• Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.
  • Mosaic: Screen zum Spiel Mosaic.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.12.2019
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Preis Update 08.09.23

Über das Spiel

Du lebst ein eintöniges und sich wiederholendes Leben in einer kalten, überbevölkerten Stadt, die sich immer weiter ausdehnt.

Das Telefon nervt dich mit bedeutungslosen Benachrichtigungen, während du dir einen Weg durch anonyme Menschenmassen bahnst, um deiner Arbeit in einem Megakonzern nachzugehen, wo dich ein weiterer langer Tag mit Überstunden erwartet.

Du hast nicht das Gefühl, dein Leben hätte einen Sinn, bis zu diesem einen Tag, als auf deinem Weg zur Arbeit auf einmal seltsame Dinge passieren und sich mit einem Schlag alles ändert.

Mosaic ist ein düsteres, surrealistisches und atmosphärisches Abenteuerspiel über die Einsamkeit in einer Stadt und die Angst davor, nur ein kleines Rädchen in einer gigantischen Maschine zu sein, die du niemals verstehen wirst.

Mit Mosaic geht Krillbite Studio, die Schöpfer von Among the Sleep, von den Albträumen der Kindheit einen Schritt weiter zum schrecklich einsamen Erwachsenenleben.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i3
  • GFX: Geforce GTX 860-series / RX vega 11
  • RAM: 1024 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Yes
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i5
  • GFX: Dedicated GPU (5 years old or newer) e.g Geforce 1050
  • RAM: 2048 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Yes
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1396 Produkte im Account
1497 Reviews
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 22:21
Aufraffen, frisch machen, fast leerer Kühlschrank vorfinden, viele Rechnungen... genau mit diesem Gefühl die Wohnung zu verlassen und Menschen begegnen, die einem kalt gegenüber sind oder am Handy sind. Ein langer Weg zu Arbeit, eine überfüllte Stadt, die genauso drauf ist. Bei der Arbeit gilt es immer Meilensteine zu erreichen, zu funktionieren, perfekt zu sein und immer mehr wird verlangt. Nach der Arbeit gibt es keine Freizeit oder schöne Sachen... das Wissen das der nächste Tag ganz genauso ist, bricht einen. Nach und nach möchte man dort raus, begegnet dabei kleinen Lichtblicken des Lebens, hält sich daran fest. Und irgendwann findet eine Entscheidung in deinem Kopf statt, will ich so weiter machen oder endlich aus diesem Kreislauf raus?!

Genau diese Reise, die manchen Leute bekannt vorkommt hält das Spiel einen vor Augen. Es zeigt ein Bild von der Gesellschaft. Im Grunde sind viele recht simple Dinge enthalten, man kann aus diesem Thema sehr viel rausholen. Aber das muss ein Indie Spiel nicht erreichen. Denn Mosaic ist auch so gut geworden und vermittelt eine Botschaft. Der Grafiksil und die vielen schönen und faszinierende Szenen gefallen mir. Auch der Soundtrack ist passend gehalten. Die Steuerung komplett mit der Maus ist manchmal etwas umständlich, aber das überragt nicht. Der Spieler hat ein Handy bei sich, wo es auch Apps gibt. Ob eine Bank, eine Flirt App mit der Frage möchtest du die Person kennen lernen ja oder nein und eine App die wie Bitcoin ist, mit kaufen und verkaufen. Und die wichtigste präsenteste App ist ein Clicker Game, wo man auch Updates durchführen kann, wie die Klickanzahl erhöhen. Diese genannte Handy App spiegelt komplett alle Errungenschaften wider. Es geht dort nur um die App. Wie Level X zu erreichen usw. Das eigentliche Spiel hat damit dann nichts zu tun und man kann sich vollkommen darauf konzentrieren. Was auch mal nicht schlecht ist. Gegen Ende hatte ich das Gefühl von geringen FPS oder Drops, weil das Bild sich zuckend angefühlt hat, auch wenn die FPS über 180 waren. Aber bei der FPS Anzeige sah man dann, dass die Anzahl so 20-30 FPS gerne mal geschwankt hat. Alles Dinge die mir den Spielspaß nicht verdorben haben. Die Spielzeit ist wie die Beschreibung des Entwicklers sagt 2-3 Stunden lang. Bei mir waren es so 3-4 Stunden, habe aber auch versucht alles mitzunehmen, weil auch Dinge übersehen werden können und das Clicker Game hat mich auch etwas beschäftigt. Für diese genannte Spielzeit finde ich sind 19.99 € etwas hoch angesetzt. Für 5,99 € wie jetzt im Angebot vollkommen super.

Ein Spiel, wo manche mehr erwartet haben, weil sehr viel rauszuholen ist. Kleinigkeiten die stören könnten und vielleicht auch ein Klischee nur arbeiten und kein Leben mehr. Ich fand es gut, die Tragik, tolle Szenen und eine Wahrheit für sicherlich paar Leute. Das Spiel muss nicht perfekt sein, es ist gut so wie es ist. Mit all seinen Ecken und Kanten.
280 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 21:25
Sehr schönes nachdenkliches Spiel über die Trettmühle der täglichen Arbeit und der damit zugrunde liegenden Sinnhaftigkeit derselbigen. Ist Arbeit die Erfüllung, oder nur Gehilfe der Erfüllung von Wünschen....Träumen......finanzieller Unabhängigkeit. Oder ist das alles nur eine Illusion und der Chef will immer mehr.....und mehr.......und mehr......und mehr.....und irgendwann kann man das gesetzte Ziel vom Chef, einfach nicht mehr erreichen. Egal wie sehr man sich auch streckt und reckt.

Danke liebe Entwickler. Für diesen vorgehaltenen Spiegel unserer Gesellschaft., die auf Leistung und Effizienz getrimmt ist.

Auch der Vergleich zu einer anderen Indieperle, mit dem Namen ''GRIS'' möchte ich hier ziehen. Auch in diesem Spiel, ist vieles über die visuelle Bildliche Sprache gelaufen. Der Ton war eher auf der Untermalung der Bildeindrücke angelegt.

Die Spielzeit war vollkommen okay und die Minispiele über das Handy, waren auch wieder ein guter Seitenhieb auf unsere Gesellschaft.
52 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 20:00
Kann man sich geben 10/10
Es ist langweilig deswegen 10/10
1749 Produkte im Account
1357 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 15:04
Interaktive Geschichte
Sehr gute (360) Controller Unterstützung.
Hat mir sehr gut gefallen, weil die Präsentation so genial gelungen ist.
Leider gibt es im 3. Level einen Bug, der am Weiterkommen hindert.
Das Problem ist anscheinend weit verbreitet, zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt mindestens 6 Monate bekannt, und trotzdem halten sich die Entwickler bedeckt.
Der Workaround mit Level neu starten hat bei mir nicht geholfen (So toll fand ich das Spiel um diese Zeit zu investieren!).
Developer Fail.
109 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.19 19:14
If you're looking meaningful, this is a game for you
6151 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 10:54
If you were to push a button, once a second, 1 trillion times over - it would take you 31,710 years to complete your task.
1591 Produkte im Account
143 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 11:08

A short emotional dark narrative

There's always hope in a dark place.

  • Very atmospheric, you can literally feel the depression of the character and everything he is going through.
  • BlipBlop minigame is pretty fun.
  • Perspective mechanics are interesting, and they add some message to the story.
  • Great art, pretty simple character desing but suitable for the game.

  • Controls are horrible, I couln't stand playing on mouse and keyboard. Even if the game was only clicking and sometimes dragging the mouse, the experiencie wasn't good.
  • Bugs, there's a lot and you need to restart and make the same over and over to progress, it really messed up my experience with the game.
  • Music, sound effects always felt the same, it was a turnoff in a game this short.
  • Price tag, get it on sale.
  • Achievements ARE NOT related to main story and you literally have to use an auto clicker to get all of them, I almost broke my hand.

  • Note: Give it a try, it's fantastic the representation of adult life. I just don't recommend the game for the bugs
    1784 Produkte im Account
    18 Reviews
    587 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.02.22 01:35
    It took 9 hours, but I did it, I got 1 Trillion Blops in BlipBlop, and I reached 10th level Prestige. Pretty addictive game honestly, I think there is a story too or something, I dunno.
    17 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    198 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.01.22 22:35
    Mosaic is one of the most beautiful indie games I have played. But beware, it is very depressing and dark. The entire game can be used as a metaphor for depression. The sound design is very good and immersive. The graphics, although simple, are modern and give the game its charm. In the midst of the gloomy environment there are also positive scenes, which are gorgeously designed. I played through the game in 2.6 hours.
    81 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    467 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.01.22 23:08
    Visually stunning, heartwarming and deeply meaningful game. This game manages to relate you to a character that appears to be devoid of all life as you progress you see areas of him that are incredibly heart warming and shows you how much there is to a person under the surface. This game is definitely worth its price
    238 Produkte im Account
    34 Reviews
    177 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.11.21 05:31
    First off, DO NOT BUY at 19.99. It's a total ripoff at that price. I got my copy for 4.59.

    You are buying an interactive story, NOT a game. Just so you understand this, you won't go wrong.

    That being said [spoiler] I saved everyone from the matrix, and went to my happy place [/spoiler
    179 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    182 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.11.21 05:24
    Less of a game, more of a short film that you have to click and drag the mouse to proceed.

    Movement is slow. Controls are frustrating. Choices & puzzles are meaningless & trivial, respectively. (Yes, I get that's the point. But it doesn't make it any more fun.)

    Overall, it's a big meh.
    62 Produkte im Account
    22 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1447 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.09.21 21:42
    Game looks awesome and has a great atmosphere, but that's about it.
    Honestly, the mini-games were more interesting than the game itself.

    Also, just a heads up. Don't get this game if you want quick achievements, this game's achievements are absolutely not worth it. And they are all tied to one of the mini-games, which is strange enough in itself.

    Get it on sale if you just want to experience the 'story', it is short and who knows, maybe you'll like it.
    I however, did not.

    194 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    779 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.07.21 20:19
    A surreal and nightmarish adventure with great art design and intense atmosphere, but not very challenging.
    277 Produkte im Account
    200 Reviews
    211 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.05.21 00:02
    From the off it's horribly depressing, with fairly conspicuous messages. But what also creeps up is a mild, subtler inducement of a range of emotions that plague modern life... Things like dissonance, dread. In this way it's simulator-esque. So, very effective and intelligently designed.
    18 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    184 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.04.21 04:15
    The theme and symbolisim is unmatched. From a story perspective its amazing. But from the technical side there are a good amount of bugs, and lots of features that seems inconsistent. Would still recommend this game highly for the story, but nothing more.
    507 Produkte im Account
    51 Reviews
    157 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.12.20 04:20
    Playing Mosaic can be depressing and boring...which is kind of the point. The themes it covers aren't exactly novel (e.g. soul-less corporate grind stripping anyone of any real personality or imagination) and it can certainly feel slow at times. However, the occasional surreal or beautiful sequence is what saved the experience for me -- there are quite a moments in this game that feel like they come straight from Inside and that's a GREAT thing. I won't lie, it's hard to give a blanket recommendation; even if you enjoy the surreal aspects there's a 50/50 chance the otherwise slow-pacing and (generally) unoriginal themes will lead to an overall bad experience. That being said, if you take a step back, let the dreamlike visuals sink in, and don't go in with too many expectations, Mosaic can be truly enjoyable.
    919 Produkte im Account
    28 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    175 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.12.20 13:45
    Don't purchase this game unless it's 75% off. It's a very pretty game with a nice art style but it is honestly lacking in every other area. It's bad when your parody cookie clicker mobile app game, BlipBlop, is genuinely more engaging and fun than the 3 hour depressing narrative you spin.
    49 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    223 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.12.20 13:18
    The idea is really nice, but the gameplay is horrible... The game is full of bugs, it stopped several times and once restarted some achievements were lost. It has so many issues that you can't really enjoy it, even if the idea is lovely and the story has a lot of potential. Paying 20 euros for a game that is unplayable is a theft. Really sorry, but not feeling like recommending it at all.
    415 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    513 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.11.20 12:08
    A very nice experience, albeit a bit depressing. Provides a somewhat exaggerated look on our current society and the direction we're headed in.

    Blip blop!
    27 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    206 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.11.20 01:10
    I am a great grandma so I am not smart or quick to figure things out but this game is interesting to watch the little man and try to figure out what to do next.
    1080 Produkte im Account
    64 Reviews
    429 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.09.20 05:38


    Mosaic, a narrative-driven adventure story game, provides a unique, surreal experience.

    You wake up every day sleep deprived and tired from the past day's work. As if that’s not punishment enough, you are greeted with an annoying phone alarm, and messages stating how bad you’re doing as a professional, how bad you’re doing as a person, as a son, and as a friend.

    Feeling miserable and tired, you wonder how much worse it can get. You gather some strength to get ready for the office, and wouldn’t you know it, you’re confronted with a pile of bills lying on the table.
    You open the fridge in the hope of some food. It’s empty!

    Oh, well; you’d better get going, it’s getting late.

    You leave your apartment to find a beautiful ray of sunshine hitting your shoes. You walk towards the light. The beautiful sunshine hits your soul, making you feel like life's not that bad after all. It’s really peaceful, until reality hits. You enter the lift to be ignored by two strangers; the same events every day, demoralizing and upsetting, breaking you slowly from the inside out.

    Work hard as you may, your work will never be good enough for your employer.
    And this cycle repeats itself, over and over again.

    Mosaic’s surreal take on urban life hits the nail on the head; at times I could really relate to the protagonist.
    In the 21st century we are connected 24/7, but in reality, we are so far apart. Modern life and privileges are both blessings and curses.

    Mosaic represents all of this in great detail, but does not challenge these aspects of life, nor does it do anything to solve it or make much of an impact.

    Although I don’t agree with the conclusion and what the creators were going for, I did very much appreciate the journey and the surreal experience.

    The game’s perspective is an experience. I was always intrigued to see what was coming next.

    While the story was depressing, and in itself brought me no joy, again and again the surreal moments were something that I wanted to experience.

    I may not agree with a lot of things about Mosaic, but I admire and respect the work the developers put into the game. The atmosphere, the narrative and the surreal tune, together with the day-to-day grind, were an experience that not many games provide.

    Let’s talk about the puzzles. In short, they were not the best. The game provided an interesting story and gameplay, which drew me right in, but then there were these repetitive puzzles that were totally out of place and I found them annoying.

    I was wondering about BlipBlop, the mini game that I’d heard so much about. Turns out that it’s a simple clicker. Who would’ve known that a mini-game inside an indie game could be this enjoyable and addictive?

    Although the setting were just fine, I do feel that a simple W, A, S, D would have been much better than the game’s Mouse left click and drag to walk. The interaction with items using the mouse left click was just fine and felt natural.
    The narrative was strong; the game provided what was promised. A confronting experience.


    + Story narrative
    + A confronting adventure
    + Atmospheric
    + Beautiful / grim visuals
    + Decent sound effects
    + Enjoyable Mini-game
    + Nicely represents the protagonist’s day-to-day grind
    + Unique take on modern life


    - Puzzles were illogical, and out of place
    - Though adequate, I feel like a generic key control system would have been much better
    - Minor performance issues
    - Not for everyone

    For narrative-lovers who enjoy a dark, surreal experience, Mosaic is a gem!


    Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

    368 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    161 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.08.20 19:56
    I'm usually a sucker for more contemplative and cerebral gaming experiences, but this one felt completely empty to me. I'm one of those people who has felt this hopelessness, this futility, this feeling of being crushed and squeezed by the system. Every day feeling the same and being completely forgettable. Hundreds of days that are nothing but a grey blur. I understand what this game is trying to convey, but instead of resonating with me, it repelled me. I can't put my finger on why, but it simply didn't make me feel anything at all. Maybe that's the point? Or maybe it was simply too abstract for me.

    It hurts me a little to write a negative review for a small game like this where I know the studio really was doing their best, but it is what it is. I don't know, it wasn't what I expected I guess, and I feel like the experience wasn't worth it.
    1045 Produkte im Account
    113 Reviews
    296 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.08.20 06:22
    Mosaic not a game for everyone but it is definitely a game for me. When I first started playing I thought it was a dystopian future or post-apocalypse rebuilding but no. It is a current apocalypse and for want of a better word not dystopian or utopian but just topian. Mosaic is an often surreal take on modern life which hits the nail on the head a little bit too often. The pointless mini-games, the drudgery of a daily commute, the more connected yet socially distant aspect of the 21st century, the daily grind at work in general. Mosaic touches on all of these and while it doesn’t really challenge these or offer massive in game solutions, it did what I think it was meant to do which was offer me a linear narrative which pushed me towards the developer’s conclusion. I don’t agree with this conclusion but I appreciated the ride.



    + blipblop. I’m sorry but one of the best things about this game is the highly addictive in-game clicker on your cellphone. It is masterfully designed and it has been put there for a reason. Don’t feel shy to whip out your mobile in the elevator or in the street or even as soon as you just get out of bed. Blipblop is there to remind you that no matter how dull and boring you think your job is, it just isn’t dressed up like Blipblop which is equally banal yet completely addicting and fun. Perhaps Blipblop is a metaphor for late-stage capitalism and how out of control the system has become and we as human beings have been reduced to clicks for cash in our jobs as well as our leisure.

    + oh did I say Blipblop? I meant all the other apps on your cellphone too. I found it very interesting to flick through the love app where everyone is identical except for their ages and names and how the game pushes a heterosexual only option. You have no choice but to be matched up with the opposite sex and it is a subtle strike against how our gay brothers and sisters are marginalised at even the most basic turns.

    + settings. I took a lot of screenshots of this game. Visually and thematically it reminded me of INSIDE but x10 the size. If you dig that art style then you are in good company. The backdrops in some points are beautiful and the game sets a very atmospheric tone. You feel small in a huge world teeming with inhabitants.

    + perspective. One of the games main themes is perspective and it has some very awesome moments where you play around with perspective or even play the game as an insect for a bit. These perspective parts sometimes turn into puzzles but the controls are rough to use and so while I like these perspective parts, the puzzle aspect fails.

    + depressing. I loved the depression angle this game was going for. The whole game was a grind. It totally was not fun to play but it was an interesting way to waste 5 hours.

    + no voicework. I am all for fully voiced characters in all kinds of games. But Mosaic is a game that I feel would suffer for it. See CONS below, the game is very explicit in its views on the modern world and a mute character stops things from getting overtly preachy. Not only this but it really drives home the loneliness and monotony of the main character’s day.



    - Controls. I do like that you can control the whole game with just one hand on the mouse but the control of the character is less than optimal. Dragging the mouse around is a chore and doesn’t feel responsive in any way.

    - 2deep4me. If you can look past the overall idea of the game which is Corporations Evil, Nature and Art Good then you will most likely enjoy the rest of what this game has to offer. The aforementioned vibe is pretty strong throughout and might annoy people.

    - Pricetag. Yeah, here we are at this old chestnut again. 20 bucks for in my case a 5 hour game but which could easily be completed in 3. That is far too steep for me but I got this bundled so I can’t complain. I get it. Indie devs need to keep the lights on and sometimes a higher price tag is a necessary evil. However this once and done game doesn’t offer any replay value.


    I really “enjoyed” Mosaic in the same way I “enjoyed” watching Lost in Translation or The Tree of Life. There was something pushing me through this boredom simulator. The game is punctuated by fever dreams and short bursts of colour in a dreary world. These brief moments of relief are well paced and each day I woke up I was looking forward to what kind of weird daydream I was going to start hallucinating later on.
    399 Produkte im Account
    75 Reviews
    246 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.07.20 19:05
    work alienation.
    thanks for linux support
    75 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    273 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.07.20 17:45
    This is a great game for someone that likes thought-provoking games. This is a third person perspective game about a person that is slowly coming to realize that either the world is insane or he is. Most of the game is in grey and blue scale, with dissonant music and sounds, which makes the periods of color and softer musical numbers all the more stunning. It's a great game if you want to see the sights, filled with simple puzzles and a great story. Highly recommend. I was given a game code at a LAN event with no expectation that I give a review.
    229 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    79 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.07.20 10:24
    Very sincere game about depression and changing your life. It's a great metaphorical journey but also there are certain broken sections like the area after the conveyor belt. I got pushed under to a certain area and was just unable to move at all so I had to reset to a checkpoint about 5 minutes prior. Other than that would recommend.
    1933 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    7 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.07.20 00:30
    I played this together with my wife, Coopalooper, and here is what she had to say:

    Hauntingly beautiful, albeit depressing. Paints a grim picture indeed of a person being stuck in an unwanted situation in life. As an Architect, and one who previously designed skyscrapers and city centers, I was impressed by the beautiful environments and urban design. That itself was enough to make this game very enjoyable, amidst the sad, sad story. There are a few bugs we encountered, but nothing too frustrating. We had to redo a few levels, so be wary of checkpoints. All that being said, this gets a thumbs up from me for the well-executed beautiful environmental design and storytelling.
    249 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    330 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.07.20 01:57
    I do recommend the game! I love games with a deeper meaning and sense of poetic. And this one is. Amazing work of art and aesthetics!

    Don't expect to be in control of the narrative, nor expect to play for long hours, that's not the idea here.
    549 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
    164 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.07.20 14:33
    Game is awesome!

    The game is wonderful, a little depressing but it shows our current life.

    Im doing a No Commentary gameplay on youtube, if you want to check: https://youtu.be/6_otcltiHOg
    444 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    285 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.06.20 14:44
    Awe-inspiring and bleak corporate vistas. Taking a lot of influence from fellow norwegian Pushwagner's Soft City. Competent game, not outstanding. Very happy to be able to play in norwegian.
    491 Produkte im Account
    20 Reviews
    419 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.04.20 20:08
    This game is haunting and lighthearted at the same time. An eerie depiction of modern society, complete with addicting in-game phone apps that pause the action of the game, and the action of life. They are a way to escape the mundane drudgery of daily labor, but a poor alternative to what's really out there waiting for you, should you ever decide to pull yourself away from your devices. There's always a way to escape. Just don't settle for the quickest, easiest way out.
    14 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    209 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.04.20 20:03
    Jeu avec beaucoup d'émotion, j'aurais aimé que la chose soit encore poussée plus loin, manque un peu de liberté, les actes importent peu, dommage. Jeu également un peu cher pour le contenu de celui ci.
    1209 Produkte im Account
    161 Reviews
    158 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.04.20 11:14
    Some good if fairly obvious commentary on the drudgery of modern life. Has the minimalist look of Inside etc. but not the puzzles. Mostly a decent walking sim with light puzzles simulating boring work. Occasional bursts of originality that will make you nod with approval. A reasonable 7/10, especially because it saves every couple of minutes. I like games that respect people's time.
    154 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    34 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.03.20 20:59
    I really wanted to like this game. I love philisophical games that make you think. This game just didnt do it for me. It felt too real and too slow. I play games to escape reality in some sort of way or be philisophically challanged. This game didn't really do either. The animation was really the only thing that stepped this game out of reality. The topic was interesting, but the game could have been much shorter and still have gotten the point across.
    3 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    235 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.20 11:10
    I just finnished the game and it was amazing! it really touched me and i feel amazed. I come from the country the game comes from *norway* and i hope i get to meet the one who had the idea of this game and can talk to him.
    129 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    219 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.02.20 18:12
    This is an incredibly intellectual game. After considering it briefly you wonder if the people who made this hadn't also played INSIDE, or read Nietzsche.

    Individuality, or disobedience, is your enemy in the computer world, as you strive to bypass laws and regulations to reach your milestone every day. As you do this though on the way to work you'll have some fun, and it will typically involve music. One of my favorites is the Metro, where the clicks, beeps and boops, and hisses of the subway meld into a spiritual DJ set from (really the acid jazz duo Xploding Plastix) whose tunes help you in a puzzle, where your entire life's journey is really all about perspective (which way you look at things).

    Amazing. 10/10. If the devs continue in this direction, I applaud them. They used their mastery of horror to show the contrast of a deterministic engine and a forceful will of one.
    346 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    554 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.02.20 17:00
    Beautiful game! Enjoyed it a lot. Some clipping bugs, but polished. Slow, but meaningful.
    140 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    246 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.12.19 13:06
    Possibly the best indie game out there!
    8267 Produkte im Account
    147 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    298 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.12.19 01:52


    Graphically impressive but the lack of narrative and the incredibly depressing nature of the story is just too much and I didn't enjoy the experience.


    ???? Nice visuals and interesting imagery


    ????Incredibly depressing
    ????Controls are awkward

    First Impressions

    Workin' 9 to 5 What a way to make a livin'
    Barely gettin' by It's all takin' and no givin'
    They just use your mind and they never give you credit
    It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it

    Dolly Parton

    Most of us hate our jobs.

    We have to get up far too early and brave the rush hour to get to a brain numbing job only for the government to take most of our pay away in taxes. It sucks.

    Spare a thought for our unknown protagonist though. He really is having a bad time. Not only has he got the most boring job in existence he also has no friends, no love life and no money. He sleeps in his clothes and wears them to work without showering. Maybe that’s why he is lonely. I imagine he stinks.

    He is being constantly monitored for performance and time keeping and is under constant pressure to fill quotas and improve his efficiency.


    This is not a game as such. It is more of a peek into the life of a desperate man on the edge.

    We get to watch him wake up, commute to work, and carry out his job. Then the next day we watch him do the same thing again. Each time we see a slightly different variant of his commute.

    This game is all about repetition.

    I would classify this as a walking simulator. There isn’t much to do in the game apart from move the character and watch the events unfold. There are two mini games which can be played however. One which simulates his work and one which is purely a clicker game to waste time.

    On the way to work there are diversions you can take from the path that everyone else is taking. If you find and take this path you are rewarded with a cut scene which is usually nonsensical. Whether this is a sign of his fall into madness or a dream of a better life is difficult to tell and open to interpretation. These were the only bright and cheerful moments of the game and were in stark contrast to his normal life.

    The game is obviously trying to portray the drudgery of everyday life and feels incredibly melancholy and hopeless. It is almost painful watching the events unfold and this makes the journey uncomfortable.

    The controls were often annoying. You use the mouse to move the character by pointing an arrow where you want to go but you must keep the mouse button pressed which often results in him not moving or getting stuck somewhere. Also, objects which can be interacted with are not obvious until you walk very close to them then they highlight. Some areas can only be passed when you change the camera angles which wasn’t explained and seemed unnecessary.

    I understand that this game is meant to be upsetting and has a message about conformity and missed opportunities but at the same time it never moved me or made me contemplate about my own life. In the end I just felt depressed and didn’t enjoy my experience.

    The graphics and imagery were impressive however and the world that has been created has a distinct feel of gloom and inevitability. I just didn’t enjoy the experience and although I admire the effort and the vision the developers were trying to portray, I couldn’t recommend it unless it was on sale.



    The story is about everyday life and although told in the extreme I feel it is trying to mimic our lives as humans. The repetition of going to work for a large corporation with little reward and greater expectations that we cannot possible meet. The story paints a picture of a desperate man trying to escape the obligation of work and dreaming for a better life.

    There is no narrative. The story is told purely by the visuals.

    The story is incredibly depressing and is one I could not relate to personally. I never really connected with the character for some reason and I felt the story, although graphically impressive with some interesting symbolism, seemed predictable.


    Each day begins the same. The alarm goes off and you wake up in your clothes. You must get ready and head for work.

    You control the character with a mouse pointer and can move him around the screens. You can interact with certain objects. They are all very boring however, combing your hair, brushing your teeth, looking in the mirror and pressing a lift button are common occurrences you will perform each day.

    You have a mobile phone which you can use and through the game you can pick up apps which you can add to the phone. You begin with a clicker game and a bank app which tracks your financial shortcomings. On the way you can pick up a dating app and maybe others I did not find. The apps I found were very boring. For example, the dating app just showed pics of ladies and you clicked yes or no but nothing resulted in it.

    There are lots of achievements based around the clicker game. You click a button to build up credits. You have three options to spend these credits on. A multiplier so that each click is worth more; a speed up so that your credits trickle faster into your vault and a vault expansion so you can increase the vault size and store more credits.

    This game was reasonably fun if you like clicker games. You can build up to quite a few credits if you stick with it for long enough. The trickle feature means you can leave it to its own devices and depending on your speed level, the balance will automatically increase without you having to click. Just be careful it saves as I lost a lot of credits because it did not save. You can’t spend the credits on anything which seemed odd. They only gain you achievements as far as I could see.

    The other game is triggered when you arrive at work. You must build nodes which release units. The more nodes, the more units. The idea is to reach the central hub at the top of the screen via hexagons. You need so many units to fill a hexagon. Once the hexagon is filled you can move on to the next hexagon. On the way there will be barriers you have to navigate by moving sideward and occasionally you will get attacked and must defeat the enemy by swarming it with units. It is quite easy to complete. There are a few extra mechanics that the game tries to introduce but they weren’t explained very well, and I never had to use them to complete the task.



    No voice acting at all, but background sounds were convincing, and music seemed okay.


    The highlight of the game without doubt. Impressively drawn and used subtly to tell the story. There was no narrative, so the graphics are the main story drive in this game. Some of the story is open to interpretation as it depends on how you decipher the visuals and what they are trying to illustrate.

    There was some hidden imagery which felt intelligent and some of the dream sequences were bizarre.


    I thought I would like this game as it firmly fell within the genre I enjoy, but ultimately it was too depressing and didn’t elicit much of an emotional response.

    The controls were annoying enough to mar the experience and even though graphically impressive, this wasn’t enough to save the game unfortunately.

    Curator Info:

    This game was received free through curator connect.
    827 Produkte im Account
    96 Reviews
    282 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.12.19 17:06
    Mosaic’s point may become obvious before its final reveal which, itself, isn’t free of predictability and a sense of being slightly cliché. However, the means through which it gets there, the power of the established routine, the depressing revelations of medication meant to push workers to maximum productivity while disregarding their actual health, and the often surprising perspectives its surreal bits throw you into more than make up for it. It’s a harrowing yet also enchanting four-hour journey through a world where in spite of the number of people physically close to one another, isolation is the status quo. Mosaic paints all its scenes with great care and, while it might be a slow burner, it’s as cerebral as it is emotional and tells an enthralling story. Full Review.

    Logo for Mosaic
    Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
    75.18% 106 35
    Release:05.12.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Krillbite Studio Vertrieb: Raw Fury Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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