• No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.
  • No Place Like Home: Screen zum Spiel No Place Like Home.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.03.2022
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Preis Update 23.02.24

Über das Spiel

Willkommen bei No Place Like Home!
No Place Like Home ist eine hübsche, entspannende Simulation, bei der du in die Rolle von Ellen Newland schlüpfst. Ellen will ihren Großvater auf der Erde ein letztes Mal besuchen, bevor sie auf den Mars zieht. Doch bei ihrer Ankunft muss sie feststellen, dass ihr Opa verschollen ist und seine Farm kürzlich zerstört wurde.

Ellen beschließt, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Sie will Umweltschäden beseitigen, den Nachbarn helfen, ihren Opa finden und seine Farmtiere retten!

Säubere die Umwelt, beseitige Müllberge, sauge Schrott weg und recycle Ressourcen, um deine eigene Traumfarm zu bauen! Alles, was du brauchst, kannst du im Müll finden oder durch Recycling gewinnen. Wenn du dich mit deinen Nachbarn anfreundest, helfen sie dir mit deiner Farm und bei deinen Abenteuern.

Erforsche die Welt und erlebe Abenteuer in vielen abwechslungsreichen Zonen. Bahne dir deinen Weg durch die Abgeschiedenen Hügel und behebe den Schaden, den giftige Gase dort angerichtet haben. Rette auf den Gefrorenen Gipfeln Tiere vor dem eisigen Klima und repariere das Leck einer alten Fabrik, das aus der hiesigen Pflanzenwelt Riesenpilze gemacht hat. Öffne den Staudamm und lass den Fluss in die Wüste strömen, um die Natur zurückzubringen.

Finde und rette entlaufene Farmtiere, die über das ganze Tal verstreut sind. Wenn du gut für sie sorgst und ihr Vertrauen gewinnst, werden sie sich bestimmt erkenntlich zeigen. Und wenn du dafür bereit bist, kannst du deine tierischen Freunde mit Partyhüten ausstaffieren und Feste feiern!

Baue dein Haus wieder auf und richte es ein, um es zum perfekten gemütlichen Heim zu machen. Finde auf der ganzen Welt Dekorationen und Ziergegenstände, um dein Domizil zu personalisieren. Zuhause ist es schließlich am schönsten: No Place Like Home!

Wenn du dich nach einem harten Arbeitstag entspannen und mit deinen Tierbegleitern abhängen willst, dann bist du hier genau richtig!


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
  • GFX: GTX 750 / Radeon HD 7770
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Polnisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

20 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 14:01
Mir gefällt dieses spiel sehr gut :) zum weiter empfehlen
136 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 08:47
Ich habe das Spiel seit fast Anfang (als Geschenk erhalten) an und vor kurzem wieder installiert. Ich muss sagen, dass Spiel hat sich sehr verändert, zum positiven! Die Map ist gewachsen, die Möglichkeiten ebenso. Die Grafik ist ganz oke. :) Und das Spiel macht mir persönlich viel mehr Spaß als damals. :D Ich suchte das Spiel seit dem offiziellen Release!!! :D Eine klare Empfehlung zum Kauf dieses Spiels! :)
554 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 13:47
Das Spiel versucht sich irgendwo zwischen My Time at Portia und Slime Rancher anzusiedeln, kann aber an die Qualitäten beider Vorbilder leider nicht heranreichen. Macht vielleicht die ersten paar Stunden noch Spaß, weil man die ganzen Mechaniken neu entdeckt, aber dann stellt sich bald das Gefühl ein, dass man doch immerzu nur das Gleiche macht.

Mit einer Müllzange und Tüte rauszugehen und in der echten Welt Müll einzusammeln macht mir mehr Spaß.
68 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 22:13
really nice game, I just wish it would be co-op
60 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
2527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 19:19
Für ein Spiel im Early Access hat das Spiel viel zu bieten. Obwohl es Leistungsprobleme gab/gibt und Ansammlung kleiner Bugs, ist das Gesamtbild, das Spielgefühl und das Gameplay aussergewöhnlich gut. Es ist entspannt, süss und macht Spass. Die Charaktere, das Aussehen, die Möglichkeit Tiere zu züchten, Farm zu bauen und zu verwalten, zu craften, zu entdecken oder zu dekorieren, sorgen für ein insgesamt angenehmes Spielerlebnis. Schade gibt es keine Errungenschaften :/
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 10:57
Dieses Spiel sieht wirklich hübsch aus, ist leicht zu verstehen und macht absolut süchtig.
286 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 19:14
Wer Stardew Valley mag, ist hier richtig. Gutes Spiel für Zwischendurch. Hat noch die üblichen Kinderkrankheiten.
142 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 10:17
hatte das spiel seit anfang 2021
da war es noch nicht richtig spielbar.

aber nach den grossen updates läuft es gut
und macht spass
ein art harvest moon + die erde von müll befreien.
grosse welt zu erkunden
einige dungeons
und immer was zu tun

gefällt mir gut
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 23:18
Das Spiel durch Zufall gefunden und gedacht für 3,99€ kann man nichts verkehrt machen.
Und ich muss sagen das Spiel hat mich komplett überzeugt.
Zu sehen wie sich die Welt verändert ist richtig schön. Die Spielweise macht auch extrem viel Spaß.
Ich habe es nun 6 Stunden am Stück gespielt und bisher so ziemlich alles erspielt was aktuell möglich ist. Ich freue mich sehr über kommende Updates.

Natürlich waren hier und da einige Buggs (Gegenstände schweben in der Luft oder lassen sich nicht richtig abbauen) aber darüber kann ich bei einem EA hinwegsehen.
853 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 22:54
as long as the performance is as bad as it is in the current state, I unfortunately cannot recommend it.
I hope the developers fix this in the near future
33 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 06:49
No Place Like Home - oder wie mir Frank'n sagen würden: Derhamm is' derhamm ist wirklich sehr knuffig und intuitiv zu spielen - selbst ohne großartige English-Kenntnisse sehr leicht zu verstehen. Grafik farbenfroh und erfrischend. Sehr viele liebevolle Details. Gameplay kinderleicht mit LMT, RMT, Leertaste und 'n paar Hotkeys. Story und Dialoge auch leicht verständlich. Kleine Rätsel. Riesige Map mit 'n paar Abkürzungen im späteren Spielverlauf. Die Map-Abschnitte, die noch kommen werden, sind teilweise schon besuchbar (halt noch ohne Optionen zum Interagieren). Leicht verständliche Crafting-Möglichkeiten für Perks, Gerätschaften, Helfer-Gebäude, aber auch für Deko. Speichern ist jederzeit möglich - einfach ins Bett gehen und schlafen. Ein paar Soundbugs gibt es noch, ebenso 'n paar Stellen, wo man denken könnte, dass es ned weitergeht, aber mit etwas Geduld schafft man es doch rüber zu glitchen (nicht zu verwechseln mit gewollten Stellen, wo es erst im späteren Verlauf hingeht). Die Musik wird ein richtiger Ohrwurm (wiederholt sich m.E. zu schnell zu oft und kann es nerven - einfach leiser drehen ;-) Ansonsten ein tolles Spiel für Zwischendurch ohne großartig denken zu müssen und für das jetzige Stadion der Entwicklung unbedingt empfehlenswert. Na und wer bei 3,99 € ned zulangt und zu skeptisch ist (von wegen billig kann nix taugen) der ist selbst Schuld. Viel Spaß beim Zocken. Servusla - Herzlichen Dank an die Entwickler/innen ????????????
104 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 22:40
Würde ich diese Game weiterempfehlen? Ja und Nein. Für 5€ kann man es sich kaufen. Inhaltsmäßig eher ein nein. Es ist für den Preis eigentlich zu wenig drin zumindest in meinen Augen.

Nach 7 Stunden habe ich alles erledigt was es zu tun gab. Daher kann man die Kosten gut verkraften.

Man merkt das noch einige Bugs vorhanden sind aber bei einem E-A-Titel muss man damit rechnen. Manche Sachen wie z.B. die Vögel für Saatgut sind eher nützlich wenn man alles erledigt hat bzw. alle Bereiche im Game implementiert wurden.
101 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 15:52
schnönes game aber seit gestern ist nur noch ein Ladebalken (huhn) und das war es dann
62 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 21:46
das Spiel braucht noch viel arbeit.
Es ist noch nicht viel zu machen.
Ich würde warten bis Nächstes jahr für mehr Content.
Tutorial wäre gut ist aber nicht notwendig.
man versteht was man machen muss ziemlich schnell zwecks der bilder.
Key Bindings wäre auch sehr cool.Für das Geld kann man nicht viel erwarten finde ich und auch nicht viel falsch machen.
172 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 03:54
Don't get me wrong, this game isn't bad and it has a lot of possibility but it's still an Early Access game no matter if it's in 1.0 or not. There are so many things that need improvement. Although it is definitely worth killing some hours with, the reason I have to give it a negative is because it is absolutely NOT worth $20. That is a ridiculous price for the game as it is now. I got it through Humble Bundle for like $5 and it's worth that. Do not buy this unless you can get it at a very steep discount or until it has had more work done.
334 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 01:11
I'd give this a neutral review if allowed. The game seemed fun but I got terribly motion sick every time I played it. I fiddled with every setting there is to try and make it work, sadly no luck. I get sick during car rides but this is the 1st game that's ever done that to me.
535 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
3438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 20:51
It's a conditional yes. The previous beta iteration was excellent but needed a bit of tweaking. This new pre- release overhaul has become a childrens game. The underground maze has been closed off probably because they couldn't figure out how to put down line markings and a chart on the floor or walls to show different shortcut exits out of the maze after they were discovered. All the great puzzles are missing, the games been dumbed down so much I can really only recommend it for 5-13 year olds. If you like something simple that your children can play and you can waste some time on, this is it. Full of cute chicken hat and wow references and super easy to play. The story isn't particularly interesting. The tutorial though is excellent and visual cues teach the player the controls nicely. The graphics are cute but can be a cause of motion sickness for some.
The premise: Earth is a polluted mess and you've returned from Mars to your grandfathers farm. He's missing and you need to find him. You need to vacuum up mounds of garbage, learn to make increasingly better patterns and upgrades for your tools. You need to trade preserves which you make and it can be a lot, 250 in some cases plus produce you grow to purchase patterns for building farm animal houses, bee hives and many other things. There are quests to fulfill that don't actually give you any rewards, but you can confidently ticked them off you list as you finish them and eventually find grandfather and solve the mystery of his disappearance. The vac pal that you arrive with is your main tool for clearing garbage. You are going to put that thing to very good use; killing bots with water or drilling them to death. Breaking up stone, glass and rubber and sucking up the results to turn into building materials. You have a home you can open up and decorate. Every area is instanced off and you have to complete the main story line to access the next area. I personally am disappointed. The devs said they had listened to feedback, but I can't believe this is what the player wanted unless they were aiming for it to be a children's game and nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of great kids games out there that adults can enjoy as well. I simply miss the original beta ideas because they were great, challenging but not obscenely so. The shortcut maze made for a longer game and trying to remember which passage led to which area was part of the charm. Combat has always been simple but then combat is not the main thrust of this game; simple combat is hard to come by these days and appreciated by many.
I recommend it a a family/childrens game. There's not as much in the game as there was but I am sure the devs will continue to add content over time.
2491 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 15:53
Buggy mess. Don't buy it until the full release and they sort things out if they ever do. Examples of things that can and did go wrong:

-Your entire farm disappearing after hours of work put into it
-Quests being unable to complete because you can't get a certain item because (insert any number of reasons here)
-Animals that have been befriended never showing up to your farm therefore sometimes stalling quests and upgrades
-Floating unreachable trash piles
-The hit boxes for some things makes it nerve-wrackingly difficult to harvest etc.
-and the list goes on....

I do give credit to the devs for trying to listen to us players and they have made some changes that made things a little easier but something is definitely wrong with the coding and they haven't tested enough when they release these patches to placate all the complaining.

So just don't buy it yet, folks. It's a wait and see.
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 22:33
I enjoy this game alot, loving the new update. a few small things... i miss the little farm robots and i prefer the way it used to work when i upgraded my farm machines and buildings. now i'm stuck with storing or trashing all the smaller versions, and it was just cleaner the way it worked before and seemed perfectly reasonable to have to wait one night for it to upgrade. i do like the new map and simplified world layout. it's harder to get turned around and lost now. I liked the underground better before this update, yes it was difficult to keep track of where i was and getting lost was easy but now theres nothing to it. the clever hidden shortcuts before the update were really cool but i understand why they were scrapped. LOVE the new decoration options, hoping there will be a couple more styles, maybe i havent unlocked them yet.
418 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
16306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 13:41
TL;DR - WAIT another few months before you buy this game.

The long version:
Let me clarify: is it worth buying this game RIGHT NOW? No, I don't think so. But it definitely has potential and I've had some fun playing it - so my advice is actually yes it will be a decent game but WAIT UNTIL A FEW MONTHS AFTER FULL RETAIL RELEASE before you try it. In its current stage there are still too many bugs, too many weird glitches, it eats up too much RAM and too much processing power, and the developers are still trying to nail down the specific gameplay mechanics they want while also trying to finish writing the story questline and such.

This game is still in EARLY ACCESS. But they are ramping up for full release in just about three weeks or so, after several delays already. I've been playing since version 0.11, very early days more than a year ago if I remember right. Now we're on version 0.32 and still finding more than 100 bugs, many of them game-breaking or will cause the game to crash and lose progress. I played through all the different versions since 0.11 and left bug reports and feedback for the developers. It has potential to be really cool. But only if they manage to fix all the bugs and take care of the graphic and memory optimization FIRST.

Now a description of what this game is...
It's an ADVENTURE game first. Explore the world, help the local residents rebuild their town, help some other folks study birds, save some wild boars, replant trees, help some sick sheep... yeah there's a bit of variety in the quests. Meanwhile you'll have to defeat (or stealthily avoid) some hostile robots while using your vacuum cleaner to suck up all the trash because Earth has basically become a giant landfill - so everyone else has already moved to Mars.

It's a FARMING game second. While you run around, you'll find some different seeds to plant, you'll buy blueprints to build equipment to use on your farm, you'll build chicken coops and pig sty so you can tame some livestock. And you'll cook various recipes using the fruit, veggies, and eggs that you get from your farm. Then you'll use those cooked dishes as payment for more blueprints at the local shops, so you can improve your farm and upgrade your ability to explore outside the farm.

The basic story is: you play as Ellen, a young woman living on a space station. You decide to visit your grandfather on his farm on Earth one last time before moving to Mars. But when you get there, the farm is destroyed (buried in a trash avalanche) and your grandfather is gone. Maybe the neighbors know what happened or where he went? Let's start by asking the... wait, is that a TALKING CHICKEN???!?!?
88 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 23:12
The recent update changed the character of the game dramatically by depersonalizing trade with NPCs and adding lots of grind. MASSIVE KUDOS to the devs for listening to player feedback and rolling out quick fixes for the worst of the grind. It goes a long way toward restoring the former charm of the game.

Still, the devs are keeping the switch from the system of personalized barter to a formal currency-based economy, despite the poor fit with the story. (Do we really need a currency for a game world with fewer than 10 people on it?) It makes me question the direction for the game, I recommend new players wait to purchase until after release (announced for March 10) to see what the game actually is at that point.
138 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 15:40
Don't buy until the devs fix this broken-ass game. The latest patch was a huge step backwards.
66 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 17:06
Let me say first, that I really loved the game the time I could play it and I would really like to play it, if there wasn´t an really big issue which not many people seem to have.

The gameplay is good and relaxing. The Tutorial at the beginning was informative but to be honest I forgot the most of it after that. The most problematic for me was the inventory and the chest. The inventory get full very easily so you need to use the inventory. And here comes the problem:
My game crashs or most of the screen turns black if I open the chest - at least if I open it to long. And cause you need to push the things you want to move over it takes some time.
The issue lies here in the RAM-Using. I don´t know why, but once I open the chest the game takes more and more of my RAM till it gets full and - as I already said - crashs and other issues. I don´t have an bad computer (32GB RAM, Geforce GTX 1600, Ryzen 5 2600x) and I know the game is in its Early Access. But the Issue exists at least 2 months and even if you report the bug via E-Mail (which they want) you dont get any response so I ask mysyelf (did they get it? did they work on it? Did it help them?) And somewhere exists a discord site but I myself didnt find it and cause the developer dont post many things in the steam forum, I can´t get any information regarding that. And thats really frustrating.

So as long they don´t fix this damn frustrating bug, I won´t recommend it. I will change my review IF (and only IF) they can fix it.
372 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 14:13
Lost my progress multiple times despite following the only way to save, which is to run all the way home and sleep or just wait for the next day.

The gameplay is okay, but gets very tiring after digging through piles of garbage in the 10th area. The vacuum is nice for picking up items on the ground but feels clunky when trying to vacuum a pile.

The combat also feels clunky but isn't difficult, so I guess there's that? Unless you get hit by a projectile and get stun locked to die instantly. Sometimes enemies will be columns of trash, which would be fine, except the game often puts you on top of them and you can't hit them, but they can hit you.

It feels like this game has no real direction, you end up just wandering around through samey piles of garbage. There are quests, but they appear to be written in some arcane language I can't read. It's definitely not English.

All in all, I kept going on this game because I thought there had to be something more, but there isn't. After losing my progress the most recent time, I can assuredly say I do not recommend.
37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 18:56
The game follows my usual interests. Its like playing My Time at Portia but more adult??
313 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 17:23
I love the concept, I love Stardew Valley offshoots, I love everything about this game on paper, and I got it refunded after the first fifteen minutes, which is the first time ever I've actually used that feature before.

Why? For the same issue a number of other users on reddit and Steam complained about; sticky over the shoulder camera stays glued to a character bobbing constantly across a moving landscape, which made me so nauseous I had to quit right after finishing the intro and confirming there was no option to change it. I am a bit sensitive to motion, true, but so far I've managed to always work through it or around it in games as in real life. This game? It actually made me dizzy after a couple of minutes, I had to pause and close my eyes.

Now, I rarely give negative votes, most games I don't like are for reasons that are personal or would not be a negative for others, and I don't want to downscore a game that would give joy to someone else... but in this instance I KNOW I am not the only one to have problems with this, and this is a common issue with POV gameplay anyway that really should be part of the ABC of what to fix when building this kind of game.

DEVS! Please fix this and you will have at least one new customer (again) and probably more. Until then, I'd be better off reading a book on a roller coaster...
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 19:14
I been enjoying this game HOWEVER I have a issue when I'm running this game on my laptop which is fully charge to 100% after like a min of running the game my laptop BATTERY DIES for me to keep playing this game I have to have my laptop plug in with the charger the whole time I don't understand this I have no similar experience with other games SO WHAT IS GOING ON! I'm still going to keep playing the game but this situation with my laptop dying if I unplug my charger is very annoying!!!
108 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 05:02
This is such a lovely game. I highly recommend it. My recommendation if you're a first time player don't go ham on making recycled material with rubble. You'll get plenty of trash. It makes less recycled material, but rubble is used more in crafting. =/ I made this mistake and now It's taking forever to make my first chicken coupe.
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 00:50
Lovely game, very cozy and relaxing, and adds more depth with fighting the monsters! I love it!
143 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 18:27
Fun game. I just wish it had controller support.
242 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 16:41
I was immersed right away. Cute, Fun, you can potato your way through the game or go full out. Exploring is fun with some puzzles. It's well thought out and I'm excited to see the final version.
137 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 13:08
This game have absolutely lot of potential.
I loved the look, i loved the idea.

However; I do not have motion sickness, but this game made me feel nausea anyway.
So if you do have it, be aware that it might effect you too.
564 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 21:58
In a lot of ways, this game is pretty decent, but the more I play the game, the less likely I am to ever recommend it to anyone. In fact, at this point, unless it's free, it ain't worth your money and support at all right now. It's that bad.

It has a lot of issues (nothing game breaking, but still a lot of problems) and a lot of logic and fun factor issues. Getting stuck simply because there's no jump mechanic is weird to me, but invisible barriers in places where there really shouldn't be any are really annoying. Food is used as a one time market / upgrade thing and nothing else... so having a large farm is completely pointless as you only ever use each food item once (twice max). There's no way to heal yourself aside from sleeping it off. I don't feel like health upgrades and movement speed upgrades do anything at all, there's not even a visual indication that it does anything. Water tank upgrades and well is a pointless addition to the game as not once have I ever felt like I needed those. Recycling / preserving also seems pointless as you really don't need much of it in the game. There's no motivation to doing anything in the game since the payoff is always either nothing at all or nothing of actual importance / value. Getting that first door unlocked in the tree house was incredibly annoying as it rewarded you with literally a small hallway with a lot more doors to unlock. Finally getting a room door opened just offers empty space which is completely not needed at all, I assume all the other rooms are the same. There's no balance in the game at all, even the stacks make no sense. Controls and UI could be improved but are tolerable, graphics and sounds are pretty good for the kind of game it is, music is repetitive like most games which is why I always disable it. Oh, and I only just realized that I can use the water on those blue buttons to unlock stuff. There was no guidance at all to indicate that's what was needed to be done to them.

I definitely don't see the point of giving us all these new locations to explore if there's no motivation / rewards to grinding our way to those locations. Why should I clean all these locations? Why should I saves the animals from the cages? Why build a home for the foxes and feed them? Why build a home for the deer and feed them? Why filter out the pollution in the water? Why neutralize the gas, especially since it does nothing at all to me despite the quest need for herbs which also has no effect at all? Why re-plant the trees? etc... There's no reason to do any of those things and so many others I forgot about. All these quests give you nothing at all as reward.

Also, is it just me or is this game a bit sexist? NPCs (mostly male) do literally nothing while being arrogant like they know everything. The main character (a female) cleans everything including the NPCs yard and does all the cooking for them, etc. Why is there not even an option to make a male playable character? Just seems a bit sketchy to me.
567 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 03:46
yeah, not too bad!
132 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 17:39
This game is very relaxing and gives that kick of serotonin to those who enjoy games where you have to clean and make a place better. The art is beautiful. I would love to know who the artist is because I love every composition they have created. I wish the playable character in game was more similar to the design of the artist. I am looking forward to seeing some changes as the game develops. I think the game badly needs a currency sink since once you get the recipes it makes no sense to work on farming or even taking care of the animals. Perhaps a friendship system with the npcs would be a good currency sink. We get to give them food everyday and increase our friendship level in other to access better equipment, tools, and even interior decor. There is one main thing that is very stressful about this game, the storaging and how the items stack system. The chests are not very useful and there is an overflow of crops and seeds which also relates to the lack of currency sink. Overall, it is a good game with a lot of potential.
707 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 22:23
I love this game so much. It is extremely relaxing to play and I can easily spend my whole day playing this game. I love exploring, cleaning, and taking care of my plants and animals. I feel like this is a game that most people could play and enjoy when they just want to chill.
62 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 01:13
I want to start off by saying that I really like this game. I enjoy the cleaning (I find it soothing) and I enjoy the post-apocalyptic vibe. I also enjoy fighting the robots and farming. The pacing is good, the quests are interesting, and I love the idea behind it. It is also very easy to grow crops as there are no seasonal restrictions or fertilizer needs. There are some minor bugs (stuck animals, floating trash stacks that you can't destroy, etc) but since this is an early access game, I know those will be fixed. However, with all that being said, there are some things about this game that annoy me as a player.

Spoilers ahead...................................................................

1. The idea behind the farming is that you use the crops to make preserve meals that are used for making items. The other use for them is using them to buy recipes from NPCs, which is a one-time thing. While these are both great, I feel like there's not enough crops are being used for. I find that I have excess and I end up having to throw them out or make a ton of chests for storage. I think it would be good to come up with a way to either use these crops to restore health to your character (which you can't do without sleeping right now). It just seems like, once you have the recipes, there's no reason to grow crops. Before I finished Lonely Hills, I had over 1000 preserve meals. Now I have about 5000. You can make them very quickly and easily.
2. This is more of a personal note, but I wish there was more to the story. We get hints of it here and there, but I think the game would be better if the story was more fleshed out. It's not overtly explained in the game what happened to the planet, how things went wrong, etc. Ellen's backstory isn't explained. The NPCs really don't have much of a backstory. I feel like the players are being teased with hints of what could be an incredibly interesting storyline to go along with this game, but the devs stop short of fully forming it. I hope this is something they are working to improve since this game is still early access.
3. The map is pretty useless. It doesn't have any labels, it doesn't show you where you are, and it's just confusing. I had to go to the wiki page to figure all that stuff out. If you're going to have a map, make it useful.
4. You can't replenish your character (Ellen)'s health. You can increase the health bar with upgrades from Harold the farmer, but when your health gets low you can't actually increase it. Nothing bad happens if you lose all your health points - you just transport back to your house and wake up the next morning, no items lost or anything. However, when you're in the middle of something, it is very annoying to be killed by a spider robot and transported home. Most games with combat have some kind of potion to replenish health, yet this game doesn't.
5. The mechanics of the farming are not very easy. You have to press E and individually remove each crop. This is very time consuming. I hope the devs figure out a faster way to collect crops, like having the cubebots or the robolamas collect them for you. It's the same for the animals. Every day, the chickens and ducks lay eggs, and you have to go up to each of them, press E, and then give them food, a pet, or a bath. This prevents you from having more animals on the farm because it is just so time consuming. I end up just not collecting eggs or parts from cubebots for a while. I hope the devs find a way to streamline this process for the future.

The reason I am choosing not to recommend this game is because of the above issues, but mainly the farming mechanics and lack of health boosters. Since this game is predominantly a farm simulator with a post-apocalyptic twist and added combat, I have to judge it based on whether the game is delivering similar to other games in the genre. To put it bluntly, the farming mechanics are difficult and needlessly time consuming. It can take hours (in game time) to harvest crops, losing valuable time. Also, any game with combat should have some kind of potion or way to improve health in the field. This game has none. Based on these factors, I can't recommend the game over something else like Stardew Valley. I feel the game is incomplete right now, and personally, if I had known these issues prior to purchasing, I would have waited a bit longer. There's always a risk with an early access game, and I will still continue to play because I do enjoy it and see the potential for it to be a great game. Unfortunately, right now, it's just not living up to its potential.
94 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 08:48
i admit I do tend to play a lot of gardening/raising and fighting games and pretty much there all much of a muchness in general, but this game has certainly put a really neat little twist. There are no NPC's to deal with except the shop keepers so pretty little interaction in that direction, yet I manage to spend 6 hours non stop and feel that I have accomplished considerable amount with a long ways to go yet! Totally engrossing and just when you think it dumbed down, it comes back with a kick. Well, that's my thoughts. For what I paid, fully worth every penny!!
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 00:56
Oh my goodness, this game is basically meditation for those who cant meditate.
528 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
5083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 18:41
This is a cute farming and questing game. I enjoyed it very much, however, there was quite a bit of repetition and every time I would die I had to go all the way back where I was to continue. I did like the idea of clearing trash and collecting items. There was one quest I never finished and decided not to complete it. I wish there was a way to gain health by eating food you cook. I wished there was a way to save the game instead of having to go back to your home. I know it auto saved occasionally but when you quit the game you would be back in your house when you started it back up again.
45 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 13:55
This game really appeals to my environmental side it's nice calming game involving a lot of problem solving as well as exploration. visually spot on! I love the way the cows dance. A couple of suggestions...A modifiable sign post recipe would help..I kept getting lost in the underground dungeons and I think an option to change the gender of the player's avatar would also be better. Just having a female character is a bit stereo-typing, she's vacuuming up loads of rubbish and cooking for NPCs :)
30 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 10:26
I never thought I would enjoy collecting trash.
I wish it had multiplayer tho, it's a bit lonely playing alone.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 17:28
Wow! I cannot say enough good things about this game! The game is beautiful, relaxing, and provides instant and abundant serotonin (it's very satisfying to watch the landscape be revealed as you clean up!). This game is the perfect mix of open-world adventure and base-creation/farming.

Long story short, I HIGHLY recommend this game!

For the game devs: My only complaint (and I use that term loosely) is that there are times when trash/items fly or roll into non-accessible areas (usually water) where your character cannot get to them. Is there anything you can do about this? Also, an option for character personalization, even very basic/simple options, would be cool. Anyway, keep doing what you're doing! I am absolutely in love with your game :)
27 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 16:54
I love it. Just wish there was more guides about robots. Took me 30 mins to figure out how to kill a robot with a black tip on the end.
493 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 01:58
This game is so, so much fun. It ticks all the boxes for me, survival, crafting, taming animals, planting crops...Also, there is something so satisfying about vacuuming up the garbage. You do fight the evil robot minions (hint: spray them with water), but, that is not the focus of the game. 10/10 so far from me.
136 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 23:19
This was an really great game! I was obsessed and played for like 4 days straight and was so upset when I finished all that has been updated. I cant wait for more releases I highly recommend this game.
28 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 22:32
Something you can easily play while intoxicated.
68 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 14:52
A very fun game although buggy, it has come a long way and I am enjoying each update.
979 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 01:36
I am an achievement hunter (well at least not like I used to, it's hard to game while being a mom!). I usually purchase games only if there's Steam achievements, Idk why but it's satisfying lol. Anyway, this is the first game in a while that I'm willing to play without achievements. Reminds me of Wall-E... while the plot isn't entirely original, it's somehow a new feeling, rebuilding (cleaning) the world where you were born sounds awesome to me. It's a chill game!

I get that this is a early access, but here are the things I hope they improve:

- It's hard to find a place where you can build your coop/pigsty, or even plant a tree for that matter. And if you can find a place, it's probably in the middle of your farm which isn't nice... I hope they can fix that and be able to place your buildings in the corners of your farm. This is really my main concern, because I can't design my farm well..
- Please add quantities when crafting! So you don't have to push the same buttons over and over again and keep waiting when you're crafting!
- Can you make the battle/combat system more rewarding? :D OR, if you add weapons, man that would be great, even only melees! :D
- Please add fast travel and signs! <3
- I'm unsure how much it'll effect the overall programming of this game but it will be great if you could add Stamina bar and be able to sprint and jump! (or just the sprint is great)
- Being able to sort items in your inventory would also help a lot.

I also hope they add achievements too as well!! <3

I'll give this a thumbs up and hopefully I'll be able to see more from this game. I'm looking forward to updates and new stuff in the future. 7/10.
975 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 16:11
I want to give this game both yes and no i give it a tumb up i like it becouse its a time consuming game wich is what i like and i love the way this game is going but i got tierd of dying when i was doing puzzles and becouse i dont find the fast travel entrance in time and have to walk the long way back and remember where i was, and the bugs in the underground.
So i think i want to wait until next big update before i want to play again.
61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 16:24
I wish this game had an economy and currency to trade and improve. I produce items and I don't know what to do with them except for making basic meals which I have a lot of . It would also be nice if there were more NPCs and outposts. I feel like I am alone in the world. Quest mechanics need improvement to better navigate to the quest locations, like a quest tracker. There should be a mini-map with quest locations.
29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 10:20
Very fun game to play. There's something satisfying about cleaning up all the areas and setting up your farm and decorations to your own liking. Still some areas to be unlocked in upcoming updates which I'm excitedly looking forward to. There is some combat but it's as easy or as hard as you decide to make it with how you choose to attack. A few puzzles to figure out, which makes it challenging enough to not be a breeze to walk through the game in just a few minutes. Replay value is great, as you can use what you learned in your previous playthroughs to improve your experience. Definitely would recommend this game.
212 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 18:11
I really, really want to like this game. It's actually very fun once you get into it, but man it's a challenge to run. As other commenters have said, this game runs incredibly hot for no real reason. You pretty much have to set everything to 'performance' mode or else it will overheat badly. There's still a lot of glitches, but that's to be expected with early access.

I don't know if I for sure would recommend this game at this time. There's just too much polishing that still needs to be done. Inventory management, crafting, and even just basic gameplay without major bugs. My opinion will probably change at the full release, but for now I just can't recommend it. Wait until the full release.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 06:11
Clocked almost 22 hours on the game and managed to finish perhaps 95% of what the early access version has to offer. First impression: reminds me of My Time In Portia minus relationship and town building aspect, instead of mining, you're essentially getting rid of landfills and battling evil bots in exchange for resources while restoring the green in your environment, and that is super satisfying in my opinion.

Pros: I see whole lot of potential with the game, the artwork is beautiful and the expansive world is an ambitious feat. There's plenty of resources to be had, in fact too much that I was wondering whether it would make sense in the long run.

Cons: The camera movement can be frustrating a tad nauseating. Since the world is quite huge, I find my character walking around a whole lot especially when I'm in the middle of a quest and the time runs out, the grind starts again tomorrow having to 'walk' to the destination. Would be nice to have some kind of transportation upgrade!

All in all, love the concept of the game, perfect for OCDs like myself who also loves a farming resource management type of game. Looking forward to the full version!
113 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 16:51
Okay so actually love this game and honestly i would recommend this game if this game didnt make me feel nausea every time i play it.
246 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 12:15
Shows promise, recomend to buy it on sale to support the devs, and mantain the eye on its development, could turn into a jewel if its polished and built correctly.
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 09:41
Loved the look and idea of the game...but my fps was so poor i couldnt play. So disapointed. :(
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 06:22
I love this game! The idea is quite brilliant and it has a different concept from both stardew valley and my time at portia, yet has the same ambiance and feel as those two games.

Things i do like about the game
1. The game play itself >> basically farming in an open-world game of exploration
2. No Energy bar>> the map is big so it's great i can spend whole day without getting tired
3. The design/overall visual

There are some things that i do find disturbing and probably need to be fixed about the game & also some inputs:
1. No option to run/ no mount >> takes too long to go from one place to another and you can basically spend 1/4 day just to walk to your destination. It does get boring
2. Some places are too dark (even at noon), especially in lonely hills and dungeons. It's just so hard to see things.
3. Still a lot of bugs, some garbage piles are floating on the air, and can't be sucked in by the vacuum >> of course this is expected as we're still in early-access stage
4. So many resources (fruits, vegetables, trash, etc) of the same kind but a lot of it can't be utilized >> probably need more quests/side quests. Also adding other varieties of resources in the complete version of the game later would be nice
5. Adding different background music in different area/region will be great. so u don't listen to the same music over and over again
6. Probably great if we can add name to the storage boxes, after a while i got 12-15 boxes and it's quite a hassle to open and close just to put things
7. To add to the whole efficient thing, it's also great if we could move stuff from our backpack to the storage sorted according to the item type just on a click of a button.
8. To top the whole experience off, adding different weather will help users to stay excited and reduce the monotonous feel

Thank you!
108 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 19:20
A more streamlined Stardew Valley or My Time in Portia. It's still fun but doing anything requires doing something else first. Not much to swerve. Still a super fun game
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 17:55
I threw up every time I played this game, I do have motion sickness but usually not to the point I actually vomit. It's a fun game but I can't play it.
339 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 11:15
Note: This game is a work in progress and I'm approximately 3 hours into the game, but these are my initial findings of the game. I'll add more if I find them.

No Place Like Home offers an interesting take on the the traditional farming sim experience, by placing you in charge of cleaning up the planet with nothing but a drill and a vacuum.

== Pros ==
*Large world to explore.
*Decent graphics.
*The ability to upgrade skills and buildings.
*Customization of the farm and world is great - you can pretty much place things in any of the major zones.
*Many decorations to craft, and easily accessible at the beginning of the game.
*Something I found really interesting was the lack of a monetary currency - instead, crafted materials and cooking products are required to purchase recipes.
*Reward system for tending to animal and pets.
*Exploring dungeons to find extra materials if you're running low on materials in the open world.
== Cons ==
*Probably the worst feature of this game is large amount of time spent drilling and vacuuming. Sure, you can easily create paths for yourself and cut down on time wasted, but in order to maximize the amount of space you can utilize, and even just to make the world look less cluttered, you have to spend a lot of time cleaning up.
*No character customization.
*In the beginning, resources are pretty limited.
*Characters lack personality and are mostly there as a middleman to unlock the recipes. In fact, you can access the recipes by viewing the station next to the character, which means you can bypass any conversation with them at all.
*Tutorial doesn't cover some of the aspects of the game including combat, or how to access your home.
*Rotating the camera to try and look at anything is terrible.
*Using the hose or trying to pick up patches of soil is wonky and you have to angle it just right or it won't work.
*I don't know if anyone else had this problem, but I had enemies that were immune to the drill if they weren't facing me.
*Vacuuming the junk off cubebots is also very wonky, sometimes it doesn't register at all.
*Map doesn't have any useful information and basically just shows the overworld.
*Placing things, especially when planting trees, can be frustrating because most of the terrain is not flat and does not allow you to place things wherever you want.

This is definitely one of the better Early Access games I've played, and there seems to be a large amount of content already, with more planned in the near future. According to the devs, they expect the full game to be released by Q4 2021, so we'll see if they hit their target and hopefully fix a majority of the bugs and include some quality-of-life changes.
301 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 14:25
Oh boy. This was a hard decision for me to make.

I have a lot of good things to say about this game. The game play loop is fun. Reward structure and progression are on point. The game does a great job of offering you menial tasks that you do for the sake of decoration and organization while leaving you plenty of time to do them without feeling like you are neglecting the tasks that you have to perform for progression. It keeps you contained and offers you clear instructions on how to progress. Doing so always feels good and you get a sense of accomplishment when you pan your camera around and see the work you've done.


Minor negatives include:
- Combat is not fun, unrewarding, and not challenging at all
- Movement is clunky and the camera is hard to negotiate when using your vacuum or drill
- The vacuum mechanic is entirely over used. There are many examples of you having to interact with something twice simply because they felt the vacuum needed to be involved. For instance, crops. First you have to pick them, then you have to suck them up.

The game breaker though? The reason this got a thumbs down from me?

You spend ENTIRELY too much time mashing your left click and space bar. Drilling and vacuuming easily make up about 80-85% of game play. If you're the type of player that can clear only a path you need to the things you want, this isn't a problem for you. I enjoy this game, I keep finding myself getting the urge to play it but when I do I get bored. I'm the type of player that likes to clear areas and keep everything and so this ends up taking an extraordinary amount of my time playing.

If you're like me, save your money.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 22:42
I had a lot of fun playing this game, enough fun that I've played it through twice already.

Be aware that the game has A LOT of bugs still (it is still EA, after all), some quests cannot be completed currently, but I had a blast playing through it anyway. Very cute little pop culture references thrown in to find. There's still not a lot of reason to make meals, other than to unlock upgrades, so I hope that gets addressed with the next big update.

If you're the kind of person who can overlook bugs, this game is absolutely worth 10 bucks.
44 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 20:52
Would be a really cool game concept if it could actually run. The game is unplayable on my computers that can run top of the line triple AAA games on maximum settings. I don't understand how my computer can run AC Valhalla on ultra high graphics, but this game doesn't run on low or medium? After I purchased and requested a refund, I noticed other reviews mentioning the exactly the same thing. Why is it unplayable? And if my computer can't run it, what kind of high end machine do I need to have for this?
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 20:42
really simple and fun game that can keep your attention for hours while still allowing ease of break times. Not really a fan of the mechanic where you fall asleep and it takes you back to your last tent you slept in. If you've traveled a lot it can really set you back to not have a closer site. Also wish there were a better mapping system as I feel there is more to this game that I have yet to discover but I can't tell without spending hours trying to remember all the mapping of the tunnels and stuff. I also wish there was a larger community for this game and a proper Wiki page to ask questions.
200 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 20:15
The game runs like crap, even on a PC that can run other games like The Witcher 3 and Doom Eternal on the highest settings with a smooth 60 FPS. You'll be lucky to get 20 FPS in this game. Turn the render quality and the graphics down to performance mode and pray that it helps the game run better... if you're lucky, the game will run slightly smoother in some places, but it will look worse.

However, there doesn't seem to be any fixing for the outdoor areas, which run around 15 FPS and manage to dip even lower! This is seriously one of the worst optimized games I've ever played. The FPS is so bad outside that I was getting motion sickness at times.

Many areas are borderline unplayable due to how horrendous the frame rate is. This is completely unacceptable. I don't know how the developers thought this was ready for a launch. Granted, it's early access, but this is unbelievable. I've read other reviews that have noted this is a frequent problem and, unfortunately, the developers don't seem interested in fixing it.

There are also a lot of typos and the camera controls can be wonky. It'd be nice if there was a button press or something that reset the camera directly behind the player.

Taking care of your animals is a chore. The AI on your animals is terrible and they get stuck in hard to reach places, making petting them, feeding them or harvesting eggs, etc. a nightmare. The frantic FPS and camera make this even more frustrating. It shouldn't be this much work. Games on the Gamecube and even SNES had it smoother than this.

Planting and watering and taking of crops is equally frustrating. Don't plant trees, unless you need to. They prevent the player from being able to see.

I know I'm being quite negative. But there are some serious fundamental issues with this game. It's nearly unplayable at times.

The underground sections, such as the dungeons, fair far better with performance. I'd imagine this is due to the walls that prevent the game from having to load huge areas into the view. The camera can be annoying in these areas and there are a lot of robots to fight... but the combat needs work. There's no sound design when you hit enemies so you usually have to rely on a delayed drop in the enemy's life bar. And there's no way to heal yourself, other than going to bed...

AND the game forces you to go to bed at 10 PM every night. Which is annoying as well. There's a tremendous amount of room for improvement and I can only hope that the developers read reviews like this and take it to heart.

All that being said, despite the enormous number of issues, this still a pretty fun game. It's easy to get lost in. (Literally at times. The dungeons are large and there are no maps.) Despite horrendous FPS issues, and a general lack of polish, the world is fun to explore.

The NPCs are nearly all ugly or bland with their designs, including the protagonist, but a couple of them have some nice personality when you speak with them. Most notably, there is a talking chicken named Cornelius. I liked that.

At the core of the gameplay is picking up trash. And the developers found a pretty good way to make it fun. It's strangely relaxing to make the world cleaner. It's a good concept. It's just ruined by a horrible framerate and laggy controls that at times are buggy.

I wish the FPS would improve as you clean out the bigger areas, since the game has less to load... but it doesn't. The performance continues to chunk, no matter how much you clean an area. What's even more strange is that the game runs worse after I quit out and load back in. Really strange.

Despite my nearly overwhelming negative review, I'm still going to give this a recommendation. I don't want to detract other people from purchasing this because I have faith in it. I really hope this is able to turn around with the performance issues and become the next Stardew Valley or My Time At Portia.

If the developers add more social interactions and improve all of the other issues, then this could really become a great game.

This is a good start and I'm excited to see where the developers take it. I'm going to trust them that they eventually fix the many performance issues. I'll keep playing it until then because I'm still having fun... but if they can't fix anything, I'll lower this to not recommend. Because it is rough around the edges.

So for now, I recommend this. But be aware of what you're getting yourself into. This is not a polished game. The developers claim that it's 50% finished... I really hope that they can improve the performance by 100% before it's done. Because this runs like dookie.
122 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 05:15
Still early access which means there are still bugs that need working out. And I believe the game has potential but as it is now its not a lot of fun. Or it was fun but a little to monotonous after the first couple of hours. I'm hoping as the game develops this will change.

- Unique way of collecting resources by drilling and vacuuming up trash
- Currency is food a player has to cook from crops and livestock resources
- Different NPC you meet as you explore teach you new recipes
- Relaxing game music

- No camera zoom in or out. If you plant trees they'll obstruct your view A LOT!
- Invisible walls in some livestock coops, making it hard to interact with animals
- Day cycle too short.
- There is no sprinting, jumping or mounts so getting from point A to point B will take most of your in game day
- To many resources and not enough things to do with them.
- No way to regain health except to sleep.
- Can't rotate camera when place item down so you have to be facing exactly the direction you need to in order to see where you are placing items.
- Can't access storage when crafting so you have to make sure you pull everything you need from storage before crafting.
307 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 04:05
-I love the optimistic and wholesome narrative of living a sustainable life on Earth after it's been trashed and abandoned by most of the population.
-I love the level design! I feel compelled to explore by cleaning up trash to find secrets and new areas. Every area feels like it was designed with purpose. And the way you reveal more of the map by cleaning up trash and upgrading your gear to clean up MORE trash is pretty clever and well executed.
-It's a relaxing farm-sim AND adventure game I feel I can play the way I want to.
-Nice music and artstyle. The art for the animals is incredibly cute!
10 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 21:47
Graphic's are pleasant. Music is relaxing. Game play is nicely paced and not rushed.
38 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
25916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 19:00
I love the game just wish they would fix the floating garbage piles.
808 Produkte im Account
198 Reviews
632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 13:34
Great concept, fun game play and gets updated! Needs a bit of polish but I really think this is going to be a big winner when it is out of EA.
105 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 10:30
- a much more chill version of no man sky but mixed with sdv
- love that you start off with a tree house
- encountered a bug at 2.1 hours (got so mad cuz steam policy is no refund after 2 hours) luckily it fixed itself after i reloaded the game (i had all the ingredients to buy a recipe but clicking the purchase button wasn't working)
- very satisfying to clear out a whole area and make it lively again
- crafting is pretty straightforward
- great tutorial
- nice variety of base customization
- comes with cute little puzzles
- employ robots to collect garbage for you... all they ask for is some shelter, batteries & occasional cleaning
- absolutely LOVE that the NPCs aren't gold diggers, they'll help you out for some fresh foods/hearty meals :D

needs improvement:
- taming pets from maps outside your farm will cause them to get stuck at your farm entrance. relog needed to reset them to their pens
- most quests have NO REWARDS, prepare to do a lot of stuff out of good will
- lacks enemy variety
- strawberries try to fly away after picked
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 01:49
Love cleaning up the valley. Very satisfying.
68 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 06:20
This game has gotten better since it was first released into Early Access and I am enjoying it. The re-worked tutorial is much better and appreciated. It's pretty unique and offers something new into the farming/crafting sim genre. Also the graphics are beautiful, it's one of the things that actually first drew me to the game.

One of my favorite things to do in the game is smack the trash to break it down and then using the vacuum to suck up all of the garbage. It's just so satisfying, lol. I like the combat too, it's simple, but effective. I also appreciate the plant/crop watering aspect and how we're not made to water each plot one by one. Each spray of water covers multiple crops from the start. Oh, and I'm a big a fan of there not being any stamina in the game (at least that I've noticed yet). I enjoy being able to do what I want for as long as I want without having to worry about energy. You do have health though (which makes sense since there are monsters to kill that can attack you as well). As for the in-game clock - I personally found it fine. It's not too slow nor too fast and I was able to get a lot done during each day without feeling stressed or rushed.

I don't have any issues running it on my PC or laptop (to be fair though, they are both gaming computers) with high settings, though I do notice it runs a little hot. I've not experienced any lag or crashing.

There are a couple of things I'd like to nitpick about and see added, and hopefully the developers will see them:

1. Why do you have to pick plants and then vacuum them up? Once you pick them they should automatically go into our inventory. Having to vacuum after picking is weird to me, and a bit tedious.

2. I'm not sure how to really explain this properly, but Ellen's movement is so heavy feeling. Whenever I am playing I feel like I am weighted down and so slow. It feels clunky. I also feel like we should be able to jump.

3. The 24hr clock. Please consider adding an option to switch to a 12hr clock for those of us who prefer it.

4. Add a sorting option for our inventory...please!

5. Add the ability to change our mouse sensitivity. Turning and rotating the view/screen with the mouse is a bit too slow right now and I'd like to be able to have the option to set it how fast/slow I want it/need it to be.

Finally, the one major bug I've come across and experienced is sometimes, even when I have 12/12 in my water tank, I am unable to water my crops. There are also times I am unable to attack monsters or break down the trash. It happens randomly and it can be remedied by restarting the game, but it still sucks.

I'm looking forward to the many more updates, but as it stands now, there is a good amount of content to be played and land to explore... especially for the price. I recommend it to anyone who's into farm/life/crafting simulation games and are looking for something just a tad bit different from the usual farming aspects. It's a stress free game with a lot of charm, beautiful graphics, and a relaxing soundtrack.
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 15:41
Enjoying the game - start over frequently to try to get new ideas on how best to play efficiently. I did play through the last version once without any of the animals so not really certain what the purpose of them are but then again I may not have played the game correctly. (I'm 81). I am looking forward to the next patch and will continue to play the game.
***Huge problem with me is the shadows. I can not see the towers of garbage when they are in the dark shadows especially against the fences or under trees. Would be nice if we could turn off shadows or at least improve the contrast considerably. I hate just going around swinging the tools trying to find the towers of dirt. Thanks
155 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 14:45
Once the performance issues are resolved then I will switch my rating. But, this game runs fine when you start. No issues with lag or frame rate drops, but when you save and exit then return, you will have serious lag in your home area if you have the chicken coops and robot homes. It clears up a bit as you exit that area but lags out again when you get the market area. The game has a good core and it has a relaxed feel to it, but the lack of content will give you only about 8 hours at most worth of game time. Is it worth the $4.99 right now, indeed. If they follow through with their road map, then it will be an absolute steal.
61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 00:06
I love it so far! It reminds me a lot of My time at Portia. A cute little world in a post-apocalyptic setting with robots and animals. The only issue that made me a bit frustrated throughout the game is that you have to vacuum each item (for example, after harvesting the vegetables, you also need to vacuum to collect) and it's a bit slow aggghhh. I wish the items would just come to you like a magnet (My time at Portia mechanics would be perfect, hope the developers look into it :D ). It's also easy to get stuck on things and random small trash that's blocking the way.
Otherwise, I look forward to see the full version.
17588 Produkte im Account
1390 Reviews
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 20:56
A Post-apocalyptic farm game, where you clean the environment and rebuild the village after humanity trashed the earth and abandoned it to start a new life on mars. Very addictive and so much fun. https://youtu.be/h4BV0jPg_NE
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 00:51
Very cute game. Enjoyed it a lot. Only took about 5 hours to finish current content. Look forward to new content.
288 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 22:26

No Place Like Home

I really like the game so far. It shows so much passion and potential to be something different. I like the idea of Eart after all people left. And you will be building kind of community in future updates. I really hope Developers will keep their promise and continue deliver that quality work they did so far. I can't wait when it will have more features and they did show they care. As they release many nice hot fixes to fix optimization and the major glitches and bugs. Which is really amazing support.

+ Graphic is very nice, suits the game and atmosphere
+ Music is so calm and relaxing
+ Reacycling trash into useful things
+ Skill Tree
+ Useful farming
+ Cooking
+ Interesting beginning
+ Post+Apocalyptic World
+ Clean the trash around the world and use it for useful things

- The optimization could be even better
- Some little glitches and bugs (nothing too serious)

My Conclusion: The game has huge potential and it's still for low price, go get it, support the Indie Devs. They totally deserve it! Also after each Major update, the price will increase so. Im giving the game now 8/10. As it's in Early Access now. But i really recommend it already. You will not regret it.
28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 02:13
I actually was enjoying this game. But at one point in time, it crashed (that's fine) and it WILL NOT start back up. It gets stuck on the loading page. I have done everything they suggest. When I emailed the makers of the game I got nothing. It has been weeks and I still can't play it. I am super disappointed.
58 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 18:33
So far I really like this game. It's very simple and relaxing. For $5 I feel it really is worth it.

-Farm and ranching is very easy
-The game is very pretty in its... waste land ascetic
-Controller users can easily learn to play this on a keyboard
-Great time killer
-Music is nice

-Clipping issues with the terrain. Mostly ascetic, but still a bit annoying
-Getting stuck on terrain you really shouldn't be getting stuck on. I'm getting stuck on the edge of a lump or grass/dirt or at the very corner or a rock I'm not even touching. I end up not being able to run away or move out of the way of an enemy attack.
-Watering. It was great for a while. I started collecting apple seeds and all of a sudden I cant water my crops. The action doesn't work at all.
-No way to heal. I'm not sure if that's the point, so maybe this is just a personal opinion. It would be nice to have a way to heal. Maybe food or a spa. I know you heal when you sleep, but I would like to heal while I'm out roaming and collecting.
-Everything is TOO easy to buy. I usually like easy relaxing games, but being able to buy everything upgrades you so fast there's just no challenge at all.
-When I try to pet/clean live stock and bots, sometimes the action doesn't work.
-No jumping. I enjoy jumping. So this is probably just a personal preference. But it's really odd to find a game in this style that you can't jump in.
-Screen tearing and frame rate. Turning on VSync did help a bit.
-No controller support.
-NPC? Ive been playing for 4 hours and have only found 1 NPC; the guy by the store (don't remember his name). I'm not including the NPC by your home when you finish the tutorial.

All in all I do enjoy this game. I look forward to updates as we go and really hope these bugs are fixed soon.
80 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 08:26
It is a fun game. Repetitive mostly but i suppose the most annoying thing is the drop in FPS. Boy does that hurt especially when you know you have a beast of a pc. With time and optimization this is quite a promising game. Picked it up for the $7.50 AUD, not too shabby for what you get so far. Just gotta improve the FPS.
316 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 15:27

No Place like Home

OKAY. I like this game! Let me make that clear. I plan to play MORE!
BUT IT IS very, VERY VERY EARLY in development! This game starts out with the most BASIC tutorial ever - to the point where I didn't even know it was a tutorial - I walked forward and realised 'wait a minute'. After that, the controls started to kind of make sense, so I was able to play quite a bit afterwards!

But let me tell you some things I learned in my first two hours:


This game has an amazing idea. I love it, it's not super original but it's fun! You start on a farm which needs rebuilding. It's absolutely covered in TRASH. The earth is covered in trash and it's up to you to clean it up. This consists of 'breaking' trash blocks, and sucking up the pizza boxes, empty water bottles, bin bags, all of it, with your vacuum. The vacuum has a big range, so actually it can suck up things easily, no effort really. Then you put what you've sucked up into a machine (you can buy loads of them) to recycle the parts into pieces you can use to build. The machines take time, so I really recommend building a few to get yourself going.

Cool Things:

- Farming! The farming is super easy. You break trash, sometimes you find seeds buried there, you plant em, water them super quickly, (like, within a few seconds you can water your field of 30+ plants), and then either make the crops into food, or use them to trade with your animals for items (see below).

- Ranching! Ranching is exactly what it is. I cleared space in my yard/farm area, and made a chicken coop, and tamed a few wild chickens. They really like potatoes, and I had an abundance of them. Each day a chicken will give you an egg if you give them a potato in exchange. They also hang around wherever you put the coop. There are also other animals, like cats, dogs, pigs, and robots.

- Robot Ranching! This part is like, not as cool? But still cool. It's a cool idea, it just needs expanding on. You can find wild robots that aren't ...evil ... buried in the trash, once you help them out, you can choose to take them home by giving them some batteries. Like chickens, they are 1 battery per ...however long. It may be one per day, or one per week, I didn't actually see. Batteries come from fighting bad robots, so I'm a bit worried I will run out to be honest. But robots give you 50 recycled parts at the cost of 1 battery, so it seems like a good trade, if the batteries are easy to come by? I'm not sure yet.

- Easy to get other crops & water: Watering your plants is easy, you can just suck up water from anywhere with your vacuum, even through fences, which I'm not sure the developer was going for, but I love it. I'm super lazy, so that works for me. Crops are the same. You don't buy them from the shop. You find seeds in the trash. Mostly. You can also feed birds a potato to get potato seeds. I'd like to see this made into any seed, or feed them 1 (x) for 1 (x) seed, etc. You can also suck these up through fences lol.

Not Great Things:

Take these with a grain of salt. This is just a part of being early development. I'm sure these will be fixed/added.
(Er, I am HOPING the developer will see these reviews and be able to fix/add these concepts!)

- No controller support. This is hit and miss. I'm able to play with my keyboard, but when I see games like this, I automatically assume I can use my controller. I plug my pc in, and for some reason I AM able to walk around! But it doesn't work if I try and use actions.

- Watering plants is a hit and miss, literally: I can't figure out what I'm doing. I just spray chaotically and hope I hit a potato.
This works, but I want it to be easier. I'd like a constant spray instead maybe. Yeah I'd run out of water sometime but I have no idea what I'm doing most mornings. Watering/washing animals is my least favourite thing to do.

- The characters are all the same: lol, this is ...uh, placeholders, right? Probably. So don't worry too much here. The shop holder is the same as the guy you meet in the tutorial/outside your house, haha.

- I hate using 0-9 on my top keys to do things: I am 100% already using a keyboard, please allow numpad support for this. Pressing 5 on my numpad is much faster than pressing 5 on the top for me. This is obvs. a preference.

- Rotating doesnt make sense: So actions are 'E'. I am putting down my kitchen/chicken coop/ whatever building, and I struggled to find how to rotate anything. It's not , or . It's not < or >, or [ or ]. What could it be? Oh, after going back to tutorial, I find out it's E. That was terrifying because I was worried I place it facing backwards. Does this make sense? Why is E the action button, but also rotate?
7 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 00:38
This game has massive potential, however, as a lot of users are pointing out, this still has a lot of bugs to work out. The controls are not quite right, I prefer a click and run aspect and this game.. the controls actually make me feel seasick with the jerky movements. There needs to be much more explanation of how things work, especially the trash compactors.. i actually have no idea how they work and just press random buttons till something happens with it. I bought a kitchen and another trash compactor but the little icon that appears above it is a blank square.. so can't use them at all. Same with the bird feeder.. found out by sheer luck how to refill the water in the back pack as no instructions.. also, random luck in being able to water crops. A lot of items that you interact with (E) has a continual green outline after the initial contact so no idea if this is normal or a bug.

I'll wait another month before having another go.. it's a novel idea, the graphics are pretty cute and I am very interested in seeing where this goes. As for now, too many bugs, not enough instructions and controls are iffy.
124 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 01:05
it's a fun time killer, there's a few floating item glitches, lots of planned content in the world, hopefully a better storage system.
163 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 02:07
Just LOVE the game!!! Lots of fun. The one things that bugs me is the sensitivity of the movements very fast makes me dizzy.
123 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 06:44
Unfortunately I wasn't actually able to play it, since I use the mouse in my left hand and it wasn't possible to remap the keys.
If a future version includes key mapping, I'll give it another go.
29 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 03:06
Well worth it for $4.99. A cute little game that satisfies my itch for crafting.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 11:12
Love the game!
The game play is easy to get used to.

Just a few things that I, personally find is not so great;
1. Every time I log back in the rubbish I destroyed is back... even if I placed structures there
2. The 'going' to sleep thing is a bit annoying, especially when you traveled a bit and then have to go allll the way back
3. Some of my structures does not save and I have to re-buy and re-place them on every login
4 The 'pick-up' tool is not very user-friendly
5. Would also be great if your crops and animals kept on 'producing' when you log off
6. Some of the rubbish hangs in the air, cannot destroy it
7. A jump and faster running button for the character would be awesome

But all and all, I am really looking forward to the rest of the game!
1058 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 15:24
Early Acess so bugs bugs bugs and somethings buggy ...
BUT i did like the concept Cleaning up never been fun until now ;)
Could not finish the last quest as item did not spawn but had a blast for 9 !!! hours
Did enjoy it and look forward to more new things & bug fixes :)
TRY it within 2 hours you know if ya want to keep it or refund it ...

TRUE EARLY ACCESS PRICING ; you pay bout 1/4 ...this is what the industry needs !!!
577 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 21:32
Great start and shows some promise. Can't fault it for the price and it being EA. Definitely one to watch if you like My Time at Portia.
14 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 21:15
Have followed this for a while after seeing a Facebook ad, then watched every you tube pre alpha video i could find. Have 2.2 Hours whilst writing this review and although there is a few bugs i.e being in the floor when you wake up and I have a few floating trash piles that i can't get I am absolutely loving this game.
352 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 21:14
I am recommending this game because I have had fun playing so far.

About an hour in after Early Access release. This game will not be for everyone from the start that is for sure. No real tutorial so you have to guess on what to do. Luckily I play a lot of this style of game so I caught on real quick. Still though, not much in the way for what you are supposed to be doing. There are tasks but, when you are not sure whats going on they make little sense. I have enjoyed it so far though and am hopeful for the future of it.

Suggested fixes/problems/additions:
1. Tutorials to teach the game
2. Improved tasks to keep you busy and move forward with the game
3. Character creation (or customization)
4. Runs sluggish at times
5. Trash has glitched a few times
6. More dialogue with NPC (have only seen the shop dude so far)

Will update as I progress and updates are made for the game.
53 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 21:09
If you enjoyed My time at Portia, you will find something to like here.
The game mechanic of vacuum/watering is fun and easy. As is bashing stuff/robots.
Crops and cooking allow some cool game progression. My first impressions are I want to play more.
At the low price it is a must buy. Looking at the road map, this could be a real bargain and a great fun game.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 20:24
I've only played for about an hour so far but I am enjoying the game! There are a few minor bugs (such as floating garbage that I can't pick up), but nothing so far that is game breaking or too annoying. There is a lot of place to explore so far, and I am having fun planning out my farm.

I am excited to see how the game develops!
459 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 19:05
Many Garbage. Such Robotic-Ants. Very Boring.

No Place Like Home doesn't have tutorial to teach the first-timers, how to play this game. It will take some really good time for you to figure out some of the stuff. There is also no description to the tasks.

I do not recommend this game right now.
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