilling to split up the player base at all so it constantly feels like you are being picked on by 1000 hour spurgs that probably enjoy murdering orphan kittens for a secondary hobby. Which is further confirmed when you try to bring up these issues and get accused of all manner of things by the rabid fanboys who have literally no where else to turn for similar gameplay and have therefore convinced themselves that the game is perfect as is. They will viciously deride any and everyone who says even something slightly negative about the game or else accuse you of being a russian hackbot or any manner of other things. Its quite sad really.
8104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 18:36
10124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 20:13
This game has really grown since I last played years ago.
There are now lots of mechs to choose from, more maps, faction warfare with a faction map and sectors to claim for player created units, solaris, all kinds of content. It's still fun to make a build and see how it performs on the battlefield, but you can test it on the testing grounds without having to pay for the fittings which is an awesome addition. The game has improved overall. You still run into some steamroll matches, but that is inevitable in any matchmaking game. You still earn lots of credits and XP, so it works out. I've been enjoying my return to the game and hope the game continues to grow and add more content such as mechs, parts and maps. Solaris could use a little bit more expanding, it needs to be more like a tournament featured in past games, in a solaris arena preferably. Right now it just seems like a small pvp testing ground with 2vs2, but it's still got its own niche. I just feel like it could be so much more (like a tournament in a racing game for a cup).
It's free and there are literally thousands of builds you can set out to create, so you have nothing to lose! Try it out if you like mechs. Learning or knowing BattleTech lore adds a lot more atmosphere to the game. I would like to see more of that integrated into the game itself, for more immersion. Until then, there is nothing better than breaking the meta with a crazy build that people would otherwise dismiss!
159258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 18:48
But the gameplay is good.
The only thing that keeps MWO afloat for me. Gameplay. It's good.
Nicht Empfohlen
837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 19:10
Furthermore, the gameplay in MWO is subpar at best. The only good mode is team deathmatch, and each round plays out more or less the same as every other round. It gets repetitive very fast. You'll get a much more interesting, varied, and tactical experience out of any other MW game. Hell, Living Legends is a fan-made Crysis Wars mod and is way better and more polished than this.
Nicht Empfohlen
23984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 21:39
Nicht Empfohlen
113798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 10:41
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298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 12:43
16951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 14:31
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18834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 12:46
Just a simple example and because it's so simple, it really shows how fucked up Piranha went with this game.
There is a map called Hibernal Rift, it is a snow covered map.
The developers decided to add in snow glare, sounds cool huh? uh oh, NO, you can't see the contour of the ground, everything appears white-washed on the screen.
So you have to switch to Thermal vision which has horrible range.
The game is in 31st century and a mech cockpit's glass does not have tint or anti-glare property?
I guess the engineers who built these mechs are direct descendants of Piranha's developers!
89620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 17:20
Prizing is ok if you wait for sales.
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46496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 12:34
To sum it up: If you're new, you are too late. This game is dying, and the devs seem to not have an interest to bring it back from this current decline. It was fun at it's peak, but that is long gone. But I still play, hoping for more people to come.
If you're interested, than be ready for a steep learning curve.
8558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 08:45
Bit tough on new players at first with the Menu buttons and builds. but watch some videos on youtube, from The Likes of 'Baradul' etc. and look at some builds for your mechs on 'GrimMech's Database' And you'll pick it up pretty quickly!
103369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 08:27
You do this by piloting one of more than 160+ available BattleMechs (each including several sub-variants as well) of various weight, size, design and function, which can be bought via ingame-credits obtained by playing games. Each Battlemech can furthermore be modified with different weapons, armor, engines, jump jets, defensive measures, electronics and paint jobs to fit your personal preferences.
Depending on the game-mode chosen a battle will take between 15 minutes (QuickPlay-mode) and 45 minutes (FactionPlay-mode), take place on different planets / biomes (each affecting your BattleMechs performance in terms of terrain, heat-management, sight, etc.) and force you and your team to accomplish certain objectives against the opposing 12men-team.
Since this game has a steep learning curve and is hard to master, do not expect to shine in your first couple of matches. I strongly advice to check one of the several guides dedicated to new players first and take advantage of the amazingly helpful community (MWO-Forums, Discord, several Teamspeak-Servers, Reddit,, etc.). Please take your time and browse the official forums a little, a lot of helpful guides are provided there. Furthermore new players can and should join one of the existing units. A lot of experiences players are more than happy to lend a hand while you make your first steps into this game.
Conclusio: if you like piloting futuristic WarRobots (BattleMechs) with a sheer plethora of setup-options into team-based battles against human opponents set in the lore-rich BattleTech-Universe and are willing to master the more sophisticated aspects of this simulation game, this Free2Play-Game is for you!
Hope to see you on the battlefield!
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 17:37
2704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 19:12
It's one of the 2-3 games I return to every year or so. And boy do I love it.
It's a slow, more deliberate shooter, when it's equally fun to wreak havoc on the enemy team or go to the garage to design your new, perfectly balanced (or insane) machine of destruction.
There is a learning curve, of course, because it's a moderately complex game, but I highly recommend the time investment.
It's so, so worth it.
Nicht Empfohlen
100171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 00:33
8863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 01:49
There are many annoying aspects: You pay for everything cosmetic. Even after buying a package, you still often have to pay for your mech to look non-generic. If you're good at your class, you can actually afford to buy decent mechs with in game currency.
I know my review is just as scrambled and random as the game. Perhaps I will write a more organized review. Or, perhaps I will simply keep it scrambled to pay homage to the UI and other aspects of the game. Oh and btw, I have more hours using the mechwarrior standalone client than the steam client. I actually just reinstalled the game for the first time since 2015. Man time flies. If you don't like my review, you're just another dog faced pony soldier.
62853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 04:01
13795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 02:09
13610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 13:14
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 02:14
16742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 04:36
Nicht Empfohlen
72840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 04:34
Nicht Empfohlen
64471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.20 01:13
But... Wait! Hear me out...
I'm a long-time fan of Battletech.
I guess if you also really like Battletech (and you do have to be invested...) then come and join me. But, newer players shouldn’t waste their time. There are better game to play than this.
That's it... That is numero uno reason why I've ploughed hours into what is otherwise an objectively bad game. If you want to know more you can continue reading, otherwise that’s the review.
The game is now in its death spiral, and the amount of people playing online could be counted by a particularly bright potato. While this doesn't, at the point of use, prevent the game from functioning. It does prevent it from functioning well. High-skill long time players can often be pitched against complete noobs at this point I wonder why they even have a matchmaking system.
The inability to play with friends is honestly just an embarrassment in 2019 (2020 as I type this). The game does include a mechanic to ‘allow’ you to play with friends. But, thanks again to the matchmaking design, the moment you select to try and play with your pals you might as well just log out.
The controls are pretty overall pretty average. Nothing to really complain about except one fundimental concept- The controls are oddly, too complex while simultaneously doing all it can to be as simple as possible... The game tries so hard to be both a simulator style game and a straight up arcade shooting game. It does not meld well. It becomes both too much for just an arcade shooty experience and too little to be simulator-styled combat (which doesn’t work among the faster shooter-game environment). On a purely personal note: I really do not like how arcadey the game feels.
My biggest gripe is that the ultra-gamification (aka ‘balance’) which smashes apart log established canonical details about how things should work, in favour of de-facto balancing everything such that the interaction of certain things just becomes laughable.
The graphics work, and I personally have not experienced (or fail to recall any experience of) any visual glitching. Sadly the 'mechbay' user interface is horrendous, cluttered, confused and unclear as to how to operate it, the UI is bad enough that it was a major contributor to my never wanting to ever play the game.
It sounds okay, and although unofficial, and surprisingly- a bannable offence (as it counts as “maliciously modifying the game files”) there are sound packs to make the okay noises become even more okayier.
The game is grindy as all heck, and although the now more occasional bonus events make up for some of the grind, the fact remains that anything short of several weeks of invested play-time will leave you feeling utterly underwhelmed by what is on offer.
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! If you don’t like grinding you can just pay (extraordinarily high amounts) to skip the grind (or merely enhance the grind?) I hate that in a world o ‘micro-transactions’ there were (not so much recently) regularly released new mechs each that could be bought for £20... I know they have to make cash, the pricing seems over the top in my humble opinion... Why not just make it a full on subscription model and just give all players the new toys?
- Ultra low player-base.
- Pitiful “play-with-friends” experience.
- more grindy than a gay dating app
- pay to [strike]win[/strike] [strike]play[/strike] overcome having to sink hours of your life for anything meaningful
- Shonky UI
- Controls are a little awkward
- Graphics Okay
- Sound Alright
I’d score it as follows:
4/10 to most folk
8/10 to any Battletech nerds
Technical detail note.
Technically I got the game for free, but also technically I've paid about £100 or so to actually be able to play the game effectively... so?! do I tick that box or not?!
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