Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
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Über das Spiel

Natürlich gibt es ein Ende der Welt.
Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit. Extreme Klimaveränderungen, eine globale Wirtschaftskrise, eine tödliche Epidemie und steigende Spannungen zwischen alten und neuen Supermächten. Zum ersten Mal seit 1945 kamen bei einem bewaffneten Konflikt Atomwaffen zum Einsatz. Im Osten wie im Westen stiegen Atompilze auf, bevor der Staub sich letztlich wieder verzog.
Jetzt ist alles vorbei, und auf der Erde herrscht Ruhe. Die Natur hat die Ruinen der Städte zurückerobert. Der Wind fegt durch leere Straßen, die nur noch Friedhöfe sind.
Es gibt keine Menschen mehr. Die Überreste der Zivilisation werden von Mutanten, deformierten Humanoiden und Tieren geplündert, die auf der Suche nach Erlösung oder auch nur nach Lebensmitteln sind. Um zu überleben, müssen du und deine Gefährten aufbrechen und die Zone erkunden.
Vielleicht findest du eines Tages das legendäre Eden, die Zuflucht der Altvorderen im Zentrum der Hölle. Dort wartet die Wahrheit – behaupten zumindest die Geschichten. Vielleicht stößt du dort auf Antworten.
Andererseits ist das alles vielleicht auch nur Gerede.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden ist das ultimative Spiel für Taktiker und Strategen. Tauche ein in ein vielschichtiges, rundenbasiertes, taktisches Kampfsystem, das von den XCOM-Spielen inspiriert wurde.
Reise durch eine post-humane Welt voller verlassener Städte, zerfallener Highways und überwucherter Landschaften. Melde dich regelmäßig auf der Ark, einer in Neonlicht getauchten Oase mit schlechtem Ruf und fragwürdigen Charakteren, um deine Vorräte aufzufüllen und dein nächstes Abenteuer zu planen.
Eine Ente mit einem Einstellungsproblem und ein Wildschwein mit Aggressionsstörung – typische Helden sehen anders aus. Lerne Dux, Bormin, Selma und viele andere Charaktere kennen, die alle eine einzigartige Persönlichkeit und eine abgefahrenen Sicht der Welt und ihrer eigenen Lage haben.
Schleiche durch die Schatten, um Konflikte zu vermeiden oder ahnungslose Gegner anzugreifen. Echtzeit-Stealth ermöglicht dir die volle Kontrolle: Du dringst in ein feindliches Lager ein, positionierst das Mutantenteam taktisch günstig und nutzt das Überraschungsmoment.
Schalte neue Mutationen und Fähigkeiten für deine Mutanten frei – wie zum Beispiel Selmas Steinhaut, Bormins Sturmangriff und Dux' unheimliche Fähigkeit, sich unbemerkt in ein Lager voller Feinde zu schleichen, obwohl er eine 1,30 große, sprechende Ente auf zwei Beinen mit einer Armbrust ist.
Nutze die Umgebung zu deinem Vorteil. Meide Scheinwerferkegel und Sichtlinien, oder sprenge vollständig zerstörbare Mauern und Gebäude und sorge für totales Chaos.
Sorge immer dafür, dass deine Mutanten für die bevorstehenden Gefahren ordentlich ausgerüstet sind – von provisorischen Schleudern bis zu Hochleistungsgewehren, vom Zylinder bis zur kugelsicheren Polizeiweste. In der post-humanen Welt ist es ganz normal, dass ein mutiertes Wildschwein mit einer stachelbesetzten Metallrüstung und einer Donnerbüchse in der Hand auf dich zustürmt.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-760 / AMD Phenom II X4 965
- GFX: NVidia GTX 580 / AMD Radeon HD 7870
- Software: Windows 7 64 Bit/ Windows 8 64 Bit/ Windows 10 64 Bit
- HD: 8 GB available space
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K/ AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
- GFX: Nvidia GTX 970 / AMD Radeon RX 480
- Software: Windows 7 64 Bit/ Windows 8 64 Bit/ Windows 10 64 Bit
- HD: 8 GB available space
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
2978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 22:04
4524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 21:41
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225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 12:08
1334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 16:38
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170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 09:36
3891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 21:45
Die Story ansich ist bombe mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen :)
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 20:45
Es ist nicht perfekt, aber ich liebe es trotzdem und vor allem der absolute geniale Sythie Soundtrack. ♥♥♥ hätte mehr daraus machen können, mir persönlich fehlt da ein bisschen Hintergrundstory, wie die Mutanten entstanden sind und deren Gesichte kam mir im Spiel ein bisschen zu kurz.
Trotzdem empfehle ich das Spiel weiter für jemanden der auch Taktik Games mag ♥
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588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 08:57
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541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 13:47
617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 17:28
Das Gameplay fühlt sich rund an... wer Genre und Setting mag, kann hier nicht viel falsch machen. Kaufempfehlung. :)
3325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 13:16
1476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 21:12
Graphically appealing, although you have to go through .ini files to disable motion blur. Too bad that even if you do disable it - the game still looks way too muddy than it needs to be. Visual noise is also an issue. Anyway. Visual style, animations really well done. Can't complain about the audio either. Good voice acting, great ambient atmosphere.
The story itself is intriguing at first, but once you reach the mid-game everything becomes just way too obvious. The ending is quite abrupt.
Exploration (character movement speed) is too slow, especially when you just want to scout the whole area after defeating all enemies.
Characters themselves have good dialogues.
Their skills are interesting, but most of them share the same skills between each other which makes most skill choices quite obvious to the player. Very little variety. A shame. It really diminishes the replay value of this game.
There are very little item and weapon variety too.
From start to finish you'll use the same 3 silent weapons and only at the end of the playthrough you will get some better secondary weapons for dealing more damage in an open battle once sh|t hits the fan... since silent approach will not be an option.
Gameplay itself is very stealthy-minded. You don't do many open battle scenarios where you have to attack many enemies at once. 90% of the time you pick and pop your enemies one by one, on rarer occasions - 2 enemies at once. Enemies are really cool, but variety is a bit lackluster.
This game just needs a little bit more polish, more quality of life features and more of everything to be honest. It gets repetitive once the newness wears out.
Overall, decent game for one playthrough.
1695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 20:33
1513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 11:42
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1282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 19:19
The story was pretty interesting, so was the narration. However, the gameplay can only be described as frustrating.
- you're forced to steathily pick off stragglers with the same bumrush tactic in every fight before starting combat
- there's no real rhyme or reason as to how the cover system works - you can be literally 5 degrees off from parallel to the cover the enemy is hiding behind, and it still says you don't have a shot
- enemies will hit you 90% of the time, even if you're behind cover. In fact the Tank enemy carries a shot gun and has been able to snipe me 100% of the time in overwatch from across the map, from a distance far longer than the gun is supposed to shoot
- characters move so slowly when out of combat
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122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 21:06
2088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 02:52
I think the game's trailer paints a poor picture of what the game will be like, especially if you've played games like Fallout or wasteland. This is even worse, I think, if you've even glanced at the tabletop RPG. I'd say this game follows the basic idea of the TTRPG, but only the basic idea. You don't really scrounge for resources. You certainly collect metal, which you use to shop with, and you find weapon parts to upgrade your guns. But you don't really do much with it yourself. You have to fast travel back to the home base to spend the scrap for weapon attachments, grenades of various sorts, medkits and the occasional weapon if that's your thing. You take the weapon parts to the mechanic to make your guns better. Or you might not want to do that because then you can't upgrade the obviously better guns you can get later, kicking yourself for having wasted parts for 1 extra damage when that extra damage could have been put on a gun that will always outclass a fully upgraded version of the level 1 gun.
Not that the game promised it, but the trailer had me assume one could find and use food in some way, but your health is restored from medkits (which heal you to full between fights but only a small amount in battles). The main source of increasing your HP, as opposed to leveling up, is finding better armor. You don't make armor, get armor from your home (often), you find it and guns laying around in chest. You cannot collect perfectly good guns or armor from enemies, for some reason, with no explanation.
That last part sort of hones in on the problem overall, I think. This game is tagged as an RPG, but this is not one. You level up, certainly, but there's more to a Role Playing Game than that. You don't need to have a talking skill box thing and choose dialogue options to roleplay. Nay, you don't need a great deal of story-based choices to to role play. Sometimes it's nice to simply play the role handed to you. But you do not play the role of a Stalker in this game except in the barest sense of sneaking up on opponents to think out the herd, a task that grows more and more difficult as the silent weapons in the game are drastically outpaced by newer weapons, the actual reach of 'loud' weapons' noise not made cleat, the amount of enemies in groups increase and their health values get so huge that even a full team of 3 characters shooting at 1 enemy can take 1 and a third turns to get through. You can't really be a stalker as much as you can participate in a really good set of game mechanics.
You don't really get to be part of the Ark's, your home's, community. You talk to only a few people, and that's only to shop. There's no conversations that really makes it feel like your characters are part of the community. There's no hustle and bustle, no sense of people living here and your characters living with them. The most egregious is, towards the end of the main campaign, you're manage to complete your main objective and, somehow, the elder (leader) of the Ark thanks you and berates you for wanting to go to the titular Eden to learn the characters past in the same breath. Then you leave his cabin and he thanks you for letting an old man rambled. BUT THEN, you inevitably while traveling the road to Eden will collect materials and a trinket (if you're a completionist) that will that will take you back to the Ark and the Elder will berate you more for going farther along to Eden. But he won't, like. Stop you. Or have other Stalkers stop you. He just kinda yells. And then again thanks you for letting an old man ramble.
The game mechanics themselves are good and they are polished. As a tactical psudo-survival tactics game, they are fabulous, as far as the direct combat goes, even if the moments between combat aren't quite so good like newer XCOM games are. But while it feels like the developers knew their limits on the game portion of this experience, their writing and story telling ambitions were much higher. This creates a very uncanny valley sort of feeling where the challenging, chunky gameplay doesn't match the end of the world aesthetics and the story feels lots of style and no substance.
Calling this game a fusion between Fallout and XCOM is incorrect. Go play Wasteland 2 or 3 for that feeling. But if you have a lot of hours to kill and some patience (and don't mind some save scumming to learn the mechanics and experiment), this can spark the imagination and be a good time.
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2156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 19:27
Note, I've played quite a few turned based games, and consider the xcom series to be my
gold standard.
First, the positives:
1. Nice graphics, sound, music, and voice acting.
2. Nice story line, as far as I've progressed.
3. Interesting characters.
1. Interface is a bit clutzy, but manageable.
2. Character movement is too slow.
3. No overhead local map. Very hard to tell if you've covered every inch and found every item.
4. Line of site calculations are not good, some enemies can get into an impregnable position, no matter which direction
you come at them.
5. You characters do not progress enough to keep up with the enemy levels. When I'm replaying battles several
times, it gets very annoying. This is at the lowest setting.
6. Very few item drops, and the salvage does not come quick enough to buy items.
7. Your characters take a lot of damage, and the heal kits are far too expensive considering that fact. Like
xcom, they should be a single infinite-use item per character.
8. They need to balance the heal-bot enemy. Far too many hitpoints and armor.
9. Map rotation is clumsy during combat.
10.. Overwatch rarely works, making it virtually useless as a tactic.
11. Cover seems to do very little for my team, since the enemy seems to have close to 90% accuracy.
12. Hard to get into combat with smaller groups of enemies. Far too many encounters where fighting an enemy
will aggro another enemy all the way across the map.
Given the balance issues, I will not be completing the game. As someone who thinks commander level in xcom is just about right, well, this game goes well beyond that difficulty level.
1988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 14:25
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948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 04:15
I enjoyed the short game somewhat, albeit feeling that it was a bit limited in content. The demo intrigued me enough to make me buy the game, but the game itself was not compelling enough for me to purchase the DLCs.
Among the things that I found immensely unsatisfying were
1) Mutants have lots of abilities, but I have to select only some, and leave the others unused. I wish they were more utilisable.
2) Point-blank shots really feel like they should be not just 100% hit, but also almost guaranteed to crit... Instead, it baffles me to see my character spray the stationary (unalarmed/EMPed/Stunned) enemy twice with bullets at point blank (twitch shot) with only 75% chance of hitting. This includes other abilities that trade off accuracy. It was a huge immersion breaker.
3) Equipment navigation was somewhat cumbersome. Just condense the grenades etc. into numbers instead of mandating scrolling to find the types that you want to equip. You only have limited types anyways. You should also have a 'compare equipment' function so that we can have a quick stat comparison.
If those issues weren't there, I would find the DLCs an appealing prospect.
All the best for your sequel. Hopefully there are significant improvements the next time around.
Nicht Empfohlen
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 05:51
Game makes you feel like your constantly behind the ball. First aid kits keep you alive til level 8-10 but then you run out and can't afford to by new ones. The game is very hard and doesn't give you a chance to catch up.
The sound effects, environment, voice overs and graphic/animations are good.I would have given the game an 8 if there was more 'flow' is the game had a sense of order.
Shame cause I've been looking forward to this game for years, it looked so good in the game-footage. But it just has balancing issues and it doesn't live up to the hype. I can't recommend
2210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 22:59
- Nice setting and graphics. Lots of details like Posters, signs and so on. I also like the charakters, nothing beats a grumpy duck!
- Satisfying story. Reminds me (of course) of Fallout 1+2, but the focus is more on tactics.
- On normal not to demanding for the more casual player, but the harder modes are difficult enough for the tacticians.
Would buy again :-)
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1427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 21:10
Mutant Year Zero is has some standard tactical role play game rules that are commonly found in most games of the genre: half cover, whole cover, 2 action points per character, attack causes the character's turn to end. Along with a few ones that are befitting this title: Major active mutation (skill); Minor active mutation (skill); passive mutation; armoured foes take reduced damage equal the number of silver pips on their health bar.
However it also features a few twists that some people might find annoying.
1) Unlike most games RPG enemies don't re-spawn, so there is no way to grind for XP, cash or gear. If you want more, you're going to have to thoroughly explore each map section for loot and take down every enemy you face. The flip side to this is that you have a SQUAD XP GAUGE. Thus when you kill an enemy your entire team benefits - as all team members (active, resting & those yet to join) will be at this level. Thus clearing an entire area of enemies renders that world map section permanently safe.
2) the party is capped at 3 active members (max 6 in group) and these members can only have minor stat improvements; e.g. Bormin can earn +5 health (base = 8) through upgrades along with whatever health & movement bonuses are available on gear you find. Whereas Dux gains a mix of movement & health. Not great when you could be severely outnumbered 3:1 in the event of you rushing in. You'll need to perform sneak kills to lower the odds against you.
3) your weapons don't feel powerful in combat - 8 damage per hit without scoring a critical is a strong ranged attack in the first half of the game; late game weapons can reach 13 damage per non-critical hit. The downside is some regular enemies have 24+ health, less than mid-way through the game creating a damage bottleneck until you find a boomstick or rambino. It gets worse when they have armour too. The other nuisance is that you can't perform a melee hit on an enemy you're right next to. You have to shoot them, which isn't great when most guns need reloaded after 4 attacks or less.
4) you CAN'T SELL anything in your inventory. So if you find a helmet or chemical flare that you don't want to use, or wish to offload the default pistols Dux & Bormin start with - tough you're stuck with them. This means you need to be careful when buying items - no try now and get a refund later. The only useful thing about buying a weapon is that you can convert an UNEQUIPPED weapon into 11-17 parts for upgrades. The inventory system for grenades also doesn't stack them or auto-organise by type making it faffy to see how many of each you have.
5) Your torch indicates your move speed. Torch on equals faster movement but reduced stealth; Torch off equals slower movement but harder to detect. The reason why you want stealth is that you're mixing real time exploration with turn based combat. Thus you need to sneak around the map to take down a straggler or two, before engaging the main group. If the main group doesn't see or hear you, you can slink off.
6) no obvious option to withdraw from combat if you find yourself in trouble; you can't just move to a map entry point and run away after taking a beating.
7) the random number generator is not truly random. Every time you load a map a RNG seed is generated. This seed will only be discarded when you leave a map section. What this means is that if you have a double shot attack with 75% chance to hit for each attack and score a double fail (1 in 16 chance), you will always score a double fail no matter how many times you load that save file. You would need to leave the area and return to reset the RNG seed. There isn't an option to switch off seed retention. This makes frequent saving a way of playing.
1356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 17:05
Excellent turn based tactical game with great atmosphere and art direction. Only downfall is that it gets repetitive towards the end of the campaign and most players wont stick around for a second playthrough or buy additionnal content.
Definitely worth a try !
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1125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 14:22
Anyway, after less than 20 hours, picking off stragglers over and over got tedious, so I gave up to go play something more fun. The rest of the game's aspects are quite good so, if you like that kind of game play, you'll probably like this game. But it's thumbs down for me.
2176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 15:39
This game was such a fantastic surprise! I really enjoyed the gameplay and especially the characters and the setting.
The xcom styled stealth based tactical RPG gameplay was so much fun, you sneak around the enemies, wait for them to go outside of the range of the other enemies, stealthily take them out and then annihilate the rest, just fantastic!
The characters and their relationships with each other was fun, the dry and sarcastic humor was perfect and the graphics were also super good! The way the characters interacted with the world and talk about the items that are normal for us, but for them they were alien, was also so interesting and I really liked the fact that the game was in Sweden!
I really recommend this game to others, so much fun times!
1754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 10:01
Graphics: Excellent graphics, the environments are very well detailed, a lot of effort has gone into immersing the player into the surroundings. I had no issues at 4K max settings.
Sound: Sounds were really good, gun fights were punchy, and the atmosphere was full of subtle noises that draw your attention. The hero though is the soundtrack, its an excellent electronic retro score and it suits the game down the ground.
Gameplay: In a word I'd say mature, it takes what works in other games like XCOM and uses it to great effect. Adding at times their own spin on TBS. The blend between free movement and TBS is done extremely well, and something like stealth is implemented so well in Mutant Year Zero compared to XCOM and other TBS. Its brilliant!
Controls: very familiar. I did have a number of miss clicks due to learning the interface, accidentally moving to locations or doing moves that I didn't want to do, but these are just niggles and not reflective of the overall experience.
If you like TBS, Mutant Year Zero is XCOM with style, play it!
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 10:56
1296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 15:29
With a longer game maybe more setups could be explored, but this game is so simple that it does not really have the replayability you would wish in great games.
Overall a good game and I had fun for 20 h. I would recomend buying this if it has a discount.
1060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 01:40
1443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 12:17
Game description:
-It is a turn based tactical strategy game, with linear storyline.
-combat is fun and satisfying
-stealth is satisfying when successfully executed.
-sound effects is good and satisfying
-characters designs are okay, a bit to the oversized head art style, but overall is good
-world design is beautiful.
-voice over is top notch. although the fact that every in game interraction give different lines based on the character that start the interraction.
-Game time wise, not enough battles. the game is short for a turn based game. There are only 5 problems you will encounter: going back to ark, finding hammon's team, finding hammon, dealing with lux, finding eden.
-Only 1 side mission
-Story wise, it is too short for a linear story.
-The ending is a cliff hanger. it feels intentionally left incomplete for DLC or further game series.
-Last boss fight is not epic.
-more side mission
-multiple choices and endings
-longer story
-satisfying ending
-more epic fights
-more interaction with the world through side quests instead of elder telling story.
conclusion score: 7/10
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 13:52
1479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 15:29
Stealth silent based weapons really makes it stand out (don't sell them!)
This is miles better when compared to Wasteland or the latest Xcom 2. Try it out you'll love it if you like those type of games!
Nicht Empfohlen
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 15:57
3209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:30
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 21:34
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 09:26
atmosperhic soundtrack and surroundings
good story
very detailed character- and level design
The gameplay is good, maybe not as supreme and smart as other turn-based RPGs
and some animations seem a bit bold and unpolished and sometimes there is the urge for more tactics
and challenge during combat.
... still ... it all is forgiven due to the fantatsic quality and storyline throughout the whole game.
Had a thrilling and fun time playing and I hope for more of the devs in the world of MUTANT YEAR ZERO
1689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 18:42
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Review
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is a mixture of real-time exploration and turn-based strategy, you control a team of three mutant stalkers in a post-apocalyptic world, the world has plenty of loot to collect and enemies to hunt down for experience so you could level up and gain some loot that you can take back to home base and sell or craft new gear. When starting the game, you have a selection of three difficulties normal, hard and very hard, there is also an iron mutant to choose which introduces perma-death, no manual saving, auto saves after every combat.
More casual or hard-core player base?
The thing this game does different compared to other turned-based strategy games is that you take full control of your team of three mutant stalkers and traveling around a map exploring freely until you find a group of enemies, the player then can go into stealth switch off flash lights and placing your squad in positions that the player thinks is the best for the once in combat the game turns into a turn based game. The game in my experience teaches the player in the first mission the controls and mechanics really well, so it is easy to pick up for those who will be playing a turn-based action game for the first time quite easily
The flow of the game is set at a good pace while free roaming it allows the player to appreciate the environment that is over grown and desalinate from the post-apocalypse around them listening to the spoken dialog for the story, the camera while free roaming is set at a third person view seeing all three characters. This allows players to think strategically on what is the best weapon to use, what tactics player should use and what character skills to use on certain enemy’s during the game.
How It Works
The game has a gear system to take in consideration equipping the characters with what best suits them and for the situation choosing from weapons, armor and headgear. The weapons are pistols, shotguns, assault rifles and sniper rifles there is a total of 15 weapons to choose from and find during the game each with its own damage, critical damage, critical chance ammo, range and if it comes with a silencer or can knockback and destroy cover. The armor you can choose from comes with some armor bonuses, HP bonuses and special effects ranging from immunity to critical hits, increased throwing range and absorbing explosive damage. The head-gear you can choose from comes with special effects such as +25 weapon range, immune to critical hits, +2 grenade damage and more.
You gain experience points after winning fights you encounter to put into the skill tree choosing mutations and abilities each character has eight available mutations and five permanent stat bonuses. Each character can have three active skills at a time, one for a main skill, one for a minor skill and one for a passive skill, for example one main skill can allow the player to use chain lighting during combat to hit a group of enemies in one turn, one minor skill can allow the player to use chameleon becoming invisible until attacking , one passive skill can allow the player to reach high places by moving or sprinting in combat, each playable character has a different skill tree to upgrade and learn.
Is it worth picking up?
I think it is, even for those who are new to this genre of game, it has a lot of charm to it from the story, game play, sound design and visual design. Definitely worth picking up for fans of turn-based combat and those who are new to the genre.
Rate: 8.5/10
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 08:26
1590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 08:13
932 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 01:11
Let's Start From the End
I couldn't believe the anticlimactic, abrupt, and unsatisfying cliffhanger that is this game's ending! I had to google to make sure that what I got was it. I didn't even realize that I was fighting with the last boss, thought it was just another squad of loser thugs. No big speech, no super-abilities, nothing - the boss was just another mob with slightly higher HP.
I knocked her on the ground with Bormin's Hog Rush ability and she never got the chance to get back on her feet again. But it wasn't the greatest disappointment. The twist also turned out to be kinda lame and predictable. It's as if the game is missing the real final fight and at least one more cutscene that would give the player a proper resolution. Was it done on purpose? I can't say for sure.
Yet, I don't see anything on the store page that would clue me in beforehand that this game is just chapter one or a prologue, which is utterly misleading. It feels like receiving a vapid handout instead of a proper reward. Now I must buy the DLC to see what's next, right? I was going to, but after these shenanigans - no deal.
This is about as much punishment as I feel like administering right now. I don't want to give the game a negative review, it wouldn't be fair. Yeah, the ending sucks, but I also can't deny that I had a lot of fun on my road to it, which is more important in the grand scheme of things. Also, as far as I know, the sequel went to Epic? It doesn't mean that the original should suffer for it, however.
Go Hard, Very Hard
I wouldn't be so kind to any other game, I think, but this one gets a bunch of bonus points with me by simply being a semi-hardcore turn-based tactical game - my greatest weakness. So, if you still feel like you'll be able to get over the flaws as I did, enter the Mutant. Just not Iron Mutant (a local variation of Ironman), forget about it for the time being - there aren't enough characters to replace the fallen ones or adequate RNG to start the game over.
But I do recommend playing on Very Hard if you want to experience every aspect of this game to the fullest. Because otherwise essential elements like health and cooldown management kinda crumble. They do that anyway, but much later on. The lower settings allow anyone to brute-force their way through and come out unscathed from every fight. Besides, you can always change the difficulty with no repercussions.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was given the freedom to explore the Zone at my leisure. The player decides when to go back to the Ark (basically hub) or which location to do first. There's plenty of optional places, all of which are worth visiting, if only for the lovely post-apocalyptic views, which are this game's strongest feature. No wonder why our heroes are called Stalkers and their world - the Zone.
Each location is meticulously detailed, gorgeously lit, drenched in atmosphere, and, however banal it may sound, tells its own story to ponder. I admired all of them, yet my personal favorites are the one with the overgrown trains (Iron Serpent) and the one with the road covered in autumn leaves (Spear of Heaven). They hit just the right spot, kudos to the artists.
Ruinenlust is the feeling of pleasure taken from spending time amidst ruins. I don't know if this term is an exact fit, but I can't find another word for the special sentimental feeling that Mutant's environments are there to evoke. It's a very slow-paced game, yet I didn't mind it for a minute. Crawling through the lush landscapes looking for loot, I was too engrossed in the process to get annoyed.
Items & Skills
The 'ka-ching' sound when collecting stuff, little cutscenes that play when you open a chest, well-drawn icons, and cohesive UI make looting a highly satisfying endeavor. You'll be looking for scrap (mostly to buy medkits), weapon parts and mods to upgrade your weapons, weapons themselves, armor with different situational properties (all kinds of immunities, higher crit when hidden, etc), and five types of grenades of which I only ever used two - ordinary ones and EMP.
Also, artifacts, a reasonably rare find that is used to trade for skills that affect your whole squad. Plus ten percent crit against living targets, higher grenade damage, lower shop prices, etc. It's a neat little reward for being a thorough stalker on top of the individual character progression system.
Speaking of characters, there are five of them in the whole game, but you can play with only three at a time. They get XP and level-up by killing enemies. Each one has a skill tree full of active and passive abilities to fill in. It looks like you should get a load of options from it, but I ended up only using three or four abilities throughout the game.
All in all, I found character builds and weapon upgrades limited, but solid enough to carry the short campaign on their feeble backs. Don't hesitate to upgrade your weapons (silent first), there aren't that many guns in the game. There's no need to save up your resources religiously - you'll have more than enough for everything, don't be too stingy. I was left with tons of unused grenades and medkits after finishing the game.
Stealth & Combat
I can't believe that I'm saying this, but this game has great stealth. I haven't seen it realized so well in a tactical game before, typically it just blows. Not here! They kept it simple: every enemy has a hearing range that keeps you guessing and a visibility radius that you can see, which shrinks when you turn off your flashlights, is all. There's much fun to be had with this, especially when going to a high-level area and snatching high-level loot behind enemies' backs.
You can hide by sticking to cover out of combat. It makes your characters absolutely undetectable. Enemies won’t notice anything even if they literally step on you. Very exploitable, just saying. Yet ultimately, it all leads to setting up an ambush. Spot a group of enemies, clean out the area around them by silently killing every patrolling thug. Then take advantageous positions, slay, repeat.
With minimum deviations. Yes, the game lacks variety. I saw no reason to move at all during combat, and there aren't that many skills or accessories to spice things up sufficiently. There's but one tactic - get behind cover (or be a decoy), hold your ground and focus one enemy with all three of your stalkers. But at the same time, I wouldn't call the game boring. Setting up that perfect ambush and executing it precisely while enjoying great animation and punchy hits felt good.
I don't know how people get 20-25 hours out of this game on average. I've searched every location, found all artifacts, strongest weapons, and only left maybe a couple of useless enemy squads alive. Whatever. Personally, I think that Mutant Year Zero's shortness works in its favor since its systems weren't designed to last. To conclude, the game is pretty decent for what it is, but I won't be asking for more any time soon.
My curator Big Bad Mutuh
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1156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 00:15
not fun at all fuck this game
Nicht Empfohlen
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 19:28
I liked the characters and world well enough to muscle through the first few hours; plus the progression system is great, everything found in the game world ends up working its way back into your characters. There's a real reason to scavenge as much as possible; and it means you might end up dipping into high level territory just to sneak out with some loot. The core meat of the game, larger tacticle battles however, have a very clear loop.
1) Find enemy camp.
2) Stealth and pick off most of the camp.
3) Play a lil' bit of Xcom.
4) Repeat.
Fundementally this isen't a terrible cycle; but there's simply not enough depth to each of the these segments to make the whole appealing. Stealth and scounting is fairly simplistic; you'll be able to find all of your enemies and pick off smaller groups fairly easily. The actual core of the X-COM combat of the game is solid; but because you already wandered around and cleared most of the potential dangers of the level, you don't get those panty dropping moments of suprise when a new enemy sweeps in, or your objective changes. Your goal remains the same in every encounter, and without shifting needs, you have no incentive to change your playstyle.
It should be said that the game is hard enough (if you don't stealth around) to make this near mandatory. Enemy encampments are stacked heavily in their favour, and your gonna burn lots of precious recources to fight them head on. This playstyle is both the most efficent, and the least fun; and it remains that way consistently.
Maybe the game opens up to more playstyles later, maybe the barebones stealth grows on you, and maybe just a more chill version of X-COM is what your looking for; then by all means, give this game a go. It has potential. Just not enough for me.
3695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 14:27
Music 8/10
story 8/10
graphics 10/10
game play 9/10
Wish game was more challenging. Even on very hard Iron mode, I found game to be very easy.
Wish music was more diverse & more dramatic.
Waiting for a second sequel, pls make it more challenging
thank you developers
2503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 19:41
2054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 16:06
- cheesy 80s soundtack provides amazing old school rpg atmosphere.
- the story can sometimes feel predictable in retrospect, but that's because it's a classic homage to beginner's rpg.
- the game mechanics are like a simplified version of XCOM, which works well for me but maybe not for a hardcore gamer. Despite being simplified, they still provide you with a lot of different approaches to combat.
- If you're swedish you will fall in love with the familiar swedish setting (something very uncommon since the apocalypse usually happens in the US). There are a ton of parodies of swedish brand names that they have snuck in there.
(possible) Cons:
- Little-to-no replay value. Being derived from collective storytelling, the game is story-driven (and does it in a charming way). You have five characters, but can only play three of them at a time, which I guess does provide SOME replay value.
- Linear story. A game based on old school rpg should involve the player's choices more. I only noticed a single instance of choice, which didn't even affect the main storyline.
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 18:04
There are a lot of things I like about this game which ultimately influenced my recommendation. This a good game for anyone who's a fan of turn based tactical combat games like XCOM, Massive Chalice, or the original Fallout titles.
Starting with the positives, the world and characters are well polished and fun. Each character has solid, unique voice acting and personality. I found myself picking favorites very early on. I always enjoy eavesdropping on the enemy conversations, and found a lot of the flavor text amusing.
Another point on world-building, unlike the first 2 titles on my list of similar games, there's a solid exploration aspect that rewards you for searching each section of the zone. I often found it beneficial to scout areas I wasn't ready for yet (while carefully avoiding enemies) to pick up extra scrap or gun parts to upgrade and equip my Stalkers. I also feel like this game has one of the best justification for small-squad combat built in. I always felt like the inability to send a b-team to clear or at least mitigate alternative threats should be possible if you had the resources to do so. The solution in this game feels very organic and reminiscent older RPGs.
Unlike a lot of RPGs that shower you in useless garbage, every item I picked up felt like a special treat that would actually be useful with the right build or in the right encounter.
Another positive I found was the difficulty. I played on Hard and often found myself having to approach different encounters in creative ways. Having to pick your battles wisely and carefully pick off isolated enemies to improve your odds is a great touch and I always felt rewarded by finding the best approach. Sometimes I would find myself NEEDING to sneak past encounters in order to tackle them later, an often presented but seldom strongly implemented mechanic.
Now for some negatives:
Starting with the difficulty, don't pick Iron Mutant unless you want to suffer or already beat the story. It's just frustrating. This is a story-based linear strategy games and even the good voice-acting will rub you raw the 5th time you have to hear the tutorial level. There's no way to skip to the part of the game that's actually open-world.
At some point you start picking up additional Stalkers who join your party. Again, each of these has their own story and great voice acting. While there are overlapping mutations, each one feels unique to play with as well. What frustrated me is that my party size remained locked at 3. Again, I played on hard, and there were plenty of encounters that felt far more balanced for 4-5 characters. I do enjoy feeling like the underdog and needing to think through each combat thoroughly, but at times it felt like I was just trying to find the right part of the map to destroy 1-2 enemies at a time without aggro-ing the rest of the enemies.
Speaking of failing to isolate enemies in combat encounters, I found no effective way to disengage with combat. Even if all of my units are hidden, the enemy remains aggressive and waits indefinitely to detect and pursue my Stalkers. I have tried retreating, turn by turn, to get out of a combat I knew I couldn't win. This doesn't work. I find a lot of tactical games add challenge by making the player continuously evaluate whether an engagement is worth pursuing and found the inability to treat very frustrating. I can see why this is the case, since you don't have to manage character morale like in XCOM or similar titles. Nevertheless, being unable to retreat a skirmish felt like an oversight, especially in encounters with enemies characters that can revive fallen characters or call in reinforcements. Even a battle that seemed winnable can become impossible with no recourse left but to load your save.
Ultimately I recommend this title to people who like tactical RPGs, there's a lot here that feels fun and unique and could be fantastic with a little more balance.
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4685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 16:13
Death strode away, stopped, and came back. He pointed a skeletal finger at The Duck Man.
“What duck?”
~Sir Terry Pratchett, Soul Music
Quack! I'm sorry, it's just... let's face it, that's the first thing you think about when you think about this game. You can play as anthropomorphic duck here. And it's, like, a bloody selling point. Sure, Mutant: Year Zero is not the first game to include something like that. Some of you RPG enthusiasts may remember a game called Dragonfire: The Well of Souls. Which was pretty much the same exact thing with CLANS (which you can still find in Steam, by the way, even though Steam version sucks pretty hard), but was also based on Swedish tabletop RPG called Drakar och Demoner (Dragons and Demons). And as you also may know (especially if you're from Sweden), Drakar och Demoner used to include anthropomorphic ducks. Well, the entire thing was an obvious Dungeons & Dragons rip-off and even the ducks were taken directly from Greg Stafford's Glorantha, but we're not here to judge Swedish tabletops. Even though I do have a question here. The question is... what's that between Sweden and ducks? I mean, seriously. Mutant: Year Zero is a Swedish game too. It even takes place in the post-apocalyptic Sweden. And, like I said at the beginning, it comes with the anthropomorphic duck. What the quack? Was Drakar och Demoner that popular on local market? Or there's something I don't know? Well, here's the mystery for you to think about. Let me know if you'll ever find the answer. As for now, let's look at the game itself.
As you can easily tell by looking at screenshots, Mutant is a tactical game with RPG elements. And, like most of the other games in the genre nowadays, it tries to copy Firaxis Games' XCOM. Not like there's something wrong with that, though. Quite the opposite, actually. What Firaxis Games achieved back in 2012 pretty much changed the entire genre. Not like Westwood's Dune 2 changed RTS genre, of course, but, well, you've got the idea. It was a turning point for the genre. And it's only natural for everybody else to follow the beautiful formula Firaxis Games was able to find in their game. Does Mutant do a good job with that formula? Well, kind of. Tactical battles here are pretty fine. A bit rough, totally unbalanced (thanks to which the game feels seriously annoying on high difficulties), but all in all fine. The problem is... there's nothing else here. That's right. The entire game is just... a (very) short series of pretty basic tactical battles. No proper exploration here, no optional quests (well, technically there is a couple of those but they're barely worth mentioning), no base building or something like that, nothing. You just walk forward and you kill stuff. The end. You don't have enough experience? You may visit a couple of optional maps, but that's it about this game.
Despite it's pretty decent look (Unreal Engine, ho!~), Mutant: Year Zero is akin to games like Grotesque Tactics. And even Grotesque Tactics had more content than this. So, seriously, what? They ask $34.99 ($14.99 if you want a little bit more of exactly the same in a story DLC called Seeds of Evil) for... what exactly? For 25 tiny little maps you can cross in less than a minute? Seriously? The thing about this game is that it screams about lack of content. Here are some numbers for you. The game comes with: 9 armor items, 8 helmets and 18 weapons. That's it. That's pretty much all the equipment you can find in the $34.99 game. Like... seriously, what?
And it's not like the story can compensate for all that either. It's the most basic take on H. G. Wells' The Island of Doctor Moreau, mixed with some obvious nods to popular games and some cheap “lols”. Like, you can find Commodore 64 in this game. You feel like laughing? Yeah, me neither. So... yeah. Even though technically, Mutant: Year Zero is a totally playable game and it's hard to argue with the fact that it looks totally fine, it's just way too tiny and limited to be considered as the real deal, while price tag? It's just an insult. Even for $15 this game is a (very) arguable choice. Paying $34.99 for it? You may as well start burning your money. Dixi.
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394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 01:23
MYZ's signature inovation is the merging of turn based grid-combat with a real time top down world. You explore zones, find enemies and chose when and how to shift into the tactical combat mode and begin your attack. If an attack looks too hard, you can pick enemies off one by one by waiting till they wander out of the pack and targeting them with silenced weapons. Sounds cool!
But this fun feature is rendered one of the biggest problems in combination with how brutally hard the game is. Enemies hit hard, there are loads of them, battlefields are small and (unless you play on easy) health doesn't regenerate after combat. If you don't win a fight fast, you're pretty likely to lose it.
Because of this, you are forced into repetitive 'wait, stealth kill, move, wait' gameplay to thin out enemies, before every battle. There are no time pressures, no rewards to push you into taking on bigger, riskier battles, and because health is so precious, you can't afford to not do it. As this experience is the same every time, it really makes what could be a really charismatic and interesting experience much more monotonous than it could be.
In my experience, what makes a turn based combat game interesting is the fact that fights can go long and that surprising and interesting emergent experiences that occur as a result. MYZ fundamentally undermines this by pushing you into short, repetitive battles that never show off the depth of the systems.
4767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 16:00
Big Xcom series fan after bought Golden 1st one 25y ago. Waited with big expectations a while before this released. Wasn't let down after half a year wait Have mostly posit. feels about this & some cons, but nothing that would've stopped me from adventuring. I was happy to support also via dlc purchase here in Steam when it's price was good around ten eur. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is actually based on a tabletop role-playing game that's played with P&P. Set in a post-apocalyptic univ. humanity has wreck the places with ignorance. Every last shred of resources having been ripped from planet Tellus.
You control half-animal beings known as mutants & plunder goodies as you travel around the zone. There's plenty of good belly rubbing giggidy moments while you adv. in the zone & some in the Ark :) They come in text & voice form. Couple mutants you’ll be spending most of your time with are Bormin & Dux. Sure you can switch perm. to new mutants after found more allies. Dream of Eden looms in minds of every Ark Citizen. The settlement believed to be one where all can live in peace without having to worry about scavenging for resources each day.
Wordies about Combat
Both you & the enemies take your turns to move, attack & perform other actions with two act. points per turn. If you move to attack, the turn will end even with additional Ap available. Following a battle, you’re granted exp. points so you can level up & earn Mutation Points. Mutation Points unlock Combat Mutations, which can drastically change the flow of battle once applied to characters. You can pick off enemy patrols to reduce their strength before you go loud & fight the remaining bogeys. Stealth takedown with success won't alert others. Of course you can go in with big boom by sending Bormin first to absorb the pain & show em why he's the funny tanky mutant. Or boom time can work without Bormin depending on what allies you have.
Beauty rustic style built for the Zone.
Likeable characters & good voice acting.
Approach to stealth mech.
Seamless integration to exploring & tac combat.
Solid Ear & Eye massage artwork
Free cam control.
Some frustrating encounters cause of bad Rng.
Some characters lacked the final touch that i wanted to see.
Story that felt recycled, but it's still entertaining so this is on edge for both.
Summary & few words about Seeds of Evil Dlc
Overall, Mutant Year Zero offers engaging & challenging adv. that’s well worth the time you put into it. If you enjoy adventures like Wasteland or XCOM, you’ll find plenty to love in this fine adv. made by Funcom. About Seeds of Evil Dlc: It's a solid expansion to nice base client. It builds on the original without ruining the base client's formula. If you’re looking for more of that sweet tac gameplay that the base game offered, you won't be disappointed.
It's not lengthy as in if would compare to something like Lotr movies extended cut, but gives good lore cont. & new bogeyz & mechanics that's worth of support :) Norm. pricing for it on steam is like five eur higher than it should when know the length. Personally i recom. to get it on Steam when has at least twenty five percent discount. I was happy to support Funcom & give H.School rating 8.3/10 to M.Year Zero: Road to New Eden <3
944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 06:41
I've enjoyed my time with this enough that I will be purchasing the DLC for it.
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904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 12:29
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183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 11:45
sneak past everyone and you can get halfway through in 5 minutes...but wait, now all the enemies are clumped up and you need to kill them to pass, but your guys arent levelled from stealth...and weak from being killing virgins..then they also miss a blood shotgun shot when 2 squares away like how??
Nicht Empfohlen
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 14:12
Basically, you need to get 3 silenced weapons upgraded and then use Hog Wild and Twitch Shot on Selma/Bormin. Then you try to manage those special moves while picking off enemies one by one. If you need to, fast travel back to a lower level area and kill a couple enemies to charge up your moves. Also you should save scum to try and learn how far away your loud weapons can be heard, because there are some maps with groups spread out so far that you don't need silencers. You should also abuse weapon mods and grenades that disable robots.
If you don't do at least some of that, good luck, because enemies do ridiculously high damage, have their own overpowered abilities, and usually have higher health and armor that you. As far as I can tell, you are supposed to cheese it.
1167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 00:31
I have been very thoroughly entertained by this game. Game mechanics are smooth and fun (on par with X-Com enemy unknown), the diversity of abilities, mods, weapons, and rolling character introductions to the squad keeps things fresh. The story and the depth to the characters and world is immense, this game gives you the feeling that you're only scratching the surface of many different tales...the stories have a great balance of post apocalyptic epicness and humor. Voice acting is excellent, which I'm starting to think is a specialty of recent Funcom games.
Main game is around 20 hours of play and is well worth the retail price for the amount of enjoyment I got. I'm definitely going to pick up the DLC once I've finished the main story just so I can get more.
DLC is okay but I it was slightly more buggy than the game and seriously lacked more powerful stealth weapons that could be used in lieu of your starter stealth weapons.
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 01:06
2175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 22:50
Also good postapo story with detailed surroundings and some new thoughts for this genre.
1755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 10:20
Accomplished, ace, adept, compleat, complete, consummate, crack, crackerjack, educated, experienced, expert, good, master, masterful, masterly, practiced (also practised), professed, proficient, skilled, skillful, versed, veteran, virtuoso, adroit, clever, deft, dexterous (also dextrous), handy, slick, sure-handed, gifted, talented, polished, refined, effective, effectual, efficient, workmanlike, able, capable, competent, employable, fit, fitted, habile, qualified.
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640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 06:33
TL;DR: I don't have any beef with the game play; I am disappointed with the cliff-hanger the game ends on. And given that this game came out nearly two years ago, I think this is where the game creators have chosen to leave us. High and Dry. 6/10
1125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 17:28
If you came looking for XCOM, play XCOM instead. This game relies more on atmosphere and story. It's pretty to look at, and the story is satisfying if completely predictable. It looks great, it plays just OK. At first, you think that the leveling up is exciting, but after a while you realize you can just stick with mostly the same weapons, and the mutations you unlock are half indispensable and half completely ignorable. After a short while, leveling up means nothing. You also don't need to buy most things in the shop. The total lack of pressure or demands from the game make the whole thing a pretty linear experience. The story is just good enough to keep you going, though I did force myself to finish.
It's definitely a save-scumming grind, and pretty much every battle has to be fought, but none have to actually be fought. That is, you can stealth your way through the entire game, and while it's an interesting challenge it's mostly just trial and error, with some frustrating graphical glitches mixed in. The graphical glitches and weird editing choices also detract from the atmosphere a bit. I played on normal difficulty, with the Iron Mutant mod. I can imagine it's probably a very different game if it's harder.
Definitely a game made with love, it could have been The Last of Us in the style of XCOM. Instead, it's mostly just a decent romp for 15-20 hours.
2031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 10:43
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, a mouthful of a title for anyone to pronounce. Hence, we simply called it Mutant Year Zero. Mutant Year Zero is an open-world, turn-based tactical role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic world. It is a world where resources are scarce, knowledge of what the world used to be is forgotten and the human race has largely gone extinct. The rare few that survive, however, mutated in this new world; becoming stalkers.
Your two starting Stalkers, Dux and Bormin, were en route for the Ark, humanity’s final cradle of civilization, after completing their routinely patrol while searching for scraps. The more inquisitive players would no doubt explore the lands inch by inch right off the bat. The overgrown flora and Mother Nature claims over men’s construct will reel you in, admiring the game’s apocalyptic atmosphere, all the while encouraging you to explore the map for scraps. But soon afterwards, you will encounter enemies along the way.
Unlike XCOM combat mechanics, you dictate how and when to engage in combat. You may choose to plant your stalkers behind trees, rocks or any readily available covers and lay in wait as the enemy wanders close enough to your position before triggering an ambush. Or the more daring players would just straight-up start a fight just because they can. The explorable nature of Mutant Year Zero opens up these options to you, and if you so desire to avoid combat and just proceed to the next area, that too is doable.
And unlike XCOM combat mechanics, the numbers that laid bare before you stay true to its percentages. 100% means 100%. No nonsense 99% hit chance and that remaining 1% miss chance is the equivalent of a 100% can be found here in Mutant Year Zero. Bringing your guns up close and personal for you to get a good look at your enemy before blasting its ugly face gives you zero room for failure. Failing to kill it though, will have your ugly face exploding next.
Once you have cleared an area, that area will remain to be clear. It’s one of the things that I love about Mutant Year Zero. Enemies that you have bested will not respawn, whereas the ones’ that you avoid still remain. Yet this very notion highlights a single factor; resources are finite.
Every item purchased, every weapon upgrade and the skills you choose must be deliberate. No rooms for error to be held in Mutant Year Zero. No refunds for the wrongful purchases being made. Every combat engagement must be struck with the precision of a surgeon. Otherwise, you will run out of medkit first or scraps to buy them before even making it to the final area.
The scattered scraps and weapon parts all over the map may serve to induce you to explore the area. And the habitual nature to explore for scraps will turn to natural instinct to recon the area first before making any decisive engagement. You won’t notice this subtle change outright, as the first few areas are littered with scraps and weapon parts. But after going through those areas, such commodities become scarce and in turn, you will gain intelligence instead.
This mechanic turns Mutant Year Zero combat into an unintentional puzzle game. A puzzle that requires you to evaluate all known information at hand before committing to any given action. Will you save this lone enemy for later so that you can replenish your skills cooldown? Is the enemy far away from his buddies for you to engage him with your loud weapon? Will you gamble a 75% hit chance with 100% critical hit rate over a 100% hit chance with 20% critical hit? The debate over which combat manoeuvre to execute will certainly set the gears in your brain in motion. This is the intended experience.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is doubtlessly an amazing turn-based RPG strategy game. The story that accompanied the game is but an icing on the cake that’s for your brain. Regrettably, its linear story doesn’t add much to its replayability value. It’s Iron Mutant mode or Stalker Trials mode, an online high-score map clearing segment, however, may warrant you to go at it for another run. But for me, I already had my fill.
See more game review over here.
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1756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 22:40
1506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 20:45
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40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 08:57
1333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 00:46
Even the lowest difficult is absurd. If you're like me and you try playing this game on the hardest difficulty because you were king shit in XCOM, prepare to get your ass whooped. On the easiest difficulty, you'll still need to avoid a lot of encounters until you're strong enough to return. Do yourself a favor, swallow your pride, and play on normal difficulty.
1640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 09:42
From zero to hero!
The Pros:
- Great postapocalyptic atmosphere in a limited open world.
- Awards exploration. Go where you should not go. :)
- Combines real-time stealth mechanics with classic turn-based combat.
- Lovable characters and an interesting story.
- Good amount of humor plus lots of old-school references.
- Slow-paced, makes you think before going into a battle.
- The DLC fixes the cliffhanger ending of the base game a bit.
- Supports 1440p (WQHD) displays. Runs on APUs (e.g. AMD R7 4800U) on lower settings.
The Cons:
- The duck-hard difficulty forces you to sneak around mostly.
- Save-game simulator.
- Only few weapons, abilities, squad members and enemy types.
- Too much squad/inventory/mutation micromanagement. Becomes cumbersome over time.
- Too much backtracking for my taste.
- Too hadware demanding for the graphics on screen (when you max everything out).
- The DLC is dull and mostly more of the same. Apart from Big Khan.
The Wishlist:
- Make the next game a bit bigger, deeper and more complex.
- Add a minimap or map zooming.
The Verdict:
- t Year Zero is solid turn-based game and well worth playing. But beware, you need to be a though duck to survive in the Zone. Score: 7.5/10.
1851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 01:12
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667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 07:55
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 02:37
Cons: in dire need of a new game plus mode/ respawning enemies to give it a little more replayability that isn't playing it again on extreme difficulty and you might feel like a few plot threads are left dangling at the end.
970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 23:20
As you get to know the characters, and the conclusions they make, you can't help but chuckle.
Serious plot with humor mixed in here and there that isn't over the top.
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402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 20:32
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1189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 07:55
- combat is over-simplified, X-Com did it decades ago.
- Mutations could have been a great feature but it is very basic and there is little point to some of the mutations as the environment rarely gives you opportunity to use them.
- Attacking looks bad at time especially when you shoot through wall perfectly fine but have no line of fire on an enemy you can clearly see. Whats that about?
For the moment it's thumbs down as it is not worth the asking price.
In the future, who knows maybe the devs will make this game better.
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94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 08:46
If you are here for a strategy game, stay away. The strategy in combat is pretty simple and easy to figure out, the real game comes down to you praying to the gods of luck because even with a gun right between enemy's eyes you still have a chance to miss. The only reliable weapons are grenades because those work 100% of time (At least as far as I got into the game), the rest of the combat is pure luck - not something I want in a strategy game
2593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 19:28
I enjoyed every little bit of it and I warmly recommend it to anybody who's into this type of games or want to try it.
Story: 7/10 - It didn't leave a mark, but was unique in its sense.
Gameplay: 8/10 - Doesn't beat XCOM and it does copy mainly all the abilities in the game, yet remains unique and fun at the same time.
Visuals: 9/10 - Looks great and has not many requirements when it comes to your GPU.
Playtime: 30-45 hours (depends on how much you want to get your achievements done).
Overall verdict: 8/10
Give it a try, it's worth your money and time.
1490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 04:11
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98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 21:32
The lack of meaningful choices or even interaction with NPC further make this a chore to play about half-way through. This should either have been a proper RPG or a short and sweet shooter (maybe half the length?). There's nothing stopping a game from being both but it's better to get one thing right than two things wrong.
909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 14:55
If you like X-com and/or post-apocalyptic settings you will like this game
Mutant year zero is a really good turned-based strategy game. The amount of polish and love that this game has is clearly visible, so if you are a fan of the genre, it's an easy buy.
The comparisons with X-com only extend to the combat, there's no base management and the characters are pre-made and the customization only available through items. This might look like a downside to some, but having pre-made characters allows for a lot more character development, and the little chats between them are amazing.
It also has a very linear experience compared to X-com.
The only issue that I found is the story. It's not bad mind you, on the contrary, but it doesn't end. The ending from what I could understand is done in the DLC, which.. I don't find particularly fair but it is what it is.
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136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 15:01
But the game-play is extremely linear. Each zone has been created to funnel your movement in a single direction. The story does not vary at all from one play to the next. Even the contents of discovered resources, like chests, remain constant. When the characters level, you get just enough points to select one option from those offered. So even character progression will follow the same path each time you play.
There does not seem to be any mechanic with which to create your own character. You will be using the same stock characters. They are cool, but some variety would be nice.
The story also involves a lot of cut scenes.
My suggestion would be to play this game on the easiest difficulty to get the game content. Once you have played through it once, you will probably never want to play through it again.
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279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 20:32
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1361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 23:44
Bad: Mechanics are not good. It ends up being a game with not much variablity. There is no Random Number Generator to speak of, if you reload 20 times, you will get the same outcome. So you end up just figuring out when and who should shoot when and then play that out. Too controlled of a game and the combat isn't very good. Too predictable.
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337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 18:48
Based on the tabletop RPG of the same name, players step into the roles of a group of Stalkers in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, seeking machinery to repair their home, an isolated tower called The Ark. At this point, you may have noticed a series of familiar tropes and callouts, not the least of which are the rather ham-fisted references to preceding works like Roadside Picnic or Tarkovsky's Stalker or the subsequent video game series loosely inspired by that aforementioned film. This is what sets the tone for Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden.
Even the more out-there inclusions that set MYZ apart from its contemporaries, like the game's anthropomorphic animal protagonists, fade away into a backdrop of familiar terminology and ideas. It's one thing to draw inspiration from other works, but it's another to seemingly fail to build upon those influences to create something new. This is only exacerbated by characters who appear to be little more than a series of tropes and cliches, offering little in the way of any meaningful depth. If the player were given some option for roleplay in between sneaking and fighting (e.g. Shadowrun Dragonfall), the characters might feel more lively and real; instead, the whole affair feels static on a narrative level.
But I digress. The game is a top-down tactical RPG that seemingly eschews the roleplay elements of the original TRPG in exchange for the crunch of combat. And, to some extent, it succeeds. The game regularly pits the player against larger, more well-armed groups of enemies that taken as a whole unit would immediately overwhelm the player. Instead, the game encourages a stealthy approach, sneaking around enemy groups to find isolated characters to eliminate. The idea is... good, if not entirely fleshed out. While the ability to choose your battles and pick off stragglers offers a delightful amount of tactical options, the stealth mechanics themselves are pitiful at best. There is no option to lure away patrols, no way to cut off enemies from their comrades without just sitting patiently, and no way to shake off pursuing enemies to lower pressure. Instead, the inclusion of stealth mechanics feels skin-deep, more like a gimmick to add to the tactical RPG gameplay than a meaningful mutation of central gameplay.
I feel like I'm being too harsh here - clearly, a lot of love went into crafting this game. The music and sound design are excellent, and the environments and character models are gorgeous. The game still feels good to actually control, even if the difficulty curve can occasionally sit too high for comfort. And it's always nice to see lesser-known RPGs given the video game treatment. Shoot, I was a vocal fan of Cyanide Studio's Call of Cthulhu RPG, in spite of its plethora of problems. But something about Mutant Year Zero rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the gamefeel, maybe it's the almost paradoxical lack of imagination. But something doesn't add up. Perhaps it's that this game failed to win me over. This was Mutant Year Zero's chance to convince me that the game and the TRPG of the same name offered real depth and opportunity for story, and instead, I was given an all-too-familiar meal. It's not bad, but it has trouble shaking off the dust of mediocrity.
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399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 12:05
I started on Hard level just to quickly realize health is not restored between maps. That's not fun, not challenging and you will run fast out of medpacks and money to buy them. Normal level solved this issue.
You get money/resources by walking small maps and collecting blinking items. Not entertaining, not challenging.
Later you realize that fight mechanics are not challenging either. You need to sneak behind enemy and peak them silently one by one. If you fail to kill such enemy in one turn, he will call support. At this point you are pretty much screwed. This is repetitive.
From ergonomics standpoint: the game lacks quick-save with single button.
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486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 11:17
I like the idea of the setting and have some awareness of the pen and paper rpg its based on, but the game doesn't live up to the possibilities that offers. The upgrades are just boring, the best you can hope for is better crit chances. Which when you're promised to play as mutant animals with constantly evolving dna isreally so disappointing.
Combat's quite boring, you'll just want to try and ambush individual enemies and kill them in the first turn to keep them separate, because you cannot succeed in drawn out combat, you don't have crowd control skills or weapons and all your characters are very squidgy.
The story is really flat, I thought the characters might be able to sustain it, but the occasional banter between the posters own Pig and Duck really isn't all that good.
I don't hate this game, and I hope that if you give it a go you get something out of it and maybe the company can give this another go. Otherwise there are a lot of other similar games that just do this a lot better, from gameplay to setting to story.
2175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 17:19
1234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 07:06
So I tried it again a short time later and decided to putz around in zones waaay above my level. And that's when I found I could scavenge for gear in such places. Because the game made a big deal about avoiding skull level enemies as a death sentence, I was led to believe that skull level zones were similarly off limits. Not so! You can take your time and simply slip between the enemy's detection, avoiding them entirely, and simply leave when you're done. I didn't even know I could fast travel back to the base at first, which was a big deal because the characters move like molasses on a cold day otherwise.
With this new understanding of what I could actually do, I managed to gear up, return to some enemies I couldn't touch and wipe them out for the very necessary amounts of xp I needed. And that got the churning of further xp/loot to get moving, instead of leaving me stymied. And with being able to fast track back to base, I could also more easily upgrade my weapons, as the manual walk back is very slow and boring otherwise.
There are some downsides, to be sure. The game has the XCOM curse of accuracy. You'll miss almost constantly with a 75% chance to hit. On those oh-so-important stealth kills where you HAVE to drop the guy in a single round, having RNG be such a factor is incredibly irritating because the game does not allow for any error in your shots, otherwise you'll eat an entire zone of enemies which is basically game over anyway. As such, expect to constantly restart fights again and again because you need to be practically standing on an enemy to get perfect accuracy, but their detection radius don't allow for it so your stuck being forced to miss.
For all the stealth play there can be, the game can get really monotonous when the combat and constant need to spy on enemy patrol patterns begins to add up. This is a very slow paced title. You follow the exact same strategy every fight, it seems. Take out the wandering lone enemies and then pile on whatever is left. This hard focus towards one approach doesn't allow for a lot of new strategy, which dulls the game. Sometimes I wish Mutant was less stealth and more XCOM, due to this dragging repeated design.
Despite this, I saw give this game a chance. It's an odd little stealth meets XCOM title and I feel like it could have used a better tutorial to what the game expects you to do, but it's mainly solid as a whole, despite some dull combat moments. With the learning curve, group stealthing strategies, and getting a feel for what your characters can reasonably do at a given time, you'll find this is a pretty fun game. Definite thumbs up!
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647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 20:18
Tried to drag myself through this and give it a chance but not enough to keep me playing, story or gameplay wise. Pick off OP enemies one by one, rinse repeat, rinse repeat, rinse repeat etc etc etc
Boring and tedious.
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 20:23
Focusing play around a fixed set of characters and levels allows for a deeper level of storytelling than other strategy games. Combat often requires specific play styles to fit that narrative.
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 21:06
If you like the turn-based tactical rpg genre ( á la XCom) you will like this game.
The world is wonderful, very atmospheric and feels alive. Filled with details of a post apocalyptic world where nature claims everything that once was hers. I absolutely love the style and designs of the characters and the individual levels, some more forest(y), some more city-ruins.
I kind of felt some Simon Stålenhag (if you don't know his art, go check it please!) vibes in some levels due to the robots, the atmosphere and maybe also because the game has swedish roots.
The story is also told in a very immersive way by one of the main-characters while beeing visualized in some nicely rendered and/or some comic-esk cutscenes. Aswell as a well done english voiceover during the whole game.
There is even some humor in it, which for me was unexpected, but very fitting.
Gameplay wise, its everything you would expect from a turn-based tactical game, with some additions in unique character-bound skills to switch up the fights and give them some new turns.
I really liked the necessary switching between characters, upgrades (mutations) and weapons in order to win the fights on different locations.
Also there is looting and leveling (on a small scale) involved - so what else do you need ?
There is a kind of online-feature aswell, something like highscore-hunt ( idk, haven't tested it yet) Maybe it increases the replayability of the game - but even without I pumped easily 15 hours relaxed gameplay with exploring every nook and cranny of the levels and scooping up every piece of electronic garbage :)
All in all - a visually very pleasing game with fun game-mechanics and loot. Love it!
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282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 09:31
You won't have fun tho, because it's simply not.
Prepare to hit the Save/Load game every 2 minutes, otherwise you won't be able to success your planned attacks on enemies
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551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 20:42
I wanted to love it, It seems well made, i like the character design/artstyle/world ect, I just can't really get into it and ultimately became bored. I'm sure I am the problem, the game is too clever for me or something, or my lack of experience in similar games left me at a disadvantage. I stealth killed stragglers and avoided groups too powerful for me and made my way to the story/mission goal only to be confronted with even more enemies I couldn't fight as I hadn't got enough XP from killing all the earlier ones. I then backtracked all the way to the first group I snuck past and still couldn't really handle them. I then started reading about how to use mutations effectively and found peoples general advice on combat was basically what I was trying. At this point I got up and walked away to make a cheese and salad sandwich.
Call me old fashioned but to me a duck with a sniper rifle should be shooting things from a distance, not running up on enemies to attempt a 100% chance critical hit. If an unsuspecting enemy can take a silenced pistol round and a rifle round to the face and not die, they are probably someone you don't want to be f**king with.
Meh. Maybe I will come back to this game one day after I play Xcom.
It was a very good sandwich.
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431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 14:55
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159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 00:24
1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 20:38
This game completely changed my perception of turn-based combat. Turns out it can be fun and engaging when done right. When the dialogue between or even during combat makes you smile or think about what you know about the game world. The characters are interesting and make you feel something when they get hurt. And the story is very interesting as well. It got me hooked and I really wanted to know how it ends.
I got into it quite quickly and started enjoying the game right away and the more I played the more I liked it. Upgrading weapons and characters made it more and more interesting and opened up new tactical maneuvers during fights. I played on normal and found the game pretty challenging but not frustrating. Getting critical hits on the enemies feels so satisfying. I did get some critical chance upgrades but never really relied on them. Weapon variety and how you can use them adds even more depth to the tactical aspect of the game. And you will need to think tactically sometimes because there's a variety of enemy types to deal with.
One of the things that put a huge smile on my face are the references to artifacts and some other things. I can’t say much without spoiling it so you’ll probably have to play it yourself.
And play it you should. Even if you never played this kind of game. I’m so glad I got this for a gift. Once I completed the game I went and added some more to my wishlist.
Thank you, Anastacia of Astora.
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 11:11
881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 09:44
But the story is too short. I recommend you buy it with discount.
2790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 19:30
The player follows a storyline on a future world devastaded by a virus. There you investigate the rumours of an Eden, completing missions as you explore (and discover) the locations on a map.
The locations seem brilliantly designed and detailed, and sometimes I just regret the lack of being able to freely control the camera and zoom. Most of the locations are quite dark and the player has only a flashlight that gives you just a bit more sight.
Also, there's no map for the locations - you do have a compass, and pressing Q ingame can point you to the location's exits. Still, it can become a bit confusing at times.
Unlike XCOM, on M.Y.Z. you command a few mutants, and each has his own skills. Some skills are common to some of the mutants, but some are unique. Throughout the game you pickup some armour and weapons. Those weapons can be slightly improved, and sometimes that's just enough to make a big difference during a fight.The game holds its own on the strategy genre, and manages to keep itself away from XCOM, with a gameplay that benefits a lot from stealth and the well timed use of the mutants special skills. It takes just a bit to get started, but once you get the mechanics, it's quite good and rewarding.
The shot percentage system is very enjoyable. The percentages to hit scale on 25% intervals, so 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100.
Most of the times if you get a 75% chance to hit, you do hit the shot. It's also assuring to get a 100% chance to hit, because unlike XCOM, I didn't find one single time where my mutans stood next to and enemy and missed the shot.
Overall, I think the game is quite well balanced and lots of fun. It lacks the replayability of XCOM, because the levels are not randomly generated. This makes the game's life dependant of future DLCs. That said, the already released Seed of Evil DLC was also quite fun to play and I eagerly away for the future adventures that may come.
Mutant Year Zero is great game, and it's an easy recommendation to any player that likes strategy games.
2334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 10:05
The game can be pretty challenging but don't get discouraged, it's pretty easy with all things considered. It can feel like a slow game at times, but learning enemy routines and collecting all the loot is vital. But you decide how to play the game. I went super cautious, you might go guns blazing.
My only complaint was it felt like a short game ultimately and so I must acquire the DLC to continue the story, but I love the game so much. You have to give it a try, you're missing out if you don't try this game.
Just gotta think real tactical, plan ahead, and go through trials and errors (unless instadeath is on lol)
Rating? 8/10 for sure.
The Bearded Ladies
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